Resolution 227 ~t '- r RESOLUTION NO.227 ~~illREAS, the State of California, under Bhapter 20,Statutes of 1946, (First Extra Session) , as amended, has appropriated funds for allotment to provide for financial assistance to Local Agencies,defined therein as counties, cities and counties,cities and counties,or cities,so"that they may engage in a large public works construction program in order to prevent and alleviate unemployment; and '7BEREAS, the City 0 f Gilroy hereinafter designated "Local Agency" desires to apply for an allotment of State aid for the construction of a public works project under said Act; and n~REAS,an application to the State Director of Finance for such an allotment has been prepared arill presented to this Legislative Body for consideration;and villEREAS, Local Agency has made provisions for paying that portion of the cost of the project not required as an allotment from the State; NOW THETillFORE BE IT RESOL'TED, that Local Agency submi t the aforesaid application for State aid for construction of a public works project to , the Director of Finance,requesting an allotment of Thirty Two Thousand One Hundred Eight Dollars and Sixty-Four Cents (;~32,108.64), or an allotment of such amount as may be alloted by the State Allocation Board; BE IT FmiTHER RESOLVED, tha Local Agency hereby certifies that the total estimate of cost to be paid for the construction of Sewage Treatment Plant and Appurtenant Works for which Local Agency is making application under said Act is Sixty Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-Two Dollars and Twenty Cents ($67,322.20); and \ t BE IT ~JRTlmR RESOLv~D, that Local Agency hereby requests the State to pay the State f s share of the total actual cost of cons truction of the project for which Local Agency is making ap:Jlication for aid; BE IT li'UF:.TT~R RESOLVED, that for the purpose of this request P.A.Cox, Chief Executive Officer,Gilroy,California,be and he hereby is,designated as the authDrized agent of Local Agency,and is hereby authorized and directed to sign the herein mentioned application of Local Agency and to submit the Sffi~e to the State Director of Finance together with a certified statement of the total estimated cost to be paid for con- struction of the project herein nentioned and such other information as may be required;and said authorized agent is further authorized and directed as representative of Local Agency to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arrangement,with either the State Allocation Board or Director 0 f Finance, including requests for payment 0 f the State f s share o f the cost of the construction 0 f the aforementioned public rwrks project. ADOPTED AIID PASSED this 5th dayof December,1949, by the following votes: AY.8S: Counci lmen I, J:JOES: ltBSl~I\"T : Councilmen Councilmen George 11.L1ason,3.H. V;entworth,Hay L.Stevens,James B.Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. None None .. fl ,/ ~r Mayor ~.G-.~ City Cler