Resolution 1997-47 ,-.;......11;. .~--.._"~ . . RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS CONCERNING MITIGATION MEASURES AND ALTERNATIVES, ADOPTING A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, AND ADOPTING A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FOR THE GILROY MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE PROJECT FOR WHICH AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED. WHEREAS, the City Council on July 28, 1997 by Resolution No. 97-45, certified the Final Environmental Impact Report ("Final EIR")for the Gilroy Municipal Golf Course Project ("the Project") as adequate and complete and in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"); and WHEREAS, approval of the Project requires the City to amend the General Plan and designate the property a combination of Park/Pub1ic Facility, Low Density Residential, Hillside Residential and Open Space, to request the Santa Clara County Local Agency Formation Commission ("LAFCo") to include the property in the City's Urban Service Area, to prezone the property to a combination of Park/Pub1ic Facility, R-1 Single Family Residential, Residential Hillside and Open Space, to annex the property into the City and to take certain other related actions; and WHEREAS, CEQA requires that, in connection with the approval of a project for which an EIR has been prepared which identifies one or more significant environmental effects, the decision- making body must make certain findings regarding those effects; and WHEREAS, the portion of the Project comprising residential development has been revised to include a maximum of 98 residential units rather than 138 units, resulting in a lessening of significant effects relevant to that component of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Council intends to adopt the mitigation measures set forth herein and to adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the Project, which mitigation measures are conditions of approval or are incorporated into the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: (1) The City Council hereby finds that it has independently reviewed and analyzed the Final EIR and other information in the record and has considered the information contained therein, including the written and oral testimony received at the public hearings held on the Final EIR and the Project, prior to acting upon or approving the Project. (2) The City Council designates the Director of Community Development, at his/her office at 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020, as the custodian of documents and record of proceedings on which the decision is based. (3) The City Council hereby makes the following findings with respect to the significant effects on the environment of the Project, with respect to the alternatives discussed in the Final EIR, adopts a Statement of Overriding Considerations regarding unavoidable significant impacts resulting from the Project, adopts the mitigation measures recited in the Final EIR as described herein, and adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference, in conformance with CEQA. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . I. FINDINGS CONCERNING SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS EARTH RESOURCES/GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS 4.1-a Impact: Strong ground shaking may occur on the site during a major earthquake on a regional fault system. Such shaking may cause severe damage to or collapse of buildings or other project facilities. Such damage, where it occurs, would result in significant economic loss to the project, and may endanger the health and welfare of persons using the facility. Mitigation: 1. The effects of ground shaking on future planned structures and other improvements can be reduced by earthquake-resistant design in accordance with the latest edition of the Uniform Building Code, and by incorporation of the recommended seismic criteria in the design of structures. This shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Division. 2. The mean peak horizontal acceleration (randomly oriented component) that should be considered in dynamic or pseudo static analyses for the project is 0.55g for soft rock sites. For design purposes, a repeatable high ground acceleration (RHGA) of 0.37g should be used for project evaluation. If earthquake ground motions will be critical for design of structures to be sited on stream terrace deposits over 40 feet thick, a geotechnical engineer shall be consulted to provide appropriate ground motion values. Alternatively, the project engineer may migrate the base ground motion through the soil column at the proposed site to obtain site specific accelerations. Large appliances (i.e. refrigerators, freezers, pianos, wall units, water heaters, etc.) should be firmly attached to the floor or to structural members of walls. Finding: The mitigation measures described above are incorporated into the Project and will thereby become conditions of Project approvals. These measures will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-b Impact: Seismically induced ground failures are secondary seismic effects related to soil, bedrock and groundwater conditions. Where these failures occur near buildings or other facilities, there is a potential for significant economic loss due to structural damage or injury to persons using the facility. Mitigation: 1. Lurch Cracking. The only naturally occurring steep slopes on the site are stream cut banks along stream drainages. Because of the potential for lurch cracking in cut banks of the site stream drainages, any structures or facilities to be located above or below such banks that would be adversely impacted by lurch cracking shall be set back a horizontal distance from the toe of any such bank a minimum distance equal to four (4) times the (vertical) bank height, or adequate retaining structures or foundation systems shall be incorporated in the construction. All cut and fill slopes shall be constructed in accordance with the grading recommendations given in Section 5.2 of the Preliminary Geotechnical and Geologic Hazards Investigation, Nolan Associates, 1996 ("Nolan Report"). This measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division, and applies to both the golf course project and future development of the residential out-parcels as described in the Final EIR. 2. Liquefaction. Although no structures are anticipated in areas judged to be potentially susceptible to liquefaction on the current Conceptual Plan, the liquefaction potential lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . of any building sites located in areas mapped as QU on Plate 1, Geologic Map, of the Nolan Report will be analyzed on a site-specific basis. Specific recommendations regarding mitigation of liquefaction potential associated with the existing dam on the property shall be in compliance with the recommendations provided in Section 5.10 d. of the Preliminary Geotechnical and Geologic Hazardous Investigation, Nolan Associates, 1996. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division, and applies to both the golf course project and future development of the residential out-parcels. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-c Impact: Lands1iding on slopes presents a clear hazard to structures and may be responsible for serious injury to persons. Mitigation: 1. Because of the potential for 1ands1iding in cut banks of the site stream drainages, any structures or facilities that would be adversely impacted by lands1iding shall be set back a horizontal distance from the toe of any such bank a minimum distance equal to four (4) times the (vertical) bank height or adequate retaining structures or foundation systems shall be incorporated in the construction. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division, and applies to both the golf course project and future development of the residential out-parcels. 2. Any hillside structures should incorporate geotechnical recommendations regarding foundations cited in the detailed site development recommendations in the Preliminary Geotechnical and Geologic Hazardous Investigation, Nolan Associates, 1996. Implementation of this measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division, and applies to both the golf course project and future development of the residential out-parcels. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-d Impact: Rupture along faults can cause offset of the ground surface along the surface trace of the fault. The offset will damage roads and buildings and can break pipes or other underground utilities. Mitigation: Although the potential for surface rupture due to faulting is very low on the project site, a setback of 100 feet shall be observed to either side of the faults shown on the project Geologic Map, unless the faults are precisely located and proven inactive. The recommended setback should apply to any structure intended for human habitation (residences) or public occupancy (clubhouse), but need not be observed for utility buildings or other non- public project facilities. The proposed project Conceptual Plan complies with this recommendation. Implementation of this measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division, and applies to both the golf course project and future development of the residential out-parcels. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -3- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 4.1-e Impact: Shallow, perched groundwater conditions can occur during periods of wet weather where thin, permeable sediment layers overlie relatively impermeable bedrock or clay rich deposits. This condition has the potential to negatively impact shallow foundations, paved areas, underground utilities, and landscaping. Mitigation: 1. Subdrainage shall be necessary in these areas in order to ensure that approach areas, tees, greens, and cart paths constructed near these areas remain sufficiently dry. Subdrainage shall also be required on the lower portions of the site, in the vicinity of localized drainage swales. It is anticipated that the sub drains constructed in golf course areas would extend to a depth of 3:t feet below proposed grades. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 2. It is also anticipated that sub drainage shall be required on the upstream side of the lower portions of the Mantelli Road extension, particularly in the area where the proposed alignment crosses the drainage swa1e in the vicinity of boring 18. It is anticipated that the subdrains constructed in connection with the Mantelli Road extension alignment would extend to a depth of 9:t feet below existing grades. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 3. Wet excavation conditions should be anticipated in these areas. The soils generated from earthwork operations in these areas may be too wet for use as engineered fill without drying. In addition, stabilization of these areas through the use of rock fills, geofabrics or other measures shall be required prior to placement of fill in these areas. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-f Impact: Removal of vegetation and project grading may result III erOSIOn and sedimentation of downstream water bodies. Mitigation: The Project shall be subject to a detailed Erosion Control Plan submitted as part of the permitting process. All erosion control recommendations proposed for required grading permits and the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be adhered to by the City of Gilroy and the property owner/developer of the residential out-parcels (refer also to Section 4.2.3, Hydrology, Drainage and Water Quality of the Final EIR). Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-g Impact: Any grading activity or other ground disturbance in the area of serpentine outcrop in the northeastern comer of the project site has the potential to release chrysoti1e asbestos, potentially causing a public health hazard. Mitigation: 1. Grading in the area of the 16th tee and the eastern half of the 15th fairway shall be planned to minimize ground disturbance. Stripping of native soils and vegetation should be reduced to a minimum and cuts into bedrock should be eliminated from the plan. Where ILACI345698,01 73-073004706028 -4- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . possible, changes in the natura11and contours should be accomplished by placement of fill rather than cutting. No grading activity is presently proposed in this location. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval ofthe Engineering Division. 2. The area of serpentine outcrop should be clearly marked in the field during construction so that inadvertent or accidental disturbance of this area will be avoided. Construction workers should be educated about the serpentine area and the importance of limiting soil disturbance there. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-h Impact: The proposed project has the potential to impact local groundwater quantity and quality by altering the natural balance of infiltration and runoff and by contributing contaminants to percolating ground water. These impacts may affect the availability and quality of groundwater in local wells. Mitigation: Any potential impacts to groundwater quality may be effectively mitigated by following surface water quality mitigation procedures. These procedures are required mitigation measures that are outlined in Hydrology/Storm Drainage, Section 4.2.3 of the Final EIR. Although not reiterated verbatim here, the intent of these procedures is summarized below, and the mitigation measures are listed under Mitigation for Impacts 4.2-a et seq. below. Implementation of these measures shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering and Chemical Control Divisions. 1. Collection of runoff from paved surfaces combined with the use of silt and grease traps or other means of improving runoff water quality. 2. Use of irrigation and chemical management practices by which water, fertilizer, and chemicals would be applied on an as-needed basis only, minimizing potential for leaching into ground water. 3. Monitoring wells installed to sample for the presence of golf course chemicals or other contaminants in groundwater, with corrective action taken if necessary (refer to mitigation measures 4.2-a through 4.2-c). Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-i Impact: There is an existing earthfill dam on the project site. Failure of this dam would result in damage to downstream areas. Mitigation: 1. Stability: no mitigation measures required. 2. Minor slump: The earth dam may be incorporated into the golf course project substantially in its current condition with the following exception: the minor slump which has occurred on the rear face of the earth dam need repair. It may be repaired by replacing the material which has been displaced with engineered fill in accordance with the recommendations identified in the Final EIR, Appendix B, Section 5, of the Preliminary Geotechnical Report. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -5- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 3. Spillway washout: The spillway walls shall be replaced in the areas where they have been damaged or washed out. Specific design by a structural engineer is necessary. The walls shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations for retaining structures presented in the Final EIR, Appendix X, Subsection 5.6 of the Preliminary Geotechnical Report. A section of the stream bank at the lower end of the spillway is scouring into the toe of the dam embankment. This area shall be protected by rip rap or other suitable bank protection to prevent additional scour. The project civil engineer shall provide bank protection design criteria prior to issuance of the first grading permit. 4. Spillway capacity: At the time sidewalls are repaired, the sidewalls from Cross Section C to Cross Section D shall be extended such that the elevation of the top of the walls is 1 foot above the 100 year water surface elevation. See Final EIR, Appendix B, Section 4.3.5. 5. Liquefiable layer under dam: In order to mItIgate the potential for liquefaction to occur below the keyway, the liquefiable sand layer shall be densified using pressure grouting techniques as outlined in the Final EIR, Appendix B, Section 5.10.3, of the Preliminary Geotechnical Report, Nolan Associates, 1996. The four described measures shall be subject to the review and approval ofthe Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-j Impact: Expansive soils can cause damage to buildings and paved areas. Mitigation: Repeated wetting and drying cycles would cause expansive soils to swell and shrink repeatedly, damaging foundations and paving. However, the geotechnical evaluation indicated that soils in areas proposed for development have a low expansion potential. Therefore, no further mitigation is required. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid the potentially significant environmental impact described above. 4.1-k Impact: Near surface soils are moderately compressible and may settle under building loads. Mitigation: To ensure uniform compression characteristics and to obviate any potential for differential settlements, site preparation consisting of overexcavation and recompaction of the near-surface soil shall be required prior to placement of new fills, pavements, slabs, and structures, subject to review during grading. See Appendix B, Subsection 5.2.3 of the Preliminary Geotechnical Report, Nolan Associates, 1996. Implementation of this measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division, and applies to both the golf course project and future development of the residential out-parcels. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-1 Impact: Geologic hazards associated with development of the tank sites include potentially significant impacts due to ground shaking and differential compaction. Other lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -6- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . geologic hazards, including 1andsliding, soil liquefaction and/or lateral spreading are considered to be low, and therefore, 1ess-than-significant impacts. Mitigation: Prior to final approval of a grading permit for the proposed tank sites, the geotechnical consultant shall inspect, test (as needed), and approve all final geotechnical aspects of the tank construction, including adherence to the specific recommendations for grading, site clearing, preparation of onsite soils, fill placement and compaction, fill material, excavation conditions, cut and fill slopes, sulfate content, utility trenches, surface drainages, slabs-on-grade, settlements and retaining structures, as identified in the report entitled Geotechnical Investigation-Design Phase for the Proposed Gilroy Golf Course Water Tank. Nolan Associates. January 1997. The results of these final inspections and the as-built conditions of the project shall be described in a memorandum and submitted to the City Engineer for final approval. Implementation of this mitigation measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.1-m Impact: Redevelopment of the existing Gilroy Municipal Golf Course into a passive public park use would result in geotechnical impacts similar to or less than the existing baseline conditions. As no new major construction is anticipated at this time, impacts generated by the introduction of new structures, including cut and fill, increase in seismic shaking, increased risk of ground failure, landslide hazard, ground surface rupture, groundwater hazard, erosion and/or water quality impacts would be anticipated to be marginal. However, in the absence of any formal development plans for the proposed conversion of the existing golf course to a passive public park, future impacts associated with the development of passive uses would be considered potentially significant. Mitigation: 1. Prior to the issuance of each building permit, the property owner/developer of the park site shall submit for review and approval, a soils and geological report. This report shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 2. Prior to issuance of each building permit, the property owner/developer shall submit for review and approval, detailed foundation design information for the subject building(s), prepared by a civil engineer, based on recommendations by a geotechnical engineer. This plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 3. Prior to issuance of each building permit, the property owner/developer shall submit plans showing that the proposed structures have been analyzed for earthquake loading and designed according the most recent seismic standards in the Uniform Building Code adopted by the City of Gilroy. These plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Division. 4. During grading activities, the property owner/developer shall implement all standard practices for all City of Gilroy grading ordinances and codes to prevent soil erosion and water quality degradation. Implementation of this measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -7- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . HYDROLOGY/STORM DRAINAGE 4.2-a Impact: The quantitative analysis of the surface hydrology associated with the project watershed indicates that there would not be a substantial impact to the observed peak flow, less than 5%. The analysis has evaluated a "worst case" condition of the modification to the amount of increase in impervious cover and runoff potential based on development of the proposed golf course and future development of the residential out-parcels at the maximum densities permitted under existing City zoning categories. Even with these values, the runoff volumes did not increase by a substantial amount, less than 10%. This amount is considered minor in comparison to the regional drainage to which the project is tributary. Also, the change in volume is not generally apparent during a storm since it is spread over the duration of the storm; however, an increase in the actual runoff rate would be more apparent. Although the increase in runoff volumes are anticipated to be minimal, based on an historical occurrence of localized flooding and the lack of existing drainage improvements in the off-site tributary watershed, any increase in post-development runoff would be considered by the City to result in potentially significant impacts to the downstream drainage basin. Mitigation: The following measures shall be implemented and/or adhered to by the City and/or the property owner/developer (as applicable and appropriate) and reviewed and monitored by the Engineering Division prior to issuance of the first grading permit. 1. Federal Emergency greater floodplain. Final drainage plans shall be submitted demonstrating compliance with all Management Agency ("FEMA") guidelines on drainage impacts to the 2. An underground drainage system shall be designed to intercept and convey the stormwater flow generated by the site. The drainage system shall be designed to meet the 100-year level of flood protection for all project site structures, (including golf tees and greens), through a combined hydraulic conveyance of the underground storm drain section and the street section to prevent frequent inundation or deposition of debris or sediment. 3. The City and/or property owner/developer (as applicable and appropriate) shall prepare and submit drainage plans which demonstrate the hydraulic conditions associated with the changes to the natural floodplain, including how the site grading, in conjunction with the subsurface and surface drainage conveyance systems, including applicable catch basins, storm drains, and flood water retarding, will allow building pads to be safe from inundation from stormwater runoff which may be expected from all storms up to and including the 100-year storm event. Drainage facilities shall be designed to convey flows from the minimum City criteria design storm with additional design factors of safety and freeboard to provide a 100-year level of flood protection to all inhabited structures, and in accordance with the City of Gilroy Flood Control Design Manual and Local Drainage Manual for both the drainage systems on the proj ect. 4. Runoff generated from the project shall be directed to and intercepted by an underground storm drain facility. The onsite project storm drain system shall be connected to the appropriate existing storm drain system which the drain area was originally tabled or to the drain area having the maximum adequate hydraulic capacity. 5. secondary outlet drainage criteria. Street interception inlets and those inlets in a sump condition with a shall be designed for the 100-year frequency storm event based on local lLACI345698,01 73-073004706028 -8- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 6. Local area drains and the landscaping or common area drainage system shall connect to the storm drain at street inlet locations or manholes in order to provide locations of adequate maintenance. 7. Local surface inlets for the common area or the landscaped area shall be sized with the appropriate clogging factors, minimum of 50% to account for debris. 8. Dedicated emergency overflow paths shall be provided along the drainage system at sump locations based upon an "extreme event analysis" (i.e., 100-year). The overflow paths would assist in assuring that during large rainfall events that there is a dedicated flow path that overland flow can escape without causing flood damage to any of the facilities. The emergency overflow paths may consist of pedestrian walk paths which can confine and direct the flow without causing erosion. 9. The finished floor elevations of the public/commercial structures (clubhouse, restrooms and the like) and habitable structures shall be elevated one foot above the lO-year water surface in the street or one foot above the top of the curb, whichever is greater. 10. The proposed underground drainage systems which connect to existing downstream drainage facilities shall be designed so the proposed design discharge does not exceed the original hydraulic design capacity or the original tabled drainage area to that system. The drainage systems shall be designed to minimize drainage area diversions between watersheds. 11. Provisions for maintenance shall be incorporated in the proposed drainage system which include providing manholes at the appropriate spacing and locations. 12. Street inlets shall be provided at a minimum for those locations where the street hydraulic capacity would be exceeded or locations where the product of velocity and flow depth exceeds five or locations to reduce pedestrian hazards. 13. The proposed Conceptual Design Plan incorporates two 4.5-acre water features or manmade lakes as part of the project amenities. The water features are not an element of the Stormwater Management System and shall be designed to be completely separate from the drainage system. The surface drainage system shall be designed to intercept all runoff around the perimeter of the existing lake and reduce water quality problems in the lake [rom the addition of pollutants. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.2-b Impact: Soil loss would occur due to sheet erosion of exposed soils during project construction. Construction-related erosion of exposed soils would result in a potentially significant impact. However, under stabilized conditions, the total debris production from the project site would be lower than the existing conditions, resulting in an improved on and off-site condition. Mitigation: Construction Erosion Control Requirements During construction, mitigation in the form of erosion control measures shall be necessary to prevent exposed soils eroding during periods of heavy rainfall and causing sediment removal. The erosion control plan shall be prepared for different phases or stages of the grading operation so appropriate control measures are in place for erosion protection during the duration of the construction period. This plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -9- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Engineering Division. The erosion and sediment control features shall be developed according to the following objectives: * * * * Protect disturbed areas through minimization and duration of exposure. Control surface runoff and maintain low runoff velocities. Trap sediment on site. Inspect and maintain control measures through implementation of maintenance and follow-up program. Minimize length and steepness of slopes. * Nonstructura1 control measures shall also be implemented for pollution control during the construction phase which focuses on good housekeeping practices. The program shall focus on (1) dumping of wastes and (2) maintenance of equipment. The contractor shall establish an area for the dumping of site wastes, and chemical pollutants shall be disposed of in proper receptacles. Waste oil, grease and hydraulic fluid from the servicing of construction vehicles shall be disposed of at authorized construction centers. The erosion control plan shall examine the drainage patterns, delineate tributary drainage, identify downstream/adjacent drainage facilities, and determine the limits of grading and clearing. Specific Best Management Practices ("BMP") shall be selected from two major categories which include (1) cover practices and (2) structural measures. The selection of the control measures is dependent upon the site conditions and specific application. In addition, the erosion control measures shall focus on simple low cost structures which are easily maintainable. The suggested minimum features include: * * Silt fences Gravel bags Temporary sediment basins and traps Surface stabilization through landscaping of slopes Drainage system outlet protection Temporary gravel entrance Controlling surface runoff through temporary diversion and interceptor swales Inlet protection with gravel bags or silt fence Gravel bag barriers * * * * * * * A staged erosion control plan shall be prepared to accurately represent the current stage of construction if rain is forecast within five days and the erosion control measures specified on the original erosion control plan cannot be put in place due to construction progress. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.2-c Impact: The construction and operation of the golf course and future development of residential units on the project site would result in pollutants entering the surface and stormwater runoff. The increase in pollutants entering the stormwater runoff would result in potentially significant water quality impacts. Mitigation: Lake Water Quality The following mitigation plan shall be subject to the reVIew and approval of the Engineering Division. 1. The water feature(s) shall be designed by a professional lake management specialist or 1imino10gist with a water quality background, (see also Mitigation 4.2-d). lLACI345698,01 73-073004706028 -10- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 2. A discharge permit shall be required from the Regional Water Quality Control Board ("RWQCB") for the discharge of the water from the lake for annual cleaning or maintaining of the lake lining. The RWQCB shall be consulted on the specific requirements for the lake and provisions to allow discharges from the lake during periods of heavy rainfall. 3. Provide adequate storage volume in the lake to allow retention of the 24- hour, 100-year rainfall on the lake surface. This estimated amount of precipitation for the project site equates to 6.7 inches. At least six inches of freeboard shall be provided above the maximum operating water surface of the lake to account for stormwater storage. Several emergency weir boxes shall be incorporated into the perimeter of the lake which would allow stormwater volumes above this level in the lake to discharge into the storm drain system and maintain the appropriate lake level. 4. Incorporate design features into the man-made lake feature(s) which ensure maximum safety along with ecological performance of the lake(s). 5. Provide circulation of water in the lake(s) to prevent dead spots which can become stagnant due to the excessive buildup of contaminants. 6. Restrict the potential of nutrient flow into the water feature(s) with the construction of a perimeter drainage system to intercept surface runoff prior to entering the lake. 7. Develop proper maintenance programs for the water feature(s) which ensure the water quality, odor or other problems are addressed. 8. A preliminary design development report shall be prepared by the lake specialist on the options and alternatives for the lake facility requirements which addresses the lake liner, edge treatment, and water quality. Surface Water Quality Proper implementation of Best Management Practices available in stormwater management prevent water quality degradation by protecting the receiving waters and correcting existing problems. Common BMPs include structural controls which focus on treatment of stormwater pollution as well as nonstructural controls which reduce the generation of potential stormwater contaminants at or near their source. The proposed control measures shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and the Golf Course Superintendent and are required for the golf course project as well as the residential out-parcels. The following structural control measures shall be considered and incorporated as appropriate in the final design for the project site: 1. Infiltration trenches are facilities used to divert runoff into a shallow (3-8 foot) excavated trench, backfilled with stone, which would act as an underground reservoir. Application of these features shall be carefully controlled based upon geotechnical considerations. 2. Grassed or landscaped swales are slightly-sloped grassed ditches with dam-like structures made of stone, racks, and railroad ties, which increase infiltration and flow attenuation. 3. Filter strips are structures composed of dense vegetation, such as grass or wood, combined with underlying stone layers to accept overland sheet flow and infiltrate into the underlying soil layers. These shall be appropriate in parking lot areas where the sheet flow in the lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -11- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . parking lot can be drained through continuous curb openings which would allow the passage of water into landscaping areas. 4. Reduce the amount of Directly Connected Impervious Area (DCIA) through landscaping features and modification of the development drainage patterns. This design process involves discharging runoff from an impervious surface to a pervious area where the runoff can be slowed and pollutants can settle, for example into a landscaped area. 5. Inlet trash racks or bars shall be installed at all surface drainage inlets to prevent trash and floating debris from entering the storm drain system. 6. Maintenance of the structural BMPs shall be required throughout the life of the project to ensure proper operation, to protect ground and surface water quality and to prevent untreated runoff from entering the natural aquatic and/or riparian areas. Exfiltration trenches shall be checked bi-annually to ensure that they are relatively free from silt. Actual maintenance intervals shall be established for the various features once the system has been in operation. 7. Pervious surfaces for use at parking lots and other hard surfaces at the site. Such materials shall be used to help reduce the runoff quantity, thereby reducing the potential for stormwater pollution from the proposed project. BMPs for nonstructural controls are required for the effective operation of the stormwater quality control program. These controls shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and Golf Course Superintendent. This mitigation measure applies to both the golf course project and, where applicable and appropriate, to future development of the residential out-parcels. Recommended nonstructura1 BMPs which are suitable for implementation with respect to this project include the following: 1. Periodic cleaning (i.e. street sweeping) of paved areas to remove small particle size sediments with absorbed pollutants caused by uses of the area. 2. Routinely cleaning onsite storm drain manholes and catch basins to remove sediment and debris. 3. Source control survey of the maintenance and clubhouse facilities to determine possible contributors to stormwater pollution, locating especially those facilities at which storage or handling of hazardous or toxic chemicals takes place. 4. Washdown or non-stormwater discharges from the project development facilities shall be controlled. In some cases, disposal to sanitary sewers may be required. 5. Providing information to residents and/or employees at the golf course on disposal of pet wastes, waste oil and grease, and pesticide containers. 6. Covered areas for trash receptacles or enclosed features to prevent direct contact with precipitation. The trash receptacle area shall be designed so that it is elevated slightly above the surrounding area to prevent contact with surface runoff. 7. Efficient landscaping irrigation to prevent or reduce excess irrigation or non-stormwater discharges from discharging into the storm drain system as nuisance flow. 8. Common area litter control through removal of waste from receptacles on a regular basis. Site litter shall be strictly controlled and trash containers shall be provided throughout the site. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -12- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 9. Housekeeping of loading docks shall occur through regular sweeping of the delivery areas and loading zones. Spills in the loading areas shall not be washed into the storm drains. 10. An onsite meteorological station shall be provided to monitor specific wind conditions onsite. This information shall be used to determine whether herbicide and pesticides should be applied. Soil moisture, local evapotranspiration rates and temperature are important to determining irrigation rates. As such, no fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides shall be applied on days where there is a 15% or better chance of rain forecast, except in cases where pre emergent herbicides and fertilizers that require water application within 24 hours in order to save electricity and irrigation water are required. Design and Construction - Chemical Use The following control program shall be subject to the review and approval of the Golf Course Superintendent, Engineering Division and Chemical Control Division. This measure applies to the golf course, and where applicable and appropriate, to future development of the residential out-parcels. 1. To minimize the need for chemical application, turf areas shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the use, but shall allow existing or enhanced vegetation to remain between fairways. 2. Storage and use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers shall comply with all laws and regulations, including but not limited to, the City of Gilroy's and the County's Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance, and shall be subject to standardized permitting procedures of relevant government agencies. 3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems shall be employed to insure proper use of pesticides to treat incidental infestations. Application must be by State-certified applicators. 4. Advanced technology/monitoring equipment shall be used to ensure minimal application of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, and to ensure (depending on an array of available processes) that the chemicals used break down into by-products that are biologically inactive. 5. Slow-release, less soluble, and least mobile chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides shall be used to maintain turf areas. These products shall be used at the smallest rates of active ingredient to accomplish the desired results. 6. Drought, pest and disease resistant grass species shall be selected. 7. To ensure that natural buffer areas are protected, chemical use shall be kept to a minimum. 8. State-certified applicators shall provide timely written documentation specifying what they are applying to the greens and tees, including a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), for distribution upon request by any member of the public. When pesticides are being applied, signs will be placed near the area of application in such a manner to inform pedestrians that pesticides are in use. The signs shall be left in place for a minimum of 24 hours after the application has taken place. 9. The pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers used shall be those that are commonly available to any consumer and approved for normal household use. Pesticides/herbicides or fertilizers that require special agricultural permits shall not be used. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -13- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Regional Water Quality Control Board Requirements The following program shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 1. The project applicant shall develop and implement a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and inspect storm water control structures and pollution prevention measures. The SWPPP shall be implemented concurrent with the beginning of the construction activities and kept onsite. The SWPPP shall contain information about post- construction pollution controls for the ongoing maintenance of golf course operations. 2. The project applicant shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) prior to the commencement of material building/management practices, also listing site characteristics and receiving water information. The NOI to be filed must include information about building materials, building practices, site characteristics and receiving waters information. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.2-d Impact: Use of recycled water to support the proposed manmade lakes and for irrigation of the proposed golf course and public landscaped areas could result in potentially significant water quality impacts due to run-off from excess irrigation, and/or due to seepage of nitrates (and other mobile contaminants) through the soil to the groundwater table, potentially degrading domestic water supplies. Mitigation: The following plans and program shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 1. The two onsite manmade lakes shall be designed by a professional lake management specialist, or 1iminologist with a water quality background. 2. A Lake Management Plan and Runoff Management Plan shall be prepared prior to lake construction to demonstrate how the lakes will be managed to sustain and improve the quality of influent recycled water. 3. The lakes shall be constructed and/or lined to restrict seepage; Vegetation shall be used in the lakes for nutrient and metal stripping to improve water quality such that the quality is suitable to meet drinking water standards for these constituents. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impact described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.2-e Impact: Future conversion of the existing golf course to a public park may result in potentially significant impacts due to increases in surface water runoff and sheet erosion of exposed soils during construction activities. Mitigation: 1. If a grading plan is determined to be required by the Engineering Division, the property owner/developer shall submit a Master Drainage and Runoff Management Plan (MDRMP) for review and approval by the Engineering Division and the RWQCB. The Master Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following items: lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -14- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . * Backbone storm drain layout and pipe size, including supporting hydrology and hydraulic calculations for storms up to and including the 100-year storm. * A delineation of the improvements to be implemented for control of project- generated drainage and runoff. * Detailed assessment of existing water quality, potential water quality impacts, and a description of proposed measures to maintain water quality to the extent required by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and its regulations, including the following: * Incorporation of structural and nonstructura1 City-controlled BMPs. BMPs shall, to the extent permitted by law, include, but not be limited to, containment of masonry and paint wastes on the construction site, proper disposal of vehicle fuel and maintenance wastes, disposal of trash and debris, prohibiting water wash down of paved areas (both during and after construction, unless allowed by NPDES permit), and education/training for construction workers on these practices. Engineering details, maintenance procedures, and funding responsibilities of these BMPs shall also be described. * Incorporation of measures to be identified by the RWQCB to assure compliance with the State Water Resources Control Board's ("SWRCB") statewide water quality control plan. * Description of a water quality monitoring program to monitor water quality during and subsequent to construction and to evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs. The water quality monitoring program shall identify (1) the person/agency responsible for implementing the program, (2) sources of pollutants in runoff (e.g., nuisance flows from development areas, irrigation flows), (3) specific types of pollutants expected in runoff that will be monitored (e.g., total suspended solids, phosphorous, lead), (4) water quality sampling stations that are representative of runoff from the sources identified above, (5) sampling program methodology, including devices to be used and frequency and duration of sampling, (6) method for evaluating data collected from a sampling program, including threshold standards for determining effectiveness of BMPs, and (7) additional measures, if necessary, to increase the effectiveness of the BMPs to the threshold standards identified in C(l), above. 2. Prior to approval of a grading plan, the property owner/developer shall submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) specifically identifying Best Management Practices that will be used onsite to control predictable pollutant run-off for review and approval ofthe City Engineer, Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.3-g LAND USE PLANS/POLICIES Impact: (less than significant) Development of the golf course could result in land use compatibility impacts with the existing residential uses surrounding the project site. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -15- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Mitigation: According to the City of Gilroy Zoning Ordinance, the proposed uses on the site would be compatible with the existing and planned residential uses surrounding the project site. Design review is required of all new development through the Architectural and Site Review process prior to the issuance of a building permit. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will further mitigate the less than significant environmental impacts described above. 4.3-h Impact: Compatibility Issues with Existing Golf Course Site/Proposed Location of Water Tanks. The two water tanks required as part of the project development would be placed on the existing Golf Course which is located near and visible to residents on Burchell Road. Mitigation: The placement of the tanks would be consistent with the City of Gilroy's Zoning Ordinance, Section 39, Accessory Buildings, and measures are included in the project plan to mitigate any visual effects that may be caused with project implementation (Refer to Section 4.9, Visual Resources and Aesthetics). The proposed water tanks shall be screened with native plant and tree species prior to tank construction in order to obscure the visual presence of the tanks from the viewsheds of future park visitors and residents on Burchell Road. Implementation of this mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION 4.4-a Impact: (less than significant) The addition ofproject-re1ated trips would not cause any study intersection to change LOS or operate deficiently. Project-related trips, based on the golf course and a maximum of 138 residential units on the residential out-parcels, would not cause an intersection currently operating at LOS C or better to operate at LOS D, E or F. Based on the thresholds identified in Section 4.4.2, this is considered to be a 1ess-than-significant impact. As such, no project-related mitigation measures are necessary or required. Mitigation: The applicant/developer of the residential out-parcels has agreed to reduce the maximum aggregate number of residential units on the residential parcels to ninety-eight (98), with a maximum of sixty-one (61) units allocated to parcels 3 and 4, and thirty-seven (37) allocated to parcel 2. See letter dated July 23, 1997, to Mayor Pro Tem Gilroy from William L. Gates. This will further reduce the 1ess-than-significant traffic impact. Finding: As explained above, the reduction in the maximum number of residential units are now incorporated into the Project and will further lessen the less-than-significant environmental impact. AIR QUALITY 4.5-a Impact: Site preparation and project construction would result in a significant short-term PMIO air quality impact. Mitigation: Construction of the proposed golf course, future development within the out-parcels and redevelopment of the existing golf course shall comply with all Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) rules and regulations. The project contractor(s) shall lLACI345698.01 73-073004706028 -16- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . also prepare a dust control plan prior to initiation of grading and building. These measures shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning and Engineering Division. Dust-reducing measures shall include the following, as appropriate (measures obtained from Table 2 of the BAAQMD CEQA Guidelines, April 1996): Basic Control Measures * Water all active construction area at least twice daily; * Cover all trucks hauling soils, sand, and other loose materials or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard; Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; and Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. * * * Enhanced Control Measures Optional Control Measures * Install wheel washers for all exiting trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site; Install wind breaks, or plant trees/vegetative wind breaks at windward side(s) of construction areas; Suspend excavation and grading activity when winds (instantaneous gusts) exceed 25 miles per hour); and Limit the area subject to excavation, grading and other construction activity at any one time. * All "Basic" control measures listed above; Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more); Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.); Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 miles per hour; Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways; and Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. * * * * * * * * Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.5-b Impact: Short-term significant PMIO air quality impacts would occur during site preparation and construction for future development on the proposed out-parcels and during redevelopment of the existing golf course. Mitigation: Refer to Mitigation Measure 4.5-a. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -17- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . NOISE 4.6-a Impact: (less than significant) Construction activities for the golf course would increase noise levels over the short-term. However, the majority of the construction activities would occur in areas removed from noise-sensitive residential use. The temporary increase in noise level from construction is considered a 1ess-than-significant impact. Construction activities associated with build-out of the 98 residential dwelling units would result in an increase in noise levels over the short-term. However, this temporary increase in noise levels is considered a 1ess- than-significant impact. Mitigation: To further diminish less-than-significant construction noise impacts, the following mitigation measure is recommended since residents within unincorporated Santa Clara County are located across (west and southeast of) Burchell Road. During construction activities, the project shall comply with the Santa Clara County Code, Chapter 7, Control of Noise and Vibration. This includes limiting construction activity to between the hours of7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measure is incorporated into the Project and will further reduce the 1ess-than-significant environmental impacts described above. 4.6-c Impact: While projected average daily traffic noise levels would increase with the project, noise levels would not exceed the City's 58 Ldn residential noise policy level. However, the magnitude of the increase in noise levels along Burchell Road, Country Drive, and Bluebell Drive are considered significant based on the thresholds of significance identified in the CEQA Guidelines, Appendices G and I. Approximately 59% of this projected increase would be as a result of trips generated by build-out of the residential out-parcels. Mitigation: The reduction in the maximum number of residential units from 138 to 98 will reduce potential noise. Also, to reduce the magnitude of the noise level increase associated with full build-out of the 265-acre site, a 6-foot landscaped berm, decorative masonary sound wall or an environmentally equivalent noise attenuating measure shall be constructed and/or implemented along Burchell Road, Country Drive, and Bluebell Drive at existing residential locations. Implementation of this measure would reduce noise levels by at least 5 Ldn resulting in an increase in noise levels of less than 2 Ldn along these roadways. An increase of less than 2 Ldn is considered a 1ess-than-significant impact. Both the City of Gilroy (golf course) and residential (out-parcels) property owner/developer shall pay their proportionate fair share to fund this mitigation. The City will work with the residents to design a barrier that is acceptable to them. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. However, should the City and the residents not reach agreement as to an appropriate barrier, and therefore none is constructed, then this impact becomes an unavoidable significant impact of the project. (See Statement of Overriding Considerations set forth below.) BIOLOGICAL SERVICES 4.7-c Impact: Four special-status plant species, big-scale balsam root, Metcalf Canyon jewe1flower, most beautiful jewe1flower, and Santa Clara Valley dudleya, could potentially occur lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -18- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . on the serpentine soils present in the northeastern portion of the project site. Removal of potential habitat for these species would be considered a potentially significant impact. Mitigation: The project has been designed to avoid impacts to potential habitat for special-status plant species. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.7-d Impact: The Bay checkerspot butterfly could occur in the northeastern portion of the project site if annual host plant species are present. At the time of surveys, host plants were not identifiable. Impacts to the Bay checkerspot butterfly would be potentially significant. Mitigation: The project has been designed to avoid impacts to potential habitat for the Bay checkerspot butterfly. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.7-e Impact: (less than significant) Implementation of the proposed project would result in impacts to potential California red-legged frog habitat. This includes placement of pilings into the lake to support a cart bridge, and removal of riparian vegetation located at the base of the dam. Removal or disturbance of potential California red-legged frog habitat would be potentially significant. Mitigation: Because appropriate habitat to support the California red-legged frog is present on the Project Site, the Revised Draft EIR recommended a focused survey to be conducted in accordance with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service survey protocol for the California Red-legged Frog to determine their presence on the project site. In compliance with this recommendation, a pre-construction breeding survey for the California red-legged frog has been completed (March 13, 1997). No red-legged frog tadpoles or egg masses were observed. The surveys were conducted in accordance with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Guidelines on Site Assessment and Field Surveys for California red-legged frogs (February 18, 1997). Finding: The recommended mitigation, a survey, has been completed, and its results change the initial determination of the impact from "potentially significant" to less than a significant impact. 4.7-i Impact: (less than significant) Implementation of the proposed project could result in disturbance of potentially active raptor nests, which are legally protected pursuant to California Fish and Game Code 9 3503.5. Mitigation: Recommended mitigation in the Revised Draft EIR included focused surveys for raptor nests by a qualified biologist in order to identify potentially active nests in areas proposed to be impacted by project construction. Such focused surveys have now been conducted for all trees in the project area. Raptors, including American kestrel, black shouldered kite, red-tailed hawk and turkey vulture, were observed foraging over the project site. No active raptors nests were observed onsite; however, several inactive nests were found. Large stick nests were observed in the following trees: #86, lLACI345698.o1 73-073004706028 -19- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . #104, #311, #343, #443, #452, #459, #465, #467, #468, #470, #480, #482, #486, #487, #495, #496, #502, #505, and #506. Small nests were observed in trees #88, #114, #454, #509 and #515. No mitigation measures would be required according to the California Department ofFish and Game ("CDFG"). Finding: The recommended mitigation, a survey, has been completed, and its results change the initial determination of the impact from "potentially significant" to less than a significant impact. 4.7-j Impact: (less than significant) Implementation of the proposed project would result in the loss of potential burrowing owl habitat. Mitigation: Because burrowing owls were not identified onsite during field surveys, but were anticipated to occur onsite, in the Revised Draft EIR recommended mitigation required focused surveys to be conducted in accordance with the CDFG Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (1995) during the peak nesting season (April 15-July 15). Such burrowing owl surveys have now been completed in accordance with the CDFG Staff Report. No evidence of burrowing owls were found in the Project area or in any immediate off-site areas. No mitigation measures are therefore required. Finding: The recommended mitigation, a focused surveys, have been completed, and their results change the initial determination of the impact from "potentially significant" to less than a significant impact. 4.7-k Impact: (less than significant) Implementation of the proposed project could result in disturbance of an active American badger den. Impacts would be considered 1ess-than- significant. Mitigation: Impacts to American badger are considered less-than-significant. However, in conjunction with the focused surveys conducted for burrowing owls, and by request of CDFG, mitigation was proposed to include an additional survey for active badger burrows. The American badger burrow surveys have now been completed. No American badger burrows were found during surveys. No mitigation measures are required. Finding: The recommended mitigation, surveys, have been completed, and their results change the initial determination of the impact from "potentially significant" to less than a significant impact. 4.7-1 Impact: Implementation of the proposed project could result in fill of potential jurisdictional waters of the U.S. including wetlands. Loss of jurisdictional wetlands would be considered a significant impact. Mitigation: Because the majority of potential jurisdictional acreage onsite will be left in open space, the project has a variety of opportunities to compensate for any loss of actual jurisdictional waters. A wetland delineation has been prepared on the project site and is expected to be verified by USACE. If wetlands on the project site are considered jurisdictional by USACE, a wetland mitigation plan shall be prepared that quantifies the total jurisdictional acreage lost, and describes creation\rep1acement ratios for acres filled, annual success criteria, potential mitigation sites, and monitoring and maintenance requirements. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -20- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . The plan shall be prepared by a qualified wetland biologist pursuant to, or though consultation with, USACE. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Wetlands within the residential out-parcels will not be included in the USACE Nationwide 26 permit or wetland mitigation plan for the proposed golf course site. Because a tentative subdivision map has not been prepared for the residential out-parcels onsite, acres of wetland impact cannot be determined. Once a tentative subdivision map is prepared, further environmental analysis will be required to determine if wetlands within this area would be impacted by construction. A USACE permit would be required, independently of the Golf Course project should wetlands within this area be impacted by future residential construction activity. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.7-m Impact: Implementation of the proposed golf course project could result in degraded water quality, increased erosion, and siltation within potential jurisdictional waters of the U.S., including potential jurisdictional wetlands. Mitigation: Implementation of the following mitigation measures would reduce indirect impacts caused by construction of the proposed golf course to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. These mitigation measures shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division and ongoing monitoring by the Golf Course Superintendent. 1. Avoid application of fertilizers or pesticides within designated setbacks areas. 2. Design and operate irrigation and drainage systems to prevent the movement of water and associated chemicals into wetlands (Refer to Hydrology/Drainage Section 4.2, Mitigation Measure 4.2-a.). 3. Avoid stormwater runoff into wetlands from impervious surfaces such as parking lots and paths (Refer to HydrologylDrainage Section 4.2, Mitigation Measure 4.2-a, 4.2- c). Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.7-n Impact: Implementation of the proposed project could result in removal of significant trees as specified in the City of Gilroy Consolidated Landscape Policy or in indirect impacts, including drip line compaction. Mitigation: To the extent feasible, significant trees should be avoided. The following mitigation measures and the mitigation plan for tree preservation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 1. Removal of any significant trees during project construction should be replaced with in-kind native trees. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -21- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 2. Trees which are planted as mitigation should be incorporated into the project's Landscape Plan. In addition, a 5-year mitigation monitoring plan designing an 80% success (survival) rate shall be prepared to determine the success rate of mitigation trees. If the 80% success rate is not achieved within the first annual cycle, then unsuccessful p1antings shall be replaced to ensure the 80% success rate is met or exceeded in subsequent years. 3. Fencing shall be installed one foot outside of the dripline of each significant tree within the areas proposed for active construction zones prior to beginning construction. In areas of limited access, barriers may be moved into the drip line only to the extent necessary for project construction. Under no circumstances shall the barrier be configured such that vehicles or equipment can come into contact with the trunk of the tree. 4. In areas of limited access where vehicle operation has occurred within the drip1ine, tree drip lines should be aerated under the supervision of a certified Arborist, upon completion of construction. 5. Any required trimming of significant tree branches larger than 2" III diameter should be monitored by a certified Arborist. 6. significant trees. No irrigation should occur or turf grass be placed within the drip line of Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.7-p Impact: Conversion of the existing Gilroy Golf Course to a passive public park would not likely impact special status biological resources. Mitigation: Once a formal park plan is developed for conversion of the existing golf course into a passive public park use, the plans shall be reviewed to determine if future construction and/or operation of the park could potentially impact biological resources, including significant trees, nesting raptors or potential jurisdictional waters of the U.S. If it is determined during this review that future conversion of the site could impact special-status biological resources, additional environmental documentation for the site shall be required to ensure maximum avoidance to special-status biological resources. This documentation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS 4.8-a Impact: Demolition of existing permanent structures (i.e. residential unit, structures in the vicinity of the corral/stable area) may result in the release of asbestos containing material and/or lead-based paints. Mitigation: Prior to demolition work, it is recommended that areas of the permanent structures be sampled as part of an asbestos survey. Any demolition of the existing permanent buildings must comply with State law, which requires a contractor, where there is asbestos- related work involving 100 square feet or more of ACMs, to be certified and that certain lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -22- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . procedures regarding the removal of asbestos be followed. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Division. According to the Department of Substance Control, if paint is not removed from the building material during demolition (and is not chipping or peeling), the material could be disposed of as construction debris (a non-hazardous waste). However, if during demolition of on-site permanent structures, paint is separated from the building material (e.g., chemically or physically), the paint should be evaluated independently from the building material to determine its proper management. It is recommended that the landfill operator be contacted in advance to determine any specific requirements they may have regarding the disposal of LBPs. This measure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.8-c Impact: Conversion of the existing golf course to a public park use may result in a moderate increase in the amount of petroleum products and/or fertilizers and pesticides at the proj ect area. Mitigation: See Mitigation Measure 4.2-c, Hydrology/Storm Drainage. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. VISUAL RESOURCES AND AESTHETICS 4.9-a Impact: Construction of the individual components of the proposed project would create temporary aesthetic nuisances associated with project construction and grading activities for the adjacent residential neighborhoods. Mitigation: The following mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 1. During project construction, the construction manager shall provide appropriate screening (such as temporary fencing with opaque material), and visual buffers from off-site residential land uses, 2. Staging areas shall not be located adjacent to eXIstmg residential uses and appropriate screening (i.e. temporary fencing with opaque material) shall be used to buffer views of construction equipment and material. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.9-b Impact: Long-term development impacts would alter views of and adjacent to individual project components (i.e. golf course, out-parcel development, implementation of components associated with the water recycling work plan). lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -23- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Mitigation: The following mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 1. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a detailed Landscape Plan, for review and approval by the City Planning Division. The Landscape Plan shall, at minimum, address special edge treatments for adjacent off-site areas, and the use of native vegetation. 2. All landscaping shall be installed in accordance with City standards in effect at the time of approval of the Landscape Plan. 3. Landscaping shall be consistent throughout the proj ect area in order to strengthen the visual cohesiveness of the community and provide a harmonious transition between man-made features and the natural features of the site. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.9-c Impact: Conversion of the existing golf course to a passive public park use could introduce park type activities and facilities to the project area (i.e. hiking, biking, playgrounds, picnic areas, restrooms, etc.). Mitigation: Prior to final City approval of a site specific development plan, concept plan, redevelopment plan or master plan for the future conversion of the existing golf course to a public park, the project developer shall submit a site plan and environmental documentation demonstrating that proposed land uses do not introduce or create adverse visual impacts. Further, adherence to mitigation measures 4.9-a, 4.9-b and 4.9-d or their environmental equivalent, shall be incorporated into the future park site plan to ensure that all potentially significant visual and/or aesthetic impacts are reduced to 1ess-than-significant levels. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.9-d Impact: Development of the golf course maintenance facility and clubhouse, the residential element and the extension of roadways associated with the proposed project would introduce a new light source into this rural setting. Mitigation: This following mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 1. Any lights used to illuminate the golf course maintenance facility, clubhouse and parking area, driveways, residential units and other exterior or interior areas, shall be designed and located so that direct lighting is confined to the property. In addition to directional lighting, lighting should be a minimum intensity (wattage) of one footcand1e or as otherwise necessary for public safety. 2. Project design shall incorporate additional techniques to reduce light and glare, such as use of opaque glass instead of reflective glass, and earthtone building materials in high visibility areas. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -24- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES 4.10-a Impact: (less than significant) The Lucky Hereford Ranch House and Barn lacks significance, as defined by the guidelines established by federa11aw, 36 CFR 60.6, and therefore appears to be ineligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places ("NRHP"). Mitigation: Since it is ineligible for nomination to the NRHP due to its lack of historical significance, a recommendation to preserve this site is not incorporated into the project. As part of the overall cultural resource management plan for the project, however, a qualified archaeological monitor shall be on-site during demolition and any ground disturbing activities in or near this property. If previously undiscovered cultural resources are discovered in the course of this monitoring, construction and/or demolition shall cease in the immediate area until a remediation plan can be implemented. In addition, if there is to be demolition on the project site, its structures shall be recorded through photographic and archival documentation. Photo-documentation should be performed in a format similar to the standards of the Historical American Buildings Survey on either medium or large format film. The documentation package shall also include a narrative documenting the history of the structure and its relationship to associated features. The combined documentation package should be curated at the San Jose Historical Museum or other suitable curation facility where the documentation will be available for public research. This mitigation plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.10-b Impact: The Milne property is considered potentially eligible for nomination to the NRHP. This is based on the presence of a significant concentration of several historic structures in an intact compound, which exhibits greater significance than its individual structures. Mitigation: Ground-disturbing activity should be avoided within two hundred feet of the property line adjacent to the Milne property. If this is not feasible, a qualified archaeological monitor need be present during any disturbance of the site or surrounding area. If cultural resources are identified during monitoring, all construction shall cease in that area until a remediation plan can be implemented. Structures, landform modification, tree removal, and any other as-yet unidentified modifications near the property should be kept at least 200 feet from the property line. This mitigation plan shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering and Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -25- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 4.10-c Impact: The bedrock milling station (CA-SCL-805 on the California Archeological Site Inventory) on the proposed project site is considered to be potentially eligible for the NRHP. This is based on the distinct characteristics of the feature, the presence of other buried or partially buried sandstone outcrops in the area, and the prehistoric research potential of the milling station. Mitigation: Since the CA-SCL-805 site is located near the boundaries of the 15th fairway and 16th tee of the proposed golf course, a qualified archaeological monitor shall be present during any ground disturbing activities within proximity of the resource. If previously undiscovered cultural resources are discovered that are subject to protection by law, disturbances shall cease until a remediation plan is approved. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.10-d Impact: The project could result in a potential disturbance of unobserved prehistoric or historic material, particularly subsurface resources in the area of the bedrock milling station. Mitigation: Following submittal of a final grading plan, a qualified archaeological consultant shall conduct a field reconnaissance to ensure that design measures are incorporated into the Project to avoid and/or minimize disturbance in native soil in the area of the bedrock milling station. If previously undiscovered cultural resources are discovered that are subject to protection by law, disturbances shall cease until a remediation plan is approved. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.10-e Impact: The historic Chinese cemetery, CA-SCl-403H, located within proximate vicinity of the proposed water storage tank sites, is considered to be potentially significant, based on the possibility that the resource may be associated with an event or person of recognized significance in California or American history and other criteria as provided for in the thresholds of significance identified in Section 4.10.2 of the EIR. Mitigation: Due to the presence of possible prehistoric and historic resources in and adjacent to the project area, it is recommended that a qualified archaeological monitor be made present during all ground-disturbing activities associated with the proposed water storage tanks. If cultural resources are identified during monitoring, all construction shall cease until a remediation plan can be implemented. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. 4.10-f Impact: Three of the four cultural resources identified for the proposed golf course site and water storage tank sites are also proximate to the existing golf course. These include CA- SCL-403H, C-1229, and CA-SCL-83. In the case of cultural resource CA-SCL-403H, the resource is located on the existing golf course site. As no formal park development plans have lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -26- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . yet been realized or prepared, based on the proximity of these resources to the existing golf course site, impacts would be considered potentially significant. Mitigation: Following submittal of a formal site plan for conversion of the existing golf course to a public park, a qualified archaeological consultant shall conduct a field reconnaissance to ensure that design measures are incorporated into the site plan to minimize and/or avoid disturbance to all cultural resources. Additional environmental analysis will be required if previously undiscovered cultural resources, and/or newly surveyed resources are identified. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will avoid or substantially lessen the potentially significant environmental impacts described above to a level of less than significant impact. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 4.11.1-a,4.11.2-a Impact: (less than significant) Annexation of the project site and development of the proposed project (including maximum build-out of the three residential out-parcels and conversion of the existing golf course to a passive public park use) would increase the demand for fire and police services in the project area. The Gilroy Fire Department ("GFD" anticipates an increase in response times that would exceed the Department's goal of five minutes. However, due to continuing implementation of the mutual aid agreement between Gilroy and Santa Clara County, the Hecker Pass Fire Station would be able to respond to the project site in less than five minutes (Gorman 1997). The Gilroy Police Department expects minimally increased demands for service. Mitigation: To further reduce less-than-significant impacts, the following mitigation measures are recommended to minimize all fire protection impacts. These measures shall be subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department and Planning Division. 1. Prior to project approval, the GFD shall review project site and building plans as part of the project design process to ensure that adequate fire prevention is available, and site and building access is available for the emergency response services. 2. The project shall be required to provide adequate fire flows (minimum of 20 pounds per square inch, "psi") and water pressure to the site in order to ensure a water supply sufficient for fire fighting capabilities (included in the project). 3. Project roadways shall be designed to provide emergency access. Project roadways shall be no less than 20 feet in width, with no less that 13.5 feet in vertical clearance. Roadways shall be capable of supporting the emergency vehicle apparatus loads (included in the project). 4. The proposed residential, golf course clubhouse, and other project structures shall be constructed in conformance with the Uniform Fire Code. Fire suppression systems (i.e. fire sprinklers) shall be incorporated into the proposed structures in accordance with Fire Code standards (included in the project). 5. Additional fire protection measures not presently included in the project shall include the use of fire-resistant building and roofing materials, and the prohibition of wood shingles for roofs. lLACI345698,01 73-073004706028 -27- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 6. Risk of "wildland" fire shall be reduced in hillside areas by having a minimum 30 foot setback between residences, garages, and structures. These 30 foot setbacks shall be landscaped with irrigated plant materials, such as lawn (not included in the project). 7. The project shall be required to provide specific fire and medical emergency improvements that would be necessary for the GFD to maintain adequate emergency protection, including appropriate fire safety and emergency medical access improvements in the proposed project plans. Fire flow is required to be delivered with a residual pressure of no less than 20 psi. 8. The project applicant/property owner of the residential out-parcels shall be required to pay the then applicable public safety fee (currently set at $4,570 per acre) which is required of all new developments. This fee is divided between police and fire departments to meet additional capital costs resulting from service demands caused by new development. It is estimated that future development of the residential out-parcels would generate approximately $213,145 in public safety fees. It is anticipated that this revenue would provide adequate funding for the increase in police services provided to the site. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will further lessen the 1ess-than-significant environmental impacts described above. 4.11.3-a Impact: Bui1dout of the project site, including maximum build-out associated with future development of the three residential out-parcels, would add to enrollment within the Gilroy Unified School District (GUSD), whose schools are currently full or overcrowded. Additional students generated by the proposed project would result in a demand for additional space to accommodate these new students. Mitigation: 1. The project applicant/property owner of the residential out-parcels shall be required to pay the applicable school impact fee in effect at the time of development pursuant to State law. This school impact fee is anticipated to provide for a portion of the needed funding of the Gilroy Unified School District and does not offset the capacity impacts created by new development. 2. When the project applicant/property owner of the residential out-parcels submits a formal application for development, he shall consult with the School District to determine the extent of mitigation required to mitigate his actual project impacts, and enter into a school mitigation agreement with the Gilroy Unified School District to mitigate those impacts. This would result in a maximum fee payment of $4.00 per square foot for single-family residences or $3.20 per square foot for multi-family residences, up to a maximum of $7,200 per new home. This funding would allow the GUSD to add space to accommodate students generated by the project. 3. Project roadways shall be designed to provide adequate access for full size school buses and safe pick-up locations shall be included, where appropriate. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will further lessen the 1ess-than-significant environmental impacts described above. 4.11.5-a Impact: The proposed project would increase the demand for water, and would require improvements to the existing water and recycled water distribution systems in the site vicinity. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -28- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Mitigation: 1. The proposed project including future development of the residential out- parcels, shall incorporate water conservation measures into the design of the proposed facilities. All planned modifications or improvements to the existing water distribution system to serve the project shall be constructed in a manner that shall ensure adequate long-term water distribution and fire flow to the project site. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building and Engineering Divisions. The water conservation measures to be shown on the plans and implemented by the applicant shall include the following: * * Use of low-flow sprinkler heads in irrigation systems. Low-flow fittings, fixtures, and equipment, including low flush toilets and urinals. Use of recycled water for irrigation. Use of efficient irrigation systems such as drip irrigation and automatic systems which use moisture sensors. Use of water-conserving landscape plant materials wherever feasible. The existing lines in the project vicinity shall be extended to the project site, as necessary, in a manner that ensures that an adequate water distribution system is available to serve the project. Water line extensions shall be designed in accordance with the City of Gilroy and Santa Clara Valley Water District ("SCVWD") design standards. * * * * * 2. All modifications and improvements planned for the water distribution system shall be constructed in a manner consistent with the City's and SCVWD's standard specifications This measure shall include extension (l0" and/or 12" lines) of water services from the City's water system to the project site, and compliance with the Uniform Fire Code fire flow requirements, and shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 3. Retrofitting to the recycled water distribution system shall include detailed engineered investigations to identify on-site improvements necessary to accommodate the proposed irrigation system. A coverage test will be required for the recycled water irrigation system to ensure that overspray, ponding and runoff is controlled. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will further lessen the 1ess-than-significant environmental impacts described above. 4.11.6-a Impact: The proposed project (including future development of the three residential out- parcels) would generate an increase in wastewater flows that would be discharged into the existing sanitary sewer system and may require improvements to the existing sanitary sewer system. Mitigation: 1. The timing and location of new development for the residential out-parcels shall be managed according to the ability of Gilroy's sewer treatment facility to accommodate the effluent generated by the proposed development. The developer shall be required to pay fees to offset the costs of expanding the sewer system improvements required to accommodate their development. These fees shall be paid on a proportional basis in relation to the capacity demanded. This mitigation shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 2. The developer shall be required to pay City fees for sewer improvements, and may be required to install or pay for pipeline oversizing in the adjacent public street to lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -29- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . accommodate adequate flow from the project site. Pursuant to the City's standard reimbursement arrangements, the developer will be entitled to compensation when additional development occurs utilizing those improvements. The reimbursement agreement and pipeline plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will further lessen the less-than-significant environmental impacts described above. CUMULATIVE IMPACTS TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Impact: Under the existing plus project plus cumulative growth traffic scenario, the Mantelli Drive/Santa Teresa Boulevard intersection is forecast to operate at an unacceptable LOS for the Weekday p.m. and Weekend mid-day peak hours. The First Street/Santa Teresa Boulevard and First StreetlMonterey Street, intersections are forecast to operate at a worse LOS during the weekend mid-day peak hour than during the a.m. or p.m. weekday peak hours. The cumulative growth traffic scenario warrants signalization at the Burchell RoadlHecker Pass Highway Intersection. Mitigation: * Mantelli Drive/Santa Teresa Boulevard - signalize the intersection and add an eastbound free right turn lane on Mantelli Drive to southbound Santa Teresa Boulevard. First Street/Monterey Street - add a second eastbound left-turn lane on First Street to northbound Monterey Street. First Street/Santa Teresa Boulevard - add a second southbound left turn lane on Santa Teresa Boulevard to eastbound First Street and add a second northbound through lane on Santa Teresa Boulevard through the intersection. Burchell RoadlHecker Pass Highway - signalize the intersection. * * * Prior to the issuance of the first building permit for each of the cumulative projects, the City Engineer shall determine the improvements required to be designed, constructed, and funded among those improvements identified above based on monitoring the LOS of the intersections. The monitoring will determine whether the intersections actually become deficient as build-out of City-approved projects occurs, and if the identified improvements are still applicable at the time the deficiencies occur. Currently, all the intersections are operating at an acceptable LOS C or better, and will not be improved until they measurably operate at a level worse than LOS C. The costs of these improvements shall be borne by the cumulative project applicant through payment of the traffic impact fees adopted by the City of Gilroy. Implementation of the above recommended improvements will achieve the City of Gilroy goal of LOS C or better at all study intersections for the existing plus proposed plus cumulative growth traffic scenario during all three peak hours. These improvements are required to accommodate traffic forecast to be generated by projects previously approved by the City through the Year 2000. Finding: As explained above, the mitigation measures are incorporated into the Project and will further lessen the 1ess-than-significant environmental impacts described above. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -30- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . AIR QUALITY Impact: Project generated emissions were not anticipated in local or regional air quality and growth management plans and would therefore result in a significant cumulative impact for 03, CO and PMIO, Mitigation: No mitigation measures are available or feasible for this impact. Finding: This impact is an unavoidable significant impact. See Statement of Overriding Considerations below. NOISE Impact: Because of the existing low traffic volumes, project plus cumulative traffic would result in an increase in noise level of 5.87 to 6.67 Ldn along Burchell Road, Country Drive and Bluebell Drive. Mitigation: See Mitigation Measure 4.6-c. Finding: This impact may result in an avoidable significant effect. See Statement of Overriding Considerations below. II. FINDINGS CONCERNING ALTERNATIVES A. NO-PROJECT/NO-DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVE 1. Description of Alternative: The No-ProjectIN0-Deve10pment Alternative assumes that the proposed Gilroy Golf Course and associated entitlement actions, including the General Plan Amendment, Zoning Map Amendment, 20- Y ear Planning Area Amendment, Urban Services Area Amendment, annexation into the City's boundaries, and ultimate conversion of the existing golf course site into a public park, would not be implemented. Additionally, this alternative assumes that existing land uses on the project site would remain unchanged, and as such, would remain an active cattle ranch. 2. Comparison to Project: a) Earth Resources/Geotechnical. Because of the area's location in a seismically active region, there would remain a significant potential for damage of onsite structures from ground shaking. Compared to the proposed project and associated entitlement actions, the potential impact from ground shaking under this alternative would be less, as fewer built structures would occupy the land. All other earth resource related impacts would be reduced as well since no new construction would take place on-site. Under this alternative, improvements to the onsite dam would not be constructed, thus risk of dam failure and continued decomposition and erosion of the existing dam spillway would be greater under this alternative than with the proposed project. b) HydrologylDrainage. As compared to the proposed proj ect, this alternative would result in continued and potentially greater off- site impacts to adjacent residential uses. c) Land Use. No impact. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -31- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . d) Transportation/Circulation. Traffic impacts would be less than those associated with development of the proposed golf course. Potentially significant impacts along Burchell Road would be avoided. e) Air Quality. Compared to the proposed project, air quality impacts would be reduced f) Noise. Short- and long-term noise impacts generated by the introduction of additional traffic, deliveries and operational use of the proposed project. g) Biological Resources. Potentially significant and 1ess-than- significant impacts to riparian and wetland resources would be avoided with implementation of the this alternative. However, the potential benefits associated with enhancement and revitalization of on-site riparian vegetation would be eliminated. h) Hazardous Materials. Implementation of the this alternative would result in similar physical effects as those that could be expected with implementation of the proposed project i) Visual Resources and Aesthetics. The this alternative would not result in development of golf course or future residential uses, and as such, the topography of the site, onsite and surrounding vegetation, and existing view corridors would not be modified from their existing state. Aesthetic improvements associated with development of the site, including a comprehensive landscape program, greenery throughout the year and revegetation/enhancement of native species would not be realized by this alternative. Potentially significant ground-level views of the proposed water tanks on the existing golf course site would be delayed indefinitely (although not avoided). j) Archaeological Resources. Potentially significant impacts generated by implementation of the proposed project would be avoided. k) Public Services and Utilities. Potentially significant impacts generated by implementation of the proposed project would be avoided. B. NO-PROJECT/EXISTING GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION 1. Description of Alternative: The No-Project/Existing General Plan Designation Alternative assumes that the proposed Gilroy Golf Course Project and associated development actions would not be implemented and that operation of the existing cattle ranch would continue. Under this alternative, the property could be revitalized as a productive agricultural use. Residential development is not part of this scenario. 2. Comparison to Project: a) Earth Resources/Geotechnical. Because of the area's location in a seismically active region, there would remain a significant potential for damage of onsite structures from ground shaking. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -32- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Compared to the proposed project and associated entitlement actions, the potential impact from ground shaking under this alternative would be less, as fewer built structures would occupy the land. All other earth resource related impacts would be reduced as well since no new construction would take place on-site. Under this alternative, improvements to the onsite dam would not be constructed; thus risk of dam failure and continued decomposition and erosion of the existing dam spillway would be greater under this alternative than with the proposed project. b) Hydrology/Drainage. As compared to the proposed project, this alternative would result in continued and potentially greater off- site impacts to adjacent residential uses. Existing water quality conditions would continue, or perhaps worsen under this alternative if new agricultural uses are introduced. c) Land Use. No impact. d) Transportation/Circulation. Traffic impacts would be less than those associated with development of the proposed golf course. Potentially significant impacts along Burchell Road would be avoided with implementation of this alternative. Proposed improvements to Burchell Road would also be eliminated under this alternative. e) Air Quality. Compared to the proposed project, air quality impacts would be reduced. However, should the site be converted to a productive agricultural use, long term stationary source impacts on air quality would potentially increase due to the operational practices associated with cultivating, fertilizing and maintaining effective crop production. f) Noise. Short- and long-term noise impacts generated by the introduction of additional traffic, deliveries and operational use of the proposed project would be avoided under this alternative. g) Biological Resources. Potentially significant and less-than- significant impacts to riparian and wetland resources would be avoided with implementation of this alternative. However, the potential benefits associated with enhancement and revitalization of on-site riparian vegetation would be eliminated. h) Hazardous Materials. Implementation of the this alternative would result in similar physical effects as those that could be expected with implementation ofthe proposed project i) Visual Resources and Aesthetics. This alternative would not result in development of golf course or future residential uses, and as such, the topography of the site, onsite and surrounding vegetation, and existing view corridors would not be modified from their existing state. Aesthetic improvements associated with development of the site, including a comprehensive landscape program, greenery throughout the year and revegetation/enhancement of native species would not be realized by this alternative. Potentially significant ground-level views ofthe proposed water tanks on the existing golf course site would be ILAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -33- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . delayed indefinitely (although not avoided). If an attempt were made to transition the site from its current cattle-ranching use to agriculturally productive crop use, the potential for significant removal of onsite native species and alteration of the existing landform to accommodate row crops would be anticipated to be substantial and significant. j) Archaeological Resources. Potentially significant impacts generated by implementation of the proposed project would be avoided under this alternative. However, should the property owner determine that a future transition from cattle-grazing use to agriculturally productive row crops is feasible, potentially significant impacts to archaeological resources and cultural resources would be anticipated, and would be similar to those anticipated with project development. k) Public Services and Utilities. Potentially significant impacts generated by implementation of the proposed project would generally be avoided under this alternative, with the caveat that if the site were transitioned to an agriculturally productive use, reliance on groundwater extraction (via well pumping) to irrigate agricultural fields would likely continue at a rate higher than the current extraction rate, thereby contributing to the depletion of groundwater basin levels. C. ALTERNATIVE DESIGN 1. Description of Alternative: The modified project design alternative, or "Alternative Design" features relatively the same amount of acreage for the proposed golf course, but would require use of additional acreage from the existing golf course property, as well as acquisition of right-of-way from the adjacent owners of the Country Estates and Hoey Ranch developments in order to construct a new and primary access road designed to avoid the Burchell Road/Hecker Pass intersection. The alternative access would commence slightly east of the intersection of Hecker Pass (Highway 152) and Two Oaks Lane, extend north and northwest through the existing golf course, and connect to Burchell Road in the proximate location of the intersection of Burchell RoadIB1uebell Drive. From the Burchell RoadIBluebell Drive intersection, primary access would continue along Burchell Road to the proposed entry to the golf course 2. Comparison to Project: a) Earth Resources/Geotechnical. Under this alternative, substantially extensive changes in existing topography would be required to grade and construct the proposed roadway. Seismically induced ground failure would be anticipated to be greater as lurch cracking, ground cracking, liquefaction and seismically induced 1ands1iding would affect the hillside locations associated with placement of the roadway. Erosion associated with changing land contours (by grading) and exposing erodible soils would result in higher concentrations of runoff and potential harm to downstream aquatic habitat. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -34- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . b) Hydrology/Drainage. Generally similar impacts to the proposed project, although this alternative would result in a substantial increase in area-wide impervious surface coverage. c) Land Use. Land use policy impacts under this alternative would be similar to those of the proposed project, although this alternative largely avoids further traffic conflicts, disruption, and disturbance to existing residences located along Burchell Road. d) Transportation/Circulation. This Alternative does reduce traffic that is of concern to the residents on Burchell Road. However, it would not measurably improve the LOS at the Burchell RoadIBluebell Drive intersection or at the Burchell RoadlHecker Pass Highway intersection, nor would it cause a change in LOS at the study intersection from existing LOS or existing plus proposed project LOS baseline conditions. e) Air Quality. Air Quality impacts would be anticipated to be similar to that of the proposed project, and are not anticipated to result in significant impacts. f) Noise. Short-term noise impacts generated during construction would be greater than those associated with the proposed project due to the additional length of time required to construct a new roadway. However, long-term noise impacts generated by vehicular traffic would be minimized for residences located adjacent to Burchell Road. g) Biological Resources. Impacts on biological resources would be substantially greater under this alternative than with the proposed project. Unlike the proposed project, which would require upgrades to an existing roadway, this alternative would potentially impact existing habitats and associated wildlife species through introduction, construction and operation of a new roadway. This includes potential impacts to several potentially "significant trees" and a potential USACE jurisdictional waters of the U.S. (pond). Special status wildlife species associated with these resources could also be impacted under this alternative. Additional mitigation measures would be required the reduce impacts to a level considered less-than significant. h) Hazardous Materials. Implementation of the this alternative would result in similar physical effects as those that could be expected with implementation of the proposed project. i) Visual Resources and Aesthetics. Implementation of this alternative would reduce potentially significant impacts associated with an increase in light and glare from passing motorists and would reduce visual impacts associated with increased traffic congestion on rural roadways. This alternative, however, would introduce a new roadway in an area predominantly characterized by rolling hills, winter grass and native oak trees. The roadway would likely be visible from off-site locations due to the topographic requirements associated with the roadways placement. The alternative access road would permanently alter the visual lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -35- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . character associated with the existing aesthetic resources inherent to the site. j) Archaeological Resources. Impacts associated with archaeological, cultural and/or historic resources would remain potentially significant under this alternative. k) Public Services and Utilities. No additional impacts to public services would result from implementation of this alternative, and in fact, the provision of an alternative access through the existing golf course to the proposed project site would assist fire protection services by creating a second primary access to the subject property. However, impacts to public utilities would be substantially greater as water, sewer and dry utilities would need to be extended from their current terminus locations up through the existing golf course site to the proposed golf course site. D. ALTERNATIVE SITE LOCATION 1. Description of Alternative: The alternative site location, as shown on Exhibit 7-2 of the DEIR, is made up of approximately eight (8) parcels within the City of Gilroy, totaling 234 acres. Control of the subject parcels is under single ownership. Although preliminary discussions regarding future residential development of this site have occurred, the property owner has not submitted a formal application for development. The site is designated on the City's General Plan Map for Low Density Residential, Medium Density Residential and Elementary School site use. Existing uses onsite are predominantly undeveloped, rural open space. A few remnant barn and other agricultural support uses are present onsite 2. Comparison to Project: a) Earth Resources/Geotechnical. Because of the alternative site's location in a seismically active region, there would remain a significant potential for damage from ground shaking. The potential impact from ground shaking would be similar to that of the proposed project. As the site is relatively hilly, it is anticipated that site preparation, grading, and erosion impacts would be slightly greater than that of the proposed project, because more topographical alterations would be necessary to create a golf course. b) Hydrology/Drainage. The alternative site is located adjacent to the Uvas Creek Preserve and Christmas Hill Park. Impacts caused by the introduction of impervious surfaces as well as impacts generated by the modification and/or disruption of existing onsite and riparian drainages would be anticipated to be greater than those associated with implementation of the proposed project. c) Land Use. Given the alternative site's location adjacent to a private open space reserve, land use compatibility impacts (particularly with respect to the safety of those who utilize the pedestrian trails along the Uvas Creek Preserve) would be generally greater than those associated with the proposed project. However, since the alternative site is already located within the City's General Plan Area, Urban Service Area and 20-Year lLACI345698.01 73-073004706028 -36- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . Planning Area, potentially significant impacts to the City's adopted land use and environmental policies would be avoided under this alternative. d) Transportation/Circulation. Implementation of this alternative would reduce land use compatibility impacts associated with the increase in project-generated traffic and/or distribution of project- related traffic adj acent to a presently rural residential area. Trip- generation impacts would be similar to the proposed project. Site access impacts would be expected to be similar to and/or marginally less than the proposed project, as traffic would typically access the site from Santa Teresa Boulevard via Hecker Pass Highway. e) Air Quality. Air Quality impacts would be anticipated to be similar to that of the proposed project, and are not anticipated to result in significant impacts. f) Noise. Noise impacts would be anticipated to be similar to, or marginally less than, those anticipated with the proposed project. g) Biological Resources. Given the site's relative rich biological resource base, as well as its location adjacent to Uvas Creek and an existing open space preserve, potentially significant impacts to biological resources would be anticipated to be greater than those associated with implementation of the proposed project. There are several intermittent and seasonal drainages present on the alternative site, and due to the topography of the site, impacts to special-status species and habitats in and within the drainage would be expected to be greater than with implementation of the proposed project h) Hazardous Materials. Given the site's prior agricultural uses, it is anticipated that construction of the golf course on the alternative site could disturb existing contamination or expose workers to hazards from potential soil contamination that may exist on those parcels. The potential significance of this impact however, would be similar to the potential asbestos impact generated by the proposed proj ect. i) Visual Resources and Aesthetics. As the proposed roadway would result in construction of new infrastructure within a hillside area, greater off-site visual impacts would occur as compared to the proposed project (which would rely on the use of existing infrastructure) , j) Archaeological Resources. Implementation of this alternative could result in the disruption of, or impact to, several archaeological, cultural or historical resources. This potentially significant impact would be marginally greater than that of the proposed project. k) Public Services and Utilities. Public services and utilities impacts would generally be reduced under this alternative, as the alternative site is already within the City's Urban Service Area. Compared to lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -37- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . the proposed project, this alternative would result in fewer potentially significant impacts on public services and utilities. E. EXISTING GOLF COURSE: MODIFIED USE ALTERNATIVE 1. Description of Alternative: Under this alternative, and in concert with the proposed golf course, the existing golf course would be reconfigured and moderately upgraded to accommodate an 18-hole, Par 3 Golf Course. This course would be designed for beginners and would be complementary to the first-class golfing facilities contemplated for the proposed new golf course. Implementation of this alternative assumes approval and subsequent implementation of the proposed golf course project. Isolated implementation of this alternative would not, nor could not feasibly occur. 2. Comparison to Project: a) Earth Resources/Geotechnical. Under this alternative, earth resources impacts would be similar to or marginally less than those described under the proposed project. b) Hydrology/Drainage. Implementation of this alternative would likely result in minor upgrades to the irrigation/drainage system on the existing golf course site, thereby reducing existing offside stormwater runoff. All other impacts would be similar to those described under the proposed project, and would require mitigation measures similar to those required of the proposed project. c) Land Use. Existing land uses applicable to the existing golf course site would remain. No change in land use or intensity of land use would occur under this alternative. All other impacts associated with the proposed golf course site would be similar to those described under the proposed project. d) Transportation/Circulation. Traffic impacts associated with reconditioning the proposed project are accounted for under the baseline conditions analysis for the existing golf course. Since no change would occur in the site's use, and there would be no increase in site acreage, site square footage, or intensity of golf course use, no new impacts would result. e) Air Quality. Impacts associated with reconditioning the existing golf course would be marginally less than those associated with the proposed project, as no new construction would occur, rather moderate refurbishing of existing structures would occur as needed. f) Noise. Construction noise could be moderately reduced under this existing golf course alternative, as only minor construction activities are envisioned to modernize existing facilities. g) Biological Resources. Compared to the proposed project, no new biological impacts would be introduced by this alternative. h) Hazardous Materials. Impacts associated with the reconditioning and revitalization of structures on the existing golf course site would be similar to those identified for the proposed project. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -38- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . i) Visual Resources and Aesthetics. Compared to the proposed project, no new potentially significant and/or significant impacts would occur under this alternative. j) Archaeological Resources. Compared to the proposed project, no new impacts would occur under this alternative. k) Public Services and Utilities. Compared to the proposed project, no new impacts to public services and utilities would be anticipated. F. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES CEQA requires that an Environmentally Superior Alternative be identified; that is, an alternative that would result in the fewest or least significant environmental impacts. The No-Project/No- Development Alternative would reduce project-related impacts associated with implementation of the proposed golf course, but would not provide the potential project benefits associated with improvements to the onsite dam, provision of a subsurface drainage system, reduction in flood risks during storm events and/or enhancement/revitalization of riparian and wetland habitat. Some environmental effects, such as groundwater quality, surface water quality, and flooding could be greater under this alternative, as no infrastructure improvements to the site would be made. The No-Project/Existing General Plan Designation Alternative could result in new adverse impacts if the agricultural use of the site is revitalized to a productive cultivated agricultural use. Given the historic use of the site, as well as soil suitability, it is unlikely that the site would become a productive or commercially viable agricultural use. Both of the No-Project Alternatives could result in fewer new significant environmental impacts than would the proposed project, however, neither would satisfy the projects chief objectives. The No Project Alternatives are environmentally superior to the proposed project. CEQA requires that in such a case the City must designate among the other alternatives studied (including the proposed project), which one is environmentally superior. For the reasons stated below, the City concludes that among the alternatives other than the No-Project Alternatives, the proposed project is actually the environmentally superior alternative. The Alternative Site is not environmentally superior to any of the project alternatives because it would create impacts similar to or more adverse than the proposed project. Although most of the City's objectives could be achieved, the site is not available for acquisition or control by the project applicant. The Alternative Design is the most environmentally superior of the alternatives to the proposed project analyzed in the EIR. This alternative would have similar impacts to land use policy, land use consistency, hazardous materials and archaeological resources, but would result in additional and/or substantially greater impacts to biological resources, earth resources (cut and fill), erosion, and public services and utilities (extension of major infrastructure). Implementation of this alternative would, however, result in reduced long-term land use compatibility impacts due to increases in traffic generation, vehicular noise, and light and glare. Nonetheless, this alternative is not capable of eliminating or minimizing any of the significant effects, nor will it reduce the level of significance (based on the thresholds identified within this EIR) of any of the identified environmental impacts. Short-term (24-month) construction related impacts would be substantially greater than those associated with the proposed project. This alternative would in effect, introduce new potentially significant impacts without reducing the level of significance of the identified environmental impacts. lLACI345698.01 73-073004706028 -39- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . This alternative would, however, provide the public benefit associated with the intent of the City's objectives to (a) enhance visitor-serving recreational uses in the City by providing a catalyst for further economic development within the City (including facilitating the creation of a public access route from Hecker Pass through the proposed public park to the proposed golf course); (b) create a first-class, 18-ho1e municipal golf course, utilizing land that is intrinsically suited based on topography and natural site features; and, ( c) serve and meet the demands of an ever-increasing golfing public. However, implementation of this alternative could potentially limit the City's design flexibility in determining an appropriate range of passive public uses, including retention of the existing golf course as a public golf course. As discussed in the EIR, a portion of this alternative would require right-of-way acquisition of land that the City does not presently own or control, and thus, the feasibility of this alternative is substantially hampered by and contingent upon, a collaborative negotiation process and subsequent acquisition of the required right-of-way from the adjacent land owners. Based on the reasons stated above, the proposed project itself is actually the environmentally superior alternative because none of the other alternatives (excluding the No Project Alternatives) avoids potentially significant impacts (as defined by the thresholds presented herein) associated with the project. Accordingly, the City chooses the proposed project as its project. The proposed project is environmentally superior to the other alternatives studied that are capable of reasonably achieving the City's objectives for this project. With the mitigations to be adopted as part of the approval, the City believes that the proposed project is the environmentally most responsible choice in order reasonably to satisfy the City's objectives and to confer the benefits of the project upon the residents ofthe City. III. STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS CEQA requires that the City Council balance the benefits of the Project against its unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve the Project. The City Council acknowledges that the Project analyzed in conjunction with other approved projects will result in one significant unavoidable cumulative impact, a deterioration in air quality. See Impact 5.5, and Section 5.5 of the Final EIR. In addition, two significant unavoidable impacts could potentially occur, a noise impact resulting from the Project, and a cumulative noise impact resulting from the Project analyzed in conjunction with other approved projects. See Project Impact 4.6-c and Section 4.6 of the Final EIR, and cumulative Impact 5.6 and Section 5,6 of the Final EIR. These impacts will become unavoidable if the proposed mitigation, a six-foot landscaped berm, decorative masonary sound wall or environmentally equivalent noise attenuating measure which would lessen the impacts to a level of non-significance, is not constructed and/or implemented along Burchell Road, Country Drive and Bluebell Drive at existing residential locations for the reasons described under Impact 4.6-c and in the Final EIR. The City Council hereby finds that the benefits of the proposed project nonetheless outweigh these potential unavoidable significant environmental impacts, and considers these impacts acceptable for the following reasons: 1. The deterioration of air quality, a cumulative impact, could only be partially mitigated by scaling down the proposed development as an alternative to the Project, and even then not to a level of insignificance. Of the identified alternatives, only the no-project alternative would reduce the impact to a level of insignificance. lLAC1345698.01 73-073004706028 -40- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 . . 2. Since the air quality impact results from the fact that the City's general plan and therefore the Bay Area Air Quality Management District's air quality plans do not take into consideration development of this site in the City, any proposed project suitable for development in the City will likely also result in an unavoidable cumulative impact on air quality. Similarly, even though this Project does not exceed City noise policy criteria, because of the Project's rural setting, any development on the site would likely result in a significant noise impact. In addition, the affected residents believe that the mitigation necessary to reduce Project and cumulative noise levels to a level of insignificance may impose constraints on their environment that are unacceptable. Therefore, imposition of any of the proposed mitigation measures will be undertaken only after consultation with those affected by the impact. 3. The City will realize specific and significant social, economic and other benefits from the approval and development ofthe Project as follows: * increasing the variety and quality of recreational uses in the City; * providing Gilroy residents with a first class 18-ho1e public golf course; * meeting the demand for golfing facilities in the broader geographic area; * generating jobs, increased revenues and recreation opportunities in the City from golf course operations over and above those generated by the existing 9-hole golf course now operated by the City; providing a visitor serving recreational use that will advance Gilroy's appeal as a regional destination, which in turn will spur further economic development within the City and South Santa Clara County, providing jobs for Gilroy residents; and * acquisition of approximately 218 acres of real property at a price substantially below appraised value, resulting in a significant economic benefit to the City and to the taxpayers, and one which is essential to the City's ability to develop a first class 18 hole public golf course. Denying the project or adopting the no-project alternative would prevent the City, its residents and the general public from realizing these substantial benefits. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of August, 1997 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: MORALES, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, VALDEZ, GILROY NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ROGERS APPROVED: n~~~~ K.A. MIKE GILROY, , MAYORPROTEM ATTEST: ~eJ~ RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk lLAC\345698.01 73-073004706028 -41- RESOLUTION NO. 97-47 0<0 6e-a ~3'< w~::: 0......= "ti ~ 3. tl :;tl 8. >"'0 '"'J~ eo. >00 -Elo 01,,_ VI",'"" gSQ ~Q~ ~~" -" ~::l nF;; 6 n en tI1 n :... ~ g' ::t t:l:l " !l;; 13' JZ. ::E E;.s c' ~, ;:, S ~'"I1 ;:, ..., _. 0 s ~ S. Ro OQ> "tl'" ... '" <:> 0 O'Q ~. ..,~ '" <t '" e:..~ ......('1) 0.. en ('1)"0 "0 0 ~ = '"1 v.> sg ('1) 0;;; aq en , ...... en' en .......::r' ('1) ~ 0........ ...... 8"'~ '"1 ~ ('1) ~ ~ ::l ::r'e- 8. ~ c. 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Q.. o c: ~ '" r:: g ;:. o 0- ::: 0 Q..C:: :: 6 Q.. a.r;- o-~ o ::: c:: ., [::: c: - :: a n> c:: __0 ~ tr.l c: ~ ~ il;" S' ;- ., '" o !:l. gO o 0- ~ ::. ::rc: o :i" .....OQ ;:'''0 n 0 ., g ~. 3 ::: 0' [., <. o en' ~ ~ ~ 1: ~ Q.. o. ~ ~ ~.., ~e;.;-o ~~::lO> S-Q.~g. o o-~. :1"'~g .., 2 ~ ., e;. <b r ~ ~::;' ~. ~ tr.l ::,- o !l o ~ '" 00. ::: e;. ;:;. n S' ;- .., '" o !:l. o. ::l c: ::: Q.. c: S: c: ::l o ~ en c;- O r:: ::: 0. m ::: OQ S. n n :!. ~ o <' en' o. ::: --3 := > ~ ~ ?5 > z o n - := Ci ~ r" ~ - o z Ci .... ~ :: ~ - > --3 - <: ~ .~ - .2: o ~ ~, > Ci --3 CIJ :: ~ > CIJ i ~ ::; O~ zO _z --3CIJ 0- :=l:l:l _r" z~ O~ o ~ t"'.l ~ ~ t"'l ~ ~ . . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 97-47 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 4th day of August, 1997, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 13th day of August, 1997. ~~ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)