Resolution 1981-42 . . RESOLUTION NO. 81 - 42 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEESt RETIREMENT SYSTEM AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY. WHEREAS, the Public Employeest Retirement Law permits the parti- cipation of public agencies and their employees in the Public Employeest Retirement System by the execution of a contract, and sets forth the procedure by which saidpublic agencies may elect to subject themselves and their employees to amendments to said Law; and WHEREAS, one of the steps in the procedure to amend this contract is the adoption by the legislative body of the public agency of a reso- lution giving notice of its intention to approve an amendment to said contract, which resolution shall contain a summary of the change pro- posed in said contract; and WHEREAS, the following is a statement of the proposed change: To provide Section 20983.6 (Waiver of Age 70 Compulsory Retirement) . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the governing body of the above agency gives, and it does hereby give notice of intention to ap- prove an amendment to the contract between the said governing body and the Board of Administration of the Public Employees' Retirement System, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, as an "Exhibit" and by this reference made a part hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April, 1981, by the following vote: NOES: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ALBERT, CUNNINGHAM, HUGHAN, LINK, PATE, TAYLOR and GOODRICH. COUNCIL MEMBERS: None AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: None APPROVED: ATTEST: ~~dC{~h~~ 4'itd ~ t. At;:;::.. Mayor 7 City Cler~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 81 - 42 . ~:\ a~ ..""'\ ,', ~ . EXHIBIT ...I .I ANF~NDMI:N'li ;PCJ conTRt,c'r H!:'!'vn';!:~J '[')",: JY);\FlD OF Ar)MINT~")'II^'I';C1il Pl)BL~C E:/I,P L()n'F:~)' Hi';':'T !!I':~~F:wr' ::y :',':'!';;~ AND r:'!m Cl'l'Y COUNCIL Of frHF~ CI'ry OF GTLHOY " -' ..).. <(.;..,~.,J' C' The Board of Administration, Public Bmployees' Retirement System, herein- after referred to us Board, and the governing body of above public agency, hereinafter referred to 8S Public Agency, hav.Lng entered into a contract under date of May ;~1, 196h, effective July 1, 1968, and 1.1:) amended effective November 3, 1971, August 1, 197:3, and January 1, 19'115, which provides for pf"rticipation of Public Ag(:Hlcy in sllid System, Board Hnd Public Agency hereby agree 88 follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 9 are hf::reby stricken frum UIJJd contruct a:1 executed effective .]nl1uury 1, 1975, and hereby replaced by the following parHgraphs numbered 1 thr0ul~h 1 1 inclUSIve: 1. 1\.11 words and term,) uucri hure.in which arc defined in the, Pu1;11C F;mploye8~J' HetJrernmlt Lnw shall have the Jil01tnlng WI defined therein unless otl'H:r'Wi.:)I~ :.\peCJ fi.cally prl)vide:d. "Norlllld retirement age" shall mean 11ge 60 fur lor:;nl mIsee Iln.neous and .!lve 5',; ['or .l oea 1 sufety mernbenJ. 2. Publjc Aw~ncy :3)1811 partIcipate in the Public: Employee:)' Ht,tirement S.Y:3tem from and after July 1, 1961:J mtlking it') employees as hereinafter provided, members of Baid System suhject to nIl provisions of the Publi.c I<:rnployeefl' Retirement Law except. ~,:ch ni\ Ilpnly un.1y on election of a contracting Ilg,pncy and are not providud for lleri:in IHld to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except Buch DS by express provisioWl thereof apply only on the clect10n of' contrllcti.ng agencies. 3. E:mployeeH of Public Agency in the followi.ng '~1!l~3seB t~tllill become mernbenl of said Retirement System except ueh in each such class 8S are excluded by law or this Ilgrf3ement: a. Lacs] Firemen (herein referred to as local sufety members); b. Lochl Policemen (herein referred to us lucal safety members); c. l':rnployees othl;r than 10cHl ~lll.fet.Y rnember~; (he reln ref,~rred to as lOCH I miscellaneous members). Tn llddi. t ion to the classes of employet,s excIudt:,1 from membership by said Heti l'urnent Lml, the following classen of pH:pl.oye~~s shall not become :;;umb,'I':.3 of :3uid Heti rement :5ystern: F: i, !:C'i'!r~ U (IF}''T C1 AL[) . PI,: H: :(1):: cor1l' F:N ;') A'I'K]) ON AN HUUH LY EA~)l:~, "X1f'ti . , ~\.'{" , \,'C..ys\\'O\\ 0 0' c...\G'~ O h..\ \ oJ C ~. c:: ('. \) \ ?\.\.t'\~\.. . . .. 4. Assets accumulated with respect to member8 in the Lucal Retirement System were trnnsferred to the Public ~mployeBs' Retirement System w1th1n four months of contract date and applied ngainst the liability for prior service incurred hereunder. That portion of the assets so transferred whj,ch l't;fJl.'l:osented the accumulated contributions (plus interest thereon) required of the employees under said local system were credited to the individual membership account of each such employee under the Publlc Employees' Retirement System. 5. The fraction of f1nal compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local miscellaneous member shall be that provided in Section 21251.13 of said Retirement Law with all service prior to Social Security termination December 31, 1974, subject to the reduct:lon provided by said flection. 6. The fraction of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a local safety member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21252.1 of said Retirement Law (One-half pay at age 55). 7. 'The following additional provisions of the T'ubl.i c E~mplo'yees I Hdire- ment Law which apply only upon election of a contracting agency shall apply to the Public Agency and its employees: a. Section 20952.5 (Age 50 voluntEHY ret.Lrement) for local safety members only. b. SecUons 2U80-215f37, (1959 SurV.lvon, Progl'Elm). c. SecUon 21:>;61.5 (Local System ;jervice Credit). ~\ d. Section 21222.1 (SpeCial 5% inCre[l::Je - 1970). 8. Section 20983.6 (Waiver of age 70 retirement) for local miscellaneous members only. B. Public Agenc'y, 1n accordance wi th ~)ection 20740, Government Code, shall cease to, be an "employer" for purpo:Jes of Chapter 6 of the Public Employees' Retirement Law effective as of the effective date of this amendment t9 contract. Accumulated contributions of PublIC Agency 88 of the date of such amendment shall be fixed and detennined as provided in Section 20759, Government Code, and such accumulated contributions and contributions hereafter made shall be held by the Hoard as provided in Section 20759, Government Cude. .. ~,-\\.'(I' \' r . I...'-\\t>\\ c \ (~ ".~ \. j . r- \ . '\.J \ \\J\d. Pub~H' Ai:~tIIl"Y ~lhll,U contl'lbutu to :lilid netLrenu'IJ!. ::;Y~ltem /1t.l 1'0:.10w8: - . r'. . ,. 1,':. p,.J ~\.t.h~"" v El. I':i th renpect t,) IfJI:.1Cfd lanel)u~l m8ub/"''l. the h('t:ncy shall con- tribute the foJ.lowJng percent/:lgl;:' '.It' lI:onthly :w.l.aJ'..Lu:] HHrned as mi~Jcellilneous mt~mbers of ~31ti.d Retlreml;nt :)Y~ltem: (1) 4.447 pGrcent untll June ~O, lqH~ on account of the liabL:::.ity for pr.Lor ~;,n'vi.ce ben(;r'it~l. (2) 8.?68 percent on nccaunt of the liabIlity for current service benefits. (3) 0.227 percent on account of the llability for the 1959 Survivor Progrllm. b. With respect to local safety members, the agency shall contribute the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as local safety members of said Retirement System: (1) 1.939 percent until June :)0, 1988 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) 10.561 percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. c. A reasonable amount per Annum, as fixed by the Board to cover the coats of administering aa.Ld System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not includIng the costs of speCial valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. d. A rensonable amount HS fixed by the Hoard, pnYBbl." in one in~ltall- ment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valua- tions on /Jccount of employee[J of F'ubJ.LC Agency. and costs of the periodic Lnves~iglltj.on aud v:lluatjlltl~; requirud by law. 10. Contributiom~ re'ju.Lred of Public Agency and It~J employee~3 shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Smployees' Ret.Lrement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the IlerlodLc Lnv'-:::3tlgntion /Iud valuation rc'qu.i. red by ~3Ili.d H et i renl(:n t Lnw. 11. Contri bu bons required of Public Agency un,j 1 U, :!mployees shall be puid by Public Agency to the ReLLf'BlIlent ~;Y[jtern wLtllin thirty duys after the end of the period to which suid contributions refer or as may be IH't;~;\:rib(;d by Board regulation. If more or less thHn the correct umount of contributions is paid for any period, proper Ild.lustment ~jhA.ll be made in connt~ction with subsequent rClnlttances, or adjustments on account of errors Ln contrIbutions required of Bny employee muy be mHde by d.irect cash pnYIllenb3 between the employee Ilnd the BOllrd. Payments by Public Agency to 1hlard lflllj' be made 111 the ['vrm of warrants, bunk checks, bank drafts, certifl"d check:l, money ord 1'8 or cash. . ~ . B. 'nLLs amendment ~;lillll b" utlached to :w.Ld C'lmt:l'i1ct :.nd ~llwl1 lJl: "ffective on the ...______'___'____..______.___'.____ d ny of _.. .. __._. ___...dH__.. .__..._ .____ _ __ 1l) Witnes~ our hands the ;~.(j..'/ of 1 q BOARD OF ADMINI:3'l'HA'l'ION PUBLIC ~jMPlOn~g~;' REfrTRl~MENf1' ~WS'I'!.:\l (' I'!'Y COUNCIL OF rj'HE Ci'I'Y OF G'~l.HOY BY ---------------------- Carl J. Dlechinger, Executive Officer ~\ ~ Presidi-~g Officer a ,,- ~ "# 4~ ~ ,{J .._._-,._.._....,-~...._..,----_.._--_....._.... .-.--,'"-- C lerk~~..... , J <. ,..... pnt~~"c'" N- "70r) ~ 1'j''G.'__ "I) _ L Attest: BY Approved as to form: /l /) /1 t;~J0 &~LiJJ&l_ tythia G. BeB~t;;:; Legal Office. Date ;\ . . I, SUSANNE Eo STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution Noo 81-42 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held an the 20rb day of April , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 21st day of April , 19 8 ~