Resolution 1994-42 . . RESOLUTION NO. 94-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONDITIONALLY APPROVING APPLICATION TM 94-01 FOR A TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR A 60-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON APPROXIMATELY 13.34 ACRES, AFFECTING APNs 783-21-005 AND -006, LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF SANTA T:ERESA BOULEVARD, NORTH OF BAY TREE DRIVE WHEREAS, Willard Homes has made application TM 94-01 for a Tentative Subdivision Map approval for a sixty-lot residential subdivision on approximately 13.34 acres, APNs 783-21-005 and -006, located on the west side of Santa Theresa Boulevard, such property as is shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A incorporated herein by this referencei. and WHEREAS, the City has prepared and circulated in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") a Negative Declaration for Z 93-10, a project the environmental review of which encompasses this projecti and WHEREAS, the Gilroy City Planning commission held a duly noticed public hearing on TM 94-01 on May 5, 1994 and after that public hearing voted to recommend approval of TM 94-01, subject to 13 conditionsi and WHEREAS, this City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on TM 94-01 on May 16, 1994, at which public hearing the Council considered the project and the conditions proposed to be attached to its approval along with staff reports, public testimony and documentation or other evidence on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The Council finds as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the Gilroy General Plan because it conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan Map, and it is consistent with the intent of the text, goals, and policies of the General Plan documentsi RESOLUTION NO. 94-42 -1- . . 2. None of the reasons for denial of this subdivision pursuant to Government Code section 66474 exist in this case; 3. There is no substantial evidence that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment; and 4. The Negative Declaration prepared for Z 93-10 is applicable to TM 94-01 and has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and reflects the independent judgement of the city. B. The Council hereby adopts the Negative Declaration and the mitigation monitoring program contained in the Negative Declaration adopted for Z 93-10; and C. TM 94-01 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the mitigation measures and mitigation monitoring program set forth in the negative declaration adopted for Z 93-10, and subject to the 13 conditions contained in the Planning Staff report dated April 28, 1994, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of May, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, VALDEZ, GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: DO~~!~ ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 94-42 -2- r (": p.'.: ~ r I\'1Yi i ; i ::-.iii,;=1 ,_I:; I,~._ '......... . rUULGNEAQQ~ 1.. " U, ! \j...' ," / I I Li ~ ) ; I ~ f;'1!l / -......:. (~:t ,H- i [~(rll ,~~ I" ~ I .~~ I , .~~~ ~ ;:D ~_ , ;.C.--. ~ 18 \, t, {~~.. ",t. J. . )......., .' . '"\ ."':"\. . ~ ... . r. 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I ~.::S...J L -I-~/. ~~d~~ ~>]__ . , , , ' OUC'ley' :: , '" .-. . -!' .: :- \ ') i . , . . ~ SITE MAP FOR Z 93-10, TM 94-01, AND A/S 94-07.(PUD) EXHIBIT "A" ... .~ . . ~ :~;. c> c, c. ,f lannin.Departme., STAFF REPORT April 28, 1994 FILl: NUMBER: '1'H 94-01 APPLICANT : Willard Homes (c/o Larry Willard) LOCAT:tOH: West side of santa '1'8resa Boulevard, north of Bay Tree Drive STAFF PLAHHER: William Faus ****************************************************************************** ********************************************************************~********* "1lE0UES'1'ED ACTIOR: Approval of a tentative map to allow the subdivision of a 13.34t acre site into 60 single family lots and cOllllOn open space areas. DBSClUnIOR OF PROPBRft: .! Parcel HO.: Parcel size: Flood Zone: 783-21~00S and 006 approximately 13.34 acres -B-, panel. 0603400001C, dated 10/06/81 STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existina Land Use single Family Dwelling Agricultural machinery storage '. , General plan Desianation Residential Low Density Zonina Rl STAWS OF SURROURDIRG PROPBRft: Existina Land U8e H: single Family Dwellings s: single Family OWellings E: Agriculture .W: Undeveloped' General Plan Desianation Residential Low Density Residential Low Density . Residential. Low Density Residentlal Low Density Zonina R1-POD R1 R1 Rl CORFORMAlfCE OF HORST WID GDBRAL PLIIII The proposed zone change request confor.ms to the land use designation for the property on the General plan map and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General plan document. /I, E:, l It EXHIBIT liB" .", 2 . . " , staff Report TH 9. -' 04/28/94 i: BlIVIIlOIIMIDITAL IMPACTS a An Initial study was prepared under lone Change request I 93-10, involving the subject development site. 'lhe current tentative map request represents Phase I, II, and III for that project. 'lhe Initial study was independently reviewed by city staff and reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. 'lhe study identified potentially. significant effects on the environment, however, the applicant has agreed to specific revisions in the project and/or individual mitigation measures will be applied to the C..'....,.'.. project which avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where no significant effects will occur. 'lhere is no substantial evidence that the proposed project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. 'lherefore, a .egative Declaration was prepared under I 93-10. RDO BACKGROURDa 'lhe applicant received Residential Development ordinance. (RDO) approval for the subject project during the 1992 ROO competition (Refa RD 92-05). 'lhe project was given full buildout approval for 60 dwelling units over a three year schedule (1994 @ 16 dw, 1995 . 20 dw, and 1996 @ 24 dw). RZLATBD APPLICATIORS a Z 93-10r Zone change request from the existing al (single Family Residential) to ai-POD (Single Family Residential, Planned Unit Development) district. c. A/S 94-07: Planned unit Development (POD) approval that will allow the applicant to construct 60 single family detached dwellings, two private open space area., private and public streets, and formal landscaping improv...nt. for each dwelling unit. AIIAL%SIS OF RBOUBftr 'lhe applicant (Willard Homes) is requesting tentative map approval of Phase I, II, and III for the proposed wHeritage Placew residential development project. This proposed tentative map request will subdivide a 13.34:t acre ai-POD site. 'lhe subdivision will create 60 single family lots and private open space wparkw areas. 'lhe project .ite is located on the west side of Santa 'leresa Boulevard,.north of.Bay..'rree Drive. 'lhe proposed tentative map request is consi~tent with the city's General plan land use map which designates the site as Residential Low Density. A maximum build-out density not to exceed 7.25 units per net acre is allowed under this designation. As submitted, the project exhibits an overall density of 5.03:1: units per net acre. 'lhe proposed development scheme, which delineates 60 single family lot. utilizing private and public streets, i. substantially consistent with prior city Council ROO approval. II> ... ;- =..0: '; . " :-~ ill : ":. .' . , :~;;;: C', c' , staff R.pOrt: lftI 9. . 04128/94 .' 3 properties that surround the site are d.veloped predominately with .ingle family r.sidential unit.. A built-out planned unit Development proj.ct immediat.ly to the north, villa santa 'lere.a, reflects a similar development scheme utilizing both private and public .treet.. Land on the ea.t sid. of Santa 'ler..a Boulevard, oppo.ite the project .ite, i. u.ed for agricultural purpos.. with a few rural r..id.nc.s (th.s. lands are curr.ntly zon.d single Family resid.ntial). Land immediat.ly west of the project is currently und.v.loped Rl property. 'lh. r.que.ted tentative map action i. consi.tent with both th. int.nt of th. City's Gen.ral plan t.xt and Land Us. Map. 'lh. actual d.sign of individual hom.s and specific sit. consid.rations for-the propo.ed open .pac. wparkw area. will be addre...d through the city'. plann.d Unit Dev.lopment approval proce.s (see accompanying PUD application Als 94-07). STAFF RBC~IO.Sr ,.. staff r.commends aDDroval of this requ..t for the following reasons: A. 'lh. propo.ed tentative map is consist.nt with the approval granted to the developer by th. city council under the Resid.ntial Development ordinanc., B. 'lhe propo..d t.ntativ. map is consi.t.nt with the int.nt of th. goals and policies of th. city'S General plan document, c. Public utilities and infrastructur. improvement. ne.d.d in order to serve the propos.d proj.ct are immediat.ly adjacent to th. site, and D. 'lh.r. will be no significant environmental impacts as a r..ult of this . project due to the requir.d mitigation ..asures to be applied. In aMition. staff r.c~Dds the follc:nriDcr coDdJ.tion8 be Dlac:ed on the GrantinG of thisreauestr 1. An all-weath.r acc.ss road, not l.s. than twenty (20) feet in width, for fire .ngines shall be provid.d before commencing any combustible construction. Fir. hydrants shall also be install.d and maintained before combu.tibl. construction begins, to me.t the approval of the city Fir. Department. 2. Hydrant location., and wat.r main .izing shall be approved by the Gilroy Fir. Department prior to th. i.suanc. of any building permits. 3. Dead-end access roads, in exc... of on. hundr.d fifty (150) f..t in l.ngth, shall be provid.d provisions for.tb. turning around of Fire Department apparatus. 'rurning radii .hall Dot be 1... than thirty-nine (39) fe.t. 4. Each year (1994, 1995, and 1996) the developer will be allowed to receive building permits, for individual home., in number corr.sponding dir.ctly to the amount grant.d to th. proj.ct by th. city council under the 1992 ROO allocation (1994 . 16. dw, 1995 . 20 dw, and 1996 . 24 dw). " ... 4 .' t 8taff Report: TH 9. " 04/28/94 t , 5. All proposed lots shall drain to the street without crossing property lines, subject to the review and approval by the Public Works Department. 6. 'lhe water main shall be looped bebNen Lions creek Drive and soledad street as part of phase I impr~nts, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. 7. 'lhe entire storm drainage syst_ shall be installed, including the improvements on Santa 'leresa Boulevard, as part of phase I, subject to the ~.' review and approval by the Public Works Department. \.. . 8. All propose& retaining walls must be constructed of permanent materials such as concrete or masonry, subject to the review and approval by the Public Works Department. Wood shall not be permitted. 9. 'lhe developer shall install a sanitary sewer clean-cut on the main line between phase I and phase II, subject to the review and approval by the Public Works Department. 10. A dirt swale shall be constructed (i.e., over the new storm line) to drain .the 100 year flood to the structure in santa 'leresa Boulevard as a part of phase I improvements, subject to the review and approval by the public . Works Department. 11. Any city-owned utilities which will need to be installed in phase I but which will not have a right-of-way Until future phases will need to be in P.U.E. 's. ~ 12. 'lhe sound wall adjacent to Santa 'feresa Boulevard shall be designed, constructed, and painted subject to the review and approval by the Public Works Department. 13. HI'lIGA'lIO. MEASURES II throuah 130, contained within the revised .egative Declaration dated 04/25/94 for the subject project, shall be applied to the approval of the project in order to reduce and/or eliminate all poten~ial significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the California Environmental QUality Act (CEOA). Respectfully, ~f)~ Michael. Dorn Director of planning attachments 5-5-'4 At their ...tiDg of Mal 5, 1"4, the Pl.ftft~Dg co..i.sion nft.ft~~.l. -~~ to -~ ~ 'nn._ Z"eO"" ...._ appZ'OYal of DI '4-01, with 13 caa4ition.. (".olatiaa "4-12) UUa "DIn:r~IIO, .........., COOP", GaGB, PUD:l:A, SftBrASU, LAI Draa ... AllllBR!a ... ... , - . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 94-42 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 23rd at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the day of Mav , 19-2!-, Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 24th day of M~ ,1994. of (Seal)