Resolution 1994-78 . . . , RESOLUTION NO. 94-78 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY CONDITIONALLY APPROVING APPLICATION A/S 94-22, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DESIGN APPROVAL, TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF 43 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES ON INDIVIDUAL LOTS AND TO CREATE A PUBLICLY DEDICATED CREEK PRESERVE ON PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF THOMAS ROAD, NORTH OF SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD, APNS 808-20-006 AND A PORTION OF -016 WHEREAS, Kaufman & Broad and Monterey Bay, Inc. have made application A/S 94-22, for a Planned Unit Development ("PUD") design approval, to allow construction of 43 single family homes on individual lots and to create a publicly dedicated creek preserve on property located west of Thomas Road, North of Santa Teresa Boulevard, APNs 808-20-006 and a portion of -016, such property as is shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A incorporated herein by this reference; and, WHEREAS, on May 16, 1994, this City council, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission, duly approved a zone change request for the subject property, Z 93-02, and a Tentative Map request, TM 93-03, to enable the subdivision creating the subject 43 lots; and, WHEREAS, the City has prepared and circulated in accord- ance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") a Negative Declaration for Z 93-02, a project the environmental review of which encompasses this project; and, WHEREAS, the Gilroy City Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on A/S 94-22 on October 6, 1994 and after that public hearing voted unanimously to recommend approval of A/S 94-22, subject to the 12 conditions listed in the Planning Staff Report on the matter dated September 27, 1994 and attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, but with one modification to Condition No. 2 to exempt a tree (tree # 31) from being relocated for the widening of Thomas Road; and, RESOLUTION NO. 94-78 -1- . . WHEREAS, this City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on A/S 94-22 on October 17, 1994, at which public hearing the Council considered the project and the conditions proposed to be attached to its approval along with staff reports, public testimony and documentation or other evidence on the project and, based upon substantial evidence produced both in writing and orally, resolved that the project should be approved; and, WHEREAS, also based upon substantial evidence, the Council approved of the Planning Commission's proposed modification of Condition No.2; and, WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this resolution is based is the Office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The Council finds as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the Gilroy General Plan because it conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan Map, and it is consistent with the intent of the text, goals, and policies of the General Plan documents. 2. There is no substantial evidence that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. 3. The proposed development is consistent with the findings (a) through (i) as required in section 50.55 of the Gilroy Zoning Ordinance. 4. The Negative Declaration prepared for Z 93-02 is applicable to A/S 94-22 and has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and reflects the independent judgment of the City. 5. The Council hereby adopts for A/S 94-22 the Negative Declaration and the mitigation monitoring program contained in the Negative Declaration adopted for Z 93-02. 6. The City Council further finds that: (a) The City has taken all actions required by CEQA; and RESOLUTION NO. 94-78 -2- . . (b) Approval of A/S 94-22 is in the public interest. (c) A/S 94-22 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the mitigation measures and mitigation monitoring program set forth in the Negative Declaration adopted for Z 93-02, and subject to the 12 conditions contained in Exhibit B, as so modified by the Planning Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of November, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, VALDEZ, GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: AP7J;;; I. Donald F. Gage, M~ ATTE~.:r= X:Y?t4(#JA<<~ . I Ur~' ;S\:isanne E. Ste1nmetz, City C RESOLUTION NO. 94-78 -3- 405 '9'95 :1;:155 4.98 5388 16: 14 U 11/02/94 LAW OFFICES ~ .. / ,,-..... ~ I 3 7 I I 10 3 9 I ~ , I . .-L , - ..._-- ~. ; -. _.- .,,-"" r--- I I i /7 J.:~,. II '" . , a I n -. .. ... n D I .. . Cl E o ,i; ~ Ave. /~~ EXHIBIT A 14L005/017 ....... . \ \ \\~ .-.> & ,. / 'k; .----- / , i , i ;' ...........: I , . __ ": \ ,.::~\ ...... . , , ...:: \ ".. ...-"": ~ \, ......""'""~..,. "., .. -' "olr.:.__ 40~ '9'9~ ~;:>~~ 11/0~/~4 16:15 tJ4111j98 5388 LAW OFFICES ~ ......./;.f'laDning Department Y STAFF REPORT III 006/017 September 27, 1994 F:ILE NlJHBER: PUt): A/s 94-22 AP:PL:IC1U1T; KaufmaD , Broad, Honterey Bay, Inc. LOcATJ:ON: West side of !'llamas Iload, north of santa 1'8%'e.a Boulevard STAFF PLANNER; William FaUB *****************************************.************************************ ***************************************************************************.** REOU!;~ED ACTIO.: Planned unit Development (POD) approval for :Phalle :I of '''l'he vineyards at Thoma. Road", on 15t acre. of a larger 39t aore Ill-PO!) aite. The project will allow the cODstruction of 43 8iDgle tUlily hcae. on inclividual lots and create a publiCly dec:U.cated creek preserve. (Babbs CanJ'on ereek). DEScRIP'1'IOJr 01' PROPERU: Parcel No.: Parcel Size: Flood Zone: 808-20-006, and a portion of 016 approximatelJ' 15 acres '_ '"D", panel # 0603400003D, dated 09/04/87 {with a revised 04/18791 ~OMAR} STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existinq Land Use SF Dwelling, Agricultural uses General Plan Desiqnation Residential Low Density .... ZonUlQ' Rl-POD .. smTUS 0,. SURRODBDIRG PItOPBllft: Existin~ Land Use N: A~icultura1 uses S: SF Dwelling, Agricult~al E: Agricultural uses W: Agricultural uses General Plan Desicmation - ReBideutial Medium Density Ilelllidential ~ow DeDsity Residential Low Density Residential Low D8nsity zoninQ R3-PO'D,co Jtl..PtfD,Co COWIty Rl-ptJD I EXHIBIT :B 40~ '9'9~ ::5;:i~~ 11/02/94 i16:15 ft40~98 5388 LAW OFFICES . III 007/017 staff Report PU1): AlS 94-22 2 . ..09/27/94 . CORFOIUIJUICB or RBOaBST ns GBlIBRAL PLAIr: 'the proposed Planned unit Development request CC1llfm:m8 to 'the land. WI. designation for the property 0!1 the General :rlan map ~d is consisten't with the intent of the text of the Gen~al Plan cIoc:aIIIent. BRnIlOllllBlr.r.AL DIP~: A prior expanded %ni tia1 ~'tudy was prepared UDder lODe ChZUlljJe request Z 93- 02, involving a larger 52. 7St acre development 8i'te. The subject Planned Urlii: Developnen1:. request J:'epresents Phase I for 'that p1"ojllct. The Initial study was independently reviewed by city staff and refltlc:rts the 1ndepenc:lent judgement of the City of Gilroy. The Initial study identifilld potentially significant effects on the environment,' however, the applicant has agreed to specific revisions in the project and/or individual mitigation ~asuree will be applied to the project -hich avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where DO siqnificant. effecta will occur. Tbere is no substantial evidence that the propos.d project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the enviromaent. Therefore, a .eqative Declaration WIlS prepa,red 'and issuec:l under Z 93-02. RELATBD APPLICAnQII: z 93-02: A ZODe chanljJe request to amend the city of Gilroy'. ZODing MZl.p from Al (Agriculture) and R3 (Mecl1.UDl Density Residential) "to lU-PUI) (single Family Residential, Planned unit Development) on 39.33:1: acres, and to R3-POD . (HecL1wn Density Residential, Planned unit Developu.nt) on 13.42:1: acres. This Zone Change request was recODllftended for approval by the Planninq Commission on 5/5/94, and approved by the City COUDCil on 5/16/94. DC 93-03: Tentative Map for Phase I of "The Vineyards at Thc::aas Road" development project, a tentative map request to subdivide lO.19z acres of a larqer 39.33z acres of Rl-POD property. The subdivision will create 43.&1n9'1Il family lots and a publiely dedicated creek preserve (Babbs canyon Creek). This Tentative Map was recomznended for approval by the Planning Cc:xamiasion on 5/5/94, and approved by the City council OD 5/16/94. . aDO BACKGROUJm: The original ROO approval grantec:l by the City COUDcil, RJ) 82-03, proposed ~be development of 63 single family unite ou Thomas Read uDcillr a two-year b~i1dout schedule. In the 1ni.d 1980'8 the applicant received city Council approval to transfer 21 of these units to a developDeut in the city's northwest quadrant. The remaining 42 units would be constructed in the first phase of their current proposal on Thomas !tOad. The prQperty currently has one single family dw811ing, giving the project a Phase I builc:lout of 43 dwelling units. 408 998 5388 11/02/84 ~16:16 tt4t11'98 5388 , staff Report POD: A/s 94-22 V LAW OFFICES . raJ 008/017 3 . .09/27/94 ADL:tSIS or RBODBft: ~he applicant (Kaufman" Broad) b requestiDg Planned tntit Developmant (J'tJD) apprDval for pbase I of -Tbe ViDeyards at ':bomaa :ROad- project. 'l'he proposed. c:levelopmaDt request will iDvolve approxiJDately 1St acres of . Rl- put) site. The PTJD will permit con8trueticm = 43 siD'11e famJ.ly lots aDa will allow the creatioD a publicly dediQa'tec:! creek preserve (Babbs canyon Creek). The Phase I site i8 laca'ted on the VIIIJt sicie of 'rhGllUls ROad along the Sattth aide of the Babbs Canyon creek, aDd DOrth of 8aDt& Teresa Boulevard. The proposed PTJD desiqn plan 'With 43 sinC)le family lota is consistent with the city'. General Plan land use~p .which de.ignatea the site as Residential LOW Density. A !llaXimum build""Out densi'ty not to exceed 7. dwelling units per net acre is allowed UDder 1:hil.deaignation. The site could potentially yield approximately 70 dwelling units, thought the ettrrent proposal delineates 43 units in. a development schema Qonsistent with prior ROo approvu. As proposed, the project will have a density at about 4.2t dwelling units per acre, with lots ranging in size from 4,656 to 10,805 square feet (averaging 6,470 sC;.ft.). The PtJD cOUlbining district acld.ed to the underlying Rl base zo~e all0W8 the applicant ~opreserv. and dedicate the natural creek area adjaoent 'to the project eit.e, and will uso allow the av.ragiDg of lot sizelS in ord.r ~o permit lot.s le88 tban the mi~um 6,000 square feet. Pri.muy access to l'base % will be prcwided from Thomas ROad adjaoent tc the project sid., with secondary access gained vhe~ l'hase %i i. completed (Ref: TH 94-05). The fut.ure realignment. of Thamas Road, completely out.side of the realm of Pbase :r, vill not occur until properties north of Babbs CaDyon creek are developed (note: preliminary plans for these northerly phases have been submitted under pending applioation RD 94-05, not yet. reviewed by the Planning Commission or city Council). A naturally occurring wint.r stream (Babb8 canyon creek) will provide a scenic border for the Dorth side of Phase I. The delinaation, proposed improv~nt.s, and dedicat.iDD of Babbs e.nyon creek, at approximately St acres, is part of the subject POD request. specific details for the _.iJnprcvement and preservation of the creek are alllo'subject to the.....r.view IU1d approval by the California Department. of Fish , Game. .. There are five kev eleMents 'to the Drocosed Phase I -The Vinevards" POD: il. .1anlleG Unit DevelopHtllt Site Plllll {attached} i2. Master plu for Bahb. Creek _ffer Area {attached} t3. RevegetatiOll 5 Maa.itorillg.. PllUl . {attached} .4. Tree Survey and preservation plan (at~aohed} IS. DesigD 5 BlevatiOD pl&llS {at.tached} 408 998 5388 11/0~/e4 ~ 16:1T tt4~886 3366 LAW OFFICES . ~ 008/01 T staff Report PtJJ): A/S 94-22 4 . .,09/27/94 '1. ~ 0Itt'1' DftBLOPIIEIr.r SITB PLAIr (attached) '!his proposed plan deliDeatee the overall project site design with 43 sittgle family lots, perimeter for the proposed Babbs creek preserve, the ultimate right.-of-way for l'homaa Road, aDd th8 bCIwsdary for the future vineyards Phase II (Ref: '1'K 94-0S). ':be applic:aIft has drawn 'the footprut for eac:h of the proposed .iDgle family detached homes with aD approximate lceatian :for private yard fences (delineated for lots 133 through 136 only) . Front and rear yard aetbacu will IHHrt minilllQ1ll city standarcls, with side yards proposed atfiv. feet (1" le.. than the mil'lj1aWll required) . using the PUJ) flexibility, tJ:ae applicant w1.1l build home. with as' setback on one side and a larger than no:mal .etback on the opposite side. 12. MASTBJt PLAB' Il'OR BABBS c:JtEBK BlJPI'ER ASUliI {attached} This plan defines the boundary for the proposed 5t acre Babbs canyon creek preserve within the project aite, as tRIll as delineatin; the north half of the creek preserve to be dedicated upon the future developaent. of pJ;Operty to the north. The plan illustrates general improvement. that will be made within the creek area as agreed upon by the california Department of FiSh & Game, Santa clara County Water District, A1':1Dy COzpB of Ilngiraeers, and the City Department of Parks' Recreation. on september 20, 1994, the city of Gilroy parks , Recreation Commdssion reviewed the proposed Master Plan and forwarded their recommendation to the c:ou.ncil for approval af the plan as submi t'ted. 13. REVBGIn'ATIOII .. MOKI'1'OIURG 'W {attached} This proposed plan provides a comprehensive program for preserving and augmenting the existing nat.ural riparian habitat within 1:he Babbs Creek. The plan recommendlil that 47 na:tive 'trees (Valley oak, coast Live Oak, .ud Western sycamore) be planted wi thin the creek corridor in o~der to create a continuous riparian woodland. canopy. In add! tion to il:1'troducin; indigenous tree and native graund c~er vegetation, the plan also addresses the inBt.llation of two drainage outfall structur.s. The submitted plan was developed in close coordination with the C&lifgruia Department of Fish & ~e, santa clara County Water District, Ar.my corps of Engineers, and the city Department of PiU'ka " Mereation. on september 20, 1994, the City of Gilroy parks i Recreation Comm1ssiaa reviewed the proposed Revegetation " MOnitoring Plan and forwarded their recommendation for approval to the City Council. '4. '1'RE1!: SURVB~ aDel PRESE.RVA!rtOll PLAR {attached} This survey catalogs all trees located on the project site. ~able'l within the report identifies each tree, and an attached map delineates the specific location. A t.otal of 57 trees .ware. observed, most within the Babbs Creek corridor. With 'the exception ot six trees, locat.ed within the right-of-way for the future widal11n9 of Thomas Road, all trees will be preserved as part of the Haster Plan for the Babb. Creek Buffer Area. of ~he six trees beinq removed for th. widenin; of Thomas ROad, three are coast Live Oaks (i1, '2, and 431) ana the other three are English Walnuts (132, 133 and 134). staff is recommending tbat the three oak trees be relocated to within the adjacent Babbl cr.ek BUffer Area (4l.. ~CZld.i.t.J.on t2 of this report). on sept.eDlber 20, 1994, the city of Gilroy parks , Recreation Commission reviewed 'the Tree survey aDd pr...rvat1on plan and forw~ded their recommendation for approval to the city Council. 408 998 5388 11/0~/94 16:17 !t4'11f98 . 5388 LAW OFFICES . I4L010/017 staff Report Pl1D: A/S .94-22 5 . ,!J9/27/94 '5. DBSIClI 5 KLBVUIOB PLUS {attached} Kaufman , Broad would like to develop the 43 single faily lots utili2:iug three proposed JDDd.l.. Each model will have three distinct elevB.tiOI1 aJ.ternad.".., 'thereby crea1:ing'DizIe avaUable hou.. plan8. ID addition, each lIouII. plan CaD a180 be reversed, provicliDg 9:t'ea1:er diversity to the overall development scheme. AS proposed. by b.utman ',Broad, the three ba.e plans are ci8signed iIl . modifiecl "California C:t'aft81lWl" style of arc:hitect1U:e with vabled roofs, wood de'tailec! windows , door., covered fro.at porch ent:y, with stucco or horizontal wood sicU.ng. The three proposed house plans are a8 follows: PI.IUI 345.3!h A single story 3-bedroom bou8e with 1,311 .quare feet and an attached. two car garage. This medel will have a 3rd bedroom/c!en option. !"ront exterior details will include a small front po.t"c::h, french windows, custom garage and front el1try doors, al1d a gabled roof with CODcrete tilel. PJ:JUI 345.35: A single story 3-bedroom house with..l,~ lquare feet aucl an attached two car garaqe. This plu will have a 4th bedroam/den option. Front exterior details will include a small front por=h, french windOWS, custom garage and front ent%y doors, stucco or horizontal wood siding, and a gabled roof ~th concrete tiles. PLAII 540.20: A twc story 3-bedroom house with 1,648 square feet and &11 attached two car quage. This plan has a 4th bedroom/10ft optian. Front exterior details will inclUde a covered front porch, stucco or horizontal woocl sieling, french windows, custom garage and front: entry doors, a gabled or hipped roof de.ign with concrete tile.. As submitted, the proposed PUD is consistent with the city.. General Plan land Use map which designate. the Hi te .s Residential LOW Dttnsity, substantially consistent with prior city Council R.sidential Development Ordinance and Tentative Map approval, consistent with the City.. Zoning ordinance, and substantially condl.tent with appli~able development polieies _ '. , . - BBO.UllUm FDID%J!CUz In order to qrant Pluned Unit Development (1'00) approval, the ~lilIlning commission and City council ...t find that the proposed Planned Unit Development will: A. ConfOrDI to the Gilroy General plan in terms of general location and stanciard$ of dev-elopmentJ 400 ~~O ::l~00 11/0?/g4 ,16:18 !t4l11J98 5388 staff Report ptm: A/S 94-22 LAW OFFICES . III 011/017 6 - -09/27/94 B. Provide the' type of development which will fill .. specific need of the su.eroundiDg area f c. Hot require. urban .ervic.. beyond tho.. which are currently available f D. Provide a haJ:1aoniOU8, iDt.grated plan which justifies exeeptions, if such are required, to the noz:ma.l requiremeDts of this O~dinance; E. Reflect an ec:o:uomical aucl efficieut pattern of lAme! use8 f F. Include greater provisions for landscaping and open space than would generally be required; G. oti1izI!I aesthetic design priIlciples to create att1'active buildings and open areas which blend with the character of surroundinc; areas; B. Not create traffic cODgestion, noi.., odor, or other adverse effects on surroundinv areas; and I. Provide adequate access, parking I landlcaping, trash ar.as anel storage, as neeessaJ:y. STAFF RBCOMMBIIDM:'%OR: staff reccuaends that the Pl81UliDg COIIIIILi88ion forwarcl a recOJamendatiou 'to the City council 'to approve this request for the follow~g reasons: (A) ~he proposed POD project conforms to ~e land use designatioD for the property on tbe General plan llap, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document; (8) Public utilities and infrastructure tmp~ovements needed in order to serve the proposed project are in close proximity along ~homas Road~ (C) There will be 00 significant eDviro~ntal impacts as & result of this project dUB to the required ~tigation measures to be applied at the development stag-e; and (D) As submit~ed, the proposed development i. consisteut with the nece..~ pot) Finc!iD98 A t.hrough I, as stated. under Zoning ordinance section 50.55. . :ED adctiUOD. staff ~Dd8 the follalliacr acxa4it:ioIlB he 1)J.acecl Oil ~ arutiDO of ~is PI.oed hit DevelOllleDt reaue.1a 1. MJ:T%GATION KEA.StrJtES t1 through 134, Contained within thl!l revised Negative Declaration dated 04/26/94 for Z 93-02 involving the .ubject project, sball be applied to the approval of this Planned Unit Development proj.~t in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level of inSignificance, .s requ~.d under the California Environmental Quality Act (CZQA). .qo~ ~~~ ~;:i~~ 11/02/94 .16:18 tJ4~98 5388 statf Report. PUD: Als 94..22 LAW OFFICES . III 012/017 . . 7 -- 0'/27/94 2. of. the six trees being removed for the widening of '1'bcmas Read., the three coast Live. Oaks (ideDtif1ed. iu 'the 'ntD SO'aWY JtJIPOK'1' .. tree. 11, 12, and. 134) shall bEl boxed and relocated. into 'the Balms creek preserve. MJIlQval (box1ng) and. trU8portati= procedares, and. the specific destinatioD wi'thiD the Babb. creek pr...rve, shall be subject to the review and. approval by the Departalent of parb ,:aecrea'tioQ. . 3. All dwellings positioned. adjacent to Thomas Road shall be desigaed 'to cOl1uol interior DOise levels in habitable rOOllUl, from exterior SOlU"ces, with tested assemblies haviDg S"lC of %%c ratinp of 45 db or 1aOr8 (tJ3C Append.ix Section 5401 (h), subject to the review cad AppJ:oval by ~. BUild.i.ng Department. 4. An all-weather acc.ss road, DOt 18.. than twenty (20) feet 112 width, for fire en9iAes shall be provided before commencing any cambua1:ible construction. Fire bydraDts shall also be installed and Jftain1:ained before combustible c::ons1:ructiob begins, to meet the appJ:Oval of the city Fire Department. 5 .' Fire hydrant locations, loopiug, and. wat.er maiD sizing shall he subject to the review aDd approval by the Pire Department.. Buildiag, Ufe and :EDvironmental safety Division and ~lic Works Department, aDd shall be subject to the following: A. Ma1:erials used for Off-site installations sball be per city of Gilroy Standard Details. This includes pipe, valves, hyclranta,. back-flow preveation devices, concret.e, trencb baClk-fill, etc., B - Pipes which serve on-ai te fire service .ys~ are subject to the specifications of the Fire De~nt's Building', Life and. E:uviroDm8l:1tal Safety Division once they depart from the city main. Anyon-site or fire aervice sys~.. ~.t have a City standard valve interveniDgi and '. c. 7Dspection of on-site fire servic::e sYGtems will be the respon8ibility of the Fire Department's Building, Life and En~ironmental safety Division. 6 . All proposed fenc::inqshall Dleet the requirements of 'the city.. Zoning Ordinance Sect.ion 34, subjec:t to the review and approval by 'th, Planning Dep.arbuln't . 7. street improvements and the design of all s'ten! drainage, sewer and water line., and. all street sectiol1lt an. widths shall be subject to the review and approval by the PUblic works Department. 8. All utilities to, through, ancl 011 the site shall be ins'ta.1led. und.eJ:ground in accordance ~ith section 21.120, subject ~ the review and approval by the Public Works Department. 9. ~he developer shall sub2llit a soils report for the project. All grading operations and soil compaction activities shall meet the approval of tbe city Engineer. Grading plans shall show grad.es of all adja:cent properties, subject to the review and approval by the Public Works Dt!lpartment. 40~ ~~~ :l;J~~ 11/02.194 ~ 16: 19 U4.98 5388 staff :Report PtJI); Als 94-22 LAW OFFICES . IaI 013/017 . , . I - ..09/27/94 10. All lots shall drain to the lI'treet for 8tona ckaiDa;e, subject to the review md approval. by the Public verb Depar1:llent. 11. All pZ'CIPOlled retaining walls ..t be CQU'truc:1:ed of pem&D811t mater.ia.1e Buell a. cone~ete OX' Jll&8cmry, subject to the review and 4l'Proval by the PUblic Works Dep~n~. Wood -ill not be p8nU.tted. 12. show location of all exbtiAg Wltll.. All exiatiDg wat.er well. shall be eealed 'to meet 'the approval of 'the ci'ty Bng'in..r anc1 the Santa clara Valley Water District (SCVWD). .e.pecttully, ~j)cy ~ Hicha.l Dorn Dir8Ctoz:o of Planning Attachments . ... ~ } r- . . h . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 94-78 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the ~ day of November , 19-2L, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 14th day of November ,1994. /1 ~ /~ ~ft.d~~w//~ ZY!fff~~ /City Clerk of the City of Gilr~ (Seal)