Resolution 1995-76 ,.--- .--- . . , RESOLUTION NO. 95-76 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A TENTATIVE MAP TO CREATE 12 RESIDENTIAL PARCELS AND ONE REMAINDER PARCEL FROM APPROXIMATELY 1.2 ACRES, APNS 790- 16-015 AND 790-16-016. WHEREAS, Mark Hewell ("applicant") has submitted TM 95- 04, requesting Tentative Map approval to create 12 residential parcels and one remainder parcel, zoned R3-PUD (Medium Density Residential-Planned Unit Development) on approximately 1.2 acres; and WHEREAS, the property affected by TM 95-04 is located on the west side of Church Street, between Woodworth Way and Liman Avenue; and WHEREAS, and Initial Study was prepared and the City Council adopted a Negative Declaration with 7 mitigation measures on December 16, 1991, which is applicable to this project in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which negative declaration is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein as if set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on October 16, 1995, and after that hearing voted to recommend approval of the project; and WHEREAS, the city Council held a duly noticed public hearing on October 16, 1995, at which public hearing the City Council considered the project and the conditions proposed to be attached to its approval, along with staff reports, public testimony, and documentation or other evidence on the project and voted to approve the project subject to 16 conditions stated in the revised staff report dated October 6, 1995, which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other material which constitute the record of the proceedings upon \353\202652.1 53-101904706002 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 95-76 . . which this resolution is based is the office of the city Clerk; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The city council finds as follows: 1. The project is consistent with the Gilroy General Plan because it conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan Map, and it is consistent with the intent of the text, goals, and policies of the General Plan documents; 2. None of the reasons for denial of this subdivision pursuant to Government Code section 66474 exist in this case; 3. There is no substantial evidence that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment; and 4. The Negative Declaration prepared for this project has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and reflects the independent judgment of the city. B. The city Council hereby adopts the Negative Declaration prepared for this project and the mitigation monitoring program contained therein. C. TM 95-04 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the mitigation measures and mitigation monitoring program set forth in the Negative Declaration, and subject to the 16 conditions con- tained in the revised Planning Staff report attached as Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 30th day of October, 1995 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: GILROY, KLOECKER, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, VALDEZ, GAGE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APP7JJ~ 1, Donald F. Gage, ..y~ 2t susa~ E. \353\202652.1 53-101904706002 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 95-76 '~o,'~~fa~ ~~:lO _ [ REC&19ED Imllll me: ~I CHY OF GILROY U 1995 AWS998539B l-'.f. ~ (PRln"I'1W t"nbtl ...,,l. TEL: . ~ct ~.. .' . . ~ Planning )Jep~rtment NEGATIVE . DECLARATION 19.95 lVJ 008/ o~u 8:31 Nn.OQ6.P.02 \ I , Clicy of Gilroy 7351 loaanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 Gi.t'9' File Itomberl ClpA 11...08 PllO~ DES.....,.P'I!:lOR: EXHIBIT "A'" R~ of p~o;ec~' ..~~e of 'roj~. lIl!Well c;.nual Plan 1IIne1\dlwn~ A C4Ill...al plall am8Ildllllll.t :aq..>etIt 1:0 ........01 ~. Qenual nail Map f:OIII tow DenaUy 1l..;.dent1d to Kacl.~\1lI\ Dell.~ty ~.id8a~1&1 QD 1.77 ~.a. !~O~ ~~~lOUI :Lee&eton, W..t side of Church Street, lIonh of tolmAn ~".IlU. Asse..or's parcel Numbe:' 790~16~015, 790-16-016 bt.1.tv olE" ..ersooC.) uaddrtakiacr no..ect.: C&1MI: ~es.' Dewey eel Saael BeWelJ. P.O. &ox 1901, G11~YI ~ 95021 %R"I"rUL 81."CIDY: An %lIl.t1...1 Se"cly of 1:hi.. proj_ w... ,.,.q.enaluln anel. prepareQ for the purpose of U08rt..inin9 wh8ther thi. PJ:oject lll:Lght bave a s.l.gnifl.c:ant effect.... the ..nv1ro""'''lIt. A oopy of this lItu4y i. Oll file a" the Ci.~y of Gil~y Planning Dep....tment' 7351 ~5anna stree~, Gil~oYr Cl 95020 . r'IJlD%1ICS a u:AS02f8: '.1:1>.. tn;.loul S,."el.y i4en~ifl.e<I >>o1O.nti&111' .i9ftific....~ 4Off4Oets on tM ellvironmen~. Rowe...", 1:.hII applicant ba. ll9"eed to ..evblon. Ln the ~o:lec:t, Or t.he pro~ect hal bean r.viaeel, ... lliti'i/ation Ileasu:.:.. below whioh avoid. or miti9~t. the .ffectS,'~o .. poLnt wh.re no .liftificant euect. wUl oc~r. There i. 110 eub.tan1:l.a1 .vidence th& project, .. reviae<!, may boa.. .. liq;,itioant. eUc>ct on the .nviroll8l.mt. on... fl)llowf.n9 re..sanl will support the.. fiD4inga, ].. :rhe propc....l i. a lO9'1c:&1 ext..n8l.an of thoo ....i....in9 ""ban, 111<14 ...., and zonin; patternll of thi.1 ....e... Z, I4entifle4 adverse ~paots euch ... the effeot 011 ..em"lnln~ .ewe~ plant capacity, ecboel iJIIpaal:s, anel incre.... in traffic g811Brated t""" chi. p"ojeet. u.. propoeed to be mitl'1aud thr""gh bnlldOllt ecbeelu1.., Ichool iJIlpaction fa..lI, _d cOI1.~ion of off-.it.. iJIIprov_nt.. . 3. ~htO propo.ed proj..ct i. oo..aiat....t w1th the acl.optad qoala and pcl1ci.. of the General Plan of the city of ~ilroy. . ~U!-.,ii;,"!~,;) .1.o;;.1.U .. (.~IV€D 11/19 99:&1 199:_~1895BS38B 'AiE 1 I~n'.!b~ ~"_6 ~, ~ OCT-19-1~ as:".. .' PHCll-E 4lil8 B~B 0021 . . lIaq&"ti_ Decll.aratic~ -2- GPA 91-08 ~ IJ~O/ o~v 409 B48 l!429, P.Bl. ~ll/3/'i1 M%l!!%lI!!!..!l",:tOII ......~..:; 1. :t:! l:be c;a.~ tlll:i.fl..d S..bOOl llUtz:~ ~. - ~ pI:Q;~' wiU :i.IIlpal:lt lacaJ, sc:hoolJl \:leycmcl dl8 1.....1 0111.... lily ,.eq...I.cecl. sehocl ~....... :Ii=-, 1;ho dllVeJ,cpar "b&U, a.. soen ... pcssil:lle, ancI \:le:cze l.nUJlDlO1O af uq l:NUd..i.D<; pe:mitl for the "",oj""" '*iot:i&tll nth i:b8 Gl.J.l:'DY lInifilid. sc:bQo1. Ili..e:ict all<! ~.. City of GiJ..rOY &Ild &IF- eo turn.i,sh f.....:l. 0" floJ:l:l.1.i'l<i.od eA&1: ",Ul fully .,;.'tiga'te "lSCll ~.. 2. ~ dA.ig:>. of a.ll st=m dl:'&ift&911 a:td. __ lin.. .bal.. - ~j- 1;0 1:h8 a-;proval of 'the ll~ of PahUco tlo~kI and 'the 5a1Ita Cl..,a vall8Y Vatll: Ilill'Uj.ct . 3. sueee i.oq;..w.eGleDU snal. \:Ie ~ic1ed loy el:l. ..,eJ.gpe: l;UbjllCt 1:,0 tile a~U of \:.be D~ of Pub.i.c WCl:c'IUo- 4. All bul.ld..i.Dg pllQG sball be nise<l at 1....'10 ..... fo..t ULOV.. the J.OO-year fl....,.! el_ation. s. IlIa residences "hall \:Ie O:OlUll:=eud wiUin UII.... de.~atlOd lily tl:le lIational !'l"",d t..surazu::e study a. \:le;.Dg in .. floodway. 6. 1:ne dB_l.eper shall pr.....".... for an a::c1ULeOl.dq1=al NClOml&.\...ance of tl:l. site prl= ea the i...."....c.. at ..IlY buillliJoq pcondts. 7, Hatt.... -t:>:.e.. ,.".. ~.. chall \:I. pr..."....d. wbu."er pCI11aiJ:Ile. Whlore :r~ l.e lIAce..ary, the 4II....loptrr .ball gu\:lmie .. re'Pl~/="Plac_XLt P"09I:_ s1>l:l;"ct ta Us ..SIl'2'.....al of ell. Di:'eot:"= of JlllUltll."!l- Date ,~. oc:eo\:ler 3, 199J. EDd of _...i_ ,.,,;'0<\. "Coy i ...." B, 1991 Date Ai'P"'.......e' Mien...l 1l0~, Director of Plann,inq TOTAL P.B1 . . . . I, SUSANNE E. STEINMETZ, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 95-76 is an original resolution, ,duly,adc:>pt;ed by the Council ,oLthe City of, ,Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 30th day of October , 19..l!.L, at which meeting a quorum was present. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 31st day of October ,1995. City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal) , ,.