Resolution 1997-58 It . . RESOLUTION NO. 97-58 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A/S 97-38 (PUD) , AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 1.17 ACRES, APN 841- 14-067 WHEREAS, Foodmaker/Jack-in-the-Box ("Applicant" ) submitted A/S 97-38 (PUD) , an application for architectural and site approval of a planned unit development ("PUD") for a 1.17 acre lot located on the Monterey Road freeway interchange, 5900 Travel Park Circle; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed application A/S 97-38 (PUD) at its duly noticed meeting on October 2, 1997 and recommended that the City Council approve Application A/S 97-38 subject to 17 conditions; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), City Council on January 17, 1995 certified a Negative Declaration with 23 mitigation measures for this site under GPA 94-02; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed Application 97-38 (PUD) and all documents relating thereto and took oral and written testimony at its duly noticed meeting of October 6, 1997; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this proj ect approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council hereby finds that: 1. The project is consistent with the Gilroy General Plan because it conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and it is substantially consistent with the intent of the text, goals and policies of the General Plan documents. IKBA 1354557.01 71-042804706002 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 97-58 . . 2. The project complies with the findings required to grant PUD architectural and site approval pursuant to subsections (a) through (i) of Section 50.55 of the Gilroy Zoning ordinance, and that the facts as set forth more fully in the record incorporated herein, including but not limited to the staff report dated September 25, 1997, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, supports said findings. 3. There is no substantial evidence that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. B. The Negative Declaration for this site certified and adopted in compliance with CEQA, in association with GPA 94-02, with 23 mitigation measures, is supported by substantial evidence and applies to this project, finding as follows: 1. The Negative Declaration has been prepared in accordance with CEQA and reflects the independent judgment of the CitYi and C. A/S 97-38 (PUD) should be and hereby is approved, subj ect to 17 conditions set forth in the staff report dated September 25, 1997, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and recommended by the Planning Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of October, 1997 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS:GILROY, MORALES, ROGERS, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, VALDEZ NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS:NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS:NONE Pet Mayor ~~. Rhonda pellin, City Clerk IKBA1354557.01 71-042804706002 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 97-58 " Exhibit A . . COnlmuntty Developmen~epartment Pl~nning Division Memorandum -To: Jay Baksa, City Administrator. October 3, .19 . ",qq1 From: William Faus~ Planning DiVision Manager File No.: A1S 97-38 (planned Unit Development design review approval) Applicant: Foodmaker / ~a~~in-the-BoJ: (c/o Walt Mitchell) Location: MVW Truck Stop (5900 Travel Park Circle) PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: At their meeting of October 2, 1997, the Planning Commission, by a vote of 6-0-1 (Commissioners Lai was absent), recommended approval of the applicant's request: AYES: ARELLANO, BLANKLEY, COLLIER, PINHEIRO, PUENTE, and TINSLEY NAYES: ABSENT: LA! In brief, the Planning Commissi.on reco~ended approval of this request for the following reasons: , so The proposed site design configuration is substantially consistent with the prior overall PUD approval granted under A1S 93-05 for the Truck Stop; and .. The proposed architectural design is substantially consistent with the prior PUD architectural design approval granted under A1s 97-06 for the truck lounge / mini-mart. Staff Report attacbed C:\WPWINtlN'LANNJN~x.MVW ". . .. . Commumty Development Department Planning Division. Staff Report September. 25, 1997 Fll..E NUMBER: A\S 97-38 (planned Unit Development design review) Foodmaker / Jack-in-the-Box (c/o Walt Mitchell) APPLICANT: LOCATION: 5900 Tra~l Park: Circle, at the Monterey Road freeway interchange STAFF PLANNER; William Faus REOUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting Planned Unit Development (PUD) design review approval that will allow th( construction of a fast food restaurant within a larger PUD project site. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: ,. Parcel No: 841-14-067 Parcel SiZe: approximately 1.17 acres (from a larger 14. 78:t acre PUD site) Flood Zone: "A", panel # 060 340 0004D, dated 09/04/87 . (revised with a LOMAR dated 04/18/91) . STATUS OF PROPERTY: ,. Existini lAnd Use Undeveloped Parcel General Plan De~tion . General Services Commercial Zorn. CM-PUD STArns OF SURROTJNDING PROPERTY: North: East: South: West: Existinr I..And Use Future Restaurant site Future Mini-Mart site Undeveloped Parcel Chevron Gas Station General Plan DesiVation General Services Commercial General Services Commercial Industrial Park: Visitor Serving Commercial Zoni. CM-PUD CM-PUD Ml He A1S 97-38 (Pun. 2 . 9125/97 CONFORMANCE OF REOUEST WITH GENERAL PLAN: The proposed project, representatiDg . part of . larger PUD approved UD~er A/S 93-05, i substantially consistent with the land use desiW'Ation for the property on the General Plan Ma (GENERAL SERVICES COMMERCIAL). The proposed pn:;ect is also consistent with the intent ofth text of' the GeJ}era1 Plan document. In addition, the propoSed site design is' also consistent ~ th following South County ;Joint Area PIon policies (adopted by the .City CoUncil on 5115/89): 20.00 TRUCK STOPS 'Truck stops should be located near major truck routes, and because of their demand for higher level of police and fire protection, and the nature and range of activities they generate, proposals tl develop truck stops should be thoroughly evaluated for a variety of JocationaJ, enviro~ental, jiscaj and safety-related considlrations ... " .. 20.04 'Those truck stops which are allowed within the Cities of the South County should be located nea major trucking routes in an area which wiD serve the 1IIDXimum mnnber of truckers, thereb) minimizing the need for additional truck servingfacilities, and minimizing the impacts of truck traffi( on the community. " ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACI'S: ,. , . A prior expanded Initial Study was prepared under General Plan Amendment request OP A 94-02 involving the subject 1.17-:1= acre site. The expanded Initial Study, addressing the project, w&! independently reviewed by City statrand reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. Tht Initial Study identified poteDtiaDy significant effects on the environment, however, the applicant agreed tc . specific revisions in the project and/or individual mitigation measures that applied to.the project whicl avoid or mitigate the potential effects to a point where no significant effects-will occur. There is nc substantial evidence that the proposed project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration was prepared and approved under GP A 94-02 (adopted by the City Council on January 17, 1995). Staff hu subsequently reviewed this report in conjunction with thf current request (A1S 97-38) and fmds .the proposed futfood restaurant project lubstantiaDy consistent with the prior environmental documentation. RELA TED APPLICATIONS: GPA 94-02: A General Plan An1fI!nCIment proposal that changed the prior General Plan land use map designation from INDUSTRIAL PARK and OPEN SPACE to GENERAL SERVICES COMMERCIAL, on 14.78:f: acres of land. This request was recommended for approval by the planniTlg Commission and approved by the City Council on January 17, 1995. A1S 97-38 (P~ 3 . 9125/97 Z 92-07: A Zone Change request that changed the zoning designation on 14. 78:l: acres of land from the prior ~ (Limited Industrial, 12.6Oj: acres owned by the applicant) and OS (Open Sp~ 2.IS:!: acres und CalTrans authority) to CM-PUD (Commercial Industrial, P~ Unit Development). This request w; recommended for approval by the Planni1,g Commission and approved by the City COQllcil On JIID118n' 1 1995. . .. . TM92-03: . A Tentative Map requesi that created five parcels, each zoned CM-PUD~ The five parcels range in ~ from approximately I.l:!: to 7.7:!: acres. A circular public street [Travel Park Circle]7 connecting 1 Monterey Street at two separate locatio~ will facilitate all access to the five parcels. This tentative 1m request was part of the PUD A/S 93-0S submittal. This requeSt was recommended for approval by tt Planning Commission and unanimously approved by the City Council on February 217 1995. A1S 93-05 (PUB): Planned Unit Development approval for the overall truck stop. site desi~ proposed uses7 paro configuration, on/off-site street improvem~ and reciprocal parking arrangement between uses. Ih: PUD application did Dot address or ~prove ~ecific architectural buildine desip. The Plannin Commission specifically asked that future arcbitectural building designs be brought back before them. Th request was recommended for approval by the Pl~ Commiqion and unanimously approved by the Cit Council on February 21, 1995. A1S 97-06 (PUB): Planned Unit Development Arcbitectura1 & Site approval for the devdopment of a Truck Stop / Mini-mat gas station on one of the five independent parcels which comprise the truck stop complex on propert . zoned CM-PUD (Commercial Industri~ Planned Unit Development). This request was recommende: for approval by the Planning Commission and unanimously approved by the City Council on April 21 1997. f ANALYSIS OF REOUEST: The proposed Architectural & Site plans submitted by Jack-in-the-Box under this Planned Uni Development request will allow the construction of a fast food restaurant on one of the five indepencien parcels which encompass the Travel Park truck stop complex on property zoned CM-PUD (Commercia Indu~ Planned Unit Development). The first page of the architectura1 drawings, submitted by the applicant for this request, illustrates th( original PUD approval gnmted under A/S 93-057 and de1inCates the five parcels as created under TM 92-0~ (ranging in size from 1.1:!: to 7.7:!: acres). A circular public street pattern, connecting to Monterey ROa( at two separate loaltions, wiD &l'!I~ an access drives. No private access driveways directly to Montefe) Road are propo~ with the exception of a right-tum-only exit for parcel op.e7 the subject project. A/S 97-38 ~ 4 . 9125/97 As submitted and approved under the original PUD application, A1S 93-05, the tlUck stop will involve tl development offive parcels under one coordinated site plan design, with the following proposed uses: Parcel #1: Fast Food Restaurant Parcel #2: Full Service "sit-down" Restaurant Parcel #3: Motel . Parcel #4: Public Mini-Storage Facility Parcel #5: Truck St~p Lounge~ Truck &. Auto Fueling, Truck Parking, and Mini-Mart l Gas S~( Under the eUlTen. PUD submittAl- the JQJplirJInf is requesm.1 the foDowinl two adions: #1. Site design approval for the project CODf'lpI'atiOD; aad _ [this part involves a review for consistency with the prior PUD approval granted under A1S 93-O~ #2. Architectural design approval for the proposed restauraat building elevatioDL [this part involves a review for consistency with the prior PUD approval granted under A1S 97-Ot Site desip Overall, the proposed Jack-in-the-Box site plan configuration is substantially consistent with the pric approved Planned Unit Development application A1S 93-05, reviewed by the Planning Commission an approved by the City Council on February 21, 1995 (note: the firIt page of1bc II'Chitcctural drawiDss IIlbmittcd b the applicant illusIrates the orisinal PUD approvIl granted UDder A/S 93-05). As originally proposed, an access driv, will be improved to the adjoining parcel to the south in order to minimize increased vehicular traffic 0] Monterey Street and to help elimina.te the creation of undesirable strip commercial development. 1 . addition, the site design wiD share an adjoining access drive with the futme mini-mart. , Architectural desip The proposed fast food restaurant will be single story construction, total 2,622 square feet in floor area and will seat 90 people. Blending in with the architectural design established under the prior approve< PUD, A/S 97-06 for the Truck Stop Lounge I Mini-mart, the Jack-in-the-Box building will have ~ "COU1lt!Y Ranch" influence with the following architectural characteristics: a Hipped root: surfaced with high-profile asphalt shingles [same as Truck Stop I Mini-mart] a Scored concrete block wainscotting [same as Truck Stop I MiDi-mart) a Stuccoed wall fiIces with aluminuDl framed windows and doors [ume as Truck Stop 1MiDi-mart] a A building color schedule with accent bandi'l8 [ume as Tmck stop IMini-mart) Spedallll'Chitectu1Yll1lote: The distinctive roof cupolas approved under the prior PUD approval (A/S 97-06, Truck Stop / Mini-mart) have been removed due to the architectural difficulty of incorporating these characteristics into future buildings and improvements (see attached drawings J43-J). AlS 97-38 (PUD). 5 .. 9125/97 The applicant has worked closely with City staff in order to develop a project that adcti-esses a multitude of site and architectural design issues and concerns. As submitted, the subject Planned Unit Development site plan design is consistent with both the. intent of the City's General Plan text and Land Use Map. REOUlRED FINDINGS: . In order to grant Planned Unit DeveloPment design review approval, the PIAm'lingCommission and C;:-' Coun~i1 must find that the proposal \vill: A Conform to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and standards of development; B. Provide the type of development which will fill a specific ~ of the surrounding area; C. Not require urban services beyond those which are currently available; D. Provide a harmonious, integrated plan which justifies exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of this Ordinance; E. Reflect an economical and efficient pattern of land uses; F. Include greater provisions for landscaping and open space than would generally be required; G. Utilize aesthetic design principles to create attractive buildings and open areas which blend with the character of surrounding areas; H. Not create traffic congestion, noise, odor, or other adverse effects on surrounding areas; and I. Provide adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage, as necessary. STAFF RECOMMENDA nONS: StaB' is reeommendinl that the Planning Commission forward a reeommendationto the City Council to .ppmve thn PUD design review request for the foRowing reasons: . ... The proposed.site and arMitectura1 design are substAftt1A11y consistent with the prior approved Planned Unit Development applications AlS 93-05 and A1S 97-06, reviewed by the Planning Colllft1ission and approved by the City Council on Febrwuy 21, 1995, and April 21, 1997, respectively; ... The proposed site design conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document; A/S 97-38 (P~ 6.. . 9125/97 .. There will be no significant environmental impacts as a result of this project due to the require mitigation measures to be applied at the development stage; and .. As submitted, the proposed development is consistent with the necessary PUD Findings A through : as stated under Zoning Ordinance Section 50.55. In addition. Staff re~ommends the foUowinr ~onditioDS be pla~ed on the pntinr of this request: 1. MITIGATION MEASURES #1 through #23, contained within the revised Negative Declaration date 12/16/94 for Of A 94-02 invoNing the subject project, shaD be applied to the approval of this Planned Urn Development (A1S 97-38) in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level 0 insignificance, as required under the California Enviromnental Quality Act (CEQA). 2. I.andscaping: l.andscaping plans including specifications for an inigation system shall be approved by thl Planmng Division in accordance with the City's Consolidated Landscaping Policy, prior to issuance of; building permit. The landscaping shaD be continuously maintslined in an orderly, live, healthy, and relativel~ weed-free condition, in accordance with the adopted landscaping policy. 3. Tmsh Enclosures: The trash enclosure sba1l consist of a visually solid masomy waD and gates, six (6) fee in height, in accordance with the adopted City of Gilroy standard trash enclosure design plan, or a simila: design approved by the Planni~ Division. All trash enclosures shall be located in accordance with th( approved site plan and Uniform Fife Code. . 4. Exterior Lighting: No unobstructed beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the sit, . toward any residential use or public right-of-way. t. 5. Mechanical Appwtenances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof o( a building shall be screened by an architectural feature of the building such that it cannot be seen from ground level at the far side 01 the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever possible. 6. Delineated sigDage is Dot approved. TJle applicant shall develop a comprehensive sign program for aD project signage, subject to Planning Division review and approval. 7. Building colors shall be earth tones, subject to Planning Division review and approval. . 8. AD public sewer lines, storm drains, and water lines which traverse through private parcels shalI be within accessIuti1ity ~~ subject to the review and approval by the Community Development Department. 9. The developer/applicant must obtain a sewer allotment for this project, and sign a sewer allotment agreement prior to the issuance of any building pennits. A/S 97-38 (Pun. 7 . 9125/97 10. AD curb arts for access drives shaD be constructed at a minimum distance often (10) feet from adjacer: fire hydrants and/or street light poles. 11. The developer shaD separate the business water system from ~e landscaping system and provide 8.1 individual meter for each in accordance with City of Gilroy Standard Details. 12. All Utility lines to and adjacent to the site shall be located underground, Subject to thereviewan( approval by the Community Development Department.. . 13.. The design for stonn drainage improvements, both on and off site, shaD be provided by the developer subject to the review and approval by the Community Development Department and the Santa Clan Valley W ster District. '- 14. The developer shaD provide an emergency access roadway to within one hundred fifty feet (1 SO') oj the front side of any structure during project construction, subject to the review and approval by the Fire Department. 15. The developer shall provide and install a Knox Box, subject to the review and approval by the Fin Department. 16. The applicant is subject to Gilroy City Ordinance #83-6 (HMSO - Hazardous Materials Storage Ordinance) administered by the Fue Department, and shall therefore obtain, complete, and sigr HMIS (Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement). 17. The applicant shaD be required to install an underground grease interceptor for all food processing uses, subject to the review and approval of the City's Industrial Waste Inspector. .. ,. Respectfully, #il c:\~~ -, 9 t ,. . -0 LOCATION MAP FOR A/S' 97-38 . Plantting.epartmen. NEGATIVE DECLARATION" Ciey of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 ,( REVISED ) CI'l'Y FILE R'OMBERS: GPA 94-02. Z 92-07. ~ 92-03. PtJD A/S 93-05 PROJECT DESCRIPTIOR:. Name of project: Nature of Project: HVW properties Truck stop Center General.Plan ;.mendment, Zone Change, Tentative Hap, and ~lanned unit Development (pm)) approvals to allow the p'~oposed development of a truc~ stop complex. PROJECT LOC.ATIOR: Location: Approximately 15 acres on the west side of Bolsa Road, adjacent to the Highway 101 / Monterey Street interchange. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 841-14-067 EDtitv or Per.ODtSl UDdertakin~ proiect: Name: HVW Partners (c/o Howard Vierra) Address: 22650 Meltean Road, San Jose ,CA 95120 IRITIAL S'1'ODY: An expanded Initial study for this project was undertaken and ,prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether the project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is on file at the city of Gilroy Planning Department, 7351 Rosanna street, Gilroy, California. FIRDIRGS 5 REASONS: The Initial study identified potentially significant effects on the environment. Bowever, the applicant has agreed to specific revisions in the project and/or the project has been revised. See the following list of M%TI~IOR MEaSuRES, which aveid or mitigate potential effects to a point where no significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence that 'the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these findings: A. The proposed Truck Stop Center, under the provisions of a planned Unit Development, is consistent with the City's General Plan land us. map; B. The proposed Planned Unit Development is substantially consistent with the adopted goals and policies 'of the City's General Plan document; C. The granting of the General Plan Amendment, zone Change, Tentative Map, and planned Unit Development (POD) approvals will not adversely affect or impact adjacent parcels of land or developed industrial, commercial , or agricultural properties in the vicinity; and D. The po~ential significant effects identified within the Initial study can be mitigated to reduce them to an insignificant level of ~act. REG.DEC. MV'W ne smp . 2 '. 12/16/94 REVISED 1. The proj.ct .hall be designed in .ccordance with' earthquake d..ign regulations of the Unifo:rm Building Code, .ubject to the review and approval by the City Building, Life I. Environmental Safety Department. 2. A soil. investigation shall be prepared for the project site by a' . qualifi.d soil. engineer. The recommendations of the .oils investigation .hall be incorporated into the final improvemen~ plan. and shal~ be reviewed and .pprov.d by the city Department of Public Work~ prior to approval of the final map. The purpo.es of the soils investigation are to . determine the exact .oils characteri.tics and limitations o~ the project site~ specifically the shrink-swell potential of the soils, and to recommend appropriate engineering specifications for the proposed project. 3. ~he deve~~pershall construct finished floor elevatio~s at least o~e foot above the lOO-year 'f~ood elevation as delineated on the 1994 preliminary FIRM amp on file . with the City of Gilroy. To accomplish this, the preliminary grading plan .~all be revised to r~flect the following changes: A. Raise the first floor of the motel elevation 186'; and B. Raise the first floor of the mini-.torage buildings to elevation 187'. 4. The design of all storm drainage improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to r.vi.w and approval by the City Department of Public Works. Th.se design plans .hall include, but not be limited to: A. calculations verifying that at least 1.5 acre-feet of water detention storage will be provided at the project site; B. The water detention storage shall be lined. It shall have an .vorovri.te inlet .Dd outl.t for rel..siDQ wat.r fram the detention vond into a wat.rcours. through a storm drain sy.tem with adeauate cavacity to conv.y r.l..... fram the d.tention ~ond; c. Applicabl. storm wat.r source and treatment-bas.d best management practices, applied and maintained, as r.c;~nded in the cali:fornia Storm Water. Best .Han.~ement Practice Handbook; D. sediment and pollution control faciliti.s within the storm drain detention facilities; and E. Provi.ions for periodic sweeping for roadways, driveways, and parking area. on the project site. 5. Developers shall pay the appropriate storm drain development fees, subj.ct to review by the City Department of Public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. 6. The project proponent .hall be requir.d to obtain a National Pollution Discharge Elimination systems Program (HPDES) General Con.truction Permit, requir.d und.r the Federal Clean Wat.r Act, fram the Regional Water Ouality Control Board, prior to issuance of a building permit. The HPDES construction permit requires implementing both construction and post- construction phase storm water pollution best management practices. Additionally, the proposed project shall implement provisions of the HPDES construction permit which reqUires preparing and complying with a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. IIZG.DEC. MVII' .8mP 3 . 12/16/94 REVISED 1. The project proponent shall conduct a velocity study to design slope . protection for the railroad ballast. The study shall address the scour1ng effect of the floodway and the measures that will be needed to be undertaken to protect the railroad tracks, ballast, and slopes.. This study and design shall be subject to review and approval by the city public Works Depart:ment. S. The developer shall pay the appropriate traffic impact fee, subject to approval of the City Department of Public Works, prior to issuance of a building permit. 9. ~he developer shall signalize the Honterey Street/Southbound Highway 101 ramps intersection. 10. The developer shall'prepare a traffic facilities improvement plan to include the inst.ll.~ion of the following improvements: A. Provide a sidewalk along the entire project Monterey Street frontage: B. Provide bus turnouts along the project frontage as directed by the Santa Clara County Transportation Agency: C. Provide two through lanes, as well as a left-turn lane on the northbound Bolsa Road approach at the project driveway. This will be needed to accommodate long-term traffic growth: D. Provide two left-turn lanes, a through lane, and a right-turn lane on the northbound Highway 101 off-ramp. The.left-turn lanes should provide a minimum of 300 feet of velU.cular storage. The right-turn lane should provide a minimum of 200 feet of vehicular storage. This will be needed to accommodate long-term traffic cond! tioDs; E. Signalize the Monterey Street/Northbound Highway 101 ramps, project driveway intersection: F. Dedicate right-of-way and provide frontage improvements along the project frontage on Bolsa Road to accommodate a four-lane divided arterial: G. Provide verification that the vertical alignment of the project driveway can accommodate a 25 mile per hour design speed. This includes sight distance across Honterey Street. . currently Honterey Street if banked to the west with a 4 percent super elevation. The on- site driveway drops off to the east at a 5.5 percent grade. This is about a 10 percent change in gradient across the intersection. The ability for vehicles to maintain lane alignment east bound and west bound across the intersection must be maintained through the intersection: H. Provide a driveway on the easterly side of Parcel 2 to allow vehicle easier and clearer entry from an exit to the main project driveway. An east bound left-hand turn lane will need to be provided on the main project entrance to accOJlllllOdate the inbound movement. The high turnover sit-down restaurant on Parcel 2 is currently proposed to be served by only a single driveway at the back side of the parcel: I. Install stop signs on the three exiting movements at the main project driveway intersection with the first on-site north/south cross aisle between Parcels 1 and 5: and. IIEG~I)EC. JIVW- ue &mP 4 . .-. 12/16/94 ~SED J. provide for additional width required to allow for bike lanes on Monterey Road per city standards and specifications. Traffic facility improvement plans shall be subject to .the review and approval by the City Public Works Department, prior to approval of the final map and final improvement plans. 11. The developers shall be responsible for submitting a dust and pollution _ control-plan subject to revie~.and'approval by the City Building, Life ~_ Environmental safety Department, consistent with existing City policies and codes prior to issuance of a building permit. This 'plan may include the following measures: A. R.e;:ard engine timing on diesel-powered equipment to reduce NOx emissions. Maintain existing gasoline-powered equipment in tune per manufacturer's i~tructions. B. substitute electric-powered equipment for internal combustion-powered equipment, where feasible. c. Substitute gasoline-powered equipment (preferably, with catalytic converters installed) for diesel-powered equipment, where feasible. D. Develop a comprehensive construction activity management plan to minimize the pieces of construction equipment operating and the extent of the site area worked during any given time period. E. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Require increased wate:r;ing frequency whenever wind. speeds exceed 15 mph. F. Lay building pads and pave roadways area, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. as soon as possible. G. Limit the speed for all construction equipment to 15 mph on any unpaved surface. B. Schedule as many construction truck trips as possible during non-peak hours to reduce peak-hour emissions. I. Water or securely cover all excavated material transported off-site. I' . 12. Noise-generating construction activities shall be restricted to normal daytime hours (7:00 am to 10:00 pm). Construction equipment shall be properly muffled and maintained. The contractor work specifications for all construction activities shall reflect these measures subject to the review and approval of the City Building, Life ~ Environmental safety Department prior to issuance of a building permit. 13. A noise analysis shall be conducted to determine anticipated on-site noise levels generated by the proposed project. The analysis information shall be used to determine the need for any noise attenuation structures or special building design ,considerations for both the restaurant and the motel. The noise analysis shall be conducted subject to review and approval by the City Building, Life ~ Environmental Safety Department prior to issuance of a building permit. REG.DEC. MVW ~p 5 . 12/16/94 REVISED 14. The developer shall provide design guidelines for the entire site which should include, but not limited to, the following components: A. Landscaping (paying special attention to the southern and western borders of the site, as well as between the truck parking area and the motel and restaurant). 'Development of the site, 'shall confo.;:m to the city of Gilroy'S consolidated Landscaping Policy: and B. Architectural design (to ensure internal design compatibi.lity and design which is compatible with'southern Gilroy). " These design'guidelines shall be subject to the review and~pproval by the' City Planning Department prior to approval of the final.map and shall be addressed fully within the city of Gilroy's planned Unit Development procedures via Architectural & site Review. 15. The developer shall construct all utilities to, through, and on the s.ite underground subject to the review and approval by.the city Department of Public Works. 16. Prior to development of the site, the developer shall pay required City of Gilroy Public Safety impact fees. 17. The design of all water infrastructure improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject to the review and approval by the City Department of Public Works. The proposed project shall provide a looped 12 inch water system ~rom the existing line in Monterey street to the existing stub located in Southside Drive east of the railroad tracks. This will require a fully dedicated utility easement through the private properties the line traverses. A bore & jack, separate from the one required for the sewer extension, will be required under the railroad tracks. , 18. Deveiopers shall pay the appropriate water development fees, subject to review by the City Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of . building permit. t' 19. All existing on-site wells shall be permanently capped in compliance with the standards set forth by the Santa Clara Valley Water District and the City Department of Public Works prior to the issuance of a building permit. 20. The design, of all sewer infrastructure improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer subject to review and approval by the City Department of Public Works. Sewer lines shall be a minimum of 12 inches. 21. Developers shall pay the appropriate sewer development fees subject to review by the City Department of public Works prior to issuance of a building permit. 22. Prior to development of the site, the developer must obtain sufficient sewer allocation to serve the proposed project and will be required to.pay City of Gilroy sanitary sewer connection fees. REG.DEC. MVW 'S"l'OP 6 . 12/16/94 REVISED 23. Due to the possibility that significant buried cultural resources might be found during construction, language shall be printed on construction drawings to protect these resources, pursuant to the review by and approval of the City Planning Department. such language might read as follows: .r~ arcbaeological resources or buman r.....1".. are disc,?,vered dur~ng cons~ruct:ion, work sball be bal~ed within 50 meters (150 ~eet) o~ the ~ind un~il it can be evaluated by a quali~ied pro~essio1t4l '.. archaeologist. r~ tbe ~ind is determined to be sJ.gnJ.~i.cant,. appropri.ate mitigation measu~es shall be ~or.mulated and implemented.~ Date Prepared: October 21, 1994 End of Review Period: December 9, 1994 /S/ MICHAEL R. DORN, Director of PlanniT. Approved by city Council: January 17, 1995 Michael Dorn, Director of Planning ,. f' . . Attachment A :MITIGATION MONITORING 'PROGRAM CHECKLIST MVW Properties Truck Stop Center Expanded Initial Study Prior to approval of the Final Subdivision Map,.the following mitigations shall be implemented: . . . . .. Party Mitigation Responsible for Party Responsible for Number Nature ofMiti2'ation Im:Dlementation MonitorUw 2 Prepared detailed soils Developer Public Works Department - investie:ation 3 Revise preliminary grading plan Developer Building Department to reflect construction of finished floor elevations at least one foot above the 10o.;yeat~flood elevation 4 Revise storm drain improvement Developer Public Works Department Dlans 7 Conduct velocity study; design Developer Public Works Department slope protection for railroad ballast 10 Prepare traffic facilities Developer Public Works Department imDrovement DIan 14 Provide architectural and Developer Planning Department landscaDe desim lZUidelines 17 Provide design of all water Developer Department of Public Works infrastructure improvements servine: the Droiect site 20 Provide design of all sewer I Developer Public Works Department infrastructure improvements servin2' the Droiect site " " . . Attachment B MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM CHECKLIST MVW Properties Truck Stop Center Expanded Initial Study . Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the following' mitigations shall 'be implemented: J! Party Mitigation Responsible for Party Responsible for Number Nature of Mitil!'ation Imulementation Monitorinl!' 1 Development designed in accordance with earthquake Developer Building Department desim re2Ulations 5 Pay storm drain development Developer Department of Public Works fees 6 Obtain NPDES permit Develooer Department of Public Works 8 Pav traffic imDact fee Developer Department of Public Works 9 Design and install Monterey Developer Public Works Department Street/Southbound Highway 101 r8lnDsinterse~on 11 Submit dust and pollution Developer Building Department control plan 12 Restrict constru~on activities to Developer Building Department normal daytime hours (7:00 am to 10:00 pm) 13 Conduct noise analvsis Developer Buildinsr DeDartment 15 Construct all utilities to, Developer Building Department through. and on the site underszround 16 Pay required Public Safety Developer Planning Department imDact fees 18 Pay the appropriate water Developer' Department of Public Works develoDment fees 19 Permanently cap existing on-site Developer . Department of Public Works wells Santa Clara Valley Water District 21 Pay the appropriate sewer Developer Department of Public Works development fees 22 Obtain sufficient sewer Developer Department of Public Works allocation to serve the proposed project and pay City of Gilroy sanitarv sewer conne~on fees 23 Protect any future Developer City Planning Department archaeologicallhistorical resources discovered on-site . . t . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 97-58 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 27th day of October, 1997, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 24th day of November, 1997. ~ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)