Resolution 753 '7~'3 RESOLUTION NO. .~ . A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THE SUBDIVISION OR DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY: DEFINING MINIMUM TYPE AND QUALITY OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE FACILITIES REQUIRED. INTENT AND PURPOSE WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and essential to officially define the requirements, policies and procedures for the subdivision and development of property, in order to: 1. Cause the installation of public service facilities necessary to properly serve the property developed; 2. Spread the costs of required improvements upon the property benefited in the manner contemplated by law; 3. Prevent the dissipation or improper use of the City's general operating and maintenance funds in providing these improvements or in maintaining faulty installa- t ions; 4. Protect the living standards, public safety and common welfare of the general public. The City Council of the City of Gilroy does resolve as follows; SECTION 1: PUBLIC WORKS EXTENSION COSTS: Developers of residential, commercial, industrial or institutional properties will be required to furnish bond to guarantee the installation and payment for extending the prescribed public works improvements and facilities at the time of acceptance of the Final subdivision map. The off-site storm drainage fees and area water charge shall be paid, in cash, at the time of acceptance of the Final map of the Subdivision and the off-site sanitary fees may be paid at the time of building permit applications. The charges shall be shared between the developer and the City according to Table No. I attached hereto, as applied and further defined in the stipulations contained herein, or in Table No. II, as app I i cab Ie. SECTI ON 2: "ON-S !TE" SYSTEM COSTS: The developer will be required to bear the full cost of any increase in the size of any public service facility to the extent that such increase in size is required simply and solely to service other lands owned or to be later developed by the same party or owners, or lands under control of the same corporate owners, in the same manner as if all the property were being developed in one and the same time. 7 ~--' 3 :(1) o t+ ..,..0 ..,..., , 3 Ul -.0 t+., CD III = -. :J III \0 (1) 3 "0 ., o < (1) 3 CD :J t+ Ul NNNNN 00000 :J :J :J :J :J (1). (1). CD. CD. (1). ~~~~~ ----- ... 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) -WW\N+:- '~"'oo-w OOO\N+:- . . . . . ow......-o o~o\Oo ................................... III III III III III o 0 0 0 0 ~~~~~ III - - III 0. 0.. NNNNN 00000 :J :J :J :J :J <t ~ CD. (1). (1). ~~~~~ ----- 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) -W\NW~ VI '" 00 - """ ooow~ ..... Ow......-O 0+:-0\00 .......~., ............................ III III III III , n 0 0 n ., ., ., ., ., (1) CD CD CD CD III - - III 0. 0. - . NNNNN 00000 :J :J :J :J :J CD. CD. CD. CD. CD. ~~~~~ ----- 0(1) 0(1) 0(1) 'tA 0(1) - \N \N \N +:- VI '" 00 ..... \N o 00"",, +:- . . . .. . O\N...........O 0+:-0!p0 .....................'!'!o'........ III III III Ql III o 0 n C',. 0 "".,3., CD CD CD CD CD III - - III 0.. 0. 00 0= 'if: :J 0 , ., Ul 3 t+0 CD ., = III -. :J III \0 CD 3 "0 ., o < CD 3 CD :J t+ Ul o o a-e o a-e o o a-e o a-e - o o a-e o a-e ...... . 0= ~ ""':J ~ -. . t+ III III -.., t+'< (1) :(1) (1) ~ ., 3 "0 ., o < (1) ~ :J t+ Ul -. c:: 0(1) 0(1) Ul:JVI- -'00 \0 t+ VI .,.. "0 (1) (1) "0 III ~ ., (1) t+:r ., (1) -.0. .,O~.- . :r (1) 0 (1) - t+ < - (1) -.0 ., :J :J \0 III III 0. 0. 00(1) -h0 . ero c- -. VI 0."0 -.(1) :J ., (Q Ul 1lI.o ., . (1)"'h III t+ . III - - III 0. 0. o 0(1) "'h0 . er 0 C N -"0 0.(1) -. ., :J lQ Ul .0 III . ., "'h (1) r"t III . ~ III 0. 0.. - . '" .(1) 0- III :J :J , -. Ul l"t -.1lI l"t., (1)'< (I) ~ ., - o o a-e o a-e o o a-e o a-e V"1 3 "0 ., 0:- < (1) ~ :J l"t Ul o o a-e o a-e 0(1) N \N - "0 (1) ., III n ., (1) ~ III 0. 0. +:- :t> ., (1) III ~ III t+ (1) ., n :r III ., \0 (1) ::e: o III :J l"t , (1) Ul ., r"tC:: (1) t+ : -. o ~ ~ , Ul l"t (1) 0(1) N \N '"0 (1) ., III o ., (1) III III 0. 0. 0(1) N W '"0 (1) ., III o ., (1) III III 0. 0. o a-e o o a-e o a-e \N t"l' '< ~", III Ql '<Ul (1) :3 o (1) ~:J ..,.. l"t , Ul CJl -.0 l"t ..,.. (1) :;:;0 3 '"0 ., o < (1) 3 (1) :J l"t Ul lQ :r l"t CJl o o a-e o a-e o a-e '0 o ~ o o a-e o <roe o o a-e o <roe o o ~ N ~m III III '< Ul (1) =3 o (1) :J :J ,t+ CJl Ul o ~ l"tlll (1) :J :0. ;:;0 lQ :r l"t Ul o o <roe o a-e o "'h o o a-e o ~ - o o a-e o a-e o (1) < (1) - o '"0 (1) ., n t+ '< o (1) < (1) - o "0 (1) ., n l"t '< o (1) < (1) - o '"0 (1) ., n l"t '< - -I ", :x ." Z )> Z n Z C') ." )> n .- - -I < z (I) -I )> .- E - o z n o (I) -f (I) ." o ;:;0 " c: en .- - n (I) ", ;:;0 -=: n m ." )> n .- -I ", (I) ;:;0 ", (I) o ", z -I )> ,... -I )> en .- m n o :x :x m ;:;0 n )> .- z o c: (I) -I ::0 )> .- Ii" z (I) -I - -I c: -I - o :z )> .- SECTION 3: SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Whenever special conditions are encountered in the development of property which are not covered under terms of this resolution, the cost disposition of same shall be stipulated and included in the agreements and commitments entered into between the City and developer. SECTION 4: DEDICATIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF \.JAY, "0N.S!TEII: The developer shall grant without cost to the City all required dedic. tions, easements and rights-of.way necessary for the installation of streets, utilities and public service facilities. SECTION 5: EASEMENTS, 1I0FF-SITE": The City sha II be respons i b Ie for a II "off-s i te" easements and rights-of way to extend City facilities to the developers property. SECTION 6: WATER UTilITY IMPROVEMENTS: On-site water lines necessary to serve the property shall be installed by the property developer at no cost to the City. Minimum sizes of lines necessary shall be determined by the City of Gilroy. The developer shall also pay to the City, to provide area circulation, adequate volume and fire capacity the sum of $231 per acre. The per acre charge shall be calulated on the total acreage of the development or subdivision. SECTION 7: SANITARY SEWERS AND STORM DRAINS: On-site sanitary sewers and storm drains necessary to serve the property shall be installed by the property developer at no cost to the City. Minimum sizes of lines necessary shall be determined by the City of Gilroy. The developer shall also pay to the City for off-site trunk lines and general plant facilities required for disposal of sanitary sewage the sum of $105 per lot or $50 per dwelling unit, whichever is greater for Residential, or $0.015 per square foot of Building area for Commercial, or $0.02 per square foot of building area for Industrial and Institutional. The developer shall also pay to the City for the disposal of storm water drainage the amount scheduled for the respective drainage zone in which the property exists. Zone "A" $434.00 per acre, of developed property; Zone "B" $313.19 per acre of developed property; Zone "C" $380.70 per acre of developed property; Zone "D" $360.34 per acre of developed property, Zone "E" $150.00 per acre of developed property. The per acre charge shall be calculated on the total acreage of the development or subdivision. The design of all water utilities, sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be approved by the City Engineer. SECTION 8: FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT CHARGES: Whenever existing facilities, utilities or other public works improvements have been installed without cost to a property, such property owner must pay to the City either the following schedule of frontage charges or one-half of the cost of the minimum facilities when the development of such p~operty occurs and before any service connection is made to such facilities by such property: The following table is a guide of minimum charges only. TABLE II FRONTAGE COSTS (a) Street Improvements (b) Street Curbing (c) Sidewalk Improvements (d) \alater mains - 6" size (e) San i tary sewers - 6" 5 i ze (f) Storm drains - 12" size $6.00 per front foot $1.75 per front foot $0.45 per square foot $2.50 per front foot $2.00 per front foot $3.00 per front foot In certain cases, the property owner may Install said facilities upon receipt of prior approval by the Department of Public Works. Whenever any or all of these "UtiI ityll improvements can serve only the property on one side of a street, then such property owners shall pay at the rate of double the above stated amounts for such improvements. SECTION 9: COST CLEARANCE CERTIFICATION: Before any building permit shall be issued on any intervening properties benefited by previously installed utilities and Public Works facilities. a certificate shall be obtained from the Department of Public Works showing the amount of liability said property has for such facilities. SECTION 10: POLICY CHANGES: The City reserves the right to revise, amend or change any of the policies contained herein as deemed necessary and equitable by the City Council. All existing City policies in conflict herewith are hereby recinded. SECTION II: This resolution shall be and is hereby declared to be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY this 6th day of May , 1963, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Eckard,Jordan,Quartiroli,Wentworth, Goodrich NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCil MEMBERS: K. l. Petersen ATTEST: 1 ; ~J <; J1td a't1/VL~./ (c:? Susanne E. Pa ne City Clerk I . SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy. do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 753 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of May , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 8th day of May ? ~, / ..... j