Resolution 255 RESOLUTION NO.255 CIVIL DEEENSE .AND DISASTER RESOLUTION. ','iEl!::.c'-tEAS, ORDINANCE NO.493 of the City of GLlroy relating to civil defense and disaster provides that the civil defense and disaster organization,tl1e distribution of civil defense powers and duties, the assignment of functions and services and the recruitment,direction and traning of personnel shall be prescribed by resolution adopted concurrently with the adoption of said ordinance,now therefore,be it RESOLV~D, By the Comlon Council of the City of Gilroy as follows: Section I. The civil defense and disaster organization of this city shall be as hereinafter more particularly described and as shown on the attached chart marked Ekhibit A and entitled,ttSuggested M:odel Local Organization of Civil Defense. tt Said Exhilbit A, inc luding all information shown thereon,is as much a part of this resolution as mf the materials and information set forth by said exhibit were fully described herein. Section 2. Division of Operating Services. There is hereby created a division of operating services, For the purposes of civil defense planning and organization, the chief of each operating service within this division shall be responsible to the director through the assist- ant diikrector. Wi thin this di vis ion, there sha 11 be the fo llowing civil defense and disaster services: (1) Fire service; (2) Law enforecment service, which shall include the plant pro- pection service; (3) Engineering service,which shall include untiiity service, shelter protection and rescue service; (4) Health and medical services,which shall include special weapons defense; and, (5) 1!.mergency wel~are service, which shall include mass feeding and shelter. ':Phe di rector shall appoint a chief 0 f each service, except as here- inafter provided. The chief of the fire department of the City of Gilroy shall be chief of the Fire Service, The chief of pOlice(aity Marshal) of the City of Gilroy shall be the chief of the law enforce- ment service. The city engineer of the City of Gilroy shall be the chief of the engineering service. Section 3. Division of Special Services. There is hereby created a divis10n of special c{vil- defense and disaster services. This division shall be under the direction of a deupty director of civil defense.who shall be appointed by the director. For the purpose of civil defense and disaster planning and organization, the deputy dir- ector is respobsible to the director ~hrough the assistant director of civil defense and disaster. ':,ithin this division there shall be the following services; (1) mutual adi p~ans; (2) evacuation service; (3) transpor~$tion service; (4) warden service; (5) communication service, which sha 11 inc lude oi viI air raid ','!arn- ing; r 1235 (6) Supply service; (7) public affairs and. information service; (8) tratning service; (9) personnel service,which shall include the recruitment of civil- ian auxiliaries to mi:litary activities;and, (lO)general aililinistration service. The directoT shall appoint a chief of each such service who shall be responsbile to the deputy dire ctor of the di vis ion () l' spec ial se rvices. the director nay appoint the sane person as chief of two or more services. Section 4. Legal. The city attoenry shall serve as legal adviso~ to the director of civil defense and the civil defense organization. Se ction 5. Alilerica n lied Cross. The .1\21erica n _.ed Cross in the Ui ty 0 f Gilroy will, in the natural disaster, furnish food, clothing, she Iter, registra t ion and infori.;Iat ion service, su lp leme ntary medica I service 'when requested, and rehabilitation to individuals and fanilies aft'Gcted by the disaster. In war-caused disaster, t '. e 1\.nerican l~ed Cross VJill furnish only food, clothing and shelter to affected individuals and far,lilies. The American ~ted Cross will provide funds with v~hic h to finance all its relief oporations during natural disaster. Civil defense financing will be provided by public or private agencies other then the Red Cross for Red Cross functions in war-caused disasters. '1'he director shall be responsible for arranging, through the cha irman of the local =~ed;ross Chapter, for the participation of the l<:ed Cross in civil defense as a part of the mass care service in case of war- caused disaster, and for tile relationship between tile j,od Cross and the civil defense organization in case of natural disaster. 3ec.6. Duties. The civil defense and. disaster duties of the deputy director and the chiefs of operating services and special services shall be as described in "United States Civil Defense," National ~3ecurity l~esources Board Document 128,dated September 8,1950, copies of vlhich shall be filed in the office of the city clerk for use and exanination by the public. Such duties as described on "United ~~tates Civil Defense" may be changed from tiLle to tine by the director by written adr:J.inistra- t i ve orders ,IE- rt icularly for tlleourpose of conforming to recornrlendat ions of tlle State Director of Civil Defense or subsequent 1l10difications re c Olm:nended by the Federal Ci vi 1 Defense Adminis tra tor. Upon recommend- ation of the civil defense and disaster council of the City of Gilroy, SUCl} duties shall be changed in accordance with such recorJnendations. Adopted and passed this 5th da y 0 f l.~arch, 1951, by the following vote: AT~S: ')ouncilmen Geol'r;e L.I.:ason,J.H. '!entworth,tTaFles V.Stout,Carl .i.Pate. Councilmen None Councilman Dale D.Daniels. B. Thomas, David tIOES : .L\._B3J~I\Yr : 7,ayore ~ Attest: (Pr. lD../" ~.' ORDINANCE lIJU.LJ:';J<:i: