Resolution 690 " Jr;!' {~,f-~~ '". ' ,,~ "~J~) -"",,,,\ ~: -'~ ....-/ o Q o o 0, Q ,PlIo v ,,,.\ V o ......... ~""~J ....... w o o Ci o. ..e-., J-. IMI APrEi./rYtX 69 Rf.30LU1'ION NO. 690 RESOLUTION OF T~.E. errY: COUNCIL OF THE CIon 0'1' G i 1ro) ADOPTING AND SUBMITTING A BUOOE'r FOR EXPENDI'l'URE 01' STATE ALLOCATED (KNG !HERRING) FUNDS VHIRIAS, a ..ster acreement hae been executed by the City and the State ot Ca11fornia on February 29 , 19 60, tor expencl1 ture ot State allocated (ena1neering) funds under Section 2101.5 ot the Streets and Jl1&bwa)". Code; and, VRIftBAS, tI\e citJ councl1 has prepared a budset propoeal show1ng ..tlated exp4m41turea ot such funds reco..ended to be _de during the 19~-ll tiaoa1 ,.ear; and, WHIRBAS, the city council hae heard read sa1d budlet proposal and i. tamiliar with the contents thereof; 'fHBMPOII, be it resolved by the citJ eouncll ot the C1ty ot Gilroy that ea14 budaet proposal be and i. hereby adopted as the buc1&et of propo8ed expend1tW"88 ot the State allocated tunc1a tor ens1neer1.n& to cities, sa1d budget propo.al to be and the .... i. hereb7 approved ana the _,.or and the city clerk are cl1rected to s1&l\ the s... on behalt ot sa1d C1tJ I and sald budpt proposal to be subllittea to the Departaent or Public Work., State ot California, in accordance with the provis1ons ot Section 191 of the Streets and H1&hWQ's Code. APPROVED AND SUBIU'i-rBD th1s 4th day at June , 19 62- L'. (A __ " 1", / ..?tlor{h;T';(o Gilroy . . ~ Atte.t s e~) fft~~l~~th;:~l t, ~; .J . .~ .:',">"..' ~"" Gilroy I beret))' certitJ that the. roreao1n& ruolutlon .a. duly and NCUJ.ar1J pa."d bJ the ci t7 CO\lDC 11 of the 01 t7 ot at a NC\llar ...t1n& thereo~ hela June 4 , 19 62. AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Duffin,Goodrich,Jordan,pet~~se~~~~rtiroli, Sanchez. /',) ,','i";:,}J, t', i<. /,::;;;;, Noes; COUNCIL MEMBERS: None Olerit ~t th~"'Clt~~ot Gl1~o';' ABSENT:COUNCIL MEMBERS: Wentworth ' J 'Orll Me-Il (1-61) and (pq(J CbP~1 G\~' --- G- ~ STATE OF CALIFORHIA J DIVISIOH OF HIGHWAYS 9 -..62. - ....6.3. Fiscal Year , ----' STATE HIGHWAY EHGIHEER Sacramento, Co Ii forn i a (TO BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH DISTRICT ENGINEER) IV'1I'. J. P. Sinclair, Assistant State Highway Engineer Address P.O. Box i~66. Rincop Annex, S::ln Francisco 19, Calif. BUDGET PROPOSAL FOR EHGIHEERIHG FUHDS The City of Gil:roy pursuant to Section 2107.5 of the Streets and Highways Code providing for the allocation and expenditure of State Highway Funds for engineering costs and administrative expenses in respect to city streets does hereby submit thi s appl ication as its budget proposal for the estimated expendi ture recommended to be made during the J 9h2-r~ fiscal year. All work accomplished by this budget shall be done under the terms 0 e master agreement covering the budgeting of these funds as executed on (date) PROPOSED BUDGET Project E- Work by City $ _ 2..000~OO Work by Dept.$ Total $ 2.000.00 Eligible Items: as set forth in Article II of the master agreement. FUHDS AVAILABLE Accrued and unallocated to June 30, Allocation 19h2...h3 fiscal year $2,000.00 SilInature authorized official fctll~ ~, 1962 ate) City Rneinpp,.. Official title Approval Recommended: District City & Cooperative Projects EnlIineer Budget Approved: (date) EnlIineer of City and Cooperative Projects (District Engineer) To be submitted in tripl icate with copy of resolution approving proposed budget. FORM MC-17 (Ra'll. ~