Resolution 321 RESOLUT ION NO. i 2l RESOLUTION AND ORDER CANVASSING VOTE AND DECLARING ELECTION OF MUNICIPAL OFFICERS OF THE CITY OF GILROY. . _ J WHERE~6,~~ regular municipal election for the municipal offices of the City of Gilroy was held in said City on the 3rd day of May, 1954, in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter and pur- suant to law and to due and legal notice given of said election;and WHEREAS,the Common Couhcil of the City of Gilroy has this 4th day of MaY,~954, canvassed the returns of said election and found and ascertained that the total number of votes cast at said election was 1666t that the number of votes cast in Precinct I'A" was 529,and the number of votes cast in Precinct UBI' was 610 and the number of votes cast in Precinct ItCI" was 527 t and that the following named persons recei.ved the number of votes set opposite their respective names,excluding absentee votes,for the respective offices for which they were candidates,to-wit: FOR MAYOR Precinct "'Nf Precinct II BIt Precinct tt Cft (Jord!!p ~School) Eire House (City Halll Total 261 261 155 677 258 34~ 358 957 ~ GEORGE C.MILIAS GEORGE M.MASON (Write-ins) For Members of the Common Council: CARL W.PATE CHARLES GALLO J .HUGHES KENNEDY COURTLAND M . RUSH GEORGE W.,WHITE KENNETH L.PETERSEN SMITH C.HOWARD ROBERT 'TN.MEDLEY SEGUNDO SANCHEZ 311 365 387 322 239 382 238 173 362 344 438 427 419 295 402 285 202 372 280 395 350 367 270 325 257 202 303 \ 93, 1198 1164 1108 804 1109 780 577 1037 (Viri te-ins) For City Clerk: PHILIP A.COX (Write-ins) 489 526 447 1462 For City Treasurer: H.R.ESCHENBURG 474 510 435 1419 (Write-ins) -----..-........ _.. ----.... -- For City Marshal: HAROLD STURLA ALBERT G.GOODRICH 395 122 403 205 308 212 1106 539 (Wri te-ins) and, WHEREAS, it appears that under t he law of' the State 0 f California, the absentee votes may be received up to seven (71 d~s after the election,at which time the said absentee votes shall be canvassed,and that under the provisions of the charter of the City of Gilroy the votes cast at the municipal election shall be canvassed within five (5) days after the election and WHEREAS,it appears from the said canvass and the records of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy,excluding any count of absentee votes, that all of the above named candidates were nominated for the res- pective offices for which they were candidates, except those whose names were written in,and that the said GEORGE M.MASON received the majority of all votes cast,excluding absentee votes,for the office of Mayor of the City of Gilroy; that PHILIP A.COX received the maj- ority of votes cast,excluding absentee votes, for the office of City Clerk of the City of Gilroy;that H.R.ESCHENBURG received the majorfty of all the votes cast, excluding absentee vates,for the office of City Treasurer of the City of Gilroy;that HAROLD STURLA received the maj- ority of all votes cast, excluding absentee votes ,for t he office of C'ity Marshal of the City of Gilroy; and that,C,ARL W.PATE?CHARLES GALLOiJ.HUGHES KENNEDY,COURTLAND M.RUSH,KENNETH L.PETERSEN and SEGUNDO SANCHEZ were the six candidates receiving the highest num- ber of votes cast,excluding absentee votes,for the offices of Council- men of the eity of Gilroy; and WHEREAS, it also appearing that before the f'inal result of the said election may be declared that the absentee votes should be can- vassed,and that it is necessary that such canvass be made within seven (7) d~s from and after the election and that the last d~ on which said canvass may be made is Monday, the 10th day of May, 1954,and that this session of the Council should adjourn to meet on the said 10th day of May,1954, for t he purpose of canvassing the said absentee votes and declaring the final result of the election. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: That the foregoing are f'ound as the facts as to the number of votes, exclusive of absentee votes, that candidates for the respective offices received,and that this meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy adjourn to meet Monday,the 10th day of May,1954,at the hour of 1:00 o'clock p.m. fortthe purpose of canvassing the absentee votes cast at said Eiection,and the ado'ption of a formal Resolution declaring the result of the election after -ebe:'coIlslder..., ation and inclusion of said absentee votes,and the ordering of the City Clerk to issue certificates of election to the successful can- didates. PASSED and ADOPTED on the 4th day of May,1954, by the f'ollowing vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT : Councilmen Pate,Rush,Kennedy,Gallo,Ronald Councilmen None Counci~en ~'hite. ~ r!-~ Mayor AtteG' .~.~ City Cler