Resolution 2002-85 RESOLUTION NO. 2002-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS REQUIRED BY THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN CONNECTION WITH THE REGENCY CENTERS PROJECT, APNS 841-70-018, 019, AND 841-67-020, 021, 022, FOR WmCH AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED, AND ADOPTING MITIGATION MEASURES AND APPROVING A MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE PROJECT. WHEREAS, the City Council intends to approve the Regency Centers Project consisting of a development agreement, tentative map, zone change and architectural and site review for a regional shopping center known as Gilroy Crossing (the "Project'); and WHEREAS, such Project was the subject of a final environmental impact report, which is comprised of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Regency Centers Property (State Clearinghouse No. 2002072027), dated September 2002, and the Final EIRlReponses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Regency Centers Property dated November 2002 ("Final EIR"), prepared by the City of Gilroy as the lead agency in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970, as amended (CEQA); and WHEREAS, duly noticed public hearings were held by the City of Gilroy Planning Commission on November 7, 2002 and November 21, 2002, and said Final EIR was recommended for approval; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held before the City Council on the Final EIR on December 2, 2002; and WHEREAS, CEQA requires that prior to the approval of a project for which a Final EIR has been prepared, the decision-making body shall review said Final EIR and make certain findings regarding the significant effects on the environment and the alternatives identified in said Final EIR; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Gilroy is the decision-making body for the Final EIR; and ) WHEREAS, the City Council hereby certifies that as the decision-making body, it has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR and other information in the record, prior to acting upon or approving the Project, and finds that the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City of Gilroy as lead agency for the Project; and IJH\574460.3 01.121802-{)4706002 -1- Resolution No. 2002-85 WHEREAS, the location and custodian of the documents or other materials which constitute the record of proceedings upon the City Council's decision is based is the office of the Gilroy City Clerk, 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL DOES HEREBY make the following findings with respect to the significant effects on the environment of such Project as identified in the Final EIR. I. FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The Final EIR, prepared in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, evaluates the potentially significant and adverse environmental impacts that could result from the adoption of the Project. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081 and Section 15091 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations, the City is required to make certain findings with respect to these impacts. This document lists all identified potentially significant and significant impacts of the Project, which can be avoided and mitigated to less than a significant level. This document also lists all potentially significant and significant impacts of the Project, which cannot be mitigated to a Jess than significant level but for which the magnitude of the impact can be reduced or for which there is no feasible mitigation. These impacts are considered acceptable by the City based upon a determination that the benefits of the Project (listed herein) outweigh the risks of the potentially significant impacts of the Project. These findings are supported by substantial evidence in the record of proceedings before the City as stated below. A. GEOLOGY AND SOILS Impact: The project site could be subject to severe ground shaking and liquefaction in a strong seismic event, which could cause damage to structures and endanger the health and welfare of persons on the property. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project. Mitigation: 1. All proposed structures shall be designed to conform to Uniform Building Code (UBC) Zone 4 guidelines. The final construction plans for any structure shall be subject to the review and approval of the Building Division prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. All proposed structures shall be designed in accordance with the specific recommendations of a design-level geotechnical/foundation investigation for the project, subject to the review and approval of the Building Division. Impact: The project site could be subject to soil erosion during grading and construction, \JH\574460.3 01-121802.04706002 -2- Resolution No. 2002-85 which could contribute to siltation of the Princevalle Storm Drain and other water bodies. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project. Mitigation: 3. A drainage and erosion control plan shall be prepared to minimize the impacts from erosion and sedimentation during grading and construction. Site-specific erosion and sediment control measures shall follow the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program's recommended Best Management Practices for construction activities, as contained in "Blueprint for a Clean Bay," and the "California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbook for Construction." The erosion control plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Engineering Division prior to issuance of a grading permit. B. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY Impact: Construction activities and post-construction uses on the project site could result in degradation of water quality in storm water runoff due to erosion and urban pollutants, thereby impacting surface water bodies such as the Princevalle Storm Drain. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project. Mitigation: 4. Prior to construction, a Notice of Intent shall be filed with the State Water Resources Control Board in compliance with the NPDES permit for storm water discharge. The applicant shall prepare a SWPPP that uses Best Management Practices for construction activities to control runoff and erosion, such as those contained in "Blueprint for a Clean Bay" and the "California Storm Water Best Management Practice Handbook for Construction" from the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program. This shall be subject to monitoring by the Engineering Division and the SCVWD. 5. The design of the site shall incorporate post-construction water quality mitigation measures such as those found in "Start at the Source--Design Guidance Manual for Storm Water Quality Protection," prepared for the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association, and the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program's "Parking Lot Best Management Practices Manual." This shall be subject to the review and approval of the SCVWD. IJH\574400.3 01-121802-04706002 -3- Resolution No. 2002-85 Impact: The existing wells on the project site can cause pollution or contamination of groundwater, or otherwise jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of the people of the District. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project. Mitigation: 6. In accordance with SCVWD Ordinance 90-1, the project plans shall indicate the two existing wells on the property. The wells shall be properly registered with the District and either be maintained or abandoned in accordance with the District's standards. This shall be subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and the SCVWD. C. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Impact: Proposed demolition of the barn structure and abandoned agricultural building could result in significant impacts to night or maternity roosts of special-status bat species if present. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to monitoring by the Planning Division. Mitigation: 7. Prior to construction (e.g., building demolition), a qualified biologist shall survey the project site for the presence of colonies of special-status bat species. If night or maternity roosts of special-status bat species are present, the following measures shall be implemented: . If maternity roosts are present, no construction actlvltles shall occur when maternity bat roosts are present (between April 15 and August 1) and shall not commence until young bats are fledged. Alternatively, construction activities shall be permitted within 300 feet of the maternity roost until young bats are fledged. . If night roosts are present, no construction activities shall occur within 300 feet of the night roost until the building has been removed. Demolition must occur during the day when the bats are not present. Alternatively, until demolition is completed, exclusionary devices may be utilized with the approval of CDFG; these must be installed during the day when the bats are not present. If exclusionary devices are utilized, alternative habitat \JH\574460.3 01-121802-04706002 -4- Resolution No. 2002-85 shall be provided with comparable spatial and thermal characteristics to the habitat impacted with the approval of CDFG. 8. Alternatively, work can be scheduled to begin after young have fledged (after August 1) or presence can be assumed and mitigation provided. D. CULTURAL RESOURCES Impact: Based on the background research and surface reconnaissance, the project area does not contain evidence of any potentially significant cultural resources. However, there is a possibility that unidentified (e.g., buried) cultural resources may be encountered during construction. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to monitoring by the Planning Division. Mitigation: 9. If archaeological resources or human remains are accidentally discovered during construction, work shall be halted within 50 meters (150 feet) of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified professional archaeologist. If the find is determined to be significant, appropriate mitigation measures shall be formulated and implemented according to CEQA Section 15064.5. All identified archaeological sites should be evaluated using the California Register of Historical Resources (Cal Register) criteria, established by the State Office of Historic Preservation. E. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Impact: The Camino Arroyo and Pacheco Pass Road intersection is projected to operate at LOS F during the Saturday peak hour. Estimated maximum peak hour vehicle queues for some of the intersection movements would be extensive. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EiR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 10. The improvements required to mitigate project impacts at this intersection are the addition of a third westbound through lane, third eastbound through lane, three northbound to westbound left turn lanes, and the addition of a second southbound left-turn lane. IJHI574460.3 01.121802-04706002 -5- Resolution No. 2002-85 \JH\574460.3 01-121602-04706002 The following condition shall be added to the Architecture and Site and Tentative Map approvals of Project: Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) mitigation measures 10, 11, 14, and 15, require certain traffic mitigations, including land acquisition and dedication, and all associated costs thereof, based on the build-out of project Phase I and Phase II. The applicant shall pay for the preparation of a supplemental traffic study, for review and approval by the City Engineer, which shall identify the phased implementation of these mitigation measures based on current knowledge of future projections of traffic impacts generated by the project. Once the plan is established, the applicant shall pay for the implementation of a yearly monitoring program and implement the mitigation measures when such monitoring indicates impacts will require mitigation within the next year and/or prior to issuance of the building permit for the square foot area that causes the impact, whichever occurs first. The monitoring program may yield interim or partial mitigation improvements, acceptable to the City Engineer, but that were not in the original study, so long as these improvements continue to substantially mitigate the relevant significant impact and do not create any new significant environmental effects. 11. The future northbound triple left-turn pocket should be designed to provide 1,100 feet of storage space for queued vehicles. The future eastbound right-turn pocket(s) should be designed to accommodate a 575- foot vehicle queue. The future westbound left-turn pocket should be designed to accommodate a 300-foot vehicle queue. The following condition shall be added to the Architecture and Site and Tentative Map approvals of Project: Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) mitigation measures 10, 11, 14, and 15, require certain traffic mitigations, including land acquisition and dedication, and all associated costs thereof, based on the build-out of project Phase I and Phase II. The applicant shall pay for the preparation of a supplemental traffic study, for review and approval by the City Engineer, which shall identify the phased implementation of these mitigation measures based on current knowledge of future projections of traffic impacts generated by the project. Once the plan is established, the applicant shall pay for the implementation of a yearly monitoring program and implement the -6- Resolution No. 2002-85 mitigation measures when such monitoring indicates impacts will require mitigation within the next year and/or prior to issuance of the building permit for the square foot area that causes the impact, whichever occurs first. The monitoring program may yield interim or partial mitigation improvements, acceptable to the City Engineer, but that were not in the original study, so long as these improvements continue to substantially mitigate the relevant significant impact and do not create any new significant environmental effects. Impact: The Caltrans peak hour volume traffic signal warrant would be satisfied during all peak hours under project conditions for the intersection of Frazier Lake Road and Pacheco Pass Road. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 12. Install a traffic signal at the Frazier Lake Road and Pacheco Pass Road intersection. It should be noted that this intersection satisfies the peak hour volume signal warrant under existing and background conditions as well. Therefore, the project is not solely responsible for creating the need for a traffic signal at this location, but does add traffic to an existing deficiency. Thus, the project proponent shall make a "fair share" (pro-rata based on traffic added) contribution acceptable to CalTrans, District 4 in lieu of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of highway 152 (Pacheco Pass) and Frazier Lake Road. The applicant's contribution toward this improvement fulfills this mitigation requirement and relieves the applicant of further responsibility associated with the improvement in conjunction with Z 02-06, TM 02-06, PUD A/S 02-22, and the associated environmental document. The project applicant shall be responsible for retaining a qualified traffic consultant to determine the "fair share" contribution. In the event that CalTrans does not accept the applicant's contribution, the applicant will pay to the City of Gilroy the amount determined to be appropriate by City staff. The City will then determine the appropriate time to compensate for this improvement. Impact: For the project signalized driveway on Camino Arroyo, estimated maximum peak hour vehicle queues for the eastbound and southbound left-turn movements would require additional capacity. Assuming only one outbound left-turn lane, the eastbound left-turn queue at this driveway would extend well into the project parking lot and could cause on-site traffic circulation problems. The southbound left-turn queue would be 250 feet long under Saturday mid-day peak hour conditions. However, a 250-foot southbound left-turn pocket may not be 1JH\5744B0.3 01-121802-04706002 -7- Resolution No. 2002-85 possible at this location depending on the length of the northbound left-turn lanes at the Camino Arroyo/Pacheco Pass Road intersection. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EiR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 13. A second eastbound left-turn lane should be added at the project driveway to reduce the overall length of the queue. If adequate space for a single 250-foot southbound left-turn pocket is not available, then a double left- turn pocket should be provided to accommodate the southbound vehicle queue. Impact: The Highway 101 northbound offramp and Pacheco Pass Road intersection is projected to operate at LOS D during the Saturday peak hour under project conditions, and the addition of Phase II traffic would cause the intersection operations to degrade to LOS E conditions. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 14. The recommended improvement at this intersection is to add a third eastbound through lane on Pacheco Pass Road. With implementation of this improvement, the intersection operations would be improved to LOS B during all study peak hours. The third eastbound through lane could be carried to Camino Arroyo where it would become an eastbound right-turn lane. The following condition shall be added to the Architecture and Site and Tentative Map approvals of Project: Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) mitigation measures 10, II, 14, and 15, require certain traffic mitigations, including land acquisition and dedication, and all associated costs thereof, based on the build-out of project Phase I and Phase II. The applicant shall pay for the preparation of a supplemental traffic study, for review and approval by the City Engineer, which shall identify the phased implementation of these mitigation measures based on current knowledge of future projections of traffic impacts generated by the project. \JH\574460.3 01-121802-04706002 -8- Resolution No. 2002-85 Once the plan is established, the applicant shall pay for the implementation of a yearly monitoring program and implement the mitigation measures when such monitoring indicates impacts will require mitigation within the next year and/or prior to issuance of the building permit for the square foot area that causes the impact, whichever occurs first. The monitoring program may yield interim or partial mitigation improvements, acceptable to the City Engineer, but that were not in the original study, so long as these improvements continue to substantially mitigate the relevant significant impact and do not create any new significant environmental effects. Impact: The Camino Arroyo and Pacheco Pass Road intersection is projected to operate at LOS D during the Saturday peak hour under project conditions with implementation of the recommended project mitigation measures, and the addition of Phase II traffic would cause the intersection operations to degrade to LOS E conditions. Under Phase II conditions, this intersection is fully built out. That is, it is not feasible to add additional capacity to the intersection. Thus, the projected LOS E operations at this intersection cannot be improved to acceptable levels by implementing mitigation measures at the intersection. However, increasing the signal cycle length would result in reduced average delay at the intersection (43.7 seconds per vehicle - LOS E). The completion of the Camino Arroyo extension would improve intersection operations to acceptable levels at this location. Therefore, the unacceptable LOS E operations at this location would be an interim condition until the Camino Arroyo extensions are completed. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with completion of the Camino Arroyo extensions and implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 15. The triple northbound left-turn lanes should be extended to accommodate a 1,325-foot vehicle queue. The eastbound right-turn pocket(s) should be designed to accommodate a 600-foot vehicle queue. The westbound left- turn pocket should be extended by 25 feet for a total length of 325 feet. The following condition shall be added to the Architecture and Site and Tentative Map approvals of Project: Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) mitigation measures 10, II, 14, and 15, require certain traffic mitigations, including land acquisition and dedication, and all associated costs thereof, based on the build-out of project Phase I and Phase II. The applicant shall pay for the preparation of a supplemental traffic \JH\574460.3 01.121802-04706002 -9- Resolution No. 2002-85 study, for review and approval by the City Engineer, which shall identify the phased implementation of these mitigation measures based on current knowledge of future projections of traffic impacts generated by the project. Once the plan is established, the applicant shall pay for the implementation of a yearly monitoring program and implement the mitigation measures when such monitoring indicates impacts will require mitigation within the next year and/or prior to issuance of the building permit for the square foot area that causes the impact, whichever occurs first. The monitoring program may yield interim or partial mitigation improvements, acceptable to the City Engineer, but that were not in the original study, so long as these improvements continue to substantially mitigate the relevant significant impact and do not create any new significant environmental effects. Impact: The Caltrans peak hour volume traffic signal warrant would be satisfied during all peak hours under Phase II conditions for the intersection of Frazier Lake Road and Pacheco Pass Road. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 16. Install a traffic signal at the Frazier Lake Road and Pacheco Pass Road intersection. It should be noted that this intersection satisfies the peak hour volume signal warrant under existing and background conditions as well. Therefore, the project is not solely responsible for creating the need for a traffic signal at this location, but does add traffic to an existing deficiency. Thus, the project proponent shall make a "fair share" (pro-rata based on traffic added) contribution acceptable to CalTrans, District 4 in lieu of installing a traffic signal at the intersection of highway 152 (Pacheco Pass) and Frazier Lake Road. The applicant's contribution toward this improvement fulfills this mitigation requirement and relieves the applicant of further responsibility associated with the improvement in conjunction with Z 02-06, TM 02-06, PUD AJS 02-22, and the associated environmental document. The project applicant shall be responsible for retaining a qualified traffic consultant to determine the "fair share" contribution. In the event that CalTrans does not accept the applicant's contribution, the applicant will pay to the City of Gilroy the amount determined to be appropriate by City staff. The City will then determine the appropriate time to compensate for this improvement. UH\574460.3 01.121802.04706002 -10- Resolution No. 2002-85 Impact: For the project signalized driveway on Camino Arroyo, estimated maximum peak hour vehicle queues for the eastbound and southbound left-turn movements would require additional capacity. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EiR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 17. The double eastbound left-turn lane should be designed to provide storage space for 30 queued vehicles. A second southbound left-turn lane should be added to provide storage space for 13 queued vehicles. Impact: The proposed project does not include adequate pedestrian and bicycle connections within the project site and to adjacent areas. The proposed project does not include public transit facilities. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and Planning Division. Mitigation: 18. Provide Class II bike lanes along the new segment of Camino Arroyo, as specified in the Gilroy General Plan. 19. Provide sidewalks on the new segments of Camino Arroyo and Holloway Road to accommodate pedestrian traffic around the site. 20. Provide facilities for access by public transit service. This includes constructing bus turnouts, pedestrian walks providing egress to these stops, and safe crossing points of major streets for bus passengers. Coordinate with VTA in planning and developing these facilities. 21. Provide adequate bus shelters, benches and shade trees to encourage transit use. Coordinate with VT A in planning and developing these facilities. Eliminated Mitigation Measure: The following mitigation measure was eliminated at the December 2, 2002, City Council meeting. 22. Provide shuttle to multi-modal transit center. This service should operate to supplement VT A buses. \JH\574460.3 01.121802.04706002 -11- Resolution No. 2002-85 The City Council finds that this mitigation measure is infeasible as that term is defined in CEQA (CEQA Guidelines i5091(a)(3)), because the City Engineering Department has determined that the proposed shuttle would be underutilized, and therefore increase air emissions. F. AIR QUALITY Impact: Dust from construction includes PMlO and can result in localized high concentrations of PMlO and affect regional pollution levels. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Mitigation: 23. Water all active construction areas at least twice daily and more often during windy periods. 24. Limit traffic speeds on any unpaved roads to 15 mph. 25. Cover all hauling trucks or maintain at least two feet of freeboard. Dust- proof chutes shall be used as appropriate to load debris onto trucks during demolition. 26. Pave, apply water at least twice daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas. 27 At a minimum, sweep daily (with water sweepers) all paved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas and sweep streets daily (with water sweepers) if visible soil material is deposited onto the adjacent roads. Sweeping may need to occur hourly or even more often, depending on soil deposits. 28. Hydroseed or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers to inactive construction areas (previously-graded areas that are inactive for 10 days or more). 29. Enclose, cover, water twice daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil binders to exposed stockpiles. 30. Replant vegetation in disturbed areas as quickly as possible. Impact: Construction diesel exhaust is a significant impact because emissions would likely exceed or contribute to exceedances of the air district's action level for cancer (one in one million), chronic (one in one million) and acute (one in one million) risks. 1.JH\574460.3 01-121B02.047061Xl2 -12- Resolution No. 2002-85 Finding: Mitigation: The following mitigation measure, identified in the EiR and incorporated into the Project, shall be implemented to reduce this impact to the extent practicable, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division. Despite implementation of this mitigation measure, there are no additional economical, legal, social or technologically feasible mitigation measures to reduce this impact to a less than significant level. This impact, therefore, remains significant and unmitigable To the extent that this adverse impact will not be eliminated or lessened to a less than significant level, the City finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological and other considerations identified in the Statement of Overriding Considerations support approval of the Project despite unavoidable impacts. 31. Minimize construction equipment diesel exhaust Toxic Air Contaminants, ozone precursors, and PMlO through the following: a. Tune vehicle engines to produce minimum NOx, typically by engine retard of 4-8 degrees. OR The contractor can use PuriNOx diesel fuel additive or equivalent. Such additives can reduce NOx by 20% to 40% depending on engine type. OR b. For equipment with engines built in 1994 or later, the contractor shall use BlOO fuel. In pre-1994 engines, the contractor may use B20 fuel, that is, a mixture of 20% biodiesel and 80% fossil diesel fuel. If B20 fuel is used, the fossil diesel component should be CARB low-sulfur diesel fuel (less than or equal to 15 ppmw). OR The contractor shall utilize an oxidation catalyst or catalytic particulate filter on all diesel powered equipment above 50 horsepower. These systems require CARB low-sulfur diesel fuel (less than or equal to 15 ppmw). Biodiesel is CARB certified as low-sulfur (near 0 ppm). Impact: Area source (building operations, site design and layout) emissions would contribute to an existing violation of state and federal air quality standards. Finding: \JH\574460.3 01.121802-04706002 This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Planning Division. -13- Resolution No. 2002-85 Mitigation: 32. Design planter beds and buildings to maximize parking shade. Ideally, at least Y2 of all spaces would be shaded at any given daylight hour. 33. Include drought-tolerant groundcovers and other landscaping. 34. The City shall require the development to construct buildings that are more energy efficient than state energy standards at the time the building permit is issued. A similar program shall be adopted for water conservation. 35. Provide outdoor electrical outlets and encourage use of electrical landscape maintenance equipment. 36. Provide a mixed use of services such as shops, restaurants, bank ATMs, dry cleaners, markets, etc., to allow one-stop shopping, thereby reducing vehicle trips. 37. Provide free electrical outlets for recharging electrical automobiles. These outlets should be located in preferential locations, ideally right next to handicapped parking. 38. Provide preferential parking for employee carpools/vanpools. The employee lot can also be offered as a community car pool parking area. Retail parking lots are typically sized to handle the day with the greatest sales, (e.g. the day after Thanksgiving) - and holidays are not normally used by carpoolers. Therefore, there would be little conflict with carpool spaces interfering with retail use at holidays. 39. Tenants shall agree to participate in an employee rideshare program. Large retail uses typically contract with a consultant who provides rideshare information and new employee orientation. 40. The applicant shall consider setting aside a portion of the development for a day care center. Onsite day care reduces total employee driving. Impact: Motor vehicle emissions would contribute to an existing violation of state and federal air quality standards. Finding: The following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, shall be implemented to reduce this impact to the extent practicable, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and Planning Division. Despite implementation of these mitigation measures, there are no additional economical, legal, social or technologically feasible mitigation measures to reduce this impact to a less than significant level. This impact, therefore, remains significant and unmitigable To the extent that this adverse impact will not be eliminated \JH\574460.3 01-121B02-04706002 -14- Resolution No. 2002-85 or lessened to a less than significant level, the City finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological and other considerations identified in the Statement of Overriding Considerations support approval of the Project despite unavoidable impacts. Mitigation: 41. Connect the development with existing and planned community-wide bike facilities. 42. Provide secure bicycle parking at each parcel. 44. Provide safe, secure and attractive pedestrian access to the Project site, including installation of sidewalks on Pacheco Pass Road between the Highway 101 interchange and Camino Arroyo, and within the development. This would include sidewalks (preferably separated from roadways and parking lots), shade trees/landscaping, and pedestrian environment enhancements such as benches, fountains or other amenities. All off-site improvements, including but not limited to the completion of Holloway Road from Brem Lane to the existing Holloway Road and sidewalks along the Project frontage including the south side of Highway 152 between the Project westerly boundary and existing sidewalk at the southwest comer of the south bound Highway IOlrrenth Street intersection shall be constructed prior to occupancy of Phase I. 45. Paths shall be lit, especially at places where paths cross roads or driveways. 46. Safe crossings for pedestrians shall be constructed. 47. Provide facilities for access by public transit service. This includes constructing bus turnouts, pedestrian walks providing egress to these stops, and safe crossing points of major streets for bus passengers. Coordinate with VT A in planning and developing these facilities. 48. Provide adequate bus shelters, benches and shade trees to encourage transit use. Coordinate with VTA in planning and developing these facilities. Eliminated Mitigation Measures: The following mitigation measures were eliminated at the December 2, 2002, City Council meeting. 43. Provide showers and lockers for bike commuter employees. The City Council finds that this mitigation measure is infeasible as that term is defined in CEQA (CEQA Guidelines 1509i(a)(3)), because at this \JH\574460.3 01.121802-ll4706002 -15- Resolution No. 2002-85 time there is not a business and/or employer within the Project to build and manage such a program. 49. Provide shuttle to multi-modal transit center. This service should operate to supplement VT A buses. The City Council finds that this mitigation measure is infeasible as that term is defined in CEQA (CEQA Guidelines 15091 (a)(3)), because the shuttle would be underutilized, and therefore increase air emissions. G. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES Impact: Large tilt-up style buildings as identified within the scope of this project will substantially hinder Fire Department emergency communications in areas that the current system covers. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the E1R and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department. Mitigation: 50. Additional radio infrastructure and in-building communications are required to mitigate this complication. To this end, the expansion of the Fire Radio System is required as a condition of this project. The applicant shall pay the incremental cost associated with the City of Gilroy Fire Department integration of the Fire Radio System into the Police Simulcast Radio System Infrastructure. Impact: The current Fire Department aerial truck apparatus cannot adequately address the fire suppression needs associated within the scope of this project. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the Em and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Fire Department. Mitigation: 51. The applicant shall pay the incremental cost associated with the accelerated purchase of the City of Gilroy Fire Department aerial truck apparatus. Impact: Several of the buildings for the proposed project are 10,000 square feet or larger, including all eight major stores and one of the smaller stores. Police and fire emergency radio transmissions into and out of buildings that are 10,000 square feet or larger can be problematic, which is a public safety issue. WH\574460.3 01-121802.04706002 -16- Resolution No. 2002-85 Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project. Mitigation: 52. The applicant shall install internal or external radio antennas for emergency radio transmissions. The installed antennas will be subject to the review and approval of the Gilroy Police Department Communications Division. Impact: The entire project, including the 458,419 square-foot shopping center and the potential future Phase II development, may demand an amount of water equivalent to, or greater than, the amount of water required by a 500 dwelling unit project. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and Planning Division. Mitigation: 53. Prior to issuance of any permits for any future development of the Phase II portion of the project, the applicant shall request a water supply assessment from the applicable public water system and comply with the remainder of the process required by California Code Sections 10910- 10915. Impact: Construction of the proposed project would partially contribute to the premature exhaustion of the already taxed Pacheco Pass Landfill and could make it more difficult for the City to meet its State-mandated recycling goals. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measure, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project. Mitigation: 54. The project applicant shall prepare and submit a solid waste disposal plan providing analysis of the anticipated amount of waste that would be generated and indicate how it would be disposed. The plan shall provide information about the recycling efforts to be located on site, outline how and where recyclable materials would be stored, identify what recycled materials would be incorporated into building structures, and outline how materials from demolition and construction would be recycled or disposed. This plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Environmental Resources Coordinator and the Planning Division prior to issuance of a building permit. \JH\574460.3 01.121802-04706002 -17- Resolution No. 2002-85 H. HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Impact: Proposed demolition of buildings on the project site could result in a public safety hazard associated with airborne asbestos. Finding: This potentially significant impact will be mitigated to a less-than- significant level with implementation of the following mitigation measures, identified in the EIR and incorporated into the Project, subject to monitoring by the Building Division. Mitigation: 55. The applicant shall contract with a qualified asbestos testing or abatement professional to survey all buildings (constructed prior to 1980) for asbestos prior to demolition in accordance with NESHAP guidelines. All potentially friable asbestos shall be removed prior to building demolition or renovation that may disturb the asbestos, in accordance with NESHAP gui delines. 56. Prior to the demolition of any pre-1980 building, the BAAQMD's Enforcement Division shall be consulted for compliance with District Regulation II, Rule 2. BAAQMD approval of the abatement and demolition plan shall be demonstrated prior to issuance of a demolition permit. 57. Follow the CallOSHA Lead in Construction Standard, Title 8, California Code of Regulations (CCR) 1532.1 requirements during demolition. These requirements will include employee training, air monitoring, and dust control. II. FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANT CUMULATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: Impact: Land Use and Planning/Agriculture Resources, Traffic and Circulation, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water Quality, Aesthetics/Viewshed, Public Services, Solid Waste and Energy and Telecommunications. Finding: These are potential significant cumulative impacts that can be mitigated to a less than significant level with the implementation of the Project mitigation measures set forth above. The cumulative impact to Land Use/Agriculture Resources was previously addressed and mitigated in the EIR for the South County Development General Plan Amendment 91-03 prepared when the Project site was proposed for annexation into the City's Urban Service Area, and in the EIR for the City's General Plan Amendment 99-0i. \JH\574460.3 01-121802-04706002 -18- Resolution No. 2002-85 Impact: Regional Air Quality impacts from motor vehicle emissions and construction diesel exhaust. Finding: The mitigation measures, identified in the Final EIR and incorporated into the Project, shall be implemented to reduce this significant and unavoidable cumulative impact to the extent practicable, subject to the review and approval of the Engineering Division and Planning Division. Despite implementation of these mitigation measures, there are no additional feasible mitigation measures to reduce this cumulative impact to a less than significant level. This cumulative impact, therefore, remains significant and unmitigable. To the extent that this adverse impact will not be eliminated or lessened to a less than significant level, the City finds that specific economic, legal, social, technological and other considerations identified in the Statement of Overriding Considerations support approval of the Project despite significant and unavoidable cumulative impacts. III. FINDINGS CONCERNING PROJECT AL TERNA TIVES The CEQA Guidelines specify that a Pinal EIR should identify alternatives to the proposed Project that could attain most of the Project objectives but avoid or reduce the significant effects of the Project. The significant unavoidable impact identified in this Pinal EIR resulting from the proposed Project includes air quality. The Pinal EIR analyzed three (3) alternatives to the proposed Project, including a "No Project" alternative. The City Council finds that the Pinal EIR identifies, describes, analyzes and compares a range of reasonable alternatives to the Project and to the location of the Project, which could feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the Project. The City Council also finds that the overall analysis contained in the Pinal EIR has adequately addressed all of the potentially significant impacts that may result and moreover, provides sufficient analysis to compare adequately the proposed Project with the project alternatives. Of these, the Final EIR identified the Reduced Density alternative as the environmentally superior alternative. The City Council has evaluated the Project and the alternatives in relation to the basic objectives identified for the Regency Centers Property, as set forth in Pinal EIR pages 3-7 through 3-11: · Provide a regional commercial attraction, in addition to the Gilroy Outlets and future Lowes and Costco. · Increase economic value of the land, both in terms of land value and tax revenue for the City, and create employment opportunities for local citizens. · Take advantage of access from Highway 101 and Highway 152, as well as transportation system improvements already planned for roadways in the Project vicinity. \JH\574460.3 01.121802-04706002 -19- Resolution No. 2002-85 · Take advantage of vacant parcels that are not viable for agriculture in the long-term due to being surrounded by designated commercial and industrial lands with existing and planned development. A. PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO.1 Description: The "No Proiect" Alternative. CEQA requires the discussion of the No Project alternative "to allow decision makers to compare the impacts of approving the proposed project with the impacts of not approving the proposed project." Comparison to Proiect. The No Project alternative consists of maintammg the project site in its eXlstmg conditions. For an undefined period of time, no development would occur on the site, and the existing agricultural operations and restaurant use would continue. Under this alternative, the potentially adverse effects of the Project would be avoided for an undefined period of time; however, as discussed in this EIR, most of the potentially significant impacts associated with these issues can be reduced to a less-than-significant level through the implementation of specified mitigation measures. The only significant and unavoidable impact associated with the proposed project would be the adverse impacts on local and regional air quality. On this basis, the No Project alternative is deemed environmentally superior to the proposed project. However, the beneficial effects provided by the proposed Project, including tax and sales revenues, and creation of employment opportunities, should be considered in this evaluation. It is reasonable to assume that disapproval of the proposed Project would result in predictable actions by others, such as proposal of some other project that mayor may not be consistent with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance designations for the project site, or be compatible with existing and future surrounding land uses. Given the existing planning designations for the site, its proximity to major transportation infrastructure, existing and future (approved) surrounding land uses, and available public services and infrastructure, the practical result of the Project's non-approval would likely be submittal of another application for development on the site. Findinl!:. While the No Project alternative would not result in any of the adverse effects associated with the Project (at least until another project is proposed on the site), the No Project alternative does not satisfy any of the Project Objectives. Specifically, it would not provide a regional commercial attraction, increase the economic value of the land, create employment opportunities for local citizens, take advantage of local transportation improvements, or utilize vacant parcels that are not viable for agriculture in the long term. Accordingly, the City Council rejects the No Project alternative as being infeasible as that term is defined in CEQA (CEQA Guidelines 15091(a)(3)). B. PROJECT AL TERNA TIVE NO.2 \JH\574460.3 01-121602-04706002 -20- Resolution No. 2002-85 Resolution No. 2002-85 Descriution: The Reduced Densitv Alternative. The Reduced Density alternative assumes that the proposed project would be reduced in terms of building area square footage, number of parking spaces, lot coverage with impervious surfaces, building demolition, and tree removal. For this alternative, the Final EIR assumes an approximate 20 percent reduction in the amount of land available for commercial and industrial development. The surplus land would be used for additional landscaping as a buffer between the Project and U.S. Highway 101 to the west; State Highway 152 to the north; the industrial uses, RV park, and agricultural operations to the south; and the vacant parcels and industrial uses to the east on Silacci Way and Holloway Road. Comuarison to Proiect. By scaling back the amount of proposed development on the Project site, the Reduced Density alternative would allow the uses on the Project site to be pulled back from the surrounding land uses and be shielded by increased landscaping. Also, additional landscaping could be placed throughout the site to make the feel and appearance of the site more hospitable and visually pleasing. Some or all of the trees to be removed around the restaurant, which is proposed to be demolished under the current project, could remain. However, since potential aesthetic, land use, and biological (tree removal) impacts were found to be less-than-significant, the Reduced Density alternative would not change the significance for these issues as identified in this EIR. The Reduced Density alternative would have beneficial effects related to several issues identified as potentially significant in this EIR. This alternative would encourage people to walk between stores, especially on hot days, when many people actually drive across parking lots. Parking garages could be incorporated into the entire Project design instead of creating large parking lots, which function as urban heat islands. Under this scenario, air conditioning loads would be lower, less fuel evaporation would occur, and transit could better serve the Project. A reduction in grading and site coverage with impervious surfaces would result in a corresponding reduction in erosion and creation of urban pollutants, thereby reducing the potential impact on water quality both during and after construction. A reduction in building area on the site would have a corresponding reduction in the amount of solid waste that would be generated in the short-term and long-term, and would reduce the Project's potential impact related to the City being behind in its State-mandated 2000 goal for waste diversion. Finally, if the restaurant was not demolished, the potential asbestos issue would be avoided. However, all of these issue areas would still require implementation of the specified mitigation measures, as the Reduced Density alternative would not by itself reduce these potential impacts to a less-than-significant level. The beneficial effects provided by the proposed Project, including tax and sales revenues, and creation of employment opportunities, would still result from the Reduced Density alternative, but would be scaled back somewhat. Findine The Reduced Density alternative calls for approximately twenty percent (20%) less land to be devoted to commercial and industrial development on the site than is presently \JK\574460.3 01-121802.04706002 -21- Resolution No. 2002-85 contemplated with the Project. The Reduced Density alternative does not create the same intensity of commercial use that is envisioned by the Project Objective of providing a regional commercial attraction. It would also not take full advantage of the existing vacant parcels that are not viable for agriculture in the long run, would not increase the economic value of the land to the same degree, and would not create as many employment opportunities for local citizens. Furthermore, although the Reduced Density alternative may lessen certain project impacts, it would not avoid the necessity of the mitigation measures specified in these Findings. Therefore, the City Council hereby rejects the Reduced Density alternative as being infeasible as that term is defined in CEQA (CEQA Guidelines IS091(a)(3)). C. PROJECT ALTERNATIVE NO.3 Description: The Alternate Site Alternative. Alternate site locations were evaluated based on their ability to accommodate a project of similar character and magnitude, and if their existing land use designations would allow for commercial and industrial development. This analysis is limited by the fact that there are few locations within the City limits and urban service area that are of comparable size with a General Plan designation that would allow for such development. In addition, the close proximity to and visibility from Highway 101 was a primary consideration for the alternate site, since it is a major asset of the proposed Project location in terms of access and exposure. Comparison to Proiect. The Alternate Site selected for analysis is located south of the proposed Project site within the City limits and 20-year planning boundary. More specifically, the site is north of Bolsa Road, immediately east of Monterey Road and Highway 101, and south of the Garlic Farm truck stop. The site, which consists of seven parcels that would have to be assembled in order to create a developable site, is approximately 84 acres, or about 14 acres more than the proposed Project site. It should be noted that the feasibility of the Project applicant to acquire these properties, based upon their availability and cost, is unknown. There are currently no project proposals for the site. The General Plan designation for these parcels is General Services Commercial. Most of the property is currently zoned Open Space, but two parcels are zoned CM (Commercial Industrial). It should be noted that the Open Space zoning designation is not consistent with the underlying General Plan General Services Commercial designation. The General Plan designations for areas outside of the alternate site include Open Space to the west across Highway 101, General Services Commercial to the north, and General Industrial and Public/Quasi Public Facility to the east. Lands to the south are outside of the 20-year planning boundary and thus do not have a General Plan designation. A mixture of uses currently exists on the alternate site, including a nursery, but the site is mostly agricultural land. The impacts of development of this Alternate Site are fairly similar to those evaluated for the proposed Project. The level of significance of impacts and mitigation for the following issue areas would be expected to be comparable for both the proposed Project and Alternate Site: geology and soils, hydrology and water quality, cultural resources, noise, air quality, agricultural \JH\574460.3 01-121802-04706002 -22- Resolution No. 2002-85 resources, public services and utilities, and population/jobs/housing. Without doing further site- specific evaluation, it is not known if the impacts associated with biological resources and hazards and hazardous materials would be comparable. However, given the location and that the Alternate Site does not have comparable existing development around it, additional impacts might be expected related to land use and planning, aesthetics and view shed, and traffic and circulation. On this basis, the Alternate Site is not deemed environmentally superior to the proposed Project site. Findinl!. The Alternative Site alternative would fail to accomplish the following City objectives: · It does not have the same access and exposure as the proposed Project location. · Development of a similar project on the Alternate Site might lead to additional impacts that do not apply to the proposed Project. In addition, the Alternative Site alternative requires that the project applicant acquire the site of the Alternate Site alternative, dispose of the Project site, and undertake new planning, design and entitlement processes, all with additional expense and delay and possible additional environmental impacts, but without the benefit of meeting all the basic Project objectives when those processes were completed. Therefore, the Alternative Site alternative is rejected as being infeasible as that term is defined in CEQA (CEQA Guidelines 15091(a)(3)). IV. STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081 and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15091 et seq., the City adopts and makes the following statement of overriding considerations regarding the remaining unavoidable air quality impacts of the Project and the anticipated economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the Project. Significant Unavoidable Impacts With respect to the foregoing findings and in recogmtlOn of those facts which are included in the record, the City has determined that the Project would cause significant and unavoidable impacts to air quality as discussed in the Final EIR. These adverse, significant and unavoidable effects, which are discussed in detail in the Final EIR and the Record for the Project, are set forth below: · Construction diesel exhaust ennsslOns would likely exceed or contribute to exceedances of the air district's action level for cancer (one in one million), chronic (one in one million) and acute (one in one million) risks. · Motor vehicle emissions would contribute to an existing violation of state and federal air quality standards. These impacts cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level by feasible changes or alterations to the Project. IJH\574460.3 01-121802.04706002 -23- Resolution No. 2002-85 Overriding Considerations The City Council specifically adopts and makes this Statement of Overriding Considerations that this Project has eliminated or substantially lessened all significant effects on the environment where feasible, and finds that the remaining significant, unavoidable impacts of the Project are acceptable because they are outweighed by the economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the Project. The City Council finds that each of the overriding considerations set forth below constitutes a separate and independent ground for finding that the benefits of the Project outweigh each and all of its significant adverse environmental impacts and is an overriding consideration warranting approval of the Project. These matters are supported by evidence in the record. Benefits of the Proposed Proiect The City Council has considered the Final EIR, which is comprised of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Regency Centers Property, dated September 2002, and the Final EIR/Reponses to Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Regency Centers Property dated November 2002, the public record of the proceedings on the proposed Project and other written materials presented to the City as well as oral and written testimony at all of the public hearings related to the Project, and does hereby determine that implementation of the Project as specifically provided in the Project documents would result in the following public benefits: I) It would promote economic development within the City. Development of this regional commercial attraction would increase the economic value of the land, both in terms of land value and tax revenues for the City, and create employment opportunities for local citizens, thereby helping the City to meet its economic development goals. As described in the recently updated General Plan, Gilroy's economic health and vitality is of utmost importance, providing jobs for residents and revenues to support City services. 2) It would help the jobs/housing balance in the City and County. The City of Gilroy currently has a surplus of housing relative to local employment, since many Gilroy residents commute to jobs in San Jose and surrounding communities. The proposed Project is planned growth consistent with the General Plan that would increase the availability of jobs in the local area. Based on this analysis, construction of the proposed Project may improve the jobs/housing balance in the Gilroy area. 3) It would enhance quality of life for the residents of Gilroy and the region. Development of this regional commercial attraction, in addition to the Gilroy Outlets and future Lowes and Costco, would greatly reduce the need for the residents of Gilroy and nearby areas to travel to the San Jose area to shop for goods and services. Reduced commute and travel times would increase the amount of time available for other activities, thereby enhancing the quality of life for the residents of Gilroy and the region. 1JH\574460.3 01-121802.04706002 -24- Resolution No. 2002-85 V. THE RECORD The following information is made part of the record supporting these findings: the Draft EIR, Pinal EIR and all documents relied upon or incorporated by reference; all testimony, documentary evidence and correspondence submitted to or delivered to the Gilroy Planning Commission and/or the City of Gilroy in connection therewith; and the official record of the December 2, 2002, December 16, 2002 and December 18, 2002 meetings of the Gilroy City Council. VI. ADOPTION OF THE MITIGATION/MONITORING PROGRAM The City Council hereby adopts for implementation in connection with the Project the mitigation measures set forth in the Pinal EIR, except as revised herein, which specifically include the revisions to Mitigation Measures numbers 10, II, 12, 14, 15, 16,22,43 and 49, which revisions are based on the official record of the City, and the City Council hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program attached hereto as Exhibit "A." PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18th day of December, 2002, by the following vote: AYES: DILLON, MORALES, PINHEIRO, VELASCO and SPRINGER NOES: NONE ABSENT: ARELLANO, GARTMAN APPROVED: ---n-~ - Thomas W. Spring yo~ ~:"'.Q/' L._ ./ .. ' . . J-u/..~ ~~ '- . Rhonda Pelhn, CIty Clerk IJH\574460.3 01-1211102-04706002 -25- on 00 I N Q Q N Z o - E-o ;:l ..;l o 00. ~ ~ o E-o -< E-o - = - == ~ ~ e .. .. bll f~ .. bll c..= e 'c ~ 0 ..... f 'a .. 0 ~~ U = ;.....S ......... = 0; ~ .2P bll..... .. .- ~~ "0 ,-., .. '" .. .....- ..... .. .. .. Q.'':: "0 e '= "0 C'. = U~.. = o .- ..... .. ;C; .. e ~ ,-., '" .. - = :;E= "0 .. = .. 0 = ..c 'C ',= .... ~ = CIl~C> U t: -- ~ ~ .~ ,.,= E '> .c ~.. ~ c CI.l 't looo _ _..b1.", ;; c. = .- == ~ 'C ~ e'. .s ..c c.....= > :3 cS: = ~ ~ e - .. = 1i: .. .. = '" .. .. ~ = C> .- ..... 0; bll .- ..... ~ C> ... .::: .. ~ :: ... e 1l a ~ .. .- .::: ~ ..... .. .. "" al .~ " s z .~ " 00 O ~" ... _ 0 ~;:g a .g -s ~ p.. -.D.~ oS I-< c) -5 cE .~ 8 _5 sg fIl 0.. 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"Cl ~ = = .. .. ... ~ 0 f .- <:>.... 0 ... = c...;<::~~'" 00- i~ ,fj c.E = ._..c f;;il ~ <:> ~- =: u = e :: 0 ~.2 ...- E- = .. ~ .~ -< "".... ... .- E- ~~ .... OJ = = - .- ~ ... f;;il :: = '" .. ~ = .:1 .... .. "" .- .... .- ~ - N N o o ~ o ~~ ~~ ~ ' ~~ ~~ ~N I~ ~...'- ~O I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk of the City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2002-85 is an original resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Gilroy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of December, 2002, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 7th day of February, 2003. ~~~ City Clerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)