Resolution 384 RESOLUTION MQ.384 RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ESTABLISHING A TRUST FUND,OR ACCOUNT,IN WHICH THE CITY MARSHAL SHALL PLACE MONEYS PAID TO,OR COLLECTED BY HIM FOR OTHER CITI]ES AND/OR COUNTIES,OR POLI~I~AL SUBDIVISIONS. WHEREAS, the City Marshal of the City of time collects or receives money as bail and issued by cities other than Gilroy,or other of the State, and WHEREAS, the Common Council has not heretofore established any method of handling or keeping account of the funds so received by the City Marshal,or of disbursing the same, and WHEREAS, said Common Council believes that some method of accounting should be established from and by which it can be determihhd what moneys the said City Marshal has received and from what source, and to whom and when it has been disbussed,and that said account should be so kept as to permit a regular audit thereof to be made. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that all moneys received by the said City Marshal from the above designated sources be kept in a separate account in one of the Gilroy banks,to be designated "City Marshal Trust Fund", and in which all moneys received by the said City Marshal shall be deposited,and that a duplicate deposit slip be obtained for each deposit made;that said money shall only be withdrawn upon the order or check of the said City Marshal,counter- signed by the City Clerk,and that the City Marshal issue a receipt to each person who pays any money to him as a fine or as bail which may develop into a fine,or stand in the place of a fine,and that the receipt. so issued show th~,Jdate,the amount of payment,by whom paid and for what paid, and that the duplicate thereof be kept by the said City Marshal. . Gilroy from time to as fines,as per warrants political subdivisions PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of August,1956, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen Pate,Sanchez,Gallo,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth. CouncilmeB None Cou~cilmen Nmne. Attest: c~ ca~~ [-