Resolution 2001-15 RESOLUTION NO. 2001-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF GILROY APPROVING A/S 00-54, AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE MASTER ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) TO ALLOW FOR VARIED FRONT-YARD SETBACKS ON APPROXIMATELY 21.4 ACRES, APNS SOS-20-012 AND SOS-20-020. WHEREAS, Thomas Road Properties ("Applicant") submitted A/S 00-54, an application to amend the architectural and site approval of a Planned Unit Development ("PUD") to allow for varied front yard setbacks for the "Villagio" development, involving approximately 21.4 acres located on the northeast comer of Luchessa Avenue and Greenfield Drive; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), a Negative Declaration was adopted by the City Council on April 20, 1995, with seventeen (17) mitigation measures, in connection with zone change application Z 96-10, and the City has determined that this project is included in that CEQA review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public meeting on March 1, 2001, at which time the Planning Commission considered public testimony, the staff report dated January IS, 2001, and all other documentation related to A/S 00-54 and recommended that the City Council approve A/S 00-54; and WHEREAS the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on March 19, 2001, at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Report dated January IS, 2001, and all other documentation related to application A/S 00-54 and determined to approve AlS 00-54, including three (3) conditions described in the Staff Report and the six (6) conditions from A/S 00-25; and ICDS\511390.1 02.Q32B04706002 -1- RESOLUTION NO. 2001-15 WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council hereby adopts the following findings as required by Zoning Ordinance section 50.55 based upon substantial evidence in the record: 1. The project conforms to the Gilroy General Plan III terms of general location and standards of development. 2. The proposed development will consist predominantly of housing and therefore fulfills a specific need of the surrounding area. 3. Urban services are available at this project site. 4. The project plan is harmonious and integrated. 5. The project land use plan is both an economical and efficient use of this property. 6. The project includes landscaping provisions which meet the intent of the Planned Unit Development ordinance. 7. The project as proposed will allow for attractive and harmonious development of the project site. 8. All impacts from traffic congestion, noise, odor, or other adverse effects will be mitigated to the extent feasible. 9. The project provides adequate parking, access, landscaping, trash areas, and storage, in accordance with provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. \CDS\511390.1 02.()32804706002 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 2001-15 B. The City Council hereby finds: 1. The project will not be detrimental to public welfare or lllJUTIOUS to persons or property in the vicinity. 2. There is no substantial evidence in the record that this proj ect will have a significant impact on the environment. C. AlS 00-54 should be and hereby is approved subject to: 1. The three (3) conditions described in the Staff Report and the six (6) conditions from AlS 00-25, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. The seventeen (17) mitigation measures set forth in the Negative Declaration, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of April, 2001, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: PINHEIRO, G. ARELLANO, P. ARELLANO, MORALES, SUDOL, VELASCO AND MAYOR SPRINGER NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE APPROVED: -----?'A ~6V<:l W Thomas W. Springer, Mayor ~....~ .... ;/ Rho da Pellin, ~~clerlc \CDS\511390.1 02.Jl32804706002 -3- RESOLUTION NO. 20ot-15 AlS 00-54 EXHIBIT A. January 18, 2001 CONDITIONS 1. All conditions contained in City Council Resolution 2000-65 for ArchitectUral and Site Review AlS 00-25 (PUD) approval shall remain in effect and apply to any approval of this PUD amendment request (AS 00-54). 2. The applicant shall meet the following conditions subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division: ; a. No front yard setback shall be less than a minimum of 15 feet. b. No two adjacent front yard setbacks shall be the same. c. All side and rear yard setbacks shall be the minimum established in Section 11.30 for the RI zoning district of the City of Gilroy Zoning Ordinance as follows: Side yard Street side yard Rear yard 6 feet 10 feet I5feet d. All driveway lengths shall be a minimum of 20 feet. 3. Expiration: This Architectural and Site Review approval is valid for one (I) year from the date of notification of approval If any development for which this Architectural and Site Review has been granted is not established within this period, the approval shall expire. The Planning Division Manager may grant an extension upon an application request received prior to expiration. 3-1-01 At their meeting of March 1, 2001, the Planning Commission, by a vote of 6-0-1 (Commissioner Tucker absent), forwarded a recommendation of approval with 3 conditions as set forth in the staff report. Attachmeats: \. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. LelIer from applicant 4. City Council Resolution 2000-65 EXHIBIT A EX BIT A ARCHITECTURAL & SITE REVIEW PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (AlS 00-25) CONDITIONS . 1. Landscaping: Landscaping plllX\S including specifications for an irrigation system shal1 be approved by the Planning Division in accortiance with the adopted Consolidated Lanciscaping Policy, prior to issuance of a builciing permit. The landscaping shall bc continuously maintainea in an onierl)', live, healthy, and relatively weed-free condition, in accordance with the aciopted Consolidaleci Lancisc:aping Policy, ana the approved specific landscape plan. Street Trees shal1 be planted in accordance with the Consolidated Landscaping Policy. 2. Expiration: This Architectural and Site Review approval is valid for one (1) year m,m the dale of adoption by the City Couneil of the resolution approving the Review. If any dcvelopment for which this Architectural and Site Revicw has been granted is not established within this period, the approval shall expire. The City Council may grant an extension for an aciditionai year upon an application request timely received prior to expiration. 3. Mitigation Measures #1 through #17 contained within theNegative Declaration dated December17, 1997, and the Mitigation Monitoring Prog=n for Z 96-10 involving the subjcct project" (attached), sha11 be applied to the approval of this Planned Unit Dcvelopmc:ot Architectural and Site Revicw application in onier to reduce ancifor eIiIninate all potential signifieant impacts to a lcvel of insiguificance, as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 4. The applicant shall meet the following conditions subject to the revicw and approval of the Building Life and Environmental Safety Division: a. All dweUings positioned adjacent to Luchessa Avenue shall be designed to control interior noise levels of habitable rooms. from exterior sources, with tested assemblies having STC of 11 C ratings of 45 db or more (UBC Appendix Section 5401(h). 5. The applicant sbaIl meet the following conditions subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division: a. All proposed fencing shall meet the requirements "of the City's Zoning Ordinance Section 34. b. All fences or walls over six (6) feet high require approval of a builciing permit. c. The applicant will be required to submit complete elevations with colors and nWcrials for the proposea residences prior to approval of any fina1 map. 6. The applicant sba1l meet the following conditions subject to the review and approval of the Co=unity Dcvelopment Department: EXHIBIT A " 5;:0/500 ~ A sr:LT 01 :tI EXHIBIT A a. All proposed retaining walls must be constructed of permanent materials such as concrete or masomy (preferably modular system, i.e. keystone). Wood will not bep=ined. b. Details of the design, height, texture and color of the sound wall proposed along Luchessa Avenue shall be consistent with the sound wall built for the "Creeks" subdivision on the south side ofLuchcssa Avenue. Complete plans shall be submitted for review and approval prior to any final map approval. c. Complete plans of the lanciscaping along thc proposcci souna wall shall be submitted for review and approval. d.. All soundwalllocations shall meet the City of Gilroy's sight distance formula on all streets and intersections. . e. If archaeological resources or human remains are discovered during constrUction, work shall be halted at a minimum of200 feet hm the find until it ean be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is dctennincci to be a UDique archeological rcsource pursuant to CEQA section 21083.2, appropriate mitigation measures in conformance with CEQA Guideline 15064.5 shall be formulated ana implemented. r. f. Hours of construction shall be limited to between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm Monday thItlugh Friday, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm on Satutday anci City Holidays with no construction on Sunday g. The developer, or ~ccessor in interest, shall notify all future homeowners alang Srn:et ~C' of the potential future extension of that street. EXHIBIT A S:0/9001J1 ~ 9l:Ll 00/1%/80. Community Development Department Plarinin~ Division '-' NEGATIVE DECL..~.<\.TION ElK1Bn B Cirv of GilroY . . 7351 RosGIICa Str=t Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) ~440 City File Number: Z 96-10 Praiect n""aimjon: N=e o{Prcje== Namre c{?rcje::: Uplands Zone O=ge Request to r=u= 7"1 7 a=::s fram Al (Agric::Ul:mal) ;mci os (Ope Space) to Rl-PUD md Op= Spa=. . Pmiea'LoClrion: Loc::rrica: Ncrtll side of the fimlre Lucl1essa. Av=e =e:lSicm, w=so: ofTDC:l2S .Roa.ci, md south cfUvas Crdc. . Assessor's Pare::. Numil=: 808-20-011 (partial), md 808-10-012 EJrtiTv or P~"n(5) Und~~ 'PT"OiKt: N= A4dr=: rJl.Cm3.S ~ad PrtJperties (<:/0 rIm Filie::) 7S118 Wrc Avcue. Suite 0-143, Giircy, CA 95020 Iniri:d 5rorrr: An!IIitW Sl1Jriy cftbis prgje::t wu ~ and I',,,;-_..J fer the ~ose otas.; .;,,;,,! ~ t!Iis proj= c:rig!:lt Il%ve it .;~,..,..". aect 0tI. the =:viro= A ccpy cfthis s:uliy is on fiic ~ the City cfGiiroy pI"""";..... Dc;lartm........ T.i5l Ro= S=; Gilroy, CA 95020. . EXHIBIT B SZOILOOIl!! j1 OT:/T nn/a~/.n Ne:zarive ne::lmIion - . Z 96-10 2 12117/97 EiruIin~s and Reasons: The Iniri2l Study iae:nmed potentially sign;';""..,. de:::3 on the eMrc== F...oweve:', this proJ=--- w b= mitiga.ted (see -....;,~d ~tigatiOI1 Me:l.Surcs) to a. point wi:Lc.~ IlC si~;ncam eife:;ts will 0=. TJl= is 110 substa:llliaI C'lidc= the proj= ma.y \uve if. si!",iiicam ra~ on the ~e:It. 'The fonowing reasons will support these fi:c.dings: 1. The proposal is a logical c;ompone:lt of the e:cisting Jmd use oftbis a..~ 2. Id...".jfied adve:'"Se impacts arc proposed to be miri~'''! tbrcug:h prepantiOI1 of speciz1 stndic:s, and con.s=c:tion of on-me improv=e:n:s. ('^, 3. 'The proposed project is ccnsi.stct with the adopted goals and policies of~ Ge::erai Plan of the City of Gilroy. 4. The I:citial Study was independmtly reviewed by City s:a:tr, and this N~e Declarat1= retle= the independctjudge:nent of the City ofGiiroy. DUc Prepared: De=nber- 17,1997 End of1tc:vicw Period: J'anua::y B, 1.!T9B Dee AflprcVed By CitY Council: . WiiIiam Fms, pl~....;.,g Divisiol1 Mamge" ~ EXHIBIT B $ZO/900 III ~ 9T:LT 00/9Z/80 Uplands Zone Change (Z 96-10) Mitigation Measures Geology/Soils 1. A soils invc:stig.mon sball be prepar~ fer the proj= by a qualiiied SOIlS engine::, The rece=enda1ions of the seils investig;cicn sb3ll be incorperaIe co the SIlal iInprcve:ne:lt plans and shall be revieWed ana awrovcd by the City bgm=.-1:ng DIvision prior to approval oftl1e final map. The purpeses of me seils inv~oll are to de>..ermine the. e:act sail c:baract=ristic md lim~:tticns OIl the sit~ and to rece""",,,"d apprapmte engi:ne:.-ing speci:iicalicns for develcpmellt ~f the site. Water 2. Prior to preparanon ofa. te:rtztive map, the proj= prcpone::lt shall COm7..ct with an engiIledIlf film to perfo= a. flood elevaricn stUdy oftbe prOject site to detc:mine flood hazards. The flood elevation stUdy shaD. include me:isur~ a.c:::ptahle to the City Engin=:i,.,:;: DiVision, the Federal Em~e::.cy Manage:ne:It A!:e:.cy, and the Sama. Oan Valley W= District, to r=uce potcttial flooding impactS to a less than <i:;:miiC3Ilt level. The tem:mve map shall include the fonowing: a.. Idemmcation and location ofFiood Zone All a.'td Fiood ZOlle D; b. Identi:fication and localion of the Santa Clara Valley WAter Distri~ e:l.S=ct; c, Design and additional measures, as pre5e:Iteli in the flood eleva1ion StUdy, to reduce potc:n:ial flooding impacts to a less than sigDifiC3Ilt level The flood elevaIion stUdy sball be subj= to review and approval by the City E:lgine=ring DivisioIl, prior to approval of a temative map. 3. The project praponeDt shalll'''-l'dR a storm dl:a:ina&e p1a:a wIu:reby the project's st= ~ fi:::ds imc the """"":md~ project. Design of the system shzll include measures to ..r.......,,,,.e, or r=iuce to' a.cc=ptable levels. the amolmt of po111""nt'l in the == 'iVUer clr3iDage, in accordance with the Naticnal PoRutam Discharge 1=1.......".,.;on System (NPDES) speO:fic:alions. Prqlamion of thiS plan shall be ~oped in . consultation with. the biologist Jm=Paring the we-.lmds plm, and wiII be subj= to review and "f'l"...~'.l:ry the ~ ~,,~...-..i:ng ~n, pricrto the approval offinal maps. . Imple:nc=tion of this ~e=ion measure w:ill reduce si~nc:mt impacts related to W4ter quality to a 1= than siglliJiC3Ilt level. ' EXHIBIT ,8 SZD/6001ll ~ LI:LI OO/9Z/60 Z 96-10 2 Ncg.Deg. Air Quality 4. Tile fonowing ccmrol me:uures sh2ll be inccrporaIe~ into any p~ issud for the proposd project: a. b. c. d. c. f g. ~ b... L j. W = all active cC1lStl'1JCiotl arcs a:t le:ar. twic: daily or more OItl::l as t1e:::id.. Cove:" all ttUc.1a ,.,~"rm~ soil, sand., and othI::' loose ~..als or require all tIUC.1a to toaim.ain a:t leas:: twO ~ of r. ~board. Pave, a:pply ~ tbree t:im=s daily, or apply (non-t~c) soil ~ on all unpavd access reads, parlCog are3S :md ~ aras it c01lStl'l.lc:iotl sites. Swe:p daily (wtth WUe:" sw=;lC"!) all paved ac::ess roads, parici:1g a~ and staging areas a:t ccnmuc:ion sites. Swe:p S'll'=.5 daily (wtth Wl!l:e:" swe:pcrs) if visible soil mnc:ia.! is c.u:ied ontO alijac:::!t public stre:".!. Hydros~d or apply (non-toxic) soil s-.zbilizcrs to inactive cons=cion 2IUS (previously graded arcs inactive for U::l. days or mcre). Enclose, cove:", W1!:er twice daily or apply (lllJlI-toxic) soil biIi~ to exposed s::oc:kpiles (dirt, ~ etC.) . Limit 1J"3ffic speeds on Ul:lpaved reads to 15 mpli In=l1 sandb~ 'or othe:" erosion comrcl me==s tc pr=v=It silt runofE'to public roadways- R<:plam veg<=tion in disturbed Ue3.5 as quickly as possible. T ranspo rtatio nlCirculation 5. The proposed project sh.a1l include the completiotl of Luchessa. AVemle berwe::::l Thomas Road and the westerly boundary of the project site. This will require consnuc::ing the 1ICI'thedy half of LuchCssa.. Avmue, jpcluding 3. Qa.ss II bike lane, from Thomas Read to the west:rly bou.ndary of the project sit: to complete: the four-lme c1Mded =ss-s""";"" If the southmy o=-balf ofLuchess& Av= bas 1101: . be=: ccmpletc:d pricrto oc:c:upmr:y of the proposed project, the southe:I1 baif should .be ccmpleted by the proposed project, as well SZOIOTOIlJ Plans for the uortherly portion ofLw;hessa Averrue sha11 be provided by the proje:::. prcpon= and included in the final improve:nc:lI plans prior to approval of the final map, subjca to review ~ ~provai by the City E:lgine=ri:cg Division. EXK\B\l B ~ Lr:LT 00/8Z/80 Z96-10 3 Neg. Deg. Biological Resources 6. Prior to initia.i:ion of co==:ion in the oak woodland hamta1, the limits of p?M""~ shall be =ked and surveyed by a. = ..wed arboris'"... Wiler: t!Iinor aci}== in: the grading!m: could be ma.de to save incliWlu.a1 tr=S, they should be comiCere:i. Tne arborlst may also make re--..c=cdmcns fer aC.diIional mea.sur~ that could be considered alCIlg the limit of grading to' prate<:: tr= just outSide of the cc=cion area. 7. All native t:re:s r=oved tllll1: me:t the ....;m;.;OD. of'Si~~ Tre:" as defined by the City of Gilroy Consolidated I.3Ildscape Policy, Se::::ion 6.0, sI:a1l be rep1a=i at a. ratio (not less than three trees rc:piac::d for ~ tree lost) to be dc::enmned in consultation with City Pl"""";"~ Division aDd a c:.."ti!id arllorist. 8. A c:::Ulied arbcrist a:ad the Ci1:yPl.....,.,;,.,g Division sha1l review the fina1 grading plan if my =....MTn~ mo the oak/sycamore riparian forest is proposed. Tne biolo~ shall dct......;.w= if the adrWiMnal cC::O....MTn~ would cow.:-.......ise the integrity of the Uvas Cre:ls: riparian c=idor. If the c:rt:iiicd arborist and the City pI "",.,;.,., 1 Division de:e:1IIi=; th: :5ml grading pian wculd result in such a compromise, the:! the grading pIa:1 shall be reviseda.ccordingly. 9. . The projeo::: prcpCI1ClIts shall icientify the limits of ~ on a. !fading plan. All tr=S, dassiDed as sigIIincaut accordiDg to the ~s cotlSoliciaIed Imdsc:apii:tg policy (e:tisring IIlIlM: = six inches or more in diameo-.e:', :It a. pom four and one half f=t above the g:rcund), shan be surveyed and located on the ~ gnding plan. Where minor adjustmClltS in the grading !me could be made to save indIvidual siglliiic:mttre=s, they shculd be c:atisidered. A ricd. arllarist.ami the CItY pI""";"'! DivisiOl1 T1J1rf alsa maJg: r==CIlialicns fer additional m~s tha:t c;ould be ......,.,;rlo:ra:i zlcmgthe limit of grading to prct=:: ir= just outside of ti:.e cotlSl:NClion __ The!l' "":"'"Y and ba1 gr2ding plans shaD. be subject to review and a:pprova1 by the City Pl..".,.;nlr Division and cirJ Builclmg Division. . EXHIBIT B SoO/Holll ~ L!:L! OO/9Z/80 Z 96-10 4 Neg. D~. , 10. The proj= prcpon= silall bav1= a. biologist pr=;r.n'C a. plan addressing the ~onve:sicn of the ~,,~ pond aI'l:3. and related. drainage a.r=:s into a So:2.!otm! we".1and.. Compon= oftbe plan =y include, but net be li.mited to: a. . Removal oftbe e:cisti:og dam; b. Restonmon md enbmcemem of the c::dsting swale bew= the d= and the e:cisting outWl to Uvas Cre:k; . c. Miner reccmouci:c.g and resronmon cfthe ~ behind the dam to allow the ara to revert back to a. Se:1!onaI wethmd;. and d. planting of the open spBC1!! are=. to inclucie narive ~caticm,. tr= and shrubs typical of the oak woodlands on the proj= site. (RepiacClc:tt tr= te:iuired inMitigaIiOlIS 5 and 6 could also be plamed in this babitaL) . These e:lhanc~...,t. would l1litigate the loss of approximately 100 fe:! of ~ w~-3Ild wTthin the droinage swale disturbed by the proposed prcje:::. (- Owuc=ship and maintcmce of the pond and the 7.5-= ope spac: ar=. are addressed in Sedion 4.11. Public: Servi=. The plan shall be subjeet to review and approval by the City pl,.""m~ Division, the City E:Igin=ing Division. and the City Parks and P.=l:3%ion Division. 11. A~-~ =oval br=di:lg survP:'j (Ma.rcb. 1 through June 30) of the = pla1med for removal during ccnstIUctiou should be conducted by a qualified. biologist to cicte:teine if my a.cive b~f-prey nestS occur In the tie:s to be remo....ed. If these . survP:'js reveal no nesting birds-of-prey nestS in my = to be remo....ed.,.tbc no further mitig:a:lion shall be required.. If these surveys reveal active birds-of-prey nestS in tre:s to be removed, the ronowing rrm;~0lI mC3SU1'e shall be required: a. All adive 1:rird.s-of-prey nestS shall be ~ided while the nest is oc::-.Ipied with adults mdlortheir~{Mlrch 11:lJr'cu!h.1= 30). Avcidanc: should include the esWor.~...". of a. site-speci:lic, mm-disturbm= buffer zene a.r1:ltmd the nest si:e that pttlbibits' "~,,,L..licn z:ad = remcval. as . """"........:nded by a. qualffied biclogist.. Tr= r=ncvaI can bqin after June 30 or whCl1 a qualified biologist dete:mines thu the nest is no longer being used fer tha% sesscn. Wtti1 irnpi==mion of a.n ~on m=ures pres=ed in tbis section, sigl:liD.cant advc:se Cl'Iircam=l il:I:lp= tc biclogical resources will be redu~ to a less than si~,,;;';cant leveL EXHIBIT B SZO/ZTol:ll JZ iT:LT 00/8Z/80 Z 96-10 5 N~ De;. Hazards U. The te:1t3Jive map sh3ll include:: a. xmmmum 30-fbot fire b~C' bc:::we-..:l the:: = proposed for cpc:::1 spac: zoIling and the proposed devc::lQpm=- The 50-fOot Cli~ ClII. the:: pr..1;"';"'''''Y site:: plan would samiY this rc::quir==- 111e t=znve map sball be::. subject to review ami approval by the City Euilrlm::. Li*, and E.nvirc:m......'"""~1 Saic:::y Di:vision prior to apprcwl. of a. tc::xltZIive InaP. . Noise 13. The proje::c: proponent sball arrange for a. l1Cise sw:ve.y to be:: =duc:c::d.for the . proposed. project be=e:: of its 10catiOl1 adjacc::nt to the e:;ctCSiOIl of Luc;bc::ssa A ve:llle, a four-Jane arterial !be survey wr",.:ma1ion shall be used to dc:e:'llline the hc::igbt for noise:: atte:matiOl1 fe:ttUTCS or special b>"',;m~ dcsig:n considerations. The:: ncise survey sha1l be c:ond""''''; priortD tl!:ll3l:ive map apprcvaI. subjd to revic::w and approv.a1 by the City PI"""";"! Division. . 14. The noise:: survey, as r=l,uired in Mi~.,1;on Measure 14 above, wiil jd=1ify the rc::quire:i 10Cllion a:rui height of a ncise .......",.,.;ClII. fctture along the liar-ohern side of the c:::acsicn ofL""';'''':'= AVer!lle. This noise m=ation fe:tlJl:l"e should not amsist solely of masonry 'lIl%te:ials, but should =:!.te an aesthc:ically-ple3SiIlg efIca for uavc::len along Luchessa Avenue::. The project propon=1t sh3ll prep= a noise ane:mation., landscape and ir:i~0l1 plan to include, but net be limited to the:: foUcwing: o The I'.&-.....d design would include some =~nn of e:uth b= with wood, conc:rete, stUCCtl, or mascnry. The:: bamc::r IIl1ISt be made:: air-tigm, without aacks., gaps, or cthc::l" apellicg:s and am5t praWie fer long-~ dunbility.' o The ncise --'",.;on feau:e design sbaIl include:: 1.a.ndsc:apmg tb3t wiilllOt only be ~_h..;.....ny-plc=ing but will also discourage g:rafli1i Elec:ncz1 service and '\IIUc::I" sc:rvice .sball be provided tD the l_,;.~ed UeL o A fi....~~ "'-"<lm""" sball be providc::::l for the ~c:: of the sound -''''';011 fea:turc and 1.a.ndseapmg. T.nc:: llOise 1-""'-',.,.;on fi:::Uurc:: and la:ldsCl;Je and itrigarion plan sha.Il be designed prior to fiDaI map ~ subjCl:t to tl:vic::w and approval by the:: City PliI'mn! Division. EXHIBIT B s.o/tlo III ~ iT:LT 00/9./80 Z 96-10 6 Neg. Deg. Parks & Recreation 15. The proj= propen= shall provide a m;,,;""""" 25-foot 1nil and l:laJ::iut cs== or dedi=:ion from the top of the Uvas ere--!\: bank, along the ~= frcnugc witi1 the cre-..k. TlIis e3.Se:Ilem: and/or dedi=ion shall be indicated on the tcnutive map, subje::t to ~ew and 'approval by the City Parks and R==ion Division, prior to approval of a t~e map. Hi. . ~ long-t= owne:sbip and maint=c: oithe ope space, e.'the:- option a or b sh.all ocOJI'. I~'. i a.. Tne prejec: proponet shall o:!i'=r the 7.s a.cres of the proje::t site proposed as opel space in dedic:mion to the city as an =r::ISion of me e.~';'1~ Uvas Cre:.1c Park Preserve. Dcdicttion of the open space shaIl be negctiaIe:l berw=:l the city and the proje::t propone:tt, prior to. apprgval.of the fiD3l map. If the city cheeses to de:::!ine the offer, th= . b. The prcje::t prcpCI1Cllt sha1l emblish it homeowners assoc:.mOI1 to mamain the. ope: space. Maimcmc:' provision for the open spac: shall be included in Cells, which shall be developed, subi= to review and approval by the CItY Aro.omf:'j, priClI"to approval of the final map. Cultural Resources 17. Due to the possibility that sig:DE= burid c:u1tural resourc:s mi!!ht be found. during ccnstIUctien, the fonowing 1l"1!,'''~e shall be included m my pc:mits issued far the project site, ;..,.!,,';-""g. but IlCi: limited to b,,;JtI;..g pe:mi:ts tar the fi.l=e dc:velopme:lt, pu:swmt to the review and approval of the eitr PI",.".,;"! Division.: "If arcilaeologicai reso= or 11-,.","" r-",,;nc are discovered c!uring ~ werle sba1l be baIted at a. ...;";,.,,.... 0{200 f=: from the find. umil it can be evaluated by a qualified professianal archaeologist. If the find is ci=:m:i=i to be sigmncmt, appropriate miri~on m=e5 shall be fcrmulatcd and implemented. . EXHIBIT B sZo/tto III ~ 8t:LT OO/9Z/80 i . - 11:14 4B8846l CITY r:F GIL.ROV ~.A.i Pile B3 Uplands Zcne Change Mitigation Monitoring Program Introduction, On January I. 1989, the Califomia Sate Legisiature passed into law Assembly Bill 3180. This bill.equires publk agencies to adopt reporting Or monitoring programs when they approve projects subject to an envircmnental impaa repOrt or a negative declaration that includes mitigalicn InelilSUres to avoid significant adv-e:se environmental effects. r.ne reporting or monitoring program is to be desig=1ed to ensure compliance with conditiCZ1S of project apprcva1 dI<ring project implementaticr1i in order to avoid significant advexse environmental effects. The law was passed in response to historic: non-implementation of mitigation .measures presemted in envircmnental documents and subsequently adapted as conditions of project approval l'rt addition. monitoring ensures that mitigation: measures are implemented and thereby provides a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation measures. A deiin:itive set of project condit:icns would include enough detailed information and enfcrce:nent procedures to ensure the measure's compllallC:e. This mcnitoring program is designed to provide a mechanism to ensure that mitigation measures and subsequent conditions of project approval are implemented.. Monitoring Program The basis for this monitoring program is the mitigation measures included in the ertviror.mer.tal impact report (ErR). These mitigation mea5ure:s are designed to eliminate or redlllce significant .advetlle environmental effects to levels of insignifiCllrlce. These mitigation measures become conditions or project approval . which the project proponent is required to complete du.riz1g and after implementation of the proposed project. The attached checklist is proposed fer monitoring the implementation of the mitigation meas-ares. This monitoring checklist contains all llppropriate mitigation measures in the Em. EXHIBIT B S.O/STO Il!! ~ ST:LT 00/8Z/80 8~/26/2e8e 11:14 4eeed61!42 cnv OF G!LROY cor PAGE 84 Uplmods Zon. Chango britUd St:ld" Mitill"ti.... Mtmitari1If: Pra!fF1U1l Mitigation Monitoring Ch.cldi:st A Prior to applova\.of the Tentative Map, the following mitigation measureS shall be implemented: (- 2 Prier tcpNpantian of a tlU\taav. map. the preject P:ajectProp=t City pTCpcnc:nt :shaI1 eanl:ClC with an engineering fi:m EnPemng CD pe:faan a fIcocl e!evUicn ~twiy of the pr'Dje<:t Division site to c!eteml.ine floecl hazama. The flood. ~ticn stUdy shall irU:lude meaAUVS. accllplable to the City =~g Divisi"", the Pecieral El:\e:s-:Y Manaprru:nc Agrmr:y, 1M the Santo Clan. van.y WaCU IXotrict. 1e..1iw:a potllntial floadinS' impacts to a less than sigItifiant leveL ' The te:'I",tive map shall include the followU\g:. ... Iclen!ification and lecaticn of Flcacl Zcne All a:u1 Reod Zona D: b. I~ _;;l;<"ll1icn ancllocat:icn af the S=ta Clan Valley W_ Oistrkt e~ c:. Dei$!' and .clcliticrlal measures. as presenllld.ln I '. tt\e t10ad elevaliarl stUdy, tc recluce potential floacii:tg ~ to a less than significant level. 1M flaoel elevation study slWl be subject tc review ....d apprcVlll by the City E:lginoeri:1g DivisiO%\.. "riox to 1l'D wl of. . tentative ",..... II The tentative map sha.ll include a miNlnum hoject l'rapcnent Oty P\allClng 3O-foat.liu b..a.k/buffer between the ...... Division prcp..-l. for open space %crUng and the prcpased develop::lerlt. rne 5O-foot c:u!-de-sac on the prelimlnuy site pI.... waulci satisfy this re~t. '!he tln\tative map shall be subject to rwview ancl apprtlval by the city lluilQi:\g. Lile. ancl En virt>rlmC\tal SafEty DIvision prior tc approval af a .....tativem&c. M]ItP . 3 L'AC PI..""Ut,. C,tntp IRe. EXRIBIT B S~O/9to III ~ OZ:Lt 00/9Z/80 48884684:;' c:nv r:F GIL.RllV CO' --PAGlCe5---'---- 89/26/2998 11:14 SoO/ LIolll Min~=tiQft MQrrirDrinlll'rD~'" UtJlarui.o Z"". Cl"m~ IJlitUJl Stwlrl Monitoring Program Procedures It is required that the Gty of Gilroy use the attolc:hed monitcr'.:ng checklist ror the proposed project. The morjtcrillg prog=='- should be implemented as fcUows: 1. Tne Oty ci Gilroy Pl=~g Div'.sion should be respo:lSible for coordination of the monitoring progxam, including the monitoring checklist. The P1=Ung Division should be resportSible for completing the monitoring c:heckIist and distnbuting the checklist to the responsible individuals or agertc:ies for their use in monitoring the mitigation measures. Each responsible individual or agency will then be respcm.sible for deter- mining whether the mitigation measures contained in the monitoring ched:J.ist have been compl.led with. Once all mitigation measures have been complied with. the respcm.sible individual or agency should submit a copy of the monitoring checldist to the Oty of Gilroy Pla=ing Division to be placed in the project file. If the mitigation measure has net been ccmpliedwith, the monitoring che<::klist should net be retumed to the PlanniItg Division. P:ior to issuancc of art occ:upancy pettnit, the Planning Division should review the checklist to eNure that all mitigation measures and additional conditions of project approval included in the monitoring checklist ha-ve bee!!. complied with. An OCCl4partc:y pecnit should I\Ct be issued until all mitigation- measures ;md additional conditions of project approval included. in the monitoring c:hed<Jist have been c=plied with. - If a respoIlsible individual or agertCY detemlines that a non-complianc:e has occurred, a written notice should be delivered by c:ertiIied mail to the project proponent within 10 days, with a copy to the Plarming Division. describing the non-c=plian<::e and requiring complianc:e within. a specified period of - time. If a. non-compli;ma: still exis~ at the e.'(piration of the specified. period of tiIne, c:onsb:uction may be halted and fines may be imposed at the discretion of the Gty of Gilroy. . 2. 3. 4. MMP-z EM'C Pl<UJJriJlg GrtJvp Uu:. EXHIBIT B ~ or:LT OO/lr/80 89/26/26!S 11:14 46e846642 CI1Y CF GIlROV CIl: PIIGE 6ii I I ~ ~ ] ] 1 't- i J I I I I I I SZO/IlTOIll IbII....ds ZaM Ch1m9;e Initill./ Stwl" . Mitiptirm Ma";fDm.~ p.,,~ Mitigation Monitoring Checldist B Prior to approval of the Final Map, the following mitigation measures shall be implemented: 1 A seils investigaecn shaIll:te pr8panti:!. fer the Projct Propan.:tt p:ejeet by a qualiiie<i sells enpneer. The r=endacions of the soUl invlIStigaticn shall ba incorpcol'llteC into the final imprcovement pIaN ani:!. shall be %1IViewacl me apprc>vecllly tba city E:,;jneering Division pri=r to apprcova.l cot dw final !Up. The pu..-pco,es cof the .coils invesligaticn ..... to d.etemtine the exact soil c:haracterisl:i.<:s 1%\l11i:ni- lations en the site. mclto ~d apprc>prialz: engir!ee:ing speci.ficati= fer develop::u:nt cof the site.. c..'Y En;inn:'ing Division 3 The pirOjec': p""!'an.....t shall pn:Pare a stmm Prcjc: Propcno::tt d.rai:ulgm plan wh....by the F")e<:t's stamI. dninap feecls into the wetlands p:eject. Design cof thesystdl shall include maasures to eliminate. cor mila Ie =t:able lllV1!ls, tba a:I<lunt co! ponutu\!S in the;= wallo:' d:ainage. in aa:=i!ance with the Naticnal p..numnt Discharge Eliminaticn system (NPOES) specifications.' P:epanti= oJ this piAn shall be dlOVelcped. in eCl'lS'llitaticn wi:h the biolalPSt pJ:Cpu:ng 1be wetlands pIa:n. and will be subjed to review I%\l1 appraval1:ty the Oty Engineering Divisicn, prior Ie the a val af final mans. City Engin8e<ing Divisio:l EMC PI"",,;",. Gra"1' I"Co MMP-$ 6\\\B\1 B ~ lZ:Ll 00/8Z/80 B9/26/2BBB 11:14 4BBB46B42~ CITY lJ" G!1.RCV CDl Miti~tiort MG..rtDrDlR' Pnol"_ 13 15 MMP-4 sZa/no~ PAGe: B7 t&laG z.- 0.-".. hrif:W 5nuill The prcject prop=t shaII amlnge far a noise Pmject Prcpanl!flt s=ey 10 he c=iud:1!d Un the prapoaecl prajact bc:ausio of its ~ adjacmt = the utulsian of Lw:!hessa Av_ .. fouz..lane artmal. The SIl:V"Y Wam\aI:iQn ~ be use<l tc d&-;,.,. the Jwi&bt fer t.aise attmuatian iu_ or special bWlcIing d""isn am5idemticm. The'n~ SW'V"l' ohall be Cl:lrlducted priar to tozllali'n map app:cvaL suhjct 10 review a:id 1ll>Di'crval by the' P1amUn Division. T.ne ptojed: profClNll:lt shall prgvicIa & mi:limum 2S-llDct trail and habitat 4U"'l:l''''tt or dedical:icm I=!!. the top of the Uva C:eek l>w. alcng the pn:#ct fr=tllp with the c:eek. nu.-=t ancl/or cieclicaf:ian shall he ;,.,"I~tood an the Ilmllitift map. suQject to nrMw =i appzaval by lite c#.ty Porks and. Raaution Oivisian, pzicr to lll>Cr:aval of. !ental:i"" City EnV--:mg Dmsian Project P:opanmt City Pulos IIIU1 . Rec:uti= Oivisian EIKlBn B . EMC PI........' Grawp 1-. A TZ:LT OO/9Z/80 B9/26/2B88 11:14 488B468'-2, eITV CF GILROV cor PAS:: BE . ~!.m.u bIt. ClrszII.p b1iti41 Study - - MitiptilJ" M~!f Pn..fl'IIm 14. Th~ no~ survey, as re~d in Mitigation Projecthoo=t Ci~PWWng MelL$Ure 14. will il!entify the requi=:llccaticm and Divisicn hGght cf a nms. att:nUaticn f~ature alan! the norlhem sid~ of the extension of Luchessa .... venue. nus nciH attenuation iu.=a shculd no' ccrW:It saI~l!, of muamy ,.,._.1., but should <:uta an aesth:etially-p1easi:rtg elf",,: Jar trav.l"", alang Lu.c:h=saAven"~. Th. proj""t proponent shall prepare a noise .ttencaticn, landscape and irrigaii= pt.n to inc:lucio, but not b.limi<eci to the fo11awing: o The pm.::ed Jimgn wauld i:rtclud~ SImIe - ~ornbinaticn of earth benn with woed, ccnc::ete, stuccQ, or maoamy. The barrier l:<WSt be ma<i. air. . tight, without cracks. gaps, or ether epenj:lgs and must :provide for Iong-tenn durability. o The<naise attenw.ticn fearure design shall include lan<!.saping that will net cm.1y be aesthejially.pJeasing but will.be c!iKourage graffili. aecmcal serviQl and water service rhall I. be pro"itied to the Lmdsaped area. o A fun~ mochuU=. shzll be provided far the ~..,ce of the sound .ltC\uation feature and ~ The ndise al:tl!nw.t:ian feature and lanasap. and imptign plan shall be designed prior to final map .ppro.w, subjoet to review and approval by the citv fu:mjnll Division. 16 Ragatdmg Icng-mm ownership oncltnain-=r:a Pn:Jjac:t Propcmen.t City Pul<s of tho! qp.... 'Pace.. either aptian a or b shall 0=. md Reaeaticn a. The projea proponent shall affRr the 7.s iICR5 of Divisian the project site proposed as open sp.ce in cledic:ation to th8 city as U\ extension of the existing tlvas Creel< Pad: Preserve. Dedll:aticn of the opm spa"" shaI1 be negoriatRCi betW""" the city and :he-project pmpcnomt. prior to approYlll of lhe fi:I:al =1'" Ii the city dleos", to decline the offc:r. . then: b. The rroiect proponent shall ..tablish a heme","""",, usodalicm tD lXlaintai:rt the open spac.. ~. prDVision tor the open space shall be Induded 1tI CCRs, whicb shaJ1 be d""eloped. sW:>jed tD review an4 approval by tba City Al'lorn..... orier lD a'Ol>r<lval lOt th. mw mao. EMC Pw...ing Gro",.. IftC. MMP-7 EXHIBIT B SZO/OZO IZJ ~ ZZ'LT 00/9./80 89/26/28e8 11:14 4eee45e42~ CITY CF GIl.R:lV em: PAGE 89 Mft1l(Rtimr MDflitm~ Prort'4m u"l4a.is ZarrI Or~ hritW Shuiv S The prcpD.Hd project shall mclude the complctkm P:aject Prcpanenl Ci~ at t.lic:hasn Avenue beNe=! T"no:nu Raad ane! Eng;ne.cng tN westerly bcund..zy of the praject.ita. 'this..,ill Oivwcm. requin eanstru!=ting the nazlherly halE of Lw::hassa A""""", iZIcIucl.ing" C1eo 11 bike le:te, == n.azn... ~ to the westerly baunda:y of the project lite to =pleta the fau:r-lan. dMciI!cl =-sect:cn. rt 1he sauthllrly one-half of I.w:hesia AVG\Ull has ""I been =plll!ed priar to oco:rpancy at th. pmposed. project, the .outhe= half Ihoulcl. be =ple12d by the F"pased praject, as ....n. ~ fer the narther.ly pcrticn of Luch_a AvlltlUe shall be p:ov.icl.ed.lly the prajec:r P"'F- an<! iftdu<led in the final impro\rUl1l!:\t plam ptier to eppraval at lhe :mid map. subjl!ct lD ravillw and _=oval bv 1M City inll:ineerin~ Divisicn. 10 The project prapanenls shall hove . biojap Project Prop=1 City Pl.aming prepare a ple:t adciresoi:rlg the convemon of <he Divillion existing pond area ancl relatlld d:aimge :areas izUc a sasmW wetland. CompClIleNll of the plart.lXIaY i:u:Iucle. but net be limited to"; ~val at the existinS dam; - a. b. :Rest=nticn an<l enhana!lnent of !tie =sting swalll blltWl!Ct the dam and the aisting oulfalllo t1vas CreelI:; "- Minor reamlouring and. resloratian at the area behincl the dam to allow th&! area lC l!8Vert bad:; to a seasonal wetland.; and. d. Planting cf tN ap.... 'pace uu to incWde nativv vegea.tion. trlles an<l shrub. typial of the aak wooc!b:lcls art the praject site. (~lac:ementlrHs ~ in Mitigati= 5 and 5 could also be planleci in this habitat.) These e<lhanccnenlS ",oul.cl mitigate 1M Ia.. of approximately 100 fHI of existing wetLuui within the clrainage swala disu.trb.cl by the prop=ecl prcject Ownership and mam=u:e of the pa:ui and the 7.5-aCl'll'apen 'Peee un a:w.adclressecl in Secti= 4.11, Puhlli: Servia!s. The plan shall. be subject to ~w cui approval by the city !'laming Division. the city Engineering DIvision. ancllhe city Pules and Racnation 0lvWcn. I I I MMP-6 EXHIBIT B. liMe P'-nmK C..... 1m:. I sza/tza Il!I JZ. zz: Lt aaiiZ/8D 89/26/2BBB 11:14 4B8846842~ CITY CF GILROY CDI pJ>GE 18 U.,ltnltU ZDM CJm,,~. !",fiAl Stwil/ Mml(4UDfI Mtmitrmnl( Pro'Z1'tmr 9 The project pmpcner.ts shall identity the Ilmits of P:ojec ?:opClMIlt City Pla=ing grading ell a gndJng plan. All trve5, -I ...;6_d~ Division sipcmt llCl:ordlng tI: the city's ccnsolidated landScaping policy (uisting native I:ree5 six inche Ot men: in <filIzl=lU'. at a pei:>t feur uui ".... half feet :abave IN gmunci), shall be ~ycd and located. an the ~ gndingplan. Wh..... tninar aajustz=nts i:> the gnd.ing line .auld. be macll! to save inciividual signiliC:at1t trees. they shouki be <:cn.sidemci. A arliiied. uborist md the dty PlamIing Division may :a!,s., :Wee te",,=endaaon> far adc.:ticna1 me3SU%S that couldI be censiden!d aleng tit. limit oi grading to protect lneo just outside af the cCNtn,,:tian area. The prel.imiN%y uui fiN.! gnd.i:tg plans siWl be ",,*cc to review and approval by the city Plam1lnlZ DiYioion ami citv BuilI:liN: Division. 17 Due tb tho possibility that signiiicant b..Jried Praject Pmpcn-= City Pluming c:ultwlal Il!5aur:e5 might be foutIa d.u:itlg Division consm:cticn. the fallowing IMPS" shall b. mduded in =y pe:miIls ;ssuea far.the pmj<<t site. including, but not limitea to building pemUl:s fat the future aevelcpment. p\USWIIIl: to the :eview md q,proval oi the Gilrcy Pl:uming Dilri:lian: "If ucbaeelolOical nsa<=Bll arhwnan remaiN an: dlsce......a aun:.g c~ warX shall be haltecll at a mitUmum oi 200 feet !rom IN find until it an be evoluated by a cr,.I;<I... ptof8ssiarial ardueclagist. U the find is detemli=d to be signiiitant. appropriate mitigation "",asur'" shall be fam>ulatcd attd. im,,!emented. " EMC P!Jvmirrg Gn"", rile. MMl' -, EXHIBIT.B sZo/zzo~ .Q. CZ: LT oo/aZ/eo 89/26/2B88 11:14 48B646842 CITY OF GILROY Cll1" Pe.IiE. II Miti~ MDrribnmg ProI('f"IIm u"r-a z"". C1um~ briMl SttuI., Mitigation Monitoring Checklist C Prior to issu~ of a Buildi:lg Permit, the following zmtigation measures shall be implem=nted: -~ 4 The 1'ollcwing contrel measures shall be iru:e~oraled inte any petmil& isl;ued far the preposed project: P:oject Propcnw City BlOilding DivWcn a. Water all actiVl! <:ar!Sb'Ud:lcn areas at lllast twice dall)i or me... ofb:n lIS 1\l!l!dei. . b. cinru all b'Uc:ks hauling 3Cil, .and. and other lcos. mat2riaIs er ~ all trudcs to mzl:ntaiD at Iaut twe i...t et freebca:d.. l:. Paw. apply water thrI!I! tim... dally. er a!'Ply (nen-lo:cic) .cil stabili::1!r.l on all unpaved _ reads, parlCng Ul!"" U1d staging .....as at o:cn&ttudicm sites. cl. SWeep daily (with WIlt... SWetlpers) allpllVlld aCJ:I!SI roads, pukirlg lU9S md staging amu at ccnstz!w:licn sites. ... Sweep streets daily (willi water 1IW1Il!pl!:S) it visiblol soil mall!rial is =:riali onto adjacmt;nU>Jic sttl!elll. i. Hycireseed at apply (non-tOxic) seil staIll1iz=s to inactive c:onst:ruc::an ueas (ptl!Vieusly graded areu ihadivo far ll!rt days Dr mare). g. . E:Idcse. cave, water 1wU:a. daily Cl% apply (non- lexie) scil bind.... to exposed stcd;;oil... (din. s""cl, etC.) h. Limlit tnffic .p@ed5 en unpaved rea" to 15 . . mph. 1. Insl:lll1 sandbags Cl% other erosicn o:o:Ilrcl trII!lI5Wll!s Ie prev....t silt =H to public roadways. . j. Replarrt veget1tion in d.iJstu:bed .areas a quickly as ~assible. MMP-8 EMC pfJumVtg C......" 1= EXHIBIT B SZO/CZOIll ~ cz:n 00/9Z/1I0 I I I I j . II. 8'/26/2888 11:14 48884&8425 UrlllDlis Ztnu t:1rlltll(< I1titW. Sbld" CI1'Y rF GILROY COD> f'1'G:: 12 .1\ifjti~lIti_ M<mitMD,,1( I'TDJmI<m i I I j J - I I I I I 11 A i'-t:ree mnoV2l breedinf surv~ (Matth 1. Project Propanmt Qty Plarlr.i:lf I:h%I:>ughJune30l of cbe ~plannedlcr:m\01la! Oivioiml c1urizl.g =t:ucliGn shcuIA be =cNc!l:c1 by a ~ biclapt to dalmNDe if my actiw lrizcIs- oi.-~ nests 0= in the I:ees '" b. Il!mOVed. II =- .....,.".. revu.l no ...cing bi:cboof-p"y MSlS in my l:eeS to be =eved. tbe=n %II> fw1:hu mil:igaticn shall be IeqWrecL If thae surveys rev~ adive birds-oi-pny.....15 in trees '" be ramaved. th8lollowin!, milIgaI:an tNIUU:I! shall be :~ui:8d: a. All:ad:ive b~.p",y nuts shall be avaide<! while the nest is occuplftl with adulcs aM./a: their ycuag(Much 1 th:oughl\1ne30). Avoidana shouL:1 include the elltabllshment of a lile-spec:mc. non-distu:ban= bufl'1lr 2:CllllI arouzu:l the nest site that jmWbUs veptluon and t:ree removal. aI . =>nmended by a 'i"aIiflea biologist. T.... .remclva1 can begin after June 30 or when a quaWicd. biologjst cIetermines that tha nest is "'" lonftr beinll U3ed Ier that seucn. . EMC Plamri"K G"....t' IlIC. MMl'-Il EXHIBIT. B sZo/tZoilJ .0. tZ: LT 00/9V10 e,/26/2ee8 11:14 488846842' Mitigtttiarr Moltirari1f~ p",~:zm. CI1Y IF GII..RlJV COD. PllGE 13 11~ ZaJI, ChlUl~r l:r.itiJzJ. Stud.., Mitigation Monitoring Ch"cldist D Prior to Construction Activities, the following mitigation measures shan be imple::nented: .. ~-- 6 Friar to i:Utiaci01'l of c:cnstrudi01'l. in the oak l'raject Prapcnet G.il:ay . woadl&nd habitat, the l.im.iu at gnd.inr shall be Pla=Ung slaked and. surveyed by . Cl!%tUied ulooriat. Wh::e Dr.omcn min!lr acljustmftUs in lhe grading li:le coulc1 be .....cl,. to SllVe i:ldividualtnes, th.,. should be cansidered. The arbamt may alsc.1Zl&ke -=mendaticns fer aticiitional measures that c:auld br c:ansiderer::! alan, the limit of ,.,.elmg to wotec: trees iust outside ot the ccnstnld:icn area. , 7 All native trees removed thet meet lhe de5nition l'Mject Prcponent CityPla=ing of "SiptiBant 1t1!e" as defined by the City of DMsicn Gllrol" ConsolliUter::! L.aM.sc:ape Policy, 5cticn 6.0. slWl be replaced ar a ratio (not less than thne t.ees repLaud for every tree lost) to b. dete>::mined in <='1SUltation "(ith city P1anning Divisicn anc1 a .certiil.'ed. arbarist. 8 A ce:llfiecl arborist and. tha c:ity PlamUng Divisicn Pn,ject Ptopanent City !'Ianz!inJ shall teview the fiNl crading plan if any Oivisian e:=oaclunent into the oU/sy=re riparian n:.rest is proposeci. The biolopst shall ~ ii tha ar::!diticnalll%lC"oach:l=t would =promise the integrity of the Uvas Creek riparian =rrir::!rtt. Ii the .-tified amarlst an1:l the city PW-.rUng Divisicn detemlin... the 5rnU gnding plan would restili In such a =promise. then the grading plan shall be ...vised. ac<:or.iinJdv. . M/dP-I0 EXHIBIT B EMC P/_ni>rg Gro.." 1-. S~O/SZOIl!J J:t ~7. :LT nnta,./.n I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2001-15 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 2nd day of April, 2001, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 18th day of April, 2001. J.. //) ~/ ~[t?/^-~FL City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)