Resolution 688 "-. 'M' .~,ilt! ' " ."oIl! '" . ;r ) APPENDIX 71 RESOLUTION NO. 688 SELECTING MAJOR CITY STREETS IN THE CITY OF Gilroy WHEREAS. the provisions of Sections 2050 to 2055, Chapter 2. Division 3 of the Streets and Highway. Code provides that each city council shall select a syatem of major city street8, on the basis of greatest general city importance. subject to the approval of the State Department of Public Works; and, WHEREAS, streets may be included in or exoluded trom the city sY8tem ot major city street8 subject to the approval in each case ot the State Department of Public Works; and. (WHEREAS, it i8 desired to'revi8e the existing system to conform to present and anticipated traffic pattern8) THBREJPORE, it is resolved by the o1ty council ot the City ot Gilroy (THAT the tollowing named (~~~.Jt~oMi~I~~~lx I~~~~(8treet i. selected as a major city otreet) to f~ \ be included in) the major city 8treet qstelll:) NAMa LIMl'l'S 1. vl,...~n 4VAnll~ 2. trom H.:o('lr.:o'Y' ~a<:!s to ~rQPtl;a City I.imits trom to ((AHD) THAT the tollowing nued streetCrIQ (1.) ttDX hereby 8elected tor exolusion trom the city's 8yste. ot major c1ty streets:) NAME LIMl'l'S 1. 2. trom trom to to RKSOLVKD, further, that the State of Cal1tornia, DepartMnt ot Publ1c Work., 18 hereby requested to approve (the above rev1.10n to) the major c1ty street s78tem. AND ruRTHIR that all pr10r ...olut1ons, or port1on. thereot, estab118h1ng ..Jor c1ty street. in cont11ct w1th th1s re.olut1on are hereb7 repealed. 'ASSBD AlfI) AJ)()PfB]) th1. 4th da7 ot JUQe , 19 62. '-./~ S-<- y .::::>-ct /---' Mqor 0' ,.t~e C 0 G1 oy AftUT. .~~:::r the ~1~ ~i~~;oy ,AVES: COU~CILM~MBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,Petersen,Quartiroll, Wentworth 'O~ MC-22 (1-61) , and Sanchez. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT:COUNCILMEMBERS: None /rJ ~~ 8 }...., lHl APPENDIX 73 D:\TA SHEET PHOPOSED r'1A,10R CITY STREET The data shown on this form is presented so as to assist the department in its approval action of a selected major city stl~et. Name of Street \':ren Avenue, Length __~..Jlile.s ; Limits Hec:k~l'" P::lR~ Highway northerly to north City Li'nito CITY COUNCIL RESPONSIBILITY The City Council has the r'esponsibllity in the selection of a major city street for inclusion in the city's major city street system. GUIDES TO ASSIST DEPARTMENT IN ITS APPROVAL ACTION References: Topic 2.04 of the City and Cooperative Projects Manual of Instructions, and Division of Highways Circular Letter 60-l83) 1. The selected street 1s included in the cir'culation element <)1' the city's master plan. YES ,NO -XXX. If NO, give l-eason: (Change in land use since adoption oTlrlaster plan .) (Change in traffic, pattern since adoption of master plan .) (Other': ~ Onl V streets of Ex~:!"es F1W~Y pnti?l'lti a 'J wer.e i n('l"d~d 2. adopted. The circulation element of the city's master plan has not yet been (Check if appllcable) 3. A street of greatest gene::'al city importance generally functions' as an expressway, major al'terial, or collector street. Local streets whose sole function is to provjele ::.leeeS!> to immediately.adJacent 13r:'l for service of residential, industria 1 and business a reas usually 8!'e :-i~:t considered st:'eets of greates,t general city importance. The functional category of trle selected street, if not inc: uded in the circulation element of tt1e adopted mastel: plan.. is marked by - an -X:' d_ a. Expressway (L1 t.tle or no land service to ad.lace'~ t. 1 and; relatively large volume of trafi'L; at rel8.tillel~' high speeds; pr!ma "1.1y intended to serve long trips) b. Major Arterial XXX (Serves major movements within cr' '.;1'NlUJ)1 the urban area not served by expressways or freeways. Interc():,'H~cts ~'r'in- cipal traffic generat:ors within cjt.y ann ~r;,'c,.tant, cural l'outC:;. :li:iIHl1~s longer than shopping trips between ,:i1f:'erNit areas of the city. Serv~s primaril~ for movement ,of traffic j but 81 se pe rfoms secondary lane. Sf' ['vice function) , c. Collector Street (Serves internal traffic movc;tj>nt..; within an area of the city. Connects such an area with the major' art~,'lal system. Serves abutting property with same degree of land service 33 a local street) 4. The selected street 1s needed as an addition to the major city street system as all if not most all of the major city streets have been improved to the extent feasible or practicable ( ); or n~ed~ to be 1:np~nv~n 1n env::ln~~ o~ ~t~eeet in the CirculAtion Rlenent PROGRAMMED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1~/62-63 (rhcal year) r.., t.~r ~~1~i?E'''' Signature of City Official Porm MC-23 (1-61) ,.,.fj,- I , SUSANNE E. PAYNE , City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 688 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of June , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and af- fixed the official seal of the City of Gilroy, this 6th day of June , 19 62. ,t) ';)" ,,)7"'("'1., .~, ''', ,', .,' ..// //~.. ". ""/.~'. ,. /,. "-, ,"' 't, V\ /, i. , 7/1 ~, <......, \..(. i ( L,t.,/" t,tA_'./ 'City Clerk of the City of GilrcW ,;