Resolution 893 RESOLUTION NO. 893 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DETERMINING THAT THE REFERENDUM PETITION FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AGAINST THE ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 730 PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF l. 5 ACRES OF lAND FORMING A PART OF THE NINTH WESTERN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GILROY IS A VALID PETITION AND FURTHER PROVIDING THAT SAID PETITION BE PIACED UPON THE BALLOT FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE l3th DAY OF APRIL, 1965. WHEREAS, a referendum petition was filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Gilroy on the 25th day of January, 1965, protesting against the adoption by the Council of Ordinance No. 730 providing for the rezoning from R-l District to c-o District of 1.5 acres of land forming a part of the area described as the Ninth Western Addition to the City of Gilroy which Ordinance was adopted by the Council on the 4th day of January, 1965, but which does not become effective until the 3rd day of February, 1965, which petition constitutes a referendum petition and requests that it be placed upon the ballot for the general Municipal Election to be held in the City of Gilroy on the 13th day of April, 1965, unless the Council repeals said Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the Council has reconsidered the said adoption of said Ordinance and after such reconsideration declines to repeal said Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the said petition appears to be valid in form and has been so declared by the City Attorney and the City Clerk has made her certificate and attached it to the said petition showing that the said petition has been signed by a sufficient number of qualified electors of the City of Gilroy as required by law and that said referendum petition should be placed upon the ballot for the general Municipal Election which is to be held on the 13th day of April, 1965, in the City of Gilroy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, and the Council does hereby find that said petition is sufficient in form and has a sufficient (1) (~3. '/3 number of signatures to qualify it to be placed upon the ballot in the said Muncipal Election to be held on the said l3th day of April, 1965, and the said City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the said referendum petition to be placed upon said ballot. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of February, 1965, by the following vote: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS : Duff in, Eckard,Goodr i ch,Jordan, Wentworth, and Petersen. COUNCILMEMBERS : None AYES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS :Quarti ro1 i APPROVED: // c 'rf ~' 1 ~~~L:=~' C>Jj", Mayor ATTEST: <; " (..)~-tJt,t1JJU/ City Clerk (2) .~