Resolution 1995-42 , . . RESOLUTION NO. 95-42 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A/S 95-12, AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF 66 SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED DWELLINGS ON APPROXI- MATELY 12.5 ACRES (PARCELS NO. 790-04-039 AND 046) ON PROPERTY ZONED R1-PUD (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) WHEREAS, South County Housing submitted A/S 95-12, an application for Architectural and site approval of 66 single family detached dwellings on approximately 12.5 acres of property zoned R1-PUD (single family residential, planned unit development), said property located on the west side of Kern Avenue adjacent to the future extension of Mantelli; and WHEREAS, the city Council adopted, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a Negative Declara- tion including 30 mitigation measures and a mitigation/monitoring plan, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this reference, for GPA 93-02 and tentative map TM 95-01, which proposals included the property associated with A/S 95-12; and WHEREAS, the Planning commission held a duly noticed public hearing on A/S 95-12 on May 4, 1995 and after that hearing recommended that the City Council approve the project, subject to thirteen conditions set forth in that certain staff report dated April 25, 1995, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the city Council reviewed application A/S 95- 12 and all documents relating thereto and took oral testimony at its duly noticed meeting of May 15, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION I. The City Council hereby finds that A/S 95-12 complies with the findings set forth in subsections (a) through (i) of section 50.55 of the Gilroy Zoning Ordinance as required to grant planned unit development (PUD) architectural and site approval. RESOLUTION 95-42 -1- , , . . SECTION II. The city council hereby finds, pursuant to the requirements of the Public Resources Code, that: 1. This project is consistent with the Gilroy General Plan. 2. The city previously adopted a Negative Declaration with 30 mitigation measures and the mitigation/monitoring plan attached hereto as Exhibit liB" which included this property. 3. There are no off-site or on-site environmental effects of this project which were not addressed in the Negative Declara- tion. 4. There is no new information showing environmental ef- fects to be more significant than described in the Negative Decla- ration. SECTION III. A/S 95-12 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the thirteen conditions set forth in the staff report attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and the mitigation measures and mitiga- tion/monitoring program attached hereto as Exhibit "B". PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May, 1995 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, VALDEZ, GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE. APPROVED: oo4!ri#V steinmetz, City Cle \077\ 190497. 1 51-051704706002 RESOLUTION 95-42 -2- . . Planning Department STAFF REPORT EXHIBIT "A" April 25, 1995 File Number: A/S 95-12 Applicant: South County Housing Location: West of Kern Avenue, adjacent to the future Mantelli Drive extension Staff Planner: Melissa Durkin REOUESTED ACTION: Planned Unit Development review of a 66 lot single family subdivision, DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Parcel Number: Parcel Size: Flood Zone: 790-04-039 and 046 12,45 acres (total for the site) "B" and "A", Panel # 060340000 I C Panel Date: 10/06/81 STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existing Land Use Vacant Land General Plan Desigflation LDR and MDR Zoning: RIIR3-PUD STATUS OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY: Existing Land Use N: VacantlWater Channel S: Vacant/Single Family Homes E: Rod Kelley School/S,F. Homes W: Vacant General Plan Designation LDRI Park/Public Facility Low Density Residential PPFILDRlMDR Low Density Residential Zoning Rl Rl Rl, R3 Rl, CONFORMANCE OF REOUEST WITH GENERAL PLAN: The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the general Plan Document S~Report A/S 95' . Page 2 4/25/95 This project confonns with the policies of Gilroy's General Plan. The following example demonstrates this compliance: Urban Development and Community Design (Section II): Policy 3: "Urban Development will only occur within the incorporated portion of the Planning Area, Land will therefore be annexed to the City before final development approval is given, " The proposed project is in confonnance with this policy, because this land has been within City limits for many years, Policy 4: "The City will phase development in <:n orderly, contiguous manner in order to maintain a compact development pattern to avoid premature investment for the extension of public facilities and services, New urban development will occur in areas where municipal services are available and capacity exists prior to the approval of development in areas which would require major new facility expansion, The proposed project is in confonnance with this policy, because this property is adjacent to a developed school site, and is in close proximity to developed residential property. Municipal services are currently available at this site, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: NEGATIVE DECLARATION An expanded initial study has been prepared for this project. The study identified potentially significant effects on the environment, however, the applicant has agreed to individual mitigation measures which will avoid or mitigate the effects to a point where no significant impacts will occur. A Negative Declaration, with 30 mitigation measures, was adopted for this project under GPA 93-02, RELA TED APPLICA nONS: TM 95-01: Tentative Map approval for the subdivision of a 12.45 acre site into 66 residential lots, three common area lots and one remainder lot. RDO BACKGROUND: This project is proposed to be developed by South County Housing, which is a private, non-profit developer of affordable homes, and is therefore eligible to be exempt from the provisions of the Residential Development Ordiflance (RDO) under section 50,62 (3) The City Council approved this exemption at their April 24, 1995 meeting, . Staff Report AlS 95-12 . Page 3 4/25/95 ANALYSIS OF REOUEST: The applicant is requesting design review for the proposed construction of 66 detached single family homes on land which totals approximately 12.5 acres. The lots on which these homes would be constructed will result from Tentative Map application TM 95-01, ifit is approved, This property is zoned RIIR3-PUD (planned Unit Development). The Rlportion of the project will allow homes to be constructed at a density of 7.25 dwelling units per net acre, The R3 portion of the project will allow homes to be constructed at a density of 16 dwelling units per net acre, With the PUD zoning overlay, the applicant is able to spread these densities over the entire project site, rather than placing lower density homes in the Rl area and medium density homes in the R3 area, The total density of the PUD mlY not exceed the maximum allowed densiti~s of the underlying zoning districts, however. The over all density of this project is 9,1 dwelling units per net acre, The maximum allowed density, based on the densities allowed in the Rl and R3 zoning districts, is 13 units per net acre, Therefore, the proposed development is well within the density limitations for this site, and meets the intent of the Planned Unit Development zoning designation, This density transfer has enabled the applicant to propose single family, owner-occupied homes on both the Rl and R3 portions of this project. The Zoning Ordinance requires that extra amenities be provided in exchange for the flexibility that the Planned Unit Development allows, Staff believes that the affordable housing which the developer is proposing to provide is adequate to meet this requirement. The applicant has proposed to subdivide this property into two different lot types, each with two different models Following is an analysis of these two types: Type One The first lot type consists of20 single family homes, which will be constructed solely on the Rl portion of the development. These lots range in size from 3,879 square feet to 7,306 square feet, with an average lot size of approximately 5,200 square feet. This portion of the development is about 2.3 acres, with a density of 8, 7 dwelling units per net acre. [Note: The R I zoning district would normally allow a maximum density of7.25 dwelling units per net acre, The higher density is allowed in this case because of the PUD density transfer.] The two models which are proposed to be constructed on these lots are two-story with two-car garages, Each of these models has an alternate elevation, These homes will be sold to median income buyers, and will help subsidize the Type Two homes, Following are the characteristics of these models: Plafl48 This model is proposed to be approximately 1,650 square feet in area with two story ranch style construction, and a two car garage located in front. Architectural elements of this home include a portico with vertical columns emphasizing the front door, a multi-level gable roof, detailed window and garage framing, and a second story dormer. , . Staff Report AlS 95-12 . Page 4 4/25/95 Plan 52 This model is proposed to be approximately 1,650 square feet in area with two story ranch style construction, and a two car garage located in the front. Architectural elements of this home include an open portico with vertical columns emphasizing the front door, a multi-level gable roof, and detailed garage and window framing, This plan is differentiated from plan one by recessing the first floor behind the garage, differing the detailing of the garages and windows, reversing the entrances, and providing differing roof pitches. In addition, the garage on Plan 48 has a shed roof, and the garage on Plan 52 has a steeply pitched gable roof Type Two The second lot type consists of 46 single family homes, to be constructed only on the R3 portion of this development. These lots will range in size from 2,782 square feet to 5,739 square feet, with an average lot size of approximately 3,470 square feet. This portion of the project is approximately 4,94 acres, with a density of9.3 dwelling units per net acre. The two models which are proposed to be constructed on these lots are two-story with two-car garages, Each of these models has an alternate elevation. These homes will be sold to low- income buyers, and will be self-help homes, which means that the buyer must participate in the construction, Following are the characteristics of these models: Plan 1250 This model is proposed to be a two-story, 1,250 square foot home, with the second story located directly over the garage, The garage door dominates the front of this structure, and the bottom floor livable area is located directly behind the garage, The front entrance of these homes are emphasized be either vertical or horizontal design elements, depending on the elevation, This home features a promiflent chimney, a shed roof over the garage, a second story dormer, and a multi-level gable roof Plan 1350 This model is proposed to be 1,450 square feet in area, and consists of two stofies, with a prominent garage at the front. Like Plan 1250, this model has its second story located directly over the garage, with the livable area of the first story located directly behind the garage, Plan 1350 has a shed roof over the garage, and a multi-level gable roof The front entrance of this model protrudes out in front of the garage, which acts to de-emphasize the garage to some degree, The chimney is placed in the rear of the structure, and different window and garage treatments are proposed for each of the elevations, It would be preferable, from an ascetic perspective, to intermix these four models throughout the development, rather than cluster them in particular areas, However, do to the unusual shape of this lot, the large amount ofland which is needed to construct Mantelli Drive, and the different needs of the smaller lots versus the larger lots, the applicant has found the proposed layout to be the most logical. Staff Report A/S 9! . 4/25/95 Page 5 Parking The applicant has chosen to provide single family homes on the medium density portion of this development, in order to enable low income families to be given the opportunity to own a detached house, In designing these homes, the applicant has appropriately provided a two car garage on each of the lots, However, because most of the lots are accessed by narrow, private streets, the parking in this portion of the development is very limited. The applicant has proposed to compensate for this by providing twenty guest parking stalls on the site, which exceeds the City's normal parking standards, Parking opportunities will also be available on Mantelli Drive and the local publicly owned streets surrounding this development. Parking will not be allowed on the private streets, because of their narrow width. Setbacks Many of the lots in this development do not meet the standard setbacks required by the Zoning Ordinance, In the low density portion, most of homes fall within the standard building envelope, but some have five foot side yard setbacks, and nineteen foot front yard setbacks, This discrepancy was necessary in order for the developer to maximize the number oflots in this development. Staff feels that these discrepancies are minor, and that they meet the intent of the PUD concept. In the medium density section, most ofthe lots meet minimum setback standards for single family homes, with the exception that almost all of the homes are "Zero Lot Line", which means that they are constructed with no setback to one of their side yards, This allows the lots to maximize their open space, Staff feels that, although these setbacks are not in strict compliance with the zoning ordinance, they meet the intent of the PUD concept. The remainder lot, located south of Mantelli Drive, is proposed to be developed at a future time, and therefore is not considered in this PUD request. At the time a PUD request is processed for that parcel, the applicant will be required to show that the total number of homes which are constructed in this entire PUD do not exceed the maximum number of dwelling units allowed by the underlying R I and R3 acreages, Primary access to this development will be provided by Kern Avenue (a General Plan collector) and Mantelli Drive (a General Plan arterial), Access will also be gained from Santa Teresa Boulevard, once Mantelli is connected to that street. The proposed tract map configuration has been designed to provide the most efficient traffic circulation, and is consistent with minimum City development standards, The applicant has worked with City staff and the School District in order to provide a design which would be acceptable to all parties, FINDINGS: In order to grant Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval, the Planning Commission and City council must find that the proposed Planned Unit Development will: . Staff Report A/S 95-1' . 4/25/95 Page 6 A. Conform to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and standards of development; B, Provide the type of development which will fill a specific need of the surrounding area; C, Not require urban services beyond those which are currently available; D, Provide a harmonious, integrated plan which justifies exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of this ordinance; E. Reflect an economical and efficient pattern ofland uses; F. Include greater provisions for landscaping and open space than would generally be required, G, Utilize aesthetic design principles to create attractive buildings and open space areas which blend with the character of surrounding areas; H. Not create traffic congestion, noise, odor or other adverse effects on surrounding areas; and I, Provide adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage, as necessary, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission forward a recommendation to the City Council to approve this request for the following reasons: A. The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent ofthe text of the General Plan document; B. Public utilities and infrastructure improvements needed in order to serve the proposed project are in close proximity along Kern Avenue. C. There will be no significant environmental impacts as a result of this project due to the required mitigation measures to be applied at the development stage; and D tv; submitted, the proposed development is consistent with the necessary PUD findings A through I, as stated under Zoning Ordinance section 50.55, If this project is approved, staff recommends that the following conditions be attached to the approval of the project: Staff Report AlS 95' Page 7 . 4/25/95 I, Construction of these 66 units shall be subject to the applicant receiving City Council approval ofTM 95-01. 2, Exterior Lighting: No unobstructed beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the site toward any residential use or public right-of-way. 3. Mechanical Appurtenances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of a building shall be' screened by an architectural feature of the building, such that it cannot be seen from ground level at the far side of the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever possible, 4, Building colors shall be earth tones subject to Planning Department review and approval. 5, All utilities constructed to, through and on the site shall be constructed underground. 6, All sets of building plans shall contain the following wording: "If archeological resources or human remains are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 50 meters (150 feet) of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented, " 7, The overall project shall comply with the provisions of Zoning Ordinance Section 5,50, "Site Design Requirements", pertaining to proposed individual dwelling unit designs, 8, Street names are subject to approval of the City Public Works Department. 9, Street addresses shall be assigned by the City Public Works Department. 10, All proposed fencing must meet the requirements of the City Planning Department. 11, All dwelling units shall maintain ten foot side yard setbacks when adjacent to a street on a comer lot. 12, Location of hydrants must be approved by the Fire Department for this project. 13, Street trees will be required for the above project per the Consolidated Landscaping Policy, A Street Tree Permit must be obtained, Respectfully, ~ Po- Michael Dom Director of Planning . . AlS 95-12 Page 8 Action Addendum 5-4-95 At their meeting of May 4, 1995, the Planning Commission, bya vote of 5-0-2 recommended approval of NS 95-12, subject to 13 conditions as set forth in the staff report. AYES: NAYES: ABSENT: Arellano, Collier, Gage, Lai, Puente None Pinheiro, Suyeyasu . EXHIBIT "B" . Planning Department NEGATIVE DECLARATION A!S 95-12 City of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 city File Bumber: GPA 93-02 PROJBC'.l' DBSCRIPTIOB: Name of Project: Nature of Project: Filice Family Estates Initial Study General plan Amendment increasing residential density PROJBCT LOCATIOB: Location: West of Kern, north of Welburn Avenue Assessor's Parcel Number: 790-04-039,046,064 Entitv of Persous Dndertakina proiect: Name: Filice Family Estate Address: 7888 Wren Avenue, suite D-143 IBITIAL STUDY: An Initial Study of this project was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is on file at the city of Gilroy Planning Department, 7351 Rosanna street, Gilroy, CA 95020 FIBDIBGS ~ RBASOBS: The Initial Study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. However, the applicant has agreed to revisions in the project, or the project has been revised, Bee Mitigation Measures below which avoid or mitigate the effects, to a point where no significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these findings: 1. Identified adverse impacts such as ths effect on remaining sewer J?lant capacity, school impacts, and increase in traffic generated from- thi:s project---are' proposed to -be miti-gated "through buildout schedules, school impaction fees, and construction of off-site improvements. 2. The proposal will not be detrimental to the public welfare- or injurious to persons or property in the vicinity. 3. Potential significant effects can be mitigated to reduce them to an acceptable level of impact. . . Negative Declaration -2- 12/15/93 KITIGM!IO. IlBASURBS: 1. Future development on the project site shall be designed in accordance with earthquake design regulations of the Uniform Building Cede, subject to review and approval by the City Building Department. 2. The future developer of the project site shall have a preliminary soils investigation prepared by a geotechnical firm. The recommendations of the preliminary soils investigation shall be ,incorporated into the final improvement plans, which will be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer prior to approval of a final subdivision map and final improvement plans. 3. The future developer shall pay the appropriate storm Drain Development fee subject to review by the city Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. The future developer shall pay for the updating of the Storm Drain System Master Plan model if the Storm Drain mains for this project deviate from those shown on the Master Plan, subject to review by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. The future developer shall provide designs of all storm drainage improvements serving the proposed project site, subject to the review by and approval of the city Department of Public Works. 6. The future developer shall construct finished floor elevations at least one foot above the lOO-year flood elevation as delineated on the current Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 7. The future developer shall apply for and obtain a General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activity from the Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to issuance of grading permit, encroachment permit, or approval of any tentative map for each of the individual project site. 8. The existing valley oak tree, located in the eastern extension of the project site shall be incorporated into any future landscape plans for the project site, which shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. 9. Each phase of future development shall pay a citywide traffic impact fee for improvements,_prior-=to dB31e.lopment of_.the. site. 10. The design of all street improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the future developer, subject to review and approval of the City Department of Public Works. . 11. The future developer of the project site should incorporate the access and circulation recommendations contained in the Initial Study subject to the approval of the City Department of Public Works. These recommendations include the following: . . Negative Declaration -3- 12/15/93 a. COnstruct Mantelli Drive as a four-lane arterial from Kern Avenue to ~he westerly project boundary. b. Provide secondary access to the project site. The most logical method of providing this access is to extend Kelton Drive from its current termination near Boward Avenue into the southerly portion of the project. c. Align Kelton Drive along the western boundary of Rod Kelley School to , provide access opportunities from Mt. Madonna School, Rod Kelley School, and the potential city park. d. Provide a public street through the northerly portion of the project that will allow access to a bridge across the Santa Clara Valley Water District channel and then two lanes north of the channel. This development will pay for its pro-rata share of the bridge at this channel. This bridge and the street leading to it shall be located per the Staff's discretion. e. Provide a school pedestrian crossing at the Kelton Drive intersection with Mantelli Drive. 12. Incorporate transportation demand management measures subject to approval of the City Department of Public Works. 13. Development of the site shall include the installation of bicycle racks for residents, subject to review and approval by the City Planning Department. 14. Contractor specifications for the proposed project shall be submitted to the building department for approval prior to issuance of a building permit for the proposed project. The contractor specifications shall include the following particulate emission measures. &. Exposed earth surfaces shall be watered during clearing, excavations, grading, and construction activities. Watering of exposed earth surfaces could reduce particulate emissions as much as 50 percent. All construction contracts should require watering in late morning and at the end of the day. The frequency of watering should increase if wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. b. Throughout excavation activity, haul trucks should use tarpaulins or other effective covers at all times. c. Upon completion of construction, measures shall be taken to reduce wind erosion. Revegetation and repaving should be completed as soon as possible. 15. All phases of future development on the project site shall provide conceptual "and '-r'inal=-sit"'" des-ign~plan1l and -architectural.. and landscape architectural plans consistent with the City of Gilroy's Architectural and Site Review procedures. These plans are subject to review and approval by the City of Gilroy Architectural and Site Review Committee and the City Planning Department with special consideration' given to the following criteria: . . Negative Declaration 12/15/93 -4- a. To reduce the impact of higher density development from the nearby single family residential neighborhood, the scale, siting, and massing of buildings shall be consistent with surrounding land uses; landscape plans shall include measures such as berming and vegetative buffering. b. All future utilities, to, through, and on the project site shall be placed underground. c. A detailed site plan for all exterior lights shall be submitted as part of the building permit review process for future development on ths project site. The lighting plan shall incorporate design elements that will minimize the potential for light and glare impacts on adjacent residential properties. 16. The future developer shall include measures to ensure that indoor and outdoor noise levels at each lot are below the maximum noise level as specified by the City'S general plan based on the general plan build-out traffic and noise projections. These measures may include di~ance setbacks, noise attenuation walls, and/or barming in order to reduce noise to acceptable levels. The Planning Department and Architectural and Site Review Committee shall review all specific development proposals to ensure compliance with this measure. The future developer shall be responsible for providing all necessary information to substantiate compliance with this measure prior to issuance of a building permit. 17. Prior to the development of the site, the developer shall pay the required City of Gilroy Public Safety impact fees. 18. Development plans shall include the installation of on-site fire hydrants and automatic fire sprinklers within multi-level structures. Improvement plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City Departments of Public Works, Fire, and Building prior to recordation of the Final Subdivision Map. 19. The future developer shall construct all utilities to, through, and on the site underground, subject to the review and approval by the City Department of Public Works. 20. Prior to the development of the site, the developer shall pay the required City of Gilroy Public Safety impact fees. 21. The developer shall provide required impact fees to the Gilroy Unified School District. 22. Prior to ,development .of_the site,the_developer_ shall pay required City of Gilroy Parks and Recreation impact fees. 23. The future developer shall pay the appropriate water service development fees, subject to review by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. 24. The future developer shall pay for the updating of the Water System Master Plan model if the water mains for this project deviate from those shown on the Master Plan, subject to review by the City Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. . . Negative Declaration 12/15/93 -5- 25. The future developer shall pay the appropriate sewer service development fees! subject to review by the city Engineer prior to issuance of a building permit. 26. Prior to development of the site, the developer must obtain sufficient sewer allocation to serve the proposed project and will be required to pay the City of Gilroy sanitary sewer connection fees. 27. The design of all sewer line improvements serving the proposed project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to review and approval by the City Department of Public Works. 28. The future developer shall pay for the updating of the Sanitary Sewer System Master Plan model if the Sanitary Sewer mains for this project deviate from those shown on the Master Plan, subject to review and approval by the City Department of Public Works. 29. Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be found during construction, the following language shall be included in any permits issued for the project site, including but not limited to building permits for the future development, pursuant to the review and approval of the city Planning Director: If archaeological resources or human remai.ns are discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 50 meters (150 feet) of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented. Date Prepared: 12/20/93 End of Review Period: 1/14/94 Date Approved: by City Council on September 19, 1994 14-'L/ P rr Michael Dorn, Director of Planning , . . ATrACHMENT A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST Filice Family Estates General Plan Amendment Initial Study (GPA 93-02) Prior to approval of Final Subdivision Map and Improvement Plans, the following mitigations shall be implemented: Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Number As a construction implementation 2 step, have soils investigation re ared bv a otechnical firm, As a construction implementation step, provide hydrology study 3 showing designs of all storm drainage improvements serving the ro'ect site. Development plans shall include 18 the installation of on-site fire h drants and automatic s rinklers. party Responsible for 1m lementation Party Responsible for Monitorin Future Developers Future Developers blic Works Department Future Developers .... . . Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the following mitigations shall be implemented: Party Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Responsible for Party Responsible for Number Imnlementation MonitoriJU!' 1 Development designed in accordance Future Developers City Building Department with earthouake desilm relrulations. 4 Storm Drainage Model shall be Future Developers Public Works Department ~;,;j'~ted if oroiect deviates. 5 Design of all storm drainage Future Developers Public Works Department improvements on project site subject to review and aDDroval. Construct finished floor elevations at 6 least one foot above 10o-year flood Future Developers City Building Department elevation. Apply for and obtain a General 7 Permit for "Storm Water Discharge Future Developers City Building I>epartment Associated with Construction and Planning Department Activitv." 8 Incorporation of valley oak tree into Future Developers City Planning Director future landscane Dlans. Pav citv-wide traffic imnact fees, Future Develoners City Building Department 9 and PlanninlT Denartment Design all street improvements Future Developers Public Works Department 10 servin.. the nroiect site, Incorporate access and circulation Future Developers Public Works Department 11 recommendations contained herein. Incorporate transportation demand Future Developers Public Works Department 12 mana..ement measures. The development of the site shall 13 include the installation of bicycle Future Developers City Planning Director racks for the residents. - The contractor specifications for the Future Developers City Building Department 14 I nronosed nroiect shall be submitted. All phases of development shall be 15 addressed fully within the City of Future Developers City Building Department Gilroy's Architectural and Site and Review nrocedures, Citv Plannin.. Director Include measures to ensure that indoor and outdoor noise levels at City Building Department 16 each lot are below the maximum Future Developers and noise level as specified by the city's City plAnning Director general plan based on the general plan build-out traffic and noise nroiections. Pay public safety impact fees (Fire Future Developers City Planning Director 17 Protection) . 19 All utilities shall be constructed Future Developers Public Works Department underl'Tound Pay public safety impact fees (Police Future Developers City Planning Director 20 Protection), . . party Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Responsible for party Responsible for Number Im1l1ementation Monitorin" Pay school impact fees to school Future Developers City plonning Director 21 district. Pay parks and recreation impacts Future Developers City Plonn;ng Director 22 fees. 23 Pav water imDact service fees. Future Develoners Citv Enuineer 24 Update the Water System Master Future Developers City Engineer Plan model if the water mains for this Droiect deviate. 25 Pav sewer service imDact fees, Future Develoners Citv Erurilleer Obtain sufficient sewer allocation to Future Developers City Engineer and 26 serve the proposed project, and City Planning Director I Dav Sanit"TV sewer connection fees, The design of all sewer line Future Developers Public Works Department 27 improvements serving the proposed project site shall be provided by the develoDer. Update the Sanitary Sewer System Future Developers City Engineer 28 Master Plan model if the sewer mains for this Droiect deviate. Archaeological (cultural) language in Future Developers City Planning Director 29 all nermits. . . . . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 95-42 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 22nd day of at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the M~ , 19...,2L, Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 23rd day of M~ ,1995. city (Seal)