Resolution 1255 ,. RESOLUTION NO. 125~ RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY URGING LOCAL VOTERS TO SUPPORT AND VOTE "YES" ON THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE SOUTH SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT WITH THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER DISTRICT, SET FOR ELECTION ON TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1968. WHEREAS, the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District has been designated as the agency to contract for imported water in the total county; and WHEREAS, under the legislation permitting consolidation the South County is guaranteed representation on the Board of Directors, new projects can be paid for either by a South County zone or a consolidated zone, and there are options on methods of taxing; and WHEREAS, we must be a part of the county-wide agency so we can contribute to policy-making decisions on the establishment of zones, the type of taxing and to assure the South County its fair share of imported water at equitable prices; and representation on the consolidated board will be more effective than an independent board; and WHEREAS, an independent duplicating agency will only lead to confusion and increased costs; and WHEREAS, such a consolidation will provide the vehicle for a future county-wide tax equalization that could substantially reduce the South County.s current water conservation tax; and WHEREAS, a county-wide agency can provide coordinated planning -1- I ~ j:J on water management, which will allow the consolidated use of existing engineering and administrative services on a county-wide basis; and WHEREAS, a greater flexibility will be provided under consoli- dation in taxation and water der.and services. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Gilroy urges all local voters to support and vote in favor of this consolidation at the election on Tuesday, April 30, 1968, and further urges that all local voters take an active interest in this important issue and vote nex t Tuesday. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Gilroy, State of California, this 25th day of April, 1968. NOES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: All emand,Kennedy ,5 i I va ,Quart i ro 1 i , Wentworth, and Goodrich. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AYES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin APPROVED: ATTEST: ///~d~~,,-c~-~;' MAYOR 6i<<Jt>>md t ~ .' Ci ty Clerk f I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 125~ is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a spec i a 1 ;ftit/Y;J; meeting of said Council held on the 25th day of Aoril , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 25th day of Apr i I , 19~. RESOLUTION NO. 1256 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE CONTn.,A CT P1i:OVIDI,:(1 P'OR PAnTleI ~}1\ TrO.N IN PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' HETIF@1El;,'T SYSTE){ w"!IEREAS J the Public Employees' Retirement Law permits the participation of public agencies in the Public Employees t Retirement System, making their em- ployees mem.bers of said System, and sets forth the procedure by which participation may be accon~li3hed; and W1;I~ttE;AS , one of the steps r~quired in tl18 procedure is the adoption by the Govern- ing Body of the Public Agency of a resolution giving notice of intention to approve a contract for such participation between said GoverningBo~ .::lrid the Retirement System Board 01' Administration, which resolution shall contain a summary of the llUijor provisions of the proposed retirement plan; and 1...1fJEPEAS, ~ttached is a summary of the major prOVisions of the proposed plan; NQI,Il, THi'?rH~F'C'1,B, BE IT RESOLVED, that the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF GILROY gives, and it does l'sreb;z!' give notice of intention to approve a contract between said CIn COUNCIL and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' RRtirement System, proViding for participation of said CITY OF GILROY in 5u.id Ctetircln.ent System, a COP! of said contract and Ii copy of the summary of tile major ?rovis10na of the proposed plan being attached hereto, marked tlF.xhibits A, B, and Cft respectively, and by this reference made a part hereof. CITY COUNCIL OF THE CrTl OF GIlIl"WY ... b~'" ----;7;7 ~~;K~/J''- // , ..~ ...-4 BY /S/ NORMAN B. GOODRICH (Name) ATT~ f /Zlj t-Wt21U"u ~ . :;zjJ ;;~ . /s/ SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ__ 0 City Clerk Ma10r 'ii tIe J April 25, 1968 (Date adopted and approved) Ret. Form. 122 KQIIBIT A ,j;; ,,} of thtl ',f'( rti.efil t.r) l:~ N'iJt~n'r~id t.o .an etl:r'f!ment 11('1\1."!S t in 't I",. f~ce ~{7i:.";:,.:1::(t ~"rl. " ". . ;,; ..'~ ,~ .. ~~rl t-h~~ "'tlbl'ic _...-..__' 19-, ,,;,a.kin€: 5"tfi 01'11;,:.101008 ;{;<';'rli)C,ra of t'l~;c~dZ"lsterll l'iuhject t1J fill pI'C- L.aw such .as for ~;~i:H\ct'e(i e~:(.cor,t (;11: \\",:~ !~'kOr18 (! ( f" ~~.{1 "al1 b';H:.'A,A'ib '7;,r)t~;rj(:~~",B of s-!ll{l I:-~~1it,l (;f,~c;t1 gUCf'j, :'~," :'iNl lQi.lI ':'1" . ~'f; u. t~:~'l~sHl ( 1:'," t/' fl,~'t lQli,cal ,~J, ,I' ot.~: j j , . H) lj" c ~:,~rl ~:}k1 \ '~{'; ,;:'lSitj;.."t,\>~j. ti' ~,;~) 1(?;<.:t11 t~,5:.:'fe r;~f.1~ ;' be:r~ } ; .. , 1, r~-ln ,': ,:tJfrr ( t~i"; t;~~.t n r-~J to ltli nft l)lJG ;'~",~f' ,..'{,,: .:' ) .. "".~ .J;JC1-.... ll't ':;'i..tlll1. ~:~): e '1<1.~ded. X':r{'~~,';';:~ J,,' t')~li(l :_fit>>,f V";." I h.. 'i1S(~l,f; to\;{$ lcc(~l H6- qt, -+ " ~ 12{)-1 ;)(U't':rc".ndt.1r. ~1.'h11t. ():f tilili it:1l;\3~ts ~O t,h~) t~eew'll..tlat.(;Wl (;o;ttrHmttcme (pl"U':l int,~rf7gt tLereoo) und$'l" loc.t\l shall be C:,,&>ditCIJ ~ccQunt {Jf' t".H::!'; :'Such nnrjeX' 'the "ptl "U'" for h[)()tl Nlti J'0m,'i n t "'. t, !ILS .. '1/""'\ l.,,() J~_ ~"!~v lIt t.h of .. frttc'Uoti of cr~dlt.oo 3#Mlcllii 'l...."'...'.'.. 'il, € ,l,()J.e Q .... H (,f ,,,:to, .,of ::;.. fQr ;:tacn nt det,l;fl"idnoo in tlccord- t;;(:,,;<;l-e!'s t.1DVIOf'&'s umior 2'12:;2. of ttJ hilt t,!'ovit;uu 1:i<,<;b.,u' 8hall be bi', ror wLth j'ract,lon t'inel C(WitHP;'Cl:);t,ion CN)~1t(jK'i $fli!"!,(;~ QS a locul Hnc.., l.3ection ~?12S2' .1.1 ~~:oclal :lr. LAi!.w. :!t\~rvicEl 11 l~ "dsCiJellaneOius .fr~etionf.)f .)lu"a~"EiDti 5 ~f I. lOt:al -: r'J a~eord~-neevitJ~ :&J'!'J lact"l ssj'oty rDT to '''1.'' r' '} i:. -I!.c;:;,., me(\(bl;r'~ iJle or thfl fracti,on E:<~t,Hbli8hiTJ:ci 6; provi.d~dJ hOWti~'~1"', .\H; t+{i oo1'.h tilisC'tlll~.YH.1S g~j,d fr$i.ction fltnl1 be rOOl.lood by Ofi~-third !t'.ont.h lln~l ()Oi;!liiOO!i~tlon Qf ~,$ eov~rOO by lad~ral :k>cial $ool"ri ty i\:lr ull or not th,n e{~rvice 16 j . <3. jHlr;)O~ee ot' UH:l , 'Jo'I(Clrnrlani: CO{l~~J ",llcrw$J.i1c13$ for to th~ fled c<:mt:C'iict. {, II ether tn ~^~, i:~ n of r'0' t t.!"" '-'-~r.t rlt3','" ~t, 1";;" :"t. ~l. (j:r~ to '?lotions :"lnid Si8cti OTIS 1.:,t~,i!'i r01r:t,ta tq s',eb bt:: s (.;,,~- 9.. l'\!ja;.,~'~cti v~,ly, ~:i3 I'!;\.:CL l(YJ;, tlf the :;0(;141\1 ;;i~(lt.iofl3 ~')("Jl ~j,.;j k,.i1aii'. ';~h~'~ n~: ad.,jitiml{.l only · 'i3t; r(j'ri~int a cGntf'.~ictinGj, aJI!'fJ;.\>::;y ~i)'}ly 10. J:?:.1."~~J f'" I- "'.1"".1 t , wt. 126-2 11. 62. .~Jl (defin ! t., U:)il' or~ ~ t}~ASj.t.'4 t,!. I'f,rtirfiff,l$nt. k,11oiit\\lctll c. j~ction 21)6'( .51 ). tU,;JOl1 Cf;;..ttoih ).j ~j . ;,~;'l tlo,~'~, lilia t. .:;r,.rt...1..0', .l.~ q!, f~lator}. e. 21.36>_:; (provin:i.n; b~ ll~rit, l' or c(!'frt.i'j, 1 n. ll\'ll!l(,t ".1:"'1'.$1." q).\al.;U'71r~ ;;aaie in e"vlcq- f. t~f),l'" t,.t~&, t tbf1 rt:! te ~J,i.'e ''";,H-tl''"',;'. Ot;i. tie fl th~ l.(}c<~l ~.~-[(il,i 'locf.tl f;~~~'Bte~i}. 2Of~o5. 5 fDmplQ;r~~swho be based on Wl& r(; :i: l:1'i;tJ'ar'ti t~t i,\;"'; tho.se ~::.. 21.301.5 {prc}vi;ing Loc~l Reti T'f;lC;,C,\t 1 t"6 1",0 j pt'cvld*it{\ in Q tilfi'~.~ib6'r or" z~fJ.,:l ~J. $uJL~'V:i. co as a ;~'~1,r.;)'f\t)e,r t.ho effect'k VG da~ of this Ute bal1l!ic death airy ~{~ll~r mo ...'1'l$ Bh~ll .,et,; ~J.~ l'ol1t,)'W9: bu.tf)' to a. l"'(,;tipee t tc> :x,iSCfj ~ ltJmt1;;;1IS tilt; fcllowint'! p"Jt>cer.. ssid. t th~ c:1t;{ S;,1;.\ll (~{;f'.tr1blJ,te as mlset~lUi,lti<)us ( 1 ) J. 3;)0 p~r~tint priQr to j(), 19JU on aC'j(')""'t~t 19$15 0.361 P'G'ri.':ent iU,())O 'Of al,~et$ t,.Q Ul~ <8Ji.wnl;. such t,ra1ls.t"~l'l~ the l;l$l.lJi.U t;,/' l;.otal .I1llAl.:H'l.cf:J to t.he of u.)($$~n f,U',~6tS 6xoeo\;. the Ji,!.J.i~lf;>c (2) .fQ~" CLi,CI"(jnt. rt;i!e.!_-v~ict;) t:.j~,~t O:_'~ a,L't-(i~tn_t b. ::.-it.;}" eo f.tr.i.bt.tfi tho e,1:\l lO(~5,l to lO(lt.ll "tt;).r>J).;j1!,~r,) Q r ~}ald ) 5.922 p~rcent nnhl 30, em ,,uwm.mt (Jf prior sel"Vic(j ll(jr!8rits 10$$ 0..369 p~);"'cont D\:lid to r~f,bet"8 Hach l.J, <lCX) of 8.ilHiut3 1;.r&n.~f~rrud to the tJ'J.ullc S::;;;plO:Y~H.13' >;rl:d:'f"l~l.:nt ,5j,LOlll. to tho I1Ixt~nt ~ucb 'l:.rSil,na- fi:lTNd at'l&uats eJ(o$ed th(~ a(Hiu';"lUl""tetJ loc~ll.l ;;f;;itA;i: Cft tr.r. U;,dep l~. F.at. . '''l.f. ... ..A, c>- .:> f"') "IC ~) .790 L'~)n~ri t5. on j,~C';7(hlIYt \:.h(l li,!'hbilit,y c",rrent lth'H"V.lCt;l c. fA N~~()nable $.Ill(),mt paj;' a:rs fix!'td to G0VfJr the COtits of lH.hri1nit'lt~rj,nit: l1Isid ns it ./A1'fc"ct,8 t.ht~ t;l:l',;plo;rwi~s or ilub11c ArJ'!U'lCJT, not the C-,,}sts of ~)<i'tc:l~l\l'4\'L.bt.lon$ or the iJ\n:'ioo- itt~llnvest:'i.iat.ious ~L.,j tion rveq,;\l:r\\ld tit law"Jl"t"ivide<l t..hat l~l"',OU(:t shall be det,\::n\'lir~ed ':1;, at the nut..ber 01: a1ft~ploy(~s Public who liH";': on a ptl.)'T(Jll toO be d~Siif,n&tm; h;." th1s CO\l~r:l G,1e !a{:::nth ()f each )'elAf', or wi t11 resp*:tct. to the rix'l!!!t Y J\,' ;^';;(!'ttcl,,,,,ti,on, ,;Jin thtl e.ff(!jct.iw date or p~~Ttiei!J~t,ton. d. "r'l!uis(ln~,bl~ nl'~c:mnt ts i:x:~d the Bo~u.'d, ~)t'd41bl~ in {)n~ i,..~tall:t;ent J"lt.!l the oocfiI,l'liol'lfl J$rif,!(l:, t,~~ {:C'V(;tl" (;cste vf s;')(ilcial v~lluat1.on~i ()n JM~er/'mt of (W,lplo,y~e!lOr h~blic !;HfA? costs of t.bf) ;eriod1<:tQl ar'ld v:,r;,l ;aticm Utw. 12. C1'mtr:tbuU(m~ t"EH:m1.red of ;, p"enc:f s.nd i ts ~;h{~11 00 r;.ub.. J!J\ct/ to ~,dju8tr!'lent by El.oerd on 1)[ s to ths,'ublio l~~plo~"s' H~tj,r~t'4(;:Hlt LS'lll',!:1.! on IliGC0\..nt, c>>f the oxp.erionce u!<.(;er the Hetir~nt :3ystem, as dfljt-~r!'!ni()(ftd thtl I')(,:riodicul invuf~tiiifat,ior.and v$ll\.l.!!tlon l'j.qIJ,irec~ byU,ti!'~ii)fm,t l..aw. 13. Contrlbutior.s "qd!"&:: of ;;l:,r:oct Ei.mploY\iH,,~ $hall be "'u.blic ,llgency to. tho ;::;y~tf.i}ll. '.4ith.1n ttl1.l"'ty da'y~s after the end nf the period 1:'0 H'hlc.h contr:l.butiol:t3 r.ei'&r. If :r,01''O or 1(;}5~l than t.h.~ Ctn"r'ftct &,;",'Ount ::)! c<H1tribut,iQl1s is paid for anY' t~Jroper a,iji1stm~r!t t1h~11 tM:id~ in eot;n~et.ton vith ~ubaeqlJ.~nt Nt.dtt~.ane@$, or adju~trr;errtct! on ::.~(,~count errors in c,mtribnt1cms~;- G'd,reQ of' a.n"v ~plOl~ direct cub. pa}'lilents b41it.we$o t,h~ elltployae tlnd fl';)&i'd. to rimy be U!~ form dr~fta, c6rtifi~ rh(}ck.5t." ~tw:y Q.rttl.or-s, or e:x5h. ~i tm,,;('i', OUl" this or . n J1 _ fill. L \y 'f "hl11~. ;~.. r~~1'1ne, f~X&C~ttiV6 orfiee-r f$'l i>r~8iding Officer I,jl })";" , ';\, {, t't.est ~ C~~r'lt . , ;i.ct. 126-4 Ei'JlIBIT B Cy :J.AJ(;H).ROVltnm~ 1/90-1/60 at 60,;'etire~nt Proi7an1 u;)cal 'Llti'H:~enar'.i)QU5 H~:l'.j'\ber5 r~1~;n1 r~i"t.~:; ~.:~ ..............,~........,-- '1enbe:rshi'J is 'JoT1;mlsory for all em/)lo:~(~s) other tI:,an aleettll'l oft:loials, who tn~" ,,1'~,~-ht\.lf t:t:!!& or more except those exclllded t),nder t.hii) c()t'l't,rnct,,, ~1 ;.1 "(1i;,-:;'! ;'~'~,;\~ 't ~'1arHe8t, ratire~nt eonoul::'lo:t":\t l"etlnlme:;t."~a 1s ai:t<B, ano 10, ;)",;1/' CkXl he llU)l'E th,an ,2 t t,n i n"r:1 ace is ; the normal l"'eti rement 4.'6 13 60; land t.he 70. fl0 ~Jlolec ffIllY retire any time betwoen these n1:6Gt:.l the !"(;q,;.iNlllll1nt.s thDt he either ha.ve ct,,;t;r:i.butior~f:, "1" 20 o! service, or hliJ\,re ntirement agv fU. .- - oi. g(~r";;.J t.;~~ a,,;e 60, too Ul1l'il{J(hfil1.'td ',iP to and 1ncl'i,t.i.t'lf! q(j) us is ...0 CXC(~f!;;'; 0.1' '. UJ\), "'''''tr'!lP'''' ".'co,,, t., +C'(' I,'... V . ,;. ~ "",..! Q:"_,, v ",,:r..J , ~~ ;,,~ r.:r,~ inOl"c't.aoo ~ctuarislly li.f{t_~ ~. ;,atl ~'\).~V~; .... the ?erot~\lt,I1J:;'(:;l8 . ('~c'r! '.lsed. allQlA'anc€~ 1s 1/9'",) that porf..ion '(leI" toonth &,(1(1 1/60 that ;JOrtlon tor €lad, .'r"f!tZlr of t.(-)d serv-ice. f)i" ~trirlS:1., CCl-"~P{,c.j{l3t~tiorlf1 At no" L of t'final {',." of tI fintll C!' rt!t:'l J'f:lrlf)I' t. ~-Ip to 3 s(e of flfl but, oot t~~l{'Hld. Ii' c~>,1lpsrw~tionll for (~e!,ch ret,j.reI"1HCit "- ~" r~I rc~ t~) f ;tt~$) t~i ~ ..', . ~,,-,I;, ~-.' :J ')~:,d that o:f' t.htrf'e(~ f~7') "G{~C:_~, .1. \t<t;J C?"f'(;t'~L'1.;:tLE!' e-:: ;:,- it l;ri,n~tr' :;3" :,,''i;). ( " -,.-,.A.. J;;,. r(1.t1 if)~ . :)J ;,hU" iJ,,:m t.h is cOHrpul.(J{)r-S' r.~;~~t~,i]""f*';tt(j".:t \~,;)'l ~~-i'th t'~I~Ht:l (J.{ Bt::I~vtce. . ~ f'h H~',"i,r',.~'~ n"," :,.06" or u:":-{):~ t"'etirl.;tr:^,itHrt" t ,!':\r'G r\I.~~tirJ,Jr~I"I~{ '~-'r'r~-\~;~;; :-~;hT ~ J'M,.'.' h@ 13lir:ible for c(:ntribut..i.otlt5, or - extent that he ~.8 incc;'}able of lity ":;tLrolficmt provided htl hae at ;.:tt l(} of aer,,..iCt3. ~'r;'t} -""'~:'1t:., },n "vlfiloyee duties sball .p ~" ret,irHmlllnt allowa.nce is 1.5{)5~ of llfinal cornewsfl.tionl! If'i th ~ r-iH'.il"'8ntee on~...third oi.' (;r'i, have render(1d at lfJB,st 10 y!~,u." of SeMflce. 't.1'it1 shall under n.o eirculMt~nces +~)'.;cf~ed trHl w'~F",l(~n r~,~ , . 'Mtif'€!1'!j''!!1t for !\ler"\rioe at 60. Cor each service" for Il'l'()S t ~nlplO;/E.'H:lS llf:O retir~m,t allol/laHlce ~{it llt. ,J.')on or of a refund plus an ~ld.. for six tional thG d~B.tllo.'$i1tl,fit., wt,~r6 dea~l ?~(:';('s, 1.'ei'Qr~. r';\1tir6m~mtJ consi::,~ r'lt":t).7,:,IS accutaulatt')'J G')i.lt.r:dJu1::-l.0l'lS l.:..m::lu<u.ng l.rrt(;}re:Jt ~rneQ). l:'fmef':lt aq:tal 'to six V,IOlltbs t $?Lla!'J""'~H;~rc hn ba,n be.en ~~. t~"'tOt'3f: ~,:Lf1 tL;tl(~ '<'on a 1~tB.::ill;;;>i:1l io:r ..:", ont:' mn:1t.il i :3 for ftlfich (If ,....;,"" . ,<,t T':v:rr <0: . , tH. bemd'it If ,'at" lC'OCW"6 after t'jjl;..il',rilR.ilflt <t\ I'lW,l ()J: l,nil b^~ p.ii:l.d. Ihia (:~11oun1~ .'i!.Jdltion to a:n:t b~mGfits wn1ch tn8:f be p..lid. ~'rom ~}ocial ;~cul.ity or al"t:i "tiler. mif:;ht 06 llu,jde ut"y,$er an o,t1onul rtrt.irliu,'W;;t benefit ChtiSfHt by the t h:L~ ,"(>1:, "'o~ ~9S1- S'jl'1V 1. V f};{ (~::~: '4 f:~~. 'L I~ rr .' ;""" _...."'*......,..-...,'...,.~-..-:..., F.m.ployQ&8 i,;he have at least;; Jears of service anti. who are at 1r;)&ot age 5S have i'urt,her dlfJath prut'l:\ction under the 19>'( Survivor Program. 3hol.l,ld such an $i'tlployee ,)/'<'l 1"'i'Jt"1:"0i"lent, tiin :.;urvivinc w'"iOO\4 lr.a.{ elect to J:"j(miVB eithtiI' the b&sic death bC"Mfi t or a 'f1\(fl'lthly inco'l. eq\.lal to one-half ttVih ,..n!ilOdil1ed ratir~;ltf1ent :cCJ the h1fi1lo.ree WAY eligible for on t,be dt;;.tlit of t)it; dea:l~h. fhe monthl,y income :is pf.l}rable u~1tiltho wi<1ow.s d0ath or remarri&ge with a gU&rfHlt.ee that she will rect?,cive at least 3S m,wh M3 she would have rt"ceived under the basie d~a.th benefit. 1;::1'" "(to ( of f:<m;Jlo;rrlJdnt, an E'l') thGI' l(j~ve his contributions "n t,h theJ2tar..,'ar: and 1"0061'11'8, upon attaining retir6wmt age, the ret;ur''ebl$nt benefit he has f~&.!'naciJ or ',e I1tay wt thdraw h16 c(!nt.'r'lbutions (plws interest), thus wrm1net.. in? his lfit'lmbere.!'tJ.p in t~he System and l'''~ctdving (:0 r~tir'6me1!nt 'b;<;;net'it. gxcept, (l) a m1!m'lber' ~d t!'~'5O() or lass in 3cow""tlat.c,d coni,.ribi.l.tioHS and less than 2() years .........., of t~~rv:t';;,e not t:liVto"! telt?- privihge of l~aving hit'! contributions with the System, but. t!lhe.l1 fn"t.r.>1~Hc~~lly nHve Ms c'.:ntributions, plus intsreet" refunded upon termine-- tio''! of ilmrploYittfHlt" and. ((Ii a mel'!l.ber ...1,0 1/,; Lo 6mPlo;;{f,I>.',mt with anothf,r agen.C3t 'ffflhlch is \i.::b,;er-the ~r.::,r<,:l ;1f:Jt nave t,i"l.c rli;;nt of W'~ltb.drawi,n~~' hiE! 8t~cumulat..,eQ t;'nJ't:rlbl~tioll:'. E{~,~'j Ii) '~fA,~: t= ..=;, " : \',~;: ;,.:'1; · T T, ;' "(~ ....- PlI"" ..~~"""....~,.. l',nch fr~l"l.b'i,l' H~h;.elll tfi.ont.ni.1 cotrluutions t,') the S,rsten which are d~1J.ct.ed trc~ij, hie 81:\181'1. 'the rU.'lA!'l of c n,'\:.:t'.U:It:.t,ion (per{~I,;,nt.a'"E' of i}-,j) u~,(mda upon .) membel..ts sex and ap:e \ n':lar015t blrtrHial) on tile tW La of a t(~ulbo:t' f.ln,j ,"',;;1'io$ tron a !!,,in:i.m":Jri of ~;.3'l:4' to !~ naXin1l.ll11 them 11.2S},. ~P\-:~1) contributes triG of' tt'lO rieflet'-its. ~r'i1a BrnQUI'lt cnnr.ibuted by the employer for current service b~merit8 will, on the il'V'QragEt exceed the l~(}8t to the 8'Illployee. In f.\ddition, the eY.'l~plo'yGr baal'S t,be fmti.re coot of prior service benefits. tiution r,;;,tos aro to r",JvJ.si.on the G,C 1."~ ~~ ~U tl<Hl. EXHIBIT C 6l.11Wif at MAJOR .PROVDIOIS LOOAL ~ ~ .. MODD"DD ome...BAU PAY A'l 55 ~ PROOlWt MilMIPSW Membership ia COIIp\ll$Ol"lt01: all ~lcye.$, other than elected off1cials 1 who are emplo~d OM...b&lt time or more except tho" Et.X.Olud$d W'.ld.er tile contract. 81JlVlCl Rl'fI:R1l1MlHT 4i*1 ltl '1he earlieat ret1reMnt age is 55; the oonmlretirement . 18 55; $n4 the cOlrJilul8Or.Y retirement . 18 65. A local .atetJ _bel' may ret1J:te any t1M after aee 55, provided he e1....r baa $;rJO of accumulated contributions, or hasatta1M4 tbe eoapulao17 reti,...nt qe of 65. - 'fbe montblyineome 1$ detel'ldned by .. at ret1remtJnt 1 ye&r8 of eredl ted "nlce and "final ~I18..tlon tl .. !be latter term aeana tbe &~ w:mthly' wary <uelu41l11 own1.) dur1ne; the 36 consecutive bl~t pa1d montb8. 'De basie benefit formula 18 4_ipd to p:roT14e an . 55 allovanee eq"at to ~ of "final ~t1on" for all who enter safety service at ... 35 or un4er &l'14 eon- tl.Dua to be 80 ear.ployed until ep 55. In 01'der to coorcU_te the benefits trom the Stato By.tea wi t.h _.ft t. tr<<A Social SeCu:nt1, the law provides \bat the portion ot \be St.ate System 'benefit wb1eh relates to the f1rat ~ of mont.bly aal.a1'7 Will be tvo..:t1l1rd; of the full tonr&u.la \11th the Ml formula sovemine; that portion of 'tbe benefit wbieb 18 ....ned by tbe exeesa ot flfinal ~_'tlonlf ove);" ~~4 Ma'tbematlQeJ.ly this is eu.etl)" 'tbe see as thoUSb.. the.~ subJect to retirement. went reduced by $t33..33 for ~ _Biber earning $4tJO a month or more.. "fine]. ~tton tl 1& average monthly w8.'rY (full t1me rate) earned during that period of three ~ut1 ve years or hiabest eaming., excludln,s overtime compensation. A m,:"d.. aenice ret:l.rement allovance of *,0.00 per month is ~teed upon c01'I1pul8Ol7 "tl~t with cndit fo.r prior aerv1ce. or u.porl retireMnt at~.. 6; vi th twentl' years of senice. Dt~rn ~ An ..,101. 'becc:a1ns 4iabled to t.1le extent. that .. 1. 1ncapol.e of ;perform... ins: hi. 4ut1.. ahall be retired for d1...b11ity. ma cU..ablU'tl w1U . either ElIIplo)'tMnt ~eted (in4W!J'tnal 41..'0111 ty) or otbl!t"is. (uonindwttr1al. 41aab111 ty ). An ...~ .wbo OeCCliII'es dlsa.ble4 while a. _Der of this S7aterl for ~n. &:r1s11l1 out of h1. _plo~t.t vill be eligible tor a lite i~ of tlfty (~) ~t of hl. flul eeapeuat.ton. If bie d1$.b11i~ 1s such tbat. he ia &180 entit.led to a diMbi1lt)" 1DCOtle from Social Seeur1't7, tbe state ayatem benefit will be :reduced. by 'the amount of bis Social Security benetit. An 81>101. becoa1ns <U._1#1 for reuons not eonnecte4 with hi. em1'10)1l181\t abaU 'be e1iClb1. tor d1aalt111 ty retlrcent pl'OV14e4 he bas at lout $;':0 of accumulated convibuticm8 01" at leut 10 year. of "nlce; auch .us0111ty allow.. Me. is equal to 1. '~.of flWll cOJIlpOnaatloll fOfl each :/fI&l" ot_mee, w1 th &\ guarantee of 1/3 of .u.eh final eorapenetion tor moat -.;.10yee8 who have ret1dered at le...t 10 year. of service. !'he fford.1nary\' 41Mb!11ty ret.t.....nt allowance shall under no oireUl'D8ta.neea exceed the Hntee retl~ aUOlftmCe which would beeou payable at __ 55 it employment could be continued to that .... p,1AfJl ~6 ~th _tOnt. .tl~nt Ilui.c JMth ..,1t This benefit 18 a refund of the ~rt. aoCNllUlated , cOatrlbUtlou :pl\\8 six months t ular:7 p.l"OV14e4 _bas been a IiHllllber for six 1"1"8 or more. Por ~ who di. betoJ'e ooa'I;Ple\lna siX 7ftal". of ~1I>, the be:aefi t 11 one I1'IOnth'. aala.ry far .-h Jeer of ...-raMp, plws ref'un4 of eoAtnb\a'tlona. !'be M1.Ar1 Nte:r're4 to 1. that earned 4ur1l1i the year pntee41ftS 4Mtb. Prior _nice 4oe. not count toward Wa 'benef1t. In4uatri4'l.. J)n.th If death 18 sen1ce....connected. in the Judplent of the ID4u.atnal .. Accl4ent CcIu1a.1cm> &. aonth1.7 i~ 18 paiel to the widow tor 11f. (or uut11 ~...) instead of 'the above basic death llemd'i't. Br.rvevv, 1f she 18 &lao e1181ble for aurv1'f01" benet1 t. t:rcm Socla1 Secur1 t7 .CIllUM of t.ba 1lt8IIbel"'" <leath, tbe State a1a.. benefit Will be re<luee4 \)7 tM GIlOuu:t of aUGh Soelal Seeuri t7 80 tons u Social &Hun V bene1'1 ts are :pa;re:ble (usually un'til the ~.t ch114 Nac.. 18 an4 anal" the widow reac.s .. 62). !.be total, inclu41l1S Scelal secu:rl'ty, would _ m of "tinal ~ntlonlt. U death WM eaulMd by extenat violence or ph)"aical torce, the total benefit (lncludirc Social Security) would be UicNa8eCl to the f0110viug pereentsaaa of "tinal corrt;pttn'" satloctt $0 lons Wi the \lidow 11 ws and does not ~: W1dow with 3 or more cb11d:r>tr1 under 18 75~ Widow with 2 clUldnm under 18 704 Widow \lith 1. child under 18 62.~ l.~~ ~VC)r ...t1~ _la~8 with 5 or more years af servlce who have racbed the minimum ... tor service retirement have further death protection 'lander this item. .... the sun1 vtns w140w OM elect to rece1ve either the 'basic death benefit or a l'IODtbly in... ~ equal to one-l:uut of the unmodified ret1l"etDent eJ.lo~ the employee wase11sible f~ on the date of his death. '!'he month1.1 1nc<)lle lasts until the Wielow' s death or reme:rT1ege vi \11 8 ~tee tbat the System will ptJ':,fas much M under the basic death benefit. Death after Retireallent Li~ ' The death beefit is~. !his 1s in addition to aD1. reaa1n1nc t'talporary aMtU tylt 1utal..1Mnts and an.y benttfl t8 pa,yUle ~r Q option cho_n at 1"fIt1rement. ~OI OF ~ '<T)lr.~'" . .' . ..'. . --, '. '. . .. . . T Upon term1nat1on of .,l~tl &0 _p10," ..., eltbex> 10"Vie hi. contribut1t.mG with 'Uae System an4 :receive;. ~ attain1ft1 ntt1~Dt ..., tbI reti~t _net1 t he hu eune4, or he Ila1 wltJ:l4raw his contri'bu'\iona (plus ifttenn)" tbua teftl1ut... 1Df bia _bers1t1p in tbe Sya.. and n_1v1:c DO ret1:re111mt benefits. keept, (1. J a .....1' with $500 or 1... in accl.1llUlateci ccutr1butloma and wl \b lea. than 21) ~ara of ..me. aball not have the :grin1... of '1.e&v1_ hil contributious with the By.tea, but. shall autoalat1eal1.1baw i1M4...a."i4.l(.~t_~t~1 hl. eonV1buUon$ with the s,.tea, plus interest,refUDde4 upon tem1Mtua of ..lo~t. 8D4 (2) a _'bel" who ia t.:raD8t'errtnc to _p~nt. with .$DO.~ ~ which 18 cowre4 ~1" tbe 8;r.tera shall not have the l"llht of v1thdravina hi. accl.llNlated eontr1'butlcms. ~~0B8 I. It Jacb .....1' makes montbl1 contributions to the &)1Jt4a wbioh are 4eduoWf:rom bi. I&lar,y. !he rate of CODtn'butlon (pe:roentap of per) d..a tpon .. Illleliber'lS sa, .. at entry into the S'8tera and. aIlOwt of semoe prior to the CODtraet do.._. Such contribution., for IDle .,10;yee8, Ylth DO pr10r _n1ce, o~tly ~ troa a Ilin1sWI of 5.6"''' ot aalary to I!l ux111Ul1. of 12.73~ ot ~. !'be emplo1'8X' alllO contributes toward the coat of the benef1U. '!be amount. coavi buted b1 the .p10)'8r tor cu.nent aervice :retiftlleat 'bfm.ef1 te vill, on the ....r_, exceed. t.he coat to tbe ellplo,... In 8441. tlon, tbe -.101'V bear. the ent1re coat. of prlor Mm." benefita, tbe 1n4ustnal death and ti8&bil1t7 be.li ts . All eon:vibut.1on rates are subJect to revision by tbe Ioat'd ot Mmn1avation.