Resolution 257 r i RESOLUTION NO.257 RESOLUTION OF Tf'ili COl/L ION COUNCIL OF TEE CI'l'Y OE' GILROY HELATING TO '.lORKI1ENt'S CmJPENSATION IESURi\.NCE FOn REGIS~ TERED VO LUNTEER tlD ISASTER SERVI CE '}JORKERS". #hereas, Section 1599.1 of the Military and Veterans Code, Chapter 104,Statutes 1946,lst Extraordinary Session,provides: "The California State Disaster Council shall establish by rule and regulations various classes af disaster service workers and the scope of the duties of each class. The California State Disaster Council sjall also adopt rules and regulations prescrib- ing the manner in which disaster service workers of each class are to be registered. All such rules and regulations shall be designed to f~cilitate the paying of v'lorlooen's compensation",and \uTImtKAS, the California State D~saster Council on April 4,1946, adopted rules amd regulations establishing classes of disaster 123'7 service workers, the scope of duties of each class and the manner of registration of ~uch volunteer workers: and 'iiFl!1tEAS, Section 1599.2 of the Eilitary and Veterans Code,Chapter 10e, Statutes of 1946, 1st Bxtraordinary Session,provides: "Any disaster council '\vhich both ar;rees to follol'l the rules and regul''ltions esta blished by the California Disaster Council pur- suant to the provisions of Section 1599.1 of this code and substantially cOLlplies "\vi th such rules and regulations shall be certified by the Cali:Cornia State Disaster Council. Upon making such certification, and not before, the disaster council becomes an accredited disaster council", and \',J{EREAS, the City of Gilroy has registered and will hereafter regis- ter voCLunteer Disaster Service ':;orkers, and WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy desires to become an ffAccredi ted ])~saster Counc ill! organizat ion in order that inij.ured Disas tel' Service ':'orkers registered 'with it may benefit by the provisions of Chapter 104, Statutes 1946, 1st Extraordinary Session, NO'.'!,rrI-:r~REFORE, the Co:mr.1on Cour:cil of the City of Gilroy hereby agree to follow the rules and regulations established by the California State Ddlsaster COUlIC il under date of April 4,1946, pursuant to the prov is ions of Section 1599.1 of the uili tary and Veterans Code, Gha pter 104, Statutes of 1946, lst Extraordinary Session. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to send two certified copies hereof to the Galifornia State Disaster Council. A.DOPTJm AIm PASSED this 5th day of Larch,195In ,by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen GeorGe :t..I.Tilason,.T.H. V!entworth,.Tames B.Thor:J.as,David V.Stout,Carl ~.Pate. NOES: Counci~aen None ABSET<;T: Councilman Dale D.Daniels. ~y~ ~)J ~ ~~ / Attest: G,~,(0~ City Cle ----- ...,-.-_.___ "t...._____ ___..:.1 _____,_':_..::1 ~.