Resolution 228 1132 RI~;30 ,~UTIGE NO.228 ':m:EREAS, the State of Galifornia under Chapter 47,Statutes of 1944, (4th Extra ~3ess ion) has appropriat ed funds for allotment by the Direc tor of Finance to provide financ ial assistance to Local Agenc ies defined therein as counties , cities or cities and counties for defraying not to exceed one-half of the cost of preparing engineering field surveys, engineering or architectural designs, arId \70rking and detailed dravlings and specifications ( hereinafter calledi'Plans It) required for postwar public works projects described as "specific projectsfl in said Act;and "/EEREAS, the,~ity of:alroy, hereinafter desicnE~tcc1 as i'Local Ac;ency" desires to apply :\To jrhe Director of 1"ino,nce and/or tlle Sta te 1I.llocat ion Joard, as the case nay be, for an allotnent of the ~3ta to's shc'.rc 0 l' the estimated cost of l)reparing the conpleted plans hereinafter mentioned and there [1,11s been prepared andpreso:ntoc1 to this Legislative Body for consideration an application for such purpose; and 'IIEREAS, Lo cal Agency has nrovidecJ, o:t will nake ava ila ble upon approval of the aforementioned a.rJplication,sufficient funds to prepare the comple ted l)lans herein ment ioned; :NOW TEER2FORE BE IT ::mSJLVZD, that Local Atsoncy subnit the aforesaid application to the Director of Finance and/or the State Allocation Board, as the case may be, requesting allotment of One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty-Nine Dollars and For:ty-four ':;e nts (,;pl869 .44) be in€; not more than one-half the cost of preparing said completed plans, or for such aluount as may be ap~)roved by the Director 0 l' :Finance and/or the Sta te Allocat ion Board, (said allotment to be used for the ])ur:po se of defraying the cost of preparing said completed plans required) for a specific project to be undertaken by local a{~ency and described as construct ion of Sewac;e Treatment ?lant and appurtenant worl;:s. BE IT FUHT:::D~R n::~~30LV=m, that the estitlated cost of preparing such plans is Three Thousand Seven Eundl'ed Thirty-:Gight Dollars and Eighty-Eight Cents ";23738.88) and that Lo cal Agenoy has made provisions for paying one-half or more of the cost of preparing suc h ~0lalls; 5:2 IT FlJTlJ.1I1Lct IlliSCL'JI:D, t:lat for the pur})ose of this application P.A.Cox, Chief :;';;xecutive Jffieer,Gill'o= , Jalifonlia,be and he is hereby designated as the authlDrized a(;ent of Local Acency and is hereby author":" ized and directed to sign the above mentioned application on behalf of the Loca 1 Agency and submit the same to the Director and/or Sta te Allocation Board together 1.7ith a certified sta.tement of the estirmted co st 0 l' prepar ing such plans ans such other illfon~lation as nay be required; and said authorized agent is further authorized and direct- ed as the representative of Local Agency to conduct all negotiations and conclude all arrangements, including submissi ons to the Director of Finance of applicat ions for reimbursement, which may be necessary to secure reimbursement for the State's share of the expenditure made in preparing said completed plans. ADOPTTm Al\TD PASSED this 5th day 0 l' December, 1949, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: li..B31-8T:;T: Councilmen George H.Hason, J. H. ~'ientvlorth ,Ray L. Stevens ,Jame s B.Thonas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels. Councilmen None Councilmen None k-.f!.~. ~yor ~~~.~ City Clerk ' .'