Resolution 1981-07 .. . . RESOLUTION No. 81 - 7 A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF SEWER REVENUE AGREEMENT Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Facilities Project RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Gilroy, California, that: WHEREAS, on January 5, 1980, there was presented to this council a Sewer Revenue Agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto, and this Council did authorize the execution of said agreement: NOW, THEREFORE, I~ IS RESOLVED, DETERMINED AND ORDERED as follows: 1. The authorization of the Mayor to execute and deliver the Sewer Revenue Agreement and of the City Clerk to affix the seal of the City and attest thereto is hereby confirmed. 2. ~he Mayor is hereby directed, on behalf of the City, to execute the sewer Revenue Agreement, as of February 17, 1981 and the City Clerk is hereby directed to affix the seal of the City and attest thereto, and to deliver executed copies to each of the parties. * * * * * * I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Gilroy, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of February, 1981, by the fOllowing vote of the members thereof: AYES, and in favor thereof, Councilmembers: ALBH.:R1', CUT\1NI~GHAM, HUr;HAN, LINK, PATE, TAYLOR and GOODRICH. NOES, Counci1members: None ABSENT, Counci1members: None APPROVED: RESOLUTION NO. 81 - 7 . SEWER REVENUE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, by and between the City of Gilroy, a California charter city ("City"), and Gilroy Foods, Incorporated, a California corporation, California Canners and.Growers, a California corporation, Foremost-McKesson, Inc., a Maryland corporation, and GVF Cannery, Inc., a California corporation, the latter four parties and their successors and assigns and other persons becoming parties as provided by paragraph 7 herein sometimes being referred to as the "Other Parties," WIT N E SSE T H: -------- WHEREAS, the industrial wastewater treatment and disposal system owned and operated by the City (the "Enterprise"), which at ~he present time exclusively serves the Other Parties to this agreement, has been the source of air pollution resulting in the issuance by the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District of several citations to the City over the past few years and in the issuance by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region, of a notice of violation in October, 1979; WHEREAS, as a result of a study commissioned by the City, Harris & Associates, on November 9, 1979, reported ("Harris Report") to the City upon several alternative ways by which the air pollution problem might be solved and recommended the aerobic pond system alternative at a total estimated project cost not exceeding $1,000,000 and implementation by January, 1980, in order that the project might be completed in time for the 1980 period of greatest potential air pollution, \ \ WHEREAS, upon~view of the Harris Report4lthe Other Parties, concluded that by a modification of the aerobic pond system alternative, the reliability of disposal of up to 8 mgd of industrial wastewater could be improved as well as the air pollution problem reduced at approximately the same cost: WHEREAS, the City, on December 17, 1979, accepted the Harris Report and adopted the recommended project thereunder, subject to modification by further study, and adopted, by Ordinance No. 79-30, the City of Gilroy Sewer Revenue Bond Ordinance, a bond resolution or other similar official action authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the project, and on January 11, 1980, by Ordinance No. 80-1, readopted said ordinance in confirmation of its decision to undertake such project and issue bonds therefor: WHEREAS, subsequent thereto the City has entered purchase orders, contracted with Harris, Associates, on February 4, 1980, fdr desigh and construction management services and undertaken other commitments with respect to such project, each of which orders and other commitments are fully compatible with the aerobic pond system alternative of the Harris Report as so modified (the "Project"); WHEREAS, the City has also instituted and completed a study and pursuant thereto has established charges in accordance with the estimated costs of making available and providing an industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service using such project, which charges are set forth in a resolution or resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City prior to the date of this agreement as entered by the City in the testimonium clause: WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire that the project be further implemented as soon as possible and that bonds be issued and sold therefor in order to obviate the possibility of air pollution in 1980; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: -2- 1. CHARGE ESTABLISHMENT (a) City4ltall establish from time t~ime charges payable to the City for the making available and the providing of an industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service by the City. (b) The charges shall be established by the City in accordance with law and in observance of the principle of charge establishment in accordance with costs. Cost items include those of odor control, improvement, treatment, silt removal, general operation and maintenance and other costs of making available and providing the , service, such as bond principal and interest, funding and replacement funding of any reserve established to secure the bonds and coverage of any potential revenue variations at least to the extent required by any such covenant given to secure the bonds. (c) Charges shall at least include service charges and standby charges, and in the event the City permits the discharge into the Enterprise of wastewater of some other person, right of use charges. Service charges shall be established using the criteria of biochemical oxygen demand, silt and effluent flow, and with respect to each of the Other Parties, revenues received from such Other Party froa service charges in excess of the revenues receivable on the basis of charges for services rendered shall be credited upon the charges of such Other party for the succeeding year. (d) A reserve approximating maximum annually-maturing bond principal and interest may be established with bond proceeds and investments, and the coverage covenant may obligate the City to establish charges sufficient, together with other revenues received, to provide net revenues up to 1.25 times the aggregate amount of bond principal and interest coming due within the next succeeding 12 months. (e) Any reserve remaining in the last year of the bond term shall be used to pay principal of and interest on the bonds maturing in such year and shall otherwise, together with other revenues received (to the extent not inconsistent with other -3- provisions of this a~ment), be credited in re~tion of the costs upon which the charges for the year are based. 2. ANNUAL STANDBY CHARGE (a) The annual standby charge shall be payable only in the event an industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service is available from the City and is not received by one or more of the Other Parties during any calendar year, and shall be payable solely by such party or parties not receiving such service. (b) The annual standby charge payable by a party shall be based upon a ratio computed for the latest calendar year that industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service is received by such party. The ratio is that of the gross revenues of the City for such service from such party to that of the gross revenues of the City for such service from the Other Parties (including the party) from which no standby charge was payable. Such ratio shall be applied to the annual fiscal agent fee and expenses, if any, and the principal of and interest on the bonds maturing during subsequent calendar years as reduced by any standby charge payable by another party the ratio of which is computed for a calendar year preceding the calendar year for which the ratio of the party is computed, and the product is the standby charge of the party for such calendar year. 3. CHARGE COLLECTION (a) The service charges shall be due on the first day of the month succeeding the month in which an industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service is rendered and shall be delinquent the first day of the next month thereafter, except that service charges shall be recomputed within the last 3 months of each calendar year, and such charges for services rendered, together with right of use and annual standby charges, if any, shall be due by the twentieth day of November and shall be delinquent the first day of December of each calendar year. -4- . . (b) Delinquent charges shall accrue penalties as established by the City and shall be collectible by suit, lien and foreclosure, or other appropriate remedy, including denial of service, and the amount due from a party shall be a personal obligation of such party, payment of which may be enforced by any other party together with reasonable attorneys fees and costs of suit. 4. CHARGE SUFFICIENCY Nothing in this agreement shall prevent the establishment and collection by the City of service charges clearly sufficient under the resolutions and other similar official actions providing for the issuance of the bonds; however, the service charges shall be adjusted in accordance with right of use and annual standby charges received. 5. SERVICE AVAILABILITY AND RECEIPT An industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service shalll for purposes of this agreement, be deemed to be available from the City if, with respect to each party separately, such party can lawfully discharge wastewater into the Enterprise within an aggregate period of two (2) months during a calendar year and shall be deemed to be received by Such party during such calendar year if such party does discharge wastewater to the Enterprise within an aggregate period of 45 days that such party is in actual operation during such calendar year. 6. PARTIES \ (a) Nothing in this agreement prohibits the City from AllJVl1 permitting the discharge into the Enterprise of wastewater of othe~ ~ -...~ persons, provided that such persons become obligated to pay a right of <~ -1,.,..".,..A.tJIt.".:f-~<:.t..iIV1.:J'l CcV"'h+-J/~r'~ e~ _.,....-~~..r:p~....Q." It.., ...~v ct::.,d-~rf use charge, the City undertakes to enforce such obligation, and upon' " payment of such right of use charge such persons become parties entitled to exercise every right and power of the Other Parties under this agreement by assuming in writing the obligations of Other Parties under this agreement and if any such person is a subsidiary of a parent which consolidates annual financial statements of such person -5- with ~uch parent, sudllbarent guarantees payment4lt the assumed obligations. (b) Successors by consolidation or merger of an Other Party, or assignees of all or substantially all of the assets of an Other Party which are used or useful in the business conducted at the premises of a party for which the City's industrial wastewater treatment and disposal service is available, shall succeed to, and be substituted for, and may exercise every right and power of such party , under this agreement, without the payment of a right of use charge, by assuming, in writing, the obligations of Other Parties under this agreement, provided that, at the time of any such assumption, such party is not in default under this agreement, and provided further that if such successor or assignee is a subsidiary of a parent which consolidates annual financial statements of such successor or assignee with such parent, such parent guarantees payment of the assumed oblig~tions. 7. TERM This agreement shall continue in full force and effect so long as any bonds issued pursuant to Ordinance Nos. 79-30 or 80-1 are unpaid, or until provision for full payment of the bonds has been made as provided in the resolutions and other similar official actions providing for issuance of the bonds. 8. WARRANTIES NEGATED The City makes no warranty express or implied as to the condition of the Enterprise after completion of the project, that the Enterprise will be sufficient for the treatment and disposal of industrial wastewater of the Other Parties, or will be suitable therefor without air pollution. 9. MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This agreement may be modified or amended from time to time by a writing duly executed by the parties, provided that no such modification or amendment shall reduce either the obligations of the -6- . . Other Parties to pay the established charges or the term of this ag reement . 10. NOTICES All communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be given to each of the parties at the address of such party on file with the City Clerk and communicated to each of the parties. Until so changed, the addresses stated in Exhibit A hereto are the addresses so filed and communicated. 11. BINDING EFFECT This agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be · binding upon, each of the parties and their respective successors and assigns, subject, however, to the limitations of paragraph 6(b). 12. LAW GOVERNING This agreement is entered into in California by the execution and delivery of same by the City in California on the date entered by it in the testimonium clause below subsequent to the execution and delivery of same by each of the Other Parties, and subsequent to the execution and delivery of the indorsements of guarantY,if any, and shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of California. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City being authorized by valid and subsisting resolution of its City Council duly adopted, has caused this agreement to be executed and delivered in its name and behalf by and through the Mayor, with the City seal impressed hereon and attested by the City Clerk, and each of the Other Parties being authorized by valid and subsisting resolution of its Board of Directors, duly adopted, has caused this agreement to be executed and delivered in its name and behalf by its officers thereunto duly -7- . . authorized, all as of the day of , 1980, with actual execution occurring on the date set out after the respective signatures appearing below. CITY OF GILROY By 7f~~~ Mayor Executed this~' JAN 1981 5 day of , n80: ATTEST: "Ci ty" GILROY By Title: - Ex:r;,ed this ;;l~ day of ;10/. , 1980. ATTEST: ,1.:/ /.~tI.HW: C;/z'1 f.:; Secretary (SEAL) CALIFORNIA CANNERS AND GROWERS By ~/4%g.~. Title: Vice-Pres. Production Executed this July 3rd day of , 1980. ATTEST: ~ ~/ . '-- / // - c Jf'fl ~ _:1/ Fi?- : cretary (SEAL) -8- . FOREMOST-MCKE~, INC. I V. If' . l'../' \ \\/ \Vi\~~V \_ ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO lEQ,\L. REVJ~ , AS 10_ o , I TtINS ANO'" . . CONomoNI '1 . o APPRMO I \ . 'I By N. W. MARKUS, ,JR. Title: Vice President Executed this _____~tember 4th day of , 1980. CSEAL) GVF day of , 1980. By Title: ATTEST: -:;,'._>/} / (y/ /1? . ./YLc:\~ c-/ pf~It, .V I , Secretar ..... ,J l V .' 'I," j \..., \~, "., \ ~' ' :: .,) '~, .) f;' . .\: \ ' ) . ,. I \ j', ~.. ,) 1) , 'I ~I".l",' ',,' \) ",) ,'. I . . I't", "I 'f, I.) l' I ,.; \ .\ '.", (SEAL) III '1It'I\1\\\ "Other parties" INDORSEMENT OF GUARANTY McCORMICK & COMPANY, INCORPORATED, a Maryland corporation ("Guarantor"), of which Gilroy Foods, Incorporated ("Obligor"), one of the corporations that executed the foregoing agreement, is a wholly-owned subsidiary, and for the direct benefit of which Guarantor in the conduct by Obligor of the business of Guarantor the foregoing -9- ., . . City of Gilroy City Hall 7390 Rosanna Street Box 66 Gilroy, California 95020 Attn: Susanne E. Steinmetz, City Clerk Gilroy Foods, Inc. 1350 Pacheco Pass Highway Gilroy, California 95020 Attn: Richard R. Zahner, Director of Engineering California Canners and Growers Box 395 Lewis street Gilroy, California 95020 Attn: Tom Filice, Plant Manager Foremost-McKesson, Inc. P. O. Box 37 Gilroy, California 95020 Attn: Menandro Gomez, Production Coordinator GVF Cannery, Inc. 7050 Monterey Street P. O. Box 1787 Gilroy, CA 95020 Attn: Fred Avall!, President EXHIBIT "A" . , ~ . . 4gre'ement has been executed, for and in consideration of the executioh' by the City of Gilroy (.City.) of the foregoing agreement, unconditionally guarantees to City, its successors and assigns, the full, prompt and faithful payment and performance by Obligor of each of the provisions and conditions of the foregoing agreement on its part to be discharged and any modification or amendment of such agreement authorized thereunder, and hereby waives notice of acceptance hereof and of default under such agreement as so modified or amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this indorsement is executed and delivered on the date set forth after the signature of the Guarantor below- McCORMICK & COMPANY, INCORPORATED /"1 ATTEST-.f" / I La. " By )I. \.~ tv :J.'1-r ~-.-/ Title: f'R"l:::>Il>Li:N-r I Executed 8lAd d. eli'::'*:r..~d)this 1811z::.-- day of A,.VJ!.t!e-T1t.A'..VC-/ , 1980. ./') (SEAL) -10-