Resolution 263 " RESOLUTION NO.263 WHEREAS,a petition to ~econtrol rents in the City of Gilroy,County of Santa Clara, State of California,a copy of whioh is attaohed hereto, was filed with the Common Counoil of the City of Gilroy one the 7th day ot May,195l; and, WHEREAS, suoh petition, on its faoe, recited faots sutfioient to require the Common Counoil of the City ar Gilroy to oall a publio hearing to consider deoontrolling rents; aDd, WHEREAS, the attaohed notioe of the date,time,plaoe and purpose of suoh publio hearing was published twioe in the Gilroy Evening Dispatoh, a newspaper ot general circulation published and oiroulated in the said City of Gilroy, on the 9th and 16th day of May,195l;and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Gilroy held a public hearing at the time,date and plaoe for the purpose set forth in suoh published notioe; and, 1 1257 - WHEREAS, at suoh publli> hearing all interested persODS were given a reasonable opportunity to be heard, with the right to be represented by Counsel; and the said hearing was regularly continued to May 22,1951, at the hour o~ 1:00 o'clock P.M., at which time all interested persons present were given a reasonable opportunity to be heard and a portion of said interested persons were resprsented by Attorney Robert K.Byers, and evidence in support of said petition was duly given and no one appeared at either of said hearings in opposition to the said petition; and, WHEREAS, a transcript of the record of such public hearings oomprise the entire record upon which this finding and resolution are based and a oertified oopy of such record is attached hereto; and, WHEREAS, the Cownon Counoil of the said City of Gilroy, did at the oonclusion of the said hearing held on the said 22nd day of May,l95l, regularly continue the hearing until the 29th day of May,195l,at the hour of 8:00 P.M. at the S~le place fixed in the original notice and no one aPJearing at the said hearing on the 29th day of 1~~195l, to oontest the said petition and the said Common Council having duly considered all of the evidence presented at such hearings and taken the same under advisement; and VffiEREAS, rents have been decontrolled in all of the incorporated areas of Santa Clara County as ~ll as all o~ the inoorporated cities and towns in the said county with the exception of Alviso and the City of Gilroy, and it is common knowledge that there is less need for rent control in the City of Gilroy than in any other portion of the County except possibly the Tpwn of AlvisC; now,therefore, THE CO~LON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY does hereby find and resolve as follows: That there no longer exists in the said City af Gilroy such a shortage of rental housing acoomodations as to require rent eontrol in such City. Adopted,signed and approved this 4th day of June,195lm by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen J.H.Wentworth,James B.Thomas,David V.Stout, Carl W.Pate. Councilmen None Councilmen George M'Mason'Dale~iels. {J 2J;ayor ~~ Atte~: ,~,~ City Clerk