Resolution 249 1 RESOLUTION NO.249 RESOLUTION NO.249 FIXING 'TIlE Tll:1E AND PLACE OF HEARING OF REPORT AND RECmvlMENDATION OF THE CITY PLANNIID COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF GILROY TH.AT ZONING ORDINANCE NO.422 OF THE CITY OF GILROY BE AMENDED BY RECLASS IFYING PHOPERTY ON FIRST STREET FROM ffZONE "Bft TO ZONE "C-l ff DIDSTRICT. 120'7 vffiEREAS, t~~ City Planning Commission of the City of Gilroy has reported and reoommended to the Common Council of the City of Gilroy, that Ordinanoe No.422, comnonly know as the "Zoning Ordinanoe" of the City of Gilroy, be aroonded by reolassifying and plaoing in Zone "C-l" Distriot the following desoribed premises located in the City of Gilroy, now in Zone "1:)lf distriot, to-wit: Lots 38 to 45 inolusive and the Easterly 25.30 feet of Lot 46 of Traot 232 Gurries Addition to the City of Gilroy, as shwon upon the map thereof on file as of reoord in the offioe of the iounty Reoorder of the County 0 l' Santa Clara, said premises extending along the northerly line of First Street from the westerly line of Church Street to the premises now or formerly owned by Trinchero and extending northerly to an alley, and ~KAS, the laws of the State of California and the said zoning law of the City of Gilroy requires that a hearing be had before the City Counoil of the City of Gilroy on the said report and reoommendation and it is the duty of this Counoil to fix the time and plaoe of hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a hearing upon the said report and reoommendation be had before the Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy in the Counoil Chambers in the City Hall, City of Gilroy, County of Santa Clara, State of California, on Wednesday the 22nd day of November,1950, at the hour of 8:00 otolook P.M., and that the City Clerk give due and legal notice thereof. ADOPTED AND PASSED following vote: AYES: Counoilmen this 6th day of November,l950, by the NOES: ABSENT: Couno ilmen Counoilmen George Ll.Mason,J.H. Wentworth,James B. Thomas,David V.Stout,Dale D.Daniels, Carl \V.Pate. None None ~y~ - ~~ Attest: G.~.~ City Cler ~-