Resolution 1998-51 . . RESOLUTION NO. 98-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING TM 98-07, A TENTATIVE MAP WITH 47 RESIDENTIAL LOTS ON APPROXIMATELY 8.97 ACRES LOCATED WEST OF KERN AVENUE, BETWEEN MANTELL! DRIVE AND T ATOM AVENUE, APN 790-04-037, 038 WHEREAS, South County Housing ("Applicant") submitted TM 98-07, requesting Tentative Map approval to subdivide an 8.97 acre parcel into 47 single-family, residential lots; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") the City prepared an expanded initial study and circulated a proposed Negative Declaration in conjunction with application Z98-05, which application for a zone change included this project, which was adopted by the City Council on July 20, 1998, along with the Mitigation Monitoring Program for the project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing on July 1, 1998, at which it considered this project and voted to recommend approval of TM 98-07 to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on July 20, 1998, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated June 26, 1998, a memorandum to the City Administrator dated July 15, 1998, and all other documentation on the project; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The portion of this project that is exempt from the Residential Development \KHM\418330.01 83-072404706002 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 98-51 . . Ordinance is consistent with the exemption granted to the developer by the City Council. 2. The project is consistent with the intent of the goals and policies of the City's General Plan. 3. The project is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and the City's Subdivision and Land Development Code. 4. There are no facts to support findings requiring denial of the proposed tentative map pursuant to California Government Code section 66474. 5. There is no substantial evidence that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. B. TM 98-07 should be and hereby is approved, subject to the twenty-eight (28) conditions identified in the memorandum to the City Administrator dated July 15, 1998, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and to Mitigation Measures 1 through 15 of the Negative Declaration attached hereto as Exhibit B, and to the mitigation/monitoring program attached hereto as Exhibit C, all above-described exhibits incorporated herein by this reference, provided, however, that this approval is null and void unless and until the zoning ordinance approving zone change Z98-05 becomes effective.. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of September, 1998, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, MORALES, ROWLISON, SPRINGER, SUDOL, GILROY COUNCILMEMBERS: GIFFORD NOES: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: ~ ~ \(~ ~ I~~~ . ~~ K.A. Mike Gilroy, Mayor , d......... .....J ATTEST:___ .0 J/ .." / 0/:. ~ , - :;/}i.dA):f~~(-,L Rhonda Pelliri, Ci~ Clerk \KHM\41833001 83.072404706002 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 98-51 . . CODlDlunity Development DepartDlent Planning Division July 15, 1998 TO: City Administrator FROM: Melissa Durkin, Planner II .J..A.A~ SUBJECT: Amendment of Conditions for the South County Housing Tentative Map (TM 98-07) The City Attorney has recommended combining TM 98-07 conditions of approval numbers 22 and 26. This conditions currently read as follows: 22. The developer shall sign an agreement with the Gilroy Unified School District, agreeing to mitigate the impacts of this development on Gilroy schools, subject to review and approval by the G.US.D. 26. This project shall be subject to the conditions of approval for the approved Affordable Housing Exemptionfrom the RDO (M 98-06). The Final Mapfor this project shall not be approved until the resolution for M 98-06 is finally approved by the City Council. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. The proposed new condition would state: This project shall be subject to the conditions of approval for the approved Affordable Housing Exemptionfrom the RDO (M 98-06). As part of this approval, the developer shall sign an agreement with the Gilroy Unified School District, agreeing to mitigate the impacts of this development on Gilroy schools, subject to review and approval by the G. USD. The Final Map for this project shall not be approved until the resolution for M 98-06 is finally approved by the City Council. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. Therefore, the following conditions of approval are recommended to be applied to this project: I. Mitigation Measures 1 through 15 contained within the Negative Declaration for this project shall be applied to the approval ofthe project in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 2. Hydrant locations and water main sizing shall be subject to approval by the Building, Life and Environmental Safety Division, prior to the issuance of any building permits. EXHIBIT "A" . TM 98-07 Conditions of Approval -. 7/15/98 2 3. Street improvements and the design of all storm drainage, sewer and water lines, and all street sections and widths shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 4. All utilities to, through, and on the site shall be constructed underground, in accordance with Municipal Code Section 21.120, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 5. The developer shall provide joint trench composite plans for the underground electrical, gas, telephone, cable television, and communication conduits and cables including the size, location and details of all trenches, locations of building utility service stubs and meters and placements or arrangements of junction structures as a part of the Improvement Plan submittals for the project. The composite drawings and/or utility improvement plans shall be signed by a licensed civil engineer. This shall be subject to the approval of the Engineering Division. 6. All improvements are to be done per City of Gilroy Standards, subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 7. All retaining walls must be constructed of permanent materials such as concrete or masonry, and shall be of a modular design; wood shall not be permitted. This shall be subject to review and approval be the Engineering Division. 8. All grading operations and soil compaction activities shall be per the approved soils report and shall meet with the approval of the City Engineer. Grading plans shall show grades of all adjacent properties, and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineering Division. 9. All lots shall drain to the street for storm drainage, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 10. Subdivider shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its City Council, Planning Commission, agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its City Council, Planning Commission, agents, officers, or employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul an approval of the City, City Council, Planning Commission, or other board, advisory agency, or legislative body concerning this subdivision. City will promptly notify the subdivider of any claim, action, or proceeding against it, and will cooperate fully in the defense. This condition is imposed pursuant to California Government Code Section 66474.9. 11. The developer shall negotiate rights-of-way with Pacific Gas and Electric aIJ-d other utilities, subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division and the utility companies. 12. Unless this project is exempt from the application of the City's Residential Development Ordinance (RDO) (City Zoning Ordinance Sections 50.60 et seq.), no building permit shall be issued in connection with this project if the owner or developer of such development (i) is not in compliance with the RDO, any conditions of approval issued in connection with such development, or other City requirements applicable to such development; or (ii) is in default under any agreement entered into with the City in connection with such development pursuant to the RDO. . TM 98-07 Conditions of Approval . 3 7/15/98 13. All existing water wells shall be sealed to meet the approval of the City Engineer and the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD). 14.. An encroachment permit will be required from the SCVWD for the outlet structures and locations, subject to review and approval by the SCVWD. 15. A SCVWD permit is required for any construction within or adjacent to North Morey Channel. Improvements plans should be sent to the district, and should show grading, drainage, landscaping and fencing. All plans shall be subject to review and approval by the SCVWD. 16. Site grading should be done such that there is no overbank drainage into the creek, subject to review and approval by the SCVWD. 17. Site drainage should be directed to an existing storm drain system. If an outfall is required into the creek, it must be constructed in accordance with SCVWD standards, subject to review and approval by the SCVWD. 18. Landscaping adjacent to the creek side property line shall consist of California native species. Any trees planted near the property line should be placed such that they do not overhang the property line, or are of a variety that can be pruned and trained to provide a minimum vertical clearance of 15 feet over the SCVWD property. All landscaping adjacent to the creek shall be subject to review and approval by the SCVWD. 19. Fencing shall be provided by the developer along the side of the residential lot which abuts the creek. Chain link fence may be placed on the property line. Any other type must be installed off the SCVWD right of way, and must be maintained by developer or future property owners. Fencing adjacent to the creek shall be subject to review and approval by the SCVWD. 20. The SCVWD streamside development policy should be incorporated into the design layout, to the extent possible, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division and the Engineering Division. 21. The developer will be required to obtain a NPDES General Permit for Storm Water Discharge Associated with Construction Activity from the State Water Resources Control Board, subject to review and approval by the SCVWD and the State Water Resources Control Board. 22. All construction activities shall be limited to weekdays between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., to Saturdays and City holidays between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. No construction is allowed on Sundays. 23. The developer shall place a statement in every sales agreement for homes in this subdivision that states the following: "The Gilroy Unified School District currently has a policy in place that utilizes "Magnet Schools" throughout Gilroy. There is no guarantee that children will be able to attend schools in the immediate vicinity of their home." . TM 98-07 Conditions of Approval . 4 7/15/98 24. The applicant will be required to obtain the necessary right-of-way along the western side of Kern Avenue from Mantelli Drive to the northern boundary ofthe project site, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. The developer shall pay all the costs of any land purchase for the ultimate right of way and easements. The developer shall, within 21 days after the City Council approval of the Tentative Map, deposit the estimated cost of all condemnation expenses with the City of Gilroy's Community Development Department. All costs of the condemnation procedure shall be paid by the developer. All easements and rights-of-ways must be dedicated and/or deeded to the City of Gilroy before Final Map approval. 25. This project shall be subject to the conditions of approval for the approved Affordable Housing Exemption from the RDO (M 98-06). As part of this approval, the developer shall sign an agreement with the Gilroy Unified School District, agreeing to mitigate the impacts of this development on Gilroy schools, subject to review and approval by the G.D.S.D. The Final Map for this project shall not be approved until the resolution for M 98-06 is finally approved by the City Council. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 26. The applicant shall be required to enter into negotiations with the City to determine the location, size, and development of the. proposed City park, subject to the review and approval of the Community Services Department. 27. The applicant shall notify the purchaser of lot 9 that the Santa Clara Valley Water District channel may be developed with a bike and jogging path. 28. Construction of the proposed pedestrian bridge shall be subject to the review and approval of the Santa Clara Valley Water District, and the City Engineering Division. The developer shall establish a funding mechanism for the maintenance of the bridge. . COIIl1I1Umty ~velopment D~ent Planning Division NEGATIVE DECLARATION City of Gilroy 7351 RoUDna St. Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848~0 City File NUDilier: M 98-06 !mj.el'!t Dp!IlL!riptiDn: Name of Project: Nat'LU"o of Project: Los Arroyos Planned Unit Development Rcquest to construct 373 clwelling units, a child care/community center. and a 2.5 acre public park on a 64.8 acre parcel . ~c:a1iDD: Location: Property located East of Santa Teresa Boulevard, West ofKem Avenue. North of Mantelli Drive, and South of LonamcadOw Drive . Assessor1s Parcel. Numbers: 790-04-037.038,057,059,062 EDtily 0" P~r!llnn(s) nndpl'1'S11Id.,~ 'PrQjpd: Name: Address: South County Housing 7455 Cannel Street Gilroy; CA 95020 and Glen Lama Group 7888 Wren Ave. Suite D.143 Gilroy, CA 9'5020 JnitiSlll Stud.y: An Initial stUdy of this projec:t was undertaken and prepared for the purpose of 8SCcrtl!linmg whether' . this project might have a significant effect on the environment. A copy of this study is on file at the City of Gilroy Planning Department, 7351 Rosamla Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. .. EXHIBIT ~B" prc1im;"~ Negative Dee'" Los AIroyos PUD 2 . ~ 5/27/98 Finfli...z,c &. 'R_cnn!l: . The Initial Study identified pot=tially significant effects on the environmmt. However, this project has been mitigated (see Mitigation Measures below which avoid or mitigate the effects) to . point where no significant effects will occur. There is no substantial evidence the PIQject may have a significant effect on the en~nment The followinJ rc&SOns will supp~ these findings: 1. The proposal is a logical component of the existing land use of this area, and this property is surrounded by development on all sidcs~ . 2. Identified adverse impacts are proposed to be mitigated. tbro~ preparation of special studies, and colistrUCtion of off-site improvements. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the General Plan of the City of Gilroy. 4. . The Initial Study was independently reviewed by City' staff, and this Negative Declaration reflects the independent judgement of the City of Gilroy. Mitig"tinn. MeAllures: 1. . A soils investigation shall be prepared for the project by a qualified soils engineer. The recommendations of the soils investigation shall be ~corporatcd into the final improvement plans and shall be reviewed and approved by the Gilroy Engineering Division, prior to approval.ofthe final map. 2. The design and construction of all storm drainage improvements serving all phases of the project site shall be prepared in accordance with the Santa Clara County Water. District standards and provided by the project developer, subject to review and approval by the City 'Engineering Divisio~ the Santa C~ Valley Water District, and the U.S. Natural Resources Conservation SC!"ice. These design plans shall include, but not be limited to: a. Applicable storm water source and treatment-based best management practices, applied and mamhl1"ed. as recommended in the California Stonn Wa1I::r Best Management Practice . Handbook; b. Provisions for periodic sweeping for roadways, driveways, and parking areas on the project site; c. .A design to retlcc:t the CitYs Storm Water Master Plan; d. Paved ireas shall be designed to minimize drainage that is channeled to one location. Pathway paving shall be kept to a minimum, and sball be porous in nature. wherever feasible; ... e. Drainage facilities shall be dcsigried and installed to collect and transport the natural flows away from the s1rccts and buildings and into approved drainage structures; and prcHtnmswy Negative Dec~ Los Arroyos PUD 3 ... 5/27/98 f. Site grading shall not cause c1raiDage into the creek. 3. Apply for .and obtain a GenI!1'Ql Pennlt for Storm Watel'DtscJuuges A$3ocitlted with conatructioll Activity. for the entire project s~, by submitting a completed Notice of Intent form and a'ppropriate payment to the State Water Resources Control Boarcl prior to the issuance of a bu;lding permit. Further, the developer shall be required to comply with th~ termS' of this permit during imd after construetion of the project.' These terms include, but are not limited to, theme of water quality controls (i.e., BesiMinagement Practices) both durUig and after construction, for eXample: . aJ "Design project to focus on minimi,,;ng directly CODllected impervious surfaces to provide for slowing of storm water flows and increasing recharge potential b. Stabilizing denuded areas prior to the wet season (October 1 through May 1); c.' Liiniting construction access routes and stabilizing access points; d. Protccting adjacent properties with sediment bmiers, dikes, or mulching; e. Using proper constnu:tion material and construction waste storage, handling and disposal praCtices; f. Protecting outdoor storage materials from drainage with berms and roof covers; g. Using appropriate landscape controls (irrigation and application of fertilizers, herbicides, . and pesticides); end, '. h. ,Installing muctura1 staIm water treatment controls such as wet ponds, swales, vegetated filter strips, extended detention basins, and sand filters. 4. The following control measures shall be incorporated into any pennits issued for all phases of the project: . A: Water all active constrw::tion areas at least twice daily. . B. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or require all tru.cks to maintain at least tWo feet of freeboard. . C: Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved . access roads, parldng areas and staging m:eas' at construction sites. D. Sweep daily (with WBEer sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites. E. Sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets. F. Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more). O. Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand, etc.). H. Limit traffic speeds OD unpaved roads to 15 mph. I. Install sandbags or other erosion controfmeasures ~ prevent silt runoff to public roadways. J. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. . Prelimmawy Negative Decmre Los Arroyos PUD '4 . 5/27/98 k. Install wbeel washers for all existing trucks, or wash off the tires or tracks of all trucks and equipment leaving the site. 1.' Install Wind breaks, or plant tteeslvegetalive wind breaks at windward side(s) of construction areas. m. Suspend excavation and grading adivitywben winds '(instantaneous gusts) exceed 2S miles per hour. , . . n. Limit the area subject to excavation, grading, and other coDstruction activity at anyone time. 5. Prepare a grading plan for all phases, that shall include, but not be limited to. specifications requiring that no materials or m~hmeIy will be allowed within the boundaries of the Santa Clara Vallcy Water Dis1rict facilities. This would include any grading, andlor fill material or . grading, andlor construction vehicles, etc. The plaD sbal1 be subject to review and approval by the City Engineering Division and the Santa Clata Valley Watl:r District, prior to approval of the final map. Monitoring sluUl take place during grading and construction activities and shall be performed by either the City Engineering Division or the Santa Clara Valley Water District. Work which takes place within waters of the Unitccl States must be authorized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1344). Wates of the United states generally include tidal waters, lakes, ponds, rivers; ~am.s, and wetlands. If implementation of Mitigation Measure 5 is not feasible, Mitigation Measure 6 will reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. 6. The project developer shall contact the U.S. Army Corps ofEngincers (CORPS) and Regional .Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) at the earliest possible stage of planning all phases to determine if the nature of the proposed work would ~uire a pcnnit under the provisions of Clem Water Act Section 404. If consultation with the Corps and R WQCB detennines that a p~it is necessary, permit requirements may include. but not be limited to, the following actions to be completed prior to issuance of a builc1ing .permit. . Delineate the amount of wetlands to be filled during construction activities; . Obtain a water quality certification or waiver from the :Regional Water Quality Control . Board; and . Apply for Corps permit or notify the Corps prior to fill activities. , 7. Prior to issuance of a building pennit for each phase, the prOject developer shall complete the . following tasks: . Submit a landscape plan, for review and approval by the Planning Division, indicating the location, size, and species of exiSting trees (oaks, elms. and any other native trees) found within the Tentative Map boundaries. Indicate which treeS are planned for removal. ~limi"my Negative Dectara4t Los Arroyos PtJD' . 5 . 5/27/98 . The City sball determine which tr=s, ifany, are "sigDmcanl~ .If~ City detenDmes that significant treeS will be ~1"ed. the landsCllpe plan shall indicate which trees are to be rctBincd. During CODStruCticm of the poposed proj~ the ~llowing measures y.i11 occur: 1) Significant trccs shaI1 be fenced prior to. grading ~vitics to prevent root damage. The fem:ing shalL at minimum. 'conform to the dripline of ~e ~ A radius of one to 1.5 feet per inch diameter is desirable; ~ 2) Construction vehicles shall be routed around the dripline of the ~. . . If this is not feasible, then the project developer shall hire a certified arborist. to prepare a mitigation plan for review and approval by the Planning Division. . . 8. ~e following language shall be included on any pamits issued for the project site, including, . . but not limited to building permits for the future development. ." All noise generating construction activities shall be limited to weekdays betWeen 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., to Sarurdays and City boliday,s between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. No construction is allowed on Sundays." 9. For Phase I, the project developer shall constrUCt a 12-foot high, acoustically-effcc:tive barrier along the property lme contiguous with Santa Teresa Boulevard. Openings up to 40 feet wide may occur in the barrier where the project site cul-de-sacs abut Santa Teresa Boulevard. To control flanking noise, the 12- foot high barrier must continue along the north and south property lines contigUous with the North Morey Channel and the South Morey Channel. These flanking barriers must be designed as follows: 12 feet high for 1 S feet, at 11 feet high for 10 feet, at 10 feet high for 9 feet, at 9 feet. high for 12' feet. at 8 feet high for 16 feet. at 7 feet high for 17 ~ and 6 feet high for 1S0 feet. This flanking barrier extends a total of229 feet along the nonh and south property lines of the. project site. Alternative soundwall designs may be acceptable. but are subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Department. . . io. : For Phase I. a noise baurier;dcsiened. with fence openings at the cul-de-sac locations, the project developer shall install acoustically-effective six feet high side yard fences to connect the sides of the first row of homes along Santa Teresa Boulevard with the main noise barrier. These side yard barriers arc designed to prevent noise that transmits through cui-dc-sac ope:nings from entering the sides of yards. Gates may be included in the barriers. The barrier heights arc in reference to the nearest building pad elevation. To achieve an acoustically-effective barrier, it must be made air~tigh~ i.e., without cracks. gaps, or other openings and must provide for long-tc:rm durability. The barriers can be constIUctcd of wood, concrete, stUCco, masonry, earth berm, or a combination thereof, and must have a minimum smface weight of 4.0"pounds per square foot (lbs. per sq. ft.)"for barriers 10 feet tall and taller, and 2.5 lbs. per sq. ft. for barriers under 10 feet tall. If wood fenc~g is us~ homogenous sheet materials are preferable to conventional wood fencing as the latter has PreliY!'mary Negative Deel1 Los Arroyos PUD 6 . 5/27/98 a tendency towup md fonD openings with age. However, high quality, air~tight, tongue-and- groove, shiplap, or boanl and batteD coDStruCtion can be used, provided the minimum surface weight requimnent is met md the construction is air tight. The noise control burlen must be construeteci so that all joints, including connections' with posts, pilasten or tPe building shells are sealed air-tight and no openings are permitted between the upper barrier components and the ground. Gates may be incorporated into the side yare! banicrs, however, they must l11eet the surface weight requirements deScribed above, and must fit tight when in the closed positio~ The gap under a gate shall be no more than an inch. Almnarive soundwall designs may be acceptable, but arc subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Department.' . 11. Maintain closed. at all times all windows on the second. floor and unshieldcd first floor living spaces within 265 feet of the centerline of Santa Teresa Boulevard and with a direct or side view of the roadway. At spaces within 90 feet of the centerline of the road, install windows rated minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) 35. At spaces between 90 feet and 167 feet of the centerline of the road, install windows rated minimum STC 30. At spaces betWeen 167 feet and .265 feet of the centerline of the road, install windows rated minimum STC 26. provide some type of mechanical ventilation. 12. The windows specified to be maintained closed arc to be operable. as the requirement docs not imply a "fixed" condition. All other windows of the development, including bathroom windows, may have any type of glass with the exception of bathroom windows that are an integral part of a living space and not scparat~ by a closable door. such as those common in master bedroom suites. 13. When Windows are maintained closed for noise control, some type of mechanical ventilation to assure a habital?le environment should be provided. The mechanical ventilation requirements are specified by the Uniform Building Code (UBC). 14. . In addition to the required STC ratinSS, the. windows and doors shall be installed in an acoustically-effective manner. To achieve an acoustically-effective window construCtiOn,. the slic:fuig window panels must form an air-tight seal to the outside environment when in the clotlcd position and the window and door fi:ames must be caulked to the wall openings around their. entire pcriInc:ter with a non-hardening Caulking compound to prevent sound infiltration. 15. Due to the possibility that signifi~ant buried cultural. resources might be found during constrUCtion, the following language shall be included in any permits issued for the project site. including. but not limited to building permits for the future development, pursuant to the review and approval of the Gilroy Planning Division: . ppl,m;nSll)' Negative Dec~ Los Arroyos PUD . . ., 7 5/27/98 . "If archaeological resoUrccs or h1DJlan.~Ril\..lll are discovered during const:rudion, work shall be halted at a minimum of200 feet from the find unli1 it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the. find. is determined to be sigrlinr-ant, appropriate mitiption measwa shall be formulated and implemented. It . . ,Date Prep8red: May 27. 1998 End ofRcview Period: June 22, 1998 Date Approved By City Council: William Faus Planning Services Manager ... Los Arrayos PI.",."" Unit D~t IJlliti4l Stutiy MitigIIF~"g PrGgrfDft Los ArroyoI Plumed Unit Developme1lt. . Mitigation Monitoring Checldist Prior to issuance of a Building Pennit, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented: Mitiptian Musue Nahan of Mitigation . ...rb1te for party N1UI\bcr a-~iltl. Ie I'rctject Imp tatiOll far Phuc MallitariDg 1 A soils investigation mall be prepared for the p~ec:t by a Developer B~~ qu.al.ifiecllOils~. The re:aaUlumclati.cmS 0 the soils OJ . . g Prior to investigation sha be inc:r::ted. into the final building VISIOn each phase ~Ians Uui shall be reviewe and approved by ~ilroy - ~nJdn..nnJl: Division prior to Iswance of . bUi1' : ,,<<mil. 2 The design and c:oNtruc:rion of all storm drainage Developer GUroy impfOVes:ncntl serving aU phasa of tne~:sect site shall be ~ng Prior to t:bared in accordance WIth the Santa County Watl!r lvwon each phue irict standatds and provided by the~, s . to review and a roval the .' ~on. the Santa oJ! ValleY ~atl!r ~trict, and 1M U.s. Natural R8sow'Ca Con.HrV1lDon Service. These design pIaN shall u-dude, but net be limited to: a. . Applicable storm water source andtratmm~buecll:lest manapmcm:x:c:tic:~1ied and maintained, as recolNM!ld in the mi. Storm Was Bat b. MIlUl~t Practice Handbook; . ProvisioN for CC: sweeping for roadways, driv...,ays, an parkin&-hU on thw::ec:t site; c. A design to reflect the 'ty's Stonn Iter Master Pan; d. Paved are.. shall be designed to mil'limize drain.~e that is c:haMeleci to one lac:aticm. Pathway paving SM be ke~w:n and $hall be porous in naNft, w fusible; 8. Drainage facilities shall bit d: and iNtalled to collect and ~ort the natura flows a~y from tile stnets and b . inp and into appIOYed c:lraiNS- strUCtures; and, f. Site lUadirul: shall not ause draln.n into the c;re9. .... MMP-3 we PIlJ7lning Group Int:. EXnIBIT lie" --' 3 Apply for and obtain a Gcnmzl Pmnil frrr SImm W.ttrr o.v.lopcr . GUroy omeliA"., AsmdtUtd rDith CmutrudUm Activity ,for the entire En~ Prior to ~ect SiN, by Submittinf a co:11etecl Notice of Intent farm wicm Phase I for aPf!OPriale p.ymc.t to the blUR Wa.. Raourc:a an phases Centro BOard pnar ID the iasuanee of . builcling=t. Further. the ciltY~ Iha1l be = to camp Y with the termS of this permit d~ and a constNdion of the project. TheM tums incl e, but are not limited to. the use of wa- ~ty controls (Le.. kst Mmagmwnt PBdic:es) both during and after conat:ruetion. for example: .. Design J'rojed to foc:uI on ~ diftctll connectlld lm~oua surface to prcwicle far 11~ 0 storm . watwr nows and itIcreaStng recharge potentiaL b. StabUi%inf denuded areas prior tD the wet season (Oetcber through May 1); c. ~ting construction ac:ce:ss routes and stabillzirlg accas JOints: . d. rotecti.ng adjacent properties with sediment barriers, diPs, or muli:Nng: .. Using proper CQNtruction material and eonstnaction wute storage, harulling, md dispClllal practica; f. Pro~ outdoor stange mataiials &om drainage with ben:N racf cowrs; g. U5in,g a~rop'riate landscape controls (irriptiot\ and h. application of fertiUz.rs. hirbidcies, and pistiddes); and, Iiuitalllng stnactural.tann water trntlflent cm\trols .uch as wet ponds, swalas, veptated filter stripa. extended detention basil'll, and IlIri"cl fUten. . 4 The fol1owitlfi control measures shall be inc:orporat.d into any Developer Gilroy p8nmt5 for a phaMS of the project: En' . Prior to ~ each phase L Water allac:tive amstruction areas at least twice daily. b. Cover all trucks hauling soil, SUld. and other loose materials or require all trucks to Ul&intain at least two fMt of f1oeeboard. c:. Pave, al8:1y water three times daily, or ap'ply (non-toxic) soil Ita j,ze!$ on aU unp."ed acceu roaas, parking ateaS anci stat~ areaJ at amstrudion sites. d. Sweep . Y (with water sweepers) all paved accat roadS, parkiJ'lg uwas and staging areas at constructian ,ital. e. Sweep :5trftts ciaUy (with Wlltu sw:ifcetS) if visible soil f. matwtial is carried ontD adjacent pub Ie streets. HydrQ5eed or lIppl~ (non-toW:) SoU stabilizlln to inactive construction areas previoWlly graded areas inactive for ten days Of more). . g. E.ndoSe. cover. w._ twiCl! d4h en' apply (nan-toxic) soil h. bincierJ to expaMci stockpIles ( irt, sand, etc.) . Limit traffic: sp.-d.s OZ'\ unpaved roads tD 15 "'ph. i. 1%\Sta11 AlIdbap en' other 8J'Cl5ion eontrol me.urea tD filWVeJ\t silt runoff to publlc roadway', j. ep1a.nt vegetation in disturiMtd areas as quickly as . 'Ollaible. . ~. lnstlU wheel washers for aU uistingtrUCKs, en' wash off the tires or tracks of all tnacks and equipment Laving the site. 1- lPstaU wind breaks, or l.1Ant trees/vegetau"e wind bna" at windward 5i tt{s) of CQNtrW:tion areas. al. Suspend exc:a".tion and grading activity when witlcis (instantalleOU$lustI) nc:..d 2S miles ~ hour. n. Umit the am ~ect to ucavation. grading and other construction .ctiVltv at anv one time. ". P'tlJlMG Uftit DeD'" .. MMP-4 . . -- ill 11II ,. . III .. t .. hlitilll StIuI EMC Pltlrmmg'Grovp IRe. LOll s ~H:1t:ding plan. for all phases, that shall include. but Dr/elDptIr CilZ'oy not btd to, ~tiON ~ that rID INItwrials or ~I ma~ will be auawed within bOUndarieS of the Santa Prior to Clara V Watar District faciUti.. This wouki include any 11fWCm each phase ~8 analor fill Ulaierial or pding atd/or ~trUdicm vehic18, eb:. The plan shall be Subject to review U1A11Jr'oval ~ the Qty Enginftring Oivbiion Uul the Santa Clara au.y atilt DiStrict, prior to approval oftha final map. Monitonng shall take place during ~g and c:ontll'UCtion activities and shall De~ y eitl\er the City Engineering Division or Santa Clara Vall Water District. 6 Contact the US. Army Corps of~"'" JCo~) and eevelaper En ~I1roY. Re~ional Water Quality Cc:ir'ltrOl BoArd (R QC) at the ~g Prior to ftI: itlSt possible .tap of p'lannin~.MS to d~ if each phase the nature of the pro~d worle ~re a~t under the provis1oM of Can Wall!r Ad section . If CDllswtation with the Car.ps and llWQCB determineS that a cnnit is ~C:t te'iu.iren\eftts may include, tnlt not limited to. the ing actions to be c::ampleted prior to issuance of I building permit. . . . Delineate the amount of wetlands to be filled during construction aettvl ti..; . Obtain a water ~li~ cartific:aticn or waiver from the Regional WI. ulhty Control Board; and Apply, for Corps pemut or notify the Corps prior to fill ac:tlVlties. 7 The project d~.lop.r shan eompletl:.the follcwing tas~: o.velapcr Giltoy Planning Prior to Submit a l..andscape Plan. for review and approval by the Division I . each phase PllMing Division, indicating thll1oc:ation, size and .pec:i.ea of aisting trIIes (ow, elms, and any other native trees) found an within the tentative map boundaries. lndiate which t:\'lIU al1l plaNwd for removal. ) The City shall determine which trees, if any. are "si~nt... If the City dll~rmines that $i~ficant trees wi be retained, eM Landscape Plan shall indicate which I trees are to be retBiruld. During construction of the ~raposed project, the foll= measures will occur: igNftcant tz1teS shall be prior to 5i.clirIg actiVities. to prevent root damage. The ~ sM ,It rniz\imWl'l, c::o=rm to tM driplirie of the !:rH. radius of one to 1.5 I feet per inch diamater is desirable.; ;md., 2) Constnlc:ticm vehiCles shall he routeci lU'OW\d the clripline of the tree. . I 8 The following languar: sh.ll be included on any ~its Developer GUto Build~ I is.ued for aU p'halell 0 thv projec:t site. indudirlg, t not' O' .. g Prior to limited to, build1n1 pennlts for th.future deveJopm8ftt. ~All lY1SIOn .ad\ phl_ noise JJ.tmeraUl\g construction activities shall be liJrUted to wee l' betwefln 1 AM and 7 PM, to Saturdays and Cty holidays blltwem 9 AM and 7 PM. No CDI1$trw:tion i5 I allowed on Sunda :' I .. I EMC PLlilrmmg G1'ou:p Inc. MMP-5 I Miti Prier tD Phase I Prior to Phase I MMP-6 9 10 Lf)S Submit d_lf!",r review and .~provaJ of a U-faathigh. ac:oualic:ally-eff-=tive barrier aJA:ing the p~ 11M amticuous with Santa Tuea 1oW1Yaid. .oPeNnP up to 40 feet wide ma)' occur in th. barrier wheN the pmjec:t sUe cuI- c:1e-Acs abutS Santa Teresa BouI.vard. To c:anuolllanldng N:liM. the 12-laot lUsh bamer muat . continue along tNi nDdh and south J'l'OI'eny,liN1s contigucnm wUh the Nortl\ Morey ChaMeJ and -the 'South Mony.cnamwl. These E1atU:iitg barrim must be deigned as follows: 12 feet high far 15 fait. at 11 fftt high for 10 &:ct, at 10 &:ct high far 9 feet. at 9 feet high for 12 fHt, at 8 feet high far 16 feet. at 7 fnt high for 17 feet and 6 feet hitri'l for 150 lftt. this flankmg barrier extends a total of 22cffeet along the north ancl south property lines of the projed'sit.. Alternative sound wall d.ilP" ma)' b. aa:eptable subject to NYiew IItI4 approval by the "Community OitveJopment artmant. Submit design for review and approval The main barrier may be conbnuou.sor it may contain o~ngs at the c:uJ.d.. pcs. With either. the reCluiied wall heIght remains at 12-fcot in height. If the wall is cresigned with ~ . the following sid.. yard barriers will'be requhwd: . For PhaH 1. a noiR barrier designed with fence opeNnp a t the c:ul-d~c: loc:ations. the p~ed devel~er shall install Iccusfic:a1ly-effedive six lItit him side yard fenca to CDlmed the .ic:les of the first row of'nomes along $aJ,ta Teresa Boulevard with the main noise barrier. Th.. sid. . yard barriers a~ desiplecl to prevent noiR that transmits through the c:uJ-de-sac openings from enterins the sides of tM yards. GatRS may: De inCluded in the barriers. The . barriar heights are in ramence to the nearest building pad elevation. To achieve an Icoustically-eHedive barrier. it must be trIAd. air-tight, i.e.. without cracks, PpI, or other openings and must provide for long-tenn durability. The barrien can be CONlructI!d. of wood". concret.. stucco, masonry, earth bcn\. or a comDiM.tion thereof and must have a m.ini.mum 5urfaCl! weight of 4.0 ~ounds ~er .qulre foot Clbs. pllt sq. ft.) for barrier 10 leet tiLl and taller. and 2.5 lbe. per sq. It for barrier under 10 Mt tall. If wood fencing is used. homogeneous sheet materials are praterable to g)f1ventional wood fencing as the latter has a tendency to warp &t\d form ~enings with ap. However, high q1ia11tY.. air-tight. tongue-ancI-groove, shiplap. or.bOard and batten construction canOe used.. provided tM minimum surface weight r.quiTemmt is met and the construction is air-tight. The noise contrel barriers must be c:oNtrlKted so that an joints. ir1duding CON\eCtiaN with posts. pilasters or the buUdirlg lhelb a~ Haled m-tight lU\d N) op8ftinp Ire permittild betWeen the upper barrier CDmpo~ts and the ground. Gates may be incarporatm into the sid. ~ Darners, lunotewr, they mldt meet the surface Welgh ~uirement described. above and must fit ~t wl\en in the closed paaition. The gap under a pte W1l be no more than one inch. Alternative SOuM wall dcsisn may be a~table subject to review and approval by the Communitt Development art:ment. DeYeloper Developer at britill! Staul p= Oivis~ City.P~~ OiVlSlcn I I '1 ~ EMC PUlfmiftg Gro1lpl71c. .......... . . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 98-51 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 8th day of September, 1998, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 23rd day of September, 1998. ~,1Sn /~ ' ~~ UA~'^-' City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)