Resolution 1412 - RESOLUTION NO. 1412 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1968 EDITION, SUBJECT TO THE MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS DEVELOPED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY JOINT ELECTRICAL CODE COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, Section 6.1 of the Gilroy City Code, as amended by Ordinance No. 871 , provides that the latest edition of the National Electrical Code shall be submitted to the Council to become effective within the City upon approval by resolution, subject to possible modifications and amendments, and WHEREAS, the 1968 edition of said code has been submitted together with modifications and amendments developed and recommended by the Santa Clara Valley Joint Electrical Code Committee and concurred in by the City Engineer. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: That the National Electrical Code 1968 edition, shall apply to construction of all kinds in the City of Gilroy, subject to the modifications and amendments developed and recommended by the Santa Clara Valley Joint Electrical Code Committee, annexed hereto as Exhibit "A", which amendments and modifications shall also apply in the City. That a certified copy of this resolution be kept on file in the office of' the City Engineer for examination by interested persons. That this resolution shall become effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1969, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: BATREZ, DUFFIN, KENNEDY, PATE, SILVA, WENTWORTH and GOODRICH COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ATTEST: cbgh1cEr~~~ /~/L, APPROVED: ~ '4~~rv6 ' ~? Mayor .,-/ UN I FORM l\MENDllENTS TO As ncv~loperl by the EXHIBIT ."11 THE 19~i{ NI\T IONf\L ELECTR I C CODE r;'-lnt<'l Clilril Vi111,'y "oint EIHctricClI ;~; '~~~ : ~ f" '. ' . . .- ,'r~.; - )010 ... - ~~.............. . ol:iIi" (ode Cnl11mittc(' EXCEPTIONS - The following sections, chapters, piHts and/or provi~,inns of the ~IH ):'" not i)doptcd: Chapter I, Article lOa, definition of "approved"; Chapter 2., S(~cti{)n 23()'/111; 23()-li6; 7.30-47; 230-1~8; 230-49; 230-50; Chilptcr 3; Mticle 320; 323; Section 336-8; 331\'2; f\rticlc 342; Chapter 4, Section If22-17 (b), Section 220-5 Note 5. (J. .: .~ "Y ~~. . . !AEPE I)F IDENTIFICATION OF CONDUCTORS - The following sub-section (d) shall be added to Section 200-6 of the NEC to read as follows: (d) String and/or wire attached means of i~~"tiEBti~R Identification shall not be permitted. COLOR CODE - The following paragraph shall be added at the end of Section 210-5 of the NEe, to read as follows: 1'\11 lighting systems from 480/277 voltage shall be color coded as follows: brOll/n, yellow, orange conductors to be utilized for system phase legs. MINIMUM SIZE - The following sub-section shall be added in place of existing Sllb- section (b) of Section 210-19 of the NEe, to read as follow~: (b) Phase Conductors shall not be smaller than 50 ampacity for ranges of 8 3/L ~,~ ~r more rating, nor smaller than 15 ampacity for oth,~r loads. Cook tops ,ind ovens shall te wired on properly protected separate circuits (minimum 40 ampacity shall be used for cook . tops and 30 amoacity for ovens). OUTLET DEVICES - The following sub'-sections (d) (e) ln~ added to Section 210-210\ the NEe, to read as follows: (d) Minimum rating of 50 amperes. (e) Conductors supplying hou5~hnld type el~ctric clothes dryers sh311 not be snlllcr . than 30 an:dcity, L30V dryers stwl1 be figured C)':i If Boo Wdlt:, minimum. RECEPTACLE OUTLETS - The follolrJinrl sub-sections are hCi"eby ,ldded to Section 210-]2 of the NEe, TO read as follows: , '(d) Receptacle outlets shall be insLnlled on circuits that are separate from lighting circuits. The conductors of the circuit shall not be smaller than f12 protected at 20 amperes,and the voltage between the conductors and ground shall not exceed 150 volts. (e) In all buildings d(~signcd for rh:lcllinq OC.CUP;;lIKY, not morE' th.ln ];> receptaclc~. may he' installed on ;)n'l tl/IO ~'Jirc circuit or on either '_,ide of ,1 three wire cirulit in bedruom!'., living room, bath n>Oll1 , hall, den, or ~,u;dy. '(I) In all Qilwr buildings or structures, ;:l:'rJ in otl!cr arCd'; oi (h'J(~llings C1no apnrtrnent houses, not more th:ln eight rccept<lclc5 shall be instal1ed on any thO \virc circuit, CXC(~pt JSS tat~d in amendnh~nt 220-3 (b} , infra. (g) In all bllildings dc~;Ign(:d for d\lcl1inq n(\~up"f1C,! 110t sh,)/l be pli:.lc<'d rm d 15 amp. brc1nch circuil. or nol lliU\'(' tl1,)I1 16 (h) At least. on~ rccept:lcle outlet ~;h.1I1 b\~ instilll"j il' bui Iding where there are sleeping faci lities (i) A receptacle outict shall be. Installed f(:>r- e::.Jch q(l<; ri.mqB and for each refriqeralor-. (j) At least on~' (1) receptacle outlet shall be installed i'1 any enclo:;r:d qt3r,-;w. ,This sh.::-dl'be in addition Lo the 1r.:lUndt-Y olltlet if it shOldo he in ,'hi; (j'ln(lc~.~;');~h, r~,ccr- .J,." , IJlf..l~_~.5.~dU_J:_~!__.s.(~:.r.~lr,<~t~_d ))y.:'!_~_J(.:i3S,L.Si.:Jht.(B.~,.,..Ii_~f:$1r f,c?t '_~ a./ .~~ ~ :~ . " (k) 111 oth0r than re5tdentlal construction, each llrst floor ItJ!P'lOh i-,t-ea \,;lllch could . .;::be rJsed for di~jplay.shal1 be pr'ovidcd ",'itl~ C'IIr> (1) ":uph.x q~cept,)cle "d,nvc \,lindo\\I for r:iHh ii, ten (J (.)) f<~e t of 1 i fiei'! r ",Ii nc!c*: <"paCf' 01. f rr1C t ion t!w reof , t4/\Xl~1IH4 LOAD, The fol j')irJinq sllh-:~e(;t inn:; i1re t1f:rchy a~ded ~n Sect inn 210--23 ot the NEe. to rf~i)rl i,';, 1011 o"r;: k) In c;ing1. f;,:nilv, t\"O fd'llily d:,\,,'llinq, .:lflCl dl1d!'Ul1eril";., W'th.I'!' rlj'~lpo';;ll:, ,Inrl/.'!" di~h:;tl';I!('r~. ',hall lw in'.1<111t>r! on tJ >\)111,[1. ';ElPi'll'IL. hl:mch circlIlt ,'!:.;I ('Cl!;I1('cted in il:,(ible tondui 1 riJ(,l:Vvay or ilpprovc,r] thr0(~ \//i to,: cord dnd Cdl). .. (d) The \'-!'~lshin9 machine (li1undry) receptacL:. Cjhall be on d t"~511';Cv'd circuit uf nol mon~ than three (3) other' receptflcle'_:; 1I,lhich "h:jll not ilt'.: in thE' k;tchll'~n, ';;n'lint] rnr);1i, breakfast roo~, fami ly room, uti jity roan and! or gara~c. Ie) All other fixed electrical 2npl lances, havinq more than I/~ hp. mntor~ or u;/nJ ~Xj"e tnai'1,ijSO ~i, shall eat;h be on rl sep,-H,)te brand, cirCiiit sllp~';]it:d by d ,-jnir.1\J!T', ,):,: COG- du.;:; tor. ~~' :Jr ~ 'r, rr<; I::'; r,;j( k:; ~q' ~'I'; ,:.r: !';';1' j?1 . ~ - ' L: Fl' i:.: ;; t,'-; f": i,; i ~~: 'I" I,': !:: :'!~: ". '" . lHII"" tll.1l1 l\,..j....lve li~jh! 011 a?1l .11l1p. circuil. cdch k\ t h rnpill r n r ea'::.h nut lele, ::~': I". L~j K: t: r, F ~ t;:, :1,; [;; k 1" if t r\ L \ ~: i:: ~< ~~ , i; l' \' ~ I' .... r,;. ., ! ,~t, ~~:.' ,(0 ~'le{ltric light heat 1;111111 typcc olltlets - one fixture nGt ('x(.eedjll~l 500 W is pcr" ml',:;silbl~ on li[lhting circuits <lnd ',hall he counted as one outlet. (9) Hore thi1n onl) (l) fixture or' '.inql!' fixture 9r sin~Jle fjxturp.'> ('xcr~edin9 ,O() 1,./ sh,,11 bn installed on a 5ep~'ratc circuit. CONDUCTOR SIZE - The following pAragraphs arc hereby added in placo of Section 215-2 of the NEC to read as follows: Feeder conductors shal I have a current rating not smaller than the feeder load and determined by Section 220-4 of the NEe and this code. All feeder loads of 2500 W, or less shlll be served with not smaller than two (2) 40 amp. condyctors. Greater loads than 2500 W r shall bQ served with three (3) cond4ctors not smaller than 40 amp. conductors. Where an ~ in-,t:allatio!,\ /1as been \tJircd and arranged for three 11ire system, no t\JO \,lire ener'gy su:~"ly I fOi' t\'1O wire service shall be connected thereto without approval. Whct'e a feeder carries i~ W total current supplied by the service entrance conductors. such feeder for service of 50 ~ arn;)8clty, or smaller, shall be of the Si;tmc size CIS the sei'v~ce entrance conductors. ~; . Where at, any time it is found that fceder conductors arc., or will be overloaded, the I feeder conductors shall be increased in ci'lpacity to accommodate the actual load served. f' . All feeders shall be placed in totally enclosed raceways, as permitted by this code. ~ Feeders - For the purpose of computing the size of feeder conductors in dwelling I occupancies and other similar occupancies the total number of receptacle outlets and light [ 'outlets shall be divided by ten. To ascertain the number of circuits to be used in the t formula belm1 (fractional mqltiples above five (5) outlets shall he con~iderecl as an i:lddi'- ~ 'tion;:d circuit.) Special and separate dr"cuits, slIch as laundry circuits and dlsh\-Jasher W :circuits shall be individually counted as separate circuits. (See ~mendment to 270-7.) ~ Separate 115 V circuits, as required for garbage disposals and built-in refrigerators dnd ~ fr~ezers~ need not be considered as 1000 W circuits for the purpose of computing feeders. ~ ,,' Er:Jch such outlet may be counted only as one outlet for the purpose of computinl] the feeder. Ii! LIGHTING AND APPLIANCE CIRCUITS - The following sub-paragraph shall be added under 5ub.,.section (a) of Section 220-3 of the NEe, to rcad asfollo\>ls: (a) Every room shall have at least one (I) wall switched general lighting outlet. living rOOl11 5 , bedrooms, family rooms, and dens m<lY be excepted, provided at least one (1) t,..'..,... . w~11 ~witched receptacle is installed. .. All general lighting outlets shall be wall switched controlled. lighting outlets placed over, or arljacont to, plumbing fixtures, \:Jhcn outside of huildinq, It-Ihcn in b<lsel1!~nt5 of bqildings, garaqes, or ~Ihcn located in ddmp p1.1ces slvdl be wall switch cOlltrollf'd. f The followin~l sub-section shall be added in place of exisLinq sub-section (h) of ~) ~ection 220-3 of the NEC, to read as follows: ~ (b) For the Sn1q1J appliance load in kitchen, laundry, pantry, fm. rm.,din. rrn., and ,::.'. breakfast room of dwelling occupancies, two (2) or more twenty amp. branch circuits in . addItion to the branch circuits for fixed appli~nces in said areas, shall be provided for all rccepta~Je outlets in these rooms, r\eceptacle outlets supplied by at 1('ast tl":O (2) appli:Jnc:e . receptacle branch circuits shall be installed in the kitchen and equally divided in th{! tl,~.'." kItchen. Said circuits nlay be used to supply n?ceptacles in other arc,I:-) vJithin the d\-Jelling, provided such circllits do not exceed six (6) receptacles per circuit. Receptacle outlets iw;ti11Icd (,olely for the support of .'-lncl the rower supply for, ~t, electric clocks ma'.' be Installed on li']hting brctnch circuits: " SPACE flC.",TINfi AND AIR COOLING - f\ sentence shdll be <ldded to exi,~tin~1 ~ub-seltlon ;-'70-1-+ ~. of the NEe, said S(lntcnce to tCi1f1 <)'; follm'Js: ~ Electrk rec"ptacle outlets shall not b. installed on space heater ci,cults. ~ FORMULA - Thf'! follmving raragraphs ;]rc added in place of cxi~,ting Section 220-7 and 7.20-8 ft of the NEe, to read as follows: f . For the purpose of computing the size of fceders in dwelling occupancies, each lighting I~,,':.. and receptacle outlet circuit shall be assumed to be fully loaded. The first two wire . ,branch circuit shall be considered as rcquiring1500 W. Each additional two wire branch circlJit G sh,)11 he considered.3s requiring 1000 vI, and the first three wire br,lt1ch circuit shall on f cClnr.,idered as n~quiring 2500 W, und (~ac:h additional three vJire hranch circuit a::, rcquirin9 2000 \-1. (The formula in the amendment 10 215--2 Shill I be used in 1 leu of table ::':O-I~(;'l) and 220-7 of t.he NEC on computing loads for sin'llc: family, t.lt-fO family Eh"ellin;v>, and apartments. ~eedcrs for motels, dorrni\nri0s, .-lnd I)ther simil1r occupClncie'.:;. ....lithol.lt cookinq f.:'lciliti(~s, ~Mall b~ calculated as per lablq 220-7 (~) and 220-~ fa) 0f thn NEe.) Ii ~; J h' "t ',:' Ii, cr Ill. ~j. ~. i~! if ~ f; ~ , ~-i " r .... ~:j if '. ' ",-..,w' I{~" POINT f)F Ali/\CHMENT .. (fli' follo'.'lil1'l p,r;H]r''I,h i.... hell.by .Jlllkd .It til\) l~rHl 01 Ill;' ':,0crmd P.'I'.l<jr,lph of ')(.(.tIQI1 7F1'76 ,)f IIii' fll.e tCl rl~"d ,J'. fullow-,: rill' I(H:..<ltion of thCl p,\illl nl ,1U.ll.hl1lllll: '.h.dl fH~ dott'rmirwd hy till' <"d~IVi!vJ III.ilit.>,. Pt-'riSC.l)pl~ ~>ervict' ~h,)ll hdVI' c1 ll1inillllll'tl 1 l/It" riqid ;,tnd conduit ur 7" dllllninum conduit, dnd shall be adequately ';uPPc1rted if ()V(~I 30" in heiaht.. SIZE OF UNDERGROUND SERVICE CONDUCTORS - Tho following sub-section is hereby added in place of (a) Section 230-31 of the NEe, to read as 10110\vs: (a) Conductors shall be of sufficient size to carry the load, and shAll not be smaller than 100 ampacity. For limited load, see SEction 230-41, exc~ption #4. PROTECTlor~ AG/\INST DAMAGE - The fo1lm'>ling sub-section is adder! in place of existinq sub-section (a) of Section 230-32 of the NEe, to read as follows: ("J) Underground servicR conductors shall he' inst.lller! in ;]p~Fov('d rdccway ()f 21\ minimum size. -INSULATION OF SERVICE ENTRANCE CmJDUCTORS - The fnllm'>ling sentencf' j,; h(~rehy :ldded in place of existing sub-sections (a) and (b) of Section 230-40 of the NEe, to rcad a~ rollm!~.: All servicc-entrnnC8 conductors sh-111 be in.;;t.al led in ilpprovf>1 r,lcc",.!ay. SERVICE ENTRANCE CONDUCTORS - The fol1mving exception is cHided in place of ~xi~)tjn~l exc;.eDtion 111 under Section 230-41 of the NEe to read .:JS follows: , f;:xception # 1. It is required tklt a minirlum of '1 100 amp. three (3) fi2 \tJire service ~; be provided for all single and two family residence and apartments. (Refer to i1i1lendmf'nt ) t to 230-71 as covered elsewhere in these amendments. Servicr~ or sub-~,.::.rvice shall f:cnninate it in a distribution panel providing at lea<,t t~'IO (2) spi"!re standard spaces upon cornpktinn. !: f The Inspection Dept. shall not be required to inspect, and assumes no responsibility fCI", the w nature, kind, size imd quality of equipment installed by a pllblic utility. U ~ QUALITY AND M/\NNER OF INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN VAULTS, R/\CEI,J/\YS. SERVICE EQU!Pt-'![t:T t AND PULL BOXES, EXEMPT FROH fHIS CHAPTErC \Jhenevcr underground eicctl-jCi'11 servic(~ htel-;;:d t copductors are inst,:1l1ed by ,my public utility corporation on a CIJstomer's premise::. lCddin(J to d If.' building and connected to the terminal box inside of or outside the building \\103115, the r: nature, kind, size ,md quality of the line ':>irle of the follo"ting equipment .and the mdnn,'r of installation of the line ',;idp. of <ouch equipment used in connection \,iith or cnnn,'ctl,'d to such conductor::; c;hall not he subject to the rCfJul,.1tion'-; c1rld requirement.; of this Chant<:~r 3, to.wit: vaults. underground raceways for electric~l service 1ater~1 conductors, servirc equipment Jnd pull hoxe';. The customer shall provide and install the line side of the ,ifc.re- said exempted equipment, except for such equipment required La be insl~lled by the lJtility, as maybe reasonably necessary and safe under the circumst.ances. The City 511<111 not be t"cql.lil"cd to in~pcct, dnd .]'.~)Illn("; no rcspon~ibiliLy for, lhe Il,1ture, kind. ',iN' ;lf1d qU;11ily of the aforesaid eXdnptod equipment 01- in thn manner of inst,111atlon \I<\;rcol. DELETE N~C 230" 70 (9) SERVICE HEAD - Section 230-51 of the NEe shilll be arll(~nded to d('ld,~ oIl rt'feretk('~; to "s(lrvic~ cable." TERHINATltlG Ri\CE\.JAY AT SERVICE EQUIPrlENT - Se~tion 2'50-1)3 of Ul(' NEe shall be ,ll'.wndf:::l by deleting refcl-onces to "service cable," and by adding the fol1(l\'Iinq plragr(-lph nt the t~nd of the said section The length of setvice conduit in the building 5h~11 be as ~hort as 15 reasonably practical, and shall not p.x(:ned thirty (0) I in~ar feet (",)(.I:(-'I-'t hy spcci,-Il pcnnis'.;ion of the Chief Electrical Inspector, (due to <;tructurd1 conditions), SERVICE St.JITCd OH CIRCUIT RREr\!~ER - The follo",'ing ~:'Llb~secti()1l is adJed in place of pre-3cnl: $ub-st:cticn 23()"70 of th(: NEl, to read a~; r(>llo~oJs: (a) Discnnnt>~tion from ~;ervic'~ conductor',. ~1elillS <;11.111 he Plovided filr dl"t;('I"'(~ctin~i all conductors in tile buildinSJ or other structure froil] the scrvic,-~ cnLr<JIH.:e conductorc,. . (b) Location. The disconnectin9 means shall be located at a readily accessible point nearest to the entrClnce of the conductors. other than residential. (c) ArrrovC11. The disconnecting means shall be of a type approvpd for 5erV;C(~ equipment and for prevaili~9 conditions. . (d) Types pel-mitted. The disconnecting means for unground,,;d conductors ~,hali consist of either: a; I ~ ~. ;f, !l;' ~ ~ !$J " ~ ~, f1t. f r ~. ':1: ~, :#' iji. Ii:; ., ~: ~. ~ .' 1;' ~~ ~ ~: Ii ,. t: t I: ~. r. 1" I.~ ~ I I ~ It ~' ~ ~. i' .' W, Ii K ij :;i I!' ~. tr. I' I "J' .'t -. '.. .. (I) l\ lil,lflllally upercHeZr'<,,,Jit:ch or circliJil breaker nr' l'rJ1;r,')ped '>,Jith <1 11;1111..11.: 1)1 other suitahle operating me,ln', p()';itivc'ly identified and flliHked ll)f' mechanici'll ope~'ation by hand, or , (2) An electrically operated s~"itch or circuit breaker, provided the s\Jitch ," circuit breaker can be opened by h,1nd in the event: of the fi1ilure of the pUlver supply and the open and closed positions drc clearly indicated to the OfH'r<ltor. (e) Externally oporablt'. The 5crvic\~ s~'Jitch ()r cirl'lIit bll'ilker '.h<111 bn tl\(fHrq,llly '()perablo. Th(~ :>crvicc disconnectltl:J 1110Ans, in P),ICCS nf Pl11ploYlllent', ',h;lIl he dITdflq.,-, to be locked in the open position. (F) Indicatinq. The disconnecting means sh,lll plainly indicdte \<Jhethcr it is in the open or closed position. " (g) Switch and/or circuit breaker. An approved switch and/or circuit bre~ker sh~l' be provirled as the disconnecting means for each set of service entrance COllJUCtOI'S. Exception k2. ^ single set of' service entrance conductors of less thiH1 JOO volts betv:een lJn~lroundcd c()nductors may supply rnorc than one individual service switch or circuit breaker provided: . ~" (a) All service switches or circuit breakers shall be grrnlped at the nearest readily available point of entr"ance and shall be accessible at all times toall consumers. (b) Not more than one (I) service disconnect of t1~e same group is for the same cld:,c, of service for the s~me consumer. ',(c) Where the number of service di~connect at the 5~me location exceeds six (6), t1'1(: : e~tire current shall he taken through one main disconnecting means. ' " ,Cd) The service run shall be continuous to the last service switch or circuit breaker .' , for 10 the box on the switchbo~rd but taps may be made tathe individual service disconnects. ~ ',Exeption #3. A single set of service entrance conductors may supply more than one (I) ,switch or ciruit br~aker when r~quired for the equipment provided for in Section 230-73. " (h) Simultaneous openings. The service di,:;connecting meanS shall simultClneOlj<;!Y ldtsconnect all un~rounded ~onductors of the service. ' , ',(j) Disconnection of groqnded conductor, Hhere the ~;\",itch or circuit breakt.;::r do..:,> not ~Interrupt the grounded conductor, other means shall b8 provided in the service cabinet or in : the switchboard for disconnecting'the grounded cnnductor from the interior wirin9. ; ~ATING OR SERVICE EQUIPMENT" The folloltJing ':>uh.."p.ctions Art' <ttdded In pli1CI~ 01 existing suo-sections (a) and (b) of Section 230-71 of the NEe, t(l read as follovJs: (a) A main <,ervicc disconnecrin9 milin shall b€~ installt~d fnr each individual se,-vice ,and shall simultaneously disconnect all ungrounded legs and have a rqting of not less than' ,100 amps; hOvlever, for installations consisting of not more than t~;lO (2) \vil-e brAnch circuits. .-~switch or circuit breaker of 30 amps minimum rating maybe lJsf:d. (Refer to Section 23(}-41 '~"of this code.) Each m~tered installation shall be prbvided with i'l :.ln01e m,lin Jisconnect. ',Duplexes may be 'served with a minimum of two (2) 60 amp. main disconnects: tri-nlexes ':(or larger) maybe served \"i th 30 amp main disconnects. , :; (b) The building main service disconnect. and/or disconnects shall not be in':>talled on 'bthe'r than the first floor level of th(' bujldlr~:J'::i. , MULTIPLE OCCUPANCY - The following par~graph Is, ~dded in pl~ce of ~~isting Section 230-76 of the NEe,' to read as follows: , In a property comprhing more the'll) one building under single tn,ll1<l':jcmc:nt, the; Ct'mJuctors supplying each class of service to each building served sh~ll be provirlcd with one readily ~cce5sible means, within, on, or not more than 50 feet from the building, of disconnGctlng of ungrQunded conductors of ec:tch class of ::icrvice from their 50lJrc:..e of supply. In garaqes ,)Ild '()utbuildings on residential property, the disconnecting means may con$ist of a snrlp switch, ;suitabte for use (If) branch circl:its:lnchidfng switch controls ntmore th'1n one point. In places of employment, the building disconnnctin9 means shall be so arran~wd it can be locked In the open position. LABELING OF METERS - The following sub-sectinns:are added to Sectinn 230-94 of the NEe, said nevI sub-~ection5 to read as follow;: ,(f) Tht.l conductor') of each 1Ij(~ten'd subdivision shall be in 5cpar:lt:e Itlr:f'Way~ \tlhere they le,we' the (Jnrvlc:c onclosure; (g) Each individual JI1ctt;t' IOc.ltion dnd dis(onn("ctinq IHO':Hls .:,,1"111 bl~ l:lbeled by.i permanent l1le,)n~; ': (h) All se~vicc equipment for residential occupancy shall be rain-tight, or 5\11:a~11 protected from the weather, accessible to the outside; I i I t I i ! I I I , , I : i ~ I ~. , ~ J i, ~. ~ J. fi ~ I t, ! ; , I..~. , " .' . . '. "'-. '..... , \, I """, ;'! \ \n. ~, ( ('Ill il; ': ! " ;;.; t Ii ',{ I V ~ f ;'1 ,!t:!hor;~.,,1(1 by i . ( j I ; " ..: }, ; ~ ' <: ~ ~ :1 "I' ! . . 1 I , in I,,: I',,; \ i r; ; ~ 1! 1 (:"~ :-! r .: i ; ; ~ ' I l ~: ; r.) i. \ ~ l' . i '/\} I ~ :: i 11, \ ,11 } . :, t I!' r: ,~' 'f ;'1'~' !~H.d1 ;c)r!{~ lH! '" \'j,t :,~;i ;"q'.)'. II'I f hi', '" ! r.' i, L f :. i~, . I j:' "J ,I I I;; 1;1 , i : \ I~n:q~(~ 11, _.;1 t' , \ I ' , " ;~} i ; {h i. In 1,\.\ \- : , , l "~ !!! : ;: ,.r " , , ;1,,' ;., "":'-:~: ',.!)""::cli,ns ,~(\' ddded l'~J :'.I,c;tiUil 300.101' the f'lCC, t:: rea,-j a~, f ("I! '-)\'i, ' :,)'1 "Ilp'.:t;';.'",'! ~!:I '1(: in F;r..~ ,'nr:p.'i I ",,'I' ',:,-)i: be i,-, A[:\proved i'JCe\';ay (cxC!':pt ,; 1: Ir, ,,: :)'J i; :'c; r"w~~. f'i:; idinq'o n,'h,,' th,l'i r !sicknti"l us.;:; s11:31 I jy -'-1 '?C1 :-":~:. I " j', \ ;~'X:~,( i1;' t i '.~ x. i b j e (~_,' i )1 J it':! 1 ~, ~. c [d) ! e perm it L:d, t~t3 entire ~~1,~; l~irpg sha J i b.3 (/.: .' '. ~\tl..: ,-,..:~ i l\i j'rr'J qUt"Jrt8rs ,~r .~:o!nhir>r:,:+~ ~,,,'rth \...t:l<:r u':)es, -; -')'/~l~~ ,:-cJCC' ~'iJ'~f (eJ,'Ci:::p t f 12;.. i;) l f.." C:':':1~hJ! t:; .. ",,;~d;:J iie -;h,;,,~:.h,;d ulhJ," or f!,:"x,bii:: r~rlnrLiit ""1,/ be; u<,i)d in rh!cllin;-J-t,;,oe .,'" I' :1("1 h: (';;H'r S:'ct:n!;', or ::,', r"d." 1,.,tf"'-:'-'3 tl',,~ ;:,<!!'-,ry C:.C1lj;c":ncy ,'Ii] >,,:.1;: h \'r," :-:'i"t' ljl'!/Of' \(,11: be lJII':C,;",: h'cn <,in'l'C..r;l1ilil,/, :-,.JI) :'und'jy ", ". f 1,;\, :); :; '" ;1'1' ,:'<., : ;,(" ",-,;, j ,-,.' !".: ild i ng Sh,ll j t': ". ; :"C-:1 I n ii"~jl f),Ied rol~""..iclY. "":, n <"n"",~:,, s'i'Jjtch, ',Jeter or ,"~',j ,'It c';u'pnIU, , s~al,'.bc ~:,:c~3d \irl'!c:'!'y' 1:;-'1.. --If' ,r '~'r:-:, ~',i'?'lr:-,h(~rS,1 '}J(-~.In-:;.. \':;l:.'(,~r :~i, --,>,(_~f"'! n!~ oti-,., r n11:r~I'.I~I'~'a" llyt'J~P:(\ ~'!)I' J' , ,'.. , .~' , q " .':: .'" ',....\' , . ,;i,,-'1 .! ;:""n,'.t <,.,itch, r,.::::tcr ar '5;"iilcl: :"jUiP','Wl' r~' nT'-iccd ;l"':f_~;"' Cover vt.<::trS,\ ) ,'<; c.,' '):, lhro:m15. , ..'.'.o-!.,lmil\1 r','H',',dr",nc(:<,., :;1',(1 'l;)",.tl"prd', f)r-."".c ,...:-e,,'I"'" ':'.pp\;",,_ . , ",' I . , .. ",' , """, "".._d.., .... t.._" J. t :': ,,:" ~'fl".i!,crs, ~";):'t!i' h'~at('" c.c<';<.il:(1 or i'.:lki'lq r1p:;lia'iCe5.etc.. \ c' _. \, ,;; t:' l/ 1 he ins tilll ed j n .l:'[);'o./!.:.d "''''.~~~\a'i. 3-,;,;', <J'H"locking \-lil-,:; t2rminal~~ 0;- c;2\'ices shall "'ot bp ':.!:}_ '" :,; ';:. "ii) 1 i cc<; in conductors. ',;1Jr,S. '\:J buildinqs ;','iwed intc t'lO jll~i-:.;jjc.ti(>f, ,< triis '~::;f" sh:'!1! .. ,- .", :,::j n(+,r.~ I" i ,;} ~: :'i f 3 Cc dr~.. ,'iD .\:,'; i( r\;:~''')DUED nUILDI~ICS -- H'-I' V'''tiC.>fi to :) ,:;' , t'e:rode/t'" shall hi" ~dre1 ""l.:Yd nIl other Are,:,', :,'f th:~ bU11'I:ng;~il;j be !"'''V',~ s,lfe ns ,'uv he :(' f;~2 fkdidlnf] IriSPcl.tkl >,"i'i,')c: 'l!' 1-;1,:; Ch:d E!cc;trj(>li Ih<;P0r.tOI .-lii ii") ,'l'i he Wi"') with p; r~li,'~,ir"~ e' rl:e Director of the uuildi'-Iq I, 'I C!\/:::. f" :' 'i. ~ ., ::( ; I: j, 1 '1 :::;: '.'~; I I , "'''': ~+ olD. f .;tl , ; 1. 1~1 ~! ; ~ , ~ \ i ' . ~ J , , i,!\ '.tGII:Y "1" Chj~',~ Electr...al In:,o:)C!;1r ui D'~:::uty, L'~I;;i ir::; !j,]j l:if1~j'>. r'~11 f~xistin9 ',' r'inq ~):;J I ~'n in C1 ':;af(~ and no ?'~,'3.:ar:j()l)~i ":~':;l'\; ::r;'1 P;iYSIC/'d, f'/"fl,\\iC, fhe fo:l()~JlfY! ').:cond pJrtl'lt',:lph i~ !1r-rt:')y (1ddt~.i to ...:,,\ ; Ii'!\." . ; ,,,~-, 1 ',.';C'I" .) t he >~ ~>C :,~::) r(~aJ as fo'l 1 c~~.;,) - ",:, "w',ilic ";' ",h:111 not be inst311e:i ':,elu;'e the 1"0()f covering and outer wall ~t ~~.-?:3 ~~~.. ; ~-, r:, '..i ;... j t :', -'J i . 1 't". f:";':SS. Fie i'II'.,-::!(! sf'sond naraqrann is he,,> :lddcd to exi<>ting Section, 300-IS <}f :'\:" '~::: :--) CO;;:e h,d'or.:: (:'1(> ll('xcePti~mll ilild to r'e."H1 CL; :'oll()\'Js: :J i j, ';h ~ I j P(It L' T,ed ; -1 1 i eu of scre\v<, to SlIDp,}rt bo":es, glitters, etc" un les,> l'.~tnrit h,p'.;.'rs cue ,u:'i"~J:13 ~lart of Cl'iscmblv, or un:n(;'~ e::)clpmcnt is designed for nail .~~ii -:p;)rt :::"{~C;~,!'D ',:C;P~, .. GE :cnL, The fOlJouing SU~I-'Sp.ct;O~1 (c) is <1dded to Secti'.-m 336-6 of '-- " :: :~ r '-.~;-; :; C~: T ,~): j ;:' ,', s : ... N')n';,l:~t,llli;; ~.hC'llh cable \.'Jii"irH] in hasc';lf'nL;, qdraqes, ,::;nd accessory buildings \ f r;'c:fJ,!',j Iv. /',-J[)"hllli IY dwell inqs, ;lnd (}pdrtr;;l~nt btJ; ldinqs ',hall ~)Jl securely fil5te/1f:~d to l""L,~. ,;I' j(,i,,;tc;, pht(~s, or ~;luds, ~Jjring through the members shi~11 be pLlced in bored "1'];'-"" 1118 \.:irinq shall follo,'J tfh~ sUf1porting O1cmb('rs dnd be in5t<111ed In a vJnrk:n.'lnllke n)dn~h'f'" . !j";i; ,', lFt\tJCH crnllJIT OR H:r:nER. Tile 1olln~'Jinq 5llb-p;H<1graph is <ldded to existing 'I i,) ',i ~1f~Ctj(Jfl 3Jfl--l of thn NFl. to read ns lolll)\rJ'i: r;,(. r:.lr,i:' ;:1,]'/ b,; u:.f!d within occupied dwellin(J~) only. Existing circuit,.:, wired under' !\rti,:li' 3.;,': '~I.i,/ be \cfh~rj(kdin i:-lc::cord,mcc \...ith thi,; Code, within existing buildings, r'!'{iC!' nlJ~(lt\L (/\ElL ThE' follu\-"ting sub"scction is hereby ~ldded in piau". (if pt~s<;n:: ;,;t I)" .....,. ,. -,{ ',,'ct Ion 33~l" -{ of t/w NEe to read <1S Fnl1ol'h: ,"::, , ';I!,;,"j t;':iblc ';h,lll be Installed tl-'O i:J) f(~('t belm,.. qr.ldo anJ :)rotect~:.1 ,'f.X; i! -i;;.!,:)tje t!,;, ,) !'j!ninlLlnl C()'/erinq of 1" by 1'1 ",dlt'nod (()I~ equival(\f)t): and shall have ~.~ : ~ J~ 'i -., . , i... " ; 1 of... __, .. ~ l~ '.:j':llliGll p;-"("C!I"f1 '!l (1',,' frnrn uf rj(id ,'(m;lt'it, ,'f nth,'i' ':lpr'/'l'0VE~d t'r1f'.!;,':\tIt:1V, (~xt.cnclin'.'i r",j < Ui {,;t'., (,\' ii ,inl'li:lIll ,,r l\'!I~l!l\"I"\11 (2'1) 'n,hl.:". \r1! Ih nine!.'! (kql VlC h'lId inll' :,h0 ;:'.',~l,I' 1"('111 Ii;,; f;i::'h'~d ''I,'.d'', dlld ',iktll il,'t l'\'~ il!'.1,111,,:d llndw" hili 1 Jirili" ...1' ('ntHi'el:\;!. ~,1,;." ii, 1'0.1,.,- ,1,'lii1!,."' :';:.nd (II' !"),:k-f(,f.:, ~.,'il 1>,'",(' ~,:I'zlll be p!'ovidcd9 (iJCT~;iC:\L tHTf\LL!C rUr'ING, WET LOCATIONS. Ih(~ fnllc.'vJ/n(l shell] he i3dded a<> <'} secc.nq ;J1 'l'd.lf~;' lind,,!. t"'; 'iill,'; (,ee:".,) ')1[8-4.,f '111' NEe. 'did nclt! pa"cqri:lph vli,h eXCEPTION to r-:".J a::, fnJ "((:'v. [le(:t:"j,",',l '1'c;;-,1 jie 1.u[.ln'1 shall nul he li~,0.d in < (1)'-:l'e1(> ';Idbc; or pours.. ~,~(nUl[Ss f\r:r.fSSIB!!.IiY AND GROUPING. The rnlln\'!ip:l sub-section is added to Scci'ion 381)_i; ot i,h,' NF.l... :,,,,;,: ni~v,i ';lIb-;;er:.tj,:nl to i"l.ld <15 foi lCMs: (il) \~h!,'r(' LV!:) rd" :ii""f~ (,<lcrnnlly unerated s\'iiLchc,s, panels, motor starter~;, nl"tnr~>, ,:r'id"'.-;Jit:t'",, (',r nlh'l llllil', "if eJ',:clrie,l! cquipr:it'nt ,11'(' inc,lnlled at the Sdll\e center of II",: ;'jh:1 jur'~ ill' ,:llt>! 1,,11 'y ,'ii l'inq qUi.lt,,. :.!].'d 1 he' if! .1.,1Ied fr.r the \\iil'inq "unl1,"I! ion:: 10 :,11-1 "i'ii,"ilcnl, Nil '.\\lill-h, (,ClI1:rol1,'r, ,11l,:.,r ~.~.lrl('r, lliC,t('1" , or .'til'~r llnil~, uf olcTtric.)1 rqlilpnlc:nl :,1);)11 h, U',('; for 'IJirin':l r;}cc\'!i)\! for conductors other ;Il,\/l th'.l~;e pf the spcc::ific S'-"! ~ ; l,'fl or ~ 1,;] r Lee ".")11". t~O 1 " (b) Swi 'chc$ rind cirruit brea~ers as far as practicablc, shall be grouped. (c) CONTHOL P'\NELS. ihis section sh;.11l applV to a%el11bl ies of contrDI equipment. a,ld control pilrlch" ':ontainc::u in one r:abipct, or .J qrnup of the~c unils assembled (0- .)':t!wr, dc'~irJll"d for 111dnllal (jl dutom~~lic centred (Of,') r,inqle r.I,1Chine or An integrated ';yc't:,'I1: IiI' vdri'''i'. 1';";' ('<;',C';, Slid, ':1'; rnat,cri,ll hand1!nq dno fabri(aUnq in manufacturin~j pL:nt~.,} refriqcr;:li jon, air' ,'~'ndjt.ioninq, !,e"'iUqc, and ot.her such controlled proce.;;se::. A. I'-L0::....:..L~L,~!!P.pJ.i. 1'110. electrical supply to car'h control P<H1Ed shall be arranged t;,' t".,' di.',connt1('!,ed hy d ~,inqle ~;witch or circuit ht"cakcr except fl't' necessary control rind lj,;ndl cirelli I." _J:<1cl1 'day he fe'G, fn.')I" "~,,t(~rnal :3nl,j"~f'(" pr"vidod they iJre ;JIso di",ccnnected;, t,y dilr'r(IVC(! :11\'.1;:. I'P:: t'l)t! in ~;\:ctiOl\ E. If!h..!I'C l'lili'l ~I\'i" '( ,\1' ~,: mdb~' P(,v,!('r ;", reqltired illlho same l,nnt.rol c<1binet, i!. ::.fv,d I be di~ciJl)ncct\.:d tv ",m 'l.!';iLlo;v,] ':;\rJjt;(.h n,' ,:itcujt "n.',Jker IIJCated ne'-lI the l!la!n s~lf'ply cli",- c0r,nect S\I"iLch, and.h,lIJ he clearly i00ntified hy a ~ji~ln ,)ut-;ide and inside the \~nf'trol ,', c (:ll~ ; n f:"; t :OJ '7 ' B,. Forf?iill'!..S:,irL!.dts~ Any expn:;pd livn pi'1P; t'lithin the contrell ex!~ernal S'..lurces ("uc:h <1S contrn], siqnal <lnt! cOmpUIQl' circuit<;r etc..) \.0 b(l disconnected hy one or the f'oI10\1Hn(j rnet.hocl<;: (<'I) By mec'1i1S ,'f dut01:laticCllly de-encr'Jizcd enc.losed relay:; when the main dlsGonnect- i nq S\'l i Ich is op;:mel. (b) By rlnor-n~erated enclosed disconnect switches~ (c) By cle,lrly identified enclosed manuallv operated disconnect sVJitches, ItJhich may be located inside L1v:,: control cflbinet door, provifkd the operating h<3ndles are Iso1C:ited or b,)rriered from all cpel1,live P;,ll'tS., .' c. 2_~~<2U~~1:::.cL~~,.ls. Control pal1els'''~hich "ontain open c<'1rtridge fuses, or which con- t<dn pncuHkll ie, hydr,1ul ie, or olhe," nnn-(~I", tric;,d P;)I t.s rC(jniring adjust'lnenl, maintenance. lir l'(.'p<lir, shali have the door or .:;ov(:r inechanic;lliv il1t(:rlock(.'d with the swttr:h ~:r dis~ '.onnecLinq means so th':1L exp()s;;~d livr> parts and eXL'os(~d ItJirinq will 'be c:le-ener~Jized b(~fore t.he door can be opened" D" ~:l..irjlJ.(l..t~CLI~o(l.. Where contl'ol pancl~ contelin pncllnmtic, hydraulic, l1lechanical, , or nt.hcr non-electrical devices, nr pal'ts "Jhieh require adjustment, maintennnce, or r'epah-' ,.' by "iorkrncn other th,m qualified electricians, qll '\':irinq within the control panel shall' he' insLalled in n12tnj rClCf'Ways. channel~, ur cnclosurc'~, or in cabJf~ aprroved for the purpose, ill' l)therwise SId tab;',' protected fro"l rned,,:ml':;ll cunl.actnr injury by pcr~;ons, tGois, er: nJ:\ 1.<' r i ;) I . F I X fUR ES l\N D UHH' HOLDEHS. ()f Section 41()"~)3 of lho NCe, l1ut f () 11 rM:'.: pane I fed f rOnl 5hal I be arranged " .', The; followintl p.-lrilqr,lph is aclded ilfter the fi rst paragraph bnf(.re the eXCEPTION, <;~lid new pari)'],'apn to read q'~ '., 130)(c<c" t/',.ed in flnor<, in bossos fnr cOndlli! (\ntry. HFCTRIC ~jPACE HEAliNG. The TOlI(l\;/ing l+21i-3 of th(\ NlC, 1,(J rC;l<.J dS foJ lows: direct l.ont.act with the (ldll.h, ~hall have threi'ld~:ti hub,;> or , pa'-,Hlrdphs an~ hereby added Imder SeGtion I :! .~ j 1 ".1 >. :"~ . .~ t.... 'ti.o,. ,..iliftl'" ((.) f':l dt~f.jj EO (f~ j" ,:tPJfl '\I"i '!f,< r i ;~_ 'I; 1! {.' h",~'.\~r'~;. ~lnd (:.untr~}I~. Sth.i~ i hr.~ fn'...L~J.I\'d. i "j. I: Iii f" ~ i',,; fiJfl fl." .,n \"i.~" 'l ~(, h(:'J"!'~i; t'" ;';:: /'!idJ! j'it' ~~"(,("';td~'t;H1~r~'~ b.~. ,:). CUiHI'\If'\c-' ~a',~:1 i I' c' ~i,~" ',!'l L,;~(':f~d en ~'~~~...v~'..!f~'), '-)r i>ip;,;1'l ~:'~.~I:-;:"f,~'S,. "11 df'~'lirinntr~d ('(tnd!~i:'.h").::l... ;I~ ~i...j' 1!';{; J'l,,~ },J~; r (~f Ip'\.ill",tt,'~1 i~~\'.il 1:1\,": '/l~\ i ,:':)tinrl ((~r :ld~u..~ted :yr.n,'l) ~~I- >f1,~',~ de ',' 'II ! ('1",'\ "I". i,I',l. .!. .:;lId '.h.dl ",!\I:d ',II. """.'i': ;', ,',d ".I"~~.,,J hUi:1tll),>~~ ,;:t .,,";'1'1 I t:.l ~.' 1,. I : h,re ;t:f.' j:'b.:lc:.d vol:,0':'!" i~;:, grer:lter 01- Ie""". !hd:~ :u: .- ~\.; :'0t~nq of r~-:.: l';;~\dtet :.d1dl f be; u:;()j in JtC.ter~nlrj;ng ~.~';( ::::,:t~ .A d_.,' t! S t eo ~; ;:1 r ; .,.~ (,:. t S' e '~\/ 1 C e \l (), ~ i.1 ~ e \ X' " ._..,_.M____..____~. rl1 ~.e':! Viii c ,~f~ J~: (Lot ;,e 1 Va 1 t,:rJ~'i ;'!I\c' de'11i:lnd f3'; LC I'S 1'<"1' e 1 (~C t t- i (.. hea t ~, ,., ,!\\,cj,,'. ,~,r ,';)E'I.:1'lnq intermittently ,_ . . !'I"~ r ,-.1 I .:WJ, '1" ] : .1.', ; ".,) ~ of Un it~, 1 ? (jf t~he (~)t r\' i I:.e 'I\J 1 t <HIC, ,] n :1 d., '<~! C ~ un i '.~; ,3n (i \tIel t er he;:, t. ers hy indiJid'.Idi ther;T10&c:::' (C'I(': Ill;j; n? ;Oiea t pln;"'3-) :::e:1 r r(~i I j In2 y , he (.,onl- O(:;Jn;;'lnd lnn :; - 5" 6- 10 11.. ~'O 21 - 3~; 3(. - 60 61 100 Over,lOO s~) "}'i.J t'n 50 /10 35 30 ,I I" ',! U',:n f::,j sp,:('; h(~uter5 :l"Y r.e nhced on 1 circuit' ()r i.herm:')stnt. An~f hf:,":1~:- I",' In it d\.Jt:lI 'fJ:'; I'll':';:! .:It mo"" than 16';)0 W;lL:~ sh;;11 be \;dn::d !;Ol" not less than 230 ,,(,-:!'_ ~ -':/""'-:'1':;~' vd1e.re th~' 'Ie; I dQt; is ~~08u ,\iJ perrni:111ci,t!',' ,p,..;tolled electric heaters shall be rerm<1nently connectcdp .,dJ ["ini,:qn Lr~n"i1 ;:':',\lj~ cQndtl:::::or <.;i.~(' ~:,hdll he (0 amp t':~t'cd. (f~) Ft}<(~~d he ~ inn un, t ~hfJ11 nnl be u'ied fCH jdtl-::?:Ion., ~..olice h<)'\l.':e~"'", t<:-rjHindti(~11 " : ::'~?c (..~ "'"1>!, un 1 :~~. .Jp~~~'{~lVf~(! fr:lr :.~.;t~ i d pt:rpi:)-4"~e. ,C) H(::'Jt.el~~ t r ,ct'fr:'lt.'~nt ;q).:~rtt~lcn~,\:; ri" '~lcc~.pan,~-i'~."s ~~ha'l n-,:d: be cor:nected tc 1h(~ ':,~\n';~~ l t Ll:; t' 0 f'il)'IOi;; f\!'U C~:;iJTROLU:~::,. lhe rollow;r\(l p;:lr<~ql<f";'l'; are h(:r("h~, added to Section 4:':('<ZS (, t" '~Llt~ N~~C ~,c re.:1d r'~'.; r I ~ i0'.;'i5: r,jt':'!len or balhru"ln vt"nt.iltdcwS of i/8th ~;P or les~,ma'l be instzl1led on ePher ,) ]In; \ ,,'r !0:f'pl;1-:'..;~:truit,.:md shall be cOdnted .1:, onf.'. outleL 0;) that circuit. In 1''''':;:<1(:,' :,,>1 <ype d\'jcl1in~IS. !/3 Hr. or ',;nl;11 \t~r fl!rr'.1cc r.lotors nkiY be connected t::G ,l l'\':~",):;.-.clc ci..,.-.lir'p;'! be counted as OOl':! IJut'jet c\f) t.h~ll circuit. 3;01':1. rhe f(.lh!\'Jin~l sub,,',e:.ticn is <1:lded In pliH.:e of existing Sub-section (b) of -c:.-,; ~'r1 (,Di:'l-21 "inri S':'ct: on 600..31 of i.hc NEe, tn r""1 J .;:1S follows: i~,} Iri~,uLd,i;'l :lnd S;;re. Cc'nY:.:~t{;r<, ~,h;; II :,(~. of a type 'l!'pr'Nf~d for thL pdrpOr,e 2nd for the vol ulge of the :,.ir, ".t, <HId ',h,)]! n ,I :,(. <;.\i;,llpi' 'h,lll /112. ,:,1 I ;;::'.;ncr,"j,)1 I'dddinq:; :.hall 1,,1Vd;) <""P,:\Lljt. ";9Tl .~ir,cu;t n~l to elf 1 ;j,:ces~,iblo p; ,; : :"j; the I'rC:',lr oi ',:',!ch inrlividu;:]1 uCc;up<lncy lc~I'\ n;Hing on the ei'tel'ior of the bui Id- In 1,r ~Jn ~PPICl\!~.\d IT;)r;nero i'"I) 1~i.lNG MfTHODo The follmvinq p<.,ragraphs ,Fe <lrJded to Sect.ion }25-11 of the UEC. t.o (~I '.. l' '~f 11 C'~~iS : ::~(',!"'~ r;,'ntt"lll, l(lw Pl1crqy and <,iJn c;i'cuil, f','sidential-typc ucc,:uP.JI1C,Y, (exclUtl~~' ~;"t'i p;~' i.,t :lnd .]](\/h,-II circuits). All conduc:t(,,' in'.ul;d.ion ~h,:1l1 be 150 volt-type 11'1"1 :; 'ii' ,,'f' ;;' .;ll'pr(,v\~d lnltJ volti1ge c"bleQ Conductors ~,1!;:1I J hI" fl18 or ];)I'ger cHId shali !'t: :;l,j~":': iil h,.ies ~'ort>d lhrclliqh joist or studs or stl'f,)f\g-ba,_ks anu they shall be f.3~~ened w'; j"r; ::/L rinqs (i( ':1!Ji",rnved staples. :.!.d ::ch 1'0::<", ~,h;,J I tie pl~lced <.It all $wi tch out lets. A miniiilum of 4" ~;ltUiJre Ol.i:l..~, }',:JX02,', '.h'li' t,u u'I',d ,! ,dl n'lclY locations and rC];"l<; sh,)ll be IW;i,allecl so rhat the'I.:", lot ' ';. ; \t/J!, hI d, " i' 'p,' , i II \I i h (:', h 1I i I d j n Cj fin i ~:; h . ir"'l',{O!l;,..; 'iI,; i;,,'l;iy LO.',:')lioll'lv Tr,-Hl';fonncr-:" sh;)ll L,e I(,!(;:llcd in ..lc\.:e5s;bL~ \,)':"';'1- : 11);;',.:;-:1 ".h,dl not \,' il')',;,1I1p.d in ,11/ ic'~, except lilldcl' the folluwinq condi i.iuns: r C' '".'. I f th,~ '~ . , . : ,< \I '! i! J .';; 1,. ','Ill (,: I hl' " i'i !JF' lit. ':!,,(', I, d:i',..,! p,if j'i ; ~'l C.' '; i i J, ',:, ~ .: l~ 1 'j \_ n! d' f ~ " ; it . \1'" 1,,\ ~ II' 1 :, n 2" 1 ,~i 'f 1;1 L i Cn (, 'j l~ r ~ ,1 ; 1; ~ I j f\ , :i 1 'j j I , I J ~ :1 ~ \, 1'- r', :,;)f'; i , I :1! , r ',Jt .,~ i .-lit; ~!I' ,leI ..i i ~~,,",~,\'l'( I .:n " Dnn:! 1(\ t i ;~' nc I It! ;'~l',.'", ('h;.~ : f"."Hl<C}! ..._~j'mpr' r(),>\~~' 1 fJ J,H~:'r~,i l.lf;d to :',: (; !.1'~:~, 1\",~" \; ,!: ")!, f t 1 "Hli.. fut ~!v.,;.rs j"<i..': ':, bi,} ; n.... ; ,-\ ~~('" rilinn:"c 1~"",:1 ~ ;Of'~~ th.' b<.,' ~f;..~;dt"r.~:-\.jr (q dtl l!"p~'u'J'll 10....111;';:11 \.i!~ 1.-..(}l;'-.lr~r't;,,:;~~, cnr,n~;:.~r(;r ,in..! ~plj(:,(,;, ~fhlll t).} t.-wcd. iiLLV:i ':,hall f\,l' b,,; 1:,::'\,:lll-:::d "~'...0"ssed f ~),.t.u~ e unle')'.;) ~~uc!" j ixtu;-t~~ ;;~~ Clppr('\\/!~~(! for r~:;~>,/ ,~ c- <" I, SUSANNE E. STEI~IETZ. City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 1412 i s an orl g i na I resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of November , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this , 19~. 5th day of November / '-Jl)" . /' City Clerk of