Resolution 1998-43 . . . .~ , . RESOLUTION NO, 98-43 REVISED-Numbering Error A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING TM 98-06, A VESTING TENTATIVE MAP WITH 78 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 29,15 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF THOMAS ROAD, BORDERING THE NORTH SIDE OF BABBS CANYON CREEK, APN 808-20-011 WHEREAS, Orchard Valley Communities ("Applicant") submitted TM 98-06, requesting a Vesting Tentative Map to subdivide a 29.15 acre parcel into 78 single-family, residential lots; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") a Negative Declaration was adopted by the City Council on April 20, 1996, along with a mitigation/monitoring program, which included this project in connection with zoning amendment application Z 95-09; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on July 1, 1998, at which it considered this project and voted to recommend approval of TM 98-06 to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on July 20, 1998, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated June 24, 1998, and all other documentation on the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council finds as follows: 1, The project is substantially consistent with the General Plan because it conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan Map, and is substantially consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document, all as set forth in the Staff Report dated June 24, 1998, 2, The project is substantially consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and the City's Subdivision and Land Development Code, 3, The proposed subdivision is consistent with the concurrent Planned Unit \KHM\41831401 81-072 404706002 -1- Resolution No, 98-43 . . " Development (PUD) approval, 4, There are no facts to support findings requiring denial of the proposed tentative map pursuant to California Government Code section 66474, 5, There is no substantial evidence that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. B. Vesting Tentative Map TM 98-06 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the twenty-one (21) conditions identified in the Staff Report dated June 24, 1998, attached hereto as Exhibit 1\ and to mitigation measures 1 through 30 of the Negative Declaration attached hereto as Exhibit B, and to the mitigation/monitoring program attached hereto as Exhibit C, all above-described exhibits incorporated herein by this reference, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of August, 1998 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, GIFFORD, MORALES, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, GILROY COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: SUDOL APPROVED: ~.~~~~~ ,A. Mike Gilroy, Mayor \ ~~ y;2~-<-~ Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk \KHM\418314,01 81-072404706002 -2- Resolution No, 98-43 . . (- ". , ( . C6mniQnity ~evelopment :D~ent' Planning Division Staff Report d'~ ,_ ~.'. .' ~.-. .~.'. -, ~,~'I.. " - -,:..'7'_~~~_'~~7::'-~,-"..,.-~~?:~~_. . . . . . 1uDe 24, 1998 . , . ,FILE' NUMBER: _~ 98-06, Vesting Tentative ~ for De P"JIla . " APPUCANT: Orchard Valley Comimmities .(clo CJiffJohnson) LOCATION: Westerly terminus of Oak Brook Way . . [immediately west ofKlImm.n &\ Broad's Oakbrook Subdivision] STAFF: WiDiamFaus REOUESTED ACfION: The applicant is requesting"Vesting Tentative Map approval for "The J'iUos- phase of the Thomas Road Development. If approved, this tentative map request will allow the subdivision of a 29.15 :I: acre site into 78 single family lots, with a minor additional dedication to the Babbs Creek preserve. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Parcel No': Parcel. Size: Flood 'Zone:. 808-20-011 appro~Ately,29.I5 acres , "0", panel 06034 ??oo 3D, dated 09/04/87 {With a revised 04/18/91 LOMAR} , , STAnIS OFPROPER.TY: , Existil1i T .sind Use UDdeveloped General Plan DesipniOn Residential Low/Mecl. Density Zonhw RII R3 PUD - STATUS OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY: North: East: South: West: Eximnr l.smd Use FaDow Field, SF Res. Single Family Homes ' , 'Babbs Creek Preseive Agricultural . General Plan Dempnion ' Residential Low Density Residential ~w/Med. Density , "Residential Low Density Residential Low Density Zonin; . AI. RI/RJ PUD RI POD At Exhibit A :- ( . . 6J24J9I ~ .' ~"'~'_ :;:::If'::'--~\~~~:';>:,, , ~::-f ..: , :' 1M 98-06 ( .' .' '" . 2 , '. CONmRMANCE OF HOUEST WITH GENERAL PLAN: The proposed Vesting Tentative Map (TM 98-06) comoODl to 'the lad use dNi~OD ,for 'die property on the General PJm map, mI is ~lItent with ~.iDteat of the text of the Geaaal PJm dOcument. This project also conforms with the policies of GiJroYs GenerIl Plan. The fbllowing ~Ies demoDStrate this compliance: ' ,Urban DevelQpMent and Coimmm~ Desip , , POUCY3: , " . Urban Development Will only occur within the 'Incorporated portion of the Planning Area. Land will therefore be annexed to the City before final development app,oWll is given. . " POUCY4: . The City willphase ~lopment in an orderly, contiPOfl3.mtI1J1IeI'in order to 1IIlIintain a compact development pattern to avoid premature investment for the atension of public facilities and services. ,New urban development will occur in areas where nnmicipa1 services are available and copacity exists prior to the approval of development in areas which 'WOUld require major new facility expansion. Residential Environment POUCY 1: The City will continue to work towards the goals of a balanced cotnnnmity with a variety of housing types and prices, sujJicient job opportunities, and an efficient and adequate provision of City services. Urban Growth and Development POUCY 11: ' Clustered development will be encouraged as a means of obtaining variety of design and a sense of openness. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: An ecpandtld Initial Study was prepared for the proposed project, which was pn;viously submitted to both the Planning Commiuion and City Council in 'January 1996. The study was independently reviewed by City staff and reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. The Initial Study" identified potentially ~cant e1fects on the environment, however, the appJicam has agreed to specific revisions in the project and/or individual mitigation meaiures wiD be applied to the project which avoid or mitigate theeffec:ts to a poiDt where no significant effects wiD oCcur. There is no ~bstantiaI evidence that the proposed project, as revised, may have a siguificant effect Qn the environment. Therefore, a Negative Declaration was prepared and issued UDder Z 95-09, by the City Council on 4120196. S....... subsequently review:ed this report in coajaactioa witJa tile subject request (TM 98-06), aDd fiBeII the project ~bstantiaDy CODJisteDt with tile prior e.aviroDlDental documentation. ',' ., " ' F~:::;;_~'.;'~;2-~:;-~-=~~--;_:?' :7.r." ':~"~~'-~'f:,:~..: - . TM98-06 . , 3 - -,' 'c, t~ . " . ...~~ ' . - ..... "",' . ^ " ...... ,"~ ~,..' ,<:-,Ji:i. ... . ...:" -~~-"-f:"~;,-:;~r:;:;:-- .; Vo.:.. ' . ~ ~t..-r.- .1 6124198 -' RELA TIm APPLICATIONS: Z 95-09: , A prior' approved zone ,change request that amended the dty .of. GjIroy's ZoniJ:lg Map from Al (~) to RI-PUD (SiDgle Family,Residential- Planned UDit Devel~), and combined this . property with existing Rl-PUD amd R3-PUD property, in order to create a consolidated R1IR3 ~ (Pianoed Unit Developlile:nt) combining' district. This-request wii J'eCOI.lIl~ for approved by ~_, . Planning Commission on 4/4/96, and approved by the City Council on 4120/96.' , A1S 96-21 (PUD): _ This PlanneCi Unit Development approval allowed the "De o-b" phase of the Thomas Road project to be constructed on 41:t acres. The project involved 7S single Dmily homes on individua1lots, transfer of deasity within, the project PUD bouudary, aDd the completion of the north side of the Babbs Canyon Creek linear park adjacent to the project site. This request was recommended for approval " by the Plannittg Commission and subsequently approved by the City Council on December 16, ,1996. TM 96-07: Tentative Map for "The o.b", at Thomas Road, development project. A tentative map request to subdivide a 54.2:: acre site into 7S single family lots, a publicly dedicated creek preserve (Babbs Canyon Creek), and two remainder parcels. This, request was recommended for approval by the "Planning Commission and subsequently approved by the City Council on December 16, 1996. AlS 9~20 (PUD): - This application accompanies the subject Tentative Map request If approved, this Planned Unit ~elopment will allow the "De JrIllllS" phase of the Thomas Road project to be CODStructed on '29.15.:t aaes. The project, ~ aBow the subdivision of site into 78 single familylots, ~ a minor additional dedication to the Babbs Creek ~. " , ROO BACKGROUND: The subject tentative map request ("De Y"1lIIIS") represents a part of the larger Thomas Rf;tad Developmeat, which has four distinct sections: #1. De Yuaq"'* #2. De Cnd:s #3. De Y"1Ila #4. De Up/ads Total Development: 106 single family dwellings (south side of Babbs Creek) 78 single family dwellings (north side of Babbs Creek) 75 'smaB-lot SF dwellings (northwest of Babbs creek) 60 single t8mi1y dwe1linas (north,offbture Luchessa), 319 dwelling units - - ... :--1 .; . ,:>';", . . { '. 4 r . ~ 6f24I98 . "'.-,.'"'~:~..::,~,,' -.-' 'r "";:"";~"'l.'~ .~ ,; . TM 98-06.,. To da~e.. the Thom.. Road nev.'IQent ~.. ~ed the r~r R~ allatmmb: RD 82-03 RD 92-21 , RJ> ~5 RD 96-08 Total RDO: 42 siDgle family dweDinp (constructed UDder 1M 93-03) 141 ,single family dwellings (UDder TM 94-05, TM 96-07) 125 SF dwellings ('~"""'13 ....n lat.) , 46 single family cfweDings . 354 dweDing units approved forbuildOut 1.'he City Council approved build-out sched,ule for the 1992, 1994, aad 1996 ROO aDocatiou: . ' '1995 1996 1997 1998 1m 2000 Totals RD 92-21 ' 33 33 34 41 . 141 RD 94-05' 17 10 20 35 43 125 RD 96-08 46 46 Year Totals 33 SO 44 61 35 89 312 ANALYSIS OF REOUEST: The ~liCRnt Orchard ValltO' Communitie$. is !'eQJl" Vesting Tentative Map approval for "The Villas" ,portion of the Thomas Road Development prqect. If approved, this tentative map request will allow the Subdivision of a29.1~:I: acre site ,into 78 single fami1y lots [seventy-five small 4000 :I: sq.ft lots and'~ standard 6,000 sq.ft.lots], and a minor addition to the Babbs Creek preserve. (Note: three of the single family lots at 6,000 sq.ft., 1# 76, #77~ and #78, are the fellulining lots that complete , the adjacent ,subdivision being constructed by .JC.8n&u;Il' . Broad). The pr~ is locatM west of Thomas Road and borders the DOJth side of Babbs Canyon Creek. The , extension of Thomas Road to the west (future Luchessa AVenue) will border the project site along its ,northerly property line. Primary access wiD be provi~ from a local street cOImecting to Luchessa Avenue, with secondary acceis along existing Oak Brook Way (paraDel to Babbs Creek). No direct access to Luchessa Avenue wiD be developed. The proposed tentative map with the requested 78 single fami1y lots is consistent with the C~s General Plan land use map which d~Jltes the site as RESIDENTIAL LOW .aDd MEDIUM DENSITY. A maTi""",, build-out density not to exceed 7% dwelling units per net acre is allowed under the RI base zoning, and a msmmum of 16 dweUiDg units per net acre is allowed under the R3 b~ zoning. Combining the two districts is allowed under the existing PUD desigDation. ' .. 0 . .TM~ .' s (- . ------"~' . ... ,....' -". --.. ~ , ..... '......~...~_.~" . . - ...._'.:_~:~:.~",-':"j<., , '- , ... -...- .'.. .' ~. 6124/98 The eximnr PlJD combininr dimiet (altlb~.... Z 9s-t19. .. ~-.c..4tldfiwllppl-d 11y,. P..... Com",Wlon _414196 and t1pJ1'f1Wd by" CllyCt1llllt:ll _ 0t.W6) brings the R.IIDd R3 ~ dMipations together and allows the buildout deDsity to be t:nmsferred across the atire site. As propo.dl UDder the accompanyiDg PUD A1S 98-20 application, the site lIMp exhibits ail'overaD deasity of 6.7:.1: dweIIiDg,units per aae, (appco,:i..Ultp.)y 9.-1 :.I: units per acre UDder The YiI/Qs and 5.4:.1: units per acre for the Oakbrook site). ,The PUD ~ district allows the awnsms of Jot sizes in order to 'paDlit lots less than the mini'hU1'Q 6,000 square feet.' . ' " , ' The 'Babbs CmtYon Cn!e1c ~ was initiated wider tentative iDap apprOval TM 93-03 and P1inn~ Unit Development A1S 94-22.' The master plan for the project 'was created under the p~ and included both the north and south sides of the creek involving several parcels of land: The CUl'I'eDt tentative map adds a small remainder piece to the Babbs Canyon Creek project, which is consistent with the master plans ~ewed by the PIJmniftg Commiqion and approved by the City Council. , As submitted, the proposed Vesting Tentative Map is subpsmti-Qy consistent with the City's General Plan'land use map which designates the site u ResideDtia1 Low and Medium Density, substmttiaIly consistent with' prior City Council Residential Development Ordinance buildout allocation, substsmtiaDy conmstem with the State of CalifomiaMap Act, ~aI1y consistent with the City of Gilroy Subdivisions and Land Development code, substantiAlly consistent with the City's Zoning Ordinance, and substantially consistent with applicable development policies. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Sta1i'recommends that the PJamm,g Commission fonvard a recommeadatioD to the City CoaDcil to ap~ro~e this V estial Tea~tive ~p (TM 98-06) request for the following reasons: . '. A ,The proposed V~ Tentmve Map eonformsto the land use desigoation for the property on , the General Plan map aud is consistent with the intent of tile text of the General Plan document; B. Public utilitieS and ,infrastructure improvements, needed in order to serve the proposed development are in close proximity along Oak Brook Way and Luchessa Avenue; C. There wiD be.JIO ~caDt eDvironn~.. impacts as a result oftbis Vesting Tentative Map due to the required mitigation ~ to be applied at the development stage; and D. ' As submitted, the proposed Vesting T~ Map is consistent with the State ofCalifomia MAP ACT and the City of Gilroy SUBDMSIONS AND LAND DEVELOPMENT code. ' , TM"98-06 - f - - . . 6' r . -'~"'l-;~-'1' ~ . . ~ ~ 6124198 . III addition. Stafl'ret!ommenu the roDowin, mnditio... he ph..... on the patin, or thi. reqpest: " -, 1. MTnGA nON M1CA~IJR1i'_~ #11 throup ~ C()IIhIinM within the Neptive Declaration dated 4120/96 for Z 95-09 involving the subject project (JItt'ebed), shaD be applied to the approval oftbis Vesting Tent8tive Map in order to reduce and/or ~~'aD poteDtial sipificam ~ to . level of~giUficance, as required UDder the CaIifomia ~ Quality Act (CEQA). ' 2. Alr~w_ positioned adjacent ~o the fUture exteDsion ofLUchessa ~veaile shaD be d~t~:, ' .' control interior noise levels'in habitable rooms, from exterior sources, with tested ueemb&es having , STC of DC ratings of'4S db or more, (UBe Appendix Section S401(h), subject to 1he rmev; and approval by the Building Life and EnviromnentaI Safety Division,(BLES). 3. An aB-weather access road, not less than twenty (20) feet in wielth, for fire ~ shaD ~ provided before COIJJIDel1cing any combustible construction. Fae hydrants shaD also be iDstaI1ed and ftUlintained before combustible coDitruction begins, subject to the revie,w and approvaI by the BuDding Life and Ei1YironmentaLSafety Division (BLES).' " 4. Dead-end access roads, in excess of one hundred ~ (150) feet in length, shaD provide adequate turning capacity for Fire ~ apparatus, and turning radii shaD not be less than thirty-nine (39) feet, subject to the review and approval by the Building Life and EnviromnentaI Safety Division (BLES). S. The developer shall provide adequate dual access for each phase of development to meet the approval of the Community Development Department. 7. Street improverne1ts 8Dd the design afaD stmm drairulge. sewer aDd water Jines, and all street sections ~ widths shaD be subject to the review and approval by,the Engineering Division. - 8. All utilities to, through, and on the Site shaD be instaDed underground in accordance with SeCtion 21.120, subject to the review and approval. by ~,Engineering Division. _ TM 9B-06' ", . ~ J ..- (-. . 7 .. ..7 6124198' _ _' ~::::;':.~Jiq!t~~ ~ . M )- 9. The developer shaD submit a soils report for the pioject. ,AD aradiDg 0j)eMi0Dl and soD compaction , activities sbaIl meet tile appmval of tile City p~~ GradiQg plllls sbaIIlbow andes of aD adjICeIIt properties, subject to the review and approval by the EDaineeriDa Division. ' , . 10. All lots .ShaD drain to the street tbr storm dramage, subject to the review ind appmVll by the ' , R"iPneeriDg Division. . 11'. AD pioposed retJlini"B waDs must be CODStIUc:tcd of~ ..-.1eIIt aieriaJs such u concrete M m8soiVy <Preferably modulir system, i.e. key stone), subject to the review and aPProvaI by the .Commuuity, ' Development Departmeni. Wood will not be pe&n.itted. . 12. Show l~on of all existing wells. AD existiDg water weDs shaD be sealed to meet the approval of the City Engineer and the Santa Clara YaIley Water District (SCVWD). ' 13. The design, height, texture, and color for the proposed sound waD alcmg fUture Luchessa Avenue ~ be subject to the review and approval by the P~eering Division. 14. The, developer shall pRmde water and electric utility service to the J,Nscaping area alcmg the extension ofLuchessa Avenue, subject to the review and approval by the Community Services and Community Development Departments. 15. SoundwaD IandSClping along the future extension ofLuchessa Avenue shaD be subject to the review and approval by the Community Services and Community Development Departments. 16. All soundwalllocations shall meet the City of Gilroy's sight distance formula' on aD 'streets and intersections, subject to the review and apprOval by the CQD'Im\JDrty Development Department. 17. An street improvements involving Luchessa Avenue sbal1 be subject to the review and apprOval by the Engineering Division. , In addition, the eenter.;line radius ofLuchessa Avenue sbaII be designed to C&lTrails Standards., AD intersections shaD meet at right-angles with tangents, subject to the ' ,review and approval by,the Engineering Division. . , , 18. The deVeloper shall provide complete pedestrian access contistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ~ which sbaD.include a wheelchair curb ramp at the iDtersection of Thomas Road and future Luchessa Avenue, subject to the review aDd approval by the Community Developnent 1>epartmeDt. ' 19. Unless this project is exempt from the application of the City's Residential Development OrdiDance ("RDO.~ City ZoDing Ordinance Sections 50.60 et seq.)~ no buildiug permit shaD be ~ed in - cnnnection with this project iftbe owner or developer of ~ deve1opmeut: (1) is not in compliance with tile ROO, any CODditions of appmval issued !n connection with such deve1~ or other City ~"':~4$ applicable to such development; or (2) is in defau1t under any &greemeat entered into, with the City in connection with ~ch deveIopmem pursuant to ~ ROO. TM 98-06' 8 . . 6t24I98 ""l~ .~.;,~--:-,:,';",.i.,~:.,:....~.,.,":.t~ -' , ...',~ . ' '. -'-...., ( .>. ~:",. . " , ;/ .-. '. , 20. The subdivider shaD defead, iDdeamifY, aad hold harmless the City, its City Co.mcil "annit,g Cnmmi-sion, IpItS, oJBcxn, and employees &om any c1Iim, action, or prrv-'~ .pin. the Ciiy or its City Council, ~ Cnmmi.,ion, ~ ofticers, or employees to attack. set iside, void, or ammI an approval of the City, City Council, PIannUIa (:nmmi.,ioa, or other board, Idvisory 9DCY, or 1p.!pl'lative body concemins this subdivision. City.wiIl promptlY notifY the subctivicler of any claim, action, or ~ 'pinllt it, and will cooperate fbDy in the ,~. This condition is , imposed pursuant tQ CaHfomia Govemment Code section 66414.St' . . , " . , 21. The developer shaD provide joiDt trench composite plaDs, and utility improvement plans; tor the underground electrical, gas, telephone, cable television, and con...Hmication conduits and cables. Plans shaD include the size, location, details of all ~ locatiODl ofbuilding utility service stubs, and meters and ~b or'awu~ ofjuDction structures as. part of the Improvement Plan submittals for the project. The composite drawings and utility improvement plans shaD be signed by a licensed civil engineer, and wiD be a part ofthe.fina1 improvement pJaDS. In addition, Luchessa Avenue shaD be dedicated so that all utility in1tast:ructure and ficiJities will be located within the public right-of-way, subject to the review and approval by the Engineering Division. Respectfully, $ WilHam Faus Plsnni1,g Division Manager attachment ~VlU.ASJl.1M . 7-1..98 At their meeting of July 1, 1998, the Plannil\g Commiqion recommended approval of TM 98-06 with 21 conditions as set forth in the staff report by' a vote of 6-0-1 (Chairman Pinheiro absent). (Resolution 98-23) AYES: BLANKLEY, COUJER, GARTMAN, JAl, PUENTE, TUCKER., NAYES: NONE', ' , . ABSENT: PINHEIRO Planning Dfilartment ~NEGATIVE DECLARATION cl of Gilroy 7351 Rosanna St. Gilroy. CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 ~"',-,'".,I',. -'-,...,...~. ~,. ~~ CI~ FILE RUMBERS: Z 95-09 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Name of project: The Creeks at Thomas Road Bature of project: Proposed request to rezone 38t acres fr~ Al, Rl, and R3 (Agriculture, single Family Residential, and MediumD~nsity Residential) to Rl-puo and R3-PUO (single Family Res~dential \ planned Onit,Development, ~d Medium Density Residential \ Planned Unit Development) 1 and the prcposed development that includes 136 single family and 80 multi-family dwellings. PROJECT LOCATION: Location: West side of Thomas Road, north of Babbs canyon Creek. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 808-20-006, '011, 016. Entitv or Person(s\ Undertakina proiect: Name: Thcmas Road Properties, Ltd. Address: 7888 Wren Avenue, suite D-143, Gilroy, CA 95029 INITIAL S'l'UDY: An Expanded Initial study for this project,was undertaken a~d prepared for the purpose of ascertaining whether the prcject might have a significant effect on the envircnment. A copy of this study is on file at the City of Gilroy Planning Division, 7351 Rosanna street, Gilroy, California. FINDINGS & REASONS: The Initial study identified potentially significant, effects on the environment. However, the applicant has agreed to specific-revisions in the project and/or,the project has been revised. See the following list of' MITIGATIOB'MEA5URES, which avoid or mitigate ,potential effects to a point where no significant effects will occur. ,There is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment. The following reasons will support these findings: A. The proposed rezoning frcm Al, Rl, and R3 (Agr~culture, single Family Residential, and Medium Density Residential) to R1-PUO and R3-PUD (single Family Residential \ Planned Unit Development, and Medium Density Residential \ Planned Unit Development)-is consistent.with the 'city's General Plan land use map: B. The proposed project is substantially consistent with the adopted goals, and policies of the City's General Plan document: c. The granting of this request will not adversely affe~t or impact adjacent parcels of land or developed agricultural and residential properties in the vicinity: and D. All potential significant 'effects can be mitigated to reduce them to an insignificant level of impact. Exhibit B .. . Z95-09 NEGATIVE. ,.ARATION . . Page3orS. , 4. 'Developers shall pay'the appropriate storm drain development fees, subject to review by the city Engineering Division Works prior to issuance of a build- ing permit. 5. The developer shall apply for and 'obtain a General Permit for Storm Water , Discharges Associated with Construction Activity by submitting a completed Notice of Intent form and appropriate payment to the State Water Resources Control Board prior to the issuance of a building permit. Further, the devel- oper shall be required to comply with the terms of this p~rmit during and after construction of the project. Tnese terms include, but are not limited tOI the following: ' The use of water quality controls (i.e. Best Management Practices) both dur- ing and after constructionl for example: ' · Design project to focus on minimizing directly connected impervious surfaces to provide for slowing of storm water flows and increasing recharge potential; . · Stabilizing denuded areas prior to the wet season (October 1 through May 1); . ' ,.,'. . ,-' -........,..,."....,. '-;'C""C~ , , · ~imiting construction access routes and stabilizing access points; · . Protecting adjacent properties with sediment barriers, dikes, or mulching; · Using proper construction material and construction waste storage, handling, and disposal practices; , · Protecting outdoor storage materials from drainage with berms and roof covers; · Using appropriate landscape controls (irrigation and application of fertil- izers, herbicides, and pesticides); and · Installing structural storm water treatment controls such as wet ponds, 'swales, vegetated filter strips, extended detention basins, and sand ffi~rs. ' 6. The developer shall construct finished floor elevations at least one foot above, the 1 Oo-year flood elevation as delineated on the Flood Plain Study for Thomas Road Property, included as Appendix C of the Vineyards at Thomas Road Expanded Initial Study. Air Quality 7. Developers shall not grade more than three acres per day. This mitigation shall be implemented throughout project development and shall be included in co~struction specifications to be submitted to the city Engineering Division for review and approval. _ Z9S-09 NEGA1lVE rnON, Pag1!Sof8 .No d~velopment, staging of equipment or materials, placement of spoils, veg- etation removal, or use of off-road vehicles or mountain bikes shall be allowed in the buffer zone. The minimum width of the buffer may .be modified by the, Department of Fish and Game. The project redesign shall be subject to review by'the California Department of Fish and Game prior to approval of a tentative map by the city's Planning Division. 14. The project proponent shall include the following items in the ,final improve- , ment plans: · Revegetate the banks of Babbs Canyon Creek with vaney oak or west- ern sycamore such that a continuous riparian canopy is' eventually established. A revegetation plan and monitoring program shall be developed and implemented by a qualified native habitat restoration specialist. · Construction of a low-stature fence, similar the existing wire fence along Uvas Park Drive, along the outward edge of the riparian habitat to dis- courage unauthorized trespass into the corridor. 'This measure is intend~d to minimize the adverse effects of adjacent loss of foraging habitat and disturbances to wildlife from the presence of people and dOgs in,the corridor. ' · Establish signs alone the pedestrian trail that discouraee unautho rized trespass and prohibit' unleashed dogs from entering into the corridor. · Prohibit the use of private motorized vehicles on the pedestrian trail. · Lighting along the pedestrian trail shall be low in stature, with ligHts directed onto the pathway. Lighting along the street shall incorporate the , use or opaque shields to minimize lighting towards the riparian corridor. The opaque shields shall meet the concerns of public safety. Lighting that directly illuminates the riparian corridor shall not be established. This measure is intended to reduce the adverse effects of night lighting on noct~rnalwildlife using'the creek as a movement corridor. These items shall be incorporated into the final improvement plans, subject to review and approval by the city's Planning Division and Parks Division, and the California Department of Fish and Game prior to issuance of a building permit. , -1 15. Literature regardmg the value of riparian corridors and which encourages the protection of the botanical and wildlife resources of Babbs Canyon Creek shall be distributed by the project proponent with the sale of each new home at the project site. This mitigation is intended to educate future residents of the proposed project of the value of the riparian corridor. 16. The design of all storm drainage improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer, subject, t,o review and approval by the city's ~ 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Z9S-09 NEGATIVE iARATION need for noise attenuation considerations. 18. Noise-generating construction acti\1ties shall be restrided to the hours of 7:00 A.M. to 8:00 P,M., Monday through Friday, and 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. on weekends and holidays. Construdion equipment shall be properly muffled and maintained. The contractor work specifications for all construction activities shall reflect these measures, subject to the review and approval of the city Building Division, prior to issuance of a building permit. ' .-,..:-:; ;l' .":'~~ 1 .....,'" .. Page 7 ofa . structures or special building design Public Services 19. Prior to development of the site, the developer shall pay required city Public Safety impact fees. Prior to development of the site, the developer shall pay required city Public Safety impact fees. ' , Prior to development of the site, the developer shall pay required city Parks and Recreation impact fees. The developer shall dedicate the creek, its riparian area and a pedestrian trail as a city park and recreational facility., ' The city shall issue a 100-foot wide easement over the creek to the Santa Clara Valley Water District. The creek and pedestrian path shall be maintained through implementation of a Lighting and Landscape District charging appropriate homeowners. Lighting and landscaping along the project frontage at Thomas Road shall also be included jn".this district. ' The developer shall redesign the proposed project whereby the internal road wUI run parallel and adjacent to Babbs Canyon Creek Parkway. The redesign shall b~ reviewed and approved by the, city's Engineering and Planning Divisions. ' The' applicant shall construct or cause to construct the pedestrian trail. The design shall be review and approved by the Parks, Planning and Engineering Divisions ' Utilities and Service Systems 27. The design of all water infrastructure improvements serving the project site shall be provided by the developer,subject to the review and approval by the city's Engineering Division. 28. Developers shall install or cause to install through payment of a fee to the city, an additional water line in Thomas Road to accommodate the proposed ~ ....". .) , .. :~ . The Creeks At Thomas Road . Initial Study MJtigatio~ Mon~rlng Program Introduction On January 1, 1989, the California State legislatUre passed into law Assembly Bill '3180. This bill requires public agencies to adopt reporting or monitoring programs. when they approve projects subject to an environmental impact report or a negativ~~ . declaration that includes mitigation measures to avoid' significant adverse environmental effects. The reporting. or monitoring program is to be designed to , ensure compliance with conditions of project approval during project implementatiorl: in order to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. ,. The law was passed in response to historic non-Implementation of mitigation measures presented in environmental documents and, subsequently adopted as conditions of project approval. In addition, 'monitoring ensures that mitigation measures are implemented ,and tl1ereby provides a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness 'of the mitigation measures. A definitive set of project conditions would include enough detailed infonnation and enforcement procedures to ensure the measure's compliance.' This monitoring program is designed to provide a mechanism to ensure that mitigation measures and subsequent conditions of project approval are implemented. _ Monitoring Program The basis for this monitoring program is the mitigation measures included in the initial study. These mitigation measures are designed to eliminate or reduce signifi- cant adverse environmental effects to levels of insignificance. These mitigation mea- sures become conditions of project approval which the project proponent is required to compl~te during and ,after implementation of th~Proposed project. The, attached, checklist' (Attachments A, Bt and C) is, proposed for monitoring the implementation of the mitigation measures., This monitoring checklist contains all appropriate mitigation measClres in th~ initial study. Monitoring Program Procedures It is required that the City of Gilroy use the attached monitoring checklist for the Proposed project. The monitoring program should be implemented as follows: ' - . I 1. The City of Gilroy Planning Director should be responsible fOr cOordination of the monitoring program, including the monitoring checklist. The Planning Director should be responsible' for completing the monitoring checklist and ' Exhibit C . . ~~, 0:' -'" CHECKUST Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the foDowing mitigations shall be implemented: . , Mitigation Nature of Mitigation Party Responsible Party ResponsJble for Number fori MonItorina " 1 Development, designed in Developer Building ~ accordance with earthquake deaien reauJations 2 SoIls Investiaation ' : Develooer Division 3& 16 . Prepare stann drain improvement Developer Engineering Division, plans CalIfomia Department of Fish and Game 4 Pay storm drain development Developer EDgin . Dmsicm ~ fees 5 Obtain NPDES Permit j 6 Construct finished floor elevation Developer Building DivisJon one foot above 100-year flood elevation - 7 Do not grade more than 3 acres at Developer Planning Division a time 8 ' Water soils DeveloDer Enaineerina DMsion 9 Pay traffic . fee Develooer En' Division 10 InstaI'lefHum channels DeveIooer Enalneerina Division 11 Install all infrastructure frontage Developer Engineering Division imorovements 12 PrBoare detailed artJorist reoort - Division r 13 Develop-S)..foat buffer Jn88SW8 Developer ..PlanAing DivisJon outward from the riparian canopy Una on each side of the creek >:" .. , " i .. . .' 29 ne.;p lIeWer' iDfrut:ructan ~ 30 Protect all,. , fv. ture Dn.1oper ,~ ~~~eLed cm-site " . ' . ~DifWml PLmm, DmsUm "',-- "::>"~''''''',' :.,~, t . . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certifY that the attached Resolution No, 98-43 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of August, 1998, at which meeting a quorum was present, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 13th day of October, 1998, ~L. W~j?: City Clerk of the -City of Gilroy (Seal)