Resolution 287 ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO.287 RESOLUTION OF THE COr&10N COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY RELATIVE TO THE FORMATION OF A MOSQUITO ABATEMENT EISTRICT COMPRISING SANTA CLARA COUNTY. WHEREAS,a petition has been filed with the Board of Supervisors ot the County of Santa Clara,State of California,under Section 2215.5 and other sections of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California, for the formation of a mosquito abatement district comprising the whole of the County of Santa elara including unincorporated cities;and, W~RKAS, the City of Gilroy has been asked to consent to the in- 1370 elusion of the City of Gilroy wi thin the District and become a part thereof;and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City or Gilroy has considered the request that it consent to become a part of the District and has come to the following conolusions: (1) That the County of Santa Clara Health Department has facilit- ies and equipment or can easily procure them,necessaryto initiate and oarry on a campaign to eradicate mosquitoes from the Cpunty of Santa Clara. (2) That the said County of Santa Clara Health Department i_ fam- iliar with the mosquito nusiance and danger in the County of Santa Clara and knows more of the locations where mosquito abatement is required in the said oounty than outside health departments and would prObably be called in in the formation of a Mosquito Abatement District to do most of the work. , (3) That it would be more economical for the taxpayers of the Gilroy section and of the balance of the County of Santa Clara if the Health Department of Santa Clara County had charge of mosquito abatement in the County. NOW,TBEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the COnL~n Council of the City of Gilroy does favor placing the mosquito abatement in the County of Santa Clara in the hands of the Health Department of said County rather than forming a Mosquito Abatement District,and further favors the levying of such tax by the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County as will be neoessary to provide the County Health Department with the necessary equipment and personnel to carry on the work of eliminating mosquitoes in the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney of the City of Gilroy appear before the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County at the time of the hearing of the peti tion for the forming of the said Mosquito Abatement District and present a oopy of this Resol- ution and imform the said Board of Supervisors of the aonclusions of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy,and obtain such infor- mation as may be possible at the hearing. ADOPTED and PASSED the 17th day of October,l952, by the following votes: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Councilmen Counc ilmen Pate,Rush,Gallo,Ronald None Kennedy ,White. ~~,~ \ /F , / Mayor j /1 1 '--" ~: Attest: G.~\~ Ci ty Clerk ~