Resolution 328 HB9{1~11 .2913 _64a . ,-' . "LID FOR ~EC.ORD",~ \) / ~'e' K1 R,t~~" if..ftl'", . " ~,/.. ',4" /~" ,re'" ;' "1'i,'':.('iMC C ,J f. 'r,/' ' f) h', ,'" ~ tt5~ r~ . ~ rAt:/ ' I "rl'tCIA: l'tr.r.J!l~OlL ;"iNn. '::L'\'V, e!,NNT\' ~~.~~ '/?~,>\ ".fen '>"\ LU ',"_\ JUl 17 ":::..! ~,.) 1'llY Cl' 'l"'S ,~: '.'~ J ~ ';~rr.1 tl'_Ii. :':... ,\';:~' i.", ,CE...../ \,J !t".,~ ,.,_:.~~,~ ,"- ~. >, Sltl"A, U'.l",r..<"",7 '< I,., _,'l) /' "~'-~ i --r-T'i'Y~\ \ ~ '-...L~ bYJ ~':lf]' '3 .~~,C.f '3 roOK'. J. ~ p"r~ RESOLUTION NO., ~28 HE SOLUTION OF' trUE: COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILH02{ ORDERING VACATION AND AB()NDON~.lE:Wl' OF' PUBLIC UTILrry EA NT HEICH H"I\.8 NOT Br:E~l"~ USE;D. WHEP.EAS J 8 map or plat of Trac t No. 725 J He a Bubdi v 1 si on No.3, t.w,s filed in the office of ttle Coun~y Hecorder of the COIDlty of Santa Claro, State of California, on the 15th day of May, 1951, and iE. of record in Boof': 33 of ~.laps, at pi"ges 30 and 31; and 1:1l1EHEAf3, there 1s shown upon the 8[',10. map or plat of sald Subdivision, 2. public utility easement of 8 uniform width of ten (10) feet extend~ along the northerly end of Lot 16 as shown upon se,ld pIE; t, trie northerly line of which ee semen t 10 the nortberly l:ir:.i~ ot' 51:\i::'t Lot 16; and ',JItH; ,t;:.e s,,~ld ec:somen t has not been used since the time of the recol'doti:.:n arlC: LCC tancc OI~ the snld plc,t. and the land covered by ~wr1LL~l uded. in tne sE,id easement hn s not been used for "my public pU::"})08G or for the l::urpose for 'tJhicli. it 'tias dedicated Dt ~;n:rt::.me afH'l it it: no':; contemplated that it ~r1l1 b~ so used in the future, and trw.t said easement 8houl~l be vacated and aDandoncd. UC1/i, 'l'EL:.u:::rOHE, B:~ 1'1.' RE~)OLVLD AND rf IS Hl:;~\EBY OHD8RED: That the sald public utility or public service ea.sement over, in and to the premises hereinbefore deacribed be, and the s me '...~ . is hereby, vacated and abandoned. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVSD: J -<1 That the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy cause a certified copy of this Resolution and order, attested by him under seal, to be reoorded in t~ office of the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Californ~~ . BODK2913 Prc[644 PASSED and ADOPTED the 8th day of July, 195~, by the following votes: AYES: Councilmen Pate,Gallo,Kennedy,Petersen, Sanchez NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Rush GfRGE M.M,\SON yor Attest: (Seal.) p.a.cox Oi ty lerk . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, P. A. COX, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Common Council held July 8, 1954, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNE@~~REQF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed .. '\ . ,0' .. "'., , '" the Offic1,a);;~eEil.o;~.~~e City of Gilroy this 9t.h day of July, 19540 ~'" f"'" H' l .':v' .~ (1G-.(jy .. .