Resolution 345 ~ESOLl~ION NO.~45 RSSOI.,UTIOK DECL...RIlJG THE POLICY OF THE COlvTMOl; COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY RELLl.TIT:-G TO REQUIRELlI~rT,S IN SUBDIVISIONS LIGJ-iTIEG. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the Citv of Gilrov has heretofore adopted RESOLUTIOl; Jm.. 239 and RE:30I.cUTION NO.240 providing that as a matter of policy the City of Gilroy should not accept any maps or plats of subdivisions for filing until and unless sewer and water mains have been laid and installed, and the streets and alleys therein gravelled and oiled, Md sidevialks 2..nd curbs and gutters constru cted and installed, to the sati sfaction of the said Cornman Council, or in lieu ihereof that the subdivider or owner of the subdivided property provide a good and sufficient suretJr bond eorititioned uron the fai th- ful performance of the said work and facilities; and" WHSHEAS" the said r{eso~utions constituted a declaration of the policy of the C01IJilOn Council on the matters therein set forth but said Resolutions did not contain any dec18I'ation of the Council re- lating to lighting in any Subdivision;and, WHEREAS, this Conmon Council believes that the proper lighting of the residential section of the City of GilI'oy is important, and that the streets in any residential section, and particularly in any neVJ subdivision therein, should be lighted and the lighting in the new subdivision should be provicied for and installed by the subdivider prior to and as a condition to the approval ar acceptance of any map or plat of the subdivision by the Council in additionnto all the other reouirements as eXDressed in the former deularations of policy by the ~ ~ j::ouncil. :.; C"l.V , ?T_~ SRE }i'C: R3 , BE I TrtE ~)c.-~l L iIZf) : Tn2t the Corn.frrihn Council 0T the Cit~T I) f Gilroy does require as a ,G~.:;;.tterof policy that as a con(jit~Lon to the acceptance and/or arprov5.1 of an./ map at plat of any subdivision that proper lighting faciljtie s be provided and in stalled by t:he subdivider or owner of the tract at intersect ions of street s in the subdi vi sion, and where a block is 6DO. 00 or [nore feet long that lighting be furnished and installed in the center of the block)$lO that all lights be on steel poles. ADOPTED and ?A3SED the 21st day of r':arch ,1955, by the following vote: A'r2 S : IT()ES: Councilmen ?ate,G allo,Kennedy,Rush,Petersen,Sanchez Councilmen 1-:one Councilmen None. JiR3EI:T : q~h~ 4~ /Ph ( ~ lIa or r-