Resolution 650 RESOLUTION NO. 650 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUDGET FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY FUND TO CITIES WHEREAS, a master agreement has been executed by the City and the State of California on February 21, 1961, for expenditure of funds allocated from the State highway fund to cities; and, WHEREAS, the city council has prepared a project statement showing estimated expenditures of such funds recommended to be made during the 19 61 - 62 fiscal year; and, WHEREAS, the city council has heard read said project statement and is familiar with the contents thereof; (050 Project Statell1r"t No, for the fi seal) ,ending - 62 June 30, 19 ______. .. , 19 61 STATE HIGHWAY ENGINEER .Sacramento, California Date October 11 (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER) Mr, J. P, Sinolair, Assistant State HlghwayEng1neer District Engineer Address P,C.Box 3366, Rinoon Annex, San Franolsoo 19. Ca1lf, The City of Gi lrov hereby submits this budget proposal for expenditure of funds allocated from the State Highway fund to cities during the 19 _6.1- 62... fiscal year. All work accomplished by this budget shall be done under the terms of the mast~r agree- ment covering the budgeting and expenditure of these funds as executed on Fe b rua ry 21. 1961 . ,(dat~ ) SUMMARY OF FUNDS BUDGETED FOR EXPENDITURE Source of Funds Maintenance Other Right of Way Construction' " State a IIocated (5/8~) fund s 3,750 7,000 -- State Highway Budget Funds 17,650 --- City Funds 5,100 _M_ , Other Funds Total 3,750 29,750 --- (See following pages fot details) · Includes preliminary and construction engineering. SUMMARY OF ST.TF ALLOCATED (5/8~) FUNDS AVA!LABLE" Unexpended Balance, Project 33 $ Accrued & Unbudgeted to June 30, 1961 Estimated to accrue during 1961-62 fiscal year 6,851.25 3,040.02 21,380.00 Total funds available S 31,271.27 "'ont, 'PlIclflcat.,on. and ..tlmotes 01 cost lor each con- I .I,uctlon or Irnprovement prolect will be- tuhmlllcrf In I IICl:"orrf"nce '/\11th S..ctlon 199 01 the Streets and Hlghwny~ I ~"~~:_.r.rl"r!.:'~~-~:~t1slng or commencIng work ~~_d~~_'nh",_ <'-~-~~ '- -- -----..----~tllre R"thorj;~ro 0 killl. · · A "0<:1, oddl flonol pog~ /I mor. SpOr:fl It "eec/~c/ 'O~ this ,ummary. Mayo.~___...__.___,__ . - ------------ ----iJj(i~i.~I. 'f it/c FORM MC-.' "(,0) .- 1-