Resolution 256 1 RESOLUTION NO.256 HESOLUTION OF THE COIvILI0N COUNCIL OF THE CITY OJ:I" GIBROY ',.REH.l~AS ,EARL ',.ARRElJ, Governor 0 l' the State of California, on the 15th day of lJoveraber, 1950, executed the California Disaster and Civil Defense Iv1aster Lutual Aid Agreement on behalf of the State of California and all its departments and Agencies; NOW,TF;EREFORE, The Com:o.on Council of the City of Gilroy does, by resolution, hereby approve and agree to abide by said California Civil Defense Master LIutletual Aid Agreement;and the Clerk of this Council is hereby authorized and directed to send TWO certified copies of this resolution to the Stat~ Disaster Council for filing with said State D~saster Council. ADOPTED AI';]) PA,SSED this 5th day of llarch, 19;:"l, by the following Vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen George I:I.Mason,J.H. Wentvlorth,Js1l1es B.Thomas, David V.stout,Carl W.Pate. Councilmen None Councilman Dale D.Daniels. (!. q~'~7_ 1:1ayor / Attest: C?~Ck'~~ Ci ty Clerk, ~