Resolution 1993-54 . . ~~~ , RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 54 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR THE TRANSIT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy desires to undertake a certain project designated: The restoration and rehabilitation of the Gilroy S.P.R.R. train depot to be funded from funds made available through the Transit Capital Improvement Program administered by the State of California, and from a fifty percent match provided by the City of Gilroy. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Administrator of the City of Gilroy is authorized, on its behalf to submit the attached proposal to the State of California and is authorized to execute on behalf of the City Council any forthcoming Grant Award Agreement including any extensions or amendments thereof. IT IS AGREED that any liability arising out of the performance of this Grant Award Agreement, including civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by this body. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of September, 1993, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, HALE, KLOECKER, NELSON, ROWLISON, VALDEZ and GAGE. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None APPROVED: ,CLiJ j/~/ ATTEST: dU4~~ . RESOLUTION NO. 93 - 54 , . . June 14. 1993 Project Name Gilroy S. P. R. R. Train Depot Agency Name City of Gilroy State of California UNIFORM TRANSIT APPLICATION (Form A -- Application) Once a project has been approved or programmed, information and forms for grants administration requests such as allocation requests, SB 580 review, Fund Transfer Agreements and bond certification should be requested by writing to the Department's District Offices. and requesting the Transit Fund Administration Guidelines. For each item in this application (Form A - Application), the information required is discussed in the document, "Instructions - Completing a Uniform Transit Application' (Form A -- Instructions). The Instructions indicate which items need to be completed depending upon the programs involved and type(s) of funding requested, the type of mass transit project and activities involved. and the Califomia Transportation Commission action requested. The applicant should always refer to the Commission's adopted guidelines and policies, as well as applicable statutes, upon which this application is based. Section I, Items 1 and 2, inciudes the applicant's assurances that eligibility requirements are met and that title and certification requirements are met. This section once completed can be used again for future applications of the same project. providing no changes have occurred between application requests, with the proviso that Item 2-p must be changed to reflect the current date of the subsequent application request. Section II, Items 3 through 10. should be updated as appropriate with each subsequent application request. All application requests should be sent to: Califomia Transportation Commission 1120 N Street. Suite 2221 Sacramento, CA 95814 Alln: Executive Director Department of Transportation Division of Rail 1820 Alhambra Boulevard Sacramento.CA 11581'6 Alln: Division Chief and Caltrans District Office Attn: District Deputy Director. Planning All application requests should also be sent to the appropriate Regional Transportation Planning Agency. Local Transportation Commission, or County Transportation Commission for: o Review and comment for Proposition 116 applications o Approval and inclusion in the regional guideway financial plan for TCI projects o Regional Transportation Improvement Program inclusion to be submitted to the Commission for STlP consideration The Uniform Transit Application may be used for requesting the following: o Project application for programming Rexible Congestion Relief funding for a transit pn,ject-ir; the sixth and seventh year of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). as part of the biennial STIP process. (Please complete Sections I & II) o Project application for amending or replacing an intercity rail project in an adopted STIP (AB 973 rail bond project) or TCI program. (Please complete Section II). o Project application for amending or replacing a commuter/urban rail project in an adopted STIP (AB 973 rail bond project) or TCI program. (Please Complete Section II) Ie 14, 1993 . .. 'N Gllroy.S.P.R.R. Train Depot PrOject ame Agency Name City of GilToy o Advance expenditure of local match request (SB 2800) or the Advancement of Projects and Reimbursement by the State (AB 298/AB 3090 Projects), (Please complete Section II) o Project application for Transit Capital Improvement funding. (Please complete Sections I & II) o Project application for Proposition 116 funding. (Please complete Sections I & II) o Project approvai or partial/provisional approval. (Please complete Section II) Section I - Elioibilitv and Title Certification 1. Elioibilitv Please ensure that your project meets the basic eligibility, screening or threshold criteria for the program in which you are seeking funding or programming before continuing (see Instructions, Eligibility Criteria - Form B), The following criteria, as appropriate, have been met for the project described herein: o Transit Capital Improvement Program - Threshold Criteria o Flexible Congestion Relief Program - Screening Criteria - STIP Projects o Rail Program (AB 973 Rail Bonds) - Commuter/Urban Rail Screening Criteria - STIP Projects o Rail Program (AB 973 Rail Bonds) - Intercity Rail Screening Criteria - STIP Projects o Proposition 116 Rail Program - Rail Evaluation Criteria As part of the eligibility requirements, please keep in mind that the programs vary in terms of the timeframe for which funds are requested. The closer a project is to the implementation date. the more specif:city on project cost, schedule and activities soould be.presented in this application. If your agency's policy board has delegated, by resolution, to the agency's general manager, executive director or chief executive officer (CEO) the general authority to commit the agency to legally binding commitments with the state, you should submit a copy of the resolution delegating the authority to the CEO. Adopted resolution Forthcoming. The following list of required resolutions and certifications may then be checked off by the applicant that the CEO is authorized to provide assurances that the conditions. requirements. or statements of fact shall be honored by his agency's policy board. If the CEO does not have aoencv deleoation. the aoencv is re~uired to provide a resolution on the eliQibilitv requirements below: xx That a statement has been provided from your goveming body's legal counsel stating that your organization has the financial and institutional ability to implement the project and that your organization is empowered to: let a contract; to sue or be sued by another entity or person; and other responsibilities and duties of your agency. '---' xx That this project will be available to the general public, or its primary purpose will be to benefit the public and does not benefit a private entity or individual. If it does not benefit the public, please explain, and attach your explanation to this application. as part of your submittal. (State funds. in most cases. may not be used for private passenger rail facilities.) xx That the matching funds required for this project are available and committed to this project. Committed funds have received necessary authorizations and the recipient agency has authority to expend the funds. 2 June 14,1993 . . Project Name Gilroy S. P. R. R. Train Depot City of Gilroy Agency Name xx That if the project exceeds the state funds available. the applicant agency shall use other funds to backfill the cost increases to complete the project. N/A That this project fulfills the requirements of the High Density Housing Demonstration Program (Government Code Sections 14035.1, 14045. 65083. 65313.5). providing the applicant wishes to have its rail transit station project considered under this program. xx That the applicant will comply with the Commission's Hazardous Waste Identification and Clean-up Poiicy for Rail Right-of-Way and find that: o This project has been fully investigated by the applicant to determine the absence/presence of hazardous wastes. o The applicant has taken reasonabie steps to assure full due diligence. clean-up of the site, as appropriate. and indemnifies the state of future clean-up liability or damages, as well as not seeking state funds for clean-up. damage or liability costs associated with hazardous wastes. That For Proposilion+1 Q'PfejectS: The governing body has stated that no other capital funds previously programmed, planned or approved for rail purposes will be used for other than rail purposes. The governing body has stated that the proposed project does not have unnecessary enhancements and is not an elaborate alternative. Unless otherwise specified in Proposition 116. the governing body has stated that new or increased development fees, taxes or exactions, or permit fees have not or will not be included in the operating budget(s) for this project. or for the purpose of matching funds for Proposition 116 grants. If the Transit Integration Plan has not been completed, the governing body has stated that a plan will be completed and submitted to the Commission for review before the line begins operations. Along with this assurance. a schedule shall be provided which shows the timing for the plan's development. The governing body has stated that a passenger safety program is in place, The governing body has stated that the agency shall comply with the Proposition 116 accessibility requirements for the disabled and for providing access to bicyclists. 3 June 14. 1993 . . P . ctN Gilroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot roJe ame Agency Name City of Gilroy 2. Title and Certification a. Lead Applicant Agency: City of Gilroy b. AddrllSS:-7T~1 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020 c. Contact Person: Melissa Durkin, Planner I Phone #: (408) 848-0440 FAX # (408} 842-2409 d. N/A Co-Applicant Agency, as appropriate: e. Address: f. Co-Applicant Agency Contact Person: N / A Phone #: FAX # g. List All Other Funding Agencies: N/A n. Same Name of Recipient Agency. if applicable: i. Same Address of Recipient Agency: j. Project Type and Title: Gilroy S.P. R.R. Train Depot Rehabilitation XX Commuter Rail Urnan Rail .k. Intercity Rail _ Other. describe: '. " . City of Gilroy, Santa Clara County Project Location (County, City or Cities): 7250 Monterey Street, Project Limits (Identify start and end points. such as cross street or milepost): I. between Seventh Street and Eighth Street. m. Total Project Cost (All fund sources - state, local. federal, other) (Please show one total dollar amount): $118,000.00 n. Total Amouot of State Funding (Please show one total dollar amount): $59,000.00 4 June 1'4, 1993' . 2. Title and Certification (Cont'd) 4ItilrOY S.P.R.R. Project Name A N City of Gilroy gency ame Train Depot o. Total Amount of State Funds Requested For This Application by Fund Source (Please Iisl amounts by stale fund source): Transit Gapi-tal-.Jm,rtrovements (TCI): $59,000.00 p. Application Submittal Dale: 8/27/93 5 June 14. 1993, . 2q. Title and Certification (Cont'd) projectName.1rOY S.P.R.R. A N City of Gilroy gency ame - Train Depot To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data and infonnation in this request are true and correct and I am authorized by my council, board. authority, commission, or ruling body to file the request on behalf of the lead aoolicant. -- Name and Title: Jay Baksa,. Cit Signature On blue ink): Date of Signature: Au . . . - To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data and infonnalion in this request are true and correct and I am authorized by my council, board. authority, commission, or ruling body to file the request on behalf of the co-aoolicant. Name and Trtle: Signature On blue ink): Date of Signature: N/A - To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data and infonnalion in this request are true and correct and I am authorized by my council. board, authority, commission. or ruling body to file the request on behalf of the co-aoolicant. Name and Tille: Signature On blue ink): Date of Signature: N/A - To the best of my knowledge and belief, the data and Infonnation in this request are true and correct and I am authorized by my council, board. authority. commission, or ruling body to file the request on behalf of the recipient. Name and Trtle: N/ A Signature (In blue ink): Date of Signature: 6 June 14,1993 ------ . . Project Name Gilrov S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name Citv of Gi1rov 4.1 Project Description (Cont'd) i. If this project involves a rail transit extension or new rail service, under Proposition 116 your agency must provide a Transit Integration Plan for this project. See the Commission's Transit Integration Plan Guidelines (G-91-19) to respond to this question. (This question is required for Proposition 116 rail extensions. and'is optional for other fund sources.) N / A j. Please list motive source (e.g.. diesel, electric. nalural gas), the number of locomotives acquired, and the passenger cars to be acquired. If rolling stock. indicate the degree of compatibility with proposed or existing fleet consists. and if the rolling stock meets the California Rail Car Performance Specifications for commuter rail and/or intercity rail. N/ A k. Please describe the number and type of rail vehicles and/or buses or other vehicle/vessel to be acquired. N/A June 14. 1993 . .. Project Name Gl.lroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name Ci ty of Gilroy Section II Fundinq, Proiect Description and Schedules, and System Characteristics 3. State Fundinq Sources Requested For This Specific Application and CTC Actions Requested This request is for funding from the following program(s). Please complete the matrix on the following page. 4. Proiect Description and Benefits Please answer fully the questions below, so that project can be evaluated. 4.1 Proiect Description: PLEASE SEE ATTACHED PAGES a. Please provide a comprehensive description of the overall project related to this request in terms of the level of service or performance goals to be achieved. If this request is for a segment, phase, or stage of a larger project, please identify, within the overall project description, the segment, phase, or stage to be funded by this request. If other major projects (from all transportation modes) need to be completed in order for the project to be fully operational, list each project, estimated cost and proposed completion date. Please describe the major activities to be accomplished: - Track Improvements - Origination/Destination-Post Miles - Length - Number and Location of New Stations Number of Locomotives Number of Passenger Vehicles and Vessels Passenger Volumes - Passenger/Day Operation Hours Headways Number of Trains, Cars/Train b. Please attach an 8-112" x 11" map of the projeetsite that shows simplified cross street detail. c. Please attach an 8-112" x 11" map of the area that shows major streets. Indicate the county(ies) and city(ies) in which the project is located. d. If this project is supported by any feasibility or planning studies, please identify the plans, studies, etc., that call for and justify this project. e. If this project requires service over a railroad right-of-way, describe provisions to acquire the property or reference legal agreements for capital improvements and operating requirements. Identify the counties involved, and if right-of-way has not been secured, describe the status of the negotiations. Also, specifically identify any portion of the proposed right-of-way which is owned currently by any railroad corporation. f. If the project involves rail right-of-way acquisition or easement, see Item 4.1' ~fonl1e instructions and the eTe Resolution entitled "Hazardous Waste Identification and Clean-Up for Rail Right-Of-Way Acquisition." g. If this project operates through a rail corridor which is used by other rail agencies, indicate how joint uses will be coordinated, how assets will be shared, and who owns or will own the capital assets. h. Describe provisions for carrying bicycles in rail cars or for bicycle parking at stations. (Proposition 116 requires such provisions and facilities. This question is optional for other fund sources.) 7 June 14 1993 < -~ ~ - u [;:;l . z o - t-- -< U - oJ . ~ 0 . - ~ . ii!j . . : --<..< . - . :: ~ .... . . .< . ~. - . . :- =- ~ I~:; .<< -- - . - . ~~ MM mm :e: w< . ~ .:c - u . t; ~ ~ . , r ~M i :- . . < ~ u . . 0'; ...! ~ . . .t:~ w- I I.. i i ,;; . ~ i . tj' '" . < . . H" r ~ i ~ I ~ . ~ : I~ Z~ ~ - ~ . -;; . r ,;; i -:~ -: -: : . . . . .:c - .. ~~ : .! -. 3. . . O~ :.. :.. ~ - (/) (/) - - r- :::: o ~ ,.... - ?-J - irJ [;:;l ~ 0- [;:;l ,..., - (/) Z o E= u -< u '- U ,.... - Z < (/) [;:;l U ,..., - ~ o (/) C) Z - Q Z ~ .- ~ o '0 .D o u "" "- '" o .: " " o '" E <2 .= -.; " .2 '0 '0 "" >. " "" o '0 > o ~ "- o '" "" ~ "- E "" ~ Oll o ~ "- ..c u "" o ~ ~ . Project NameGilroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name City of Gilroy '"d <1J 0 .... .... ..... <1J <>i --- <>i <>i "" (I] '"d QJ " - 0 u '"d 0 " '0' <1J ~ ..0 "- <1J 0 QJ ..c - .c OJ) W " .... 'N 'M 'r: <1J 0 '" ..c QJ :; .... "" >, 0 <1J '0 S 0 QJ U :> '" W .~ <1J - .c ~ W :5 0 0 .S! '0 (J) :D .D .c 0 <J :3 u W W 0... "" <1J QJ 0 "- S QJ -5 '" .... .: .-< W to... (I] 0 .... ~ " >, '" <1J QJ '-' - .... " " " QJ .2 0 0 W ~ " <:) -a 0 0 0 :>: 0 " 0 '" 0 '0 0 E '" '" ..c "" '" N - <f>-.... ~ '0 0 bOW 'u ;;; " <1J 0 0 'M '" :3 '0 W'"d "" 0" 0 (J) QJ ~ 0 <= QJ W ~ ;:J <1J "- ~ U O<<J U 0 QJ 0 ;;; <: "- ........ 0 0 ~ :3 ~ ., QJ 0" "ca .D .... W 0 '0 '" 0 ~ 0.. 0-, 'D :> QJ QJ x 0 ~ Q 0 '0 0; " c: Vi 0 "" W 0 (J) '" 2:' :> QJ 0 'u 0" ;:J 0 "- ~ 0< 0 0 QJ ~ "- 0 <>i 0... '" ~ "" 0 0 H '" M U ~ "" H 0 0 :!l -.a tI.. 0... -< !:' . . June 14. 1993 ProjectNameGilrov S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency NameCi tv of Gilrov 4.2 Proiect Benefits: See Attached a. Describe how this project contributes to the development of a coordinated and balanced regional transportation system which includes other rail systems and other lrayel modes. b. Describe how this project will contribute to the enhancement of an efficient and effective intercity, commuter, and/or urban passenger rail system, or transit system. c. If this request includes funding to complete any feasibility or planning studies, please describe such studies. (Except as provided by statute, it is Commission policy not to fund feasibility or planning studies using Proposition 116 funds.) . d. If this project involves replacement or rehabilitation, describe improvements such as on-time performance, reliability. and passengers carried during peak periods. Identify if this project is on an intercity, short-line or other type of rail project requiring rehabilitation. e. Please explain how the project is cost-effective, has the financial funding for capital and operational improvements and can be operated on an ongoing basis. f. Explain how your proposed rail station project results in or is coordinated with local plans to provide transit service near high-density housing. (This question is optional and applies to agencies requesting sa 2559 consideration.) 5. Overall Project SChedules Indicate, as applicable, the beginning and ending dates for each phase of this project. (A detailed project development schedule must accompany an allocation request.) Identify any significant issues that may arise and result in project delay due to environmental, litigation, relocation, right-of-way acquisition, or other pertinent issues. Overall Project Schedule Begin Work MonthlYear Completion MonthlYear Federal Allematives Analysis/Initial Study 1\1/ A 1:-..T/l:> . Environmental Documentation & Clearance Notice of Exemption Preliminary Engineering R/?F./Q?, '0ll/93 NIt:. Final Design 4/94 10/94 Acquisition of Right-of-Way or other Access Rights N /A H/' Constru ction/Rehabilitation lfl/9'r 6/\l5 Vehicle Acquisitions (locomotives, cabs, trailers, LRVs, buses, other) N/A N/A Date Initial Ser.vice Will Begin Operation N1A n~tp ~l ,n ~prvi,.p \Nilt ~pnin nnp~tfnn MIA . . June 14.1993 . . Pr~ectName Gilroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name City of Gilroy 6. Please check the appropriate cateQorv and provide the information below on the status of the environmental clearance for the project. If appropriate, provide documentation which demonstrates that the reQuirements have been met. (Check all that apply) Appropriate Environmental Document List Actual or Estimated Completion Dale IS YOUR PROJECT: xx Categorically Exempt. cite section 15303 10/1/93 Statutorily Exempt, cite section THE AGENCY HAS FILED THE FOLLOWING ON THIS PROJECT: Negative Declaration Finding of No Significant Impact Draft EIR Final EIR Supplemental EIR Draft EIS Final EIS Supplemental EIS Certification of EIR . Notice of Determination Lead Agency Responsible agency XX Notice of Exemption 10/1/93 . . June 14. 1993 Project Name Gilroy S. P .R.R. Train Depot Agency NameCity of Gilroy 7. System Characteristics ~-'-'-. Provide the following items relating to system operation (please see the Instructions for how to complete 7-a through 7-i: See Attached a. Describe the operating plan for this system. Indicate if this is a final or preliminary plan.. If this is a preliminary plan, indicate which components of the plan require refinements, modifications and/or changes. b. Describe the fare structure for the system. Indicate if this is a preliminary or final structure. If this is a preliminary structure. indicate which components require refinements, modifications and/or changes. c. Describe the assumptions and process that were used to develop the ridership projections shown in the request. Provide the estimated passenger carrying capacity for this service. d. Describe the assumptions and process for how the projected operating costs were developed. Include any assu~p!ions which were used to develop these costs. -----~-- Current System Improved System System Line Year 1 Year 3 System Year 3 Line Year 1 e. Annual Operating Cost f. Annual Revenues Local Sources (Total) Farebox Sales Tax (LTF) Local Sales Tax Local Bonds Other (Specify Source) Private . State Sources (Total) Sales Tax (STA) Other (Specify Source) Federal Sources (Total) FTA Section 9 Other (Specify Source) g. Ridership Projections (Annual) Average Weekday Ridership h. Operating Costs Covered by Farebox Revenue % % " '0 % % i. Average Fare Per Passenger (a) Actual Farebox ~atio (b) If Below TDA Requirements Show the Subsidy Amount and Specify Source(s) June 14. 1993 . . Project Name Gilroy S.l'.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name City of Gilroy 8. Financial Plan a. Complete the following Project Financial Plan showing all sources of capital funds that will be used to finance the total project cost, including this application. (Agencies may provide their own financialpfafi-f6fmat, providing all required information is presented.) b. Describe the assumptions and process for how the projected capital costs were developed. Include any assumptions which were used to develop these costs. (proposition 116 funds may be used for pre-construction work, but may not exceed 5% of the Proposition 116 funds available. Please provide a breakdown of the amount requested for this activity in this project.) c. Describe the prior commitments that your agency has obtained for this project. (prior commitments can be a federal letter of no prejudice, a SB 2800 approval, an AB 3090 approval, and/or a local commitment to providing funding to the project.) d. List the applicable STIP number (a.k.a. Project Planning Number, PPNO), PA resolutions, or Public Utilities Code section from which funds are requested, as well as the amount for each. June 14. 1993 <Il '"d ~ <1J <Il ;:l o .c H ~ ..... =<Il ~.... :..<1J _r-i =r-i ~O _ ~A ~~t ~~ :: :; oe.~ ~~ = '" '~ -= -: ~~ ~i~ A "" - :2 '" . <:; ~. ..- -. .- - . .".,~ ~-l':: ~ ~ . . ...:: .. ~5 ";!i G:: ., ..' ~~ ...:: >: ~ :':5 :- 5" ~ - ... , ::-- ~ '5 - " i:::5 ~3 - - - . ;; . 1- ;; ;, ~ u:: ,. ~ .::: ~ ~ ~ . . ~~- .:;c . . '" U >-- -<5 3:0- .! "" -0 9", f::a 5'" == ~~: ~ ~ ~ :3 L~I\. ..... .J: '-' ~ ~ ~ ~~ , .:I~ 5 -,~ ~ ~= !Ij, ... """ .- <O(CJ=15o::.~:t tb~g:ct~~;S . I.. . '" - ..., - ::: r- - . ~..: en Cjo152; ,... -t.lt! "':2..2~cn -< - -I~- C,,;::>~""J ':J c~~3":: _.:..-:...cc . Project Name Gilroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name ri t-y n-F (!; 1 ....~~7 ! tJ-ll I.. g <5 0. ~ I~ _ S 5" "5 :s .~ .~ I~~ _" \> en t:lJfoI')UJ-t ... Q<<_a..1:!: ~tt~t;g -- ~. ~ 0;: . -; , .... ... . '" . . '" z: 9~ o 5 ~. ~ ;, 0 "'", in:; Zz;; 8 :;>. ...... :1$:'" ~'- -- eo ~'r-o --.-::: J~ oi:;: ~3 .. - " i::c . '..: [;:c &:3 !.:5 -" &:5 - " &:c ...... ~~ .. ~ ioo ~.. " , 1:=> . .... !~ I~ I~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I.~., e ~ 10; :l! 5' ~ e:t) 12 ~= :l .. ~ '" e;=,.1';; .... tr.1.: .... <-~15=2~ ,..~a::....t,)3~ ~c-o..a..'-cn.... ,-, - ~=1=' ~ ~ "" .,.., ~ z .. . '" - I""l - ::: r- - . OIot...:c;I:I FJCJI~!?: i---c=--~ ..:Je~~ ~-5"5~~ C---. ..... ".- ....J::G::i:2c 1-;; ~ 5 '" 0-"" 2: ...: s _ 'C ~ '5 .~ I~~ c=: '\> ...1<"" en t::cncnl"":: ':" c~<:Se..~ ~tt6t;a ~ i-< .... ... . on __ne 14.1993 ~~? : .~ .2 ::::::: 1:; .- - " ~ - - -- :.. ~-:::- ~~~e. - .- :.l ~ ~- _. :t 0- ~ 0 :...:-- .:.~ E ~ o . ...::: -'-'~ !::5 . ~ . . ::- ~ ;;:5 ..... ts - " >-", ;..~ ~ ..; -5 ;.. ..: "' 3::5!: :.. . :.; ::-- ~ ;;:5 ;;;;i ;..~ .. : . . . i: ~ 0;: j -- "'" "; ~:> ~ ,...,..."'!::::::I 0'<-<::"0( ::: t:2 .., a- -::.: - ~ < ~ Z :5 '0;; :; :5 .......... 0 en :::2;i -.: ~~ :! ~ z-, ~ '0 ~ ~ g~::; ~ u.: ~~ -::~z.-'-_ -C:-CJ;:;:c:::2:! ~'"' ;:;a.:- ~ C,) Cl: 2 u ~- ><:a..' VJI~l2o..o..tI..!;f)<S . o 'J ~ - r""I - :: .... _ 0 C\ ~ tn (j",~,f t<1:,:~ ";~~2~ :t..:-=..:I~ u .::! .::: ~ 2- S~~~g a- ~ ~ '5 3" .~ .:s.~ -~ :l - ... v r"'1 ~ tU"",",,~ ... Q~<<t_o..~ ~tt<Jt;6 o ~ " '" . ProjectNameGilroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency NamECi tv of Gi 1 roy "i '5 .... '" o '" _. ffrTJ1U ,.Uo," t:! 0 .0. .... - .~ . ~ . ~~ o . ...::: :;,,"a.,: '0 :) ~g I , f .~: .. ~. ... ~5 --r.: /;;5 '-..: '5 '....: ---'r.: '0 .... - " '0 ,:~ 2 ./;;o d .. ... :-.- :a:: :_~- ?- ~ co d::: - - .>, :..: . c '_' .2 :~ .. .::: "$:1 0:< ~ . .. ~ " ...:.. .... ,:: '" .. '" ~ -;; tEl.,-: ':;! "'0. . . :;~ ;;;; g ~ g g ~S ~ " ~ - " " i: ~ .... -:~ '" => o. '" a- ll> ., - . u '" ~ .- a- ~ <l: .~ 0. t; C ." .... ... c.. , ..: " " '0 0 ;; .~ ., .:5'~'~ J Z.., ~~ ...:.z~ ~~ Id 2i '" e,- ~~ ii ~ eX 9 I~ a ... - ~"fi~ z. ~(jg;g", . " ~i :::o(o(:::a..~ ::: ;>. .-= 0" .. ~ttCt;6 ~..' l-g:ct~ 0;0 .- - ::eo -...... '= June 14. 1993 z <( ...J a.. 0~ zU) _0:: 0:5 Z--' ::l0 ll..0 I-LL uO WU) -,0 Oz a:';: 0..3 ...JO ...JI <(I- a:z w -=- > o (J) . . ProjectNameGilroy S.P.R.R. Train Depot Agency Name City of Gilrov '" ~ o t5 '" LL " .2 co co u '" W --' ~ 0 l- I >- LL I >- LL I >- LL I >- LL I >- LL ~~ :>"" e", .c>- I-LL ...: <Xl '" '" ---- - '" '" Z - E '" ~ OJ e a.. o.~ ., ., - '" ..c" u e l!!~ ~ '" :> <0 :> :> ,,0 "'~o 0 t::U) ,....-U) en "',., _Ole.>. "'''' ,., '" E a.. = UQ)e~ - u I-.;:a..al "" '0 " '" -", .2.g '" ~ rlo. :> ~ <0 r-r-,-a. 'Ou 0. 0 OJ 01/) ..e.2.2~ I/) en (/) o"'~ --'~ e1"'''' ~ --' :_,.... ~ '- -~~.~ '--- ~(I)CI)C1 ~ .... . . CITY OF GILROY TCI GRANT APPLICATION SUPPLEMENTAL ANSWER SHEET SECTION II Fundinq, pro;ect Description and schedules, and system characteristics 3. state Fundina Sources Reauested For This Specific Application and CTC Actions Reauested This request is for funding from the TCI program. The city of Gilroy is proposing to repair and restore the S.P.R.R. train depot. The total project cost is $118,000. The city is asking for $59,000 from the state, and is proposing to pay the remaining $59,000 from our General Fund. 4. proiect Descript-i01r-iXftG.. Benefits 4.1 Pro;ect Description a. If awarded a grant through the TCI program, the city of Gilroy intends to repair and restore the Gilroy S.P.R.R. train depot. This project will involve restoration, removal of asbestos, and upgrading the building to ADA standards. The grant award will allow the city to preserve an historic building which has been abandoned and is in danger of being destroyed because of lack of funds to restore it. Repairing this building would enable it to be used by the passengers and employees of the San Jose/Gilroy CalTrain, and would allow CalTrain to utilize an existing building for the train depot, rather than constructing a new one. The structure has been in need of rehabilitation for many years, but not enough funding has been available to perform the repairs. Once restored, the train depot would encourage commuters to use the CalTrain, which would help Gilroy meet its goals of providing mass transportation, as well as meeting state and Federal mass transportation goals. b. See attached map. c. See attached map. d. No feasibility or planning studies apply to this project. e. Not applicable. f. Not applicable. g. Not applicable. h. The restoration and repair of the Gilroy train depot includes provisions for bicycle racks and lockers. i. Not applicable. Gilroy TCI Grant Application 2 08/30/93 . . j. Not applicable.-,-_ k. Not applicable. 4.2 proiect Benefits a. This project contributes to the development of a coordinated and balanced regional transportation system because it will enhance an existing commuter train stop, and it will be used as a station for the CalTrain and the Park and Ride lot which is located at this site. In addition, the Gilroy Grey Hound Bus station may be moved here, and a taxi stand is planned for the site. The train depot will also have a multi-modal function, because people using it corne to the~-st~ieR, by modes which include walking, cycling and driving. b. This project will contribute to the enhancement of this urban passenger rail system because it will provide a train station where there currently is none. It will also improve the appearance of the site, as the depot building is now boarded-up, and surrounded by a cyclone fence. c. No feasibility or planning studies are required for this site. d. The rehabilitation of this site applies only to the train depot, therefore this section is non applicable. e. This project is highly cost-effective, because it involves the renovation of an existing t~ain depot, rather than the construction of a new one. The city of Gilroy has budgeted enough money for this project in the 1993/1994 fiscal year to match a TCI grant of $59,000. If this grant is approved, this money will be carried over to the 1994/1995 fiscal year, in order to meet the requirements of the TCI program. The building will be operated on an ongoing basis by renting it to the Greyhound Bus station, or to a vendor who will operate a snack bar and newspaper stand. f. Not applicable. 7. System characteristics a. The operating costs of this building will include PG&E, City water service, janitorial services and routine maintenance expenses. These costs are not expected to exceed $1,000 a month. All of these costs will be borne by the building tenant, as a condition of the lease. This plan is an estimate, and will be subject to change as rates increase. b. Not applicable. Gilroy TCI Grant Application 3 08/30/93 . . c. Not applicable. ---~-- d. The projected costs were developed based on the costs currently incurred by the Greyhound Bus station which is located in Gilroy. The costs to operate a snack bar or newspaper stand are not expected to be significantly different than the cost to operate the Greyhound station. e. The annual operating costs of this building will be $0 for the city of Gilroy, as the tenant will pay all costs as a condition of the lease~ The anticipated annual operating cost for the tenant is approximately $12,000_ The city is currently negotiating with the Greyhound Bus company to lease this space. A letter of intention from Greyhound will be forthcoming. f. The city does not expect to generate revenue from this building. g. Not applicable_ h. Not applicable. i. Not applicable. 8. Financial plan a. See the attached chart. please note that the total project cost is $118,000, and all improvements are construction related. while the city has budgeted funds for this project in the 1993/1994 fiscal year, this money will be carried-over to the 1994/1995 fiscal year, if the City receives this grant. b. The projected capital cost for this project is $118,000. This amount was arrived at by the following estimates: Plans/Architectural Drawings: Asbestos Removal: construction costs $ 10,000 45,000 63,000 Total Cost: 118,000 The estimates for this project were formed based on inspections performed by Gilroy's Chief Building official, and a soil test study prepared by Kaldveer Associates. c. The city of Gilroy has made a commitment to this project by budgeting money in the 1993/1994 fiscal year which will satisfy the state's 50% match requirement. This money will be carried- over to the 1994/1995 fiscal year if TCI monies are awarded. The city has also received letters of support for this project from the County of santa clara and a Gilroy citizen (see attached) . Gilroy TCI Grant Application 4 08/30/93 . . d. The City of Gilroy is requesting $59,000 from the TCI program pursuant to public utilities code sections 99317 and 99317.1 / 1'2.") ,00 Boil SITE MAP FOR GILROY'S SmP.RmRm TRAIN DEPOT .- . " 0 I .~ - -..J I~ " l_~_ ~YO!""". ~ C&or 0 ~ 3 I~ . !if i =l"'!U ,~ ~ ~ c.n .1,...r-J'I .1..."ue ~ 0 f <:: ... X 7 "....,.,.s' , C",,,!I'" I! .. r . ~ \_'\ ! - .. w w '" ~ ,~ -'" ./l.",.....n \; .0; \ I! !i~ I --- .1 3u,....~ , 0-.. - ,'._. .........,.. " FI~ST .~ W~''''''t , ~ ; ~ < ,. 5< 5<. ... "' " "' .. -fU" ...osrtT"l b.. ''1'- ,-,,,, .... ... 5<. o ~ .... ~ ~ ,. CJ ~":I -:- ,,~~ O...."..-.1CHCIla. , ,. < CITY OF GILROY LOCATION OF PASSENGER STATION -'CITY OF GILROY, SANTA CLARA COUNTY ,...m Transportatl* Ag~ncy . Santo Clara County Bus. light Roil, Roack Aviotioo 3331 North First Street San Jow. CA 951 34- 1906 RECEIVED ,"'\ pI'" .; :) lOCo: -'t !-C...J '....~.... April 20, 1993 r;ilroy Planning Uelil Ms. Melissa Durkin, Planner I City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020-6141 Subject: GILROY DEPOT GRANT APPUCATION Dear Ms. Durkin, I am writing to convey the support of the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency (SCCT A) for the City of Gilroy's grant application to renovate the Gilroy Depot. As you note in your application neither the City or the Transit District have funding available to renovate the Depot. The Transit District does not have plans to maintain a staff presence in this facility but we see the value in including facilities that will serve CalTrain patrons. We look forward to working with Gilroy on this project. JEP:SF:dmr cc: CalTrain Gilroy Extension IPAB .. 800ra of Supervison: Michael M. Hondo, Zee lofgren. Ron Gonzales, Rod Diridon Dionne McKenna ~,.... _. . . '. s--//- '/.3 from tne desk of ~oug ~i1ber ,_ /' /<:.l~ fr-c. c'-->-c.:....--if~..--:- / . )~_ t '-<./'~c::? "7i ~~ -:;.~( ~a..~::j _ ~f T.cL. '-'" ,'L.~ 4',,---7~,- t '7~ (iZCc{' -~~'j_ L/~'H~ ~~>'- c;~L... ..-o<fr t7..1.. .--o{':", - '/~-r- , -) / ./ I' ..{~,' ok 7 1..~.cA_---c"-'G-<-_'Y1~-. .-",,-, -.,,/ ~ .'-::"",,-- V./. j - / ~ -/ ' --~_..c--r- ;--r-1 ~',..-v-L. [.~-L ~r-:::--__ (./~-f tf..>J---1 ~C'--<.._~ 'Y--- ~---,-~f ')c tL.. t~-:7 ,1 t-~-(-~. ~ /~, '<-:l. ~L- ~ ,:;k-- ~H~ i' ,/ / L '~ ct....-L..{. ~c:..c'-"- c4.----~~__.:z.... ~ "',. -' t'? -.{' . ) fff' .. --:T7i ,l--r'/ " ( - <.>--...-.--, c...v..A-;-. ---:t..-o," .c...n/~,,/ "7" '- h-f L4' ,,' i / /::-~4l_ ?f...-c--<~# ~~-z c~ (.~vl /~L..o-<. ?/____~- ,_"-( L~'-f /!/I-.:'//2:,;~ cvi-c;r {~ J"-::":'-4. ( /! --. ......c:';j1J~?.</1 R E eEl V i:ldvc"(.CL! lG-:J:....~ MAY 1 4 1993 Gilroy Plannmg DepL # -- 13~ Condition: Excellent _GOOd. Fair -.-- Deteriorated _ No longer .istenCe 14. Alterations: 15. Surroundings: "(Check more than one if necessary) Open land _Scatter~d buildings"x- Densely built. up - Residential _Industrial _Commercial ~Other: . 16. Threats to site: None known~Private development_ Zoning _ Vandalism Public Works project _ Other: 17. Is the Structure: On its original site? X Moved? , 8. Related features: train tracks Unknown? SIGNIFICANCE , 9. Briefly state historical and/or architectural importance (include dates, events. and persons associated with the siteJ The railroad has played a significant roll in shaping the industry within Cal ifornia. The effect upon Gil roy - an agricultural capital, has been one of the most important ingredients in its history. The terminal marked Southern Pacific Railroads acknowledges the importance of,Gilroy as a pas- senger and industri al customer. With the advent of Amtrack, and great reduction in passenger traffic, the station has been closed. 20. Main theme of the historic resource: {If more than one is checked, number in order of importance.} Architecture I Arts & Leisure Economic/Industrial L ExplorationlSettlement Government Military ReligIon Social/Education 21. Sources (List books, documents. surveys. personal interviews and their dates). American Archilecture Since 1780 ItJhi ffen 22. Sanborn Map 1888,19C6,IQ:2.'" Gilroy Advocate, 1918A '1 1986 Date form prepared 0 r 1 Sv{namel The Firm of OrganIZation 80 N N 1 E L. 8 A I~ 8 U R G Address: 247 N. T h i r d S t r e e t City San J 0 s e, C A Zip 96 11 2 Phone: ( 4 U i:l) 9 I 1 - 14 2 1 ( ( ; r ( ,( I ur="',:"nl'~'l:l"" ur ,.....n"'::;.....'..v nt:.....n=....' 'V," HABS_HAER_Loc ^ UTM: ~~a096153 SHL No,_NH Status ....J C D HISTORIC RESOUR. VENTORY IDENTIFICATION Southern Pacific Railroad .( 1. Common name: Oeoot 2. Historic name: Southern Pacific Railroad OP'lot 3. Stree! or rural address: 7250 Monterev Str~et City G i 1 rov ,_=Zip 95020 c: 01 n t 'l r 1 " r" County , ,. Parcet number: sal01311 .:, .CCe. -(Vii/Dh'. Y ~{A..rilr ,; \A/{ S--Paclf.ic..lr.ans.-Co. I Address: 7?Sn Mnn+o~o~1 C+~ 5. Present Owner: City G i 1 rov Private y Zip 9502 0 Ownership is: Public 6. Present Use: '( W--A" t t_ Cl.....- t~"i'\i'l1,t deaot Original.use: v tvVvr 00 0--- r~(1):~"C("^/ II :fCt' DESCRIPTION 7a. Architec:ural style: Neoc 1 ass i ca 1 7b. Briefly describe the present phvsicai appearance of the site or Structure and describe any major alterations from its ...... in.1"'I ';I 1 ""1"'I...n;~;..."'" '. '. 7250 Monterey is a two story rei nforced concrete tr'ili n--depot, and was des- cribed in the local newspaper following its ~ompletion in 1918 as the "most beautiful depot between San Franci sco and Santa Barbara", it has a l1i ssi on Revival tile roof which extends to the projecting balconies on the north and south ends of the building. These small balconies, which are for decora- tion, have carved baluster railing located above rectangular hoods supported by arched brackets. The central hall has a row of double hun9 windows near the high ceiling, a ponderous square pediment and Roman columns at the double door front entrance and large windows on the first story level with heavily corniced lentils. Altho~gh the site is physically somewhat removed from the clustered commercial buidings of Gilroy's Central Business Dis- trict, it none the less remains one of the City's most distinctive pieces of architecture. The interesting mix of cl assical, commercial and Mission Revival design are repeated in buildings constructed all along Monterey Street and helps give the commercial core a definitely positive and coherent urban design. ~. ConsHuction cate: Estimated Fac:ual Q 1 Q l. ArC1:t;;!':: o. ,)~~;;}~Sl~~:-;f.l.t~ _. . -. --- t.:,. ~1~~;,~i 1;)JJmmi.illl I.If:l~~~t-1c':t--~~~~1. r~~j~;F~1 T 'fr~. T 'Tli H:EI~:li0~ '"i'" ~iO- ri~ '1f:.~:\ ~, I. Ji -'--,r-. .::.;Ja- -.. '~ .~,. ~ ij~.. '" "-. Pl:!:,,:""~ __._..J......._-.......:.- .=-, -...- _ ~ - - --:- - -- -~_.~.~-.- 2. ~ 8ulic~r Aoprox. propertY sIze (in feetl F rontage D;~:ltr or aoprox. acreaGe .J.~: Datels) at enclosea photogr<:rPn(sl Mar. 1986 'ij(J Ij / ."6 3G,SJ-36 C DPF . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 93-54 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of September , 19~, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 8th day of September ,1993. JU<7Mv.0 0. ~U/i- ~~Clerk of the City of Gilroy ~ (Seal) .