Resolution 344 ~OLUTI01T NO. ~4i RSSOLUTIOI" OF THE Cm,7Irm~ COUl~CIL 01;' T?:E CITY OFUILROY DDECTTI:rG THE SALE OF CE:rtTAIK :ctEAL PROPEHTY n~ THE crTY OF GILROY BELONGJ:NGTD~ SAID CITY OF GILROY. vVHEREAS; the City of Gilroy is the owner of the following described premises located in the ;said City of Gilroy, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of Sixth Street that is distant thereon Easterly 120.00 feet from the point of -, intersection of said Southerly line of Sixth Street with the Easterly line of Monterey street;thence along said South- erly line of Sixth Street Easterly 73.00 feet to the point of intersection thereof with the Westerly line of an Alley as said Alley is shown upon the Map hereinafter re- ferred to;thence along the Westerly line of said Alley Southerly 90.71 feet to the North- easterly corner of that certain parcel of land conveYl::d by l:-Iarriet t Slli s to G.A. Chappell,by Deen recoraed .May 12,1905 in Book 295: of Deeds,page 232,Santa Clara County Records; ~ thence Westerly along the lTorthwesterly line of lands so conveyed to Chappell, said line also being the Southerly line of Lot 1 Black 1 South) Range 1 East as shoVJn upon the Map hereinafter referred to 50.00 feet to the Southwesterly co rner of said Lot 1; thence Northwestlerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 1 3 feet 4 inches thence along the lJorthwesterly line of said lands so conveyed to Chappell Westerly 23.00 feet more or less to the Southwesterly corner of t hat certain parcel of land conveyed by Louis / S.Osbourne to Gustav IT.Brodersen and Lillian O. Bro(:lersen,his wife, by Deed recorded May 16,1944 in Book 1204 of Official Records,pRge 203,Santa Clara County Hecords;thence Northerly along the Easterly line of lands so conveyed to Brodersen 86.07 feet more or less to the point of begin- ning,being Lot 1 and a portion of Lot 2 in Block 1 South, Hange 1 East, as shovvn on I:lap No. 6 accompanying report of the Commissioners in Henry Miller, et al ,.Plaintiff s vs .Lassey Thomas et al,Defendants,in the Superior Court of the State of California,in and for the County of Santa Clara, Case No'. 5536; and 'VVB:r<':HEitS,the said property is not devoted to a public use and has never been so devoted but has been used as a storage yard for vehicles,equipment ~1drersonal property belonging to said Ci~r;and ViII.E:HEAS, the said City has other premises which can be used Glore advantageously for the said storage of said vehicles, equipment, and f6 rsonal property, and the premi se shere inbefore described are not necessary to the said City,and it will be i.n the public interest to .sell the same. NON ,THEa:GF'OHE,BE IT fL2.:SCLVED: . That the said real proJ."'erty hereinbefore described be sold and that Doti ce of the sale of said real property invi ti ng bids tllerefor be c;iven by the City Clerk by publication thereof,at least once a iveek for two weeks in the GILHOY EVS]TnTG DISPATCH, said publication to be at seven-day intervals, and the time on or after which the said sale will be made as stated in the notice to be at least fifteen. (15) days froul and after the firct 1/u.b1ication of the notice, the sale to be subject to tIle ri8ht of the said City to retain possession and use of the propert.y for a period not in excess of 120 days from and after the execution of the deed of conveyance,without payment of rent. Each bid shall be accompanied by a deposit of at least 'ten per cent (10%) of the amolmt of bid. Title insurance and revenue stamns are to be furnished at the expense of the purchaser. .. ADOPTSD and P/\SSED the 21st day of Tt:arch ,1955, by the follovving vote: i\TIS: COUTIC illnen I'at e, Gal.1 0, Kenrlsdy, li.u sh ,Petersen, ~3a11c}1e z .NOES: Councilmen l;one An:.bT!~I~T : COllllcilme.D. lTone \\ AttesQ, . -City: ~le~- /t ("7' iff h (/ ., rlavo "