Resolution 2002-10 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF GILROY APPROVING AlS 01-16, AN APPLICATION FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL OF A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUO) ON APPROXIMATELY 1.3 ACRES, APNS 790-19-086,790-19-087 AND 790-19-088. WHEREAS, Syncon Homes of California, the applicant, submitted AlS 01-16, an application for architectural and site approval of a Planned Unit Development ("PUO") for the review of a 6-lot single-family subdivision on approximately 1.3 acres, located on Kern Avenue, south of Ramona Way; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provides a categorical exemption for infill development projects pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section 15332; which applies to this project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held duly noticed public hearings on November 1, 2001 and January 3, 2002, at which times the Planning Commission considered the public testimony, the Staff Reports dated October 24, 2001 and December 21, 2001 ("Staff Reports"), and all other documentation related to application AlS 01-16, and recommended that the City Council approve said application; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing on January 22, 2002 at which time the City Council considered the public testimony, the Staff Reports, including an addendum Staff Report dated January 14, 2002, and all other documentation related to application AlS 01-16; and WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon which this project approval is based is the office of the City Clerk. ICDS\542851.1 03.020804706002 -1- Resolution No. 2002-10 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: A. The City Council hereby adopts the findings as required by Zoning Ordinance section 50.55, set forth at pages 12 and 13 of the Staff Report dated October 24, 2001 along with the facts supporting these findings, based upon substantial evidence in the record. B. NS 01-16 should be and hereby is approved subject to the twenty-two (22) conditions attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of February, 2002, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ARELLANO, DILLON, GARTMAN, MORALES, PINHEIRO, VELASCO, and SPRINGER NOES: COUCILMEMBERS: NONE ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ATT~ ~ "-.~.. . ~-- . Yi.JJ( A \ ..-e ..-f A- Rhon a Pellin, Citjl Clerk APPROVED: ~~ if ~ Thomas W. Springer, M 0 ICDS\542851.1 03-020804706002 -2- Resolution No. 2002-10 02/12/02 16:36 if Ii!:JUU'I" U..L,.L Syncon Homes Final Conditions of Approval PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS Pb.nninl! Drivision (contact Melissa Durkin at 846-0440) 1. Approval of AlS 01-16 is subject to the applicant receiving approval of Zone Change application Z 01-02 and Tc:ntative Map application TM 00-09. 2. Land.scxping: The applicant shall landscape the front yards of each home. . Landscaping plans including specifications for an irrigation system shall be approved by the Planning Division in accon!.a:nce with the adopted Consolidated Landscaping Policy, prior to issuance of a building permit. The landscaping shall be contiDuously maintained in an orderly, live, healthy, and relatively weed- free conditioD, in accordance with the adopted Consolidated Landscaping Policy and the approved specific landscape plan. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 3. The applicant shall to place dense landscaping at the easterly boundary of the park site. 4. The applicant shall plant graffiti-resistive landscaping in front of the entry feature, subject to the re-.iew and approval of the Community Services Department and the Planning Division. 5. The de"-cloper shall be required to install street trees according to the Consolidated Landscaping Policy. The developer will be required to obtain a Strc::c::t Tree Permit prior to installation of the trees. This shall be subject to the revieW and approval of the Community Services Division 6. ~c::cl:wrical AppurteDances: Mechanical equipment to be located on the roof of a building shall be screened by an an:hitectural feature of the building. sueh that it cannot be seen from ground level at the fax side of the adjacent public right-of-way, whenever possible, subject to review and approval by the Planning Division. 7. Exterior Lighting: No unobstrUCted beam of exterior lighting shall be directed outward from the site lov.,ard any residential use or public right-of-way. This is subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. 8. Building colOTS sball be earth tones subject 10 the review and approval of the Planning Division. 9. Properties within this development may be allowed to construet open patios within 10 feet of the rear yard proper!)' illle. 10. The following control measures shall be incorporated into any permits issued for the proposed project: a.. Waler all w;tive construction areas at least twice daily or more often as necessary to prevent dust from becoming airbome and leaving the site; b. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose materials, or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard; EXHIBIT A 4 02/12/02 16:37 ~ '4!:IUUOJI U.LJ.. Syn~on Homes Final Conditions of Approval c. Pave, apply water three times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; d. Sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites; e. Sweep stteets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent public streets; f. Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously graded areas inactive for ten days or more); g. Enclose, cover, water twice daily or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles (dirt, sand.. etc.); h. Limit traffic speeds on unpaved roads to 15 mph; 1. Install sandbags or other erosion control measures to prevent silt runoff to public roadways; J. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. II. If archaeological resources or human remains are discovered. during construction, work shall be halted ",-ilhin 200 feet of the find until a qualified. professional archaeologist can evaluate it. Fire Deoartmeot (contact Rodger Maggio at &46-0430) 12. Hydrant locations and water main sizing shall be subject to approval by the Building, Life, and EnvironmenW Safety Division, prior to the issuance of any building permits. 13. An all-weather access road for the fire engines shall be provided before CODlDlencing any combustible construction. Fire hydrants shall also be installed and maintained. before combustible constroction begins. 14. The applicant shall provide sprinklers within this subdivision as required by the Fire Marshal: 15. The applicant shall paint all curbs and turn-around red, and shall past them ''No Parking - Fire Lane." 16. The entraIlce to the subdivision shall be prominently posted with the applicable California Vehicle Code sections. Encineeriul!. Division (contact 1<risti Abrams or Don Nunes at 846-0450) 17. St:r=t improvements and the design of all storm drainage, sewer, and water lines, and all street sections and widths shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. 18. The Engineering Division shall assign street addresses. 19 _ The applicant shall provide a soils report to the Engineering Division. EXHIRIT A 5 02/12/02 16:37 ~ ~ UUUI U.1..L 6 SynceD Homes Final Conditions of Approval 20. The following language shall be included on any permits issued at the project site, subject to the review atld approval of the Gilroy Engineering and Building Divisions. "All construction activities shall be limited to weekdays between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM, and to Saturdays and City holidays between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM. No constrUction is allowed on Sundays." 21. The applicant shall plant mature landscaping along the western property boundary, adjacent to Kern A vmae, subject to the review and approval of the Plamring Division. 22. The applicant shall provide pedestrian-oriented street lamps within this project. Street lamps shall be suffi~ient in quantity and placement to ensure safe lighting thioughout this development without proja::ting light onto neighboring properties. This condition shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. EXHIBIT A I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certity that the attached Resolution No. 2002-10 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regu1ar meeting of said Council held on the 19th day of February, 2002, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 15th day of March, 2002. ()// /;/J ~/{flu{~ ~~ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)