Resolution 258 I 1239 RESOLUTION NO.258 HESOLurrION OF TIm omL:ON C01JI.IOIL CF THE GITY Olt" GILHOY FIXING rrrE TI'~ AND PL'\.CE OJ3' m~A~inJG OF rmJ?o Rr, FINDINGS AIm HECOIili.mND-',.1 ATIOliS OF 'TII.~ CIrI'Y j)L'iNI;ING COII:U3SION OF rfln~ CITY OF GILBOY RELI"i.TIVE TO Tq},; USE P lIT AUTITOH IZING TIill USJ~ OF PROPERTY VJCArI'ED AT TEE SOUTH':~n~3T GOHEER OF S:~VEETE AND EICr;~LJl:CRHY STllliErp3 FC1{ C:TUHCH :J?URPOSES. Vir:::Em~AS, the Church ]:1' Christ of Gilroy,California, has here- t tofore filed ~ith the City Planning Comlission of the City of Gilroy, an appli cation for a variance permissible under one of the city ordinances of the Oi ty 0 l' Gi lroy, and for a l)ermi t to use the property and premises located at the Southwest corner of Seventh and bigelberry streets in the said Oity of Gilroy for the purpose of constructinr; and ~ccupying and using of church buildinbs thereon, and V/HIGREAS, the said Oi ty Planninc; COEnission has duly heard the said application and has made its report, findings and recOl.1Ilend- ation thereon to tllG J.ayor and~ormlon Council of the::ity of Gilroy chn which it finds that the esta ()lis tlIilellt ,nainten.c'1nce, conduct and use of the said IJrOperty ~or the said church purpo ses wi 11 not be detrimental to the health, safety, cOr:lfort ,morals, convenience or welfare of persons reSiding or norldng in the ne ighborhood, and wi 11 not be detrinent al to t he public 1,le Ifare , and recorL18nds that the apnlication for said variance be granted, and 'iiHEREAS, the ordinances of the .]i ty CJ f' C}ilroy reCluire that the said application be heard before the l:ayor and Connon Gouncil of Gilroy, awl tL.at tile said .)ouncil selec;t a tine and nlace for said hearing. 1JO ,TL~H]~FOHE,be it resloved, and it s hereby ordered, that the 7th day of Hay, 1951, at the hour of 8:00 P.L. in the COTrmon Council roora ::.n the C;ity Eal1 in thejity of' Gilroy,Oalii'ornia be, and the sac.:.e is hereby fixed, tila t the tine and hearing of said application r;hen and vJhere any person who desires to object thereto may appear and contest the same. ADOPTED .J PASSED the 2nd da:! of April 1951, by tYe follo'ving votes: AT~S : NOES: ABSEIJT : Councilmen George M.T:ason,J.H. Wen tworth,James B.Thomas, David V.Stout,Carl W.Pate, Councilmen None Councilman Dale D.Daniels. A;;&ed: 91Iay 0 rfE / n- ~-L~.~' /' Attest: G.C\.~.&y City Clerk ~.