Resolution 1994-54 ~,::",.,.,.,.,.,-,,- ,. . . .~. RESOLUTION NO. 94-54 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONDITIONALLY APPROVING APPLICATION TM 93-05 FOR A VESTING TENTATIVE SUBDIVISION MAP FOR A 14-LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ON APPROXIMATELY 8.17 ACRES, AFFECTING APNS 790-20-069, -070 AND -076, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF KERN AVENUE EXTENDING TO WREN AVENUE, NORTH OF WELBURN AVENUE WHEREAS, Silicon Valley Development Inc. has made application TM 93-05 for a Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map approval for a 14-lot residential subdivision on approximately 8.17 acres, APNs 790-20-069, -070 AND -076, located on the east side of Kern Avenue extending to Wren Avenue, north of Welburn Avenue, such property as is shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the application seeks to accomplish several actions with regard to three separate and contiguous parcels, to wit, subdivide APN 790-20-069 fronting Kern Avenue into 11 single family parcels (consistent with the original RDO approval granted under RD 92-28); subdivide a portion of APN 790-20-070 into three single family parcels; eliminate the land-locked parcel between the applicant's site and the developed church property fronting on Wren Avenue by consolidating APN 790-20-076 with the remaining portion of APN 790-20-070; and WHEREAS, the City has prepared and circulated an Initial Study for this project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"): and WHEREAS, the city has prepared and released for public review a Negative Declaration for this project in accordance with CEQA with 17 mitigation measures; and WHEREAS, the Gilroy City Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on TM 93-05 on June 2, 1994 and after that public hearing voted to recommend approval of TM 93-05, subject to 15 conditions, and also voted to recommend approval of the Negative RESOLUTION NO. 94-54 -1- . . " Declaration; and WHEREAS, this City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on TM 93-03 on June 20, 1994, at which public hearing the Council considered the project and the conditions proposed to be attached to its approval along with staff reports, public testimony and documentation or other evidence on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The Council finds as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the Gilroy General Plan because it conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan Map, and it is consistent with the intent of the text, goals, and policies of the General Plan documents; 2. None of the reasons for denial of this subdivision pursuant to Government Code section 66474 exist in this case; 3. The Negative Declaration prepared for this project in accordance with CEQA reflects the independent judgment of the City that, with regard to significant effects on the environment identified in the Initial Sutudy prepared for the project, (a) revisions in the project plans or proposals made by, or agreed to by, the applicant before the proposed negative declaration was released for public review will avoid the effects or mitigate the effects to a point where clearly no significant effect on the environment would occur, and (b) there is no substantial evidence in light of the whole record before the Council that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment; and B. The Council hereby adopts the Negative Declaration with the mitigation monitoring program; and C. TM 93-05 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the mitigation measures and mitigation monitoring program set forth in the Negative Declaration, and subject to the 15 conditions RESOLUTION NO. 94-54 -2- . . contained in the Planning staff report dated May 24, 1994, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, VALDEZ, GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: AP7!JJ j, Donald F. Gage, M~ ATTEST: RESOLUTION NO. 94-54 -3- '89/23 389/2.. ":t;,.; I 2 / .. 6 ,. ; --_____....1 ~____ .. . [~~11 [t~~~. · --- -..~- '.L____ . . C __ " , w .. III III ..... .. .. .. I I I . l \'''-----J''. UJ I > ( z ~; uf ~ INDUSTRIAL ~~ BLDG. : 1 ~' Oh.. "t ~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" SI'TE 1\1I ~ p FC>R. ,- 1\;1 93-05 .Planni_ Departme. STAFF REPORT EXHIBIT "B" "XLE NUMBER: 'l'M 93-05 APPLXCANT: silicon valley Development Xnc. (c/o David Deardorf) May 24, 1994 LOCA'l'XON: East side of Kern Avenue extending to Wren Avenue, north of Welburn Avenue. STAFF PLANNER: william Faus ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** REOUESTED ACTIO., Approval of a vesting tentative map to allow the subdivision of an 8.17t acre site into 14 single family lots, and to consolidate two remaining parcels into one. DESCRIPTIOR OF PROPERTY' Parcel No.: Parcel size: Flood Zone: 790-20-069, 070, and 076 2.91t, 1.50t, and 3.76t acres respectively "8", panel. 060340 0001C, dated 10/06/81 STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existina Land Use undeveloped Parcel undeveloped Church Parcel Church General plan Desianation Residential Low Density Residential Low density Residential Low Density STATUS OF SURROURDIRG PROPERTY, Existina Land Use N: single Family Dwellings S: SF Dwellings, orchard E: Elementary school W: single Family Dwellings General plan Desianation Residential Low Density Residential Low Density Public-Facility - school Residential Low Density CONFORMANCE OF REOUEST WITH GERERAL PI.JlR: Zonina R1 R1 R1 Zonina R1 R1 PF R1-PUD The proposed zone change request conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General plan map and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General plan document. v' (j ~ (. Staff Report TN .05 2 . . OS/2'4/94 BRVIRORMBRTAL IMPACTS: An Initial study was prepared for the proposed project (attached and dated March 1994). The study was independently reviewed by city staff and reflects the independent judgement of the city of Gilroy. The Initial study identified potentially significant effects on the environment, however, the applicant has agreed to specific revisions in the project and/or individual mitigation measures will be applied to the project which avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where no significant effects will occur. The Initial study was circulated for a period of 20 days, with the city receiving two written responses (see wAttachment AW). The city's independent environmental consultant addressed each comment with a recommended action and/or modification to the Negative Declaration (see attached letter from the EMC Planning Group dated May 6, 1994). The attached Negative Declaration, revised and dated 05/06/94, reflects those changes (new Mitigation Measure text is denoted by ~ type face and deleted text is ere88-e~~ typeface). A proposed Mitigation Monitoring program is also included in this report as wAttachment BW. .. ROO BACKGROURD I The applicant received Residential Development ordinance (ROO) approval for the subject project during the 1992 ROO competition (Ref: RO 92-28). The project was given full buildout approval that included 11 single family lots for the year 1994. The three additional single family lots proposed under the subject tentative map are located on an adjoining land-locked parcel owned by the First Baptist church of Gilroy, and are therefore exempt under the city'S Residential Development ordinance. The original ROO application submitted under RO 92-28, involving the subject site, delineated two possible development schemes; 1) an eleven lot subdivision with no connection to the land-locked parcel immediately to the east, and 2) an eleven lot subdivision that provided access to the land-locked parcel. The second design proposal was recommended by staff, and approved by the Planning Commission and City council, as the superior design. The current tentative map submission is essentially identical to the original RO approval. RELA'rED APPLICATIORS I A/S 94-01: Architectural & site Review approval for four specific house models (all single family detached) to be constructed within the proposed subdivision. ~taff Report THe05 3 . . OS/2'4/94 ANALYSIS 0.. REOtJEST: The applicant (silicon valley Development) is requesting vesting tentative map approval to create a 14-lot single family subdivision. The proposed tentative map request will actually accomplish three distinct actions involving three separate and contiguous parcels (the applicant's 2.91t acre site fronting on Kern Avenue, and two pther parcels owned by the First Baptist church of Gilroy): '1. Subdivide the applicant's 2.91t acre sit., fronting Kern Avenue, into 11 single family parcels (consistent with the original ROO approval granted under RO 92-28); '2. subdivide a portion of a 1.50t acre site (the land-locked parcel located between the applicant's site and the developed church property that fronts on Wren Avenue) into three single family parcels. These three single family parcels will be located at the end of a cul-de-sac created under action '1 above (lots numbered "6", "7", and "8" on the submitted tentative map); and '3. Eliminate the land-locked parcel by consolidating the existing 3.76t acre church parcel, which fronts on Wren Avenue, with the remaining portion of the land-locked parcel not developed with three single family parcels. This action will rectify the access problem with the land-locked parcel, by creating one church property. The three actions proposed under this tentative map request are consistent with the city's General plan land use map which designates the site as Residential Low Density. A maximum build-out density not to exceed 7.25 units per net acre is allowed under this designation. As submitted, the project exhibits an overall density of 3.62% units per net acre, with lots ranging in size from 7,030 to 13,666 sq.ft. (averaging 9,457% sq.ft.). The proposed development scheme of 14 single family lots with the cul-de-sac design, is substantially consistent with prior city council ROO approval. properties that surround the project site are developed predominately with single family residential homes with lots in the 7,000 square foot range, though large rural residential lots are common along Kern Avenue north of the site. Land immediately south is improved with an orchard and a resident single family dwelling. Land along the west side of Kern Avenue, opposite the site, is developed with single family homes. The subject request .has..been_aubmitted.to.. the_city.. as a "_vesting" tentative map. unlike.a standard tentative.map, the vesting tentative map gives the developer a vested right to proceed with development of the project as originally approved. This would include the right to obtain all necessary building permits and discretionary approvals, in accordance with city codes, ordinances, policies, and standards in effect when the tentative map was first approved. Tentative maps submitted to the city as "vesting" require a higher initial level of specific design and engineering detail than standard tentative maps (note: these details are typically required after approval for standard tentative maps). staff Report '1'11 .5 4 . , OS/24/94 staff has reviewed the applicant's proposed vesting tentative map and finds the submittal consistent with the city's General plan text, Land use Map, zoning ordinance, city codes, and all applicable development standards. The actual design of individual homes will be addressed through the city'S Architectural" site Review procedures (Ref: A/S 94-01). STAPF RBCOMMBIIDATIOIlS: staff recommends aDDroval.of this request for the following reasons: A. The proposed ves~ing tentative map is consistent with the approval granted to the developer by the City council under the Residential Development ordinance; B. The proposed vesting tentative map is consistent with the intent of the goals and policies of the city's General plan document~ c. Public utilities and infrastructure improvements needed in order to serve the proposed project are immediately adjacent to the site along Kern Avenue~ and D. There will be no significant environmental impacts as a result of this project due to the required mitigation measures to be applied. In addition. staff recommend. tbe followinq conditions be placed on tbe qrantinq of tbi. reaue.t: 1. Prior to building permit issuance, the developer shall receive Architectural " site review approval from the Planning Department. 2. An all-weather access road, not less than twenty (20) feet in width, for fire engines shall be provided before commencing any combustible construction. Fire hydrants shall also be installed and maintained before combustible construction begins, to meet the approval of the city Fire Department. 3. Hydrant locations, and water main s1z1ng shall be approved by the Gilroy Fire Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. 4. All lots shall drain to the street, and not across property lines or into.and .through.-joint drainage systems. _ A1L-atructural retaining walls shall .be ..constructed.of masonry materials , subject to the review and approval by the public works and Building Departments. 5. The existing pavement on Kern Avenue shall be ground 1~" to centerline, then overlaid. The slope shall match the existing street, so that the range of cross slopes is 2% to 3%, subject to the review and approval by the public works Department. 'staff Report A-05 5 . OS/24/94 6. The developer shall use the "S'l'R-9 Detail" to determine property lines at the curve returns. The sidewalk has to be in the property, not the easement, with the final design subject to the review and approval by the Public Works Department. 7. The street design shall delineate the required S. tree planting easement (T.P.E.) on the cul-de-s,c detail, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. 8. The drainage for Lot t15 (the remainder piece) shall be routed and handled, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. 9. The cul-de-sac shall be moved to the west in order that there is room between the property lines and the right-of-way lines, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. 10. street improvements shall include the design of all storm drainage, sewer and water lines, and all street sections and width, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. 11. All utilities to, through, and on the site shall be installed underground in accordance with section 21.120, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. 12. One sewer allocation shall be required for lots numbered "6", "7" and "8", prior to building permit issuance. 13. A soils report shall be completed and submitted to the city, subject to the review and approval by the Public works Department. All grading operations and soil compaction activities shall meet the approval of the city Engineer. In addition, grading plans shall show grades of all adjacent properties. 14. The developer shall delineate the location of existing wells. All existing water wells shall be sealed to'meet the approval of the City Engineer and the santa Clara valley Water District (SCVWD). lS. MITIGATION MEASURES t1 throUQh .17, contained within the revised Negative Declaration dated OS/06/94 for .the subject project, shall be applied to the approval of the project in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the California Environmental QUality Act (CEQA). Respectfully, '~O~ Michael Dorn Director of Planning Attachments . .. 6-2-94 At their meeting of June 2, 1994, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended adoption of the Negative Declaration as completed in compliance with CEQA and reflecting the independent judgment of the City. In addition, the Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of TM 9~05, subject to 15 conditions as listed in the staff report. (Resolution 94-21) AYES: NAYES: ABSENT : ARELLANO, BUCHANAN, COOPER, GAGE, PUENTE, SUYEYASU, LAI NONE NONE *-vc. I L____-L_...J ~____ [---'11-1- . . . ___L_J lJr:~~~ · --- -,.,..- '..!Il..____ > . c ~ , . , ...... , , , IN 4 389/23 389/24 '" '" "- ... ... . , '''----J' . ., l 4 / I I UJ > ( I 2 / 4 6 INDUSTRIAL ~~ BLDG. ; l SI.E tv1~p FC>R. ,- 1\1I 93-05 . . Attachment A Letters Received During the Public Review Period . . "" Santa Clara ValI~ Wa~e1 District l.- 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CA 95118.3686 TELEPHONE (A08) 26S.2600 FACSIMILE (408) 266-0211 AN AFrttMJlYl ACTION tMrlOYEI April 18, 1994 Mr. WilJiam Faus City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, CA 95020-6141 Dear Mr. Faus: Subject: Initial Study and Preliminary Negative Declaration for the Solis Heights Subdivision, File Number TM 93-05. The District bas reviewed the subject document and offers the following comments. &ctiQD.'..6...7 Storm Water Drainale 1 The Initial Study states that the proposed storm drainage improvements wilJ be desi&11ed to a(.~commodate both a lo-year and lOO-year event. U the storm drainage facilities arc designed to convey runoff occurring from a lOO-year storm event, downstream flood control facilities may not have adequate capacity to convey the runoff. Tbe District's hydrology for the design of flood control facilities is based on the City's design standard for local drainage facilities which is for a la-year event. The design of the proposed storm drainage improvements should be based on a 10-year return perioo. - 2 , The Initial Study provides a mitigation mca~urc r~ujrini the payment of storm drain development fees to the City. The payment of fees is not a mitigation measure. The proposed project does not appear to require the use of best mana~cmcnt practices for controllini storm water quality for the following reasons: a. The project will disturb less than five acres of land area. Currently, the State Water Resources Control Board'-s NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharges-Associated WithCon~truction Activity regulates projects which disturb more than five acres of land area. However, the threshold was recently the subject of a citizen lawsuit and may be revised downward (to 1 acre) b)' the Environmental Protection Agency. 3 b. The City of Gilroy is not now regulated under a Municipal NPDES permit for storm water discharges. .ft.. . Mr. William Faus . 2 Weapprcciate the opportunity to review and comment on this document. Sincerely, ~ /? It' ~,w, Marc J. K',;ncic, P.E. Division Engineer Design Coordination Division , April 18, 1994 El/i\ 'K--,;5 ~ -=-' .. CIQ $tM"I "" ".IIM" ~ '- "" !ilroy Unified S"'ool District 7810 Arrovo Circle · GilroV. California 95020 · T.lephone: (408l 8~7.2700 · FIX: (408l 842"'58 Kennetl'l A. Noonon. Superintend.nt April 26, 1994 Bill raus City ot Gilroy Planning Department 7351 Rosanna street Gilroy, California 95020 Subject: Co_enta on the Initial Study and Proposed .e9ative Declaration TN '3-05, 'oli. aei9bta 8U):)41viaion (8ilicon Valley Develop..nt) Dear Bill: 4 Thank you tor the opportunity to comment on the Initial study tor the So11a Heights SUbdivision Tentative Map (93-05). (93-10) The factual baCKground in the Initial study related to the school district 1s incomplete. The tact i. this c:1eveloper s1qnec:1 a contractual agreement with the school district durin9 the 1992 ROO process. This project is covered by this contractual agreement. In liqht of this agreement, the impact of the development on the GChool district will be insignificant. It you should have any questions, plea.e do not hesitate to contact me at 847-2230. Thank you. Sincerely, I ~Q:::!:?:L~';Vr Oirector ot Facilities , Planning TMW/mh CCI Silicon Valley Development Board of Education John H. Arvizu · Mac 8redllnc'lw . M.ry Ann Orvtgm.nn . E. aln. a.wln . Aicne,d Rodrlgu.z . a.ry V. Slnehl: . K.lhl..n M; Srr 389/23 389/24 I 2 1 4 6 I J II II 1 II I anon, 4 t;mIT ffiJlli ~ "."'~~ . C'-J \.~ ..... ", w , l <l I I I OQ <D " & & . .'""-----/ . . l1J . > ( Z ~i UJ' ~ INDUSTRIA L ~ ~ BLDG. A 1 C7l SI.E lVI~p FC>R. ,- IV! 93-05 ~ . A Land Use Planning and Design Firm RECEI'fEr M/1 '. ,- R 1994 May 6, 1994 Gilroy Plannmg Dept Mr. William Faus Planner Gilroy Planning Department 7351 Rosanna Street Gilroy, California 95020-6141 Re: Solis Heights Subdivision Initial Study (TM 93-05) Letter Addendum Dear Bill: The public review period for the Solis Heights Subdivision Initial Study ended on April 29, 1994. On April 20, 1994, I received two letters from you regarding the proposed project. These letter were from the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the Gilroy Unified School District. These letters are listed below and are included in Attachment A. L-1 Marc J. Klemencic, Division Engineer, Design Coordination Division, Santa Clara Valley Water District, San Jose, California, April 18, 1994. L-2 Teresa M. Wenig, Director of Facilities and Planning, Gilroy Unified School District, Gilroy, California, April 26, 1994. These two letters have been reviewed by our firm. Upon review of these letters, it was determined that a response was necessary. Rather than revise the text of the initial study to reflect each comment contained in the letters, our firm, at the direction of the City of Gilroy Planning Department~ decided to prepare a letter addendum to the Solis Heights Subdivision Initial Study. This letter addendum includes a summary of each comment provided by the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the Gilroy Unified School District, as well as a response from our firm." "We have "responded' to" orrly those . comments which raise "significant environmental issues." 99 Pacific St. · Suite 155 F . Monterey, CA 93940 .. (408) 649.1799 . . Mr. William Faus Gilroy Planning Department May 6, 1994, Page 2 L-l Marc J. Klemencic, Division Engineer, Design Coordination Division, Santa Clara Valley Water District, April 18, 1994. Comment 1. The initial study states that the proposed storm drainage improvements will be designed to accommodate both a 10-year and a 100-year event. If the storm drainage facilities are designed to convey run-off occurring from a 100-year storm event, downstream flood control facilities may not have adequate capacity to convey the run-off. The district's hydrology for the design of flood control facilities is based on the city's design standard for local drainage facilities which is for a 10-year event. The design of the proposed storm drainage improvements should be based on a 10-year return period. Response. The following changes should be made to the text in Section 5.3 and Section 5.6.7 of the initial study. The page an paragraph reference is included at the end of each change: "Impacts associated with the increase in the amount of surface water run-off generated by beta 10 year 8:Bd 100 year ateFm events the 10- year storm event. as well as the variety of non-point source pollutants carried in the surface water run-off are discussed in Section 5.6.7, Storm water Drainage." [Page 34, Paragraph 5] "Storm drainage lines to serve the proposed project will be contained within a public utility easement (PUE) to be dedicated by the developer and will be installed with in the street rights-of-way. Storm drain improvements on the project site will be directed through an IS-inch storm drain line that extends east from Kern Avenue. Further, the project will provide a l5-inch lateral storm drain at the intersection of the proposed cul-de-sac street and Kern Avenue. The proposed storm drainage improvements will connect to the existing 36-inch storm drain line located along Kern Avenue. The proposed storm drain improvements will be designed to accommodate Beth a 10-year aftEl 100 year storm event." [Page 41, Paragraph 1] Comment 2. The initial study provides a mitigation measure requiring the payment of storm drain development fees to the city. The payment of fees is not a mitigation measure. Response. The City of Gilroy. has established that payment of any development fee be included as a mitigation measure under the. appropriate environmental concern for all environmental documents prepared in the city. The proposed project will place an increased demand on the city's storm drain system and the initial study identifies this as a significant impact. Therefore, payment of development fees is appropriate to mitigate project-specific impacts to a level of insignificance, and contribute towards the implementation of citywide storm drain improvements that will benefit the proposed project as well as other development in the city. . . Mr. William Faus Gilroy Planning Department May 6, 1994, Page 3 Comment 3. The proposed project does not appear to require the use of best management practices for controlling storm water quality for the following reasons: a. The project will disturb less than five acres of land area. Currently, the State Water Resources Control Board's NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated With Construction Activity regulates projects which disturb more than five acres of land area. However, the threshold was recently the subject of a citizen lawsuit and may be revised downward (to one acre) by the Environmental Protection Agency. b. The City of Gilroy is not now regulated under a Municipal NPDES permit for storm water discharge. Response. There is no need for the proposed project to obtain a State Water Resources Control Board's NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated With Construction Activity for the reason that the proposed project is less than five acres and the City of Gilroy is not regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board. L-2 Teresa M. Wenig, Director of Facilities and Planning, Gilroy Unified School District, April 26, 1994. Comment 4. The factual background in the initial study related to the school district is incomplete. The fact is this developer signed a contractual agreement with the school district during the 1992 RDO process. This project is covered by this contractual agreement. In light of this agreement, the impact of the development on the school district will be insignificant. Response. The consultant acknowledges this comment. Therefore, the text has been modified to reflect this new information; to change the conclusion from significant to insignificant and to delete the mitigation measure. In addition, the elimination of this mitigation measure is reflected in a revised mitigation monitoring program included in Attachment B. The following modifications have been made to the text to reflect this new information: Impacts Using the school district's estimate of 0.75 students per residential unit, build-out of the project site can be expected to generate approximately 11 students (14 residential units x 0.75 students). Because the school district is overcrowded, this is considered a significant adverse environmental impact. . . Mr. William Faus Gilroy Planning Department May 6, 1994, Page 4 However. durini'the 1992 Residential Development Ordinance (RDO) orocess. the developer and the Gilroy Unified School District si~ed a contractual ai1"eement that mitilrates project impacts to a level of insi~ficance (Teresa M. Wenii 1994), Therefore. the proposed proiect will not result in a si~ificant adverse environmental impact on the Gilrov Unified School J)istrict. ImplemeBtatieB ef the rellewing mitigatieB.meaSUl'e will reauee impaeta te seaeels to a level of insignifieanee. Mitigation Measure No mitigation measures are necessarY. 6. The de91eloper anall aaall provide statutery impaet fees to the Gilroy Unified School Distriet prior to the iaautmee of a Building permit. I hope that this letter adequately addresses the comments received during the public review period. I have enclosed a disc in Wordperfect 5.1, which contains the revised mitigation monitoring checklist and letter addendum. If you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at your earliest convenience. It has been a pleasure working with you on this project. Thank you. Sincerely, ~~~ Eric T. Keller Planner PlanninlflDepartmen. NEGATIVE DECLARATION City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 {revised} CITY PILE HUMBER: DC 93-05 PROJECT DESCRIPTIO.: .... of proj.ct: Solis Heights Subdivision .atur. of proj.ct: Proposed request to subdivide 3.86 aeres into 14 single family parcels, on property zoned R1 (Single Family Residential). PROJECT LOCATIO.: Location: East side of Kern Avenue, north of Welburn Avenue. A.....or'. Parc.l .umbers: 790-20-069, 070, and 076. Entitv or P.rsontsl Und.rtakinq proi.ct: R...: Silicon valley Development (c/o Ted Ringel) Addr..s: 2620 Augustine Drive, suite 101, Santa Clara, CA 95054 INITIAL STUDY: An Expanded Initial study for this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether the project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is on file at the City of Gilroy Planning Department, 7351 Rosanna street, Gilroy, California. FINDINGS 6 REASONS: The Initial study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. However, the applicant has agreed to specific revisions in the project and/or the project has been revised. See the following list of MITIGATION MEASURES, which avoid or mitigate potential effects to a point where no significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these findings: A. The proposed Tentative Map configuration is consistent with the City's General plan land use map; B. The proposed project is substantially consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the city's General plan document; c. The granting of this request will not adversely affect or impact neighboring parcels of land or adjacent developed residential properties; and D. All potential significant effects can be mitigated to reduce them to an insignificant level of impact. 'Neg.Dec. 'l'H 93-e 2 . 05/0'6/94 revised MitiqatioD Measur.s: 1. The project shall be designed in accordance with earthquake design regulations of the uniform Building code, subject to the review and approval by the city Building Department. 2. 'l'he developer shall conduct a detaile~ design level soils investigation for the project site to ensure that structure foundations and subsurface improvements are appropriately designed to withstand the expansive nature of the on-site soils and to ensure that grading and excavation plans are properly engineered. Recommendations of the soils investigation shall be incorporated into the final improvement plans for the project site subject to the review and approval of the City Building Department prior to approval of the final subdivision map. 3. The developer shall pay the appropriate traffic impact fee, subject to the approval of the city Department of Public works prior to the issuance of a building permit. 4. The design of all street improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to the review by and approval of the city Department of Public Works. 5. The contractor specifications for the proposed project shall be submitted to the Building Department for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. The contractor specifications shall include the following particulate emission measures: A. Exposed earth surfaces shall be watered during clearing, excavations, grading, and construction activities. watering of exposed earth surfaces could reduce particulate emissions as much as 50 percent. All construction contracts should require watering in late morning and at the end of the day. The frequency of watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. B. Throughout excavation activity, haul trucks should use tarpaulins or other effective covers at all times. C. upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. -eT ~he-eeve~e~er-eha~~-~rev~ee-e~a~8~erY-~M~ae~-~eee-~e-~he-6~~rey-aft~~~e8 sehee~-9~e~r~e~-~r~er-~e-~he-~ee8aftee-e~-a-88~~e~ft!-~ePM~~T -~T prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall pay 6. required City of Gilroy Public safety impact fees. -8T Future development shall-meet all .water -supply and water pressure 7. standards as contained in the Uniform Building code, subject to the review and approval of the city of Gilroy Fire Department. -~T The proposed project shall conform to the Uniform Fire code, subject to 8. the review and approval by the Gilroy Fire Department. ~eT Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall pay 9. required city of Gilroy Parks and Recreation impact fees. ~eg.Dec. TM 93-4It 3 . 05/0'6/94 revised ~~y The developer shall pay the appropriate water development fees, subject to 10. review by the city Department of Public works prior to the issuance of a building permit. ~iy Developers shall pay the appropriate sewer development fees, subject to 11. review by the City Department of Public works prior.to the issuance of a building permit. ~~y prior to development of the site, the developer must obtain sufficient 12. sewer allocation to serve the proposed project and will be required to pay city of Gilroy sanitary sewer connection fees. ~4y The design of all sewer l~ne improvements serving the project site shall 13. be provided by the developer, subject to the review and approval by the city Department of Public Works. ~Sy Developers shall pay the appropriate storm drain development fees, subject 14. to review by the City Department of PUblic Works prior to the issuance of a building permit. ~&y The developer shall provide and incorporate the design of all storm 15. drainage improvements serving the proposed project site into the final improvement plans subject to review and approval by the city Department of public Works prior to the approval of the final subdivision map. ~~y The developer shall construct all utilities to, through, and on the site 16. underground, subject to the review and approval by the city Department of Public Works. ~8y Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be 17. found during construction, the following language shall be included in any permits issued for the project site, including but not limited to building permits for the future development, pursuant to the review by and approval of the city Planning Director. The following language shall be printed on all grading and construction plans prior to building permit issuance: "If archaeological resources or human remains are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 150 feet of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented." Date prepared: March 25, 1994 End of Review period: April 20 ,1994 Revised May 6, 1994 Approved by. city council: Michael Dorn, Director of Planning . . I I . . Attachment B Revised Mitigation Monitoring Checklist . . Attachment A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Solis Heights Subdivision Initial Study (TM 93.05) Prior to approval of Final Subdivision Map and Improvement Plans, the following mitigations shall be implemented: Mitigation Party Party Responsible for Nature of Mitigation Responsible for Number Imnlementation Monitoring Conduct a soils investigation. 2. Incorporate recommendations of the Developer City Building Department soils investigation into future improvement nlans. Provide the design of all street City Public Works 4. improvements serving the project Developer Department site. Gilrov Fire Denartment Development shall meet all water Gilroy Fire Department g, supply and water pressure Developer L. standards as contained in the City Public Works Uniform Buildin2' Code Department Gilroy Fire Department Q., Conform to the Uniform Fire Code. Developer City Public Works a Department Citv Buildin2' Department 14 Provide the design of all sewer line City Public Works improvements serving the proposed Developer la. proiect site. Department .lQ., Provide designs of all storm City Public Works drainage improvements serving the Developer a proposed proiect site. Department J+, The developer shall construct all City Public Works utilities to, through, and on the site I Developer ~ underground Department . . Attachment B MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Solis Heights Subdivision Initial Study (TM-93-05) . Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the following mitigations shall be implemented: Mitigation party Party Responsible for Nature of Mitigation Responsible for Number Imulementation Monitoring Development designed in . 1. accordance with earthquake design Developer City Building Department relnllations. 3. Pay appropriate traffic impact fee, Developer CityPublic Works Department The contractor specifications for the proposed project shall be submitted 5. and shall include the particulate Developer City Building Department emission measures contained in Section 5.5. Air Qualitv. e.. Pay statlltwy impast fees tg the De'}elgper GHr~y Sshggl Di8irist Qig..g.. U~'~ed Sshggl Distrist. +. Pay public safety impact fees (Fire Developer City Planning Department 2.. and Police Protection). 10. Pay parks and recreation impacts Developer City Planning Department ~ fees. .g.. Pay water development fees. Developer City Public Works ~ Depanment ~ Pay sewer development fees. Developer City Public Works ll.. Department ~ Obtain sufficient sewer allocation to City Public Works serve the proposed project. and Developer ~ pay sanitary sewer connection fees. Department ~ Pay storm drain development fees. Developer City Public Works ~ Department Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be found during ~ construction, the archaeological Developer City Planning Department .l1. language contained in Section 5,8 of the intial study shall be included in anypennits issued for the project site. . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 94-54 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 27th day of June , 19--2L, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 29th day of June ,1994. ~~. City Clerk of the City of (Seal)