Resolution 261 RESOLUTION NO.261 HESOllJTION OF THE COl\1!!ON COUNCIL 0]' T CITY OIt' GILBOY PRO- VIDIN(i F0R NOTIC1!: OF TIm~ PHOPOSJm ANNIi;)CATION OF UNllJHABlr.r;D '.tnlRHITCHY iDlSSIGNArrED AS "RENZ WAYllrID LAJ:JE 'l'RACT" TO (111m CI'l'Y OF GIIlWY .UNDI~H TTIE "ANiJEXATION OF UNINHABrrED TlmIUTORY ACT OF 1939 tt . v1HEREAS. a written petition has heretofore been filedln the office of the Clerk 0 f the City of' Gilroy under the pro- visions of the ffAnnexatlon of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939", as set forth v;ithin Sections of 35300 to 35325,inc- lusive. of the Governxnent Code of the State .of California, asking that there be annexed to the City of Gilroy as un- inbabited territory the fo11ovling described traot of lana, contiguous to the Oity Limits of the City of G11I'oy,situated in the County of Santa '::lara,State of Culifornia,to-wit: BEGINNING at the northwesterly corner of the City of Gilroy and running thence along the westerly corporate limits of the City of' Gilroy S. 200 T',.to the intersection thereof with the northerly line of First Stroot;thence westerly along the northerly line of First Street to tr~ southerly common corner of Hanch Lots 24 and 23; thence northerly along the line COl1'.JlOn to said Lots to the intersection thereof with the pro- 1oli('Sat ion 'ltiesterly of the northerly corporate limits of the City of Gilroy;thence easterly along said line to the point of begilli~ing,al1d being a portion of Ranch Lot 24 of the Las Animas Rancho as shown on Map No.7 aocompanying the report of the Heterees in the Las Animas Hancho Partition ~;uit,Action No.5536 had in the Superior Court of the State at Calitornia.,in and for t he:;ounty of [3an~iil1 Clara, AHD VHEHJJ:AS it appears that said petition has been signed by the owners of not less than one-fourth of the area of the land in such territory and represents not less than one-fourth 01' the assessed value of such territory,aocording to the last preceding }~qualized Assessment Holl of the County of Santa ,aara, in ehieh suoh territory is situated,and that the traot therein and herein d.escribed 1s contiguous with the :.;orporate Limits of the said ';ity of Gilroy,and \'H}i~R1~AS the said rtAnnexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939",above referred to~ requires that upon the filing of such petition a 'esolution shall be adopted by the Common Goune i1 givin,S notice of such proposed annexat ion,a.nd fixing the time and plaoe of hearing '\!vhen and where any person o\\lning real property within the said territory proposed to be armexed may appear a.nd object thereto. . T1.iJm}~F01n~ ,K'; rr R}~SOLV1~D that the Cemmon Council of the Git~l ot Gilroy hereby des1gnntes the said territory proposed to be annexed to the City of Gilroy us !fHGUZ r\'ayland Lane Tra.ct tf . and tJ:lat said pet i tion be referred to the 01 ty T>lanning Corrrmiss ion of t City of' Gilroy for its report and recommendations thereon, AND BJ!; rrr .F'"tJ);THl1:H HBSOL"llm, and it is hereby ordered, that Monday,the 4th day of June,195l. at the hour of 8:00 o'cLock P.M.. of said day, in the Council Ohamber of the City Hall,Gilroy, California, be e.nd the san,a is hereby fixed as the time elid pineo of the hearir4~ of said petition when and where any person owning real property 1"i1thin sueh tract so proposed to be a.n..'1exed,and having any objections to the proposed annexat ion, 'fJ.ay appear before the said Cmrrmon Council and show causa in writing,if any he has t why such territory should not be annexed. PAS~') ADOixnm this 7th day 0 f May, 1951, by the follow1ne; vote: NDES: Counoilmen George M.Mason,J .11. Wentworth ,David V. StouttDa1e D.Daniels.Carl W.Pate. coune 1lmen None .A YJ~S : ABSl~NT : Gounc il.ma.n Ja.:rnes B. Thomas. GEO 11GB: C. MILIAS !!ayor Attest: P.A.Cox 01 ty Olerk CLEHKt3 CI~=tTIFIC.ATJ;; ?~~:~t; OF C1\LIJ~'OHNIA. County of Santa Clara) ss I, P.A.Cox,City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that I have com.pared the annexed eopy of Resolution No* 261 of the City of Gilroy and that the same's a full, true and oorrect copy of the original of said Resolution which was regular- ly adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gilroy at a legally called and held meeting thereof on the 7th day ot May,195l;that at said meeting a <r.lorum of said Common Cou!loi1 \vas present. IN WITm~SS mIEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the 01'tlc1al seal of the Gity of Gilroy thle 13th 16. of Novemher, 1951. .CA.~