Resolution 2000-12 , . . RESOLUTION NO. 2000-12 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING AlS 99-55 (PUD), AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) TO ALLOW FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FOUR-STORY, 96-UNIT MOTEL WITHIN A LARGER PUD PROJECT SITE, APN 841-75-005 WHEREAS, Gilroy Ramada Partnership ("Applicant") submitted AlS 99-55, an application for architectural and site approval of a planned unit development ("PUD") to allow for the construction of a four-story, 96-unit motel, within a larger PUD site, located at 5975 Travel Park Circle; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), a Negative Declaration was adopted by the City Council on January 27, 1995, which Negative Declaration continues to apply to this phase ofthe project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed application AlS 99-55 at its duly noticed public meeting on February 3, 2000, and recommended that the City Council approve AlS 99-58 with 13 conditions; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public meeting on February 22, 2000, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated January 21,2000 (revised February 9, 2000) and all other documentation related to application AlS 99- 55; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. WH\472248.1 01-022904706002 -1- Resolution 2000-12 . . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council hereby adopts the following findings as required by Zoning Ordinance section 50.55 based upon substantial evidence in the record: I. The project's design conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan land use map, and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document. 2. There is no substantial evidence that a significant enviroumental impact will result from this project due to the adopted mitigation measures for the development. 3. As submitted, the project is consistent with the Planned Unit Development findings A through I, as stated under Zoning Ordinance Section 50.55, and facts as set forth in the Staff Report attached hereto as Exhibit A support the findings. B. AlS 99-55 should be and hereby is approved subject to: 1. The thirteen (13) conditions set forth in the revised Staff Report dated February 9, 2000, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, and one additional condition which shall read in its entirety as follows: Condition 14. The intersection at Monterey Road and Travel Park Circle shall be reviewed by the City of Gilroy Traffic Engineer and Caltrans to more stringently regulate the no left turn movement and other traffic conditions. IJH\472248.1 01-022904706002 -2- Resolution 2000-12 . . 2. The mitigation measures set forth in the Negative Declaration and the MitigationIMonitoring Program, which Negative Declaration is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6"'day of March, 2000, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: G. ARELLANO, P. ARELLANO, MORALES, PINHEIRO SUDOL, VELASCO SPRINGER NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE APPROVED: WH\472248.1 01-022904706002 -3- Resolution 2000-12 rfllJVv.'-Q I~.-I -tit;- ~<- Thomas W. Springer, ay ATTEST: ~~(A- W~~L Rhonda Pellin, City Clerk EXHIBIT A CoInmunity 8evelopment Depltment Planning Division Staff Report January 21,2000 , /.. Revised February 9, 2000 FILE NUMBER: AfS 99-55 "Ramada Inn" (c/o Gilroy Ramada Partnership) A Planned Unit Development (pUDP APPLICANT Gilroy Ramada Partnership LOCATION: 5975 Travel Park Circle (Northeast comer of Monterey Road and Travel Park Circle) STAFF: Cydney Casper, Planner I REOUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting Architectural and Site Planned Unit Development (PUD) approval to allow for the construction of a four-story, 96-unit motel, within a larger PUD project site. DESCRIPTION OF PROl'ERTY: Parcel Numbers: 841-75-005 Land Area: 1.51 acres STATUS OF PROPERTY Existing Land Use General Plan Desil!l1ation Zoning Vacant Land Commercial General Services CM-PUD STATUS OF SURROUNDING PROPERTIES: Existing Land Use General Plan Desil!l1ation Zoning North: East: South: West: Future Fast Food Restaurant Truck Parlcing Restaurant-under construction Open space, Freeway 101 Commercial General Services Commercial General Services Commercial General SerVices- Open Space, Freeway 101 CM-PUD CM-PUD CM-PUD OS CONFORMANCE OF REOUEST WITH GENERAL PLAN: The proposed project conforms to the land use designation for the property on the General Plan map (Commercial General Services), and is consistent with the intent of the text of the General Plan document. AS 99-55 . , ./2l/00 (Revised 02/09/(0) E:\'VIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: A pnor expanded Initial Study, which covers this ,equest, was considered under General Plan Amendment GPA 94-02. Although there were significant impacts noted. specific mitIgatIon measures are mcorporated m and applied to the project, which reduce the impacts to a less than significant or no impact. On October 21. 1994 a Negative Declaration, containing 23 mrtigation measures. was prepared and posted. ~t their meeting ofJanuarv 17, 1095, the Gilroy City Council approved and adopted the )Iegative D-eelaration contained ill Resolution q5-7 Staff has subsequently reVlewed this report in conjunction wIth the current application and ::1nds the Jroject substantially consistent With the prior. environmental documentation. PRIOR PROJECT APPROVALS: GPA 94-02: A General Plan Amendment changing tile prior General Plan land use map deSignation from Industrial Park and Open Space to General Ser{jces Commercial for approximately 14.78 acres or land. This request was recommended for approval bv tile Planning Commission and approved by the City Council on January 17. 1995. Z 92-07: ,-\ zone change request modifymg the jesignauon on apprmumatelv :4.78 acres or land from "'11 (LII1lted Industnal) and OS (Open Space) to C"'I-Pl..iD iCqmmerclal Industnal. Planned COlt Development. ibis request was recammended for approvai by :he ?!annmg I:=JrnmlSSlOn and approveci 'oythe City Council on January ~7. 1995 T\1 92-03: A TentatIve 'vIap request creaung five oarcels. each zoned C"'l-?LlJ. 7he five parceis ranged i1 SIze from approxLTllareiy 1.1 to i 68 acres. A CIrcular 'Jublic sueet ('7:-:lVei ?ark Circle), connectlng ."lonterey Street at ::"NO 'separate ~ocations facilitates ac~ess :0 1il :1ve ~arcels. ThIS request 'Na~ .-ecommended for approval by the P!annmg C~mmlsslOn and unanrmou,"v auoroved bv the Citv Councll on February 21. : 995. ,-\is 93-05 (PUD): Planned Cnit Development :or approval or the overail Site aeslgn_ proposed uses. parcel configuratIOn. oO/off-Slte street improvements, and cecIprocal parkmg arrangement between uses. This PCD applical10n did not address or approve soecinc archrrectural building deSigns. The Plannmg CommisslOn specifically asked that future archrrectural buIlding deSigns be brought back before them prior to construction. This request was recommended 'Or approval by the Planning CommisslOn and unanimously approved by tile City Cound on February: 1. 1995. A/S 97-06 (PUD): Planned Unit Development, ,-\rchitectUrai and Site approval for the development of a rnini-martltruck lounge buildmg on one of the five mdependent parcels which comprise the truck stop complex. This request was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission and unanimously approved by the City Council on April 21, 1997. A/S 97-38 (PUD): Planned Unit Development, Architectural and Site approval for the development of a Jack-in-the-Box fitst food restaurant on one of the five independent parcels which comprise the truck stop complex on property zoned CM-PUD (Commercial Industrial, Planned Unit Development). This request was recommended for approval by the Planmng Corrnmssion and unanimously approved by the City Council on October 2, 1997. V 97-03: A variance from Section 3751, Freeway Onemed Signs, of the Zoning Ordinance to allow the construction of two freeway signs, each ninety feet in heIght and 900 square feet in area. The Planning Commission, with a vote of5-1-1, on November 6, 1997 approved tillS request. AS 99-55 . 3 .,/21/00 (Revised 02/09/(0) A/S 97-71: Staff level approval for ArchItectUral and Site Review to construct a car wash and fuel island canopy as part of a pnor approved mini-mart gas station (,-\/S 97-06 PUDlo CUP 97-09: Conditional Use PemUt approving me operatIon of a truck stop use wIthin a CM-PUD (Commercial lndustnal - Planned Unit Development) zonmg district. Approved uses mcJude truck parking, fuel islands, scales. inspectlOn pIt, lounge, offices, shower facIlities and over-mght motel units. This request ')';:lS approved unanImously by the Planning ComnussIon on Januarv 8, 1998. A/S 98-30 (PUD): Planned Urut Development. ArchitectUral and Site approval ror development or a Carl's Jr. fast rood restaurant on a portion of me parcel Jngmally designated for a mini-storage faCIlity located wIthin me truck stop complex on propertY zoneO CM-P'..:D (Commercial industriaL Planned Unit Development). TIus request was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission and unanimously approved by me Citv CounCIl on November 16, 1998. A1S 98-33 (PUD): Planned L:nit Develcpment. ArchitectUral and Site approval for development of a 5.500 square root SIt-down restaurant on one or the five mdependent parcels whIch comonse the truck :;rop oomplex on property zoned C\-I-PlTI (Commercial IndusmaL Planned Lmt Deveiooment). TIllS request '..vas recommended for 1pproval :JY dIe ?lannmg C,JrnmlsslOn :ma 'mammousiy Joproveci 0:' me Cty CounCIl on September 8. 1098. \'1AL YSIS OF REOtiEST: The proposed request IS for the ,\rchItecrural ana SIte ReVIew or a ob-room Ramada :nn :Vlotel .",thm the -Jrlgmal Pl:wnea CUlt Development 1.-\.,5 Q3-05. ?CD) approved :or a multi-use tnlcK sto9 racility. -~'he ?rr:pose"".concept. for the PtJD mcludcci J motel' .:ated en ?:lrcei 3 'Jf::i. 'lX-~arcel comci~x ""'11e :Jropose~ 'PI~.:qect also inciudes 1 lequest :0 moriify the ongma! PLTI :0 -1tlOW :or:he mCiease n 'Juriding ielght to accommodate :l :our-story, ...\.8-rcot higri 'JUllding. .;. Site Design and Layout: Tne DrOject SIte .$ ,0cateaJn dae i10rthern Darcel in a smail slana at ,ana that is bound on me west by \-Ionterey Roaa and Travel ?:Hk Circle to the north. east and soum. .'\' prevIOusly approved restaurant IAiS 98-33. ?liD) 1S :ocated on:he southern parcel. One driveway is located on the eastern side of the island that prOVIdes joint access to both dae motel and restaurant sites. No access is proVIded from \-Ionterev Road. The building is located m the center afthe parcei approximately 75 feet from the property line along Monterey Road. 43 feet from the property :ine on Travel Park Circle to the north, 55 feet from the property line on Travel Park Circle to the east and 35 reet to the intenor property line. Other amenities wIth the building include a pool, spa, gazebo, patio area and interior lawn area. Landscaping will be prOVIded around the perimeter of the property facing the streets at a minunum depth of ten feet and around me entHe base of the building. The torallandscaping on me property is approximately 15,165 square feet ill area, which IS 23 percent of the property and exceeds the minimum requirement of 8 percent. The planting material is - comprised of 96 percent drought tolerant species and has been chosen for consistency with both the Jeffrey's Restaurant to me south and the Carl's Jr. Restaurant to me north. The landscaping proposed is consistent wIth the City or Gilroy Consolidated Landscape Policy. AS 99-55 . 4 .1/21100 (Revised 02/09/00) .:' Parking and Circulation: As stated above, Joint access to both the Ramada Inn and Jeffrey's Restaurant is proVIded from a single driveway on the eastern side from Travel Park Circle. A two- wav driveway is proVIded for parking access around the entrre building. Based on the parking standards of the Zoning Ordinance for hotel and motel uses one parking stall per guestroom plus SIX additional stalls are required. For 96 guestrooms, ; 02 parking spaces are required and 102 parking stalls are provided on the motel site. In addition, the restaurant Site will provide approximately 55 rec:prlJC:!l, parking spaces available for both restaurant and motel use. based on the expectation that some ofllie customers wlll be mutually usmg both the motel and restaurant. In the original PlJD concept, a second driveway access was also provided to Travel Park Circle on the north side of the property. Because of concerns regarding traffic and pedestnan conflict. this driveway has been removed. The applicant will install a four-foot fence constructed of decoratIve metal with masonry columns along the north SIde of the property. The fence will direct pedestrian traffic to the northwest comer at the intersection of'vlonterey Road and Travel Park Crcle for safer crossing between the Carl's Jr. Restaurant and Ramada Inn. The City Traffic Engmeer has carefully analvzed the circulation, access and lmpact.s tor the proposedpro]ect and found It :0 'oe consistent wIth the goals, policies and standards "fthe Ctv of Gilrov. '.' Building Design and Phasing Plans: The nroposed building IS four stories and l8 feet hIgh, whlch wIllcenainlv be 1 slgmnc:mt presence ;n the area. However. the design of the bUIlding WIll be comoanble ana blend '-'lIth the other bUIldings. In relatIOn to the freeway and recently approved Hilton jfour-stcnes, ~8 ,"eetl and 'vlotel 0 (three-stones. l4 feet) buildings, the prooosed Ramada Inn lS consIstent ill stones ond sIze. The sracie or~ dIe Ramada Inn :;ite lS approXImateiy 2...1. :ee! :ower ':ban me 31evatlcn or' :he freeway, funher reducing any VIsual impactS of Lhe Jmiaing. -:le architect has pro~/lded ill 2xhibit, drawn w scale d110 .Deluded in the attachmentS to thIS stan renor:. Ulat shows che reiauonJr'the ouilding '.0 the freeway and other nearby moteis. Tne archItect :-:as worked diligently to ,"comorate lrchltec:uraJ :earures. coiors ana matenals '" the deSIgn of the buIlding for consistency wIth the other bUIldings :n che truck stop complex and :0 reduce the mass of the bUIlding. The buIlding includes a hIpped "cof with tlie and gable accentS. archItectural pilasters, ledges, cement piaster coior banding and mm, aluminum framed wmdows, vertical offsets. recessed walls and a matchmg gabled porte cochere at the entrywav to further reduce the mass of the buIlding. The triple color banding consIsts of an ash gray base, a sandy tan central banding and a white upper banding. All three colors are comparable to those used in each of the restaurants and the mini-mart/trucker's lounge. The applicant proposes to construct the motel facility in two phases. The first phase will include the main portion of the building with 62 guestrooms. The second phase will consist of the remaining 32 units and will begin construction wrtltin one year from the date of constructJon of the first phase. The proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan land use map, which designates the site as Commercial General Services. As submitted, the requested prop~osal'is consistent with the intent of the City's General Plan text and Land Use Map, Zoning Ordinance, and prior pun approvals granted by the City Council for the truck stop complex. AS 99-55 . e1l2lJOO (Revised 02/~/OO) PLAXNING COMMISSION ACTION At their meeting of February 3,2000, the Planning ComITIlssion voted unammously to recommend that the City Council approve AiS 99-55 wrth 13 conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recomm~~ds mar the Citv COlll1cil approve mis P\..'D moal!1catlon ana aeslgn reVIew request as recommended by the Planning Commission for:he foilowmg reasons: A. The proposed site and arcnlte=ral design are substalltlaily consistent 'oVlth Planned emt Development applications AlS 93-05, ,-\is -~7-06, AiS 98-30 ana ,-\is 98-33 preVIously approved bv the City CounCIL 3. The proposed Site design conforms ~o the land use designation for me propeny on me General Plan land use map. and is consistent wrth the lntent ort,he text or:he General Pian document: r There will be :10 SIgnificant an vironmentai :m03C...s JS 3 :-esU1t )r~ jllS :Jrojec ,:1Ue :0 :he requlfec mitigation measures applied :0 the deveiopment: and D. ,\$ submitted. :he prooosed development :s conSlstern wrth :he 1ecessarv P'anned Lmt :)eveiopment F~ciings A ti1rougll L 3.S stated under luning Ordinance Sec.lon .:O_~5 Staff :uso recummends the followim!: conditions be olaced ,n the ~rantin!! ,)f this reQuest: 'viiugauon ;neasures ::::r., d1rough -:::::'3. -:cmaineci wlmm :"1e -~vIseci .'\egatP.-e Gedaration iatea. Jecember 16. l094. inClUding !he prooosed proJeC"~ shail oe::coroorated wtth :he approval of :hIS Planned Lnrt Development (Ramaea Inn, ,.., S 90-55'! 1Il order:o ceauce and/or dimlOate all pctentlai SIgnificant -mpacts :0 a '.evel of JlSlgmncance. 1S reaUlrea .mder :he Caiiromia EnvIronmental Quality Act iCEQM Landscapmg: The iandscapmg shail be contmuously mamtalOed :n an ordedv. :ive, :oeaithy, ana . relatIve weed-free condition, m accordance wrth the adopted Landscapmg Poiicv and :he approved speCific landscape plan. Any trees planted wrthin :hree feet of :he Sidewalk must be msralled with deep root planter boxes pursuant 1O City of Gilrov standards, subject to Planning DiviSIOn review and app roval. , Trash Enclosures: All trash enclosures shail cansist of a six-toot high, '{1sually solid fence and gates. in accordance with the adopted City of Gilroy standard trash enclosure design plan, or a similar design approved by !he Director of Plannmg. The proposed trash enclosure shall also include the installation and maintenance of screening over the top of the enclosure, as well. ,lJl trash enclosures shall be located in accordance with me approved SIte plan and fire regulations, subject to Planning DiVIsion review and approval. 4. Exterior Lighting: No unobstructed beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the site toward any residential use or public right-of-way, subject to Planning DiviSIOn review and approval. 5. Mechanical Appurtenances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of a building shall be screened by an architectural feature of the building such !hat it cannct be seen from ground level at the far side of the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever pOSSIble, subject to Planning DiviSIOn review and approval. AS 99-55 . 6 .121100 (Revised 02109;00) 6. Building colors shall be consistent with the overall development theme, subject to Plannmg Division review and approval. 7. A separate sign permit shall be obtained prior to the installation of any new SIgnS, subject to Planning Division review and approval. 8. The appj;~t shall relocate the pedestrian crosswalk on the north side of the property to direct pedestrian access to the northwest comer of the property at Monterey Road and Travel Park Circle, subject to review and approval by the Community Development Department. 9. A Fire Department Connection (FDC) and Post Indicator Value (PlV) shall be located near the easterly driveway, subject to Building, Life and Environmental Safety Division review and approval. 10. All buildings shall be equipped with fire sprinklers and standpipes in stailWells. subject to Building, Life and Environmental Safety Division review and approval. 11. A 20-foot minimum wide fire access lane will be maintained around the bUIlding to be delineated with "Red Curb" and signs, subject to Building, Life and Environmental Safety DiviSion review and approval. 12. A minimum 70-pound grease trap must be installed in the breakfast serving/food preparation area, subject to Building, Life and Environmental Safety DiVIsion review and approval. 13. This Planned Cnit Development modificanon and Archllectural and Site design review shall be "alid for one year from the date of City Council approval. An extenSIOn for one additional year ma" be requested from the City Council pnor to any expiration. ~dif William Fans Planning Division Manager Attachments , II ~ l' ~ ..I li &-- &-- 0-- 0-- 0-- II- D ill! hI; !pltled! ;lli;L!!li,1 1II -. 'i' III ." ~ , i . Ii I : ni!! IU i Sill Hi lllliii I . . .. , ~I , i t ~ I I .1 . 0-- . . I &-- 0-- 0-- @-- @-- @- I I i ~ g- I @-- @-- Iir- 110 z o !i > ~ .. ... '" ~ 0-- @-.- @-- ! &-- 8-- 0---. 88 i J . t . I . ! =1 ~I II I . ! z o ~ ~ .. ::: Ii: o z ~j ,. " l: Ii i , . . . I i i . i .. . . . p. 0 ! C ~ !. .. . i:' u 'I' ~ ; , I. e iill ; '" 'J.:' I ~ I' II I Ii I: 1-:- II I, , ill ~ ~ I ! h:'& II ~ ';' ~ ',,- ;1 ~ ." I J , i1 t~ I !! If }! Ii . ~ _ I Ii lll~~~- ~ -~j.-- 1.'../ l : ~ ~'--7 ri / !' ~ --, '"-'.::.if:-~ ,'/ .1/ if '- -, I ..... -", ;' I I ~1!;.nL..., i. ~ - --..-..............::r'i.. ii n ~::l :) a.:l: I; ~ U ~ ~ ~ i I ~ :: II .. '" .. i It i .. .. .. .: :r. ... :II .. .. .. S - II ~ I: . II ! ~ i i i i ; III n Hi! , III a i1!!H! ii.l!ldtlll!J f ;!~.'l~! !a,~il'I:.!I:~I- ~::o ~.. - ..;; ! t ~ ) ./ --,. -\' -.-....-... .---- --- -.'.....-- -;~. -.. ......., ..._----~--_.--_., " , , ! 1 - ; ; I t i / i :/ g / . ; i ; \, ..._.___.i! ~ 11 ~ ~ '" \ \ ' ~\ , - \ \. ' \ , \, \ I /fr- /1;/ I ;' ..... .a.ca........ -6 ............~ ..&&~aa.. NEGATIV<< DECLARATION ~. City of Gilroy . .7351 Rosanna St:. . Gilroy. CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 { R.."TT= } C~~ FILE NUMBERS: GPA ~4-02. : ~2-07. ~ 92-03. POD A/S 93-05 /,.~ ( PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Name of project.: Natu=c of ?=ojec~: ~ ?=ope~ies T=uck s~op Cen't.e~ General plan Amendment,. Zone c3~~qe, ~ec~a~~ve Map, and ?la~ed oni~ Oevelcpmen~ (?UC) approvals ~o al:ow ~he ?=opcsed developmen~ of a ~~ck s~op c=mplex. PROSEC= LOCA~~ON: ~CC3~~cn: Appro~ately 15 acres on ~he wes~ side ~. Balsa Reac, acjace~~ ~o ~he sighway 10: I Monterey S~ee~ ~=te=:~ange. Assessor's parcel Numbers: 841-14-v67 E~tit~ or ?ersca(s) Onde~akina P~ciect: Name: .xv....,.; ?~=ers (c/o =cwa=~ 7:e==a: Acd=ess: 22650 Mc~ea~ Reac, San =cse ~ :=::0 ::r:,=~..iU.. S~Y: An expanded :~~~~a_ s~~ciy :cr ~~is p==:ec~ .as ~~de~axe~ ~~C ==eca=9c -~- ~he p~~cse of asce~a~~ng whet~er ~~e prcjec~ mi;t~ ha7e a s~gn~=~=ar.~ e==9c~ en ~he envi=cnmen~. A ccpy 0: ~=is s~~ay ~s on =~:e a~ ~~e C~~7 c= G~l=oy Flanni~g Depa-~en~, i35: Rosan=a St=eet, Gi:=oy, Ca:~=or~ia. F:NDIBGS & REASONS: The !ni~ial Study iden~~=iec poten~ial:7 sigr~f~can~ ef=ec~s cn ~he environment. However, the applicant has. agreed to specific =evisions in the project and/or the ;roject has been revised. see the fcllcw~nq lis~ of MI~IG~ION MEASURES, which avoid or ~~igate potentia: ef=ec~s to a poin~ where no siqni=icant effects wil: occur. There is no substantial evidence that the project, as revised, may have a significant effect on the environment... -The .fol.a.owing-reasons .will--suppor: these findi..."'1gs: A. ~he proposed T:Uck Stop center, under the provisions of a planned Unit Development, is consistent with ~e Ci~Y'1 General Plan land use map; B. The proposed planned unit Development is snbstantially consistent with the adopted goals and policies of the city.s General Plan document; c. The grantins of the General plan Amendment, zone change, Ten~ative Map, and planned unit Development (PUD) approvals wi~l not adversely affect or impact adjacent parcels of land or developed industrial, commercial , or agricultural properties in the vicinity; and D. The potential significant effects icientified within the Initial St~dy can be mitigated to reduce them ~o an insiqnificant level of ~aet. EXEIBIT B REG.DEe:, HV1f ~ . Jr -,:,",;-.:'!'7' REVISED ~~e projec~ shall be designed in acoorciance with ea:+~quake design requla~ions of ~e un~=o:m suildinq code, subject ~o tbe =eview and approval by ~e ci~ Buildi.::;, ~ite . E::1vi=onmen't.L safe~y Depa--cnea':.. . . :. ~ soils investiqa~ion shall be prepa=sd fer ~~e ~rc:ec~ si~a by a qualified soils engineer- ~he recc~~da~ions of ~e soils investiqa~ion shall be incor?crated into ~e :ina: ~rovement ?lans acci snal: be reviewed and approved by ~he City Oepa-~en~ of ~:ic works ~rior ~o approva: 0= ~he =i~al ~ap. The ?~oses of ~e soi:s inves~gation are ~c dete~ne ~he exact soils charac~e~~s~c3 and l~~tiODS cn ~~e ~rojec~ s~te, speci=ical:y ~he shri=k-swel: ?ctantial of ~e soi:s, and ~Q =ecommend appropriate engineering speci:ications === ~he ?==pcsec ?=ojec~. .. ~he _developer shall cons~~~c~ =~ni~hec fleer ~leva~~ons a~ ~eas~ one :oo~ above t~e lOO-year flood eleva~ion as cel~nea~ed 0= ~~e :994 p=el~~na---f ::~~ am~ on :~:e wi~h the c~~y 0= G~~cy, ~o acoo=pl~sh ~~s, ~~e ?r21~~~a=-! ;raci~~g plan .shal: ~e =sv~5ed ~c =~:lec~ ~~e :o~_cw~~g changes: A. ~aise ~he ::.:..=s,: fleer c: ~~e ~ct:.i!':' i:leva-:.:..cn :36 ; anc 3 Raise -:.~":.e first floor of ~he ni..::..:..-s-:.::rage ;uil:i:.::.gs -- ~~='r2.-::":"c:: :r 4. ~~~ des:.;:: 0: all 5~O~ d=~ina;e ~;rovemen~s 3e~1:.=g ~he ~=o~ec~ 5i~s seal: be ~==vicieci ~y ~~e ievelo~e=, 3c::ec~ ~o ?1J..bl.:..c ~oic=;<s. :'::ese ::iesi~':1 =2V:.=W . ..' anc ap~=ova~ =? ~~e . - ::.-:: Jepa=-_~en~ ~: =c~ =e :~~ad ~o: ?':'a::s . .. . .. . s~a__ ~::.c_~ce, =~~ .; ~a:=~':'a~.:..=ns 7s=i~:.:..=g ~::.a~ 3.~ ':'.=a3"': 3.cr~-:~e~ ~: .a~e= ie-:.a::r:..:..:::;:: . .. . . - . s~==:lqe ..;:'~_ ,'"::e ?r::::v:..o.ec. .l.":. ~::.e :":':::~ec"':. :3 ..:'~~ 3 ~~e ~~~a= de~ec~ion s~==age s~a~~ =e l~~ea. sna~_ ia~e a~ a~crooriate i~~et and outle~ for =8:ea5i~a wa~e= :~cm ~~e ~ete~t~co ~nd ioto a watercourse t~ouab a sto~ drain svstem w~th adeauate C3D8Citv to cocve~ releases from ~~e detention ~ndi ~. App:~cab~e s"':.o~ water scu=ce a:: ~ea~ent-basec ~es"':. ~na~eme::"':. ?rac"':.ices, a~plieci and ~ai="':.a~~ec, as =eccmmencec ~= ~~e =a~~=c~~a s~c~ ~a~ar 3es~ Managemen~ ?=ac:~=e Hanctcok; D. sediment ace ?cllu~ion :::cn"':.rol :ac:._:.-:.~e9 .i-:.~i::. the 5"':.=~~ai~ detention facilities; and Provisions =or periodic sweepin; areas on the project site. =:;aci'W'ay~, :=:.veways, a.::c. park.:..:lg 5. Developers shall pay the appropria-:.e s-:.orm drain development fees, subject ~o review by the City. Depa=-~ent of public works prior to issuance of a building pe~t. 6. The project proponent sha:: be =equ~ed ~o obtain a National pollution Discharge Elimination sys~ems p:og:am (NPDES) Gene=al Const--uc"':.ion permit, required under the Federal clean Wa-:.er Act, zran the Regional Water Quality control 3oard, prior ~o issuance of a building ?e~t. The NPDES const--uc"':.ion permit requires implemen~i~g both const:uc~ion and pcst- construction phase storm water pcl:u~.:..cn best management prac~ice5. Additionally, t~e proposed project .ha:l implement provisions of the NPDES constr~c~ion permit which requires ?reparing and c=mply~~g wi~ a storm Wate~ ?ollu~ion p=evention Plan. 7. REVISED The project~oponent shall conduct a veloCi~tUdy to design slope protection for the railroad hallast. The study shall address the scou=ing ef=ec~ of ~he flocdway and ~he Measures that will be needed ~o be unde~aken to- protect ~he railroad t=acks, ballast, and slcpes~ ~his st~dy and design shall be subject to review and approval by ~e ci~ Public works Oepa.~ent. 8. The developer shall pay ~~e appropriate t:a::ic izpact fee, subject to approval of the City uepa-~ent of Public Works, ;ricr ~o issuance of a bUil.9..,.nq per:ni ':. ( 9. The developer sha:: siqnalize ~he Monterey S~=eetJSouthbound Eiqhway :01 =~ps i~tersec~ion. 10. ~he developer shall prepa=e a ~a==ic :acili~ies ~rovemen~ plan ~o include the installation of t~e tollow~ng ~roveme~ts: A. 3. Prov~de a sidewalk along the entire project Mc~~erey S~=e~~ Frovide bus turnouts along the projec~ f=ootage as direc~eci Sa~ta clara Coun~y ==anspc~a~ico Agen~l; P=ov~de ~~o through lanes, as well as a lef~-c~~ lane en ~he ~o~~ounc Bolsa Road app=oacn a~ ~~e p=cjec~ ci=iveway. ~e~ded to accommccia~e long-~e~ ~=a==ic gr~h; ?rcvi:e t~c le=t-~~-= lanes, a t~ough lane, ~~d a =iah~-~~~ ~ar.e cc t~e no~bbcu~d 3ighway 10: off-ramp. ~~e :e=t-t~ ~anes S~C~:= provide a ~~n~~ 0: Joe :2et 0: 7e~~c~1a= storage. ~be =igtt-t~~ lane should provide a ~n~um 0: 200 feet of 7eni=~1a: storage. ~~i3 ~~-~ be ~e~cieci to ~co==mccate lcng-~e~ ~a==ic =on~tic=s; S.:..,;;::alize :.ne Mon't,~=ey S-:'=e'AtiNcr:.==cunc. :.:..;nway :("~:. 73:;5, ::J==";ec"':. ==i..reway i=:-=.er3ect~on; ~eCicate =i;ht-cf-~a: anc provide ==ontage ~p=oveme~ts along the project ==cn~ge cn 30lsa Read to acocmmcciate a :ou=-lane cii7.:..deci ==on't.age; ~y t.he c. :'::'':''5 ''';:,~_ =e O. , a.r:e=ial; E. G. ?=ovicie 7e:i=icat.:..on ~~at t.he 7e~;ca: al~g~e~~ ci ~~e =~o~ec~ driveway can acccmmoda~e a 25 mi:e pe= ho~= des:.gn speed. ~~is i=cludes sight distance across Moa't.erey S~=ee~. C~-=en~~y Monterey Street i= banked ~c the Wes~ with a 4 percen~ super elevation. ~he on- site driveway drops 0== to ~he eas~ at as.: percent g=ade. ~his is about a 10 percent change in gradien~ across the inte=sec~ion. The ability for vehicles to maintain lane ali;r~nt east bound and west bound across the intersection must ~e ~ai~~ainec through ~he interseccion; ?rovide a driveway on the easterly side of Parcel 2 to allow vehicle easie~ and.~learer.~nt=y.fr~. an e~t .~o the mai~ project driveway. An eas't. bound left-hand turn lane will need to be provided on the main project entrance 'toe accommodate tbe inbound movement. The h.iqh tu--nover si~-down restaurant on Parcel 2 is cur=ently proposed to be servec by only a single driveway at the back side of the parcel; Ins'toall stop signs on tbe three exit~nq moVemen~s at the ~in ?rojec~ driveway in~ersection with the firs~ an-site no~h/south c=oss aisle between Parcels 1 and 5; ~nd , .....~. JIIVII ........'-A i.._<Jr . ......~ ...., ~... REVISED . . J. provide for additional widt.l:l requi:ed to a.l.low for bike lanes on Monterey Road per city standards and speci~ications. T=affic facility improvement plans shall be subjec~ to ~he review and approval by the City Public Worx. Oepa-~ent, prior to approval of the final map and final improvement plans. 11. ~he developers shall be responsible fer submitting a dus~ anc ?ollu~icn contrel plan subject to review and ap~rova: by the Ci~ Suilc~'q, Li=e . Envirbnmen~al safe~y Depa-~ent. consisten~ wi~ existing c~~y ?olic~es and codes prior to issuance of a bui~ci~q pe==i~. =his ~:an ~ay i~cl~de the followinq measures: A. Reta=a eng~ne t~ing O~ diesel-p~wererl e~~i;mec~ to =e~~ce ~OX emissions. Maintain exis~q gasoline-powered equipmect in tune per ~anu=ac~urer's ins~-uctions. 3. substitu~e electric-powered equipmect fer i~te==al combus~icn-~cwe=sd equipmen~, where feasible. substitu~e gasoline-powered equipment (preferably! wi~~ ca~a~~~c conve~e=s ins~alled) for diesel-powered equipmen~, ~he=e :easi~:e. Develop a comprehensive cons~~~icn ac~i7i~y ~anagemen~ ?~a~ ~= ~i~Lnize t~e pieces of cons~-uc~ion equi;men~ cpe=a~~~g anc ~~e e~en~ c: ~he si~e a=ea worked du=inq any ;iven ~ime period. Use ~a~er ~~cks or sprinkler sys~~s ~o ?reve~~ ai==c==e ~us~ :rcm :eavin~ ~he si~a. Re~~~e increasec ~Ja~e=ing f=e~enc: ~he~eve= ~ind speecs e~ceec 15 ~ph. C. D. ~ay bui:di~g pads and ?ave =caciways area, 3 :.c.ewa2.2c.:$, pa=):i.::.; :'C~Sf a"':c. .. as goon as possible. ~i-~~ t~~ s;.eed for ~: cocst--uc~i=~ e~i~~e~t ~o ~_ ::pc --:r:. a.'1-.....-~pa...,ec. su.:r-:ace. E. schedule as ~any cons~~~c~icn ~~ck ",:rips ~s pessible ~~~.::.g ~c~-pea~ hours to reduce peak-hell: emissions. Water or securely cover all excava~eci ~a~e=ial ~~s?o~eci ~==-s~~e. _~. Noise-generati~g cons~~c~ion ac~v~~~=s sha:: ~e =es~=i=~ec ~o ~c~al cia~ime ho~s (7:00 am ~o 10:00 pm). Cons~~c~io= ~~~ipmen~ s~a~~ ~e properly muf=leci and main~inec. The ~on~=ac~o= ~crk specifi=a~iccs =cr all const=ucticn activi~ies shall =e=~=c~ these ~easu=es s~c:ect ~o ~~e review and approval of ~he Ci~y auilcii~g, Li:e & E~vi=or~ental Sa==~y Depa--tment prier ~o issuance of a bui:dinq pe=mi~. 13. A noise analysis shall be conducted to dete~ne anticipatec cn-site noise levels generated by the proposed project. The analysis information shall be used to de.te:mine..tbe .need ..for any. :loise attenuation s"t:-'J.c":.u.res or special building design considerations fer both the res~auran~ and ~he ~tel. The noise analysis shall be conducted subject ~o review and approval by tbe City Building, Life , ~nvironmental safety Depaz-unent prior to issuance of a bu.:.lding per:nit. REVISED 14. The develOP~Shall should include, but . provide design guidelines for not liJni ted to, tlle followinq the enti:e site ccmponen-:.s: whi.ch A. Landscapinq (payinq special attention to the sou~ern and western borders of the site,. a.s well as be'C'Ween 'the truck parking area and the motel and restauran1:). Development of the site shall confo.r:n to -the City of Gilroy's consolidated Landscapinq Policy; and B. Architectural desiqn (to ensure in:carnal design compatibility and desiqn which is compatible with sOU1:.hern Gilroy). The~~esign guidelines shall be subject to the review and approval by t~e ~ city Planning Depar+~ent prior to approval of tbe final map and shall be addressee fully within the Ci~f of Gi~oy's planned unit Development procedures via Architectural, Site Review. 15. ~he developer shal: cons~~ct all uti:ities to, through, and on the site underground subject to ~~e review and approval by ~~e city ~epar-~e~~ of public Works. 16. p=ior to development of the si~e, ~he developer shall pay =eauirec Ci~y of G~:=oy Public Safety impact fees. l7. The design of a:l water i===as~~c~llre impr~vemen~s se~ing t~e projec~ si~e shall be provided by ~he developer, 3utjec~ to ~he review anc approval by ~he City Depa-~en~ of Pu=lic Wcrks. The p=o~csed p=cjec~ shall prcv~de a looped :2 ~nch ~ater sys~e~ :rcm t~e ex~st~~g line i~ Monterey St=ee~ ~o the exis~ing S~~ :cca~ed in scuttside =rive east 0= t~e =ail=cad ~=acks4 This wi:: =equ~2 a f~lly dedicatee ~tility easeme~t ~hrough ~~e private prope~ies ~~e :i~e ~ave=ses. A bore & jack, geparatf~ .:rcm ~he OI"le req-.:.i=ed. :or the sewer extension, '.,r{i:: be .-:-':!~.:.i=ec. ~nde= ~=e railroad tracKS. :8. Developers sha:l pay the appro~ria~e .ater development fees, s~jec~ to review by the City Depar-~en~ of Public Works prier to ~~e :ssuance of a buildi.:lg pe=:n.:..~. ~~. All existing o~-site wells 3hal: be pe~anen~ly capped ~~ c~mpliance wi~h the standards set fo~h by the Santa C:a=a Valley Water District and the Ci~y Depar-~ent of Public Works pr~cr ~o the issuance or 'a buildi~g permit. :0. The design of all gewerin=ras~=ucture improvements ser7ing the projec~ site shall be provided by the develope" subject to review and approval by the City Depar-~ent of Public Works. Sewer lines shall be a minimum of 12 inches. 21. Developers shall pay the appropriate sewer development fees subject to review by the City Depar-unent of Public Works prior to issuance of a buildinq pe=i t. 22. prior to development of the site, the developer must obtain su=ficient sewer allocation to serve the proposed project and will be required to pay city of Gilroy sanitary sewer coanecticn fees. ___n ___ iI~P Ii 23. . Due to the possibility that si!lllificaat buried cultural resources might be fow:td during construction, lanquage shall. be printed on cons'CrUC'::ion drawings to pro~ these resoarces, pursuant to the. review by and approval of the City PJa"";ng Department. Such language might read as foll-ows: ~If arc:b.aeological resour<:es or bWlrall ram.;"" are discovered cmrJ:n<;T consrruc:1::ion, OIOrJr: ab..all be balt:ed witb.izz 50 meters (150 reet:) of t:b.e ~ind until. it: c:an be evaluated by a qualUied Proressional arc:haeologist. If t:b.e rind i$ derentizJed t:o be sir;niticant:, appropriate mieigat:ion measures shall be tormuut:ed and impl_ent:ed.' . 12/16/!J4 REVrSZD .:. ~.;". Date Prepared: October 21, 19!J4 End of Review Period: December !J, 1994 Approved by Cit:y Council: Michael Oem, DL=ector of Planning . . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2000-12 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of March, 2000, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 27th day of April, 2000. ^-~/~ k ofthe-City of Gilroy (Seal)