Resolution 1994-56 .",,: c<.-~,~.- . . RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 56 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE REVISING FEES CHARGED BY ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, after study and consultation with all departments, the Finance Director, City Administrator and staff have prepared and recommended adoption of the attached City of Gilroy Comprehensive Fee Schedule, as authorized by the various sections of the City Code as indicated, and good cause appearing therefor, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Gilroy approves the attached City of Gilroy Comprehensive Fee Schedule consisting of fiftv-eiqht paqes, including a Table of Contents and Index and adopts the same to apply to all departments of the City of Gilroy. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, VALDEZ and GAGE. NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ~~j, MaYor~ ;L ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 94 - 56 . . .1 CITY Of GIITLROY CCOMlPRJEHJENSJIVJE FlEJE SCCHJEDUJLJE 1995 Amended June 27,1994 Resolution 94-56 . . TABLE OF CORTERTS Paqe 1- Administration 2 2. Building Department 3 3. Finance Department 20 4. Fire Department 29 5. Parks and Recreation Department 32 6. Planning Department 39 7. Police Department 42 8. Public works Department 46 9. south county Regional Wastewater Authority 52 10. city overhead Rates 53 11. Index 54 -1- . . ADMIRISTRATIOI1 Title: publication Fees Authority: city code section 2.41(c)(1)a. charges: 1- Audit Report 2. Budget 3. capital IlT'provement Program 4. city charter 5. city code 6. City code Supplements 7. comprehensive Fee schedule 8. council Agendas (Mailing List) 9. Council Minutes (Mailing List) 10. Council summaries (Mailing List) 11. council Packet 12. Photo copies (Misc. City-wide) 13. Micro-Fiche Prints (8 1/2 XII) 14. Telefaxing 15. Audio Radio Transcription Production 16. video Tape Transcription 17. Documentation certification Requests 18. Research Requests 19. Multihazard Functional Planning Guide 20. City Employees subpoenaed as witness (Government code Sec. 68096.1) * Add postage to above charges if mailed. -2- Fee Fund/Number A~~' ,. .~ :? 100-0431-3-710002 $ 5.00* $ 25.00 $ 15.00 $ 5.00 $125.00 $ 10.00 + $ .20/sheet $ 15.00 $ 70.00/year $ 70.00/year $ 70.00/year $452.00/year $ .25/page $ .25/page $ 5.00 first page 1.50 /additional page $ 44.00/hour + 9% $ 40.00/hour + 9% $ 5.00/each Employee cost + 9% $125.00/volume S150.00/Day . . BUILDING & LIFE SAFETY Fee Fund/Number Title: General Fees collec~eci Autho=:.:~y : City Code sections 2.41(c)(1)a. and 6.1 charges: 1. Building code Appeal Fee $524.00 100-1510-3-710000 2. Certi=icate of Occupancy $ 21.00 100-2510-3-200260 3. change Lo't $ 56.50 100-1510-3-200260 4. c~ange plan on Same Lot an6 plan Check :0= Subd~visio~ ~O~ w~~~ Mas~e= Plan. S 42.50+ PC Fee 100-1510-3-200260 ~~p~icate ?e~it: 100-1510-3-200260 a. narc. Copy $ ::.2:: b. Soft copy $ 1. 05 6. ~uplicate plans $ 12.75 + $3.70/sheet 7. :nspec'tions after Business Hours Table A (pg. 7) 100-1510-3-200215 8. ~icro=ilm: Blueprints: 8 1/2 X 11 $ 9.DO/sheet $ 2.00 100-1510-3-200265 ~~v~~S!Demo:~~~o~ 5256.00 :OO-~510-3-20020C :c. :e~.~~ ?ees: 3t::.:'d:.n= ?errr.:"-:' As se~ for"t.:: _.... 100-1=10-3-200200 Table A (pg. 'l ~lectrical, ?1umbing and Mechanical As set forth in Tables B, c,and D (pgs. 8 -:. -; ) 100-~510-3-200220 100-1510-3-200230 100-1510-3-200240 G=ac:.~~ As se~ :o~~t -- Tab:ies G (; :: (pgs. 18-19) 100-~510-3-20C20C :~=e Se~v~=e sys~ems; s~rinKler System and c~ernica~ ::anciling systems ~evie~, incl~ciing :~re Protection syste~s Alarm Equal to the fee 100-1510-3-602201 set forth i~ Table A (pg.7) plus 35% 100-1510-3-200260 -3- . . 11. plan Review Fee Fee Fund/Number 74\ of building permit 100-1510-3-200260 fee, $21.50 min.,as set forth in Table A (pg. 7) 12. Fire Dept. Building Plan Review Fee 13. Research Less than S10,000 $30.27, greater than $10,000 $60.57. $ 44.00/hr. (minimum 1/2 hr.) 14. Spec~al Inspections $143.50 15. Pre-roof Inspections Title: Author~<:y: charges: Title: Authority: charges: ~:.~le: Am:nor:. -::.y : charges: $ 23.75 Regulatory Bar Permit Ci<:y code Section 16.5 S80.00,annually strong Motion Fee (Charged by sta~e through city) Public Resources Code, Section 2705(a) ~ 100-1510-3-600201 100-1510-3-710000 100-1510-3-200215 100-0431-3-200101 801-0000-2-229016 801-0000-2-229017 Fee is based on attached Building valuation schedule which is deter- mined by: $ .00010 x valuation with a minimum of $ .50 for Group R occupancies excluding hotels and motels, and $.00021 x valuation for all other occupancies. Scheol :mpac~ Fee {?aid d~=ec~:7 ~o Gi:==y ~~i=~ed Sc~cc: ~ist=~c~; 92/93-08 adop~ed by t~e Board of Education on January l2, :993. To de~ermlne -::'~e charges, cal: -::.he G~l~cy unified school J~S7:.~:'c-::' office at (408) 347-2700. -4- , N~~d__~om".e~!.!2~~~:~~~,j:.~._~.....,~;.."" Because residential buildings are the most common ior many cities. two ~I cla1sesare considerecl ior these. one ior . ay~al;e' consrruC:ion and the other iot .~ood.. Adjustments should be made ior special .1tenitecturai or strUCtUfal ieature5 MId the location oi the project. Higner or lower unit cosu may oiten result. The unit CO'>lS are intended to comply with the deiinillon oi 'yaiu.lIion - in Section J:!3 oi the 1991 Uniionn Building CoOt!"" and thus include architectural. structur.11. ~Iectrlcai. plumbing anci mec!wlmc.1i work. e.,,<cept .1S $~itic;lIly listed below. The unit costS also Include the contractor's proiit. which should nOt be omItted. The detemllnatlon oi pl.1O check iees ior proiects rt!Vlewed bv the Inrematconal ConIerence oi Buildint: OiflCials will be based on yaluation computed irom these iiqures. which were establisheri in April 1994. . c_ per Squa", F-. ~"""TVIW 4_. 1. APARTMENT HOUSES: Type t or II F.R.' . H ... S ;'2.50 ~Coocil 589.00 Tvpe V_'YIasonrv .or Type!lll .......... 58.80 (Goodl 571.80 Type V-Wood Frame ... 5 i.60 .Goodl 503.90 TYpe !-8.lsemen! Garage 30.80 2. AUDITORIUMS: TYpe I or II F.R. ......... 85.80 Type II-i -Hour ..... H' &1.50 Type 1I~"" ............. 58.80 Type 1II-1-HC'ur . ....... 04.60 Type 111-.... ............ 01.70 Tyee '''-i .Hour 6i...lO TYPe V~" . . .. . . . . . . '" 58.30 3. BANKS: Tyee I or II F.R.' ....... 121.':0"' TvPe II-1-Hour ........ 88_20 Type 11-" ............ 85.60 Type 111-: -Hour. .. ... .. 97.70 Type III-N ............ 94.30 Type V-i.Hour ........ 87.90 Type V-N ... .. .. .. . .., 85.00 J. BOWLING AllEYS: Type II-I-Hour..... ... J1.l0 Tyee II-" ............. 38.30 TvPe Ill-I-Hour....... 44.90 Tvpe 111-;\1 ............ J1.90 Type V-l.Hour ........ 30.30 3. CHURCHES: Type I or II F.R. ......... 81.20 Type 11-: -Hour ........ 60.20 Tvpe 1I-'4 ... __..... . .. 37.20 Type III-I-Hour........ 65.50 Tyee 1lI-~ ............ 6:.50 TvPe V-I-Hour ........ 60.80 Tvpe V-':<.; ....... ...... 38.00 6. CONVAlESCE.IIolT HOSPITALS: Tyeelor!I"'.R.' ....... 113.30 Tvee !I-1-;-;our ....... -7.20 Tvoe III-i.Hour....... 30.10 TypeV-l-Hour ........75.;0 c....per .... r-c. ~ ~...-........ r~ ;.'. DWELLINGS: Type V_\l\asonrv . ...... &0.80 IGoodI 5;'8.00 Tvpe \'-Wood Frame ... 5-:.30 IGoodl 577.90 BasementS- Seml-;:inishea ,Good I 5 i a.50 \JnilOl~ned . . . . . . . . . _. 12.::0 ,Gooch 5 1 ~.30 8. FIRE STATIONS: Type i or II ER. ......... 92.aO Type 1I-1.Hour ...... _. 00.50 Type !I-:\I ............. 57.50 Type III-I-Hour....... _ &tJ.70 Tyee 111-" _. _ . . . . . . . .. 63.80 TYPe V-i -Hour.. . . . ... 6:.20 Type V_" . .. . ... . .. . .. 59.20 9. HOMES FOR THE elDERLY: Tyee I or II F.R. ......... 85.00 TyPe II-I-Hour .... _ . ., 68..:0 Tyeel~'4 ........._... 63.::0 Type !lI-1-Hour........ 71.20 Type 111-'4 ............ 68.20 Tyoe V-l-Hour ........ 68.flO TyPe V-N ......... _... 65.70 10. HOSPITALS: TYpe I or II F.R.' 133.50 Tvoe 1I1-1-Hour ....... 109.40 TyPe V-I-Hour....... 103.50 11. HOTELS AND MOTELS: Type I or It F.R. . Type III-i-Hour ........ Type III-N ............ TypeV-1-Hour ........ TypeV-:\I..... ..... ... 12. INDUSTRIAl PLANTS: Tvoe I or II F.R. .. _ . . . . .. ~6.00 Tyee 1I-1-Hour ........ 3:.10 Tyee rl-~ .. .......... 29..:0 Tvoe III-l.Hour ....... 35.30 ;yoe 1I1-'J . . . . .. 3:.30 Tilt-uo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .;4.l0 Ivoe \'_i -Hour.. .. .... 33.00 Tvoe v-", . . _... . 30.':0 16.20 c... per 5qulft r-c. ~_r. ~ ~_r..... 13. JAILS: Type 11I-:\1 . .. . .. .. . . ~ -- . TYpe I or II !=.R. ....... _ 130.00 Type V-i -Hour ........ Type 'H-l-Hour ....... :10.90 20. RESTAURANTS: Tvpe V-i-Hour ........ 88.00 TYpe III-l.Hour . '" .... 14. lIBlAKIES: Tvpe 1Il-" ............ Type I or II F.R. ......... 95.40 Type V-I-Hour........ Tvpell-i-Hour ........ 0,5.90 Type V-:\I ............. Type 11-.... ....,........ &5.50 21. SCHOOLS: Type III-i.Hour ........ 7:.70 Type I or II F.it ......... TYpe lfI-:'Il _,.......... ?~.::O Tvpe II-I-Hour Type V-I-Hour _ .. ..... &8.20 Type Ill-I ,Hour . .,. .... Type V-N ............. 65.20 Type II~" ............ 15. MEDiCAl OFFICES: Tyee V-1-Hour ........ Type! or II F.R.' ... _ .. .. '17.":0 TYPe V-" ....... - ... . Type II-l-Hour ........ :- ~.6V 22. SERVICE STATIONS: !ype II-~ ::.... H H ... :-!.~O Tvoe U-~ ............. IYpe 111-. -Mour . . . . .. .. ;'8.00 TvPe III-I-Hour. . . . . . . . Typelll-"'l ............73.70 TvpeV-I.Hour......... +=~ ~~~.r.:::::::: :5:~ 23~;~~~:.............. 16.0FACES": 8;' .10 Type I or U F.R.' .... - . . . TYpelor!1 F.R.' ........ Type II-i-Hour ........ Type "-i-Hour........ 37.80 Type U_'I/ ............. Type 1~"Ij ............. 55.10 Type III-I-Hour. .. . .. .. Type 1I1-1-Hour ........ 62.JO TYpe 1lI-:"l ............ TYpe II~" ............ 59.6V i'voe V-l.Hour Type V-i-H.our ........ 57.30 TvPe V~"'l ............. Type V~'4 . . . . . . . . . . ... 34.90 24. THEATERS: 1 i. PRIVATE GARAGES: Tvoe I or II F.R. ......... Wooci Frame........... 19.60 TyPe III-I-Hour .. .... .. Masonrv _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22.00 TYpe 11I_.... ............ Open CarportS ......... 13.30 i'ype V-1-Hour ........ 18. PU811C BUILDINGS: Type V-'4 ...... ....... Type I or II F.R.' ....... 101AO 25. WAREHOUSES"': Tvpe II-:-Hour ........ 80.90 Type I or II F.R. ......... Type II-"" ............. ;'7.60 Tyee fl orV-I-l-iour ..._ Tyee tll-;-Hour ... ..... 3:3.30 I TvPe II or v-~ . .. . . . -. . TvPeltl-"i ..... ....... ~1.~0 Type III-I-Hour........ :yee V->Hour ....... 6 0 ee 'II " . . .. I 7v .~, ....-....... Type V-:-.j . . . . . . . . . . . .. -3.80 . . 19. PU8l1C GARAGC5: EQt;IP.'AENT Tvee' or:l =.R.' 3".00 ....'R CQr-<DIT:Ol'l;\lG: Type: or II Oeen ?3rKin~' 30.00 Commerc;al . . . . . . . . . . Tvee :I-~ ............ ~3..:0 ~esicien!lai... . . . . . . Tvee 'Il-~ ......our 20 10 S?~I:'-lKi..c~ SY$,c.'I1$ . . .. 82.20 ;'1.00 67.60 62_90 39.90 c__ s..- '-- A...... ~6.70 ~i.IO 7"8.80 ;'6.20 ;'~.OO 69.10 90.90 61.20 65.:0 62.30 & 1.20 58...10 5~.~0 50.60 ';8.10 :2.60 67...0 JO.&O 39.80 49.60 46.80 Jl.50 38...0 89.80 64.60 61.60 6O.~0 5;',.;0 JOAO 23,60 ::.10 ~-.10 :5.90 3.50 2.':0 . .:-0 .....00 0.5 ;Je~~nt :0 IOlal cost :or eac~ 5,Orv ove~ :l'lree. u:Jeouc: :0 :lerce~l for 5i'leil~Jnlv :luiioim;s. ...~e~uc: :; oerc~nt :or ;runl-v...,arenOuse5. REGIONAL MODIFIER: Bay .;.rea 1.13 To use this modifier, merely ~lti?ly the listed cost per square foot by the modifier. For example, to adjust the cost of a Type III--1-aour hotel building of average constr~ction, ~ultiply the ~odifier, 1.13 and the unit cost from the valuation data table, $71.00: 1.13 X 71.00 = $80.23 (adjusted cos~ per square foo~) 3UILDI~G STANDARDS/Xarch-~pr~l, 1994 -5- . . ADDENDUM TO- BUILDING VALUATION DATA ~ , :r- 1. Deck $ 7.63/s.f. or contract price. 2. Deck and Patio Cover $14.17/s.f. or contract price. 3. Patio Cover $ 6.54/s.f. or contract price. 4. Energy Checks Based on valuation plus 10%. 5. ~ireplace (min. valuation) $3,000.00 or contract price. 6. Above-ground Tank $818.00 or contract price. 7. Remodeling Baseu on contract price or total cost of labor and materials. 8. Re-roof: a. Shake, tear-off Valuation based on $218.00 per sq. or contract price. , b. Shingle, tear-off valuation based on $218.00/sq. or contract price. c. Metal Shingle valuation based on $229.00. or contract price. d. Shake/shingle tear off valuation based on $229.00. or recover w/plywood and compo contract price. e. composition, tear-off valuation based on $125.50 per sq. or contrac~ price. f. composition, re-cover valuation based on $92.50 per sq. or contract price. g. Built up re-cover valuation based on $103.50 per sq. or contract price. h. Built up remove and re-cover valuation based on $136.50 per sq. or contract price. 9. In-ground Spas valuation based on $3~900.00 or contract price. ~a. swimming Pools $ 46.00 per square foot. -6- . . TABLE A. BUILDING PERMIT FEES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VALUATION FEE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $1.00 to $1,500.00 $42.00 min. $1,501.00 to $2,000.00 $18.06 for the first $500.00 plus $2.37 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00. $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $53.04 for the first $2,000.00 plus $10.61 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000. $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $296.79 for the first $25,000.00 plus $7.67 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00. $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $487.51 for the first $50,000.00 plus $5.31 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $.100,000.00. $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $751.57 for the first $100,000.00 plus $4.13 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof. $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 $2,396.91 for the first $500,000.00 plus $3.51 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $1,000,000.00. S1,000,001.00 and up S4,160.75 for the first $1,~00,000.00 plus $2.37 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof. Other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge-two hours). $ 68.00 per hr.* 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provision of Section 305 ( g) . $ 53.00 per hr.* 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge- one half hour). $ 53.00 per hr.* -7- . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL VALUATION FEE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- .~ 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum charge-one half hour). $ 53.00 per hr.* * Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. -8- . . TABLE B - ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Permit Issuance Fee For issuing each permit. . . . . . . For issuing each supplemental permit $ 42.00 $ 10.50 System Fee Schedule New Residential Buildings: The following fees shall include all wiring and electrical equipment in or on each building, or other electrical equipment on the same premises constructed at the same ~ime. For new multifamily residential buildings (apartments and condominiums) having th~ee or more living units not including ~he area of garages, carports and othe~ noncommercial automobile sto~age areas constructed at the same time, per squa~e foot. . . . . . . . . . $ .04 For new single- and two-family residential buildings not including ~he area 0: garages, carports and other noncommercial automobile s~orage areas constructed at the same time, per square foot . . $ .045 For other types of residential occupancies and alterations, additions and modifications to existing ~esidential buildings, use the UNIT FEE SCHEDULE. Private swimming Pools: Fo~ new private, residenti,l. in-ground swimming pools for si~gle-farr.i:y anc mu~ti:amily occupancies including a comp~ete sys~e~ 0: necessary branch circuit wiri~g, bondin~ groun~ing, unde~'a~er lighting, water pumping and o~her simi~ar elec~ric~~ equipment directly related to the operatio~ of ~ swimming pool, eacr. . S 25.25 :Gr Q~her ~ypes 0: swimrr;ing pools, ~herapeutic whirlpools, spas and alterations to existing swimming pools, ~se ~he L~:~ FEE SCHEDULE. carnivals and Circ~se5: Car~iva~s, circ~ses, or c~her ~ravel~ng shows or exhibitions utilizing ~ranspor~aDle-~ype rides Dooths, displays and attractions For electric ~enerators and electrically driven rides, each . S 18.06 -9- . . Fee For mechanically driven attractions or displays lighting, each . . . . rides and walk-through having electric . $ 5.30 .~ For a system of area and booth lighting, each . . $ 5.30 For permanently installed, rides, booths, displays and attractions, use the UNIT FEE SCHEDULE. Temporary Power Service: For a temporary service power pole or pedestal including all pole or pedestal-mounted receptacle outlets and appurtenances, each. . . . . . . . . . $ 18.06 For a temporary distribution system and temporary lighting and receptacle outlets for construction sites, decorative light, christmas tree sales lots firework stands, etc. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.80 unit Fee Schedule Receptacle, switch and lighting Outlets: For receptacle, switch, lighting or o~her outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders and meters. First 20, each . . . . . . . . . $ .88 Additional outlets, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .53 Note: For multi-outlet assemblies, each 5 feet or fraction thereof may be considered as one outlet. Lighting Fixtures: For lighting fixtures, sockets or other lamp-holding devices. First 20 each. . . . . . $ .88 Additional fixtures, each . $ .53 For pole or platform-mounted lighting fixtures, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ .88 For theatrical-type lighting fixtures or assemblies, each ......... '" . . . . $ . 88 -10- . . Fee Residen~ial Appliances: For fixed residen~ial appliances or receptacle outlets for same, including wall-moun~ed electric ovens; counter-mounted cooking tops; electric ranges; self-contained room, console, or through-wall air conditioners; space heater; food waste grinders; dishwashers; washing machines; water heaters; clothes dryers; or other moto~-operated appliances not exceeding one horsepower (HP) in rating, each. .. S 3.53 Note: For other ~ypes of air conditioners and other motor-driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. Non-residential Appliances: For residential appliances and self-contained factory ~ired, non-residential appliances not exceeding one ~orsepower (HP), kilowatt (KW), or kilovolt-ampere (KVAl i~ rating including medical and dental devices; food, =everage, and ice cream cabinets; illuminated show cases; drinking fountains; vending machines; laundry machines; or other similar types of equipment, each . S 3.53 Note: for other types of air conditioners and other motor-driven appliances having larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. Power ~pparatus: Fer motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers, synchronous converters, capacitors, industrial ~eating, air conditioners ~nd heat pumps, cooking ~r ~aking equipment ana ether apparatus, as follows: ~atins in norseoower (BPI,kilowatts (KW1, ~~:ovolt-amperes (~~A), or kilovolt-amperes- :-eac::ive (KVARI: ~p ~c and i~cluding :, each Over 1 and net over lO,each Over 10 and not over 50, each Over 50 ana not over :OC, each Over :'00, eae!: s =, ........,....J S 8.80 S 18.06 S 35.25 S 53.05 Note: For equipment or appliances having more than one moter. transfo~er, heater, etc., the SUIT, c: the combined ratings may be used. L. ~hese fees include all switches. circuit breakers, contacters, thermostats, relays and other directly related control eq~ipment. -11- . . Fee Susways: For trolley and plug-in type busways, each 100 feet, or fraction thereof . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.30 ~) Note: An additional fee will be required for lighting fixtures, motors and other appliances that are connected to trolley and plug-in type busways. No fee is required for portable tools. signs, outline Lighting and Marquees: For signs, outline lighting systems or marquees supplied from one branch circuit, each . . . . . . . . $ 18.06 For additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lighting system or marquee, each . . . . $ 3.53 services: For services of 600 volts or less and not over 200 amperes in rating, each. . . . . . . . .. $ 21.75 For services of 600 volts or less and over 200 amperes to 1000 amperes in rating, each. ....... $ 44.00 For services over 600 volts or over 1000 amperes in in rating, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 88.00 Miscellaneous Apparatus, Conduits and Conductors: For electrical apparatus, conduits and conductors for which a permit is required but for which no fee is herein set forth . . . . . . . .. ...... $ 13.00 Note: This fee is not applicable when a fee is paid for one or more services, outlets, fixtures, appliances power apparatus, busways, signs or other equipment. other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge-two hours) ....... ..... $ 68.00 per hour* 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 305(g) ............. ... . $ 53.00 per hour* -12- . . Fee 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge-one half hour).. ..... S 53.00 per hour* 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum charge-one half hour). . . . . . . . . . . . . S 53.00 per hour* * Or ~he total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees ~nvolved. -13- . . TABLE C - MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES Permit Issuance ~ "') 1. For the issuance of each permit. 2. For issuing each supplemental permit. $ 42.00 $ 10.50 unit Fee Schedule 1. For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type furnace or burner, 'including ducts and vents attached to such appliance, up to and including 100,000 btu/h. $ 10.60 2. For the installation or relocating of each forced- air or gravity-type furnace or burner, including ducts and vents attached to such appliance over 100,000 Btu/h. $ 13.00 3. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, including vent. $ 10.60 4. For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-mounted unit heater. $ 10.60 5. For the installation, relocations or replacement of each appliance vent installed and not included in an appliance permit. $ 5.30 6. For the repair of, alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration unit, cooling unit absorption unit, or each heating, cooling, absorption, or evaporative cooling system, including installation of controls regulated by this code. $ 10.60 7. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor to and including 3 horsepower, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 btu/h. $ 10.60 8. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 3 horsepower to and including 15 horsepower, or each absorption system over 100,000 btu/h to $ 19.40 and including 500,000 btu/h. 9. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 15 horsepower to and including 30 horsepower, or each absorption system over 500,000 btu/h to and including 1,000,000 btu/h. $ 26.40 10. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor over 30 horsepower to and including 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,000,000 to and including 1,750,000 btu/h. btu/h $ 39.40 -14- . . Fee 11. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigeration compressor over 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,750 btu/hr. $ 72.10 12. For each air-handling unit to and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute, including ducts attached thereto. $ 7.70 Note: This fee shall not apply to an air-handling unit which is a portion of a factory-assembled appl~ance, cooling unit, evaporative cooler or absorption unit for which a permit is required elsewhere in this code. 13. For each air-handling uni~ over 10,000 cfm. $ 13.00 14. For each evapora~ive cooler other tnan portable type. S 7.70 15. For each ventila~ing fan connected to a single duc~. $ 5.30 16. For each ven~ila~io~ system which is not a por~ion of any heating or air condi~ioning system authorized by a ?e~:..-:.. s - ..,,, . ,'- :or ~he installa~ic~ of each hood which is served by mechanical exhaus~, including the ducts for such hood. $ 7.70 18. For the installation or reloca~ion of each domestic type incinerator. $ 13.00 19. For ~he installation or relocation of each commercial or industrial type incinerator. $ 52.90 20. For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories or for which no other fee is listed in this code. $ 7.70 other Inspections and Fees: :~spe=~io~~ ou~=~de ~- ~~~al ~usiness ~~urs .. . '~~~~mum ~~2rge-~wc ~OU~S). S 68.C8 per nr.* :. ~ei~s?ec~ian fees assessee under provis~on of Sec::.io~ 305(g). $ 53.00 per hr.* :~spe::--:ions :: 0::- .....~hi:::: ~~ _.~ fee is specifically ~~=i=a~ed (mi~~~urr. =ha~ge-one half nou=). S 52.0C per nr.~ ~. ~dci~ional pla~ =eview ~eq~ired ny changes, a~ci::.ions or revisio~s ::'0 approved plans imi~~~um charge-one talf hour). S 53.0C per hr.* * 0= ~~e ~otal hou~~y cost ~8 the jurisdic~ion, whicheve~ ~s ~he g=eates~. ~~~S 28st shal~ i~clude supervision, overhead, equipmen~, hour~y wages, a~d fringe beneii::.s of ~he employees involved. -15- . TABLE I> - PLUMBING PERMIT FE' Permit Issuance 1. For the issuance of each permit. 2. For issuing each supplemental permit. unit Fee Schedule (in addition to 1 or 2 above) 1. For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drainage, piping, and backflow protection therefore) . 2. For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer. 3. Rainwater systems-per drain (inside building). 4. For each cesspool (where permitted). 5. For each private sewage disposal system. 6. For each water heater and/or vent. 7. For each industrial waste pretreatment" interceptor including its trap and vent excepting kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps. 8. For installation, alteration, or repair of water piping and/or water-treating equipment, each. 9. For repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture. 10. For each lawn sprinkler system on anyone meter, including backflow protection devices therefore. 11. For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in item 2: 1 to 5 over 5,each 12. For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric-type vacuum breakers: 2 inches and smaller over 2 inches -16- Fee $ 42.00 ~ $ 10.50 $ 7.00 $ 22.60 $ 7.00 $ 25.35 $ 52.95 $ 8.80 $ 14.10 $ 3.50 $ 3.50 $ 10.60 $ 8.80 $ 1.77 $ 8.80 $ 18.05 . . 13. For each gas piping system of one to four outlets. 14. For each gas piping system of five or more outlets per outlet. other Inspections and Fees: 1. :~spections ou~side of normal business hours (minimum charge-~wo hours). 2. Reinspectior. fees assessed under provision of Section 305(g). 3. Inspections for wn~cr. no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge-one half hour). 4. Addi~ional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions ~o approved plans (minimum charge-o~e half hour). ~ Or ~he ~otal ho~r~y =cs~ ~c ~he jurisdic~ion, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipmen~, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. -17- Fee $ 3.50 $ .90 $ 68.00 per hr.* $ 53.00 per hr.* $ 53.00 per hr.* S 53.0C per hr.* . . TABLE G - GRADING PLAN REVIEW FEES Permit Issuance 50 cubic yards or less 51 to 100 cubic yards 101 to 1000 cubic yards 1001 to 10,000 cubic yards 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards - $35.20 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $17.60 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards - $194.10 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus $10.60 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. 200,001 cubic yards or more - $300.20 for the first 200,000 cubic yards, plus $5.30 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. other Fees: Fee ,~ , No Fee $ 22.55 $ 26.80 $ 35.20 Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans (minimum charg7-one half hour). $ 53.00 per hr.* * Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved. -18- . . TABLE H - GRADING PERMIT FEES Permit Issuance 200 cubic yards or less 201 cubic yards, to 1000 cubic yards - $26.41 for the first 100 cubic yards plus $12.36 for each additional 100 cubic yards, or fraction thereof. 1001 cubic yards, to 10,000 cubic yards - $137.34 for the firs~ 1,000 cubic yards plus $10.73 for each additional 100 cubic yards, or fraction thereof. 10,001 cubic yards, to 100,000 cubic yards - $232.46 for the firs~ 10,000 cubic yards plus $47.62 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof. 100,001 cubic yards or more--$661.86 for the first 10,000 cubic yards plus $26.41 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards, or fraction thereof. other Inspections and Fees: 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours (minimum charge-two hours). 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provision of Section 305(g). 3. :nspections for which no fee is specifically indicated (minimum charge- one half hour). * Or ~~e total hourly cost to ~he jurisdiction, whichever is the qreates~. ~his cos~ shall include supervision. overhead. equipmen~r hourly waoes and fringe benefits of the employees involved. -19- Fee $ 42.00 Min. $ 68.03 per hr.* $ 53.00 per hr.* $ 53.00 per hr.* . FlNABCE DEPARTMENT . Title: Rent collections Fee Fund/Number ,f" "~~.7 Authority: City Code Section 2.41(c)(I)a: Charges: 1. Use of Council Chambers $170.00/day 100-0434-3-411000 2. Residential Units: Fee Deposit b. 7321 Hanna st. c. 243 W. Seventh St. d. 7321-~ Chu~ch St. e. 7321-3 Church st. f. 7301 Hanna st. $700.00/mo. $500.00/mo. $780.00/mo. $210.00/mo. $625.00/mo. $250.00 $200.00 $300.00 $200.00 $300.00 100-0434-3-411003 100-0434-3-411005 100-0434-3-411006 100-0434-3-411007 100-0434-3-411008' 3. Bus Depot Building (parking District *2) S666.67/mo. :00-0434-3-411011 4. parking Lot, Princevalle& First (Connell, et al) $984.00/yr. 100-0434-3-410412 5. Gilroy Visitors Bureau, I.O.O.F. Ave. $ 1. OO/yr. 6. Leases: a. Park Ranch site S200./mo. for bldgs. $250/acre for crops 100-0434-3-411013 100-0434-3-411013 b. Sevent~ & Rosanna ?arking ~ot S108/mo. :'00-0434-3-411000 7. 2595 3ecker ?ass Road. S 4 50 hno ~50-2426-3-411012 ~.:..-:.le: ~isce~:aneous ?ees _;'ut~c::-:. ':j': Ci':y cGde sect:'Gn 2.41(c)(1)a. c~arges : Ret~::-~ed C~eck ?ee S 38.00 per c~eck :00-0431-3-710000 2. ?ee ~G Collec~ Jeli~que~~ ~icenses and ot~er AccGunts Receivable. S 20.00 - cour~ costs ~isc. Accounts 3 Abandoned Shoppi~g Car~s S 9.25 per car~ :. 00-,)431-7:' 00 00 4. Researc~ Requests Employee cost - 9%. , :'00-0431-3-710000 -20- . Title: sales and Use Tax . Fee Fund/Number 100-0431-3-110000 Authority: City Code Sections 22.8 and 22.9 charges: One per cent (1%) of gross receipts. Proposition 172 sales Tax - Public Safety one half per cent (1/2%) of gross receipts. Title: Transient Occupancy Tax Authority: City Code section 25A.2 253-2600-3-110000 100-0431-3-120100 Charges: Nine per cent (9%) of the rent charged by the operator. Title: utility Users Tax Authority: city code Chapter 26B Charges: Gas & Electricity 2. steam Users 3. Telephone 4. Cable T.V. Title: Franchise Tax Authority: See ordinance Nos. Below Charges: 1. Pacific Gas & Electric, ord. Nos. 550 (gas) and 551 (electricity) .; . Garbage Franchise (per agreemer.t dated December 12, 1984) 3. cable Television, city code Section 24.95 (ord. No. 84-6) 5% of charges 100-0431-3-120200 100-0431-3-120202 5% of charges 100-0431-3-120201 5% of charges, 100-0431-3-120300 (Less intra- 100-0431-3-120301 state use) 5% of charges 100-0431-3-120400 100-0431-3-130000 A sum equal to 2% of gross annual receipts for gas and an equal amount for electricity determined by an established agreement. 100-0431-3-130200 5% x gross receipts collected per month, plus 5% for billing charges. 100-0431-3-130300 A sum equal to 3% of total gross receipts collected any calendar year (in agreement form). -21- . . Fee Title: Downtown parking and Business Improvement Area Authority: Chapter 12A.236 Business Improvement Area charges: calculation based upon type of business, employees and zone. Title: Water service Authority: city Code section 27.42 charg9s: 1. Water Usage Rates: Meter size 3/4 inch 1 inch 1 112 inch 2 inch 3 inch 4 inch 6 inch 8 inch 10 inch Inside Base Rate/Month $ 3.34 $ 3.76 c $ 9.40 $ 15.03 $ 41. 46 $125.63 $254.74 $339.60 $424.58 Rates for larger meters will be established by the Finance Department, as necessary. Rates for metered service outside the city shall be double the rates charged inside the city. Residential Tiers 0- 5,000 Gals 5,001-15,000 15,001-30,000 30,001+ Rate/l,OOO $ .48 .96 2.58 3.75 seniors Tiers 0- 5,000 Gals 5,001-15,000 15,001-30,000 30,001+ Rate/l,OOO $ .00 .96 2.58 3.75 commercial/Industrial Tiers Rate/l,OOO o - 3,000 Gals $ .48 3,000 -30,000 1.15 30,001+ 1.29 -22- Fund/Number 801-0000-2-229001 ~~~ 720-0433-3-690000 . Irrigation only Tiers Rate/1.000 o - 30,000 Gals 30,001+ $2.58 $3.75 2. Service charges: Uti:i~y Service Ini~iation Fee Delinquent penalty Pa~ent for reconnec~ion after 3:00 p.m. :oock Requi::ed Lock Broker. Mete:: Removed Mete:: Test: 3/4" tc ." ~-1/2. and over De-ocs:.ts: Res:.:iem:ial Commercial Fe:: Apartment Unit High Water Users Rates 4. Goldsmith Annual standby Fee -23- . ~ Fund/Number S 50.00 $ 43.00 S 50.00 $ 35.00 $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 59.00 $ 99.00 720-0433-3-69100C 720-0433-3- 720-0433-3-691100 720-0433-3-69200C 720-0433-3- 720-0433-3- 720-0433-3- 720-0433-3- 720-0433-3-693000 $ 50.00 $ 75.00 $20.00 pending $100.00 720-0433-3-690000 . Title: sanitary Sewer Service Authority: city Code Chapter 19, Article VI charges: Fee. . Fund/Number 700-0432-3-670000 ,~ -;,":' 1. Residential users will pay flat rates as follows: Single-Family Residence Multi-Family Residence Mobile Some Park Units S 26.96/mo. $ 19.~5/mo./unit $ 19.15/mo./unit 2. Commercial and institutional users will pay rates based on water consumption as follows: Base Rate schools, Professional Offices, Car Washes Offices Department/Retail stores LaundromatS/Laundry Rooms Hotels/Motels (no food), Misc. Users, Hospitals Assembly Halls, etc. Auto Dealers Paper Container Manufacturers Multiple Use, Commercial Laundries Food Processors, Bakeries Hotels with Restaurants Grocery stores, Mortuaries, Restaurants $ 59.90 $ 7.33 $ 7.33 $ 59.90 $ 59.90 $ 7.33 $ 59.90 $ 59.90 $ 59.90 $ 59.90 $ 59.90 $ 59.90 Flat Rate Use!:s: Gil=ov :~ccis ~~c. ~~ . -= I.) Gilroy canning co. ~ ~9.50 Gilroy Foods S ~9.S0 Gavilan Col~ege S ~9.50 Highland Avenue S ~S.JO Bed & 3reakfas~ - ~. Eer~anQez S 6.05 Eigh~ schools ~ 260.JO (Non ~ete!:ed :rr~gat~on) Note: Base ~ate ~s explained on pg. 31, Sewer utility line location. ~. Sewe!: stoppage inves~igaticn. ,~ user oaused. S -24- plus: $ $ S $ 4.11/1,000 gals. 4.11/1,000 gals. 4.52/1,000 gals. 4.52/1,000 gals. ~ $ $ $ 5.06/1,000 gals. 5.06/1,000 gals. 5.34/1,000 gals. 6.22/1,000 gals. $ $ $ 6.38/1,000 gals. 6.91/1,000 gals. 8.20/1,000 gals. $ 10.27/1,000 gals. S 4,:::::.:1 <] ,. :r.C . S 2,262.~6i:r.o. S 3.169. 40/:r.C. .;; 6,719.35/:no. s 376.76i~o, 44.32/:no.. S::.168.JOi:no. Fire uepart:nent. s 37 .OO/cal~_ 33.00/cal2. . Title: Garbage service Authority: City Code Chapter 12.23 charges: RESIDEN~IAL SERVICE: Single-family residence Multiple residence senior citizens Residence Ei::side BUSINESS RATES: Business Car.. Service B'..lsiness Bin Service - yard Bin 2 yard Bir: 3 yard Bin 4 yard Bin 6 yard Bir: Base Rate $ 13.44 13.44 11. 22 16.35 8.91 43.43 87.00 125.62 168.69 245.93 Bin Service on Call/2 pickups per Month On-Call 2 yard On-call 3 yard On-Call 4 yard On-call 6 yard specials (per yard) :>:::-op Boxes ='=0:: bcxes ....... c.ay Ren"t.a~ 20 ~.ard ::"ardaqe :--a-:e 40 Ya:::-c. C:::npa~-:.a= ?:::-ont Loade:::- Compactor _ yci. - i :"X (::ler- mo.) 2X (pe:::- mo. ) :;X (per- mo.) 56.44 80.70 112 . 33 154.20 9.41 ::"7.00 lO.66/yc. S.SS/yd :"3.15 261.39 522.78 784.17 ~e~y~:able 30xes wood v_ cardboard: Ren"t.al (pe:::- ~o.) 20 ':2.:::-c. 40 Yare "" Fo:::- - c.ays. . ~ Additional 4.36 18.96 76.82 111.61 150.94 222.25 0.25 or 2:"3.1S/yd."" or 355.25/yd..... 117.00 6.60/yd or 131.95"" 5.S4/yd or 2:"3.15"" -25- Fund/Number 790-0400-3-614900 . Fee . Fund/Number Title: License Tax 100-0431-3-200100 Authority: City Code Chapter 13, Article IV and Code Sec. 16A.6 .~ " :, charges: A. Licenses due January 1 of each year: (code section 13.39) 1. Retail (i~cluding ~~reworks booths and christ~as tree lo~s), wholesale =usiness, ~anufacturing, food processors with fixed place of ~usiness within the city limits. a. New businesses will pay on estimated gross receipts for partial year and first full year's license. b. Fees f~r subsequent years will be based upon annual gross receipts as fol:'ows: s 0 - $ 40,000 S 40.00/yr. 5 40,00:' - $ 140,000 $ SO.OO/yr. 5140,00: - $ 240,000 $ 1.20.00/yr. $240,001 - $ 340,000 5 ' 160. OO/yr. $340,00l - $ 540,000 $ 200.00/yr. $540,001 - $ 740,000 $ 240.00/yr. $740,001 - $ 940,000 $ 2S0.00/yr. $940,001 - $1,140,000 $ 320.00/yr. Additional $20 per year for each $200,000, or any portion thereof. $18,000,000 or more 52,000.00/yr. c. Branc~ ~ocation 5 50.00/yr. 2. Apar~~en~s: (at one :cca~ion or address) No. ~- '.:ni ts 0 2 :; - 6 - :0 .., . - ~o L~ 41 50 6: - ~o 31 :":0 (Duplex) (Apar-::ner.'cs) s -O- S ~O.OO/yr. ~ 20.00/y:::. S ':':'J.OO/1'r. S :"50.00/y:::. S 2aG.OO/y:::. S 240.00/y:::. S 280.00/yr. 101 - Gver -26- . . B. Licenses due July 1 of each year: Fee Fund/Number lOO-0431-3-20010C 1. Professions (code Section 13.40) $IOO.OO/yr. 2. Non-Professional business-type services (primary service function) not otherwise :isted (Code Section 13.40) $ 50. DO/yr. 3. Contractors/sub-Contractors: (Code Section 13.40) Quarterly Semi-Annual $ 60.00 $ 90.00 Annual $150.00 4. ~ransient Business License: (peddlers, Solici~ors, Vendors, or vehicle, Wagon Pushcar~ or car not s~ationary for less ~han 10 minu~es) with no fixed place of 3usiness within the City Limits: Application Fee $ 50. DO/yr. and Fingerprint feel Individual ~icense Fee SIOO.OO/yr. or $ 50.00/mo. 5. Mobile Vending Facility Permit. (Portable container, Pushcart, stand, Vehicle or wagon ~hat is placed on priva~e property (Sec. 16A.13) Application Fee $100.00 Initial S 50.00 Renewal 6. ~~gn schoo~ Vending ?e=rr.i~. (Sec. 16A.15.il). ~~ =igr.~ of way or Eign schoo~ .;ppliCc:::ior: ?ee SlOO.OO Initial S 50.00/yr. Renewal 7. ']ending/Music/Amusernen~ Machines (Code Sec~io" :3.40\ $ lO.OO/yr. 8. ~01:or Vehicles (delivery trucks. ~2xica=sr ~o~ ~~~cks, ambu~ances, e~c.) (Code sec~ior. :3.42) S 50. ~O/vehicle -27- . C. Miscellaneous Licenses: 1. Amusement Concessions 2. circus, Menagerie, Bullfight, Amusement Ride, carnival, Fair, etc.: (Code Section 13.44(c)) (Heeds Council approval) 3. Dances (when fee is charged) 4. Itinerant Merchan~s 5. card Rooms (Code section 13.44(b)) ~itle: Outdoor Enter~ainmen~ Permi~ Authority: City Code Chapter l3A.1 charges: Title: Regulatory Bar Permit Authority: city code sec~ion 16.5 Charges: -28- ~ . Fund/Number 100-0431-3-200300 $ 10.00/day "''''';lit .'it $150.00/day $200.00/day (Over 3,000 capaci~y) $ 10.00/day 100-0431-3-200100 S 50.00/day 100-0431-3-200100 $500.00 annual fee plus $200.00 per card table 100-0431-3-200300 $ 50.00 100-0431-3-200101 _ 30.~0 annua~:y . . FIRE ~ Fund/Number Title: Miscellaneous Fees Authority: City Code section 2.41(c)(1)a., unless otherwise noted. Charges: 1. Fireworks Booth (permit processing fee) (Code section 10A.S) $337.00/booth 100-1510-3-200201 2. copies: 100-1510-3-600200 a. Fire Department Photos $ 44.00 + cost of print b. Reports (all Fire Department generated and/or required reports) $ 12.00 up to 5 pages; $ .25/page thereafter 3. Permits listed by Uniform Fire code and required by the Fire Chief: (code section 10.9) $122.00 100-1510-3-200203 Aircraft refueling vehicles Aircraft repair hangars Automobile wrecking yards Bonfires or rubbish fires Bowling pin or alley refinishing Burning in public place Candles and open flames in assembly areas Cellulose nitrate storage combustible fiber storage compressed gases, flammable combustible material storage cryogens Dry cleaning plants Dust-producing operations Explosives or blasting agents Flammable or combustible liquid pipeline operation and excavation Flammable or combustible liquids and tanks Fruit ripening Fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging Garages Hazardous materials Hazardous production materials Highly toxic pesticides High-piled combustible storage Junk yards Liquefied petroleum gases Lumber yards Magnesium working Mall, covered Matches -29- . . Fee Fund/Number Nitrate film oil and natural gas wells open burning Open flame devices in marinas organic coatings OVens, industrial baking or drying Parade floats places of assembly Radioactive materials Refrigeration equipment spraying or dipping Tank vehicles Tents and air-supported structures Tire recapping Waste material handling plant welding and cutting operations ~ In occupancies regulated by the city's Hazardous Materials storage ordinance, a permit to operate, as required by the Uniform Fire code, shall be issued upon compliance with Fire code requirements; however, the permit fee shall be waived. 4. Fire Flow Tests $103.00 100-1510-3-600202 5. state Mandated Fire Inspection $ 45.00 100-1510-3-600202 6. Follow-up Fire Inspections $ 71. 00 systems 100-1510-3-600202 7. Pool Drain Inspection $ 24.00 700-0432-3-670000 Title: Hazardous Materials storage Fees Authority: special purpose Ordinance No. 83-6 charges: 1- plans Review Fees 2. Field Inspection 3. HMSO Permit Fees Range 1 Range 2 Range 3 Range 4 4. Tank Removals (5 hours) 5. Tank Installs (7 hours) $ 53.00/hr. (min. 1 hour) 100-1510-3-600203 $ 53.00/hr. 100-1510-3-600202 100-1510-3-200202 $ 52.00/yr. $156.00/yr. $312.00/yr. $416.00/yr. $250.00/tank $360.00/tank CLOSURE PERMITS SAME FEE FOR RANGE CLASSES. -30- . 6. spill Investigation and Response: . ~ Fund/Number See Below 100-1500-3-600200 See Below 100-1510-3-600200 In the event of a leak or spill, the responsible party will be billed for actual costs of response action including personnel time, mileage, equipment, etc. Title: Weed Abatement Authority: city code Section 12.52 100-1510-3-600100 charges: 110% Administrative Fee plus cost, as bid, for weed services. Title: Pretreatment Fees Authority: city code section 19.106(b) Charges: 1. Charges for permit applications: a. For all industrial users disch~rging only domestic wastewater with BOD and ss less than 300 mg/l each and with average daily flow less than 1,000 gals./day, and with no hazardous materials stored, handled or processed on the premise. b. For all industrial users other than Item a. above. ,. ~ . provisional permit fee for all industrial users in Items #a and #b above. (One time processing fee for all significant and insignificant users.) Title: Fire Impact fees Authority: city code section 2.96 charges: a. Residential - Low Density b. Residential - High Density c. Commercial d. Industrial -31- 700-0432-3-670000 $ 81.44 yr. ($ 6.79/mo.) $ 666.00/yr. ($54.45/mo.) $ 20.00 437-1500-3-680000 S 79.00/unit $ 10S.00/unit $ 70.00/k.s.f. $ 9.00/k.s.f. . . PARKS AND RECREATION Fee Title: Chair and Table Rental Authority: city code section 2.41(c)(1)a. Charges: l. City Oelivers: Deposit - Chairs $ 4.00/chair $ 50.00 - Tables S 20.00/table $ 50.00 2. User pick up: - Chairs $ l.OO/chair $ 50.00 - Tables $ 14.00/table $ 50.00 Title: Facility Fees Authority: City Code section 18.9 charges: 1. christmas Hill Park/Hr: A* B* C* Deposit $ 97.00 $ 50.00 $195.00 $ 50.00 $301.00 S 50.00 $ 54.00 $ 50.00 - Mulberry (1/2) - Mulberry (all) - Amphitheater - Sycamore Area $ 0 $ 0 S 0 S 0 $ 97.00 $195.00 S159.00 S 54.00 Las Animas Park/Hr: - Multi-purpose Room $ 0 $ 58.00 $100.00 S100.00 3a=bec~e Areas S 0 $ 97.00 $ 97.00 S 50.00 - Slab Area S 'J S 97.00 S 97.00 S 50.00 - . Pi=:lic Kit S 0 $ 0 S 11. 00 $ 25.00 4. San Ysidro Park/Hr: - ~ulti-pu=?ose Room S 0 $ 37.00 $ 63.00 $100.00 -32- Fund/Number ~ 100-2400-3-621000 100-2400-3-621000 . . Fee Fund/Number 5. senior Center: 100-2400-3-621100 ~ B C Deposit - Main Hall A $ 0 $57.00/hr.* $97.00/hr.* $200.00 - Main Hall B $ 0 $28.00/hr. $36.00/hr. $100.00 - Main Hall C $ 0 $42.00/hr. $54.00/hr. $100.00 - Main Hall D $ 0 $36.00/hr. $42.00/hr. $100.00 - Meeting Room 1 $ 0 $28.00/hr. $SO.OO/hr. $ 50.00 - Meeting Room 2 $ C $28.00/hr. $SO.OO/hr. $ 50.00 * When food and/o~ alcoholic beverages are being provided in connection with an event occurring in any of our building facilities, a $500 deposit :or food and alcohol and a 5200 deposit for food only will be required. 6. so=~ball Fields-P~iva~e Adul~: * Personnel, set-up and equipment costs will be assessed when applicable. 100-2400-3-621000 - Reservations Only S 0 541.00 $41. 00 $ 0 (2 hrs. ) - Reservation and 5 C $82.00 $82.00 $ 0 Field Prepara~ion - 3ases e C S 0 $ 0 $25.00 ." - Lights $ 0 $24.00/hr. $24.00/hr. $ 0 - Open Field (Turf) $ 0 $41. 'be $41. 00 $50.00 (2 hr. incremen~s) 7. Softball Fields - Youth Maintenance: - Reservations Only S 0 (2 Hrs.) - Reservation and $ 0 =ield Prepara~io~ - 3ases S C ~~qh~s S Open Field (Tu==~ S 12 hr. increme~~s; C. ~nee~er Commur.~~y Cen~er: - crafts Room S C Meeting Room S ~, . - Mul~i-purpose R..T. . S - Jance Room S ~ v ?itness Room S C - Gymnasium S C $10.00 $10.00 $ 0 $21.00 $21.00 $ 0 ~ 0 S 0 $25.00 - E. 00 S 6.00 S 0 510.00 S10.00 S50.00 100-2400-3-621~C: S18.00/hr. 518.00/hr. S26.00/hr, S22.00/hr. S26.00/h=. S86.00/hr. $ 33.00/hr. S 33.00/hr. S 46.00/hr. S 40.00/hr. S 46.0C/hr. S171.00/hr. $ 25.00 S 25.00 $ 50.00 S 50.00 S 50.00 $100.00 -33- . . Fee Fund/Number 9. Amusement Concessions: 100-2400-3-621000 .::) - Las Animas Park - Gilroy Gridiron at christmas Hill Park $880.00 $600.00 ~: *ca~egory A - :unc~ions of community organizations no~ commercial in nature and designed not to produce revenue. *category 3 - :unctions of non-profit organizations, groups not designed to produce private revenue and normally not promoted for general public attendance. *Category C - :unctions of commercial organizations, individuals, or groups and major :und-raising or profit-making :unctions of all kinds, irrespective of the circumstances under ~hich ~~e licensee authorized attendance and regardless of ~hether ~he licensee advertises or promotes the function . or restricts attendance. Title: Street ':'ree Fee 432-2400-3-625000 Authority: City Code Section 26.16 Charges: City ?lanting and Replacement 2. Inspection and ~eplacement $2.4Sil.f. of frontage S .34/1.:. of fron~age !'i-::':"e: ?ar~ ~ev~':"cpment ?ee 4l0-2400-3-~290CO Au-::~orit7: Cit? C~de Sac-::ion 2.68 C~ar:;es: 1. Residential: Residen~~al - ~ow Density S6,886.JO/unit - Residential - 3~gn Jensi~y S4,918.00/unit: -34- . Title: Golf Course Fees Authority: City Code Section 2.41(c)(1)a. Charges: 1. Membership Fees: Resident Single Non-Resident Single Resident Couple Non-Resident Couple Residen-: Family (Res. Couple =ate Non-Resident Family (Non- Res. Couple Residen~ Junio= Non-Resident Junior 2. G=eer.. :ees: One Pavrnent $480.00 $540.00 $630.00 $670.00 S630.00 + SSO/each =hild) $670.00 rate + $SO/each child) $180.00 $190.00 Weekdays weekdays, Twiligb-:, ~adies, seniors and Juniors Weekends $ 14.00 $ 10.00 $ 18.00 3. Cart Storage Fees (Annual): Electric Cart Gas operated Cart 4. Ope=ator Cart Use Fee 5. Barbecue Renta~ *E:f:ec:.ive July' 1994 $390.00 $350.00 . Fee Fund/Number Two Payments* 750-2426-3-62040: $250.00 $280.00 $330.00 $350.00 $330.00 (+$25/each child) $350.00 (+$25/each child) $ 95.00 $100.00 750-2426-3-62040: 750-2426-3-62040: $200.00 $180.00 $100.00/cart/yr. S 75.00 -35- 750-2426-3-62040~ 750-2426-3-62040E . Title: Recreation Fees Authority: city Code Section 2.41(c)(1)a. charges: Youth Bowling Junior Golf Youth Tennis cheer leading Volleyball camp Youth Baseball (T Ball/pitching machine, single A) All Sports camp cO-Ed Field Hockey for Teens Girls Summer Softball camp Beach pit Tournaments Lifeguard/WSI Training Therapeutic Recreation (TGIF) Day camp: Happy campers outdoor Adventure Camp Handball Tournament Gymnastics Tumbling camper cubs senior Trips Wee Tots Kindercise Western Dance Playgrounds playground Shir~s: Staff shirt: Program shi=~ Volleyball ~eague Youth Basketbal.:. Ycuth Rec. Scholarship Youth Soccer Adul~ Sof~ball; Winter Summer ;)ance class Special Events A~tendant High schcol Girls Basketball Tcur~ey Kids Cooking Kindertots High School 30vs 3asketba.:.l :~nshine club - Super kids Cl'.,lD Tiny Tots Low Impac~ Aerobics/steps -36- . Fee $ 18.00 25.00 16.00 20.00 30.00 25/35.00 25.00 5.00 30.00 50.00/Team varies 20.00 30.00 4~.00 45.00/Team 25.00 20.00 20.00 Varies 35.00 15.00 24.00 5.00 3.00 :.00 :50.JO/team S 25.00 Jcnat:.cns 20.00 Fund/Number ~ 100-2410-3-624000 :96.00 ';00. OO/~ealn 24.00 :00-24:0-3-624000 varies :25.00/':eam :8.00 55.00 :25. aO/Team 40.00 55.00 55.00 28.00 .. 65.00 3.00 (drop in) . Aquatics Special classes Arts & crafts Show Pumpkin Patch: Adult child Adult Basketball Christmas workshop Turkey Trot: Adult children Weightlifting (Passing Game) Museum Photography: 31s x 5 5 x 7 8 x 10 11 x 14 16 x 20 20 x 30 Non-commercial $ 5.00 $ 8.00 $11.25 $18.75 $24.25 $32.00 Trottin Tots Craft classes Flag Football High school Girls Basketball Camp BOys Basketball Camp Karate Sports for Tots Concert Series Creative Reasons Kids Discover Arts Wheeler Open Gym other Rec. Activity Museum cultural Program Therapeutic Recreation . Fee 20.00 45.00 (Table) 1.00 2.00 400.00/team 20.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 Commercial or Publication Uses $15.00 $18.00 $21.25 $28.75 $34.25 $42. OO~ 10.00 18.00 15.00 30.00 25/30.00 22.00 18.00 FREE 45.00 Donations 1. 00 Varies 9.00 20.00/month -37- Fund/Number " " " " 100-2410-3-624000 . swimming Pool: Recreational swimming: under 18 years Adult swimming Lessons: children . Private/semi-private Emergency Water safety Adul t Lap swim swim Passes Non-Resident Policy: The following charges will be added to the above fees for non-residents: S 0 - $ 5 = $1.00 S 6 - $10 $2.00 $11 - S15 53.00 $16 - $20 $4.00 $21 - $25 $5.00 Note: A 25% fee will be assessed for all refund requests. -38- Fee . 1.00 2.00 30.00/session 40-50.00 40.00 35.00 50.00 (Family) 30 . 00 (Adult l 20..00 (Youth l Fund/Number 100-2411-3-642000 '~ . Title: Annexation Fees . PIANNING DEPARTMENT Fee Authori~y: Ci~y code Section 2.41(c)(l)a. charges: The City as Lead Agency: LAFCO as Lead Agency: $2,528.00 + any environmental review fees $ 645.00 ~: Ac~ual cos~ fo:::- o~her related fees will be collected by the City fo:::- outside agencies and are estimated to be as follows: Aaencv Coun~y Su:::-veyor LAFCO Environmental Review by LAFCO as Lead Agency: 2. categorical Exemptions !~i~ial s~udy/Neg.Decl ~~\. :mpa=~ Repo~~ S-:.a-:e 3~a=c :::: E~~a:~=a~~cn ~ees: :Jp -:::; 20 ac:::-es 21 -:.:: :00 acres 101 -;:::: 600 acres 6e: -;:::; :500 ac:::-es :50: _~ 3000 acres 3001 __ 6000 ac:::-es OVE? 600e ac:::-es Conso~ida~~o~ ~e= dis~ric~ O~ zone En~ire C~S~=~=~ ~=ansactio~ Disscl:.:-:.:.o:: ::::::- ~~ame C~ange citv Processed LAFCO Processed $1,365.00 $ o $ 50.00 $810.00 (+ ~35.00 for noticing costs for Not-100%-Consent Proposals and Inhabited proposals [12 or more registered voters]) $300.00 (Initial Deposit) $ 50.00 S180.00 $290.00 $ 200.00 $ 400.00 S 600.00 $ 900.00 Sl,200.00 $1,600.00 $2,000.00 S 250.00 S 250.00 $ 0.00 -39- Fund/Number 100-0600-3-61200C 801-0000-2-22900E 801-0000-2-229007 801-0000-2-229007 801-0000-2-22900: . Title: processing F~es and Charges Authority: City Code Section 2.41(c)(1)a. charges: 1. Architectural and Site Review Request: a. New st=uctures b. Remodeling 2. Conditional Use Permit Request/ Appeal of Home occupation 3. Continuance Request by Applicant 4.a.Environmental Impac~ Report Review b.Environmen~al Impact Report Cont=act Deposit 5. Approval Period Extension Request 6. General plan Amendment Request 7. Initial Study (City Preparation) 8. Initial Study Review ~ !~i~ial St~dy Expanded ~eview . .~ ~i~cr ~evia~icn Variance ~equest ~obile Home Ren~ ~evlew Resi=en~ial ~evelco~ent ~equest - ~eposit (following allc~ment) sign ?ermit ~equest :~. Smcki~g Area Desig~at~on Review Fee . $ .922.00 minimum ~ $ 165.00 minimum * $ 902.00 $ 100.00 $ 679.00 + 14% of contrac~ price Actual cont=act cost plus 10% $ 71.00 $1,554.00 + $60.00/acre for first 100 acres, plus $18.00/ea. additional acre $2,590.00 plus subconsultant costs $ 926 . 00 minimum ." $1,546.00 minimum ~ $ 373.JO $1,365.00 $ 910.00 + $20.00/ dwelling unit. $5,OOO.OO/unit. $ $ 20.00 63.00 if over 25 5.:. in sign area $ 83.00 if over 75 5.=. in sign area $ lOO.OO minimum -40- Fund/Number ;<J 100-0600-3-612000 801-0000-2-229009 100-0600-3-612000 801-0000-2-229009 100-0600-3-612000 lOO-0600-3-~l2000 801-0000-2-229019 lOO-0600-]-6:2000 . 15. Tentative Map Request 16. Urban Service Area Fee - LAFCO Fees 17. Variance Request/ Appeal of Minor Deviation 18. williamson -Act Cancellation Request 19. Zone Change Reques~ 20. Zoning ordinance Amendment Request 21. Flood Letter 22. zoning verification Letter 23. Miscellaneous staff Time 24. Planning Commission Agendas/Action 25. Documents for sale: Downtown Gilroy Building Design Source Book Jo~n~o~m Gilr~y ?ev~~a:iza~i~~ Ac~icr: ?lan General ?lan DOClli~en~ General ?lan Map Zoning Map Zor:ing ordinance Gi:r~y's old ci~y ~a:: 300k ~ c~~y s~aff ~ev~ew and p~ocessing or applica~ion. . ~ _ Fund/Number S3,050.00 + S100.00/lot 100-0600-3-61200C minimum* Sl,889.00 + $20.00/acre $4,535.00 + $22.00/acre 801-0000-2-22900i (refundable if not forwarded to LAFCO) $ 770.00 100-0600-3-612000 Sl,780.00 minimum~ .. Sl,127.00 plus $107.00/acre for first 100 acres, plus $30.00 per additional acre for map amendments, minimum* $1,604.00 minimum* $ 10.00 $ 22.00 Actual employee cost +21% $ 83.00/year $ 10.00 $ 3.00 $ lO.OO $ 2.00 S 2.00 <: :'0.00 ... $ 20.00 Actual employee cost + 21% 286-0622-3-700100 ~00-0600-3-612000 -41- Title: Authority: Charges: . POLICE DEPARTMENT Booking Fees California Senate Bill 2557 County Charge :or booking Prisoner. If Convicted City may recover costs. Title: Authority: Charges: . Fee $~52.00 + Admin. Fee Fund/Number .~ 100-1400-3-710000 City Code Section 5A.7 Bingo Permit 100-1400-3-710000 1. Background :nvestigation Fee for New Applicants 2. Annual License Fee Title: Authority: charges: ?er:ni ~ Concealed Weapons Permit Penal Code Section 12054 2. Annual ~enewa:' ?ee ~:.-:.le: AUl:hor i 1:y: Charges: ?awr.nrckers, ~unk and seccr:dhand Jealers Ci~y cede Chap~er ::3 1. 3ackgrcund :~vestigaticn ?ee 2. Annual ~enewal ?ee -42- $ 50.00 $ 50.00 5276.00 - Jepl:. of ~us1:.=-=e E'ees .3 50.00 -'- Jepe :::: ";us~:...-:::e :c::es S 50.00 S 2.5.00+ Jept. 8r Justice ?ees 100-1400-3-710000 100-1400-3-72.0000 . Title: Miscellaneous Fees Authority: city Code Section 2.49 charges: 1. Fingerprinting 2. Pho~ocopy - Police Reports - Subpoena Duces Tecum 3. Photograph/Print Reproduc~ions ~. Audio Tape Dup~ica~ion 5. Solicitor's Applications 6. storage Fee - Lost and unclaimed Property 7. Personnel Costs: a. police Special Services <regular and reserves) (Code Section 18C.4) ~. officers Answering civi: Case Subpoe!!2. 8. Taxi Cab ?ermi~s (?rocessing Fee) 9. Vehicle E~iprne~~ :~spec~~o~ and Certi=icatior. . Fee Fund/Number $ 21.00/card, plus Dept. of Justice Fee 100-1400-3-710000 $ 20.00/report $ .25/page plus $5.00 per 1/4 hour for clerical personnel costs $ 55.00 Basic Fee, plus Cost per print $ 36.00, plus cost of tape Current Dept. of Justice fee, plus City License Dept. fee $ 18.00 per month charge based on officers' 100-1400-3-600300 current salary, or $30.00 per hour minimum. $150.00/officer/day minimum :00-1400-3-600301 deposit. (Per Gov. code Sec. 68097.1) Actual costs to be determined. I= less than minimum deposit, difference to be refunded; if more than minimum deposit, additional expense to be billed. $ 15.00 per permit + License lOO-1400-3-710000 Departmen<: Fee $ 10.00 -43- . 10. Towing Services: a. Background Investigation Fee b. Annual Renewal Fee 11. .~andoned Vehicle Abatement charges 12. Second Response Call Back Charges 13. School Truancy Charges 14. Auto/Home Lockout 15. Police/Fire False Alarm Fees (Code Sec. 3A.5) 16. Vehicle :mpcund Fees (Code Sec. 3A.5) 17. Clearance ~etters 18. Alarm System Registration (Code Sec. 3A.4) Title: DUI Investigation Fees Authority: California Vehicle code Charges: Cost of salary, Equipment/Materials, ?ri~ges, Over~ead. :'.:..tle: ?~~~=e :mpac~ ?ees _;uthcri ~y: c:~, C~de Sec~:8n 2.96 Char;es: ~eside~~~~: - ~ow Jens~~7 2. ~esiden~~a: - 3igh Densi~y .). Commerc~a':" 4. :::.dus1:r.:..a':" -44- . Fee $247.00 + Dept. of Justice Fees $ 15.00 S 65.00 $ 44.00 $ 17.00 $ 38.00 $ 37.00 (Up to $500 after three alarms) S 38.00 . S 20.00 $ 50.00 $359.~0/uni~ S529.00/uni~ S56~.JO/k.s.:: S la.DO/k.s.! Fund/Number 100-1400-3-710000 n ''''cc' 100-1400-3-710001 434-:400-3-630000 Title: Authority: charges: . special parking Permits city code section 15.60(3) One Time only permit Fee -45- . Fee Fund/Number 100-1400-3-71000C $ 10.00 (Nontransferable) . . PUBLIC WORJ:S DBPARTMENT Fee Fund/Number 420-2600-3-680200 '~1 Title: Development Fees Authority: city code Chapter 21 charges: 1. storm Drain Impact Fees: a. Residential - Low Density $ 334.00/ac. b. Residential - High Density $ 501. OO/ac. c. commercial $ 668.00/ac. d. Industrial $ 751.00/ac. e. Assembly Hall $ 334.00/ac. 2. Sewer Impact Fee: 435-2600-3-671000 a. Residential - Low Density $2,727.00/unit b. Residential - High Density $1,948.00/unit c. commercial/Industrial $ 950.00/100 gals. per day 3. Water Development Fee: a. Residential - Low Density $1,553.00/unit b. Residential - High Density $1,109.00/unit c. commercial/Indus~rial $2,360.00/1,000 gals. per day -46- . . 4. country Estates Reimbursement: (85.026%) (13.974%) ( 1. 000%) 801-0000-2-229015 435-2600-3-671000 100-2600-3-600400 a. Trunk sewer - Residential Commercial/Industrial Sl,533.37/dwelling $ 488.34/100 GPD (99.000%) ( 1. 000%) unit 801-0000-2-229015 100-2600-3-600400 b. Water system - Residential $4,080.22/dwelling unit 5. Front Foot Charges: (This schedule is used to charge and reimburse fees for existing infras~ructure and, if not required by the development, determine the reimbursement or credit for the oversized portion of master planned water, sewer and storm main extensions required to be installed to sizes greater than that shown below for developer respo~sibility.) a. Water Mains, (including fire hydrants, valves and valve boxes) (Developer is responsible for up ~o and ~ncludins :2" mains.) 801-0000-2-229015 6" Main 8" Main 10" Main 12" Main 14" Main 16" Main b. Sewer Mains, responsible 6" !1ai~ 8" Ma:.:: :0" Main :2" !1ai.r: 2.5 II Main Full Pipe Half Pipe S 25.00/f.f. $ 12.50/f.f. $ 27.00/f.f. $ 13. 50/f. f. $ 30.00/f.f. S 15.00/f.f. $ 33.00/f.f. S 16. 50/f. f. $ 37. OO/f. f. $ 18.50/LL $ 41.00/f.f. S 20. 50/L f. including manhole: (Developer is for up ~o ~nd including 12" mains.) 801-0000-2-229015 $ 24.00/f.:. S 12.00/:.::. S 25.00/f.:. S 12.50/:.::. S 28.00/f.:. S 14.00/f.L S 31.00/f.::. S l5.50/f.f. S 38.00/f..:. S 19.00/Lf. Street:s: 801-0000-2-229015 - ,,, AC on 8" AB - 3" l>.C on 1. 0" AB - 3" AC on 12" AB - 3" AC on IS" AB Sidewalk 4" on 4" including driveway 6" on 6" - Curb & Gut~er on e" ~ock S 2.42/s.f. $ 2.71/s.f. S 2.99/s.f. $ 3.43/s.L $ 4.43/s.f. $ 14.39/f.L -47- . . Fee d. storm Mains, including manholes and catch basins: (Developer is responsible for up to and including 24" mains.) Full Pipe Half pipe 18t, Main S 38.00/f f. S 19.00/f.f. 21 " Main $ 41.00/f.f. $ 20.50/Lf. 24" Main $ 44.00/Lf. $ 22.00/Lf. 27" Main $ 4i .OO/f.f. S 23.S0/f.f. 30" Main $ 50.00/f.f. $ 25.00/f.f. 33" Main S 53.00/f.f. S 26.50/f.:. 36" Main $ 56.00/f.L $ 28.00/f.f. 42" Main $ 62.00/f.f. $ 31. 00/f.f. 48" Main S 68.00/Lf. $ 34.00/f.:. 54~ }1ain $ 74.00/Lf. $ 37.00/f.f. 60" Main S 80.DO/f.f. S 40.00/f.f. 66" Main S 86.00/f.f. $ 43.00/f.:. 72" Main $ 92. OO/f. f. S 46.00/f.f. 78" Main $ 98.00/Lf. $ 49. qO/Lf. 84" Main $104.00/f.f. $ 52.00/LL 90" Main $1l0.00/f.f. ~ 55.00/f.f. 96" Main $1l6.00/f.f. $ 58. OO/f.f. Title: Miscellaneous Public Works Fees Authority: City Code section 2.41(c)(1)a. Charges: ~isc. ~ng~neer~ng services: S 7!..OO/~=. - ~esearch -:'ime - Cost Schedules - Developmen1: Agreements - Defer~ed Development Agreements - ?ight of Nay vacation ~eviews - special nonsafety related traffic requests (Handicap requests excluded) - Other Miscel:aneous Services requlrlng staff report t~ Council 2. ~mergency services Actual work crew's time materials and equlpment. 31ue ?rints & sepias S13.23 first sheet, S 3.86 ea. additional sheet -48- Fund/Number 301-0000-2-229015 .~ <",.1 :~0-2600-3-~00400 :00-2600-3-604000 . . Fee Fund/Number 4. Standard Details Sl1. 58 ea. 5. Handicap Signs a. Sign a. Pole b. Stencil $ 10.50 each S 12.62 each $ 6.62 each " 6. Plan Check and Inspection Based on total cost of public right-af-way improvements: 100-2600-3-600412 10% of first $100,000 8% of S100,000 - S200,000 7% of over $200,000 7. Certificate of compliance S210.00/certificate 100-2600-3-600400 Title: Ci~ywide T=a==i= :m?ac~ Fees 433-2600-3-681000 Authori~y: ordinance No. 92-:'7 (Effective February, 1993) 8. Traffic Impact Fee a. Residential - Low Density: $2,742.00/unit b. Residential - Eigh Density: $2,222.00/unit c. Commercial LOW-Traffic: $3,032.00/k.s.f. d. Commercial High-Traffic: $6,127.00/k.s.f. e. :ndustrial/General: Sl,184.00/k.s.f. :ndus~rial/Ware~o~se: $ 872.00/k.s.::. 9. ~a~er Meters: 720-0433-3-692000 1 .. 3asic Cos-: $ 60.13 S 74.73 S204. C $227.72 Cu=-b stOD corporation Stop & Tap Total. Cos~ S'ze of Meter 5/8 x 3/4" :. :"/2" $20.72 520.72 551.1.4 551.14 $151.10 S151.10 5219.88 $245.23 $231. 95 S246.55 $475.49 S584.09 ~.. '" ~" and larger me~e=s ~il: be iurnished upon request. Develope~ i~s~alls all services and provides backfill and paving -:0 City's speci:ications. ~~~ ::i-:~inas and pipe required shall be furnished ~y developer. -49- . . Fee 10. Water Meters, Touchread/Pit Lid for Hillside Development corporation Size of Meter 0 :sasic Cost Curb stop stop & Tap Total Cost 5/8 X 3/4" $ 70.33 $20.72 $151.10 $242.15 1" $ 84.93 S20.72 S151.10 $256.75 1 1/2" $214.67 $51.14 0$219.88 $485.69 2" $290.08 S51.14 $245.23 $588.45 11. Portable Fire Hydrant Meter: a. Deposit $650.00 b. Usage $ 65.DO/month plus $2.58 per 1,000 gals. 12. Water (Tanker ~=~ck) Fund/Number /') 720-0433-3-692000 720-0433-3-693000 720-0433-3-690000 $ 16.00 for first 6,000 gals.,720-0433-3-690000 + $2.58 for each 1,000 gals. thereafter · 13. Construction Water $ 2.58/f:f. + $224.19/acre 14. Backflow Inspection $ 55.57 per Inspection 15. Illegal Direc~ Connection $ 65.00/month 16. Illegal Use c= Fire Hydrant $ 100.00/incident Special ~ngi~eering Analysis by Consul tam: Cost ~l~s 5% - 510.00 ~rcsion C~~~==~ ?e~i~s 4 4 c; - " ~ 4:......::.....J ~eappcr~i~r~en~ ?ees (Assessmen~ ~~s~r~=~s) 51,76/.:0 plus SlOO.~O per :C~. 20. sweeping sta~e ~ighway S3,093.97/quar~er 2:. C~rb/sidewa:k ~eview :~so. S 34.:55 -50- 720-0433-3-710000 100-2600-3-~00412 :JO-2€00-3-~004l: :OO-250C-3-500400 100-2630-3-500400 :00-2600-3-500400 . . 22. Wide/Oversized vehicle Review $ 16.00/trip $ 90.00/year Title: subdivision Map check Authori~y: City Code Chapter 21, Art. III and subdivision Map Act, Sec. 66451.2 Charges: l. Final Map $3,025.00 + $50.00/lot 100-2600-3-600400 2. par:::e2. Map $1,070.00 + $100.00/lot 3. Microfilming: 100-2600-3-600400 6 sheets $149.94 + S6.62/sheet: 7 - 12 sheets S191.84 + $6.62/sheet -- - 18 shee<:s $233 . 73 + $6.62/shee~ Title: utility undergrounding Fee 431-2600-3-680300 Authori~y: City Code Chapter 21, Article V Charges: 1. In ~ieu of Fee for Developers $118.36/f.f.or $2,000 maximum for one single family unit. -51- I . . SOUTH COUNTY REGIONAL WASTEWATER AUTHORITY 1. JPA Audit Report 2. Budget 3. Agendas (Mailing List) 4. Agendas - Single Reques-c 5. Packet (Annual Mailing List) 6. packet - Single Request 7. photo Copies $ 5.00 $ 5.00 $ 30.08 $ 2.50 $253.20 $ 21.10 $ .25/Page 8. Research Requests Employee Cost 9. :"eases: a. Keaveney property ,20% of all crops b. Meiselbach Property Based on formula c. Gubser Property 3 0% of all crops d. Barker Property $49,800.00 10. septic Tank Dump Fees $ . IS/Gal surcharge: -. 300 ~~ excess of 300 mg/a 840-2666-3-710000 840-2666-3-460001 840-2666-3-460002 840-2666-3-460003 840-2666-3-460004 840-2666-3-674000 S .95/1b of 340-2666-3-600410 30D b. ss .~ excess of 300 mg/l $ .23/1b .of ss :'itle ?re-c=ea-cmen-c ?ees A~thor~~y: ci~v code section 19.106(b) Charges: ::1spec-:..:..on :ee: Activi~~es shall include time for inspection, =onitc=i~g, ~=avel, reports, research, =onsulting, paper Nork and any office time ~hat relates ~o the industrial user. 340-2666-3-7:0000 $ 53.00/hr. plus act~al =~st. -52- .. E) . . CITY OVERHEAD RATES The City of Gilroy annually adopts overhead rates based upon formulas provided by the Management services Insti-tute study approved by the city Council at its February 16, 1988 meeting. Two levels of overhead are recognized; General and Departmental. When all cost centers are involved in a fee, then a composite rate is used. Rate General Government 8% Planning 21% Police 12% Fire 13% Parks & Recrea~ior. 6% Public Works 2% composite 14% -53- . . ~ Abandoned Shopping carts. . . . . . Abandoned Vehicle Abatement charges . Above-ground Tank . . . . . . . . . Alarm System Registration . . . . . Amusement Concessions (Parks & Recreation). Annexation Fees . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . Architectural and site Review . . . . . Audio Radio Transcription . . . . . Audio Tape Duplication. . Audi t Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Auto/Home Lockout . . . . . . . . . . . . Backflow Inspection . . . . . Bingo Permit. . . . . . Blueprints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booking Fees, Police. . . . . . . Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Code Appeal. . ... . . . . . . Building Permit Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building valuation Data . . . . . . . . Capital Improvement Program . . . . . . . . certificate of compliance . . . . . . . . . Certificate of Occupancy. . . . . . . .... Change Lot .. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . Change plan on Same Lot . ... . . . . . Chair and Table Rental. . . . . .. .. .. Christmas Hill Park (use of). . . . . . . . City Charter. . . . . .. .... . . city Code/supplements . . . . . . city Employees Subpoenaed as witness. clearance Letters, Police. . . . . Comprehensive Fee schedule. concealed Weapons Permit. Conditional Use Permit. . . . Construction Water. . . . . continuance Request By Applicant. Council Agendas (Mailing List). . Council Minutes (Mailing List). . Council Packets . . . . . . . . . council Summaries (Mailing List) . Court Appearance Fees, Police . . Delinquent License collection Fee Deposit - Department of Fish & Game Environmental Fee Deposit - Finance Rental. Deposit - Park Rentals. Deposit - Water Service . Development Fees. . . .. .... Documentation Certification Requests. Downtown Gilroy Building Design Sourcebook. Downtown Gilroy Revitalization Action Plan. paqe . . .20 . . . . .44 . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . .44 . . .34 . . . . .39 .40 .....2 . . . . .43 . . . . . . 2 . . . . . .44 . . . . . .50 .42 . . . . .49 . .42 . . . 2 .....3 . . . . 7,8 . . 5,6 . . . 2 . . . . .49 3 . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . 3 . . .32 .....2 . . . 2 . . . . . . 2 .... 2 . . . . .44 . 2 .42 . . . . . .40 . . . . .50 . .40 . 2 2 . . 2 2 .43 .20 .40 .20 32,33 .23 .46 . 2 .41 .41 -54- r o . Downtown parking and Improvement District . Dur Investigation Duplicate Permits . Duplicate plans . . Elec~rical Permi~s. . Emergency services (Public works) Energy Checks . . . . . Engineering Analysis, Consultan~. Engineering services (Miscellaneous). . Environmen~al Impact Repor~ Erosion Control Permits Facility Use Fees . . False Alarm . . . . . Field Inspection (Chemical control) Final Map . Fingerprin~ing. Fire Depar'!:ment ?i::.-e Building plan Review Fee. Field ~nspec~ior.. Misc. Permit Fees ?ho'tos. . Depar"=men'C Fire Depar~ment Fi-c Depar~ment Fire Flow Test. Fire Hydrants . Fire Impact Fees. . Fire Reports. . . . Fire se~ice systems (Building) Fireplace . . . . Fireworks Booth permit. . Flood Zone Letter . Follow-up Fire Inspections. Franchise Tax . . . . . . Gar~age service Ra'tes . . Gene=al ?lan Amencimen~. .-- . Gene=a: ?la~ Doc~~en~ . Genera: ?lar. Map. Gi:r~y o:~ ci~y ~a:: Book Go~=s~~~~ An~ual s~andby :ee. Go:": :a::"-: ?ees. Go:: Ca=~ S~orage Fees. Go~: Co~rs= Barbecue Rental Go:': Co~rse Fees. Gc:: C~~=se Membe=s~~p :ees Gracing Pe:::-rr.i t:s Green Fees. Han~i::ap signs. Haza~cious Ma~erials storage :ees. Illegal Jirect connection charge (Public Works) Illegal ~se of Fire Eydran't . . . . . . Incus~ria: Sewage Discharge ?re'treatment Fee. Ini~:.al s~udv (C~ty preparation). =ni~ial s"=~cy (Consultant Preparation). Initial s~ucy Review. . . =ni~ial S"=~dy Expanded Review . Inspec'Ci~r.s after Normal Business Hours Irrigati~n ~ate . -55- . , Paqe .22 . .44 . 3 . 3 . . 3,9,10,11,12,13 .48 . . . . . 6 . . .50 . . .48 . . . .40 .50 32,33,34 .44 . . .30 .51 .43 . 4 .30 .29 .29 .29 .50 .31 .29 . 3 . 6 .29 .41 . .30 . .21 .25 .40 .c .41 . ~ 1 .23 .35 .35 .35 .35 .35 18,19 .35 . .49 30,31 .50 .50 .31 .40 .40 .40 .40 . 3 .23 ) . . Paqe Junk Dealers. . . . . . . Las Animas Park (use of). License Fees: Ambulance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Amusement Concessions . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .28 Amusement Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Annual Gross Receipts . . . . . . . .26 Apartments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Card Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Carnivals, circuses, Menageries, Bullfights,etc. . . . . . .28 Christmas Tree Lots . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . .26 contractors/Sub-Contractors . . . . . .27 Dances. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Delivery Trucks . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Fireworks Booths. . . . . . . . . . . 26,29 Food Processors . . . . . . . . . . .26 High school vending Permits; Applications .. . . . . .27 Ice Cream Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Itinerant Merchants . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .28 Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Mobile Vending Facility Permit; Application Fee . . . . . . .27 Motor Vehicles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Music Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Non-Professional Business Type Services' ... . . . . .27 Professions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Retai 1 . . . . . . .. .......26 Solicitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Taxicabs. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. ........27 Tow Trucks. . . .27 Transient Business License; Application Fee .... ...... .27 Wholesale . . . . . .26 Vending Machines. . . . . . . .27 Lot Change. .. .. .... . . 3 Mechanical permits. 14,15 Microfilm. . . . . .3,51 MicrO-Fiche Prints. . . . . . . . 2 Minor Deviation Variance. .40 Mobile Home Space Rent Review .40 Moving/Demolition Permit. . . . 3 Multihazard Functional Planning Guide . . . . . 2 outdoor Entertainment Permits . .28 Parcel Map. . . . . . . .51 Park Development Fees . .34 Patio Cover . . . . . . . 6 Pawnbrokers, Junk and Secondhand Dealers. .42 Photocopy Fees (Misc. City Wide). .. .... .. .2 Photograph/Print Reproduction (Police Department) .43 picnic Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 plan Check and Inspection (PUblic works). .49 Plan Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 plan Review Fee (Fire Department H.M.S.E) .30 Planning commission AgendaS/Action. .41 Planning Department Processing Fee. . .39,40,41 Plumbing Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . 16,17 . .42 . .32 -56- ~ ~ . . Page Police / Fire False Alarm Police Impact Fees. . . . Police Personnel Costs. . . Pool Drain Inspections. . Portable Fire Hydrant Meter Preroof Inspections . . . . Pretreatment Fees . . . . . . . . . Reapportionment Fees (ASsessmen~ Districts). Recreation Non-Resident Policy. . Recreation Programs . . . . . Recreation Vehicle sewer Dump Fee Regulatory Bar Permits. . . . . . . Reimbursement schedule (Development Fee). Remodeling. . . . Rent Collections. Re-roof . . . . . . Research Requests (Adminis1:ration). Research (Build~ns Depar~men~). Research (Finance). . . . . . . . . Research (Planning) . . . . . . . . Research (Public works Department).. .... Residential Development Reques~;JDeposit. . Returned Check Fee. . . Sales and Use Tax . . . . Sanitary Sewer Service. . San Ysidro Park (use of). school Truancy Charges. . Secondhand Dealers. . . . . Second Response Callback. S~nior Center (use of). sep~as. . . . . . . . . Sep~ic Tank Dump :ees . Sewer Developmen~ Fees. Sewer Mains (Rei~~ursemen~ Sched~le\. Sewer seyvice ?a~es . . . . . Sewer Stoppage I~ves~iga1:icr.. Sewe= ut~~ity Line Loca~io~ . Sign Permit Reques1: . . . . . Smoking Area Designation Review Softball :ields (use 0=). . . . solici~or's Applica~ior. ?rccess~ng Fee (Police Depar1:men~). sou~h Coun~y Regional Was1:ewa~er AuthoYity Fees . . Special Events Personnel Cos~s (Police Departmen~l. special :nspec~ions . . . .. ........ Special parking ?ermi ~s . . . . . . . . . . . . spill Investigation/Response, Chemical Con~rol. sprinkley sys~emjchemical Handling system Review. standard Details. . . . . . . . state Mandated Fire I~spection. . . . . steam User's Tax. . . . . . . . . . . . storage Fee - Lost and Unclaimed Property Storage Tank Installa~ion . . Storage Tank Removal. . Storm Drain Development Fees. .44 . .44 . .43 . . . . .30 . . . . .50 .... .4 . .31 . .49 . .38 . .36,37,38 . .52 . .28 47,48 .....6 . .20 . . 6 . . 2 . 4 . .20 .41 .48 . . . . .40 . .20 . . . . .21 .24 . . . . .32 .44 .42 .44 . .33 .49 .52 .46 .47 .24 .24 .24 .40 .40 .33 .43 .52 .43 . 4 .45 .31 . 3 . .49 .30 .21 .43 .30 .30 .46 -57- . . o PaQe storm Mains (Reimbursement Schedule). street Tree Fee . . . . . . . . . . Streets (Reimbursement Schedule). strong Motion Fee . . . Subdivision Map Check . . . . . . . . . . Subpoena Duces Tecum. . . . . . . . Sweeping State Highway. . . . . . . . . . Taxi Cab Permits (processing Fee) . . . . Telefaxing. . . . . . . Tentative Map Request . . . . . Towing Services (Police Dept. Fees) Traffic Impact Fees . . . . . Transient Occupancy Tax . . . . . . Urban Service Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . Utility Delinquent penalty. . . . . . . . Utility Line Location . . . . Utility Reconnection Charge ........... Utility Service Initiation Fee. .... Utility Underground Fee . . . . . utility User's Tax. . . . . . . . . Variance Request/Appeal . . . . . Vehicle Equipment Inspection & certification. Vehicle Impound Fees. . . . . . . . . . . ~ Video Tape Transcription. . . . . . . . . . . . Video Taping (operation Identification) . . . . . . Water Base Rate . . . . . Water Deposits. . . . . Water Development Fees. . . . . . Water Mains (Reimbursement Schedule). Water Meters. . . . . . . . . . . Water Meters Hillside Development Water Meter Lock.. ..... Water Meter Removal . . . Water Meter Test. . . . Water Service Charges Water Rates/Deposits/service Charges. Water - Tanker Truck. . . . . Weed Abatement. . . . . . . . Wheeler community Center (use of) Wide/Oversize Vehicle Review. williamson Act Cancellation Request Zone Change Request . zoning Map. . . . . . . . . . Zoning Ordinance. . . . . . . Zoning Ordinance Amendment Request. Zoning Verification Letter. . . . . . . . . . .48 . . . . . .34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 ....... .4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . . . .50 . . . . . .43 ......... .2 . . . . . . . . . . .41 . . . . . . .44 . .49 . . . . . . . . . . .21 .41 .23 . . .51 .23 . . . . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . . . .51 .21 .41 . . .43 .44 . 2 . . . . . . . . .43 . . . . . . . .22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 . . . . . . .. . .47 . . . . . . . . . . 49,50 . . . . . . .50 . . . . . . . .23 . . . . . . .23 . . .23 .23 . . . . . 22,23 .50 . .31 . . .33 .50 . .41 . . . . . . . .41 .41 .41 .41 .41 -58- .. I::') ;11 c- .. - . . '= .. I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 94-56 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 27th day of June , 19-2L, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 29th day of June ,1994. (Seal)