Resolution 1228 . WJML:JS:amf 1-25-68 10C RESOLUT:ON NO. 1228 A RESOLUTION ORDERING ELIMINATION OF CERTAIN WOlli< AND THE REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT NO.2 LUCHESSA AVENUE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 1967-2 RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Gilroy, California, that WHEREAS, said Council has undertaken proceedings pursuant to Resolution No. 1139 of Preliminary Determination and of Intention adopted by this Council on September 5, 1967, as sub- sequently amended, for the acquisition and construction of certain improvements more particularly described therein; WHEREAS, the owners of the property represented by Assessment No.2 in said proceedings has requested in writing that the spur track to be constructed therein be eliminated from the improvements to be made. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, as follows: 1. That the construction of the spur track more particularly described in said Resolution of Preliminary Determination and of Intention be elimina~ed from said proceedings. 2. That Assessment No.2 in the original amount of $49,753.21, be, and it is he~eby, ordered reduced to Q38,121.2l. 3. That the total assessment be reduced from $287,492.11 to $275,860.11. 4. The Enginee~ of Work is hereby directed to make the changes either on the face of the Engineer's Report, or by filing an amendment thereto. * * * * * * * * * * * * * /)28