Resolution 1994-79 'I. . . ..~ RESOLUTION NO. 94-79 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DENYING APPLICATION A/S 93-10, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DESIGN APPROVAL, TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF A 78,000 SQUARE FOOT MULTI-SERVICE GROCERY STORE ON A SITE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WREN AVENUE AND FIRST STREET, APN 808-012-012 WHEREAS, smith I s Food & Drug Centers, Inc. ( II Smi th I s II ) and the Glen Loma Group have made application A/S 93-10, for a Planned unit Development ("PUD") design approval, to allow con- struction of a 78,000 square foot multi-service grocery store on an approximately 13.4 acre site zoned C3-PUD and located at the southeast corner of First Street and Wren Avenue, APN 808-012-012, such land as is indicated on the map attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference; and, WHEREAS, in connection with its review of this project the City has prepared and circulated in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") a Negative Declara- tion for A/S 93-10, such declaration attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference; and, WHEREAS, the Gilroy City Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on A/S 93-10 on October 7, 1993 and after that public hearing voted 4-0-3 to recommend that this City Council adopt the Negative Declaration for the project subject to the 42 mitigation measures contained therein, but with modifications to mitigation measures 11, 24 and 25, and to recommend that the Council approve A/S 93-10, subject to the 27 conditions listed in the Planning Staff Report on the matter dated September 30, 1993 and attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference; and, WHEREAS, this City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on A/S 93-10 on November 15, 1993, at which public hearing the Council considered the project and, on the basis of substantial evidence submitted to the Council orally and in writing, found that RESOLUTION NO. 94-79 -1- . . its complete review of the project would require, and then voted to require, that the applicants prepare and submit as part of the project application an economic impact study for the project; WHEREAS, on February 24, 1994, smith's agreed in writing to waive all statutory time limits to the City's review of this project; and, WHEREAS, smith's has not agreed to the preparation of the economic impact study for the project; and, WHEREAS, section 15131 of the California Code of Regula- tions (also known as the CEQA Guidelines) establishes authority for lead agencies to require analysis of the economic impacts of a proposed project where such impacts may have an indirect physical effect on the environment; and, WHEREAS, Implementation Policy J. of the Gilroy General Plan provides that economic considerations be included as part of the environmental assessment for any proposal to construct a new shopping center in the Gilroy Planning Area and that an economic impact report be prepared that focusses on the short and long- range effects of the project on existing commercial development; and, WHEREAS, section 50.55 of the Gilroy Zoning Ordinance requires that this Council make several findings before granting a PUD approval such as the one at issue in A/S 93-10; and, WHEREAS, at a duly noticed public meeting on November 7, 1994, this Council determined based on substantial evidence submitted to it orally and in writing throughout the several hearings and meetings on 93-10 that the Council could not approve 93-10 without due preparation and consideration of an economic impact study in connection with the Council's complete review of the project and its environmental assessment under CEQA; and, WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this resolution is based is the Office of the City Clerk. RESOLUTION NO. 94-79 -2- . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The Council finds, based on substantial evidence, as follows: 1. The Council interprets Gilroy General Plan Implemen- tat ion Policy J. as requiring an economic impact report or study for this proj ect and that without such a report or study, the project cannot found to be consistent with the General Plan; 2. The Council is unable to find the proposed develop- ment is consistent with findings (a), (b), (e) and (h) as required in section 50.55 of the Gilroy zoning Ordinance. 3. In the absence of an economic impact report, a fair argument can be made at this time that development of the project could lead indirectly to adverse physical impacts, including but not necessarily limited to blight, due to potential economic impacts of the project. 4. The Negative Declaration prepared for A/S 93-10 cannot be adopted at this time without preparation and review of an economic impact report. 5. A/S 94-10 should be and hereby is denied, but such denial is without prejudice for the purpose of enabling Smith's to submit a new application to the City for PUD design review. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of November, 1994 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, ROWLISON, VALDEZ NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GAGE, MORALES ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ROGERS AP7tJj J 'j~ Donald F. Gage, yor RESOLUTION NO. 94-79 -3- e. . ( ~ ~ zJ. ~ < ~ ~ I i 15 i i ; .. ~ Location Map N.T .5. EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP FOR A/S 93-10 CrawtanI MaItui Ie Slur ~ . M:hitec:bn . pubic policy 2 Revised lUIII'i3 -Plannint Departmedl NEGATIVE DECLARATION Ci ty of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 City File Rumber.: AIS 93-10 PROJECT DESCRIP'1'IOR: Name of project: Nature of project: smith's superstore Architectural and site Review for a 78,000 square foot grocery store. PROJECT LOCATIOR: Location: southeast corner of Wren Avenue and First street. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 808-012-012. Entitv or Personls) undertakinQ proiect: Name: Address: City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna st., Gilroy, CA 95020 IRITIAL S'l'UDY: An Initial study of this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is on file at the city of Gilroy Planning Department, 7351 Rosanna street, Gilroy, CA 95020. FINDIRGS . REASONS: The Initial study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. However, the project has been mitigated (see Mitigation Measures below which avoid or mitigate the effects) to a point where no significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these findings: 1. The proposal is a logical component of the existing land use of this area. 2. Identified adverse impacts are proposed to be mitigated through preparation of special studies, and construction of off-site improvements. EXHIBIT B Revised 10/7/93 . . preliminary Negative Declaration A/s 93-10 2 07/20/93 3. The proposed project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General plan of the city of Gilroy. 4. The Initial study was independently reviewed by city staff, and this Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. ( MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. The applicant shall submit a detailed grading plan for review and approval by the city Departments of Public works and Building. 2. The applicant shall make provisions on the grading plans to ensure soils will not be washed offsite during storms, subject to the review and approval of the city Departments of Public works and Building- 3. The development of the site shall conform to the Uniform Building, Plumbing and Mechanical codes, the National Electric code, subject to the review and approval of the city public works and Building Departments. 4. The developer shall provide bus stops, turnouts and shelters, subject to the review and approval by the city Department of Public works and the Santa clara County Transit District. I \ S. The development of the site shall include the improvement of a bicycle lane adjacent to the project site, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of Public Works. 6. Facilities encouraging bicycle use shall be provided, subject to the review and approval of the city Planning Department. 7. The developer shall provide programs and facilities which encourage the use of high occupancy vehicles, subject to the review and approval of the city Planning Department. 8. Dust control measures shall be implemented to reduce fugitive dust emissions during grading and construction, including the following: a. Provide equipment and manpower for watering all exposed or disturbed earth surfaces at least twice daily; increase watering frequency whenever winds exceed 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed water should be used if possible. b. Cover stockpiles of debris, soil, sand, and other materials that can be blown by the wind. AS required by state law, trucks transporting fill material to and from the project site shall be covered. c. Sweep construction area and adjacent streets of all mud and dust daily, or more frequently if needed. d. After clearing, grading or excavation is completed, landscape, water or cover those portions of the site. Revised 10/7/93 . . preliminary Negative Declaration A/S 93-10 3 07/20/93 9. Trash storage areas should be located as far as as practical from existing and future residential areas while still serving the specific lease spaces and maintaining an attractive appearance to the parking lot and public streets. The final location and design for each building shall be subject to review and approval by the city Planning Department. 10. Trash pick-ups shall be scheduled frequently to avoid accumulations of trash which can lead to odors. Trash areas shall be maintained in a clean basis to minimize odors. These provisions shall be incorporated into the CC&Rs or basic lease for the commercial center. 11. The design of the storm drainage improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of public works. FurtMr, prior to issuanc~ of a grading p~rmit by the City, developer shall obtain a NPDES storm water permit and submit evidenet of SamL to the City Depa~lIl of Public WorkT. 12. The following water saving features shall be incorporated into the project: a. Emphasis on drought tolerant, low water use species in the landscaping plan. b. Use of water efficient irrigation systems, such as drip or bubblers. c. Installation of low-flow toilets and other plumbing features in the buildings. 13. The developer shall pay appropriate water development fees, subject to the review and approval of the city of Engineer. 14. The developer shall prepare a detailed arborist report of the site to determine what measures are necessary to protect the existing trees during construction and landscaping, subject to the review and approval of the City Planning Department. At a minimum, no cutting, filling, grading or paving shall be allowed within the driplines of the oak trees (this may require the construction of tree wells or retaining walls to protect the oaks in place); during grading and construction, a temporary fence shall be installed around the driplines of the oaks to prevent accidental damage to the tree and to the root system. 15. A solid masonry sound wall shall be installed on the eastern and southern boundaries; design (including height and materials) shall be subject to review and approval by the city Planning Department. 16. Drive through restaurants shall not be permitted in the building nearest the northeast corner. 17. All compressors, refrigeration units, and other mechanical equipment shall be enclosed or baffled so that noise emanating from the site meets City standards at the property lines. 18. Mechanical sweeping of the portion of the southeast parking lot shall not occur between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. l\eV~::it:u J.V'I'~J .. . preliminary Negative Declaration A/S 93-10 4 07/20/93 19. The developer shall submit a detailed plan for all exterior lights, as part of the building permit review process. The lighting plan shall incorporate design elements that will minimize the potential for light and glare impacts on adjacent residential properties. The lighting plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the city planning Department. ( 20. The landscaping plan for the project shall include a dense row of evergreen (i.e. non-deciduous) trees along the southern and eastern boundaries to help screen the center from adjacent land uses. 21. prior to development of the site, the property owner shall complete a Hazardous Materials site closure plan, subject to the review and approval of the Chemical control Division of the Fire Department. 22. The property owner and/or future business owner shall be subject to city of Gilroy ordinance t83-06 (HMSO - Hazardous Materials storage ordinance, administered by the Fire Department) and shall therefore obtain, complete and sign a Hazardous Materials Inventory statement (~S). project: 23. The developer shall pay the appropriate Traffic Impact Fee, subject to the approval of the city Engineer, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 24. widen the northbound approach to First street/Wren Avenue intersection to accommodate a second left turn lane, including modification of the traffic signal to accommodate the intersection widening. The design of all street improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of Public Works. An mcroacJlllu!IIt permit must be obtained/or any work proposed within the State right-o/- waY- 25. Develop street frontage and access locations subject to the approval of the city Engineer. An t'~,croacJIIIU!llt permit "wst be obtained/or any work proposed within the State right-of way- 26. prior to the development of the site, the developer shall pay required city of Gilroy Public safety impact fees. 27. The development of the site shall conform to the Uniform Fire Code, subject to the review and approval of the city Fire Department. 28. Development plans shall include the installation of on-site fire hydrants. Improvement plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Departments of Public works, Fire and Building. 29. Fire sprinklers shall be installed in all new buildings; the design of said sprinkler systems shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Fire Department. 30. The developer shall provide required impact fees to the Gilroy Unified school District. . . Revised lO~7/93 preliminary Negative Declaration A/S 93-10 5 07/20/93 31. prior to development of the site, the developer shall pay required city of Gilroy parks & Recreation impact fees. 32. The developer shall replace all deteriorating curb, gutter sidewalk and pave-out adjacent to the project site, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of public works. ( 33. The design of all sewer line improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of Public Works. 34. The project site is subject to sewer pre-treatment requirements, subject to the review and approval of the south county Regional Wastewater Authority. 35. prior to the development of the site, the developer must obtain sufficient sewer allocation to serve the proposed project, and will be required to pay city of Gilroy sanitary sewer connection fees. 36. The project shall include provisions for recycling facilities to reduce solid waste deposition in land fills. said provisions shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Planning Department. 37. Grease trap interceptors shall be provided in the buildings, as required by the city Fire Department (Chemical control). Number, location and design of said inter?eptors shall be subject to the review and approval of the city Fire Department. 38. The development of the site shall conform to the energy regulations in Title 24 of the california Building code, subject to the review and approval of the city Building Departments. 39. The developer shall c~nstruct all utilities to, through and on the site underground, subject to the review and approval of the city Department of public works. 40. All phases of development, to include design layouts and specific site considerations, shall be addressed fully within the city of Gilroy'S Architectural and site Review procedures, subject to the review and approval of the City Planning Department. 41. The development of the site shall conform to the city of Gilroy'S consolidated Landscaping policy, subject to the review and approval of the city planning Department. 42. If archaeological resources are encountered during grading, the work shall cease until a qualified archeologist approved by the city, can assess the significance of the resource. The archeologist, shall recommend mitigation measures, if deemed necessary, to protect the resources so encountered. The developer shall implement said mitigation measures, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director. . prel~Dary Negative Declaration A/S 93-10 Date prepared: 7/27/93 End of Review period: 8/31/93 Date Approved By city council: Revised 10/7/93 . 6 07/20/93 Michael Dorn, Director of Planning ( ~:.~ ,.. :.' .;. . ~r=:~~~:.:.- ~~~9~.~~":'::~:~-;:'=_ ~~~_...~~:.. ... .....7: .;,.;.....:.~..... ..~;,.. - .. -. Plannin~ep~eD6 STAFF REPORT September 30, 1993 FILE NtJHBER: Als 93-10 APPLICANT: Smith's Food and Drug Centers Inc. /Glen I.oma Group ( LOCATION: 786 First Street, The SB COrner of First Street and Wren Avenue. STAFF PLANm:R: Helissa Durkin **************************************************************************** REOUESTED ACTION: Planned Unit Development approval for the construction of a multi- service grocery store, under the provisions of Planneci Unit Developal8nt review. !i2S.!.: If property is located within a Planned Unit Development (POD) combining d.istrict, the PlaJm.ing C--i.sion and the city COUncil must approve the project prior to building permit issuance. {Zoning Ordinance Section SO. SO} DESCRIPTION 01" PROP.ERTY: Parcel No.: Parcel Size: 808-12-012 approximately 13.4 acres STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existina Land Ose General Plan Desianation Zonina Ondev. Commercial Land General Services COmmercial C3-Ptm STATUS 01" SURROUNDING PROPERTY: Existina Land Ose General Plan Desianation Zonina N: S: McDonald's, Vacant Land Offices, Single Fam. Somes Apartments Pro. Off.ice/eommercial General Services COmmercial Professional Office/LOR Sigh Dens.ity Residential PO, GSC C3/H2 PO/POD 1U R3 PO,C3 E: W: EXHIBIT C . . Staff Report A/s 93-10 2 9/30/93 CONP'ORMANCE OF REQUEST WITH GENERAL PLAN: The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document. POLICY V-II New commercial uses will be encouraged to group into clustered areas or centers containing professional offices, retail sales and services. These uses will not be permitted to occur in a strip form of developD8J1t (shallow depth, linear form). POLICY V-12 Commercial uses will be clustered at the intersection of major thoroughfares. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: NEGATIVE DECLARATION An expanded initial study has been prepared for this project. The study found that there would be no significant effects on the environment as a result of this project. Therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared for the following reasons: 1. The proposal is a logical extension of the existing urban, land use, and zoning patterns of this area. 2. Identified adverse impacts such as the increase in traific qenerated from this project are proposed to be mitigated through construction of off-site improvements. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan ()f the City of Gilroy. 4. The Initial Study was independently reviewed by City staff, and the Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. Staff recommends that the 42 mitigation measures listed on the attached Negative Declaration be applied. ANALYSIS OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting Planned Unit Development approval in order to construct a 69,532 square foot commercial grocery store (66,592 square feet of retail space, and a 2,940 square foot office mezzanine) and a 27,740 square foot retail store on a 13.4 acre site, located at the southeast corner of Wren Avenue and First Street. The primary use of the store will be retail grocery sales. However, other uses such as a bank, a dry cleaner, a deli and a pharmacy are also included in the normal operation of Smith's Superstore. ~ -~'..: . ~. Staff Report Als 93-10 3 9/30/93 The site will be subc:U.vided into three parcels, with the largest one being used for the smith's project. The northerly remainder lot is planned to be developed with a 5,500 square foot retail building, and three pads, ranginq in size from approximately 1,500 square feet to 4,600 square feet. Bach of the_ three pads has a configuration that suggests that they may be developed with restaurants. The southerly remainder lot is proposed to be developed. with a 4,500 square foot pad, which could also be designed for a restaurant. All future construction will require separate Architectural and Site Review, prior to building ( permit issuance. No approvals of the remainder lots are implied through this Architectural and Site Review application. The applicant has stated that until these future parcels are developed, they will be covered with hydroseed. This site is bordered on the east by an apartment complex, and a portion of the site on the south by single family homes. Because of this, a six foot sound wall will be required to be constructed adjacent to these residential areas, in order to provide a noise barrier. The site plan shows a trash enclosure located adjacent to the easterly property line. The amount of noise generated by garbage trucks will make it necessary to move the trash enclosure to an alternate location, in order to prevent disruptive noise from bothering neighboring residents. A breakdown of the required parking for this project (smith's Superstore and the major retailer only) is as follows: ( USE SO.FT. PARKING STD. PIt. REO'D Main Store 69,532 1/250 278 Maior Store 27,740 1/250 -1ll Totals 160,897 389 req'd Proposed parking lot design..................................576 stalls Difference:..................................................187 over min. rea. Three significant, well established oak trees are present at this site. An arborist report has been prepared for the property, and several recommendations have been listed which would help preserve these trees. The applicant has worked with City staff to provide a plan which will sustain the trees. Staff feels, however, that the plan could use additional work to ensure that the oaks remain healthy. As submitted, the project shows turf block covering the area underneath the two trees in the center of the site. The applicant wishes to use this area to park cars, and to accommodate traffic circulation. This request was not addressed in the submitted arborist report, therefore the applicant will be required to have an additional arborist report prepared, which addresses the affect of the turf block on the trees, prior to building permit issuance. . . staff Report A/s 93-10 4 9/30/93 If the arborist report shows that placing turf block over the tree roots to allow cars to drive and park on them will in any way jeopardize the health of the trees, it will not be allowed. Instead, the applicant will be required to block off the area surroundinq the trees with a curb, so that vehicles will not be able to pass over it. A pervious paving material may be used to cover the root area for pedestrian access. It should be further noted that this site is proposed to have 187 parkinq stalls more than are required. Disallowing parking and traffic circulation on this area would remove 29 of the stalls, ,leavinq an excess of 158 stalls. Since the site contains far more than the required amount of parking, staff feels that blockinq off this area is a superior alternative. The proposed landscaping meets the City'S minimum requirements, and the landscape areas will be spread throughout the project, in accordance with the City'S adopted landscape policy. The applicant has provided staggered walls on the front of the Smith's building, rather than a monolithic face, in order to provide visual relief to the site. Additional architectural characteristics will include several. windows on the front of the building with decorative tile work and aluminum framing, an enhanced entrance area, which features a dome-shaped tiled cap over the doors, and a mansard style roof on the majority of the building, with a gabled roof over the entrance area to provide further emphasis. The building will also feature colored bands near the roof to add to its visual appeal. The major store will be constructed to architecturally match Smith's Superstore. Shopping traffic will enter the site from Wren Avenue and First Street. Two additional entries will be located at the southwest and northeast corners of the project site, and will serve delivery and trash vehicles, as well as employee parking at the rear. FINDINGS: In order to grant Planned Unit Development (POD) approval, the Planning Commission and City Council must find that the proposed Planned Unit Development will: A. Conform to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of qeneral location and standards of development; B. Provide the type of development which will fill a specific need of the surrounding area; C. Not require urban services beyond those which are currently available; ,......-.A, ...-.... ... ... . . Staff Report A/S 93-10 5 9/30/93 D. Provide a harmonious, integrated plan whi.ch justifies exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of this OrdinanCe; E. Reflect an economical and efficient pattern of land uses; F. Include greater provisions for landscaping and open space than would generally be required; G. Utilize aesthetic design principles to create attractive buildings ( and open areas which blend with the character of surrouncling areas; H. Not create traffic congestion, noise, odor, or other adverse effects on surrounding areas; and I. Provide adequate access, parking, landscaping,. trash areas and storage, as necessary. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Ccalmission forward a recOlDD8ndation to the city COuncil to approve this request for the following reasons: (A) The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document; ( (B) Public utilities and infrastructure improvements needed in order to serve the proposed project are in close proximity along First Street and Wren Avenue. (C) There will be no significant environmental impacts as a result of this project due to the required mitigation measures to be applied at the development stage; and (D) As submitted, the proposed development is consistent with the necessary POD Findings A through I, as stated under Zoning Ordinance Section 50.55. IF APPROVED. STAFF RECOMMENDS THAT THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS BE PLACED ON THE PROJECT: This project is approved subject to the following conditions: 1. All forty-two (42) MITIGATION MEASURES shall be applied to the approval of the subject project in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). . . staff Report A/S 93-10 6 9/30/93 2. Landscaping: Landscaping plans including specifications for an irrigation system shall be approved by the Planning Director in accordance with the City's Consolidated Landscaping Policy, prior to issuance of a building permit. .The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in an orderly, live, healthy, and relatively weed-free condition, in accordance with the adopted landscaping policy. In addition, the following requirements must be met with reqard to the oak trees on site: A. Prior to any activity on this site (including grading), fences shall be placed around the dripline of the oak trees. This is to prevent construction traffic under the trees, and to prevent materials from being piled underneath them. B. No trenches shall be permitted to run thrqugh the dripline of the trees. c. Landscaping underneath the trees shall be limited to large cobble stone, wood chips or compatible plant materials irrigated with drip irrigation. Any drip irrigation shall be kept at least ten feet from the trunk of the trees. D. The applicant shall submit an arborist report to address the issue of placing turf block around the oak trees. The arborist shall be required to make inspections before, during and after project construction to verify compliance with the recommendations. The final design of all landscaping areas, including the area surrounding the oak trees shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department. 3. Trash Enclosures: The applicant shall provide trash enclosures. All trash enclosures shall consist of visually solid fences and gates, six (6) feet in height, in accordance with the adopted City of Gilroy standard trash enclosure design plan, or a similar design approved by the Planning Director. All trash enclosures shall be located in accordance with the approved site plan and fire regulations. The trash enclosure located adjacent to the westerly property line shall be relocated, in order to reduce the impact of noise on adjacent residences. 4. Exterior Lighting: No unobstructed beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the site toward any residential use or public right-of-way. 5. Mechanical Appurtenances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of a building shall be screened by an architectural feature of the building such that it cannot be seen from ground level at the far side of the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever possible. ..<t.. ...... . . staff Report A/S 93-10 7 9/30/93 6. The developer/applicant must obtain a sewer allotment for this project, and sign a sewer allotment agreement prior to the issuance of any building permits. 7. Building colors shall be earth tones subject to Planning Department approval. 8. All proposed signage shall be subject to Planning Department approval. Signs delineated on the submitted plot plan are not approved. ( 9. The applicant shall develop a comprehensive sign program for all project signage, subject to Planning Department review and approval. Signage delineated on the site plan is not approved under this request. 10. All landscaped areas adjacent to parking and/or paved areas shall be separated by a raised protective curbing to meet minimum city standards. 11. Off-site street improvements shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. Street frontage landscaping along First Street shall be bermed in order to provide additional screening of the parking areas. Such berming shall be delineated on required landscaping plans, and shall be subject to Planning Department approval. 13. A six foot sound wall must be provided along the easterly and southerly boundaries of this property, adjacent to the residential areas, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Department. 14. Ten foot sidewalks with tree wells shall be installed along the frontages of First Street and Wren Avenue. 15. Fire hydrants and electroliers are to be installed along the frontages of First Street and Wren Avenue. 16. Backflow devices must be provided, subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Department. 17. A grading plan must be provided subject to the review and approval of the Public Works Department. 18. Any existing water laterals which will not be used shall be abandoned at the main. 19. All non-improved areas shall have field inlets with erosion control. Those areas shall have self-contained drainage facilities. l . . . Staff Report A/S 93-10 8 9/30/93 20. All existing utility structures includinq boxes shall be moved out of driveway areas. 21. All water meters are to be located at the back of curb. 22. On-site fire hydrants and sprinklers shall be required. The fire protection line shall be looped. 23. Any existing wells shall be sealed per SCVWD standards and requirements. 24. A parcel map shall be recorded for this property before the issuance of any building permits. 25. A Knox Box and key shall be provided, subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department. 26. All proposed future development at th.is site shall require additional Architectural & Site Review and staff approval only prior to building permit issuance. The architectural style and materials for the future buildings shall blend with the overall department store scheme. 27. The applicant shall provide a grease trap subject to review and approval by the Chemical Control Division. Respectfully, ~f)~ Michael Dorn Director of Planning 10/7/93 At their meetinq of OCtober 7, 1993, the Planninq coamission, by a vote of 4-0-3 (coami88ioner8 Buchanan, cooper and Suyeyasu ab..nt), recommended adoption of the Neqati ve Declaration as completed in compliance with CEQA, and reflecting the independent judgment of the City, together with 42 mitigation measure8 as listed in the Neqative Declaration, with modifications to mitigation measures 11, 24 and 25 as set forth in the Re8ponse to Comments. The planning commission, by a vote of 4-0-3 (Commissioners Buchanan, Cooper, and Suyeyasu absent), recommended approval of A/s 93-10, subject to 27 conditions as listed in the staff report. AYES: Gage, Puente, Romero, Lai HAYES: None ABSD'l': Buchanan, COOper, Suyeyasu . . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 94-79 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 21st day of November at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the , 19-2L, Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 30th day of November ,1994. (Seal)