Resolution 311 '.--'4. . ....., :,. ...--- ~IQ.J~I USOLU'lIOlf OF fB OOMllOlf COUICIL OF ~ CIft OF GILBOY JIt.DG ru."1I!S& Arm AOBBHBf BlTWZ. THI CITY OF GILBOY..., _... ACID a:SIJ8 FOR '1'. COLLECTION OF GARBA.. All) REFUSEII' !1IE CIfY OF GILBOY. WHEREAS t CHARLES R. ACKER aDd GILB&'1X SniS do now have t~ traachi.. and. right to oollect and dispose 01 aarbq- in theC1t1' ot Gilroy UDder a franchise and agreement heretofore granted anc! made by the 01 ty of Gilroy; and WHEREAS, the said fr:inohisEI and agreement will e~1re on the 12~ day ot December, 19~; and WHEREAS, the said CHARLES H. ACKER and GILBERT SIMSreCl1ire to", the proper hand11n& and ciisposal of garbage ;,add1tional equipment which they shou.id not purchase or seCUl"e unless they will have tbe ooat1uued collect1on and disposal of garbage in the Cj~y ot Gilroy tor a period beyond the sa.id 12th day of tecember t 195\-, and the, have represented to t.ue said City to justify the pUrchase ot such additional equipmen.t that thEY should have the said fraACbise and agr....nt extend.d for at least five (5) year. from and atter tbe said 12th day of December, 1954; and WHEaEIS, tbe COI11lUOn:;ounci1 of the City of Gilroy Is sat1.f1ec1 wlth the servlce rendered by the said ClIA.RLLS R. ACKER and. GlLallB! \ SIMS in connection wltb the said collection and disposal at Barba,_ and belleves that the interests of the City will be served by the extenslon of the aforesaid franchise and agreement. " NOil t TWREFORE t BE IT iL:.sOl.V:i,D; Tbat the said franchise and agreement between the said City ot Gilroy and CHARLES R. ACKER and GILBERT SIl~ for the collection aM disposal of g~bage in the City of Gilroy be, and the same is hereb7. .xtended tor the a.ddi t10nal period of five (5) years from an4 arter the 12th dq ot December t 195'4 t upon the same terms and 00 nditlou ..t torth 1n and applying to the present francbise and agreement. I r PASSED and ADOPTT'D the first day of February, 1954, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Councilmen Councilmen Councilmen ABSE NT : MAYOR A.ttest: -2- ~ I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Common Council held February 1, 1951+, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNF.SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy this 3rd day of February, 19540