Resolution 889 RESOL1JTION NO. 889 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGE'r FOR EXPENDITURE OF STATE ALLOCATED (ENGINEERING) FUNDS WHEREAS, a Master Agreement for the Budgeting and Expenditure of the Engineering Allocation under Section 2107.5 of the Streets and Highways Code has been entered into by the City of G i 1 roy , hereinafter referred to as the city, and the State Department of Public Harks, Division of Highways, hereinafter referred to as the department; and, WHEREAS, the city council has prepared a budget proposal showing estimated expenditures of such funds recommended to be made during the 19~-~ fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said budget proposal and is familiar with the contents thereof; THEREFORE, be it resolved by the city council of the City of G i 1 roy that said budget proposal dated January 18. , 1965, be and is hereby adopted as the budget of proposed expendItures of the State allocated funds for engineering to cities, said budget proposal to be and the same is hereby approved and the Di rector of Pub1 ic Works is (Title of authorized official) directed to sign the same of behalf of said City, and said budget proposal to be submitted to the Department of Public Works, State of California, in accordance with the provisions of Section 197 of the Streets and Highways Code. APPROVED AND SUBMITTED this 18th day of January , 19 65. by the following vote: ~ AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS:Duffin,ECkard,GOO~riC __ .../j" /,' Wentworth and Petersen.' . ~ j,..... ~-z..... NOES: COUNC I L MEMBERS: None " '~, yor 0, th (;i ty of G i 1 roy - ABSENT: COU,NC I L, jME~B,E~S: ,Jor~~ and~~rt i ro 1 i . Attest: 0 li:JaW'1J'/ & t;;.cA1tJ -City Clerk of the City of G I roy I hereby' certify that t~ foregoing resolution regularly passed by the city council of the City of at a regular meeting thereof held January 18 /J\, r . ,/. (.)((/Z-Z1UZ) 0. Clerk of the City of and ,) (AFFIX CITY SEAL) Form MC-21 (2-62) uo C) CJ :7 5TAn~ O~ CALltOlml^ DIVISION Of HIGHWAYS 19 JL... jf;..;..~ f!scoLVeClr ,-~ . STATE HHillWAV tHH~IHEER Socramt'lltt)/ California ( 1'0 BE l'n A.I'! ~.,,!,jl.!"'I,.t'.:j) "I' ",j I '-;11 !h.! "l'r'I"" 'r' p.;.J ,.."1,,...1 r.: .:'f'~~ H",1.. 1 . l.- ...."., I. n I;,,) 1.I,w, ...i.?,.'ld....L.hp Mr. Alan S. Hart - D12trict Engineer V --.."'...,....~.._""'._---,..,,,...........,,_.""""__...~'_h'.._.,."..__"_,._..,.....__,_~__~"_ Addr 0 U 2-'J?.~D22~JI~:~l?,ll~'1~~~~: tL.,.~P.~J (~!:."~...I...'-._..._- .:tan It'l'llncl:Jco, ll)~ (JiltlJu\"'lLi.l euo!~mV ':;~~bpOSi\L mEm;i.~t: i'U::~i,;t . Thu CI ty of -. (l11rt?L.__...o.....-.,." _ ,~_~.__.. ...' _._~,_ ______ fllln~nnt to S9ttlon 2107.50' .hs Shi3otr! and t'lIfj!tw~.i)'~ Cad~ tJY(j.,?ltlltlg fnf' t~!h:,c.;tb;~ c;d OI~ptl'l\Uturft of State H'uhwQY t:unds for enoltuH:lI'hlU e05t~ cnuadl'l1lr.IMfIlHv."j G:lF;ii~;,:It'\~" t\!.'!!ipet':t te clt, streets does IlfJrohV submit tflltBlpplIt:tlthll1 as It!.\ hu(ltl(lt .mitHir~u' f(lt tli:; C!li~lrIClli\ld (lt~p\'H,dnure . re,cornmondsd to ho made during tho 1905-66 fI:ll~uf rClif. {HI \Jc,dt tlcoOmiJUsll:::d by this budg3t sfltJIf bo donG undo~ th~ttilli;;s 'of"tlw tn~;;rtlf!riwi.i-)It t;~W~ldll[1 ,t~1J .~H,k~\1~thi; ~, thue funds us 9)(oeutl'Jtl ot! ,PebJ'WU'l'1 29, 1960 .' ." . . ..4-..........fi}!;t'or~--'-..._",.....;-,.._.........."~_.... . fJW'[~9St:O Um'G.IH Prolect E-' 9 . Wot~~y City .$~..!~~) . '..' 2.. 0.00.00 ,1 ot~1 " w ~ ,~..... I" .,,~t f,,~ h","t t "\<"l.~ {:J 1,I\.lJ ,'" _ . ...u..._ T... ....~__ . . " ~llglbte hems: os set 'or", 'n Attl~lo II of thu l'iltl,!'jtar ~\Ir:H;mcnt. . t-UlHJ-S AVA~tAUU! _ 1 i-...--........_._ M Accrued and ut1ollar,plDd.>>JUntt 30t 1905 . Allocatlcn 1~ .. tlscal Vetlt · I'otal O.GO I 000.00' 2,000.00 , Y1ffi,i?l.,;;fl"~9~ds:l:14~ - .. ... ...1i.Tlr.j6~ , 'Director of Public Works . f T ~- ---"-~.Omch,l'itlo ApprOVdl.RecOIl1nHmJbd: . . bist;r;rr; 1tr"&Cc;;:;pcr;;;TvO--.-~"~' ,- PM,J~cttl. EfI,~;fl(jfJr OtJd~p) Approvd: -....--:':','"G:l-... ... '0 w'" . (\~".. ':.-'". ~.~'-~l;iJr;;tr';;~,{,~]~'7in ~(;'-',:' ~~:;;'~r~'M>#:"~'_r.~~.,_~- . .._.;.~.................. . , , 'i '\'i"-~~~'f.:l