Resolution 404 i I RESOLUTION NO. 404 ES-rABLISHIB'O A PARlIRn COHMISSION ]i'OR THE CITY OF GItROY WHEREAS, the business houses alone Monterey street, in the City of Gilroy, wh1ch oonstltute b1 far the maln buiness dlstrict in the sald Cl ty, are confronted with the very serlous probl_ or malntaln1nc thelr businesse. with the pre.ent limited parking facilltie. to be found in the Clty ot Gllroy, and WHER!lS, experience in other Cities has shown that the shoPPlnc publ10 will trade with the establ.lshatents which pro_ vide ea.l17 available parking facilitle., and that business hou.es whioh do not have said faol1iti.s sutter a great or considerable loss of business, and WHEREAS the most val_ble property in the City ot Cilroy is that located alone Monter., street, which is the main business street 1n the City and &n7 considerable 10s. of busine.. by the mercantile aDd other CODcerns located alone said street will result in vacancies and a deterioration in the value of the property! as well as a loss ln the tax base o! the City of Gi1r01, and WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Oilroy believes that the value. of the property alona Monterey Street should be maintalned and that parking facilities should be made aval1_ able for the business houses along the said street and that an immediate investigation and study should be made of said parking Drobl.., with the object of providing off_street parking facil1t1es, and it is the opinion of this Common Council that suoh investigation Should b8 made by an independent commission or committee, and th&t this conr:isslon should be &l)J)Ointec! t)' the ma)"or. NOW, THERU'ORE, BE IT RE801,VEDa That there shall be, aDd is hereb,., .stablisbec! a com.. misslon to be known and d.sicnated as the Off_Street ?arldng CoRia.ion, to be composed otf,',.o,. mem\"'er., all of whom shall be appointed b,. the Mayor of t.hecaty of Oi1r071 with the approval of the Common Council, and that the duty of sa d commission shall be to stud7 the parking problem of the City ot Gilroy, partioular17 perta1nlns to business establishments alona Montere,. Street, to investigate the availability at land that oy '1,). secur8G tor Off. street parklna facilities, the price asked for property tor that purpose, and the tair price which should r'e pald for .uch land, and tbat the commis.lon, in determlning the location of various DOssible ~arking areas, t.ar in mind not on17 the present oondi tioll8 t t-ut the future growth of the C1 ty, so that parldna facilitle. can he provlded for all the busine.. district. 1:11 IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the sald commission make .uch investigation and study and report back to this Common Counoil at the earliest po,sible date, and that when the members of the Commi8 sion have be.. .elected, that the City Clerk notify each appointee of his appoint.ent. PASSED and ADOPTED the 19th day of love.ber, 1956, b,. the folloving vote: AYES: Co1lnoiJmen Pate,Sanchez,Ge.llo,Petersen,Rush,Wentworth lfOES I Council men None A!BEIT I Councilmen None Mayor Attest: cft,. ci'iik