Resolution 2004- 86 RESOLUTI~N NO. 2004-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GILROY DETERMINING mAT THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND NECESSITY REQUIRE! THE ACQUISITION OF A FEE INTEREST IN THE REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED BY APNS 799-08-047, 799-08-048, 799L08-049, 799-08-050, 799-08-051, 799-08-060, 799-08-039, AND! 799-08-040, LOCATED AT 7310, 7320, 7330, 7350, 7360 EIGLEjBERRY STREET AND 7353 AND 7355 MONTEREY STREETI DIRECTING THE FILING OF EMINENT DOMAIN PROCE$DINGS I WHEREAS, the City of Gilroy ("Cit~') Cultural and Performing Arts Center project to be located at 6th and ih Street between Monthey Street and Eigleberry Street (the "Project") is being undertaken for the purpose of construct~ng a Cultural Arts Center and to further the public health, safety and welfare; and, WHEREAS, in order to accomplish t~e goals of the Project, construction activities must necessarily take place upon certain real propeIjty located in the City, County of Santa Clara, State of California, identified as APN s 799-08-047, 1799-08-048, 799-08-049, 799-08-050, 799-08-051, 799-08-060, 799-08-039, 799-08-040 and 799-08-041 (hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Property"); and WHEREAS, such Project will requirf the City to secure a fee interest in the Property depicted on the map attached hereto as Ex*bit A and incorporated herein by this reference (referred to as the "Interest"), such Interest b~ing described in Exhibits "2A" and "2B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this referenoe; and WHEREAS, the City had the Interest fippraised and made a written offer to purchase the Interest based on the appraisal amounts to! the record owners of the Property pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2; and WHEREAS, the City has been unsucc~ssful in its attempts to negotiate the acquisition of I the Interest; and WHEREAS, the City is vested with th~ power of eminent domain to acquire real property by virtue of Article 1, Section 19, of the Constitution of the State of California, Article II, Section 200 of the City Charter, Section 4p404 of the Government Code of the State of \JH\635562,1 01.091404-04706080 -1- Resolution No. 2004-86 'I California, Sections 1240.050, 1240.110 and 1240.120 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provis,ons of section 1245.235 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California, notice h~s been duly given to all persons whose property is to be acquired by eminent domain and whose uames and addresses appear on the last Santa Clara County equalized assessment roll, all of whpm have been given a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard before the City COljlllcil on the following matters as required by , Section 1245.230 ofthe Code of Civil ProcedJre of the State of California: I (a) Whether the public interest andl necessity require the Project; (b) Whether said Project is plamf1ed or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; (c) Whether the property sought toibe acquired is necessary for said Project; and (d) Whether the offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 has been made to the owners of record. ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL\fED THAT: Section 1. The Interest as described bereinabove is being taken for municipal purposes pursuant to the authority of the City under: (a) Article I, Section 19 ofthe Cali~ornia Constitution; (b) Article II, Section 200 of the C~ty Charter; (c) Section 40404 of the Governm~nt code of the State of California; and (d) Sections 1240.050, 1240.110 ~ seq. ofthe Code of Civil Procedure of the State of California. Section 2. The public interest and inecessity require the Project for the purpose of constructing a Cultural Arts Center and to further the public health, safety and welfare. The facts which support this finding are further set f0l1th in the record, including but not limited to, the Staff Report dated September 14, 2004, attacJiIed hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by this reference. Section 3. The Project is planned or lpcated in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the leas~ private injury, taking only such property as is absolutely necessary to construct the improvements in order to accomplish the goals of the Project. The facts which support this finding ~e further set forth in the record, including but not \JH\635562,1 01-091404.04706080 -2- Resolution No. 2004-86 limited to, the Staff Report dated September 14, iattached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by this reference. Section 4. The property sought to b acquired is necessary for said Project and will require the City to secure a fee interest in the roperty described in Exhibits "2A" and "2B." The facts which support this finding are further s t forth in the record, including but not limited to, the Staff Report dated September 14, 2004, tached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by this reference. Section 5. Pursuant to California povernment Code Section 7267.2, the City has appraised the Interest, and has made written otfers to the owners of record to acquire said Interest based on the appraised value for the Interest. IThe facts which support this resolution are further set forth in the record, including but not limi~ed to, the Staff Report dated September 14, 2004, attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporat~d by this reference. Section 6. The City has made ev~ry reasonable effort to acqUIre the Interest by I negotiation as required by California GoveI111TI,ent Code Section 7267.2. Section 7. The City is hereby authoqzed and empowered to acquire by condemnation good and sufficient title to the Interest, all of which is located within the City. Section 8. The City Attorney is hereqy directed to take all steps necessary to initiate an action in eminent domain and to obtain immeqiate possession of the Interest. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of September, 2004, by the following AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: CORREA, DILLON, MORALES, V ALIQUETTE, VELASCO, and PINHEIRO GARTMAN NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: NONE ~.JiSl \ Cd /.-/1 ' , . .~ ~ A AA """,' Rhon Pellin, City Clerk \JH\635562,1 01-091404.04706080 -3- Resolution No. 2004-86 SEP-15-2004 12:35 .... BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.19 , ' , ,< 36 MDl\S 37 ~ t"DJACr::t~T PRU PERry 38 t.. ~ ~ ~ too. ~ Io.r \p ...---.....-........-..-..-.. ~ SITE plAN ~. ! ~3A GILROY CULTURAL AND CONCEPnJAl S PLAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER ~~~ 'l20~ .~ __--- Janil , nHLBI'T A. , ~:-" .----:-<; J ~ ."i.I:;' SEP-15-2004 12:35 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 , :Real Estate Appr:l!sed: Gilroy CU;ltllrll &: etfonnlng Am Proj~ (Gen. Property), GIlroy, CA ., , - ,,,,,.r. . SUBJECT ARCEL MAP IT l' A CKET "A.' ~ EXIIT H-~~~ :~ . , ~p-.. . o ~ 0 ~ '.,' . .,; ..~~.... : ~ .1,,""\ @ :u:- ; ~ . " ti , "'-I = . ... .. .. '" i: .. III L g. U lit '" .. o ., ... .~ "'" fC .. .. "' .. ~ ! . .. . D .. . : .. .. ~ ... fllN """1 *~.1 ~ ~ ...... ~'.)I"N' .. -"'-r . I .. ~ . .. ". r e- .. .J ;; . '. t- "( , ffi ,,;1' > T~;-J- :." ~ i~~J_L J r ~Y.."'~-T .. . :: ... )<. CQ ... " ~ " !!! .. .. CI ':"+b:i . , .. '" " ,~U .' _J ~ , . - ... .~_.._- . (l~} ((0'- .~ fB)~7 \...:::> ~(j Ll U , ! .... . The Schmidi-Prescou. Group - CQmplete Property Valuation'Services : , :E.xli'rlrr 2A " . . P.20 . . ". ~. 1 SEP-15-2004 12:35 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.21 . . . DESC RIPTION SlTF.: 1~55 Monterey Street RSCROW; 943526 APN: 799-08-039 EXHffiIT PACKET "A" ~l that certain Fe~l p~nperty in th~ C~ty or W~]YoY. ~ounty of S~~d cl~'~. 5tat~ Qr CA~lruLni~, de~c~ibed ad follow5' . -' pJ:1'rr.1 t"Jn of IlOt S, il:l. Illqck. 1 ,svUl..h ~!I~-)'. 'If~,~; :~~:.~4u'W.l..l upo:c Hap No". !: accomp~yia~ report QX the commiGGioner~' in H~ ~llQr Q~ a~, Pi&i~ti~~~, VS_ Ma.i:~ey Tborna.&l at a1, IJl'!tp.nt1;mt:R, j"n the: superior Court ot the St':tL.~ Q~ California., ,.iu c:Wd for the: COUDt}" of .s~tll Clara, eM!!:: NUmber S5~~, :md mora particularly QQ~cribea as %ollows: - - ..',,'" Elegi.l:micg' a~ a poil:lt: i:n the We!>t ~ine 0* Monterey Street. r..'I:i.s:-t:O!I1t: 295.90 teet sm,t:.hl'!rly .from the sout.hwft.~1,. t.lVJ.,ut!J. ut ~ul,.t:1.t::y ClJ.ul 54th st.eets, rtmi::I.~g thence. No.th~rly along ~aid W~DtQrly l~c of M~te.r~ St:~ect:, 20~~8 .~.et: ~~ene@ Rt ri!J'ht' M.!]'l@g 1Ii~!lilt:.er1y 151 :l':eet imd part', or 5aic1 lilie ~~ tlll:bl;!ghthe ~ent:er (.1.[: pe..l:t1t;ion wall no,., 0::1:1 eaid deacrihed I prem.i..$~~i thence. Southerly .and parallU Wi~ th~ W~~t line of MNn~p.rey Hr.rp.p.t:.. iU_UH feet; taenc@ Ea5t~~1y 151 feet.to the point of El,=!./.i..uD.iJ:lS-. t-:'rt"..P.pt:.ing !:rom the abUV!$ lle~~,Lllit:u. ~LU1Jlf::1. L.:Y, .the westerly :lei fee~ th6.r~of I ILl;, l;;~~ed to the Citj" of C.il~oy, 1. KWl.ic~p~ CQ:tpo:t'ation, by Peed l'"fl'norded' Aug=;t ';l, J.917., in'V01W1le 388 of Oaedlii, ~t :Pag. ~n. ' ' .~ ...-. , . r-;::::~\ '"\ n ,tr..{-.., fF0\.; f C)l \'''1 . .'l.." /1 -.~, ,'_~':' .,~u !I. ~.,). +.i SEP-15-2004 12:35 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.22 ...,.......- . ., ' I, ~' , DESdRIPTlON SITE: 7353 Mont.rey Street ESCROW: 943526 APN: 7.Y!l-08~040 F.XHIBIT PACKET "A'~ AU. t:.l:l.l:1L ceJ,.-t.ai= nc:U. ~op~rty in th@ I ('1 f'y of: Sll.ll'tlt'; County of san~ 'C~;iril, Elt~te 'of ca.~j.forni ii, uescr:1;b"o. ~ fClJ.1o'W~h ,'~ .: -- . . . ..... - . . III .. CQmIl\otI.cing- :lLt .a point_ 00' t.l.I.e. f'l'eliitcrlyi liue of M=.terey itt:reet, ('!tstaJJt.. 2'5.'0 t'et'-t. ~nllt:htU:ly from the poiut cf 1=t:et$eetiCln ,(11" Jll:a.id westt:dy line .of MQuteic:y Straot "!"itl:l' 't.he' Souilie.:cly, li:j:l.c of sixth Otrcat I ~henc:!@ r.unn1n!;' . ~OU'l:h@rJy iil~ the We~terly lihe pf tto:llte:r;Y- Strl!li"r. 7.J. teet: the::oee at :right ~9'les We-sic;ly 14.1 teet. r-.n. the :E~te~iy li.lJJ:l u! ~ a11ey; t:.hene~ ~ort}JP.Tly ~ong t:he E"'Rt~ly line of ",o..id Alley, 21 feet; 8JJ.~" tl:l.eDl":~ EaBt~ly' J,.4J. fl'-et;, JllOre: Ol:' J.e:ss I .to' t:ha point ot Mg1 nni:P.li.. a,ncf l:Jeia~. 0.., portiQ%) of, Lot !; in:' :Slock ::r. Sout'tl ~!;l'~ ;I. 1I'I::8t i:D. ;~~C!- ci~y of ,Gilroy;' aii, 'lI:~d LOr.: IS 'i.S ' dt::lisi!iJX&at~d 0Z1 M:l.p NO,',' S. filed wi t,h. O'l'l'i11 io:r:ml.nsr .il pa+L. of the report c:f ,tb@ . refB~~S: in t.hP. 'ACdoD i.U !;Iaztition o~ Denr,( 'Mille: ej:: al.. ,VI;_ !'1au,;lSey ,'1'homall1l, ~t. ."J., Ca5e'1<o. s5si, l.D. the SU[l"':r',oTi t:oUri' ot tbi'SLfJ.te. of C!I:U:!.for=.i:a., in . 8.l:ltl :for tl:1~ G()'~nty of .5dll~e. Cl~.' . . . '\' , '. ,; ..... - ..... "'~"". 1" \ IJ (r-'''> (."'..\ ~ f-ra.~ 1 . "..\ . " ;; .' ,! ! ~;:::" ) I " . I: !: . ,", ----J.'" ~~,': ...., SEP-15-2004 12:35 I I BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 1b1 E$ate hppt~l Gilroy CUlturlll &: perlprmtnl: Am ProJl'!l:t (~.;ellll bsldtm11llJ :Property), Gilroy, CA - ,'-- -.....- . -. . . SUBJECT PARCEL MAP EXHIB l' PA~KF.T "B" Iol .. @~qi "I. .j !LJ "J o E :< n ~ .: :!l .., _Ill!.. .t':;)~n .H~ . "~ .... g II! .. ::c I' t- . .1 .. Q' ....~ ~ -r~ :"" :=: ;:!tIdt- L . ~ . ~~~J'.' 4'~ " ~ a . ! .- ".......:.: -- . ;j;' r i:i . ::! 91 ~'~ ~I' Ii . o. The Scbmi,dt-Pre!li(..uH Group. Complete Properly Valulltion S6rvices ! . 'F.XHI15IT 2n P.23 'L". - - "",. '.' 1 . ., j',' SEP-15-2004 12:35 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.24 DESCR PTION '. SITE:' 7310 EigJcbcl'ry Street ES(:ROW; 943526 APN: 799-08-047 ExmBIT PACKET "B" AU tn;.~ cer~~~T1 Re!a1, PL'lJ~t:..ty ;i.~ the City of Gil~, Cou=ot::r 0: ~an1:a Cl~r~, SL.l':l.l..: CJf Ca.1if=l:'niiJ., decQ'l!:'wad i'Ul: tol:.Lows: .\i ," ALL OF LOT 18, in j,jJ.,OCK 1, Sr:mtl1 l<iln9fi j p~icul~r'y d~~~~ibed a~ follows; "0'. \" - : .r"':", Nest. ciLy of Gilroy and more ~~~~~NG ~~ r~p- NorLhe~5t .co~r:Df ~i~elberry Ctrcet an~ S&vanth S~re~t ~n~ .LwmiPQ th=l:1ce along t.hs ll:':Ult liue 'Qf i],li~el.ber:ry Sl:':T'f\P.t NlJr.Lht:rly 109 feet; thence i:ast:erl:y ] 0:1. 04 !t::et; th~ce aciuthcrly 4G .30' feet tbenca Westerly ;?-; reet. theJJ.cc Southc:rly GJ.. 70 :o.t t= t:~e ~ort.h lin~ r:>t 8F.!~nt..L. St.cot Iil.C.d t~DC. alono l~~l. meDtiDD~ l~le Weijt~~ly 77.24 fce~ to the poine o~ 11l!lWluuiJ;S. ' /."-~ /;:::;'\. I n~."\l;:- . ! ( , \ '. : :"~~..; \, l . . SEP-15-2004 12:35 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 :DESC RlPTION SITE: 73:l0 Eigleberry Sired ESCROW: 943526 APN; 799-08-048 EAramIT PACKET ,,'n'; 1\.11 tb~t (1Artai.. Real r~ol?ert:f in th~ ~~ t.y or Gi~rO"f, Coun,;y nr Sa.n.te. CIOl;rO)., St~t~ of Califo~ia, ~~~cribed ~ !ol~o~' BEING LOT J. '7. JoIlock.;!,. South. P.IU1Sc. 1 ~nt, -in tll.!!" clty of Oil:Z:oy ~nd 50 - . '."'.- dea1gnated .u~on Mllp No. 5 lll::eornrAnyin~ l.be Rep<:>rt Qt th.e IIp.:I:t:.ecs :in th. c:a."e . of B~ Millar. et. al, vs. Maney 'rhq..a.s,' ~t ;i'l, lIIhich Me.P is on fi le in L.bt: offiee nT. the count:y Clerk, of .t;he:,,c.l)11Uty uf Sant.a Clar~. st:f1tt: of CaJ.ifQI:O.ia. alid EOZl.:i.d ~i:\I,~t.:r.ly line of Bl;;.lehcI'ry ijt=-cet, dUUntl I:.lLt:.con lOil teet' North.er~y rrom it.:> ;i.ntcrtJ~ben with t'rlf'.: tfo1L.ll.e~~Y l:i..ne of sp.veeut.h. Street, thl!:..l.1ce No:ttberly ...1 nng said :Sll~tuly ~i:lc of Eigleb~'l:'TY stieet I ~9 - 90 fMt:; th~c.' East'p.r1y d.loP9 the No=-ther.Ly :L4-ne n.f lOud :uo~ :l7, :L4~, 40 !eet i t.henoe S~lth~~ly elOQS tbe E~~t:erl:y liu~ of ,aia Lot 1'7, 4~_8n r~et~ ~heDe. westp,rly "long th" sr:mt:hedy line of a~d !.at 1.7, J.1.19 - 1 0 fe~t eo tb& po:!. nt uf be51iIm.l.,u:;;r. , -- F,7:1."::1tP'I':tN'(] ';OIB!U:FP.OM 81:1 mUoh theJ:'~tJ! 4'.~ lie-iii within th~. hou.Lld,. of. thae c:ert,.;n A1~eYI .:u: sllit1 al.lt:f waS conveyed by p. Clllverl!. (:t al, to the r:ity of r.ilroy, A ~icip31 corpor,.~~nn. by ~ca.~ateo F~rUary 8. l~oe ~d rec:or~p.n Au~ct :.:l, 19J.2 in volwnc :.HlFJ of Dead.S:!. a~ ?ilgf.! 311. ...!. I' . . . ~.: .. .~ .< '::~ ;::~"~' ,ff' :!, ..): ":~/ , P.25 " SEP-15-2004 12:35 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.26 -' , '. ., . . nES( RIPTION SITE; 7330 Eigleberry Street RSCROW: 943516 APN: '799-08-049 EXHIBIT PACIruT "D" All that certi'l.in :&=<1.1 :E'rope%'ty in tha r;; t:.y ot (011 ray, C01,lIlty of S:nta. [:1 lira.. St:J1:.e. of Cosliforz:d.:l, das:criJ::>l!"~ ?Il rulllJ~ 1;' . . . -.- '. '" .' ., ...,.. All of Lot 1G, i%1 ~lnr.k :1. South, nlQ'l.gc ~ ~eat~ "u "s!'lnwn an MGI.P NQ. S aC!l:ompanying' - X'enort f.lf the colNtlissione~s in J!ienry Milll!!.:L t:t. C!.l. Fl~;i.Ilt:i.ffl!l: vs. Massey ThulllOl.;:; et- ~l, Def=l:1~ts, in tnp. su~eiior CQ~~ of the State ot Ca1ifo~ia, in and tor the County of sapl..i1 Clara, C='CEl NU\'l\ber $S31'i, and 11IQ:::e particularl.y dr;>!'llCr1bed i:f,Oi t'ollbwl:l: . '.. - 't. - . Bp.Sinning at a point on tbe ~a$te~ly l~e~of Eigelbcr~' Str~e1:, ni~t.~t the~Qn 1Sa.,0 f~et North~~1y r:LUffi the i=tc~aectien Qt ~a.1~ 'in~ uf Bigelb~~ Stre@~ ~itn r.h@,No~Lhe.ly line 0% seven~h ~tre~L; tbence No~=ly a1on~ $a~d lill~ of Ei~l~ St;reet "n" 00 r.:~t to the di"'~~9 .l.ipe b@tll/'f!t!!n Lot~ lS ~d J.G in Jill nt'.k 1 s,,"t:.h, Ramlr;: ;l "iiieet, ~c sbown upon r.h" Ml1~ lle.o:d.De.bovc refo:l:%ad to: tl:1w!,;t: . E~6t'e;dy ~lol:l9 1I!:;I.;.d ~1viu~y lln= UO.!lQ feet to:! 'the ('I1v-idillg line bctw~en Loti; "} . and 16 jn said EJ.oc:;k lL"1dJ!.~9.; 1;henr:o.e J:;C1Utbt:Lly a1o~ tbe d.ividi,.,~ line ~Lweep Lo\.~ 7,' 13" eI.:1d 16" :l.tl. ~a1rl 'Ellu~k a.Il.d :RaD<!'~, 79.00 .tMt 'to 1:'11f! d.1vid~g l:ine between LQtc l' and 17 ill said !110M anCl p.~a;i t"llf\nce )ft::llo~erly' along l~J;t l"pl"P-rred tv dividiug line 149 AO fee-e. to tht:: "Qbt pf beginning. .;. ,...... ~......: '. \'. . . I ). '., 1~.~ : SEP-15-2004 12:36 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.27 bESdRIPTIUN SITF.: 7350 Eielcberry Street ESCROW: 943526 APN: 799-o8~OSO EXHiBIT PACKET .'B" 1U.1 t~t oert~in RIi!;al. PrO!lerty ill. the ~1t:r of GilrOj', County 02: SMlt'1l <:1 ilT;;!, st:ilr,p' n1' california, dl:~t;:.db=d as follpws: ".. .... ',. LOt lS in Elluc]<; J. South, Range 1 WelOt t,Ji' l.h~' CiLY ui G.l.hoy t alS tb.e aall\e h shown on. Map .~Q" 5 and H ~ llilllo!ndmenh jlccomp~:lt'ing thli ~ort o:>f r',~F! rl!terl!!!s in the parti,tioll !!Suit of Hel.~"y M.i.ll~:r.',. ~t iU, VB. MR~/ilC:Y TliUw<:l:il, et aJ. ,in the Superior Co~ 0;1:, the county ot, Sa;lt ~ "fJ;iII~, Stilt. of Calito~a. EYo<:Jepting tba:r_from that .portion th~"ot>f conv~yed. to tho City o~ Gilroy Ny Dee.d o~ M. 'Casey, 1;::1. <1.1 \.u elL}' v! Gil;-CY, recorded in the O!!.i.ce of tbe: County 'Reco:rdcr of t.he County of SQnto:.. Clllr""t otat.c Qf CEllifornia 2.n ilQ~ ~S8 of ueeda, page 3a~. .. . ~ ... I '\ .. - . ,,"". :{. : , i/^-'.~. (:"~>, n::::;'; ,.. ><:'" T !-- - SEP-15-2004 12:36 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.28 llESORTPTION : EXHIBIT .PACKET "Bl! SITE: 7360 Eig'ebeny Street ESCROW: 94~:;26 APN: 199-08-051 & 199-01)-060 All that certain R~~l P~qpexty in thc'C'ty of Gilr=y, Co~ty of S~t:a Clara, State of C~liforni~, describea a. follo~;l PMC:li:I. .Om:: ." ..... :," .' .'."'.' Dcginning :it ;;. point in thf;" 'P:~ IlrP'T"l y 1 i -h~ nf r:i gAl hp."r"ry street, whl\:h' poipt il5 th~ common cozuer of Lot~ 24 and l~ in Plock 1 Oouth, RWC9~ 1 Wo;1: ot th~ City of. Gil:.oy,. laIiJ the f;lamEl is Slbown on Map No.'.5 :and i ts amend'lll~T1t..~ accompowyiLl!,/ Lhe r~port ot th~ rA~~rees in the ~artitionl ~uit Qf H~y Ml11e~ et al va. M~ccey ~llomas et ai, in the Superior CQurt of ~a ~ounty of Santa clar~. State of " C.uifQrni:& ~d: runn;ng t:Mn(,!Q E~Rt:uly ~ along the line d.iviUi~q lOald Lc:>l:s 14 omd IS I 148.40 !t:t:L; then\;.; Northt:J:"ly a;pd po.ra:llel w.:l.eh the E::a.cte:r~y liu4il of E:l.gelbc:::,:I:Y St:l:""t. S9. o~ ~i!~t; tl'lt!',,~l';' Wl';'f:tP.~JY .mn V;l'T"<'illel wit:.h lh~ ii~e dividing ~~i~ J~~~ ~~ and 15. ~4a.~O feet to theiEast~.ly li~e =f Bigo~bc~ ~tr..t:; ~ thence Soutbe~ly ~a ~lQng tha East&~l11 11no of Eige~~ 'StT.~P.t 39.64 feet to . thl! I"Ja~p o:f belil'ilm~g, iUlU Lduy dll u~ LvI: No. J.4 aol1 a pArt' of ~1:. No.5. in. Block 1 a~th, nnngc 1 Wact of the Cityiof Gi~~oy, ~~ ~hown on'~"id M~ Nu. S ~~ :Ltll ~lf\!mdment:s ~f\:reinabovt! U1tU1Llullt:U. . ~c~pt~g therefT.nm ~h~~ po~tloD th~rt!at conv~y~u Lu lhe City gf Gilroy by Dead 'u! M. casey. et al to city of Cilr~, r~corded ~ the attic. of ~he ~nunty Record&r oi'the ~ounLy o~ R~n~n ~]~:n, ~t:nt:P- of CalifoLlli~ iu ~ook 3BB of'~cca~, doL Pallll::: :38:1.. PA!t~ Tl'!'O; .Pll.rt;~l O~e as ~how=." \t~~ that certain I'iu'cel Map f:.J.lcc:1. fo~ rQ=o~~ J\lJ..y 20, l'Hl" .i.n Boo}:; 575 o'f Maps. ~t. I'lIg'l;'!Sl .0;1 j;Jnl1 Iii]" .01' Rl;lnt:R Clara Couul.y.:Records. :.!" .- '~f....,) (0.\ f(iY')''0.t') , ~ { .\ I"''' I \~\, ". ...~. ,.l, . r'" 1 ~ SEP 15 2004 12:36 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 (.;l'IY OF GJf .ROY 1'0: TIm MAYOR AND CITY (',0 FROM: BII1.. HTIADLH'l, FACll.lTIF.. AND pAJ{KS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER RE: STAFF RF.'PORT - RESOLU o~ or NECBSS1TY DIRECTING ACQUISITION OF G~ p~ TV BY EMINhNT DOMATN FOR nIB GJLROY cr rr.:ruRAL AND P ORMTNG ARTS CENTER (131.0,7320,7330,7350 & 73 0 J!!iglehtA1Y Str~t) (73:53 & 7355 Montcl"CY Street September 14, 7..004 DATE: pCOMME;NDED ACTtON; It is reeomtnmtllS1 that the City of Gi~oy ("City'') City Council adopt a Resolution of Necessity making the finllillgS and dctenninatipD$ ~ll.,:il1 described. each of which is supported hy substantial evidenc,t: as is set Iorth more ft1l1y below, and direct the City Attonlcy to Conllncnce Iltl :lction in t:lU.i,ncnt domain to acq'IJire the subject property. BACKGROUND: , The proposed property auquiSitiOD i~ludes 5,792 square teet of cotnmerui.al property (mon: particularly described in EJC1,ihit j'2A'~)l,and 54,088 squarco;, feet of residentially :Loned real property (1l10~ particularly described in BJ(~bit "2B") and l,hat exists as part of the 2.3 aure proposed Gilroy CUltural and Perfuuning ~ Center (the "pmject") site, which will nct;upy appJUxunatcly 2/3 of the City 'block illuncdiat~ly north of Sevcnth ~trect between Monterey Ruad and Eigle.hcrry Street in central Gilroy, Califo~ TIle property owned by Marko and lQ.ara. Gera ("OwntrrS'1. The lTera property is eight (8) priva1.r:ly owned parcels requiretl fi)r thi~ Project ("Qer;.. PropertY'). The Gera Property is indicatl!.t1 on tbe 5itc plan attached hert'lO as I),xhibit "1" and is nJOre particulorly described in tht: legal de!>Cription attaohed hereto as Ex,hihits t'2A" and '?B." The: Conceptu.8l Site Plan Scheme 3A is proviuel1 8..'1 Exhibit "3." Exhibits l'1 'I I lv)'A." "2B:' and "3" are attachod heretO and am incorporate<! ht::rein by this reference. ' i Before eminent d~ proceedings ,jaay commence. the City COlllJcil must determine by a. Resolution o[ N~ccssity thut the pubUc. j~1.r:rt:&t and necessity requirt:: the acquisition of the Dong Property. Tbe 'Resolution ofNecessi~ IDll.'il contain declBfaUOns thal tlu: City <.:ounoil has tound and detenniut':d each of the fol1owinS: . 1) . The p\fhlk i.nterest and necessityteq\lin!: the project; 2) The propo!icd project is planned (j)r lncated in the manner that will he most compatible with the ~rl!:atcstpublic }'!;ood an1the ]eH...t private injury; \II 1\835563.1 01.o914G4-0470S08U -1- 1!.~IB1'r :B P.29 " SEP-15-2004 12:36 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.30 3) The propt':rty desQribed in the resollllllll is necosmu:y for the pl"Oposod proJect; and 4) That either the offer required by S ,inll 7267.2 of the Government Code has been made to the Qwner or owners of r rd, or the: offer has not been ll1l'lde because the owner cannot be lOI-.atcd with reaso le dili 8~ncc. 1) THE P Ie iNTEREST AN 'PROJECT As is set forth below, eacla oftbosc fin . Tlw public interest and neces.r.,;ly rc::q ire the Project. The construction of a ~lltrany located and acce.<isiblc 28,000 square ~oot mull1-use Gilroy culnmt.l and p~rlomring Arts Ct'.llter involving 130 un-site parking spaces meet.. $e Gilroy General Plan and Park and Recreatiun System Muter Ph11l goals adopted by the Cityf,ounoil June 13,2002. 1) THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS PL .D Oil LOCA.TED IN THE MAN.NER THAT wn.J. BE MOST COMPAT LF. WITH 'l'lm GREATF.RT PUBLIC GOOD ANn TIm LEAST l"RlVAT, , :y The Project il> pllUlned or located in ~ manner mat is most compatible with the greatest public good and the least pri'late Uljury. On lJooember 12, 200?, the City Co~U appruved th" PfQjact's site locatinn (Conceptual Site Plan Scheme 3A) rec.[Jmmended by the !Gi1roy Pafonning and Cultural Art!; c.enter Task Force (''Task Force"). This Ta.'lk Fow:. was ehta,bllshed by City Council in 2001, 1Il1d rt;presented Ihe gr:neral Gilroy community, members of $6 local cullll1al and pcrl'onning arts orgl\llizationa. VlIl:I0Ul'l City conunissions, anlt City &taU: the Task Puree WaJI euided and facililllted by the consulting finn of Fisher arul Associates of San FrancisC'.lI. TI10 Task Force reviewt'd, verified and updated prior oultural and performing qrts needs 3I1.'\I)'sis followed by findings with final facility reconunendations. The Tl:I~1c- Porco $en began a site sdection process wherein Ihe Task Force id~lItificd 22 key Gite selectiun criteriaj which were tlwn applied to 21 sites throUghllut the City. Off-Mite as well OS on-site requlletl1Cnt$ wore analyzed by City staff. civil engineerin~ real estate consullant and the Task Force. ' ' Consll1eration for alte1't1ative sit~s tpr the location of the Prqject was part of the sile selection pJDUt:SS. As part of the site prioriL1i'.ati.on process) the Task. Furct; applied on additional alternative 5ilt: It:lvicw for the three top ra~ sit<ls. Two of I.b~ tluee altO;01.Qtive sites wcke in the downtown area, but. hoth of these sites 11M greater development impacts bOCAuse ot ~ll1'lnd railroad line conflicts than tho site altemativ'e selected. The site allt:nlativc selected had Ihortl than 50% of the propo~ sitG as vacant land or vacant buildings, which resulted in. the l~ amount of OVCJll,lI demolition impacts. One of the threo alternative sit~s possessed B grea.ter ~t1nt tJr vacant land, however, it was a much larger sit<l than necessaIy, HJ.Ili also bad larp;e ~311dODI".d cannery faoility that pr~.se/ltcd major site demolition impacts. As a result of the a.b~ve anal}'l'iis, the: altcma.tive process ~llcl site iindings analysiS determined th1It tllC Monterey .Jji~leberry sil.~ provided the least develupmcnt impncts rage 2 ufl SEP-15-2004 12:36 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.31 llllCl the greatest public bt.".ndit. Further, the M01Jter~y EiglcbctTY site results in overall less land to he a~uircd and therefure !\atildies the public.: DflLlt:&sity for the Project wilh the least private iI1jury. The Monterey Biglehen-y site reconuneQd~\ion, which would not only meet the greatest City need and but also met lhe approved site s~eclil'J1 c.riteria, was made by tht: Task Force to City Council at their December 12, 2002, meetinS. 3) THE PROPERTY DESClURF.D IN l' t'l'ECESSA'R OR l'HE PROpOS The propt:rty described in the resolution 8 necessary for the pruposed Project. The Gilroy Cultural and PerfUllnlng Arts Center requir~ l11portlmt public accOl'lS and a central comrmmlly location. Further, lhe proximity to downtown ~nd public and private visitor sern.ees is beg{ md and provided by lhl.': Monterey ~ip;leberty site for the Pro; eel. Before City staffdetctmined to pUl'SlIp the acquisition of tht: Gera. Property, severdl properties were studied. The Gora Property dtaicrihed in the resolution is a portion of the overall Project. sito selected, whicll was detennined to provide the greatest 'benefi L and with the least ialll1aGt. The amount of FI'OPcrty proposed to bt: acquir<<l has been xeduct:d becauso of the selection of the Monterey RigltbenY site, ~tead uf the two oilier alteIrutte !\ites previously ;r~viewed. The Monterey B~M)erry sitc resul. in ovt21'1l1less land to be acquired and theretbre salisfie.<; the public neceisiLy for the: Project an4 with tlll: least pri",ate injury, 4). THE, Olt'FER REQUm.RD BY SEe ION 7167.2 OF T~ Go'VERNMF,NT CODE HAS nE~~ MADE TO THE W R. OR. oWNE OF RECOlUl I The offer required by SecllOll 7267.~ of the Govd'l1mcnt Code has been mlide tQ thc owner or uWI1CI:S ofreoord.. On or "huut Jun~ 19, 2003, tbe City's real estate consultant, Lanee Gilbert, deli ....ercd to the Owners the Ci ly'S Va,luatiOIl SununllI)' Statemcnt and a drafl cupy of an A~eement Cur PUTGhasc of Real PlUpl"J'ty. TPo City's Valuation Summary Statement cutrtalned the original fbnnal written offer ftom tbe Ci(y to the Owners, which was based upon ll. written app11lisal obtainod in March 2003. That appraisol was reviewell and revilJcd by the Schulldt- Prescott Group In April. 2U04. On or lIbollt ~y 18. 2004~ the City delivered to the Ownt::rs a Rfft'ised Written ()JJer for the Property in the 2j.mount of $1,1585,000. : There w&e numerous contacts or lI1J.fTnptcd contacts with 1111:: OwnU5 and the ()wnt!ts' real estate l'epre5e:ut;:ttive Mr. Mintz. Tbes~ contacts have included the offer and the 'l'evistil offer. Howe~er, the continuing dispute OV$' the matket value for the Oera Property has gont!: wlIesol~cd. The City Attc:lrney's office on Sep~ber 3, 2004, sent certified leller to the Owners of record advising the1Il of th~ City's Notice iof Intent.il)ll to Adopt Resolutil1l1 of Necessity for ar.qllisition of the propalyhy eminent do~. The City Attorney recommends that ~e emin~T1t dontllin proceeding5 gu forward and this R l::l!iolution of Necessity Oe l\llnflted. ' lage 3 nr3 SEP-15-2004 12:36 , . ." , . BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.32 " I,. .i1s i,' ADJACENT PROPF.RTY 8 Ir- .......~.-_.._~._---_. ~ ~. ~ 0:: ~ ::;; -- Ent (1 Court a{l(l r:;.'trI:1Cll"l:5 ! i ! ! ...... .,.,-..--------..--- ~I \ l I -, ~ SITE' PLAN ~. . _!!ME 8J\. GILROY CULTURAl AND CONCEPTUAL PlAN PERFORMING ARTS CENTER' 08 DE : 2002 . ...-.-... Jsfa _0,.'''' SEP-15-2004 12:36 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.33 _..----. " r. ,'" Real ~ Appnlscd: GlIroy Cqltur31 ~~ormlng ArtE Proiect (Gora Property). Gf~Y, c~ ". . .", SUBJECT PARCEL MAP EXHltRIT PACKET 'IA" ' B~d.'. @ ; "~~ 0 illiG" ' .- '. ell :~ - ;4 . t: z - ~ .. Il: . oG. r c II:: e .. I c .~, t ,.. .. 'l c .. LJ - - . .". - It.".. ~ Ii.I . "'" C;. ~ '" .. " "' ~ . ~ .. "' ~ ~ " , "' : : 1 .. . : .. I>U~ .fN1 .......,.... ~~ ..J HIV' i! H:UIO H~ ..",.r' .. .. l. .. 'Z. " .... .'- .,- .. " ~ ~ ~' . . - :..~! , ,. o "' ..I j: 'I :II!: .. I. W ~ II] - .. .. .. E: ... .. = .. o ... .. u ... I . ..J.~-..- tt~ '(j\ fU) "w . ! \;::.'> ~~ Lr- U I I The SchmhU-Pre-sc.ott Grol1p .. Co""plf!.~e PrfJPflrty Valllatkm"Ser.vices 1 SEP-15-2004 12:37 ----------- -u--r--'----- BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.34 yO . . r DES (tIUPTION SITE: 7355 Monttrey Strcet ESCROW: 943526 APN: 799-08..039 EXHmIT PACKET 'IA" I .1 I . eQrtai~ Real ~ropertl ~ the ~ity Qf Call!orniA. a~~~~l~~~ ~~ !ull~w~: All t.hat. State of Qil:rcy, -Co~ey of Santa C~dra. . . l'ortion ot' Lot 6. in. Blqck; 1 South Ran~e'").- W~4~, ~s; shoW!:l upon Map NO._ , aecompanyi.ng repo:-t of t~ coInmissiooe$. ~ nenxy Miller et. al, E'la.intiffe, vc. IqIO'~ey 'I'homiL~ et al, lJe!en~t:s, in thei SU1:le:rio:r C01.tt't of the St'ate 01" Ca.lifoJ.-nia. ,.in atl-d for the county of t;ajot..- Clara, Ca.;se Numbe.:/:" 5~:3 C, ~d mo-r~ partLaularly das~r~e~ a5 follow&~ ' Seginni:ag ~t. :I po~t in the wast line olf Monterey Street, <.tiliit~t: ':Z9S.SQ feet Southerly from tl1f.': Anuthwe.!;t corn~.r of ",nnr,!'!Tf'!Y fmCl S:l xth At:TP.!!t.I>, .ru.J..iu.i.ug theuce Northerly alon~ l5aid Westerly line of M\:ml:.ltrey Stree.~, 20.00 .foet; ~enQe :lI-t r~g-h~ aDg-les westarI.y 151 :!@I?t I\!ld l?l'Irt'l of' sa.id H.ne ~!1 thT.'nngh t.he ct!.nt~. of :p~tititm Wl111 now 0.1:1. l5e.ici C1e~c:::d.bedj prend.sc:s ~ th;:nc: southerly and p:u:':l.llcl with ~ w.~t lin~ or Monter~y ~~ree~, ~U_Og feet: tbepce ~asterly lnl ~ep.t.to the l?Oint of :&eg-i.mrl.n9'. . ,., EXCiilpting tram the i:\l1vvr: ~l:iI;..l;~U ~.tIJ~!:d.y, .Ui~ W~st.,:..s;ly ~O feet tbOicof, ae. Conveyed to the City'. of C!1lz-or. A ~ic::~p~l CQ%porat.iC%:l, :by Dead reoC'!oTr'lp,r'!' allgtl.o:t. 2, 1912, .:I.J:l. volume Jea of t1~ed5, at !'a.g~ 381. - II~.; ... . 0(---> ,iFV. fLj)'\J7 < ,1) oJ' "r'- ).( "<",:,~.,::,,". ~t ~j , ,.':' SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.35 DEstlRIPTION .. !=;ITE~ 7353 Monttrey Street ESCROW: 943526 .A.PN: 799-08 04U . RXIllHIT PACKET "A" 1LI.l t.b.co.L ceJ.-ta~ nel1l Prop~ny in tb", If.'!j t;y o;f' G.il.L!:JY i ~ty of s;mta: .C'Hra. . .....- Sta.te 'of ca~iforni.., dl!~crjpeQ 'iil.5 fO~~O'Wj; .. ;.: ..:;.. . -. , , COlNrllmcing at ,a point'. (1'n. thI.s. westerly !l.me of Man~cre:r St:ree.t. l'Iistant. 2'5.'0 teet 80'l.1r-~!i!r1Z' f;J;Dm the :po~t of izih*.ction ,01: Si'l1d westeJ;;J.y line .of Mc=tere-y t>treat ~j.1:.h' t'hf\' souilit:Lly liJj.e of Sixth Gtrect, t:benca :running . SO\l.t:~erlY ,,!lool.l the we.stcr;Y".l~euqf. ~9-Zlte:rY: Stre~t' 7.1 l:eet: th~ce ~.'t :rigl1.t ;s.;cglcs W~tc;].::r :L4:L UIi!t" tn, ~~ EasteJtly liut: of ~ al.ley; th~Cli! I:I"rr,hp.xly a.l.ong t:l1a E;:jRt.~ly li..ne of eo.id 2Il1ei' ! 21 feet; anI:! t-:hE'..I:l~ Ea.J;;LeJ;ly. H:L :f~~t;. JBO:l:e 0;1:' l.e~$, t~. the poiDt, or bP.g1nniI\.ri.. a,ud' ):Il~.i.uq, a" pert.ion of, Lot 6 :t Tl : 1ll0C!lt. 1 S01:lr:n'Rangr: 1 lfe:>t ii3.',~lI.id Ci1Y of ,Oiiror;' -.i;,'&a1('1 u,~' IS 'is ,~.., , designated. 0: Map No:'5 1"1JP.d 'w1tll.mi4 ;O~!d a p~ of th= ;J:'eP~ ,,-+'..tlJ!!_ :rQf~Resl in r-.be .Act.iun ,iu pUtit'iQ=. o~ Henry'Mi.J.ler e1:- aJ., ,Vii. Ma.,.scy ~.' et al, Ca.;;;';: 'N~. SS~, I ~ the ~"\1~r!t)T.' 1 ~nilri. or l.1le' 'St:~te of C/U:itO:r:!ll.;;I., in ~d 'for the r.:otm-r:y 01: ,i~~1!L Clr.ra.' ' ., - ... fF.~ .-;::=:;, ;-;::::;;':-/:\..1.1( . It; i ~ l.../) \, . . I l \ ~ ... -..JI I .,.' .' If r, ~ ~ , ':', i! ", SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 ~ Eatatc Appt_'i!d! GIlrCl1 Culturlll ~ Perfr-wng.Arrl: Pl'Oj!C."( (1..oP.:l'l1 llPS'loontl:aJ l"r~). GDro1. CA, , , " ,,' '. ~ . . :.' ~ .. . I . "" ... ~ i. .. ... ~ .~ ! .. .. .. C II = ~ ~ . . . w .. . Q . .. i:: .. .. SUBJECT PARCEL MAP EXHmi1' PACKET "B" - " I . ~~ I. .1 ti 101 II: I- ClII t: I @_._~J ~. . J' .- ........,....-- ,; '" I- !: e . .. .. ... 0 P! .. ! ~ :<01- P! .. o '.LIS' t- ,. .j. .,. , ". .., 0 II: :: -' I- - .. !! , "=:l -.1" In I .. ::i e. , :"f= ~ t. - . , .u ". .... . '.l,~ !l ...~.~ . . H'~l!n.Hg .. I ~ I. x .. ~ ;z: .. 11I > IoU 117 Irs- L" i ~~ '.' '4".- '.:1 " . , ......::-... . I .... h... .. ---,' Th'e Sclu:Dldt-Prescott Group - Co""plete Properll Val.uation Senices 1 P.36 - . 11'7' t . ~ ,: .jI~, SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.37 DESClUPTION. SI1'lt~ 7310 F.igh:berry ~treet ESCROW: 943526 APN: 799-08-047 ~XHl.HIT PACKET uB" All tb~t: ce;J:'tain Real., Ilrope:rty Sn the 11'l:Y of G,tlroy, C:vu.u~y of Santa Clo..r~J St~~P. n~ Califo~~. d~sc.ibod as foll~va; "! , r ..', '." . - . ""':"'.- .lILL OF W'X lB, in BLOCK 1, South RilD9a! J. wo~t, C;l.ty ot' GiLroy ~u. fIIO.-C: part1~larlY op.~erihed as followa: EEG~IN~ ~t th@ NnYl~eagt .comer'of ~~;elb~rry 5~eet and Seventh Street an~ running th=~l,;~ 410ng the De.l!lt line. 'of $:igell>c:n:y St~eBt NQnherly 109 .Lt!!~L; th~Dce Eaate~ly 10~,04 fe~~; ~~..n~.. 8~'thp.T]Y 46.30 re~L ,tben~e Westerly ~; f'~et thence Soul.he~ly 6:1..70 feet to thj: North line l:It Savanth S1:rP.p.1. i'3rid thence along l~~t mQntioned l~ne Wpstetly 7i.~4 Teet to Lue po~ne of l:>~iyrrdng., ' . IWW r .\ ". .' r.:::::- .... .... I~ ,I:-=-~ I n')"\V/ 1 J t l \.. ~ ~...f'.J -:. / . : I . "'_.... . SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.38 . DES<tRlPTION SITE: 7320 Eiglcbcrry Street ESr.ROW: 943526 APN: 799-08-U48 E~"HIBIT PACKET I(B!~ All tb~t Q9rtain Kaal ~.o~~~ty in the I City ct ~11rny. County ot ~&nt~ Cl~L~. State ~f c~~iforni~, da;~~i~~~ A~ fOlio~: , :BEING LOT 17, :!no~lc 1 south, lI.<Wq~ 1 WQlt., .in the" c'i ty of Gilroy and. so del! isnat:~n upo~ Map l~o. S :lc:!companyi.n!tJ t'hP. 1te::.pI);!.'"t' of the> p.efeorp.es 1:11 the c:.a.oe 0:1: Henxy Millc:r, at al, V!'l. Mi!.l5se)' '!'h~D; ~t a:.l., whioh MI:1p is on fi1.e in t'.he office o~ tM Caw!l.y C:J.e:a:k of :~e:.Coupty of 1';anLa Clara, State nr clili.1:oJ:ni~, ann said ~~~te:ly l~n. of Big1p.bairy $t~~etl di~taD~ th~~~on ~O~ feet N'o.-therly trom !t.R iut.e.scetion with ~. !olortl'l",r.ly linc of S&'I/'enth S~reet: t.b~ce }ilnrLlJ.erly aJ.onSl' ,aid ;,:as~~T' y ~ille of 3ll:l.gi~er:y st:T.~et, 4Sl.'0 feet, Luencc' J3aote:rl.y 0l1nng Lhe lJo;:therly l~ of Iilairl l.ot 11. 14.~.40 t&ot; t)'l~nr:e so-utherly a.lopg the :!1.:B.Bt.::ly li.n~ of Isua loot 17, 49. BO :feeT..; tb.~cc Westc.rly alQn~ ~he SO~Che~'y llu~ of saie Lot 117, ~4Q.70 feet to ~hc poi~t of b.~~~ng. , '. ' Ul.:I!;);l"J'"T"NG TSERI!lFROM ilO much t.~p.rp.of ajs li~~ within the b=unC!Sl of that certain .ru..ley, i1~ sud ~1].@y WI> cul:r....eycd :by 13. Clave%e, Rt: ai, to t;.he City ,.,1' Onroy r A MI.1n.lcip~l co:a:por:a.tion, by naRd .Ul:.ted 1I'ebrU=.:ry B, J 908 and =:cQo:rded A~~t ~t ~~~2 ;n Volume 388 of Dc~a~, ~t Page ~81. , '. 0" ;- ~ ,-.....'" ~ ... . ......," . v' ~~. .."..... .~ ?-. ~.,.. ,{ '" ." , . , : , .~. '. ~~4 SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.39 '. .. r DES( RIPTION SITE: 7330 EigJeherry Street ESCROW: 94~:;2G APN: 79!)-08..049 ltXHIBIT PACKET "B" All' that ~crtain p-eal ~roperty in L~e C~ty o! Gil~oy, C~UDty or S~nta Clar~J StatQ of C~Jitor.cia, dC5~rihed ~~.tOllQ'~' All o! Lot: 16. in nlQ;;k 1 sou'!:h, "Rnn9~ ~ 1;e8t;;.'a:l:'is~~ 0%1 M:A.p No - S a.cc~a.nying :e.:port of the cormniss1ou.t::-'~ in,IIe::lrj" Mi~ler et a1, J.llain't:ifJ:1li VlS. MQ::H~ey 'I'homas at: ~J., D@!em'lN1U, in the sup.~:Lo~ court! of the State Qf Ca.li fOXllia , in ~cl for the county of gant-. Clara. eel!;!:: NwrWer ~saG, ::zncl. mor~ pard r.llla:dy described as: fllll~Ows ! ....,.. 8egianing ~c a po~c on the E~~terly l~e:o~ ~igp.ib~~;y St~eet. d:Lst~~ t~~Teun 159.90 :t-eet No~therly trom rhe inlt:..r..~eo;tl-ion of ~aicl linCl Qt:: E:l.ge.l.bt:...-Y S~e.ct with ~ ,Ne>rt:hl!!rlY lIne: of .ocvcnth St:r:~~t; thence NorU1l:l.I:ly alocg ElaiCi linl!' fl! Eig1eb~~y Street 77.00 fe~~ ~a th~ Ui'v~d!n~ 1i~e between ~o~s )5 ~ ~6 in 51o~ 1 SO\1~hr Rang/'! 1 we:;;t.. as ~0WD. upon th~ *p her@1n~hDv~ .o;efcr:l:'tld to; el:leIlC__ ~~Eterly ~lv~g eaid Q~vidin~ l~np. j48.!~ !e~t to the dividi=g l1n~ b~LW~c:n LotG,' . and J.li 112 ~aid :J.il0ck aud ~~Dgei thence $outbarly'alOrl9 the! lliyidi119 linea :bet",..~n Ul'l~a 7" 8. ~d Hi in caid :slac:){ ~n~ R;:m,g~, 7e. 00 feet t.o the Qi.vHl1ng l.L.;Q.e pet:w~ Lots 15 ~o 17 in ARid ~lock and nangc; !~anQ. West~~'Y ~loil~ last refB~od to n;~iding l~e 149.~O feet to the po'nr. ~f b~W~lU~g. ~': - ,..... \'-' , ." \. _'0" SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.40 , , ' Tn:s IPTION SITE: 1350 Eigleberry Street ESCROW: 943526 .APN: 799-D8~50 EXHIBIT PACKET liB" All that (:erte.in R~al P~ooer";y in the it.y u! Gilroy, COWIt.y of Sant~ Cl~~<I, Stat9 o:t CaliforD:i.a. Besocribed i-1Ol :Oll4>wCl,: I .. - :: ",I. 'I" I:.c:it: 1S in Bloc.k ~ SuuLh, Rd..lliil~ 1 WP.!l:t Ij)! 'the City of l.li1rol'. as t"hfi' 5>>lml;! i!':: shown on Hap .lra. 5 Mod itc; ~ltICIldmrmt~ 4CCOII\PilUlyiJ;l9 the :l.:ej;oo:rt of the refer~el5 :I,ll the ,p!l.rt~.tjnD suit of 1!e.nry Mille:!', ,et a1, 'V'G. Masaey'1'hOfl\a.51. et a.l. ,in tbe Qupcrior Court of th~ Co~ty of.O~ta ~~.:r~, Sta~e or c~~lfQ~~i~. - - .'''',11: !Otce;>t:.:l.:aq the:rcf;z:-om thQt .porti~ th~rctff c(;Inve;Yt:u l.u ~hl': 'Clt.;y of Gil;I;"OY by TJ~l!~ ot"~. Cl!t!;~y, Pot: JI' T:n City of C:i~lj'oy, ~Clcordad.'.:in the O:t:ic. of the County: ~ecQrder of tha County of Santa :Cla~i.t, Sl.il.l.t: o! eaH.J:'u;';;.I.l.ia i~ ~ook 3BS 0% Deed~. pa~e 381 :.!.. ." . /?~~ /~'~.\ rr.~').:"",,/? " . SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 P.41 -. :DESC lUnION SHE: 7360 Eigleberry Stl'eet E~(;.ROW: 9...3526 AI'N: 799-08.051 & 799-08-060 EXHIBIT PACKET UB" All thot cert.in ,.., Property in the.cltY SLaL~ vf Californi~1 dcoc~ibed ~c follo~c; ot Gilroy, Co~ty uf Santa Clara, I'..\R.CEL om;: t ",' .... ".PI . Deqinning de ~ point in the Eagt~~ly li~e of Ei9~lberry ~rpp.r., which po~~ l~ th~ eotmnOTl r:o:t"ner of LotB 14 tu~l.1 15 in ~lock 1 ~\Jul..h, R..w'!le'l West of tho City of Gil;r.vy, as the atLll'\= ~E: shown on Map No. is and its OIl1lS:i:lQlll(Cnts a.er:'.OfII!'l~nying the report of the r@>fl;'.rp.t!~ ~.n r.:he partition isuit at Henry Mille. l:t. al vI>. Massey TU.Ull1d.~ ~1; a1. in the EJupcd,or Court of ~hc C~ty of S;.\.llta Clara, st:~t',1i! of . C~lifornia ana:runnincr t"encp. K~~~e~ly ~n~ ~]nn9 tht! line dividi~~ said Lots 14 and 15. 1411.40 fl;ct; thence N'Qrtherly ~d 'Parallel with the :Eal::torly 1.i.nll! of E:l.gclhe=r.Y Straat $9 _ 04 !:e?t; thel:let! we~urlY and !l~"liIll~1. \Ti-r.h the ilul:: uividill" s~~d Lots 14 ~Id 15. ~4e.~O feet to the iDa.terlv line ~f Eig~lber.ry ~tre~t: and thenco Sout.h~l~' ;u:LO alono th~ ,Ea.s'l:C!!rly iline o!: E~.g,,)h""TZ" st:re-et 59.G4 l't::t:l. Cu thf." I11i'icp. of bt::~iJ:l:l!ips;r. and l:>e:i.%ig all o~ I.ot N=. l",emd a part' of Lot No- 5, iD' Dlock 1 CJOl1th, Ra>>go ;I. Wel:t of tha City jof Gilroy, as shown nn said Map No. S ;,wu it III ~mR.nnmp-nt.s hereinabo""f: ult::.uliuuw. ' Ex~pti~g thPTe!rom tha~ po.tlcD tber=o~ conveyed to Lll~ city of Gil~cy by D~~d 'of M. Casey, ct ~l to City of G11roy, r~co=d.d iD the Office of the county Reeord__r of ~np. county of SQDta Clara, ~tate of Califo~u14 in &ook 3ea of' Deeds, at Paqe ~Ol. i l'Nt~ TWO. Pa:t'ceJ. O=.e illS shown. upor; that ce:;r-tain P~el l-IBP fi.lad for record ,1Il]1 20, 1981 in B~k 57S ~f M~pA. a~ pages Sl and sz lot Santa C1ara C~ty,~eco~d5. i I . I. ," . tp /r\\ r-:=[~) tN) f 7 ! ~ r / \, 1 ..J"l',i I . \. . " !. .~. 1 r.'~" , J \ "". ., .'.. \ SEP-15-2004 12:37 BERLINER COHEN 4089382577 . , 1".."'1.... morlRTY vi.1IE\ICII1W ...am tfI. SITE PLAN .4... .. ~-...,.... ~~ ie~l...ilTEPIMl at It..yD_J....l GILROY CULTUAAL-AND P'E1'\I'Ol'U.lltlG ~TS CioN (FR ___._..., jsfa P.42 \ i t ! TOTAL P.42 I, RHONDA PELLIN, City Clerk oftije City of Gilroy, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution No. 2004-86 is an original resoluti~n, or true and correct copy of a city resolution, duly adopted by the Council of the City of Giltoy at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 20th day of September, 2004, at which meeting a quorum was present. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have her~unto set my hand and affixed the Official Seal of the City of Gilroy this 23rd day of September, .2004. ~../) '.^--.~I City lerk of the City of Gilroy (Seal)