Resolution 2000-65 . . RESOLUTION NO. 2000-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A/S 00-25 (PUD), AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FOR FIFTY-EIGHT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCES AND OPEN SPACE INVOLVING APPROXIMATELY 21.4 ACRES, APNs SOS-20- 012, SOS-20-020, AND SOS-20-023 WHEREAS, Thomas Road Properties ("Applicant") submitted A/S 00-25, an application for architectural and site approval of a planned unit development ("PUD") for 5S single-family residences and open space involving approximately 21.4 acres north of Luchessa Avenue, east of Greenfield Drive; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), a Negative Declaration imposing seventeen mitigation measures was adopted by the City Council on April 20, 1995, along with a Mitigation Monitoring program, in connection with zone change application Z 96-10; and the City has determined that this project is included in that CEQA review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed application AlS 00-25 at its duly noticed public meeting on September 7, 2000, and recommended that the City Council approve A/S 00-25; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public meeting on September IS, 2000, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Planning Division Staff Report dated August 29, 2000, with an additional Planning Division Memorandum dated September 11,2000, and all other documentation related to application A/S 00-25; and \GMB\493895.1 01.()92504706002 -1- Resolution 2000-65 . . WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council hereby adopts the following findings as required by Zoning Ordinance section 50.55 based upon substantial evidence in the record: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the land use designation for the property on the City's General Plan map and is consistent with the intent of the goals and policies of the General Plan document. 2. Public utilities and infrastructure improvements needed in order to serve the proposed project are in close proximity along Thomas Road. 3. There is no substantial evidence that a significant environmental impact will result from this project due to the adopted mitigation measures for the development. 4. The project is consistent with the Planned Unit Development fmdings A through I set forth in Zoning Ordinance Section 50.55, as determined by facts set forth in the entire record of the project, including the Staff Report and Memorandum referred to above, and oral testimony. B. A/S 00-25 should be and hereby is approved subject to: 1. The six (6) conditions set forth in the attached document entitled "Architectural & Site Review Planned Unit Development (A/S 00-25) \GMB\493895.1 01-092504706002 -2- Resolution 2000-65 . . Conditions," attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The seventeen (17) mitigation measures set forth in the Negative Declaration,and the Mitigation Monitoring Program, which are attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd of October, 2000, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: G. ARELLANO, P. ARELLANO, MORALES, PINHEIRO, SUDOL, VELASCO, SPRINGER NONE NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS NONE APPROVED: \GMB\493895.1 01-092504706002 -3- Resolution 2000-65 ARCHITECTURAL & SITE REVIEW PLANNED UNIT PEVELOPMENT (AlS OO~25) CONDITIONS 1. Landscaping: Landscaping plans including specifications for an irrigation system shall be approved by the Planning Division in accordance with the adopted Consolidated Landscaping Policy, prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping shall be continuously maintained in an orderly, live, healthy, and relatively weed-free condition, in accordance with the adopted Consolidated Landscaping Policy, and the approved specific landscape plan. Street Trees shall be planted in accordance with the Consolidated Landscaping Policy. 2. Expiration: This Architectural and Site Review approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of adoption by the City Council of the resolution approving the Review. If any development for which this Architectural and Site Review has been granted is not established within this period, the approval shall expire. The City Council may grant an extension for an additional year upon an application request timely received prior to expiration. 3. Mitigation Measures #1 through # 17 contained within theNegative Declaration dated December17, 1997, and the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Z 96-]0 involving the subject project (attached), shal] be applied to the approval of this Planned Unit Deve]opment Architectural and Site Review application in order to reduce and/or eliminate all potential significant impacts to a level of insignificance, as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 4_ The applicant shall meet the following conditions subject to the review and approval of the Building Life and Environmental Safety Division: a. Al] dwellings positioned adjacent to Luchessa Avenue shall be designed to contra] interior noise levels of habitable rooms, from exterior sources, with tested assemblies having STC of II C ratings of 45 db or more (UBC Appendix Section 5401 (h). 5. The applicant shall meet the following conditions subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division: a. All proposed fencing shall meet the requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance Section 34_ b. All fences or walls over six (6) feet high require approval of a building permit. c. The applicant will be required to submit complete elevations with colors and materials for the proposed residences prior to approval of any final map. 6. The applicant shall meet the following conditions subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Department: CXVtr'b:+ A SZO/SOO ~ ,g. ST:LT 00/9Z/60 . . a. All proposed retaining walls must be constructed of pe:rmanent materials such as concrete or masonry (preferably modular system, i.e. keystone)_ Wood will not be permitted. b. Details of the design, height, texture and <;olor of the sound wall proposed along Lu<;hessa Avenue shall be <;onsistent with the sound wall built for the "Creeks" subdivision on the south side ofLuchessa Avenue. Complete plans shall be submitted for revieW and approval prior to any final map approval. <;. Complete plans of the landscaping along the proposed sound wall shall be submitted for review and approval. d. All soundwalllocations shall meet the City of Gilroy's sight distance formula on all streets and intersections. e_ If archaeological resources or human remains are discovered during construction, work shall be halted at a minimum of200 feet from the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the fmd is determined to be a unique archeological resoUfl:e pursuant to CEQA section 21083.2, appropriate mitigation measures in conformance with CEQA Guideline 15064.5 shall be formulated and implemented. f. Hours of construction shall be limited to between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm on Saturday and City Holidays with no construction on S=day g. The developer, or su<;cessor in interest, shall notify all future homeowners along Street "C' of the potential future extension of that street. S.0/900 III ,g, 91: Ll 00/9Z160 Community rtvelopment De~ment Plannin2: Division '-" NEGATIVE DECLAR.\TION City of Gilroy ;351 RosaIlIIa Street Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-0440 City File Number: Z 96-10 Proiect Dl!!S",riDtion: Name ofProjett Na=e ofProje-=t: Uplands Zone Change Request to rezone 22.1 acres frotIl Al (Agricultural) and OS (Ope Space) to RI-PUD and Ope:n Space. PrDied LDC:Ition: Location: North side of the future Luchessa Avenue =~oll, ",es;: ofTllOtmlS .Road, and south ofUvas Creek. Assessor's Parce! Numb~: 808-20-<)11 (parrial), and 808-20-<)12 Entity Dr Pe~on{s) Unde'..rnkin~ "Pmil!d:: Name: Address: Thomas Road Properties ( r:J 0 Tim Filice) 7888 Wre:1 Avc;lUe, SuIte D-143 , Gilroy, CA 95020 Initbl St-..dv: An Icirial swrly oftbis proj= --.s uncie:'taken and prepard for the purpose of asc~~m;l'l" wner...b.er this projec:: might have a si5"ificaIIt effect on the e:lviro= A copy of this stUdy is on tile II! the City of Gilroy Pl~nml'l'" O~artmem, 7351 Rosanna S tree'"~ Gilroy, CA 95010 E:x h;bi +-.B SZOI LOO Il!I ~ 9l:Ll 00/9Z/60 . . 11/17/97 Negative Declaration Z 96-10 2 Vindinas and.-Reasons: The !nitial Study identiiied potentially significant effects on the environmen-t.. However, this project has been mitigated (see attached ~tigation Measures) to a. point where llO si~cam effects will 0=. There is no substantial evidence the project ma.y have il. si::nii'icant eiIect on the .enviromne~. The followiDg reasoDS will support these finr:li.ngs: L The proposal is a.logic:al component of the e.-cisting \and use oftbis are:l... 2. lde:li:i:iied adverse impacts are proposed to be mirigated through preparation of special stUdies, and conscruction of off-site improvements. 3. The proposed project is coDSistent with the adopted goals and policies of the (ft!neral Plan of the Crry of Qfu-oy . 4. The IDitial Study was independently reviewed by City staff, and this Negative Declaration reflects the independe:It judgement of the Crry of Gilroy. Date Prepared: December 17, 1997 End of RevieW Period: Januazy B, 199B Date Approved By City Council: . William Faus, Plamring Division Manager l.",t,...u(tIlI\lc:'mlO~..upL.Al'l'I)S.HD ~~01800 III ~ 9T:LT 00/9~/60 . . Uplands Zone Change (Z 96-10) Mitigation Measures Geology/Soils 1. A soils investiga:tion shall be prepar<:d for the project by a qualified soils enginee~. The recommendatious of the soils investigation shall be incorporated intO the final improvement plans and shall be revieWed and approved by the City Enginee~g Division prior to approval of the final map. The purposes of the soils investigation are to determine the_exact soil characteristics and limitations on the site., and to reco=d appropriate engineering specifications for development ~fthe site. Water 2. Priorto preparation ofa tentative map, the project proponc:nI shall conlract with an engineering finn to perform a flood elevation stUdy of the project site to determine flood hazards. The flood eleva:tion stUdy shall include lIle2sures~ accepcable to the City Engineering Division, the Federal Emergency :Management Agency, and. the Santa. Can Valley W llI.er District, to reduce potential flooding impacts to e. less than significant level. The tentative map shall include the following: a.. Identification and location of Flood Zone Al2 and Flood Zone D; b. Identification and ioca:tion of the Santa Clara Valley Water District easement; c. Design and additional measures, as presented in the flood elevation StUdy, to reduce potential flooding impacts to a. less than significant leveL The flood elevation stUdy shall be subject to review and approval by the CIty Engineering Division., prior to 3l'proval of a. tentative map. 3. The project propone:ttt shall prepare a stonn drainage pla:c. .....hereby the project's storm ~e feeds iIxtc the wetlands project. Design of the system shall include measures to e!inlinate, or reduce to. acceptable levels, the amowIt of pollutants in the storm water cirainage, in accordance with the National polluta:at Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) specificatious. Preparation of this plan shall be developed in consultation with the biologist preparing the wetlands plan, and will be subject to review and approval..by the CIty Engm~ring Division, prior to the approval of fiDal maps. Implementation of this mitiga:tion measure will reduce signifiC3nt impacts related to .....ater quality to a less than sigcifi= level. . 5Z0/600 ~ ~ LT:LT 00/9Z/60 . . Z 96-10 2 Neg. Deg. Air Quality 4. The following control measUres sh21l be incorporated into any permits issued for the proposed project: a.. Wa1er all active constrUction are3S at le:lSt twice daily or more ofte.'1. as nded- b. Cover a.Il trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials or require all trUcks to xnaintain at leaSt two feet of freeboard. c. Pave, apply wlrter three times daily, or apply (non-t~c) soil sWiiliz= on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and Staging areas at constrUction sites. d. Sweep daily (wrth water sweepers) all paved access roads., parking are3S and staging areas at construetion sites. e. Swe:p streets daily (wIth Wllter swe=pen) ifvist"ble soill1l2.terial is carried onto adjacent public ~. f. Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive constrUction areas (previously graded areas inactive for = days or more). g. Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil bIDder; to exposed stockpilcs (din, sand., etc.) h.. Limit t:rafiic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mpli. 1. Install sandbags or other erosion control measurcs to prevent silt runoff to public roadways- J. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as posOl"ble. Transportation/C irculation 5. The proposed project shall include the completion of Luc:hessa Avenue betwee:t Thomas Road and the westerly boundary of the project site. This will require consttUcting the northerly half of Luchc:Ssa AVlmUe, including a Oass II bike lane, from Thomas Road to the westerly boundary of the project site to complete the four-lane divided cross-5ection. !fthe southerly one-half ofLuchessa Ave:lue has not been completed prior to occupancy afthe proposed project, the southern half should . be completed by the proposed project, as well Plans for the northerly portion ofLuchessa Avenue shall be provided by the project proponent and included in the final improvement plans prior to approval or the final map, subject to review ~d approval by the City Engineering Division. nO/oro ~ ~ Lr:Lr 00/9Z/60 . . Z96-10 3 Neg. Deg. Biological Resources 6. Prior to iIUtiation of construction in the oak woodland habitat, the Jimi!s of gra.cfu1g shall be staked and SUIVeyed by a eertified arbonst. Where tnin.or adjUSlIIlelltS in the grading line could be made to save individual trees, they should be considered. The arbonst =y also make reco=endarions for addi:rional measureS that could be considered along the limit of grading: to protect trees just outside of the constrUc:tion area. 7. All native trees removed that meet the defilJition of "Si.g:rrifi<'^"nt Tree" as defined by the City of Gilroy Consolidated Landscape Policy, Section 6.0, shall be replaced at a ra.tio (not less than three trees replaced for every tree lost) to be determined in consultation with City Pl",,";"~ Division and a certified arborist. 8. A certified arllorist and the City PJ""n;ng Division shall review the final grading plan if any encroacllment into the oaklsycaIIlore riparian foreSt is proposed. The biologiSt shall detexmine if the additional encroachInent would compromise the integrity of the Uvas Creek riparian cotrido.. If the ce.rtified arborist and the City Planning Division determines the lin.a.I grading plan would result in such a compromise, then the grading plan shall be revisedaccordingiy. 9 . The project proponents shall identify the Jimits of gradixIg on a grading plan. All trees, classified as significant according to the city's cOnSolicl4ted landscaping policy (exisringoaiive treeS six mches o. more m diameter, at a point four and one halffeet above the ground), shall be smveyed and located on the prefuninary grading plan. Where minor adjustmentS in the grading line could be made to save individual significant trees, they should be cozisidered. A ceitmed arborist.and the City Plo",,;,,!; Division =y also make recommmdations for additional mc;asures that could be CCIl5idered along the limit of grading to protect trees just outside of the constrUction lUl!:lL The pp'T..m""ry and fin.al grading plans shall be subject to review and approval by the City PI,,"";"€, Division md cir:y Building Division. nO/TTOIlJ && LT:LT 00/9./80 . . Z 96-10 4 Neg. Deg. 10. The project proponentS shall have a. biologist prepare a. plan addressing the ,onver;ion of the ~ pond area and related drainage areas into a se:!.Son21 wetland. Components of the plan may mclude, but not be limited to: a. Removal of the e:<isting dam; b. Restoration and enhancement. of the existing swale betwen the dam and the existiDg outfall to Uvas Creek; ,. Minor recoUtOuric.g and restoration of the area behind the dllIll to allow the area. to revert back to a seasonal wetland;. and d. Planting of the open sp8.l:e area to mc;lude native vegetation, trees and shrubs typical of the oak woodlands on the project. rite. (Replac:em.e:Lt tre,,"s required m MitigUioc.s S and 6 could also be planted in this habitat.) . These enhan,eme:l1s would mitigate the loss of approximately 1 DO feet of existing weTland within the drainage swale distUrbed by the proposed project. Ownership and tlllIintec.ance of the pond and the 7.S-acre open space area. are addressed in Section 4 _11, Public Services. The plan sball be subject. to review and approval by the City PI~T'IT'1;"'~ Division, the City EnlrineerinlZ Divi$ion, and the City Parlts and Recreation DiVision. - - 11. A pre-tree removal breediDg survey (March 1 through June 30) of the tre=s p\a.llDed for removal during constrUction should be conducted by a qualliied biologist to detem:rine if any active birds-of-prey nests OC;'UI" iD. the tie,,"s to be removed. If these . surveys reveal no nesting birds..()f~prey nests in any trees to be removed., theil no furthe:: mitigation shall be required. If these surveys reveal active birds-of-prey nests in tr.......s to be removed, the followU1g tnitigarion measure shall be required: a. All active birds-of-prey nests shall be avoided while the nest is oc;cupied with adult:s arid/or their young (March 1 tlIrougb. June 30). Avoidance should include the establislmlmt of a. site-specific; non~ance buffer zone around the nest site tba1 prcb1"bits vegetarion <md tree removal, as recommended by a. qu.aliiied biologist. Tree removal can begin after June 30 or when a qualliied biologist determines that the nest is no longe:: being used for that season. Wtth imple:ne:tnation of all mitigation measures presented in this section, si~;fi,ant adv=e e:Mromne:xtal impacts te biological resources will be redu,ed to II. less than sigcifi,ant level. S;:O/ZlO III ~ 9T:LT 00/9Z160 . . Z 96-10 5 Neg. Deg Hazards 12. The tenWive map shall include a tninixnum 3D-foot fire break/buffer bctwee."l the area proposed for open space zonlng and the pro-posed development. The 50-foot cul~e-sac 011 the prp1;..,;"~ry site plan would satisfY this requireme:lt. The tentanve map shall be. S1.1bject to review and approval by the City Builrii,,::. Life, and Environmental Safety DIvision prior to approval of a tentative map. Noise 13. The proj ect proponent shall arrange for a noise survey to be conducted. for the . proposed. project because of its location adjacent to the exre:1Sion of Luchessa Avenue, a four-lane artetia1. The survey information shall be used to determine the height for noise attenuation features or special building design considerations. The noise 5IJrVe'j shall be conducted prior to teDtl1ive map approval. subject to review and approval by the City p\~,,";ng Division. 14. The noise SUIiley, as required in Mitigarion Measure 14 above, will identify the required loca:lion and height of a noise a1;ten1J.aIion feature along the northern side of the e:aeosion ofLu~"" Al/ellUe. This noise anenuation feature should not consist solely of masonry materials, but should create an aesthetically-pleasing effect for travelers along Luchessa Avenue. The project proponent shall pr~are a noise attenuation, landscape and irrigation plan to include, but not be limited to the following: o The I',a.....,ed desigll v.rowd include some combiDalion of earth '0= with wood, concrete, stucco, or masonry. The banier IIlllSt be made air-tight, without cracks, gaps, or other openings and tllUSl: provide for long-t~ durability. . o The noise a:ttcn'lJ,ation f~ desigll shall include landscaping that will not only be aesthetically-pleasing but will also discourage graffiti EleC'Jical service and water service .sbal1 be provided. to the landsaped area. o A funding mecbazDliUl shall be ptoVide:i for the maiIrtenance of the sound at1'~'''';on fea:tUre and lands~ The noise anClllJlltion fe:a:ture and landscape and irrigation plan shaIl be designed prior to 1ioal map approval, subject to review and approval by the City Planning Division. SZO/CiO III ~ ST:LT 00/9Z/60 . . Z 96-10 6 Neg. Deg. Parks & Recreation 15. The project proponent shall provide a minimum 25-foot u-a.i1 and habitat ease.'nent or dedication from the top of the U....as Creek bl!Ilk, along the project frontage wIth the creek. This easement andlor dedication shall be indicated on the tentative map, sul;ject to review and .approval by the City Parks and Recl'wion Division., prior to approval of a tE:IIt;rrive map. 16. Regarding long-tcnn own=rship and maintenance of the open space, ei!hcr option a or b shall Occu!'. a. Thc project proponent shall offer the 7.5 acres of the project site propose::! as open space in dedica:tion to the city as an extension of the existing Uvas Creek Park PresC\"Ve. Dedica:tion of the open space shall be negotiated betWeen the city and the project proponent, prior to. approval .of the final map. If the city chooses to decline the offer, then: b. The project propan.ent shall eStllbJish a homeowners association to maiIIUin the open space. Maintenance. provision far the open space shall be include::! in CCRs, which shall be developed, subject to review and approval by the City Anomey, priar!o approval of the final =p. Cultural Resources 17. Due to the possibility that sigIJificam buried cultural resources might be found during constrUction., the follawing language shall be included in any permits issued for the project site, incIuding. but DOt liInited to building pe.rmits for the furore development, pursumt to the review and approval of the City planning Division: "If archaeolagical resources or human rem_in. are discovered during constrUcri.ou, work shall be halted at a minimum of200 f=t from the find until it can be evaluated by a quaIi:tied professional archaeologist If the find is determined to be sigIlilicant., appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented." SZO/tlO IfI ~ 6Y:LY 00/9.160 - 11: 1q 4B8846. CITY OF GI~ROV ~U Uplands Zone Change Mitigation Monitoring Program Introduction, On January 1, 1989, the California State Legislature passed into law Assembly Bill 3180_ This bill J:equires public agendes to adopt reporting Or monitoring programs when they appJrove projects subject to an environznental impact report or a negative declaration that includes mitigation measures to avoid significant adverse environmental effects. The reporting or monitoring program is to be designed to ensure compliance with conditiol'lS of project approval dUIing project implementation in order to avoid significant adverse enVironmental effects. The law was passed in response to historic non-implementation of mitigation measures preseJi'lted in environmental documents and subsequently adopted as conditions of project approval In addi:t:iol1, monitoring ensures that mitigation. measures are implemented and thereby proVides a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. A definitive set of project conditions would include enough detailed infonnation and enforcement procedures to ensure the measure's compliance. This monitoring program is designed to provide a med1.anism to ensure that mitigation measures and subsequent conditions of project approval are implemented. Monitoring Program The basis for t~ monitoring program is the mitigation measures included in the environmental impact report (Em). These mitigation m.easures are designed to eliminate or redlllce significant .adverse environmental effects to levels of insignificance. These ntitigation measures become conditions of project approval which the projec~ proponent .is required to complete during and after implementation of the proposed project. The attached checklist is proposed for monitoring the implementation of the mitigation meaS1l1Tes. This monitoring checklist contains all appropriate mitigation measures in the Em. PAGE 03 9Z0/9ToIiI ~ 6T:LT 00/9Z160 BS/26/2B~~ 11;14 4B8846B42. CIT'! OF GILROY CD_ PAGE B4 U [~nd$ Zone Ch.. Iniria.l Stud" Min li"", MDnilori.. P1'0 ..... Mitigation Monitoring Checklist A Prior to approval.of the Tentative Map, the following mitigation measureS shall be implemented: 2 Prior to preparation ot .. tOJ\t..tive map, the proje<t Project ProponEnt proponent .hall conlnct with an Engineering finn to perlarm . flood ele-Ialion study of the p~ect .ite to &temli1'le flood hazards. The flood. elevatian study shall il\clude mea.sUNS, acceptable to the City Englnee<ing DivUion, the Federal El:!\erlJ"l"=Y Manage:roent A.,aen<y, and the Santa Clara Valley Wat:er District, to nlcluce potential floodin, impacts lQ a less than sigrtificanr level. The tentative map shall inclwie the following: City Engineering Oi'IJision a. Idenlification arad location of Flood Zone All aI1,(1 F10:t>d Zone D: b. Identification and location of the Santa C1a:a Valley Water Oistrlct eosenuont; c. Desi$!' and. additional measures, as preser>ted in the fload elevali"" study, to reduce potential flooding iInpac:t:s to .. 1.... than signiiiCll>\t leVel. The flood elev.lion study shall be subject to review ,and .ppro"al by the City ~ginoerinS Divisioh, rior to IS ,,-oval of a tentative m.a 12 The terttative map shallindude . miniIrIurn 3Q-loot.lire br1!ok/buffer between the area proposed f"r op.... sp.ce zoning snd the propasod de"elopment. The 5O-foot c:uJ-de-sac on the pre~ site plUl would satisfy this req~t. The t""tarl"e map shall be subje<t to review ond app1O"al by the city Building, Life, ~ Envirol;1ml!Iltal Safety DiYlsion prior t" apP!Oval "t . rentative ma . Project Proponent City planning Divi&on MlY.CI' . 3 EMC PIII..nmg Gra,." Inc. 9Z0/910 ~ A OZ:L1 00/9Z160 B9/26/200B 11:14 46884664. CITY CF GILRO'! CD. ... .PAGE-0S-- .,. lJ 1.."Jb Z"". Ch"" ~ I"iti,,1 Stud Monitoring Program Procedures It is required that the City of Gilroy use the attached monitoring checlclist for the proposed project. The monitoring program should be implemented as follows: 1. The City of Gilroy Planning Division should be responsible for coordination of the monitoring program, including the monitoring chec:kIist. The Planning Division should be responsible for completing the monitoring checklist and distributing the checklist to the responsible individuals or agencies for their use in monitorirlg the mitigation measures. 2. Each responsible individual or agency will then be responsible for deter- mining whether the mitigation measures contained in the monitoring checklist have been complied with. Once all mitigation measures have been complied with, the responsible individual or agency should submit a copy of the monitoring checklist to the City of Gilroy Planning Division to be placed in the project file. If the mitiga.tion measure has not been complied with, the monitorirlg checklist should not be returned to the Plannirlg Division. 3. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the Planning Division should review the checklist to ensure that all mitigation measures ami additional conditions of project approval included in the monitoring checklist have been complied with. AI>. occupancy pennit should (tOt be issued until all mitigation measures and additiOtlal conditions of project approval included irl the monitoring checklist have been complied with_ . 4. If a responsible irldividual or agency determines that a non-compliance has occurred, a written (tOtice should be delivered by certified mail to the project proponent within 10 days, with a copy to the PlaMing Division, describing the non-co.mpliance and requiring compliance within a specified period of time. If a non-compliance still exists at the expiration of the specified period of time, construction may be halted and fines may be imposed at the discretion of the City of Gilroy. MNfp.z fjWC planni"g GrD"p Inc. g~OI no ~ &l O~:LT 00/9~/60 0~/26/200B 11;14 4B8846042. CI1Y OF GILROV CD. PAGE B6 Upl....ds Zone Clrpnife lnitidl Study Mitigrl:tioJ'l. Mora.;.rori'tlK PmK"127ft Mitigation Monitoring Checklist B Prior to approval of the Final Map, the following mitigation measure$ shall be implemented: I I I 1 ] ] 1 . . ] i J I I I I 1 A soiils investigation shall be preparvd for the Projl!Ct Proponent projl!l:! by a qualified soils eng;ne..r. The Iecommendations of the soils inv.stigation shall be incorporat"'" into the iinal itnprovem@<\t plans IU'Id shall be ...viewed and approved by the city Engineering Division prior to approval of the final map. The purposes of the soils irwesligation are to detemUne the exact soil characteristics and.llDU- talian,s on the site, and. to recommend appropriate omgin~oting specibcations for develop",""t of the site. City Engineering Divi&ion 3 The piroject proponEnt shall prvpare a storm Projec:t Proponent drainage plan whereby the project's storm drainage feeds into the wetlands project. Dosign of the sysbolf\ shall include measures to eliIninale, ox reduce to acceprabie levels, the _01Ul! of pollutlU'lts in the storm water dtainage, in acc<>rOlance with the Nationall'ollulont Discharge ElimJ1\aaoI1 Syste=\ (Nl>DE5) specifications.. Preparation of <his plan ohall be developed in consuiltation with the biolopst preparing the wet1artds plan, !lI\d. will be subj""! to review and app"twal by the City Engineering Division, prior to the a royal of /inalma s. City Engineering Division EMC Pla""ing Grc"'p Inc. MMP-5 nO/9To~ .0. H:LT 00/9V60 48884684. CITY OF GI~D'/ CD. PAGE 87 B9/26/2B8B 11:14 Mitigrzti"n M"n~t"""R' Pt'OJ{J'a.... U,,",..ds Z""" CJt.."R"l I..-itial Ststdv 13 Tho! p.-oject proponent shall arrat\g<' for a noise Project Propanent City survey to be conducted for tho proposed projoc:t Engm.erlng because of its location adjac:mt to the extensian gf Division Ludhessa ....venue, a fow-Iane arterial The survey mfQnnation shall be used. to determine the height /,,: noise atlcl'luation features 0: .pedal building desjgn considerations. The'noise ""rvey shall be conducted prior to telltative map approval subjoc:t to review aIid appt<Wal bv the city rlannili" Division. 15 The IPraj~ proponent shall provide a utirWnwn Project Proponent City Parks 25-l1I>ot trail and habitat easenumt or dedication and. from the top of the U va. Cnek bank, along the Reaeation proj.ct ttDrllage with the crea:. This """"=t Divisic;m and; lOr dedication shall be indicated. on the tentlili..e map, subject to review and appro1l'al by the Qi!:y Parks and Reaeation Division, prior to a1)1)rpval of a tentative am". MMP-4 EMC Pla_,"z Gro.." 1= SZO/610 III .g. lZ:Ll 00/9V60 B9/26/2B06 11:14 4B8846B4. CIT'! OF GILROY CO. PAGE B8 UfJl4flds Z~,,~ C"F"Ke blitial Stud.y MitiK4tiQ'fI Mon:itoring PrdKrtlFn 14- The noise s""'ey, as required in Mitigation Project Prop""""t City l"Janning Mea.$ure 14, will id.entify the ""luired location and Division hlOiglilt of a noise atlerluation feature along the nort:tlem side of the extension of I.uc:hessa ....venue. This rloise: attenuation fe:!ltW'1! should. Ilot consi3t solely of masem')' materials, but should create an aes~tically-pleasing effect for traveler.; along I.uc:hloSsa Avenue. The project proponent shall prepare I noise alle;n1i>ation, lanclsc.pe and irrigation plan to incluo:l.e, but not be limited to the following; ~ The prefotted d2S.ign would include SOIne comblnation of earth ben:! with wood, c~n<:rele, SNCCQ, or masonry. The barrier !nust be made ait- tight, without crad<:;, gaps, or other openJ:Lgs al\d must :plDvide for Iong-t= durability. o The'noise attenuation feature design shall induce landscaping that will not only be aesthe!ically-pleasing but will al.o discourage graffi~. El.ec.trical servico and water service shall be proWid.od to the landscaped area. o A funding me<;hanism shaU be provided for the maintenance of the sound a!teJ\ualion feature and !i.ndscaping. The noi.sl! al:bmuation feature and lands""p. and imgatipn plan shall be designed prior to final :alap appro'lal, subj""t to review and approval by the citY P . Division. 16 Regardl:ng I=g-....n ownership and tnaint-enJuu:e Project Proponent GtyParJ<s of the qpeII 'pace. either option a or b shall occur. and Recreation .. The project prop..nent shall offer the 7.5 ="" of Division the project site proposed as open space in dedica lion to the city as an extension of the existing Uvas Creek Park Preserve. Dedkation of the opet\ space shall be negotiated between the city and the. project proponent. pnor to approval oithe final map. If the city chooses 10 decline the offer, then: b. The Foject proponent shall eStablish .. ho:meowners association to :maintain the open space. Maintenance provision for the open space shall be ind..d,,<\ in CCRs, which shall be d.....eloped, subject to review and app"'<fal by the eitv AttOrnay, prior to ancreval of the final mo.". EMC PI41Uling Group.l1lc. MMP-7 S<:DIOZO ~ ~ ZZ:LT 00/9Z160 B9/26/2BB6 11:14 4B8846B42. CI1Y OF GIlROY CD. PAGE B'3 Mitiga.tirm Mo"ituri"g Prog'l'ltm UplJUltls ZOfte Chlltlge Initja.l Stud.y 5 The proposed project shall include the co"'pletlotl Projecl Proponent City of L.u.chessa Avenue bet"W~ Tho",... Road and Engineering the Westerly boundary of the project .itoo. nus will Division require cOt\Stru~g the northedy halt of Lucl,essa Avenue, including a Class n bike lane, from '!hQlnllS Road to the westerly boundaxy of the pro,",,! site to complete !:he four-lane divided c:ross-secti'ln. [f the southerly one-hili of Luchessa A\rerlue has not be..... c""'pleted prior to occtipancy of the proposed. project, lhe southem. halhhould be completed by lhe proposed project, as well. P~ for the northerly portion of Luc:h...... Avenue shaU be provicled. by the project proponent and included in the final improVel%tent plaIls prior to approval of the fu>a! map, subject to review and appr~Val by the City Enltineerinll: Division. 10 The project proponents shall have a biologist Project Proponent Oty Planning prepare a plan addressing the conversion of the DiviSion exisling pond area and related drainage ""eas it!to a ....sonal wetlond. Componentll of the plan may include, but not be limited to; a.. Re<nova! of the exisling dam; b. Restoration and enhancement of the e.>oisling swale between !:he dam and the existing outfall to Uvas Cre..!:; c. Minor recontolUing and restoration of the B.eo behind the dam 10 allow the ...ea to .evert back to a seasonal wetlancl; ancl d. Planting of !:he open 'paee ana to include native vegetation. tre.. and shtubs rypial of the oak woodlon.ds on the project site.. (R.eplac""",nt ll"ees teq\lired in Mitigations 5 and 6 could also be planted in this habitat.) These e<1hancements would mitigate the los. of approxUnate1y 100 feet of existing wetland within the drainage swale dioturbed by the proposed project. Ownership and ~tenance of the poM. and. the 7.S-acre. gpen .pac. area are .addre~d it! Section 4.11, Public Somees. The plan shall be subject 10 review and approval by the city PlaMing Division. the city Engineering Division, and the city Parks and Recreation Division. I I I MMP-6 EMC Pl......mg Grorqr 1,,<. . SZOITZO ~ a. ZZ :n 00/9V60 ~9/26/2eBB 11:14 40884604. CIT'! OF GILROV ~ PAGE lB U"lanlh Zan~ CJr~nlr' InitiAl Study Mtti~litio.,. MmtitarittK l'nIfZ1,nn 9 The project proponent'! slWl icIentify the limits of Ptojecl 17opon...' Gty Planning grading an a grading plan. All trees, classif",d:as Division signifkanl accorditlg to the city's cOl15olida,ad lando.:a.ping policy (elCisting native trees six itlches or mCI'I"t= in dia.:.:neter, at a paille four and 0I'l1! hall feet above the ground), shall be surveyed and loc:atl!d on the pre!imiM%y gtading plan. Where minor adjusl:m""ts irI the grad.lrIg lirIe could be mad. to save itldlvidual significont trees, they should be considered. A certified. orbanst and the o ty Planning Division may also rrW:e reco[JllIIlendaliono for additional measurer; that could! be cotl$idered along thelinlit of grading to protect tree. just outside of the construction area. The preli.tninaty and iirW grading plans shall be subje<t to review and approval by the city Plann!lrIlZ DiviBion and dtv Buildine Division. 17 Due to the possibility that signifi<:ant buried Project Proponent Gty 1'la:1nins culttulal resources might be found during Divi5ion conslJluction, the foUowing langueS. shill be included irI any penn.Hs issued for.the project sit.. inclucling, but not limited to building po.,..;.t:s for the future develop"'umt. purnuant to the review and o.pproval of the Gilroy Planning Dhrisicm.: "If archaeological resoW'Ces or human remains aN dlsco...;ered during construc;tion. work shill be haltecli at a mitW:num of 200 fee' fro", the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professiorial archaElologist. If tho find is detennit1ed to be .ignifitant, appropriate mitigation measures shan be fotJtLuJat.d and im'Plernented:' EMe Pl"nning GrDup Inc. MMP-9 SZOIZZO ~ ,g. CZ :Ll 00/9Z160 eg/26/2BBB 11:14 4!l8B~61!l4. CITY OF GILROV CD. PAGE 11 Mitigati<m Mor@Dring PrOW_ Upl",,4s Z..... Ch/ZJ'lJ(e lnitiJll Stud" Mitigation Monitoring Chec1dist C Prior to issuance of a Building Permit, the following mitigation measures shall be impleme!tl.ted: ~~~;::~~~~--~~~~ I.~Q~~~~:;-\~<.: '~{lv ,,:!.:';l.;.i!:;"<j~~:~rp~<;:EI~~;1E:'t~~\~'f~~r";;.1'J~;;:t:}V"~:\"~.. ':'~"1'" ".~t;<> "';';' r'"'''':;.~~ ':."'n. ,~--:~~~::.j..... , r1:~~~:~N.~:~:'-P:~'::~;:~'~;l,~:;'f ?~~~f}~:~:(~~ '~:~'i;;; '::r '~;i~'~;'(= ~~ f'.~~ :~~'~:~~~:-,~:/..~~'::;,~:1r~':~j,~~~.~:~:~;:~rf~4.~" ;f~~~~~];:'~~~," ?-~< """,, ",~fp~"J ~m3;1,t-'h"':,:.." l-....".,.f"".~. .'" r)."~-l ,:,,,,/', ,,,,," t_".' 1'1"'1:( "~..~ <~'., ~ ,~~ '~"o.)~'.:'-'d~ 'il" ~..~';. ',' .,.:,0..." -., ;,,~,~"<' .~.;,:.' ~~;~ " ;Z"..' 'I";' ':..:,.",0...... :,":'t'" <': ,~' . ...",~"'~- .:t;......,:.'.'..~ .'~~..:<l' :,1,'" ,'.;'"~':: ~l_"''''' ~ -'-;'~I ">- ...'<:,:,,_ 4.....>.:. : ~,/.:.,' \~".../.o~ ", :.-'" .:.~:'~. ,};:. ~i':~'? :"~ll.?n~;~ \', ""T~-' . ;,;.'r"\)' J, ~,I "~':'/;" .i,......,'.'..< ~,',w.:':t .~~~,i. . ~I~~'",;.~_. ~,>rf., ./~; ': . '. '. .~.~~ ~'l'''-:;:\ l.-~ ~';.';:';;'. ~'''~......'''.:-! ~.::.:.Jl~.~ t&._l::.~ ..~,."".'..::..'..~ :"l~"''''':'''''~ ,..L,...~_,~~._~I...~.......'::''!...., ~. .~_". .__:::.v..,,;.:-o-"'-"-< ~~......! 4 The following C01'lttol measures shall be iI1coq>orated into any pennils issued for the pro~d project; Project Proponent City Building Division a. Water all active constrUction areas at least twice dailyi or mOre often os needed. b. Cci>ver .all trucks hauling ooil, .and. and other 100"'" materials or require all truclcs to maintain at least two foet of freeboard. c' Palte, apply water three time. daily, or apply (non-toxic) soU stabilizers an all W'lpaved ace_ roads, parking areas and stagmg "",as at conslhrc:tion .iles, d. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roa<!s, parking areas and staging areas at eOIl!!lI!uction sites. e. SWeeP streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streetll, f. Hydroseed or apply (non-tOxic) soil stabilize!5 to inaCtive construction areas (previously graded areas ;naetive for ton days or m=). g. ' Enciose, cover. water twtce daily or apply (non- toxic) soil binders to e"Pos~d stockpiles (din. sand, otc.) h. Limit tn.ffic speeds on unpaved. rOllds to 15 mph. 1. Instaill sandbags 01: oth.... erosion conl:tcl measwlts '0 prevent silt runoff to public road-ways. j. Replant vegetati01'l in disturbed _as as quickly as ,,os.i101e. l I MMP..fJ EMe P/JznnUlg era.." Irtr. I SZO/CZO Ii1J Q. CZ:LT 00/9Z160 4088460429. CI1Y OF [OILROV CD~ PA!;E 12 eS/26/2eeB 11;14 I 1.lplJUlds ZOtl< tShanl(e ["it/al Stkdy Miti:ilitian Manitorbr.g prg~lJ.1t1 I 11 A pre-tree removal breeding SlU'fey (March 1. Projeet Proponent aly Planning I thrPugh June 3D) of Ihe tre"" planned !ouom","8l Division duting 'o....tNdicm should. be conc:ludad by . qw!lified biologist to determi:u! if any .,tive birds- of-prey nests OCl;lIt in the treES to be :amoved. If I the~e surveys reveal no neoting bird&-<>f-prey nuts in <$\Y ~ to be removed. then no furlher mitigation shall be required. If these SUZ'o'eys I ...v~al .'live birds-oi-prey nests in tr..... to be removed. the folloWing mitigation measure shall bUli!quired: I a. AU active bircls-<lf.-prey nesb; shalllle avoided. while the nest is occupied with adults and/or their young (Man:h 1 through June 3D). Avoidance I shotilcl include the l!lItabUslunent of a .it.....pecUir. non-disturbance buffer .zone around the nost .i~ that prchibits vegetation and tree removal, as I reco;inmernied by . qualifleCi l:tiologjst. Tree remQval can begin after June 30 or ....hen a quallfied biologist determines that the nest ;.. no lon~ beinll: used. for I:h!It .asot!- J J I I I I I EMC PI......;,,&, Gra,,;. Inc. MMP - 11 ,. SZO/tZO ~ A tZ:L! 00/9Z160 ~~/26/2B~B U:14 Mitigation MojrirorinK P70gram 4B8846B42. CI1Y OF GILROY CD. Ul'lall~ ZD111' ChtllJK~ Initial St1ul1f PP,6E 13 Mitigation Monitoring Checklist 0 Prior to Conslt:ruction Activities, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented: . ~~~~-~~;~~:::;~.~ ~f~~f;'1~~~i;ir~f{~~~l1~~~~.:;Z~}.~1~1~1~~Jitt~l(t};;~~~};2j?F~!~~~:'}:~;J.~~~~D~:; 6 Priar to initiation of "011.5truclion in the oalc proje<'t Proponent Gih'oy woadIand habitat, the limits of grad,ing shall be PlaMi:lg staked and surveyed by . c:erlified arllorist. Where Division min~ adj'"-"tmen/s in the grading line could be tlI.cl,1o to save individual tl'ees, they should be cDnGideuod. The arborist =yalso.make re.omznendati.ons tor o.d.diti.onal I:lIelSutes tilat couM be considered along the lbnit of grading to wolect trees iust outside of the constnu:lion area. , 7 All nativ.. tre~ relI\01Ied ~t Ineet th.. definition Project Proponent City Pla=ing of "Si~c:ant Tree" a. defined loy tile City of Di"ision Gilroy Consolidated. Lanc1scape Policy, Section 6.0. shall be replaced at a....tio (not I.... than tlvee lues repla~ed for e"ery tree lDOlt) to be detemlined in =Ullation "(ith city PlaraUng Di";,,ion ""d . .cerlifi'ed arbonst. . 8 A certIlfied ""bOM and the city Planning Division Project Proponent CityPIamli%tg shall review the final grading plaIl if any Division ...cro~chm.nt i:lto the oo1</oy=ore riparian forest is proposed. The biologist shall delemtine iI the adl1itiOl'lal encroa.c:h:Lent would comprOlI1ise the int!!grity ol the Uvas Creek riparian corridgr. If the clertified. ~tborist an"d the cily PI.a:nning Divisicm detem\ines the final pding plaIl wollld. result!rl such a oOI:l\prontise, then the grad,ing plan shall be revised Bc:cordinidv. M14P-10 EM'C Pl_ru,;"g Gro~ Iru;;. 5Z0/5Z0 ~ A tZ:LT 00/9Z160 . . I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certifY that the attached Resoiution No. 2000-65 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 2nd day of October, 2000, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 4th day of October, 2000. ~~~ City Clerk of the -City of Gilroy (Seal)