Resolution 393 tI / '1 t'} .. - ~ 14. _ ~~J' . f1.~~ :J609 $f1ft!'t REf.''''U''~''""''1 ~\,. ..::>l,L. ,;.J.tJl' 1'4\..1. 393 . IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL 0'" TIm CIn OF' GltROY: That said City of Gilroy hereby accepts the attached conveyance and consents to the recordation thereot. PAS~'ED and !illOt'Tr.O this 17th .da)' of Septerr.ber, 1956. by ! he following vote at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Gilroy. '{ .'~ , ',1" f; , AYES: Councilmen: C .M. Rush, Kenneth Petersen, Everett Wentworth, Chas. Gallo, Sig Sanchez. Counci l~erc None Nor s : lD~:rNT: COll11ci Imerc Carl W. Pate AfPR OvED : tj 'J ,,/ ft,,,.... '/'-' ~,' .~. C. I.- 4 -----.-----;:. 'MA roo ~'" '/ . ......- f'\ jut:t~ -~-~. '.', ",.""t' ,},-~ . ,\ ;', v~.~ --,~ ,; "t~.... 1.<, ~' r l