Resolution 1999-37 . . RESOLUTION NO, 99-37 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A/S 99-11 (PUD), AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 2.29 ACRES, A PORTION OF APN 835-04- 019 WHEREAS, Staples, Inc, ("Applicant") submitted A/S 99-11, an application for architectural and site approval of a planned unit development ("PUD") for an 2.29 acre parcel located at 8840 San Y sidro Avenue, between Leavesley Road and Las Animas Avenue; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), an Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") was certified by the City Council on September 21, 1998, along with a MitigationIMonitoring Program, which included this project site, in connection with Architectural and Site application A/S 98-24 (PUD); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed application A/S 99-11 at its duly noticed public meeting on April I, 1999, and recommended that the City Council approve A/S 99-11; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public meeting on April 19, 1999, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated March 18, 1999, and all other documentation related to application A/S 99-11; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. IKHM\443186.01 95"'2304706002 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 99-37 . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A The City Council hereby adopts the following findings as required by Zoning Ordinance section 50,55 based upon substantial evidence in the record: L The project conforms to the site's land use designation on the General Plan map, and the General Plan standards of development 2, The project makes a large scale office materials sales facility available to south Santa Clara County and northern San Benito County, thereby fulfilling a specific need of the surrounding area, 3, Urban services are available at this site, 4, The project provides a harmonious, integrated plan which justifies exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, 5, The project continues the pattern of development along San Ysidro Avenue, reflecting an economical and efficient pattern of land uses, 6, The project exceeds minimum landscape requirements with 9,5% of the site landscaped, rather than a minimum of 8% as required, 7, The project is harmonious with other developments along San Ysidro Avenue, 8, Any impacts from traffic congestion, noise, and other adverse effects will be mitigated to the extent feasible, 9, The project provides adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash and storage, as necessary, IKHM\443186.01 95.042304706002 -2- RESOLUTION NO, 99-37 ATT~: .' .. . /// . ~~A~~ Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk em . . B. The City Council hereby finds: L The project will not be detrimental to public welfare or mJunous to persons or property in the vicinity, 2, There is no substantial evidence in the record that this project will have a significant impact on the environment. C. AlS 99-11 should be and hereby is approved subject to: L The fifteen (15) conditions set forth in the Staff Report dated March 18, 1999, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, and one additional condition, which shall read in its entirety as follows: Condition 16, The building wall colors will be more aesthetically pleasing by use of a color palette more similar to The Home Depot color palette, 2, The MitigationIMonitoring Program set forth in the Final ElR attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of May, 1999, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, GIFFORD, MORALES, ROWLISON, SUDOL, SPRINGER NONE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS GILROY APPROVED: IKHM\443186.01 95-042304706002 -3- RESOLUTION NO, 99-37 March 18, 1999 , EXHIBIT A Community ~evelopment Planning Division Staff Report .. . Department FILE NUMBER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: NS 99-11 - Planned Unit Development Staples Inc. c/o Carter Burgess, Inc. 8840 San Y sidro Avenue, between Leavesley Road and Las Animas Avenue STAFF PLANNER: Clare O'Brien - REOUESTED ACTION: Planned Unit Development Architectural and Site Review approvai to construct a 24,208 square-foot commercial retail establishment, located at 8840 San Ysidro Avenue, on a parcel zoned C3"PUD (Shopping Center CommerciallPlanned Unit Development), DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Parcel Numbers: Parcel Size: Flood Zone: portion of835-04-019 2,29 acres (99,968 square feet) "B"; Panel # 0603400002D; Panel Date: 8/17/98 STATUS OF PROPERTY: Existinl!' Land Use Undeveloped . General Plan Deshmation General Services Commercial Zoninl!' C3-PUD STATUS OF SURROUNDING PROPERTY: Existinl! Land Use North: Home DepotiUndev, South: Undeveloped East: Agricultural West: Undev,/Retail Com, General Plan Desi~ation Industrial Park , Ge,neral Services Commercial Rural Residential Ind, ParklGen, Serv, Com Zoninl! Ml/County Ag, C3-PUD County Ag, M1/C3-PUD 2 . 3/18/99 AlS 99~11 - PUD . . CONFORMANCE OF REOlJEST WITII GENERAL PLAN: The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: . ENVIRONMENTAL IMP ACT REPORT A prior Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared under Architectural & Site Review for The Home Depot planned unit development site (NS 98-24 - PUD). This EIR - addressing the project site - was reviewed by City staff and reflects the independent judgement of the Cjty <if Gilroy. On September 21, 1998, the City Council certified the Final ErR, made the required California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings, and adopted the Mitigation Measures and Monitoring ProSfam. A Statement of Overriding Considerations was prepared as a result of this prior project approval, The Mitigation-and Monitoring Program lists all potential significant impacts, includes 13 mitigation measnres, identifies the responsible party for implementation, and the department/division responsible for monitoring (see attached). Staff has subsequently reviewed this EIR in conjunction with the proposed project (NS 99-11) and finds that the proposed project is substantially consistent with this prior approved environmental documentation, Additional information regarding the environmental review p~ocess for 1his project is included in a prior Staff Report, dated September 3, 1998, as prepared for The Home Depot application (NS 98-24 - PUD), . PRIOR PROJECT APPROVALS: A1S 98-24 -PUD: On September 21,1998, the City Council approved a request by The Home Depot to construct a 105,700- square-foot building materials sales establishment with a 24,072-square-foot outdoor garden center, at 8850 San Ysidro Avenue, within the subject plamied unit development (pUD). V 98-08: On September 17, 1998, the Planning Commission approved a request by The Home Depot to allow increased sign area, and to allow freeway-oriented signage at 8850 San Ysidro Avenue, within the subject planned unit development (PUD), ANALYSIS OFREOUEST: The applicant (Staples, Inc) is requesting Planned Unit Development Architectural and Site Review approval to construct a 24,208 square-foot commercial retail establishment on a parcel zoned C3-PUD, Shopping Center CommercialiP1armed Unit Development, The subject site totals 2.29 acres (99,968,", square feet) and is located at 8840 San Ysidro Avenue, north of Leaves ley Road, The entire planned unit development site is bordered by a commercial retail establishment to the west (across San Ysidro Avenue), undeveloped commercial land to the south, and undeveloped County agricultural land to the north and east The project site is currently undergoing grading activities as part of The Home Depot project, a building materials sales establishment to be constructed within the subject planned unit development (PUD), . . ~ ' . ", '. ' .i. -' '< ".<. ~!...:' , ,': 1 "; '. ~ ..'-." " BuiLDING AREA .. ':. ); 105,700 squarefeet 24,6n,sqw.re"feet .' ,'., >01."' . - :" ," -,~ '>i ':~~~("ir;.' ',;::,~~L :i1:.>'-',", .',' . ,.:" . . ~ 3,700 squari,feet 3,200 square feet ,- ., , "." ~ - > - ,." , . . _\" ,. ' ':1.1- "..-, .!-" .'. ~ -, " " '",,', RETAIL AREA STAPLES) .gJ . ' ., , .' ~~~(:~~.".~:::;ii~;i~i~~.?;~1;>t~:L1~~.;':~(~~1i~J'. . ',:', ':, ~_; mc1uded the slte deslgn for the.entrre shoppmg center, only the architectural deslgn o(Staples Will be '~:', _:,~L::,;'C(j~id"ere'rlii'~'speCifi;}eq,';ilst~;:~AiIo1herb~diIigs shown on th'" site~plan iNinbe' similarli,feviewed ....' ,i;1~.,~~fiiilim~~~i~;,. .' ,;~,,':~;':d",i"inchides"a hi "ed 'cario "'roof ,u '10"34 feet hi lL't,The buildin' will 'directl'adjoirt The Home' De of ;,:.,:" ';,":";"";~\L~lN~?!~~~~j8i'!hJra~;:~K~f~0ill#I~l~~:b~t~i~i~[;~:~J~~ieJ;k~~~~~@~~~it~~~j,>;:!:':"" ':>i.a.pE!:<l.~~ft~~y..i?~.Ke7;,~~~,tj;~ff,9.!}):,P~<1P"e.r,t)'.Ji?e ~!o. pr;,~V1~~,f\.t!ih~~IYlS~,~l.el\.~f,')4 A.:~c~:s~}o, lp::J',f9J~~~ t.,;~. "L:i'~is~ rOvidea.,throughil 37-foot-Wide'drii/ewa'oii:,San';Ysidf(i"AVei:JUe~J;Thell1:ojeCt inCliides' 117.;' aikirig \'!: ", ':~ir.'1F~~~~t,~:~!~~q~;f';t!;~~~~"" . ':;:,t<'::':The'ilroposed,~taples' bwlding " will , e constnicted of concrete tilt:up panels;:and Will lta>:e.'a ,flat roof .. '."{:~\;,':'.:-\\;~ID,lA#:~:~~:iidja;ent~oli1i1?e~otb~~g,~1\ie,fr~h~.f~#de oftt,i,~. PEop<!~,ed,.b\ill#g y.~~:~,~ ~~ep:!e~:~~ ";1;<':;::. .'.;B ~~;!~~:';f~7rlllP~~~me~t9~~ ~u.~~~~,d, W1:concr,ete.co~,~"p.,~4;f~~~;~~~", P~Y.~.~.~:;~,e.Yi~~ll_.. '~f ~~i1t~~1!!~t~~~~;iii~i~l?i~f~..' . :' "d,'" ',. ';"ofthe frontfacade will IDchiiJethe'applicant's (Stap1es, Jnc,) cOrPorateredmetaJ color"(Exhibit B),;,:The~.', ,,' . :,;; aPPll~;mt iniends tosubiint a separate sign penmtappllcation, which Will delIDei,;ie'the'Staplesiiameacross ;'c . r;]t~~~:~~J.k~;~t'~;~~~c~~~~~t~~~~~i~~:: :;~;':::.;< ..... i';-;:'/;:f;:::?":~]'~:,~l;:~:(:~:iii~'[f;I ' ,,~,A1tho\igh the proposed building Cle'5ign is 1inllted, staffhaS'determined that the project's overall col()rscl1imie ,;: , . ','ailiJ'frontelevation'architectuiiil features' aJ:'e'coinp!inientary and cOnSisten(Withtlie subjectphmi'\ed ili1i(", ;~diveiopment:'::The'proposed pf<ljectconf(;"ifu':i'\vlth"citY'Zomng Ord.mance reqUiiemeiits for co:nnt~rciar; ," . ::: development ~d is 'mbstaImantconsiSteht WIth fue Geri~ Plan docWnent.imieproject i1so' coilfoiiilt with ':, . . ..,~,~;~t1"td 1t~t{1~i~{I~:~: .; {::;; :'c;fi':i~~0!: . . " ,> " . .'.::~,~' .,' .' . AlS 99-11 - PUD 3/18/99 4 . FINDINGS: In order to grant Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval, the Planning Commission and City Council must find that the proposed ,Planned Unit Development will: A. Conform to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and standards ofdevelopment; B. Provide the type of development which will fill a specific need of the surrounding area; C. Not require urban services beyond those which are currently available; D, Provide a harmonious, integrated plan which justifies exceptions, if such are required, to the normal requirements of this ordinance; E. Reflect an economical and efficient pattern of land uses; F, Include greater provisions for landscaping and open space than would generally be required, G. . Utilize aesthetic design principles to create attractive buildings and open space areas which blend with the character of surrounding areas; H Not create traffic congestion, noise, odor or other adverse effects on surrounding areas; and 1. Provide adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage, as necessary, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Planning Comtilission forward a recommendation of APPROVAL of this Planned Unit Development Architectural and Site Review request to the City Council for the following reasons: A. This project conforms to the Gilroy General Plan in terms of general location and standards of development B. The proposed project will make a large scale office materials sales facility available to south Santa Clara County and northern San Benito County, and therefore fulfills a specific need of the surrounding area; C. Urban services are available at this site; D, The plan is harmonious and integrated; E. This proposed project will continue the pattern of development along San Ysidro Avenue, which is both an economical and efficient use ofland; NS 99-11 - PUD . 5 . 3/18/99 F, The overall planned development site exceeds minimum landscaping requirements, with 9.5% of the site landscaped, rather than the minimum requirement of 8%; . G, The proposed building is both appropriate for commercial development, and will harmonize with the other developments along San Ysidro avenue; H All impacts from traffic congestion, noise, and other adverse effects will be mitigated to the extent feasible; and 1 Adequate access, parking, landscaping, trash areas and storage have been provided, Staff further recommends that the approval of this application be subject to the following conditions: L All thirteen (13) MITIGATION MEASURES contained within the Environmental Impact Report for this development shall be applied to this approval in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), This shall be subject to ihe review and approval of the Planning Division, 2, Landscaping: Landscaping plans including specifications for an irrigation system shall be approved by the Planning Division in accordance with ihe adopted Consolidated Landscaping Policy, prior to issuance of a building permit, The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in an orderly, live, healthy, and relatively weed-free condition, in accordance with the adopted Consolidated Landscaping Policy and the approved specific landscape plan, This shall be subject to ihe review and approval of the Planning Division, 4, The developer shall be required to install street trees according to the Consolidated Landscaping . Policy, The developer will be required to obtain a Street Tree Permit prior to installation of ihe trees, This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Community Services Division, 5, Street frontage landscaping along San Y sidro Avenue shall be bermed in order to provide additional screening of the parking areas, Such berming shall be delineated on required landscaping plans, and shall be subject to Planning Division approval. 6, Trash Enclosures: All trash enclosures shall consist of visually solid fences and gates, six (6) feet in height, in accordance with the adopted City of Gilroy standard trash enclosure design plan, or a similar design approved by the Planning Division. All trash enclosures shall be located in accordance wiih the approved site plan and Uniform Fire Code, In addition, recycling areas must be provided within ihe trash enclosures, in accordance wiih the following regulations: A Areas for recycling shall be adequate in capacity, number, and distribution to serve the development project B, Dimensions of the recycling area shall accommodate receptacles sufficient to meet the recycling needs of the development project. C. An adequate number of bins or containers to allow for the collection and loading of recyclable materials generated by the development project should be located within the recycling area . . A/S 99-11 - PUD 6 3/18/99 7, Exterior Lighting: No unobstructed beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the site toward any residential use or public right-of-way, This is subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division, 8, Mechanical Appurtenances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of a building shall be screened by an architectural feature of the building such that it cannot be seen from ground level at the far side of the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever possible, This is subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 9, As proposed, building colors shall be earth tones subject to Planning Division approval, 10, The developer/applicant must obtain a sewer allotment for this project, and sign a sewer allotment agreement prior to the issuance of any building permits, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division, . II, Off-site street improvements shall be subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division. 12, A grading plan must be provided subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division, 13, Backflow devices must be provided, subject to the review and approval of the Water Division, 14, All proposeqfUture development at this site shall require additional Architectural & Site Review and staff approval prior to building permit issuance, . The architectural style and materials for the fUture buildings shall blend with the overall architectural scheme approved in this application, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 15, All proposed signage shall be subject to Planning Division approval, Signs delineated on the submitted plot plan are not approved. The applicant shall develop a comprehensive sign program for all project signage, subject to Planning Division review and approval. Respectfu1ly, << ~~ William Faus Planning Division Manager , 4-1-99 At their meeting of April 1,1999, the Planning Commission, by a voieeovote of 6-0-1 (Commissioner Tucker absent), recommended approval of A/S 99-11 subject to 15 conditions as set forth in the staff report. . . Uml1ll e Mitiplian MonitDriDg Cleddlst. P:icr 11::I i==\<= ci a B.w.m.g Pamit. tM following mitigatiarl meII$1.l%ti shall be lmp~ 1. .2..' 3, The propoo.',a prcjec shall be de!igrwd in a=n:iaru:e Wilh e~ d=isn~atinns of the Uni!= Builiiirig Code. ,nzw clev~t pIaN fer the future !,.w,.o,K' p:ojeCshzlll be subj<<t ta :evi..... ~ apprcval ci :he City llWldl;ng Divisitm. prior to issumu::! of a b~ pe=it. . Tne l".-r..ecll-.~i--tshaIl amfcrm lD the Unifa= lluilding. Pl=bing. am! Me:h=ial Cod:s. the Nati......l Elec::ic::aI Cocie. am! the , h=cliap ...lI:l....e:gy~in 'Iltle 24 of the ~ Building Code, Nbjec = nview aM. aPF<=l ct the ~g Divisi= pr'..cr tc issuance of a building per.:lit. ' The P""'illd: prapO%lC1t shall be required to submit a de~ -= ct.-w.ase irnpf'O~ pl= for the i'.~,.."..ci p:oj<<t me! amstr=t i:nl'~ents spedfiecl. in the pUn. The plan :Mlll=lut:le deign and ~~t:l=ls for the an-site sto:m dminage S}"'b!m ;me!. all oH-site .lDen c!:UuIse impnlYem=ts. The type. siza. am!1cc:aticn of IIll i:lfmstnu:Nre irnprovwmcms :lha.ll be d-=:neclloy the E:tpee.;ng Divisi= prior to isswo=e or. build.ing pc:::cit. '!he plan shall. include, but not be lmcitec:I tc, the follDwing: . ~ ct an exlension to the e>:iIti:lg 5tCmI drain sWth of the sile. OI::sign and analysis of me d:muIp facilities shall be in ~ WiI:h me City ai Gilroy'$ SlBmWdslWl StancWcl SpedflatlDns. ' . , EMe Plsmmng G""", hu:. ~eper . ' G~ Planning Divisi<m ~. Cilroy , E:tj;!nee.-ing 0Msi0n -' o-Jcpcr CUrcy E.~.rlg Di~ fltm'Jl:!:>tqmt M#ipiitm M~ 1....,v.5..u.. ,1,-3 7. "- ThR,ptDject P'-r-...nt shan lmplcnent llppllcab. -- ---......... a\CI t=s_- baMd beR~praeW:es as ft'( _.c..!in tIw ~ S~ W~ Bet ~ 1'=:tiz:a~ Thbmay ;"...!....!. ~ of ail a\CI p=- oepcall:a intlwatl:lz:n~l:...rw.__lL In ' ad.!itilm, ft\"'h.., ~ 01 oil end grnse aepuatc:5 WIll be zequlred.. PIms far this , ad::icn shan ntqaire appnPIal of the Enp-":"I DiYi5icn Frier ta issuance of a ~ . t 5. The pmj= .I".wl""nllftt shall jm:l'Y'ide a po:'.ccIl: . 5...~ing t'"-ero-m. for ProJ: ~ed madwa~ driveways, and pv.l:ing _ .... tIw projc!li12. I'lans for this acticn shall nKjUim .1'1"uv..! of the ~ 0Msi= prior to is=ance at a . g:2ding;>o=j:. 6. The proj.oct proponcu shall r<h~ tile ~ approach of the s.n Ysidrc Ave:nue!L!ava!ey Rca<!.i..--allm. Oesign . and impla:nentaticm ci this impnlvmlem shall be Vemied by the CIty !:ng:jnee::ing Division, prier to .issue=.: oIa ~pmnit. The prcjea ~t shall revia lb. ';110 pLm Ie a~ the faI.Io~g: . AIi;:1lha drivwways ef the proposed F"i= and the Offia Mu: -= San YZin:> AvC\ue, shiftinS the two J<lUUIemmoaI driveways ta tile ncrm. 'Ihia would alJcw the <:re:!ticn oi c ::Wn ai~ ""trance ill the $Outhc:mmost driveway. . Shift the n:stauranls Ie the north and relcate IOUWl cfthe parl::jng to the Sct.lthwo=: ei:omer of the pmj=t. Thi:i D ~ry in emer to rallSI' the driveways at the prgjea Site. The sill! plan Shall be nMse::i pncr Ie issuanee 01 'a building pamit and js subject II) ~ by the City L~r Oiviscn. ' . EMC Pl4lmint Gr=p 1l'lC. 1:Jtmll! Dqmt Mmgrziim< Mmritr1riag 1'1rIpnrr . ~ -. ~ DeYelcper ~ GiImy ~r Pivisicn Gu...y . . Enp_;"g Drvisir,,, Gll:oy Engir~.g Divisicn Gll:oy Eng;.o~,g Divisicn ;4..4 . .~ l 'iI'- .li f', i- t t } J i i 8. 'Ihe prc;ect r.-r-u::rlt sh:&1l ~."i"'''''''lIOI C'I czn..sim im~ plIm wNch shaIllnclude!lle .icIIcwi:ng ----a: 0... J-,!, IC . Place a =gnalat the IC..d\ G'l1ra:ICe = lb&: i""'w~ sit&. . DeSign the lime amfig=Itianfor the sisnal = have twe DUtgDing I=s at....m drlv.way. The pmpl2Sol!l:i prDjec:t shall design the , =VtlW1lY tu have ene exclusive: left and a shared Je!t..lhrcugh-right lane. . Con:ltNa an exdusive kit t1= lime:. = lhmughlane I1ld a ma:ea l!l:wg;h/zight tum Im1o! an San Ysldm Avenue fgr hCRh!he :1Crth ""dsauthbDlmd a~ lD!he , =vewuys. . ~ cne DUtgaing ~ cne inccIzIing lane. whic:h...... minim= ctl3S fwtwilie. net ~g 4S fwtwida at the....... sfpJ.:=d driveways. , . WU!C\ 5cn YsidrD ^"=l= t:l1l154 iaee al cub t:l face of c::::tt !'DGdwuywtth m:.m..!;" , :......w__ (sid.walla. ~~) witbm . 84 iDCt :ight-oi-way in i:=t ai the prDjec:t site. The c=b Jana Wuld be l'ieet wirie, while the Dtb.:r l:l=e lzne:s ah=hi be l2 1....t wide. "n..se m.m,.!;" I::n~ ' Uu:.uld aIsc be .auu:ie an the :JCccla/Ninaauay.o. ". w..~ to the south tD provide a pedo:st:l:ian Jmk bftWecl the F"'Pase::l f"Diect and the oatlm fD !he sOl:l:!t. . Indw1e a b\lS step and I'.w.....acn bay an the site f:;auage '01 the prcjea site, p...n-..bly "ear the signaL . EMC PIIrmrrn! Crrmp 1= ' Hame DqJot Min~ M~g r,'-i#"'~. Ci1:oy ~ Divimcn ....-s 9. The PrcFt ~,shaIl prepue 113 --....., redw:ti= plm far mr.i_ and apptoV&! Dy the City PlzmUng otvislon priar to ilI:sulIn= ai . bui1cIl:nr pemU:. The aniDian mclm::mn plm WlI CllftSid.e:r.but 1IDt be IiDriIIld to. the fGuowmc ZMIS1Ue5 ~ ~ed ill the 1996 BAAQMD CEQA Guidellnes): . Cupoollvmpool pms=n. "g~ =paal ride matctU:lg far emplOY8ft, aasista:nCl!, with vanpool fcnnaticn, prevision cf vanpccl vehidas.ete.. . . Tnnsll facilities =ch as bu5 tumcnm!bu5 bulbs, be:nc:bes, ~. e!I:. . Pmcn:ntilll pulCng (e.;., nUl' builcl.mg e\%rlInl:e, ahelbo:racl ........ etc.) fer a%pCOl m>i:l vanpccl y,.h;"1_ Seo=e, wUth.:r-pm1lodl!Xl bicycle P"~J.V,1r fer emplcJ-s. . - Safe. dlrm a<:ass fcrc,w/cIi:1:s Ie adjaam bicycle reule. 5hcwus uu:i loda::s fer emplcyees bicyding or WalQngle work. Secure.:shcrt-L ~ , bicyc:le parJdrtg icr retail <:ustI:lin= an.c! cthernQ:K............gh:!::ips. . Direc. sm. atl::llaive pedestlian aeas lmm prejea rc frUlS1t stops and adjaa:nt dl!Yelcpmeni EMe PImrzrini Craup 1= Hr= Dcpct Mitigsztilm MmIi:rmIrg Progn:m Ik1.~ : GU:oy !'lanc:mg 0Msicn I 11.-6 ~ I I I \ 10. 11'le followlnJ c:antl'al %ftEISU:rl5 shall be in.- .-'ll..a into ClY pe=its mall pn..s... of the ~..""i-'"t; . W all!r all ac:tivtr c:rmstrud:ic:n _ at last twice clai1y~ ' CoYer all ~ ~...a SCId. w Gthoor lcc:a ma..ws....~ all truclcs tD, %NlJmain at lG:rt two feet of l._J:o...1d. . Pavl!. apply wata:r three tl:mcl dAily. or apply {ncn-t=ic} sailstabill:cs en alllmpuvlOd a=:s:s toads. pad:i:ng ..... and staPJ arss at canstrud:ian sites. . Sweep clai1y (with wail::' sweeper.;) all paved ~ roads, parldng &:us and Slasing .""". at =~ sires. . Sweep_daily(withwatersw~)lf visible sw matCal is cu:rieci ante aclja= publit:meets. ' . Hydmseed .... apply (Mn-laxic) Sl:Ii1 stabili::=:::s tc.i:lad:ive c:t:lStrudian ...... (pnmcusly ~ lmI&S irlac:ve !or le:n d.ays or=). . E."tCUlse. c:<>vc:. wate::' twic:e d2Wy or "?Ply (ncon-tcccie) soil biN!c:cs to apased stccl;pila (di:::. sane!.. 0=) . Umit tnIffic speeds en unpaved. roads lZ:l15 mph. . lnSQll s;mdloags or ather erasicn =troI measwa to prev=t silt runoff to public: roadways, ' ',. Replant vegetll1:icnin dis=becl &:as as quialy as pasaible. . INtall whlll!! wasbe:s fer all existing trucks. .... wash eff the tUm artncl:s of an tnzdcs and equjpment leaving the site. !:Me PJ.tmring G"""" I=. Ji""", DepGtMitiptitmM.........;..g Pl~._ tA.. .d.Ipc " Q1rcy Pl&nning Olvlslcn 1'1.-7 10. ' Continued . Install wind l... ~. =p!am t:'ees!wplattv. wind DRab at wi:r.l--_d s:ide(.s) of =1:NCI:ian ilaUS. . Suspan4 exavuian lI:lUI p-adlng adivity when wi:Ida (iz.._a..._..s JUSlS) ~ 25 mill!:!! per hem. I..imit the lIrmt sul:Ijed: !I:l ~. .l:l=rL ~ znd. ctlMr ~ ad:ivttv a: my cme I:imll. 11. Th~ projc<:t proponent shall p:ovi.cl. . "feflow , tMt to veriiy that suifir::ient s.:. lIcIor ls IYllilable fer =c:d&l/lNiustrlall:md lOR subject to review and .~t'.......gJ,.by City Engi:a--~.g Division rior to iuwznc: of . builc:Iin .~ EMC Plmming C71Np i= ~ " Oevel~ .' Rm=.DcpatAtitJptilm M..,1.z.~'~1&1 [_...,.-.... . k Gilroy 1"lazmD:rg Oivisicn i l I I GiImy , ~ DiYisicn a I ,I I I I I I D I I ~ r-:. t: A-S ~ -' 1 } , ' , ! , 1 , j . , r 12. !he l""'...j.a I"WI'""'.ertt shall re!lIin the:servi=s of a qwW!lHi IInvizcmMntal b!sting =pany to c:cJlect and _:mdcm scI.I samplE far a:naIy.ris al petra1m= hydl......b.....s. in<:h1dinr; cliclcl fuel. in th8 folJcwing __ of the pro;..:t :lite . vidni:ty of ~ waste ail tartk (M"'4I.'!In~ prcp<!ftY): . vicinitYalabaNlcr=\ t:ruclo:s and debris piles (M~f.n~ property); and . vicinity af septic syotcn (M",,~'l- ....wt"".....ty); . ncrtham mci scuthem ~ of ttIe Tang p:oper.y !he ""viranmontal'=sW.tant shall =ply with..u :egu1aticns ~ SCIplinr; IN!thcdclops. shipping zru:i hzndIing pr=l\:lIc!uns. Il:lll. t=tirtg melhadolcpes. !he analY"ia Wll =ply with the pLmnac! schedule ....! I:\.IIlyC=l ~ far pnoviclmg m. infcml.ati= speC5eci in the S_ o! ~=Wo ~r.wl>._t:DnAse>C:Y Depart:nent af T == 5ulost:ll:lcS Ccnt:cl's ~:En.d=g=omAt.---wnt (PEAl. YLlldzltl:d data shaIl be submitted 1IO the Sanm Clara Ccu:lty Oepa:t=nt of Holth. the 5anb Clan Valley Wa= D;stl'ict, andlhe Statw of c:a.utcmi.a E...";...........::UaI Prole::tion Ago:nc:y Depan:ncnt CliTczil: Subsla:=s Cammllor n:view prior Ie i5suana: of a building p=nit. Irt the ~"",t that C:ClrltmUrw:icln is dl:5coveretl. affedJ!d soils shall be removed in ~=p1imu:2 with all federal and _Ie ~liaN r;OY~ clean-up proceclu:es and dispCsal of hazardol.l5 mamrials. Clun-l:J' shall loP. drtiiie:l as =pJell! by the Sana Clara County ~t of Ralth zru:i ttIe Santa Clara V Wste' Oistria. I c..-lap:o' EMC PLrmning GnNp 1= , , HtmIe Dt!fJf1I Mirigraiml MmulllrinK P, "i,.nt SIma Clara Ctlunry Dcpt. of Health A-S 13. Due to I!!e pOGfbiI1ty 1Mt sIgnIfiaDt lnm.d cu1t=al..........ces miFt be 'bzncl chzzing ~I:M ~Jmcuap5hal1be ll:l..,p'~", in...y pmni!s i!su& i= tlw: pra;a:t sUe. 'lncNding. but not Ho..+-I to baiIdins pcm!Is f=othe =- ~ pmsuantto . the nM.w m.d -i'l"o_..'lIl of the Gll:ray PlmINng " Divisicn: "'Ii arc:::.~l ~' _I ~ .... human ............ are disa>Ulc..i d=i:ng ~ warkahaIl ~ hal= lit a minimmn 01 2llO fHt frc::t the fin:i and. the UB& shall be staked off. "The project , ciJ!yelcper shall natiiy the c:mcner or II the . Din<:tor cllhe A:d'uIealcp:al hglcnal ~ CCI'1b!!:, Ii the.!Wlls d.. ' .-' to be signmcmt. A}'i~.""'i"~"""~~foiMJ.~ shall be fD!'l=lau,C m.d implemented.. EMC PlInmmg Gl'l>llp 1= H""", Dqrzt Mirigati:m. MDniiDrDtf P. "0 ,~.. o.-Jo.rc " Cii1:z>y !'l-=lng tlMsicn L ~ i I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I A-10 I "'~L . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certifY that the attached Resolution No. 99-37 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 3rd day of May, 1999, at which meeting a quorum was present. the City of Gilroy this 18th day of May, 1999, . 1-"/1 " /7 ~~~, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)