Resolution 1299 RESOLUTION NOo 1299 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY AUTHORIZING SALE OF A PARCEL OF CITY OWNED LAND TO DENNIS DE BELL AND CHARLOTTE DE BELL, HIS WIFE, FOR THE SUM OF EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE DOLLARS AND SIXTY THREE CENTS ($8,571.63). WHEREAS, Dennis DeBell and Charlotte DeBell, have at public auction offered to purchase from the City of Gilroy, a parcel of land, also known as Santa Clara County Assessor's Parcel No. 841-01-025, 1967- 68 Roll, belonging to the City and located within the City of Gilroy, in the cash amount of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Seventy One Dollars and Sixty Three cents ($8,571.63). Said parcel of land is more particu- larly described in the attached copy of the Deed of Conveyance proposed to be made by the City of Gilroy to Dennis DeBell and Charlotte DeBell, his wife, designated as "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, said parcel of land is serving no useful purpose to the City and is not required for any public use or purpose and notice of the proposed sale and terms thereof have been given by publication in the Gilroy Evening Dispatch, a newspaper published in the City of Gilroy, and Dennis DeBell appeared and made the highest money offer for said parcel of land at hearings held before the Council upon the advisability of selling said parcel of land and no one objected thereto and both parties desire and are ready now to conclude the said sale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES OLVED that the saj d City sell the said parcel of land hereinbefore specifically described to Dennis De Bell and Charlotte De Bell, his wife, for the sum of Eight Thousand Five Hundred Seventy One Dollars and Sixty Three Cents ($8,571.63) current lawful money of the United States and that a Deed of Conveyance in the form of the attached copy which is made a part of this Resolution be executed on be- half of the City of Gilroy by its Mayor and deposited in escrow with the necessary instructions to be delivered to the said purchaser upon the pay- ment of the purchase price. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of December, 1968, by the fo 11 owi ng vote: ) 2 qcr COUNCIL MEMBERS: Allemand, Duffin, Kennedy, Quartiroli, Silva, Wentworth, and Goodrich. AYES: - 1 - NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABS ENT: COUNCtL MEMBERS: None APPROVED: 'j/ ,0'// ~/ /!t^7;APtd11 ;(,/) a~~.. ,t:..._ Mayor ATTEST: - 2 - I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 1299 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Counc i 1 of the City of G i 1 r oy a t a regular meeting of said Council he 1 d on the 16th day of December , 19 ~ at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 19th , 196~. day of December ,,, J 'I? o ,', d, #1'l,(/ 'City Clerk of the City of Gilroy L.I -,~~'_lo*" -,,, 'J.. .~ RECORDING REQUESTED BY ~ 1-' L uR" a::. )( ~(;.;T GY 3EJ7 SOLL ~' ,t" ..-- AND WHItN "ll n"llfO "''''" Tn N_",. 1--- Mr. and Mrs. Dellll) s Ilelln 11 4~;4 Santa Tllnrns;J Jlrlve (;i1roy, C:lI i Inrl1in ~):)()20 l 5t,.., .-dd,... eil. .. Slot' L_ _J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAil T.A.X ,'AlIMHH~ TO l 1'- Nome Street AddrCII (it., & Sto'. same as above I none r<~orporation Grant Deed lHIII I"ORM FIJRNIIIH[[) flY TITLE IN8UnANCI: AND TRUtl1 COMPANY Ai' ,.... So 1 n,!' AI1()VI TO 406 rA 17 M' FOR A V ALlJAIlLE CONSIDEHATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowled!!ed, CrT'r' OF GILROY it1,vph}lfrjt,rgI1~anjzf'd IIl1dn till' laws of the statl' of Calif.'o1'nia ht'r~hy CHANTS to DEW: IS DE HELL A:D CHAH10TTE DE BI1~LL, HIS I.HFE, AS C01<HUNITY PH,TERTY City of Gilroy , State of California: the following f1t'scrihed real pmpcrty in the County of Santa Clara For Description See Exhibit A Attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference '" \\ '" i' \\1",,," . ., "" ,I I" ,,01 ''''I,,,,,,'i,," "" ,,IIIII'd 11"'"'1'"1'1111' 11.11111' 1\11.1 "",.11" \"'Illll\,'d 1111,1.. ,,",1'\11" \11..1111 " 1 "'ltlllolllltXallJ\II\.k.xlll'llllt)' City \:11'1'1- ~~,"'~~\ 1\.IVlIJ' ^ 1111 "I I" I., IJ1ll,'d ])"1: . 1.1) , ,I ,I '}'))' ,It. " ,",1.. II." rllll LIlI j 1.;1' HI' OF 1:\111111(\1' IOI:-iTYOI' Santa Clara 1111 l)pf"pmhpr 1 7 , 1 ()():~ } ~~, III CITY OF GILH'~Y ,) ! ' I I' I / ~. ( , " , ~..-., - \ \ " ' , / ;,/,,( < ". ' " ,~ .... ",__, n'",{ "t r:. ,l- I. I 1;1,~ , ~ Ma~r , ~~~~~ '-I' / / . ?f-ttLl~./{i, ~~( ~- " Deputy City Clerk '':~xJ<t'4XI , ;; I Iwlol"l' 1111', t1l4' I1nd,>r- III t i_ '1"111,,1 I Nll!:ll\ \'Iddl' III ,I lid lot ,lid .....,l;l!t.. P"I~IIIl:dl\ ;IPIH';lITd NOr;n:l1l j:. l,uodril:h ,kll"'\I' '''"'''1..1.. II" rl.I}'OI XlX.Jl.IJ(,~iXlllld 1.1 :111", t:. ('('lid ~ f",1 I"..,,,, '" "" ,,, I,,' II IJld y. (:II~! ~~J,~,..\ ,I Ii" ''''1'''''''''''' 01','1' ,,"11'.1 II" Idldl II I; IIJll! ,if I l' "I III' II, L, IIII I'l I ,rJl ,,1101 I t I Itll II III, dIll" III 'r t'II" "I ' ,I j,! I, ,I! ,.\ 11,1 I "I pilI ;11 1,111 tll' II III IIllllll'd ,IlId " I ill'i,.j, ,1;"'1111, Ill' 111'1! ." I, / '.11",1 111"11 I 'Illllllltll! \\1111111 I,I 1111 , , I' , I' I " II , I . 1 I ,I t I' 'I I. \ I, I '. ' , 1 , I I ~ " .. II I I It'll ,. 1 t , 1" I : II I I "j t III I' I I, 11 \\ 1'1 '\1"...' III' "'"ill ,iI'oI "II.. "d ,,,I ~i:.'llall1n' \,11111" 1'1\ I',.d III III Illl,.t! I 1'1'1,\-, "':1 I." .nl, \_,! Il..!if 1.,1 t 11' .-_._---_._~-- '1.1 . L L.. iV,. I ;Y IlllKtlLI. F....."III" 1I1 ),11;111 \P. ...." ~~/ ~'~ -_.--' -""~-,....-" ",.~----. "~ ,\ A P P 1 i cat ion ~: 0 . L) -.~ 1 ~J7 ~ 0 .' . 1: XIII BIT A All that ccrt:.il: ~'~al rropcrty situate in the City of Cilro)',' County of ~;al~~a C1Hra, State) of California, Jcscribt;ld as follcws: , J)L(;l~~!aI~C at [ill iru!l belt i;~ t.ht..: w~sterly line of ~~ublot :\0.7 as th:;.: sam~ is ~;ll)\.li 0;. :ilil~lldc.:~l :hp ;\c. 11 accompanying the r~port of the Rcf~r'~t:;; in the p:lrtitio::. suit o[ Hoary ~lilh;r et a1 vs. :,lasst'Y Tllotn'ls et al i:~ the sup~rior Court oC th:) Couat)' or Santa Llara, S tat C 0 f C ~ 1 if 0 r a i a. J i 5 t a:l t t h ~ reo fl 2 .: 0 . 0 0 fee t Nor the r 1 y f r c n a pipc <.lcsi~;r4at;,;d :is ":;.,1 1" at the sOllthw~::;terly cor;1cr of said Sublot 7 ~ thcnce ,dong the Hc::sL~rly line of saiJ Sublat 7 S:)util 200 ):;' Ltst il1.H() fL'Jt to a 3/<\ inch pip~; tilc:nc'~ ~orth 7Uo 17' Last 301.;)0 r.: _: ~) the ori~:inal 4 x .t post at the CO).1I11O:1 cc.rn~r to Sublo::; ub, ': cl.'.d g~ theac0 along the eastcrll lin~ of sail; :;uhlot .~c. 7 :\01':;\ Zt)o IS' \~..:5t ~2.1ll fe~t to ;11;2 inch pipe at the ~'<,Jrth';:lst,-~rly cor:lI.~r of the prop~rty of ~G1"J,l;i:'. j\owlllat:; thcnt.:~ al():lg till! ;.:~rth'_'rly line of said property Suuth l'()" :,'," \,cst 30lJ.?O [,,-.;t to the point of bcgilll!i:l1:' Bcil.~: a llc,rtivn o f s aid : ,ull': t .': ','. 7. ': .. , ~ ~ ~\ "I ,Ii :~ i >;. '/ :I .,"" f' .' L...:3 v, .'r-:J 4.,~ \, ,~ /,,, .. .~'I ,I, .