Resolution 1980- 83 ~ . . " RESOLUTION NO. 80-83 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 79-97 SO AS TO DETERMINE SCHOOL IMPACT FEES TO BE ASSESSED PER MOBILE HOME. WHEREAS, an application has been filed by the GILROY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT requesting amendment of Resolution No. 79-97 so as to assess mobile homes the same impact fee as multiple dwellings, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Gilroy has heretofore followed that policy in its Resolution No. 78-8, and good cause appearing therefor, The Council does hereby amend finding 5 of Resolution No. 79-97 as follows: 5. The suggested impact fees of $770.40 per single family unit and $254.50 per multiple family unit or mobile home are reasonable based on five annual lease payments for interim facilities needed by the School District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Gilroy that Resolution 77-97 is amended so that the impact fees to be assessed on new construction are fixed at $770.40 per single family unit and $254.50 per multiple family unit or mobile home until further order of the Council. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of September, 1980, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS : CUNNINGHAM, HUGHAN, PATE and GOODRICH LINK and TAYLOR ALBERT NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: COUNCILMEMBERS: 7~$B ayor RESOLUTION NO. 80-83 '" . . ... ~ .~. ... I, SIlSAj~NE E. STEltltll:Tl, City Clerk of the City of (alroy, do hel-eby C~lLUy thut the dtLildu:d Rcuolut.lon No. ~0-83 1a an orieintd l~:ilJlutlol\. duly udoptud by the Council of the City of Gilroy ilt d n~f.lllar ulcett"f. ut :.ii11d COWlcil held on ch~ 2nd c..lHY of September II) 80 . -' uf. wh ieh u~e t J.og a quorum W08 p["C~Cl\(. In WITtlESS tlllEIU:::OF, J have hereunto a~t my h&ud and .tt1xod the Otficiul ~~cl.ll ot the City of f;!lJ:oy. th1lj 5th September l~ 80 day at